Business Research Hospitality Research
Business Research Hospitality Research
Business Research Hospitality Research
Midsayap, Cotabato
The title should give an indication of the specifics problem(s) to be investigated. It has to
be brief, concise and clear. It should give an idea as to what the whole problem is about- a
Chapter 1
This section must be clear and logical in describing the trends and/or problematic issues
(global, national, local) in the field, the research gap and the urgency of the study. This also
contains a literature particularly in the light of the chosen variables surfacing the research-
The first line of every paragraph is indented on-half or 5 spaces. Maintain the regular
The first sentence is a personal view about the issue and it includes striking statement
related to the problem. The 1st paragraph must contain problematic issues, challenges or issues
regarding the dependent variable. Consequently, the 2nd paragraph will comprise of additional
literature on the problems related to the dependent variable in a specific international setting.
The 3rd paragraph should present issues and challenges based on literatures regarding
the independent variable. Moreover, link or relationship between variables should be included
in the third paragraph. Literatures in the national and local setting will be presented in the 4th
Research gap which discussed the uniqueness/ peculiarity of the study or the aspect
making it different when compared to study previously done as well as the urgency to conduct
The background of the study may have 1 to 2 pages. Every paragraph should have at least
This section enumerates all the general and specific questions to be answered,
This research aimed to determine the level of crisis management practices and
3. What is the level of business performance of microenterprises in terms of
sustainable practiced?
This section presents the reasons for doing work, such as the needs the research will fill
and why the work should be done now. It could also deal with defining the contributions/benefits
that the research findings may give to its end-users, agency region, or even nation who are going
The results or findings of the study may be significant to the following individuals or
Definition of Terms
make it researchable. Workable definitions must be adequate and relative to the purpose of the
study. Variables should be arranged alphabetically. Within each variable, the indicators should
Business Performance. – refers to management of financial and non-financial goals and
Related Literature
Side Heading
The required number of pages is at least 15 with recent references (2014 up to present).
The main variable is aligned left while the indicators are embedded in the paragraph with 5
spaces indention from left and ends with a period. The independent variable has to be discussed
first followed by the indicators. Next to be discussed is the dependent variable, followed by the
indicators. Literatures on the relationship between variables must also be presented. The second
to the paragraph should be a short summary or synthesis of literature, while the last paragraph
Note: Articles, readings and the like should be paraphrased or summarized. All
Suggested Sources:
Journals from this site:, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Research Gate,
Thomson Reuters, Sage, Scopus, PEER Refereed Journals and other high Impact journals
Theoretical Framework
In the theoretical framework, the theories should reflect the connection or the relationship
between variables. Propositions will do, which are usually found from readings/literature. The
title of the theory or the proposition has to be introduced first with its author and year followed
by how it is stated. This is also followed by discussions on how the study is related to the
Conceptual Framework
In the conceptual framework, the variables and the indicators have to be introduced first
then the next is the explanation of the relationship between and among the variables that the
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the conceptual framework of the study. The
conceptual framework of the study depicts the variables as follows: the independent variable and
dependent variable. The independent variable is the crisis management practices measured in
business resilience. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the business performance with
the following domains: financial and non-financial. The arrow connecting the independent
variable and dependent variable connotes a significant relationship and influence between crisis
practices of SMEs.
This section states the essential working plans to be used in attaining the stated research
objectives. The proposed plans and methods should correspond to the objectives of the research
study, research design, locale and respondents of the study, sampling design instrumentation,
validity and reliability of the instruments, data gathering procedure and statistical tools as
treatment of data.
Chapter 2
The chapter contains research design, respondents, locale and respondents of the study,
*research design to be chosen must be appropriate to the requirements of the research problem,
Research Design
This part should contain the research design method to be used. The design should
be defined with citations. There should also be justifications how these designs will be utilized in
the study.
because the data will describe the degree of participation of the employees in the planning
function. It will also describe the satisfaction of the respondents over their participation in
planning. The study is also correlational because the variables degree of participation will be
The locale of the respondents should be stated here. Present the locale and provide
justification why was the study conducted in that locale. Moreover, state who are the
Sampling Technique
. Sampling technique must be stated in the first sentence, followed by definition of the
technique by an author. Also, provide discussion how this technique was used in the study.
The research instrument should be discussed in this section. Present the original source of
the research instrument. Then, describe per section the content of the said modified instrument.
This procedure outlines the specific activities to be undertaken in data collection- that is
what activities will be carried out or implemented during the data gathering. Tell a story or the
These are scientific measures needed to make the data ready for analysis and
interpretation. Present the statistical tool and treatment of data used per SOP.
Title Page
6 single space
3 single spaces
6 single spaces
A Research Paper Presented to the College of Business and Accountancy Faculty in space
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject BA 303: Business Research
6 single spaces
Notre Dame of Midsayap College single space, only
the first letter is
College of Business and Accountancy
Midsayap, Cotabato
Month Year