2open-Source Intelligence and Passive Reconnaissance
2open-Source Intelligence and Passive Reconnaissance
2open-Source Intelligence and Passive Reconnaissance
Passive Reconnaissance
Passive reconnaissance is an attempt to gain information about targeted computers and
networks without actively engaging with the systems. In active reconnaissance, in contrast, the
attacker engages with the target system, typically conducting a port scan to find any open ports.
A) install sublin3r
B) Install Maltego
(i) maltego
(vii) Enter the any web browser like Firefox and click on next.
Choose the Footprint L1 & next.
(ix) Enter the domain name like cyberhia.com.
C) Install OSRF Framework
1. sudo install pip3 by running sudo apt install python3-pip in the terminal.
3. We will be using the Usufy sub-command for getting information about the victim user.
4. In the below Screenshot, We have got the various platform links which are associated
with our victim user.
5. Next, we will use the mailfy tool to get information about email accounts that have the
given nickname. We can use the command: “sudo mailfy –n cyberhia”.
6. In the below Screenshot, We have got the results of our scan.
7. In this example, We will be using the Searchfy sub-command for getting the information
about the victim user.
a) CachedViews.com
b) WayBack Machine
D) Gathering usernames and email address The Harvester is a Python script that searches
through popular search engines and other sites email addresses, hosts, and sub-domains.
Using the Harvester is relatively simple, as there only a few command switches to set. The
Harvester is a tool that was developed in python. Using this you can gather information
like emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners from different
public sources like search engines, PGP key servers, and SHODAN computer database.
F) Google Hacking database
• The Google Hacking Database (GHDB) is a compendium of Google hacking search terms
that have been found to reveal sensitive data exposed by vulnerable servers and web
• The GHDB was launched in 2000 by Johnny Long to serve penetration testers.
• In 2010, Long turned the database over to Offensive Security and it became part of
• It was also expanded to include not only the Google search engine but also other search
engines like Microsoft’s Bing as well as other repositories such as GitHub.
“ filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls” ”
“ inurl:top.htm inurl:currenttime ”
G) For various Webcam-XP based transmissions: Webcam-XP is the most popular webcam
and network camera software for Windows. It allows you to monitor your belongings
from any location with access to Internet by turning your computer into a security
a. “ intitle:”webcamXP 5” ”
Nowadays almost no one downloads music after Spotify and Apple music appeared on the
market. However, if you’re one of those classic individuals who still download legal music, you
can use this dork to find mp3 files:
• A security breach is any incident that results in unauthorized access to computer data,
applications, networks, or devices.
• It results in information being accessed without authorization. Typically, it occurs when an
intruder is able to bypass security mechanisms.
• Technically, there is a distinction between a security breach and a data breach. A security breach
is effectively a break-in, whereas a data breach is defined as the cybercriminal getting away with
information. Imagine a burglar; the security breach is when he climbs through the window, and
the data breach is when he grabs your pocketbook or laptop and takes it away.
• There are various websites that can check if your account or phone number has been a victim of a
security breach.
a) https://haveibeenpwned.com
b) https://haveibeenzuckered.com/
J) Profiling for password lists
• It is not installed by default on Kali Linux. It need to be installed: “ sudo apt install cupp”
• It can be invoked using: “ cupp -i ”.
• This will launch CUPP in the interactive mode, which will prompt the tester for the specific
elements of the wordlist.
J) Creating Custom wordlists for cracking passwords
J) Nmap:
A) Port Scanning