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Devops 20 Ieee

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2019 2nd International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques (ICICT)

Devops, A New Approach To Cloud Development &

Prashant Agrawal1, Neelam Rawat2
KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, India

Abstract: Organization’s proficiency to deliver services and

applications at high velocity requires competing effectively in  Inconsistency across Dev and Ops environments.
the market. The practices and tools for such management  Time constraints for frequent releases.
processes demands the quick and reliable model. Changes need  Slow deployment between dev and test
to start at the software engineering level when building environments, lowering productivity for
applications in the cloud, so there is a need to automate our downstream teams.
DevOps processes using cloud and non-cloud DevOps
 Difficulties managing multiple application
automation tools. The aim of this paper is to move DevOps to
Cloud and become more agile at software development and
configurations and versions across servers.
operations. In parallel, consideration of how to extend those  Higher risk of errors due to increased manual
DevOps process and automation into public and/or private interventions.
clouds are the prime approach for this research. While  Higher costs.
investigating the emergence of DevOps, this paper paints it as a
dramatic change in IT world for process improvement. Goal is
to understand how the DevOps and Cloud work together to The suitable methodology to implement DevOps in
help businesses achieve their transformation goals. cloud platforms at probable benefits over traditional IT
implementation are defined through the steps
Keywords: DevOps, Cloud Computing, Cloud Development, mentioned as in Figure 1. However, it’s not a cascade
Cloud Testing, Agile. cycle where the phases are separated by boundaries.
Nor are initiated when the previous one has ended
I. INTRODUCTION completely.

To possess advantage of cloud platform, we need to design

application so that they are decoupled from physical
resources. When we consider decoupled architecture Continuous Planning (CP)
especially in cloud design for platform as a service and
infrastructure as a service, perceive the efficiency of the
development, deployment stages of an applicationsand Continuous Integration (CI)
utilization of the underlying cloud resources. Cloud
computing efficiency saves money. DevOps, a system of Continuous Testing (CT)
thinking with a primary concern for developing, deploying,
and operating high-quality software. If you consider
development, deployment, and operations as a pipeline for Continuous Deployment (CD)
your code to flow through, then DevOps is about looking at
that pipeline from a holistic perspective. The goal of looking Continuous Feedback & Monitoring (CFM)
at the pipeline holistically is to find ways to make it more
efficient and produce higher quality products. This paper
focuses on the set up of a cloud-based DevOps process and
leverage services. Figure 2: DevOps Framework as defined set of cascade-less phases

The initial step for DevOps adoption in cloud is continuous

planning i.e., bring all developers, operational team
members, testers and business analysts at some common
platform to prepare and release the plan. Pipeline the
requirements and understratum all resource budgetswith
strong focus on common strategy that may be reflective to
the business objectives for DevOps.
Figure 1: DevOps Life Cycle Model
In Continuous Integration (CI), Developer team has been
Traditional software delivery methods can present addressed during DevOps lifecycle. Routine practice for
significant challenges, including: integration process of developer’s code may detect the errors
Methodology quickly and can avoid failure of builds. Selection of right
tool that fit according to the requirements would be the main

978-1-7281-1772-0 ©2019 IEEE

challenge for CI. Combining the selected tool in effectual  Integration of existing scripts
way with different methodologies.  Deployment metrics
Continuous Testing (CT) considers one of the important  Centralized tool orchestration that allows
aspect of development that ensures the product quality elimination of overlapping, expensive tools while
deploy to the end-user. DevOps process focuses on maintaining service levels
automating all the types of testing and build the appropriate Major issues like understratum the requirements, state
testing environment for the development scenarios.
DevOps process, stating tools for development & testing
Continuous Testing replaced this traditional testing process, more focus on automating testing, organizational
mentioned in Figure 2. In the continuous process, the change & implementation. To overcome these issues, we
occurrence of changes in software from development to
propose a new approach of using DevOps in cloud
testing to deployment is very frequent. So, development
process is not the same as was in past where software development and testing. DevOps consider as a progressive
handoff from one team to another and focus was on model with considerable success in IT world. By automating
increasing revenues for the company.Continuous testing is a end-to-end delivery, pipelineCollaboration, monitoring,
process of testing early, testing often, testing everywhere, tool-chain pipelines, automation and Cloud adoption are
and automate. One of the challenge in CT is the leveraged by DevOps as a service to cloud applications.
environment of heterogeneity, which will never reflect Large enterprises and start-ups align their development and
actual production environment and application architecture.
operations with the consultation of DevOps, so that high
In this regard, it restricts the DevOps adoption efficiency, faster time to market and better quality of
too.Therefore, we shouldn’t consider DevOps mere an software builds with early identification of emerging issues,
implementation of a set of tools.
letting the code be in a releasable state always, can be

Figure 3: Process of Continuous Testing

Continuous Deployment (CD): Continuous deployment

states that each change that occur, move through a pipeline
of tests and if it qualifies/ passes all tests, it automatically
get deployed for in the production process. By that
approach, software quality completely depends on the
quality to test cases and suites because everything is
automated in the whole procedure of deployment. The major
advantage of CD is reduce lead time i.e., the time elapsed
between requirement identification and its fulfilment.

Figure 5: DevOps As A Service

Linkage between DevOps and Cloud Computing can be

defined as to combine the centralization ability of Cloud
Computing that may provide automation of DevOps as
testing, production and deployment in centralized platform.
When DevOps automation will become cloud-centric, most
Figure 4: Process of Continuous Deployment
of the cloud computing either public or private supports
DevOps systematically on the platform including the
Continuous Deployment followed by Continuous Delivery, process of tools for Continuous Integration and Continuous
which means software should always be release-ready. Development. In addition, through tight integration, the cost
lowers down for DevOps automation technologyand
Deployment Automation and Orchestration services include:
associate central governance with soft control on DevOps
 Faster, Error-free and Automated Deployment process.
 Unique agentless architecture development
DevOps Evolution that process Cloud Development &
 Continuous deployment in single click Testing:
 Deploying in all environments with Single-tool
1. Technology stack normalization: Initial step
towards DevOps evolution.Adopt true agile
methodology and implement proper version control
so that continuous integration and delivery should
be provided. Stack will be normalized when
redundant technologies are eliminated i.e. there
should be a standard set of technologies in version
control for practitioners.
2. Variability Standardize: Development and
Operation teams ensure the technology for further
consolidation to single OS or OS family. Process
complexity and variability should be reduced with
collaboration opportunities exploration. Redesign
the system configurations in version control and
application to fit business needs.
3. DevOps practices expansion: This phase is to
remove the discrepancies created by previous
changes and all foundational pieces should be in
place. For instance, outcomes from the team of
application development should ensure the delivery
for true effectiveness.
4. Infrastructure delivery automation: At this stage,
discrepancies related to development outputs and
operations delivery times are omitted. Security and
system configurations are automated after that in
such a way it means DevOps team can deliver Figure 6: Hype cycle for DevOps applications services.
faster and is better set-up for future as in service.
5. Self-service capabilities: Provision of DevOps III. DISCUSSION
deployment at this stage Testing environment are
deployed by the developers and then success Adopting new paths for development and operations at the
metrics would be shown and visible to the entire same time seems to be difficult from the implementation
team. end, so need a guidance to handle such DevOps as a service
to cloud applications. Unit, system, acceptance and
II. RESULTS regression test automation are the main automation expertise
that may further promote continuous integration, continuous
Development to operations lifecycle involves delivery, continuous deployment and continuous
industrialization, automation and connecting the complete monitoring.
process of infrastructure, application and business changes.
Since the introduction of DevOps in 2009 it evolved from IV. CONCLUSION
the niche to integral part of the IT strategy. Its adoption rate
was huge because of the immediate and quickly value To adopt DevOps methodologies for pilot projects with
realization and how it can change business world by Cloud Computing proves to be a great success in terms of
improving quality of the services and products.According to the following ways:
a study it was shown that 80% of the outages are because of  Acceleration of Innovation: Applications can be
the ill planned changes which are due to developers or developed and deployed rapidly with integrated
administrators. operations and development teams.
 DevOps engineers can easily grasp impact of
DevOps can help in these changes in order to get real value
application changes. Software fixers are
of the planning. If DevOps is applied correctly to the
comparatively faster.
organizations, it can help improve the stability of the IT and
 Improve Collaboration: DevOps with cloud
overall impact of the business. DevOps is mainly focused o
projects continuously emphasizes on the overall
the main 4 value propositions which are agility, quality,
achievement by building the bridge to make the
innovation and outages. DevOps can increase agility by
work more efficient.
enabling the changes of instant deployment, improve the
quality in order to enhance end user satisfaction, innovative  Increase Efficiency: For DevOps best practices, the
improvements in order to enhance innovation cycle and main key elements are standardized production and
finally it helps in reduction of outages by 80%. automated tools. DevOps also offers scalable
infrastructure to cloud while speed testing and
deployment processes.
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