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Grade 6 Cre Notes

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Christian Religious Education

Mr. Charles Obonyo

E – mail: chaliobonyo@gmail.com

Christian Religious Education 2022

Using God given talents and abilities.
 Talents – a talent is a natural ability to do something well.
 Talents are given to us by God. Talents include:
 Running  Singing
 Throwing javelin  Athletics
 Car racing  Painting
 Drawing  Art
 In Exodus 31: 3- 5 God filled Bezalel with skills and abilities in every kind of
artistic work
 He was skilled in planning skilful designs and working them in gold, silver and
bronze, carving wood.
 In Romans 12:4 we are created in one body and we are joined in one body as
different parts in one body.
 We therefore have different talents and abilities.
 Ability – is the skill or intelligence to do something well.
 Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, God gave the ability to
teach craft to others.
 We should appreciate God – given talents and abilities to use them well.
 Learners should use their talents and abilities to serve God.
 Christians should use their talents and abilities to serve God and others.
 Learners should seek advice on how to use their talents.
 Learners should also pray to God to help them use their talents and abilities
Values learners can use nurture talents and abilities.
 Integrity  Hard work
 Unity  Social justice
 Responsibility  Integrity
 Peace  Love
 Respect  Patriotism.
 Humility
 Learners can use values to nurture their talents and abilities.
 Learners can nurture their talents by praying for God‟s guidance being
committed and working hard.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

Biblical teaching of marriage as an example of Christian living.

Marriage – is an institution that was ordained by God.
It is a relationship between a man and a woman who have decided to legally live
together as husband and wife.
God created a woman to be a companion and a helper. Genesis 2:20 – 24.
Types of marriages in the society
1. Christian marriage.
Conducted in the office of the registrar of marriages, deputy County Commissioner
or assistant County commissioner.
2. African customary marriage.
Conducted by a priest or a pastor in charge of a place of worship.
3. Civil marriage.
Conducted in accordance with the customs of the community of either one or both
of the parties.
Reasons for discouraging early marriages in the society.
 All children have a right to education.
 It affected the children‟s development
 They violate the rights of a child.
The teaching of the Bible on God’s rest as a form of leisure
 God rested on the seventh day because all that He had created was good and
His work was finished.
 God wanted to teach us that we too should rest
 Leisure – is free time that we have to do the things we enjoy doing, outside
our routine.
 There are two forms of leisure i.e. active and passive leisure.
 Active leisure – is when we engage in activities like:
 Playing Games  Hiking
 Swimming  Playing Football.
 Passive leisure – is when we don‟t involve in physical activities such as;
 Listening to gospel music  Reading the Bible.
 Quiet time with God
Uses of Leisure.
 Visiting the sick  Fishing
 The aged and the orphans.  Listening to gospel music
 Singing in church choir.  Cleaning the environment.
 Camping
 Christians are not supposed to waste their leisure time doing nothing (1
Timothy 5:13)

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Christian Religious Education 2022

Values which help Christians to use leisure time property

 Unity  Social justice
 Integrity  Pride
 Responsibility  Patriotism.
 Love  Respect.
 Kindness
Inappropriate ways of using leisure time in Society.
 Drug abuse.
 Irresponsible sex
 Idling
 Watching immoral movies
 Gossiping
 Reading books with inappropriate messages.
 Watching and reading pornographic materials.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

The bible as the inspired word of God.
 The bible contains the word of God which is useful for teaching the truth,
rebuking wrongs, correcting faults and giving instruction for right.
 The Bible was written by different authors. The authors were inspired by
the Holy Spirit.
Authors who were inspired to write the old and the New Testament.
Some of the authors of the Bible are:
 Moses  Solomon
 Paul  Luke
 Peter
Old testaments.
These are books of the law. These are also the books of Moses.
This includes the first five books:
i. Genesis – Moses iii. Numbers – Moses
ii. Leviticus – Moses iv. Deuteronomy – Moses
The books of History
The Books of history are so named because they contain historical records and
these books include:
i. Joshua – Joshua (except the vii. 2 kings – Jeremiah
parts relating to his death). viii. 1 Chronicles – Ezra
ii. Judges – Samuel, Nathan, Gad. ix. 2 Chronicles – Ezra
iii. Ruth – Samuel, Nathan, Gad. x. Ezra – Ezra
iv. 1 Samuel – Samuel,Nathan,Gad xi. Nehemiah - Nehemiah, Ezra
v. 2 Samuel – Samuel, Nathan, Gad xii. Esther – Either written by
vi. 1 Kings – Jeremiah Mordecai.
The books of Poetry
i. Job – Job (Moses) iii. Proverbs – Solomon
ii. Psalm – David iv. Ecclesiastes – Solomon
Major Prophets
Major Prophets are named because their books are longer.
i. Isaiah – Isaiah iv. Ezekiel – Ezekiel
ii. Jeremiah – Jeremiah v. Daniel – Daniel
iii. Lamentations – Jeremiah
Minor Prophets
Minor Prophets are named because they are shorter not because they are less
i. Hosea – Hosea iii. Obadiah – Obadiah
ii. Amos – Amos iv. Jonah – Jonah
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v. Micah – Micah ix. Haggai – Haggai

vi. Nahum – Nahum x. Zechariah – Zechariah
vii. Habakkuk – Habakkuk xi. Malachi – Malachi
viii. Zephaniah – Zephaniah

New Testament.
i. Matthew – Matthew iii. Luke – Luke
ii. Mark – Mark iv. John – John the apostle
Acts – Luke
i. Romans – Paul xiii. Philemon – Paul
ii. 1 Corinthians – Paul xiv. Hebrews – Paul, Luke, Barnabus,
iii. 1 Corinthians – Paul. Apollo
iv. Galatians – Paul xv. James – James
v. Ephesians – Paul xvi. 1 Peter – Peter
vi. Philippians – Paul xvii. 2 Peter – Peter
vii. Colossians – Paul xviii. 1 John – John the Apostle
viii. 1 Thessalonians – Paul xix. 2 John – John the Apostles
ix. 2 Thessalonians – Paul xx. 3 John – John the Apostles
x. 1 Timothy – Paul xxi. Jude –Jude, the brother of Jesus
xi. 2 Timothy – Paul and James, not the apostle (Jude 17)
xii. Titus –Paul

i. Revelation – John the Apostle.
Reasons that led to translation of the Bible into local languages.
i. The bible was translated into local languages to:
ii. Help the missionaries spread the word of God easily
iii. So that the local people could easily understand
iv. It enabled the missionaries to learn local languages
v. Gospel reached more people in the language familiar to the them
vi. To enable Africans read the bible in their language.

Advantages of translating the Bible into various local languages.

 There was clear understanding of the word of God.
 Many people became Christians.
 People are able to read the bible in their own language

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Christian Religious Education 2022

 There was a great transformation of Kenyan Education. The Bible became

the first textbooks
The Ten Commandments.
 The Ten Commandments include:
1. Worship no other God but me
2. Make no images for yourselves and do not bow down to any idol or worship it
3. Do not use any name for evil purposes
4. Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy
5. Respect your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land
that I am giving you.
6. Do not commit murder
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
10. Do not desire or covet another man’s property.
 The first four commandments explain how we should relate with God.
 The fifth commandments to the tenth teach Christians how to relate with
each other for harmonious living.

Values and skills in the Ten Commandments that enhance Christian living.
The Ten Commandments teach us values and skills such as:
Loyalty Decision – making
Honesty Critical thinking
Contentment Conflict resolution

Lessons which Christians learn from the Ten Commandments.

 Christians learn that:
 God is supreme
 They should respect the elders
 The name of God is Holy
 They should be contented
 They should rest
 Practise purity
 Respect other peoples properties.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

Bible stories
God’s Power
How God’s power helped Samson to defeat his enemies (Judges 15:11 - 14)
 God‟s power enabled Samson to fight and Kill his enemies, the Philistines.
 Samson was a judge in Israel he married Delilah
 The story of Samson defeating his enemies teaches us that we should rely
on God to help us overcome challenges.
 Samson was tied by 3000 men using rope.
 God enabled him to break the rope
 Samson killed 1000 men using a jawbone of a donkey.
How Christians depend on God’s power to overcome challenges.
 Christians should trust in God to overcome it.
 Christians should pray when they fall sick
 Christians should pray before they undertake any activity
 God is able to help us pass through any challenges.
 Christians should pray to people facing challenges.
Faith in God
How Elisha recovered an axe – head. (2 Kings 6:1-7)
 Elisha recovered an axe – head that fell in the water
 He cut a stick and threw it in the water and made the axe – head to float.
 Elisha recovered an axe – head because he had faith in God.
 The story of Elisha recovering the axe – head teaches Christians to have
faith in God.
 We should have faith in God to experience great things.
How Christians apply their faith in God in day to day living.
 Christians should pray when faced with challenges
 Christians should visit the elderly
 Christians should feed the hungry.
 Participating in community service.
Lessons learnt from the story of Jacob wrestling with God. (Genesis 32:22 -
 Jacob was so persistent that he got a blessing.
 The story of Jacob wrestling with God teaches us to be;
 Persistent  Humble
 Patient  Responsible
 Determined  Loyal
 God changed his name from Jacob to Israel.

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Values learnt from the story of Jacob wrestling with God.

 Determination  Responsibility  Honesty
 Loyalty  Persistence
 Pride  Humility

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Christian Religious Education 2022


The call of Disciples
The call of the first disciples by Jesus Christ. (Mark 1:16 -20)
 Jesus called two brothers who were fishermen to follow Him.
 The first two disciples were Simon and his brother Andrew.
 The other two disciples that Jesus called were, James and John (the sons of
 Jesus called the fishermen to leave their work and follow him.
 The promised to teach them how to make people His disciples.
 The disciples left their boats without hesitating and followed Jesus.
 Jesus called the first disciples at the shores of Lake Galilee.
How different people are called to serve God in the society.
 God calls us to serve Him through different ways.
 We can serve God at home, Schools, Church and in the community.
 At home we can serve god by:
 Cleaning the compound.
 Watering the animals
 Helping the elderly
 Welcoming the visitors
 At school we can serve God by:
 Obeying the teachers
 Obeying prefects.
 Respecting fellow pupil.
 Obeying the rules of the school;
 Cleaning the compound and classroom
 Helping fellow pupil with what they lack
 At the church we can serve God by:
 Preaching to the believers
 Cleaning the church compound
 Singing
 Teaching the youths in the church.
 Christians serve God in the community:
 Participating in community service.
 Cleaning the market
 Contributing in community fund drive
 Serving God helps us to grow spiritually and become responsible.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

The temptation of Jesus Christ by the devil.

 Jesus was tempted by the devil three times.
 The temptation of Jesus includes:
1. Jesus was told to turn stones into bread. Jesus replied “Humans cannot live
on bread alone.” Luke 4:3 -4
2. Jesus was shown buildings and many nations and Satan promised to give Him
all the wealth. Jesus replied “The scripture say „worship the Lord your God
and serve only Him!‟ “ (Luke 4 5 - 8)
3. Jesus was taken on roof top and asked to throw Himself down for angels
would be sent to guard His feet. Jesus replied, “Do not put the Lord your
God to the test.” (Luke 4:9 -12)
 When tempted Christians should remain faithful to God.
 Christians should rely on the word of God when tempted.
Temptations that Christians face today.
 Christians face temptations in their day to day lives.
 These temptations include:
 Sickness
 Stress
 Lack of material things
 Death of parents and siblings
 Lack of school fees
 Lack of food and clothing.
Jesus Christ the universal Saviour.
The healing of the Roman Officer’s servants by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 8:5 -
 A Roman officer went to Jesus to seek help from Jesus on behalf of his
servant who was sick.
 He asked Jesus not to go into his house but instead to just say a word and
his servant would be well.
 Jesus was impressed by his faith.
 The Roman officer believed that Jesus had the power to heal his servant.
 The Roman officer had qualities like:
 Humility
 Love
 Kindness
Lessons learnt from the healing of Roman officer’s servant by Jesus Christ.
 Christians should have faith in God.
 Christians should take care of the sick
 Christians should always ask God for help

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Christian Religious Education 2022

 Christians should not be filled with pride

 We should seek help when we are sick.

Faith in God
The miracle of healing the bleeding woman by Jesus Christ. (Luke 8:43 -48)
 The woman had bled for 12 years.
 She touched the edge of Jesus‟ cloak and her bleeding stop
 The bleeding woman believed that by touching the edge of Jesus‟ cloak she
would be well.
 Jesus told the woman that her faith had healed her.
Ways in which the church and the government are helping the sick in the
 Training medical personnel
 Building medical facilities such as dispensaries and hospitals.
 Providing people with medical cover.
 Giving vaccinations.
Lessons learnt from the miracle of the bleeding woman.
 Christians should have faith
 Christians should not shy off when in trouble
 They should be persistent.
 God has power to heal any disease
 Christians should help the sick in the society.
 Jesus Christ‟s power over death
The miracle of the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11:32 - 45)
 Lazarus was raised from the tomb by Jesus after four days.
 When Jesus arrived he wept because Lazarus was His beloved friend.
 Lazarus came out, while his hands and feet were still wrapped.
 When Jesus raised Lazarus, He showed that he has power over death.
Lessons Christians learn from the miracle of the raising of Lazarus by Jesus
 Christians should have faith in God.
 Christians should not lose hope
 Christians should support one another in times of grief, pain and sickness.
The parable of the hidden treasure. (Matthew 13” 44 - 46)
 A parable is a short story that teaches a moral or a spiritual lesson.
 The kingdom of God in likened with a treasure hidden in a field.
 Jesus used the parable of the hidden treasure to teach people about the
value of the kingdom of God.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

Teachings from the parable of the hidden treasure

 We should live responsibly as Christians for god‟s Kingdom.
 God‟s Kingdom will be prepared for those who are willing to make the right
choices in life
 We should value the kingdom of God.
Attitude towards wealth
The parable of the rich man and Lazarus as narrated by Jesus Christ (Luke
16: 19 - 31)
 The rich man had neglected Lazarus
 Lazarus only ate the droppings from the table with the dogs.
 Lazarus body was covered with sores
 When they both died Lazarus was taken by the angels while the rich man was
taken to great power.
Lessons learnt from the Parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
 Christians should use their wealth to help the needy
 Treat each other equally and live in harmony
 Buy food for a hungry person.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

Apostles’ Creed.
The Apostles‟ Creed contains truth about Christian‟s faith that the apostles
believed in and taught.

Teachings outlined in the Apostles’ Creed.

1. God is the Creator - God is the creator of everything in the universe.
2. Communion of saints (Acts 2:42) – it refers to fellowship of believers,
sharing of meals and participating in prayers.
3. Belief in everlasting life. (John 3:16, 6:47, 17:3) – Jesus taught that
anyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.
4. He rose again from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:20) – this gives Christians
an assurance of rising from the dead
5. Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead. (Acts 1: 11).
The importance of the Apostles’ Creed to Christians.
 It contains statements of Christian‟s beliefs.
 It is part of regular worship.
 Helps Christians to affirm their faith in God.
 It enhances unity.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

The three persons in the holy trinity.

 The holy trinity is made up of:
 God the Father
 God the son (Jesus Christ)
 Holy Spirit.
Teachings of Paul on Christian suffering.
 Paul teaches that Christians should patiently endure troubles.
 Christians should not find fault in others.
 Christians should remain faithful in God.
 Christians should not give up when mocked.
 Christians should understand that they are servants of the Lord.
The values learnt from the teachings of Paul on Christian suffering.
 Purity
 Truthfulness
 Love
 Kindness
 Endurance

Church unity
Meaning of the church unity.
 Church unity is the coming together of the church of Christ.
 Jesus called Peter, the Rock, onto which he would build a church that no
gates of hell would overcome.
 Jesus made a prayer that the church would be one as He and the Father in
heaven are.
The teachings of the Bible on Christian unity.
 Christians are supposed to live in unity and harmony.
 Christians are created in the image of God.
 Christians are to believe in Christ just as Jesus is in God.
Ways in which church fosters peaceful coexistence.
 They share the word of God.
 They pray together.
 They participate in community work
 They share food and clothing to the needy.
 They solve misunderstanding peacefully.

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Christian Religious Education 2022

The role of good citizens in promoting harmonious living.

 A good citizen demonstrate values such as:
 Honesty  Patriotism
 Respect  Tolerance
 Courage  Loyalty.
 Responsibility
 A good citizen should be submissive to the authority.
 Christian should endeavour to do well and not cover any evil but expose it.
 Should honour God, respect everyone and love others.
The Bible teaching on good citizenship (1 Peter 2: 13 -17).
 Respect the authority.  Honour God
 Avoid ignorant talk  Respect everyone.
 Live as free people
How Christians can live godly lives on earth.
Christians can live Godly life on earth by:
 Honouring the authority.
 Promoting peace  Helping the needy.
 Living moral lives  Repenting their sins.

Interpersonal relationship among Christians.

How Christians should relate with one another for peaceful coexistence.
Good interpersonal relationship promotes peace in the society.
Christians should relate well with each other.
Christians should love and help one another regardless of their diversity.
Christians should preach peace in the society
Christians forgive one another
Christians should share what they have with the needy.
Peter’s teaching on the relationship among Christians (1 Peter 5: 1 -11).
 Apostle Peter teaches that Christians should do their work not for pay but for
real desire to serve.
 Christians will receive a glorious crown that will not fade if they relate well with
each other.
 Christians should be humble for God will lift them up.
 The young should remain steadfast in the faith.
 We should live in harmony with each other.
Moral values that can promote good interpersonal relationship among Christians.
 Humility  Selfishness  Obedience
 Trust  Love respect  Pride.
 Anger peace

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Christian Religious Education 2022

Friendship formation.
Importance of godly friendship among Christian.
 Godly friendship is important because;
 They encourage their friends
 They give advice on important issues.
 They influence one‟s character positively.
 There is mutual love and respect.
 Friends always want the best for each other.
The teachings of Jesus on friendship (John 15:13 – 15)
 Jesus teaches that the greatest love a person can have for his friends is to
give his life for them.
 He calls us to be His friend.
Importance of learning about human sexuality
 Empowers young people to make informed decisions about relationships and
 Human sexuality addresses the health and well – being of children and young

The teachings of the Bible on responsible and irresponsible sexual behaviour. (2

Timothy 2:22, 1 Corinthians 6:18 -20)
Christians should avoid irresponsible sexual behaviour;
 It makes us sin against our bodies.
 Youths should avoid youthful lusts.
 Youths should avoid fornication.
Examples of irresponsible sexual behaviour.
 Fornication – this is sexual intercourse between unmarried people.
 Rape – the act of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse without his
or her consent.
 Prostitution – the practice of giving sexual pleasure for money or other material
 Adultery – this is having sex outside marriage with a person to whom one is not
Causes of irresponsible sexual behaviour among the youth.
 Poverty
 Alcohol and substance use
 Lack of assertiveness
 Negative peer pressure

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 Exposure to pornographic materials.

Skills required to overcome irresponsible sexual behaviour.

o Assertiveness
o Decision making
o Self – awareness
o Good interpersonal relationships.
o Effective communication.
o Critical thinking.
o Creative thinking.
Practices that violate the right to life for a human being.
 Human life is sacred and we should respect it.
 No one should take away human life.
 Practices that violates the right to life for a human being include:
 Killing
 Abortion
 Terrorism
 Suicide.
Effects of violation of the right to life for a human being.
 Death
 Conflicts
 Suffering and stress.
Human should value the gift of life and ensure every human being enjoys it.
Christian teachings on the abuse of the right to life.
 Christians teach that the life of human being is valuable to God.
 Christians should not harbour anger in them.
 Christians encourage Christians to live in harmony and enjoy their life
Virtues that young people can practice to maintain sanctity.
A virtue – is the behaviour or attitude that shows high moral standards.
Some of the virtues are;
 Respect  Forgiveness
 Responsibility  Reconciliation
 Love  Humility
 Tolerance
Drug and substance use
Christian teaching on dangers of drugs and substance use.
 Drugs are dangerous and unhealthy
 Drugs lead to poverty and death.

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 Drugs distort thinking

 Drugs leads to increased crime in the society
 Some of the commonly abused drugs in our society today are;
 Alcohol  Opium
 Glue  Miraa
 Tobacco  Bhang.
 Cocaine
Strategies used by Christians to prevent drugs and substance use.
 Educating the young people.
 Engaging the youth in the productive work.

Measures taken by government agencies to fight drug trafficking and use.

 Giving stiff penalties to drug trafficking and restricting supply of drug.
 Creating awareness on dangers of drug use through radio television and social
Note: Government uses National Agency for the Campaign against Drug Abuse


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