Philippine Journal of Linguistics 42 (2011) 41 - $7
‘The Structure of Toanag Nominals
Shirley N. Dita
De La Sate University
Manila, The Philippines
This paper takes off fiom Dity’s (2011) discussion of Ibanag nomial markers. Since
4 protoypical soun phase cousins 2 deteminer and a fad noun. this paper
‘esertes the nouns in Thanag. ‘Using a 250,000-word religions and literary Thenag
texts, the following properties of ominals Inve been presented umber, geader, 03
‘morphological formation. There ae tro ways of plualzation process in Iban. the
‘use ofthe plural maker ma and redupication. Aside from the gender, the properties
fof commen nous, and the Berowed ones, these ace eight types of derives nos
‘iscused this per.
[Kepwords: nomial, Pippin lmgunge Tang. redypicaion, mmBer of none
1. Introduction
Tanag belongs to the Tbanagic 2.1. The pluratiy marker fra
family of Cagayan Valley m Norther 1 should be noted What ira is aot jst 3
Contllers, Norther Luzon, ‘sal sates in Tbaag i aso seis 10 hid
Dhulippines. Spoken by approximately 80001 pronona, 5 (I)
500,000 inhabitants who come mainly 1) Nasiugt-ky ie
from Tuguegarao, Eawile, Pat, Iguig, Meee Bsa
Solana, Pamplona, and other Tate
neighboring towns, Ibanag shares 69%
of anfellbity wath Lawit (Gordon, ager mgs pacer te no tO CE,
2009). nga pruias “Eris, ira is post-nominal, of
Ta an entlior paper (its, 2011), 1 ier the sou plzae (NP). avi fo cle of
hhave described the syntax and the (2A) and abting of 2B:
‘various functions of the two most
common nominal markers or 2) A Simi Kiminan i dle