AGBM 412 NOVCAT ANS 2023docx
AGBM 412 NOVCAT ANS 2023docx
AGBM 412 NOVCAT ANS 2023docx
months ( ) ( ) ( )
2.4 52,000 0.1 5,200 20,000 0.1 2,000 -40,000 0.1 -4,000
4.8 65,000 0.2 13,000 46,000 0.25 11,500 32,000 0.3 9,600
7.2 74,000 0.4 29,600 68,000 0.3 20,400 58,000 0.3 17,400
9.6 89,000 0.2 17,800 80,000 0.25 20,000 85,000 0.2 17,000
12 90,000 0.1 9,000 100,000 0.1 10,000 140,000 0.1 14,000
74,600 63,900 54,000
( ), ∑ ( )
b) Calculate the expected NPV of the total expected cash flow [Discount
rate=14%(4dp)] (6 MARKS)
1 74,600 0.8772 65,439.12
2 63,900 0.7695 49,171.05
3 54,000 0.675 3,6450
( ) 26,060.17
( )
, ( ) ∑
c) Compute the standard deviation of the expected cash flow in each year (2dp)
(12 MARKS)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
52,000 -22,600 510,760,000 0.1 51,076,000
65,000 -9,600 92,160,000 0.2 18,432,000
74,000 -600 360,000 0.4 144,000
89,000 14,400 207,360,000 0.2 41,472,000
90,000 15,400 237,160,000 0.1 23,716,000
√∑( ) ( ) √
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
20,000 -43,900 1,927,210,000 0.1 192,721,000
46,000 -17,900 320,410,000 0.25 80,102,500
68,000 4,100 16,810,000 0.3 5,043,000
80,000 16,100 259,210,000 0.25 64,802,500
100,000 36,100 1,303,210,000 0.1 130,321,000
√∑( ) ( ) √
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
-40,000 -94,000 8,836,000,000 0.1 883,600,000
32,000 -22,000 484,000,000 0.3 145,200,000
58,000 4,000 16,000,000 0.3 4,800,000
85,000 31,000 961,000,000 0.2 192,200,000
140,000 86,000 7,396,000,000 0.1 739,600,000
√∑( ) ( ) √
d) Which year is more risky for the entrepreneur? Why? Prove. (2dp) (3 MARKS)
( ) ( )
( ( )) √∑
( )
( ) ( ) ( )