New Module Format
New Module Format
New Module Format
Course Code: GE 113
Course Description:
The Contemporary World
Parents’ Information
Name of Student
Photo 1 x1
Father‘s Name and contact number
Home Address:
All about
Student’s Contact
Email address:
Cp #:
Scholastic Record
School Year:
Achievements / Awards received:
A world-class Produce globally OUTCOMES Love of God;
polytechnic competent human Globally competitive Social Responsibility;
university capital and research graduates who can Commitment/
innovations for quality perform advanced Dedication to the
lives technological Service; and
competencies in their field Accountability
of specialization.
Welcome to Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University, the
premier higher education institution in Zamboanga Peninsula, one of the Centers
of Development in Teacher Education Institutions in the country and an ISO
accredited institution as recognized by the Commission on Higher Education. It is
our pride and honor, that you choose ZPPSU as your school of choice.
This module has been prepared to guide you in your learning journey with
the use of the Guided and Self-directed learning activities prescribed to finish
your course. Each module includes reading materials that have been chosen to
help you understand the ideas and concepts introduced by the module.
For this semester, your class in The Contemporary World (GE 113)
introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted
phenomenon of globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences,
it examines the economic, social, political, technological, and other
transformations that have created an increasing awareness of the
interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. This course aims to
give students opportunity to discover and analyze global issues; distinguish different
interpretations and approaches to globalization; and apply higher order thinking
skills to address different issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines. Beyond
exposing the student to the world inside and outside the Philippines, it seeks to
inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility. To this
end, this course employs interactive discussion and series of group and individual
activities to further apply their knowledge and skills in the real setting. In addition,
students engage in inquiry-based and project-based learning. Exercises and
assessment of learning activities are provided to test your comprehension and
apply the concepts that you have learned from this module. After accomplishing
all modules, you are expected to do the following:
1. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
2. Describe the emergence of global economic, political, social, and cultural
3. Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines
4. Demonstrate variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing and
reporting learning processes and outcomes.
5. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to local, national
and global realities.
6. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied
experiential and field-based opportunities.
7. Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses
8. Develop a research paper on the effects of globalization to their course/specialization
This is a self-study module particularly designed to help you study with little or no
intervention from your teacher. Please follow very carefully the instructions on
how to use this module so you can fully benefit from it.
• The lessons on this module are logically organized. Every lesson is
connected to the next and necessary for a better understanding of the next
topic. Hence, please do not skip a page. Read every page of this module
and do every task that is asked of you.
• Read the Table of Contents so that you will have a good grasp of the
entire course. Having an overview of what you are about to study will help
you see the interrelationships of the concepts or knowledge that you are
about to learn.
• Every lesson or unit begins with the learning objectives. The objectives are
the target skills or knowledge that you must be able to gain or perform
after studying the entire lesson/unit.
• Take the post test, activity or practice exercise given at the end of the
lesson or unit. Do this only when you have thoroughly read the entire
lesson or unit. When answering every activity, test or exercise, please
answer them honestly without looking at the answer key. They answer key
is given to you for you to check your own progress and monitor your own
understanding of the lesson. The knowledge you will gain depends on how
much effort and honesty you put into your work.
• Please pay attention to the Study Schedule on page iii. This will guide you
and make sure that you do not lag behind. Lagging behind will result to
cramming and eventually affects your understanding of the lesson.
• Know what it takes to pass the course. Please refer to the Evaluation and
Grading System on page v.
• If you encounter difficult words which are not found in the Glossary page of
this module, take some time to locate the meaning of these words in a
dictionary. You will fully understand your lesson if you exert extra effort in
understanding it. There is no room for laziness and complacency.
University students are expected to be independent learners.
• If there is anything in the lesson which you need clarifications on, do not
hesitate to contact your instructor or professor at the appropriate time.
• Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you do the module on your own. Your
family members and friends at home will support you but the activities
must be done by you. As ZPPSUans, you must always be guided by our
core values, Love of God; Social Responsibility; Commitment/ Dedication
to the Service; and Accountability.
Week Topic Activities
Preliminary Activities
Introduction to Peace and Peace Essay writing
Week 1 Education
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
To pass the course, you must:
1. Read all course readings and answer the pre-assessment quizzes, self-
assessment activities and reflection questions.
2. Answer the print-based discussion activities
3. Submit three assignments and three graded quizzes for midterm and finals
4. Submit the final project (Research Paper)
5. Take the Mid-Term and Finals
Study Guide................................................................................................ ii
Evaluation................................................................................................... v
Grading System.......................................................................................... v
Module 10 - ECOLITERACY………………………………………………………. 99
This modern society is ushered in by a dramatic technological revolution. It is an
increasingly diverse, globalized and complex media-saturated society. According to Dr.
Douglas Keller, this technological revolution bears a greater impact on society than the
transition from an oral to print culture.
Education prepares students for life in this world. Amidst emerging social issues and
concerns, there is a need for students to be able to communicate, function and create
change personally, socially, economically and politically at the local, national and global
levels by participating in real-life and real-world service learning projects.
Emerging technologies and resulting globalization also provide unlimited possibilities for
exciting discoveries and developments.
Answer the following questions:
(Validate the activity)
Direction: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the best
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Web Sources > definition > threat
Global-Competence.pdf https://