Mensuration Sheet - 1
Mensuration Sheet - 1
Mensuration Sheet - 1
AB:AC=3:4, If the area of triangle ABC is the ratio of their corresponding altitudes
350cm2, then what is the area (in cm2)of triangle will be:
ABC? िो त्रिभुजों के आधारों का अनुपात है x: y और उनके
त्रिभुज ABC में , ∠A का कोण सम्द्विभाजक AD है और क्षेिफलों का a: b है । तब उनकी संगत ऊंचियों का
AB:AC=3:4 यदि ABC का क्षेिफल350cm2 है तो अनुपात होगा:
त्रिभुज ADC का क्षेिफल ज्ञात करें ? (a)
(b) ax : by
𝒙 𝒚
a)150 b)200 c)210 d)240 𝒙 𝒃
(c) ay : bx (d) :
2. If a triangle with integral sides (in cm) has a 𝒂 𝒚
perimeter of 6 cm, find the area (in sq. cm) of the 6. The length of the base of a triangle is 3 cm
smaller than the length of its altitude. Its
ककसी त्रिभज
ु की सभी भुजाये पूणााक में है यदि त्रिभुज का
पररमाप 6 cm है तब त्रिभज
ु का क्षेिफल ज्ञात करे ? area is 104 cm². What is the length of the
a)√3 b)√3/2 c)2 d)Cannot be determined base?
3. What is the area (in cm², correct to one
,d f=Hkqt ds vk/kkj dh yackbZ] bldh ÅapkbZ ls 3
decimal place) of a triangle whose base is
cm de gSA bldk {ks=Qy 104 cm² gSA blds
21.4 cm and height is 15.5 cm?
vk/kkj dh yackbZ Kkr dhft,A
21.4 cm vk/kkj vkSj 15.5 cm ÅapkbZ okys f=Hkqt
(a)13 cm (b)12 cm
dk {ks=Qy ¼cm² eas] ,d n'keyo LFkku rd lgh½
(c)14 cm (d)11 cm
D;k gksxk\
7. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio
(a)165.9 (b)156.6
1 1 1
(c)165.6 (d)156.9 : : and its perimeter is 141 cm. The
3 5 4
4. Two sides of a triangle are 12.8 m and 9.6 m. difference between the greatest side and the
If the height of the triangle is 12 m, smallest side is:
corresponding to 9.6 m. Then what is its 1 1 1
fdlh f=Hkqt dh Hkqtvksa dk vuqikr : : gS vkSj
height (in m) corresponding to 12.8 m? 3 5 4
,d f=Hkqt dh nks Hkqtk,sa 12.8m vkSj 9.6m gSA bldk ifjeki 141 cm. gSA bldh lcls cM+h Hkqtk
;fn f=Hkqt dh ÅapkbZ 12m gS] tks fd 9.6 m okys dh yackbZ vkSj lcls NksVh Hkqtk dh yackbZ ds chp
Hkqtk ds laxr gS] rks 12.8m okys Hkqtk ds laxr varj Kkr djsAa
ÅapkbZ (mesa) D;k gksxh\ (a)18 cm (b)15 cm
(a)12 (b) 9 (c)10 (d) 8 (c)12 cm (d)24 cm
5. The ratio of base of two triangles is 8. In a triangle ABC, D is any point on
side BC such that BD:DC is 5:7.
Perpendiculars from point D are drawn on
the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. Among three sides, the 22. What is the area (in m2, up to 1 place of
difference between the largest side and the decimal) of an equilateral triangular field of
area (in cm²) of the triangle is: 8.5 m Hkqtk okys leckgq f=Hkqtkdj eSnku dk
fdlh f=Hkqt dh rhuksa Hkqtkvksa dh yackbZ dk vuqikr {ks=Qy (m2 es]a n'keyo ds 1 LFkku rd ½ D;k
3 : 4 : 5 gSA rhuksa Hkqtvksa eas ls] bl f=Hkqt dh lcls gksxk\