Department of Political Science List of Courses in English Language 2024 2025
Department of Political Science List of Courses in English Language 2024 2025
Department of Political Science List of Courses in English Language 2024 2025
1. Multi-level governance
2. Political culture
3. Political behavior
4. Social movements
5. Political elites
6. Interest groups
7. Political communication
8. Electoral behavior
9. Social policy
10. Defense policy
CARAMANI, Daniele. Comparative Politics, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 2014, ISBN
CLARK, Roberts, GOLDER, Matt, NADENICHEK, Sonna. Principles of comparative politics.
Los Angeles: SAGE, 2013, ISBN 978-1-60871-679-1
LANE, Jan.E. Comparative Politics. London: Routledge, 2008. ISBN 0-415-43206-5
Additional literature is part of the preparation for specific course topics and will be
available within Moodle and MS Teams together with presentations from lectures.
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Title: Introduction into European Integration (7 ECTS Credits)
Department: Political Science (Faculty of Arts, Comenius University)
Lecturer: Prof. Jozef Bátora, MPhil., PhD., Room N-207
The course reviews some of the recent academic contributions analyzing the
emerging nature of the enlarged European Union. Students will deepen their
Aims and understanding of the changing character of political governance in the EU. They
objectives: will learn about transformations of statehood in Europe in the context of
European integration processes. They will also learn to apply analytical concepts
for analyzing developments of the EU as a political entity.
Active participation in class discussions: 20%
Analytical memos: 40 % - For every class session, you will be expected to read the
assigned readings and write an analytical memo / reflection / literature review
400-600 words long.
Final paper: 40 % - The research paper is based on rigorous academic research.
The assigned topic will be broadly formulated and there will be space for
narrowing it down to suit specific interests. The paper is to be 2000 words long
(excluding literature and references).
A: 100% - 92% D: 75% - 68%
Evaluation: B: 91% - 84% E: 67% - 60%
C: 83% - 76% FX: 59% - 0%
Main topics:
1. Introduction
2. Dynamics of European integration
3. Formation of the EU as a political entity
4. Identity politics and recognition in the EU
5. Integration processes in the EU: differentiation and segmentation
6. Crises and the challenges of democratic governance in the EU
7. EU diplomacy: Can the EEAS deliver?
8. The EU’s external governance: macro- and micro-level dynamics
9. EU security and defense: new configurations
10. The EU and the liberal international order
Some suggested sources:
OLSEN, Johan P. (2002): "The Many Faces of Europeanization" Journal of Common Market
Studies, 40 (5): 921-52
BARTOLINI, Stefano (2006): "A Comparative Political Approach to the EU Formation." Working
Paper 04-2006, Oslo: ARENA
LAVENEX, S. (2014): “The Power of Functionalist Extension: How EU Rules Travel.” Journal of
European Public Policy, 21 (6): 885–903
LERUTH B., GÄNZLE S. and TRONDAL, J.(2019): “Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in the
EU after Brexit: Risks versus Opportunities”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 57(6): 1383-1394
ADLER-NISSEN, R. and ZARAKOL, A. (2021): “Struggles for recognition: the liberal international
order and the merger of its discontents”, International Organization, vol. 75, special issue 2, pp.
BÁTORA, J. and FOSSUM, J.E. (2024, eds.): Differentiation and Dominance in Europe’s Poly-Crises.
London: Routledge
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
BROOKER, Paul: Non-Democratic Regimes. 2nd edition. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
SIAROFF, Alan: Comparing Political Regimes. A Thematical Introduction to Comparative
Politics. North York: University of Toronto Press 2009.
SVOLIK, Milan W. The Politics of Authoritarian Rule. New York: Cambridge University Press
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Title: Public Finances (7 ECTS Credits)
Department: Political Science (Faculty of Arts, Comenius University)
Lecturer: Zsolt GÁL PhD., Room N-215
The aim of the course is to examine the most important issues and challenges of
public budgets and fiscal policies in the developed countries. How the large
redistributive welfare systems (like pension and health-care systems) work? How
labour markets are regulated and influenced by government policies? What are
Aims and the most important challenges welfare systems and public budgets face? What
objectives: about the current and possible future trends? We put a great emphasis on
comparing various countries, socio-economic models, institutions, on best
practices and on the study of reforms/possible reforms, which can help to make
public finances and various sectoral policies and institutions more sustainable.
We also try to improve the presentation and writing skills.
Group presentations (power point) and notes (handouts): 40 %
Assessment: Active participation: 10 %
Final oral exam, colloquium: 50 %
A: 100% - 92% D: 75% - 68%
Evaluation: B: 91% - 84% E: 67% - 60%
C: 83% - 76% FX: 59% - 0%
Main topics:
Begg, Iain – Mushövel, Fabian and Niblett, Robin 2015: The Welfare State in Europe. Visions for
Reform. Research Paper, Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London,
Reinhart, Carmen M. – Rogoff, Kenneth S., 2008, This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight
Centuries of Financial Crises, NBER Working Paper No. 13882, National Bureau of Economic
Research, Cambridge, MA.
Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead (Ed.) 2015: The European Social Model in Crisis. Is Europe Losing its
Soul? International Labour Organization, Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Frelle-Petersen, Claus - Hein, Andreas – Christiansen, Mathias 2020: The Nordic social welfare
model. Lessons for reform. Deloitte Insights.
Hinrichs, Karl 2021: Recent pension reforms in Europe: More challenges, new directions. An
overview. Social Policy & Administration, Volume 55, Issue 3.
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
The Visegrad Group in the Context of European Integration (5 ECTS
Department: Political Science (Faculty of Arts, Comenius University)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Darina Malová, PhD., Mgr. Janka Kottulová, PhD., Room N-213
The course provides students with an understanding of the impact of European
integration on the Visegrad Group (V4) countries during and after the “Eastern”
EU enlargement. Students will gain knowledge about the European integration
Aims and
and learn about the highly complex processes of widening and deepening of the
objectives: two fundamental structures of modern societies: democracy and market. The
students will understand the interplay between the EU conditionality policy and
its impact on the V4 countries.
An active participation at the workshop discussions (10%),
Assessment: Group presentations of obligatory readings at seminars (30%),
The final test (60%), in the form of Open Book Exam
A: 100% - 92% D: 75% - 68%
Evaluation: B: 91% - 84% E: 67% - 60%
C: 83% - 76% FX: 59% - 0%
Main topics:
1. Introduction into the course. Central Europe and its tragedy. Fall of the Berlin
2. History, Development and Meanings of the European integration.
3. The EU Enlargement Policy: Membership Criteria and V4 Responses.
4. Case study of Slovakia’s Path to Democracy and Market Economy under the
‘auspices’ of the EU.
5. Case Study of the Czech Republic: Always a good student?
6. Case Study of Poland: EU Politics as an implication of its size?
7. Case Study of Hungary: The political context of EU accession in Hungary
8. European Union: Economic and Normative Power? EU’s impact on the Member
9. Thirty years after the Fall: What's Wrong with Central (East) Europe? Populism and
Democratic Backsliding in the V4 countries.
10. Discussion: Advantages and disadvantages of EU membership for the Visegrad Four
Some suggested sources:
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Title: Politics and Government in Ukraine (3 ECTS Credits)
Department: Political Science (Faculty of Arts, Comenius University)
Lecturer: Kateryna Yakovenko PhD.,, N-212
The following course is designed to introduce political system of Ukraine and
explain its current functioning. Building upon elements of social, economic and
religious systems the course focuses on the challenges of Ukraine’s transition
from communism to a hybrid democratic regime. Foreign policy of Ukraine, being
an integral part of the state’s development, will overview the two main
Aims and
directions throughout Ukraine’s history: the European vector and the Russian
objectives: vector. Two democratic revolutions (the Orange Revolution of 2004 and
Euromaidan 2013/14) and the Russian military attack of 2022 will be presented
and discussed. At the end of the course, students will be able to define Ukraine’s
political system, including the broader framework of its place on the
international arena.
Active participation: 20 %
Presentation (power point, topic of choice): 40 %
Mid-term test – multiple choice: 20 %
Final test – multiple choice: 20%
A: 100% - 92% D: 75% - 68%
Evaluation: B: 91% - 84% E: 67% - 60%
C: 83% - 76% FX: 59% - 0%
Main topics:
1. Ukraine before and after the communist revolution in 1917: struggling to survive in the
2. Independent Ukraine: Constitution and political regime. The parliament of Ukraine and
main political parties.
3. The institution of presidency and the Cabinet of Ministers in Ukraine.
4. The fourth power: oligarchic groups and their role in Ukraine’s political life.
5. The Orange Revolution of 2004:
6. Foreign policy vector one: Western dimension.
7. Foreign policy vector two: Eastern dimension.
8. Euromaidan of 2013/2014, Crimea annexation, occupation of Donbas.
9. Russian military invasion of 2022.
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
1. Introduction to US politics
2. The Constitution
3. Federalism
4. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
5. Public Opinion, Political Socialization, and the Media
6. Interest Groups and Political Parties
7. Campaigns and Elections
8. Congress
9. The President and The Executive Branch
10. The Courts
11. Domestic and Economic Policy
12. Foreign Policy
Most important suggested sources:
BIANCO, William a David CANON. American politics today. New York: W. W. Norton, 2009. ISBN:
SCHMIDT, Steffen W., SHELLEY, Mack C., BARDES, Barbara. American Government and Politics
Today, 2018–2019 Brief Edition, 2017 CENGAGE, ISBN 0-314-96078-3
VALELLY, Richard, METTLER, Suzanne, LIEBERMAN, Robert. The Oxford handbook of American
political development. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, ISBN 978-0-19-969791-5
VILE, M.J.. Politics in the USA. New York: Routledge, 2007, ISBN 978-0-415-41418-0
Additional literature and resources will be available for specific lectures via Moodle and MS Teams.
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Title: Policies of the European Union (7 ECTS Credits)
Department: Political Science (Faculty of Arts, Comenius University)
Lecturer: Doc. Matúš Mišík, PhD., Room N-215
The aim of the course is to examine different policies of the European Union. The
EU has undergone a significant transformation since its establishment in the
1950s and complex common policies changed its nature and relationship
between the EU, its institutions and member states. The course examines
Aims and
policies that are fully in EU competence (like the Common Agricultural Policy or
objectives: Single Market), but will also examine those in which European integration hasn’t
been that deep yet (Justice and Home Affairs). It will also look at the process of
policy creation and discuss those policies that are currently being further
developed, like Climate and Energy Policy.
40 % - Presentation at the seminar and synopsis
10 % - Evaluation of presentation of another student
50% - Final exam: multiple choice questions, true and false statements, short
A: 100% - 92% D: 75% - 68%
Evaluation: B: 91% - 84% E: 67% - 60%
C: 83% - 76% FX: 59% - 0%
Main topics:
1. EU Policy making
2. Common Agriculture Policy
3. Single Market, The Economic and Monetary Union.
4. External EU relations, Common Foreign and Security Policy
5. Energy and Climate Policy
6. Justice and Home Affairs
Most important suggested sources (corresponding chapters from the following books):
Buonanno, N. a Nugent, N. (2013) Policies and Policy Processes of the EU, Palgrave: London.
Cini, Michelle – Borragan, Nieves Perez-Solorzano 2016: European Union Politics. 5th Edition,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Wallace, Helen - Pollack, Mark A. and Young, Alasdair R. (eds.) 2015: Policy-Making in the
European Union. 7th Edition, The New European Union Series, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Baldwin, Richard – Wyplosz, Charles 2019: The Economics of European Integration. 6th Edition.
McGrew-Hill Education (UK), Maidenhead, Berkshire.
Cini, Michelle – Borragan, Nieves Perez-Solorzano 2016: European Union Politics. 5th Edition,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
De Grauwe, Paul 2018: Economics of Monetary Union. 12th Edition, Oxford University Press,
Wallace, Helen - Pollack, Mark A. and Young, Alasdair R. (eds.) 2015: Policy-Making in the
European Union. 7th Edition, The New European Union Series, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Comenius University in Gondova ulica 2 Department of Political
Bratislava 811 02 Bratislava Science
Faculty of Arts 1 Slovakia
Title: Migration in Global and Local Context (3 ECTS Credits)
Department: Political Science (Faculty of Arts, Comenius University)
Lecturer: Aneta Világi, PhD. and Zsolt GÁL PhD., Room N-215
Students are expected to acquire a basic knowledge of the main theoretical
approaches to migration and migration research, as well as empirical insights
from the history, politics and economics of migration with a special focus on
Aims and
Central and Eastern Europe. As a result, students will be able to integrate these
objectives: insights, when exploring global and local dynamics affecting the phenomena of
migration in the CEE region. A practical part of the course will focus on
strengthening the research and presentation skills of the students.
30 % - Active participation
70 % - Presentation (oral presentation, power point and handout/notes)
A: 100% - 92% D: 75% - 68%
Evaluation: B: 91% - 84% E: 67% - 60%
C: 83% - 76% FX: 59% - 0%
Main topics:
1. Introduction
2. Migration in Political and Public Discourse
3. History of migration
4. Migration: definitions, classification, approaches
5. Migrant integration approaches and policies
6. International protection regime
7. Economic and fiscal consequences of migration
8. Labour migration in CEE countries
Most important suggested sources:
Kucharczyk, J. and Mesežnikov, G. (eds.) 2018. Phantom Menace. The Politics and Policies of
Migration in Central Europe. Bratislava: Institute for Public Affairs (Slovakia) and Heinrich-Böll-
Stiftung, Prague Office.
Lüthi, B. 2010. Migration and Migration history. Potsdam: Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung.
Garcés-Mascareñas, B. & Penninx, R. 2016. Integration Processes and Polices in Europe. Contexts,
Levels and Actors, Springer.
Allen, W., Anderson, B., Van Hear, N., Sumption, M., Düvell, F., Hough, J., ... & Walker, S. 2018.
Who counts in crises? The new geopolitics of international migration and refugee governance.
Geopolitics, 23(1), 217-243.
Martin, S., & Abimourched, R. 2009. Migrant rights: international law and national action.
International Migration, 47(5), 115-138.
Edo, A., Ragot, L., Rapoport, H., Sardoschau, S., Steinmayr, A. and Sweetman, A. 2020. An
introduction to the economics of immigration in OECD countries. Canadian Journal of
Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 53: 1365-1403.
Astrov, V., Grieveson, R., Hanzl-Weiss, D., Leitner, S., Mara, I., Vidovic, H. and Zavarská, Z. 2022.
How do Economies in EU-CEE Cope with Labour Shortages? Study Update from wiiw Research
Report 452. Vienna: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (Wiener Institut für
Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche).