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A Country Boy Quits School Question Answer

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Chapkr-A Countoy Boy uits 6choe


- what icia pmodamahon waa issued and uohat

was ha consequence e not obeying it wrile your ansu
in abaut 30-4ô wovds
ns OFFiciol psoclamaion uas Hhat any bo in he LDuny
Ovey Six
uecas muwt be sent to school it not onu
adult in td janmily weutd haua to go to jail
W2- houg sendinq me bey to sehotR usaa a god idea,
why uas eueouel toukRed wit Hhe expesienta?
wTike 4ou anawe. in se abaut 6o-80 wOBd
AnS- Wheh Hhe bey staxed oing to he schesk, hs
bougtt back books woxth more than a dellar t oaa
a hutge burden on Rair pockels as tty weha alseady
Losin wovK fsom sendiaq hinm to schoot Nove, ha
conerd is boeks bretuskt discomfort to evesy fanily
member os thy mads t i r econ incoreck judumunte
eenas stem eduation by oanalahna the literal
maaning leX to tnfuion and msunderstandiy in Hanir
heuehielA and eueyant qot boubled &stusuad hetdin -

8udces against cacdh dthen

d3-So this house is now

upuu and Ino ongen. naue

ana shave in it!"why did he qnandmotn

an fell this way or

sayo.whot do it kell abou he 2(Y max )

Anw n my opinion , th grcndmother f e it like h a t wau

say so as she misundeashood hat k a

illustoahons or ex planauiom o Hhe book 2 Hhougtt
Iilesall abou t She felt that sho Kod no more imporlnca
in hi houge her posiion in te fanily hos
de clinied DO She coulcnt understand he
e t e text and took i ieraly whi
made en fcel 4tnat tell u about ha hat e
was illilerate & she wa teaily short tempered a
ghe ae xeally ang baoke he iron
QDid He fahu do ku riqlt thia by pulling the boy
the boy
Ou skok schöol ? (6marka)
An Schoalinq ha becomu_etentia or tu qood
edumhon ,0 eapesienced learning, i d qualitatiue
expesienea tak ould furkher bright up_cild's
utuse I also hela a dild ho "Reaxn to get
ahead chandaips that miglt LDme in huhi Hknca,_
Pducahcm'lschaeln is Haa impartant Pos a ild
Accosdng to m , th fatun didn't
do uolt ting a

by puluna bou ut d Hu sckoti as_ he didn'ELat L

boy qo ho go suaoel nou Hhu weuld haue to YoAR
H conaequéce o not obey H
didn' trs to wn desstanl ohat's in the He
book 8 h
wa LeauB inkexsled to invest in boy's
by doi pulina bou ut
educathon Ad
c adhool he aliouased
Hhe mene heu hXis
tamily inveted n boy's
N , ***h

sclhooleducation: did
do rigat tming as he a

idnlt Re his boy to nuse Hat 9oRden oppuskunity

educahon: Te fuhure is educahon & if ona oho haue me
Oppurhuruty ta Loann do not maka use oit , Hhan it wi
be a lack behind o him his

To on cuole
Te would ike tD s a a t Hhe _enie
entioe family uoa rigid 8 Sacked educahon itself au
wes Aeeing tinys diffeently ontet t o
So, H fot déarly diduwxonq as nou boy
boy will no
ge atMDsplera e hriendshp ~pit tlearnin And
also will not getidh expexienc Het he 0ould et from

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