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PERSONAL ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES activities that are needed, an extensive

PEC or Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies preparation for the production process and
- Qualities, characteristics, skills, abilities, procedures that you need to go through to
knowledge, and behavior a person must posses acquire, human and non-human resources.
to become a successful entrepreneur Everything in your business will have to be set
- clearly, organized, and planned depending on
the goal you want to achieve
Hard-working – you are determined to run your own - Where you are focused and working hard on
business; you must concentrate on your work reaching or completing specific tasks to achieve
either as a producer or a seller. The success of a planned outcome.
your business depends on how much time and
effort you will spend on it. Persistence – differences in opinion and judgment. Your
- Concentration on your work with opponent can be a part of the rejection on what
determination, working diligently for a long you intend to do for your endeavor. As an
time. entrepreneur, you must be firm, strong-willed,
and stick or follow your own belief.
Self-confidence – you must have a strong faith in your - The quality that allows someone to continue
ability despite the problems that you will doing something or trying to do something even
encounter along the way. though it is difficult or opposed by other people

Future-Oriented – you are in a non-stop contract that Copes with failure – “Learn from your mistakes.” As an
an entrepreneur should understand. It may take entrepreneur, you must learn how to deal with
several years to build up a business to a the frustrations and failures instead, turn these
reasonable standard. The goal for most into productive learning experiences.
successful people is to build a secure job and
stable income for themselves based on their Responds / Open to Feedback – you must be concerned
own ability. to know how well you are doing and keep track
- A time perspective that is focused on the future, of your performance. You must obtain useful
especially on how to achieve one's desired feedback and advice from others to see how
goals. An extent to which an individual thinks you are doing and improve more in your
about the future, anticipates future performance
consequences, and plans ahead before acting.
Take the Initiative – Be the first to take action in a
Profit-Oriented – you are looking for income because particular situation; you must put yourself in a
you know that this will be your bread and butter position where you personally are responsible
not only for you but also for your family. for the failure or success of your business
Therefore, you must see to it the business can
generate income. Another plan of action is to Willing to Listen – take time to listen to the advice,
expand your own business through the use of suggestions, and recommendations of fellow
your generated income. entrepreneurs. It will help your business grow.
- you seek to earn maximum profit with every
sale or service provided and achieve long-term Set Your Own Standards – involves developing and
business profitability. using logical, step-by-step plans to reach the
goals, or offering evaluation alternatives,
Goal-Oriented – an entrepreneur is forward looking. monitoring progress, and switching to
You have an advanced preparation for your successful strategies for the goal you want to
business. You set a long-term goal for the achieve.
- Standards are how your business acts, which in Lesson 1: Needs and Wants
turn, builds trust in your brand. By setting your - Needs and wants of people should be
standards, you try to excel and distinguish considered as business opportunities
yourself and your business from others. Lesson 2: Generating Ideas for Business
1. Examine the existing goods and services
Copes with Uncertainty – you should know how to 2. Examine the present and future needs
handle unusual events that may happen in the
business. You must be patient in dealing with *6Ps:
these uncertainties.  Price
- When you cope with uncertainty you must  People
study the risk, predict the future, create the  Profit
future, and adapt to the demands of the  Process
business environment.  Place
 Product
Committed – in your business, personal needs,
attachment to your friends, families and Unique Selling Proposition – the one thing that makes
relatives are set aside. You must separate the your business better than the competition
money for your business from the amount that - Makes your business stand out when compared
you need to spend for personal obligations and to other businesses in your market
- Dedicated, loyal, and willing to give your time VECTOR GRAPHICS
and energy Adobe Illustrator – a graphic editing program well-
suited to creating graphics from scratch. (Uses
Builds on Strengths – successful business people base vector graphics)
their work on strengths. Use your manual skills, - Significantly different from many other graphics
knowledge in creating products or services, programs because it deals primarily with vector
knowledge in trade and industry, ability to make graphics. Most people are more familiar with
and use of a wide network of contacts to build bitmap (raster) graphics, such as what
your business. photoshop produces.
- Strengths are tasks or actions you can do well.
JPG – Joint Photographic Group
Reliable and has Integrity – entrepreneur must build a PNG – Portable Network Graphics
good reputation, possess the courage to do the JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
right thing.
- Integrity: acting by your own moral Bitmap Graphics – saved using a grid full of tiny squares
- Reliability: acting dependably called pixels.
- Without these two an entrepreneur cannot - Good for continuous and/or irregular shadings
build and sustain trust and confidence. and colors (such as in photographs), but do not
resize well.
Risk-Taker - When misfortunes happen, consider these - File is larger
as challenges and work them out and set good
alternatives Bit Layer – 1bit layers and 8bit layers contain less color
- someone who will risk everything in the hope of information than a color layer, and so help keep the file
achieving their goals; trying out something new size down
when the results are largely unknown Layers – its panel is usually located on the right side of
the work area; allow you to organize and combine
ENVIRONMENT & MARKET elements within a file which allows it to be nested
within each other.
Frame – its tool allows you to draw placeholder frames Points - Smooth points and corner points are both used
that you can fill with images to create curved lines and shapes, and consist of
Masking – you can use to hide parts of other content an anchor point and one or more direction
- “Clipping Mask” is a group of layers to which a points (indicated by slightly smaller circles)
mask is applied; creates an effect where the
layers added on top of a shape are only Technical Drawing Instruments:
revealed inside the bounds of that base shape Fountain Pen – writing instrument which uses a metal
(the mask) nib to apply a water-based ink to paper (calligraphy)
T-Square – technical drawing instrument used by
Vector Graphics – saved using points and lines (vectors) draftsmen primarily as a guide for drawing
to describe shapes and objects. horizontal lines on a drafting table.
- Resulting file is made up of lines and patches of Palette – thin board or slab on which an artist lays and
color. Generally, much smaller files than bitmap mixes colors
graphics India Ink also called Chinese Ink
- When vector graphics are resized, there is no - Black pigment in the form of sticks that are
loss of quality moistened before use in drawing and lettering,
- File is smaller or the fluid ink consisting of this pigment finely
suspended in a liquid medium
Adobe Illustrator Toolbox – contains tools that allow - Originally online available in black; historically
you to create, edit, and view your files. Any tool icon made with carbon and contains varnish or
that has a small, black arrow in the lower right corner shellac, which gives it permanency and makes it
actually contains several related tools. waterproof


When to Use Illustrator – Types of documents you Selection Tool (V) – black arrow icon that you use all the
might choose illustrator to create: time. It functions as a typical cursor allowing
1. Single-page document juxtaposing text and you to select, click and drag objects and text
images around your screen.
2. Simple line art; logos, buttons, and other images - lets the user select any object by dragging or
with clear areas of solid color clicking on it.
3. Maps and Diagrams Direct Selection Tool (A) – allows you to
individually select and edit specific
Why use Illustrator? anchor points of vector shapes or lines.
It may be difficult to convince yourself to spend the Group Selection Tool – allows you to easily select
amount of time necessary to learn illustrator, when a specific object within a group in order
similar work can be done in Photoshop. However, to move, edit, or resize it individually.
for many images, especially of the types listed
above, illustrator produces a much smaller file that Lasso Tool (Q) – works similarly to the Direct Selection
looks better on screen and prints much more clearly tool allows you to select individual anchor
than a similar document created in Photoshop. points within a shape or object. However,
the Lasso Tool allows you to draw around an
Adobe Illustrator Concepts: area of points you want selected so that you
Object - When creating artwork in Illustrator, you use are able to easily select several at a time.
lines and shapes to form a whole picture. Each - allows you to select many shapes and/or vector
item you create is called an object. points at once by freely drawing around the
- For each object, there is an outline; called a objects you want to select Then you can move
path, made up of points and lines. − Each shape them around or manipulate them however you
you create can have a fill (a solid layer inside the wish
shape) and a stroke (a visual outline).
Pen Tool (P) - the most important tool of the entire
program. It allows you to click in your
workspace to create anchor points
- allows the artist to create shapes with
freeform curves, and with time and skill,
most curves found in the “real world” can be
duplicated using the Pen tool

Polar Grid Tool - makes a polar grid, which is a

circular target looking thing, with
perpendicular lines that meet in the middle.

Paintbrush Tool (B) – makes thicker, brush strokes that

you can change the width, shape, and texture of
- used to create free-form paths that can have a
more hand-drawn feel (creates fuzzy edges)

Pencil tool – used to create free-flowing lines and

- similar to the brush tool in that you can draw
lines by hand without using the pen or line
tools. (Does not create fuzzy edges)

Smooth Tool – smooths out lines, making them less

rigid and bumpy.

Eraser Tool – used to erase brush strokes, pencil paths,

or vector shapes
- can get rid of a section of a vector object or
- can erase entire sections of shapes, causing
your vector shape to redraw its outside
bounding lines.
Scissors Tool - allows you cut a path by clicking on
the path with a tool
Knife Tool - allows you to do the same thing as the
scissors tool, but instead of only cutting
straight lines, the knife tool can cut in any
jigsaw manner you want

Rotate Tool (R) – allows you to rotate shapes in a

circular manner

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