Chap 2 Basics in Irrigation Engineering
Chap 2 Basics in Irrigation Engineering
Chap 2 Basics in Irrigation Engineering
Points of Discussion:
2.1 Scope of Irrigation Engineering
2.2 Planning Irrigation Systems
2.3 Soil-plant-water Relationship
2.4 Crop Water Requirement
2.5 Irrigation Scheduling
2.6 Measurement of Irrigation Water
2.1 Scope of Irrigation Engineering
IRRIGATION ENGINEERING: a field of water resources
engineering which involves the Conception, Planning, Design,
Construction, Operation and Management of an irrigation
Definition of
Irrigation System Planning considerations:
For locating an irrigation project, it is important to investigate
available resources in the area. For example,
o Climate,
o Adequate water in quality and quantity,
o Land with good agricultural potential and good topography,
o Availability of labour (skilled and unskilled),
o Land tenure,
o Marketing,
o Transport facilities, etc.
Irrigation System Planning considerations:
Crops to be grown: should be determined by available resources
as well as marketability of the crops especially in terms of what
people like to eat.
A simple analogy:
Soil – Water Reservoir
Plant Roots – pump with many inlets
• Soil Water/moisture --- the relative water content in the soil system.
Key Definitions-
Definitions- Soil Moisture
45% Za air
WATER Zw water
Zs solid
The 3-
3-Phase Soil Model
A=1 M w Z w ρw
Gravimetric Water θm = =
Content: Ms Z s ρs
Za air Vw Z w
Volumetric Water θv = =
Content: Vt Zt
Zw water
M s Z s ρs
Zt Dry Bulk Density ρb = =
Vt Zt
Zs solid Volumetric Water
θ v = ρb ×θ m
The 3-
3-Phase Soil Model
Sample problem
A 100 cm3 soil is taken in the field which weighs 174 gm at the time
of sampling. The oven dry weight of the sample is 155 gm. Assume
density of water as 1gm/cm3. Compute:
a) the soil moisture content
i) in mass basis
ii) in volume basis
b) the soil moisture content for a 120cm deep soil (in depth
c) the bulk density
Fully Saturated
Gravitational Water
Field Capacity
Capillary Water
Hygroscopic Water
Complete dry
Soil Water Classification
Gravitational water:
It is the water in the large pores that moves downward freely
under the influence of gravity
It drains out so fast that it is not available to the crops. The
time of draining out varies from one day in sandy soils to
three days in clay soils.
Capillary Water:
It is the amount of water retained by the soil after
gravitational water has drained out.
It is the water in the small pores which moves because of
capillary forces and is called capillary water.
Capillary water is the major source of water available for the
Soil Water Classification
Hygroscopic Water
Soil moisture further reduced by ET until no longer moves
because of capillary forces. The remaining water which is
held on particle surfaces so tightly is called hygroscopic
Here, the water is held by adhesive force. And therefore, it
is unavailable to the plant.
Available Water
Field Capacity (FC)
Following saturation when all macro pores are drained by
gravity and drainage ceases, usually defined 2 days following
saturation by rainfall.
Measured as the moisture content at -5 kPa (0.05 bar or 0.5 m
Sand 4 6 29
Soil Type
Loam 5 29 12
Clay 22 20 6
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Volumetric Water Content (% v/v)
Unavailable water Available water Drainage water
Water Release Characteristic Curve
Volumetric water content, % v/v 60.00
50.00 clay
Available water (sand)
sandy loam
50.00 clay
Available water (clay)
sandy loam
50.00 clay
Available water (sandy loam)
sandy loam
tension) 40.00
sandy loam
• General shape is the same for 30.00
pure sand
all soils but the curvature 20.00
Soil water Potential - the energy status of Water. i.e. the ease with which
the water is released from the soil or the work required to release water.
Total Available Water
Total Available Water (TAW): the water available to crops
expressed in mm/m (mm of water per meter depth of soil).
θfc − θ c
RAW = NIR = × (θfc − θwp )× Dz
θfc − θwp
θfc − θ c
θfc − θwp
Note: Irrigation application not expected till soil water reaches the PWP.
Total Available Water
Or, MAD = 0.50 for most crops; NIR = net irrigation requirement
Total Available Water
2.4 Crop Water Requirement
• Irrigation water applied to crop is lost due to Consumptive use
(CU), runoff and deep percolation.
• Thus, CU ≅ ETcrop
iii) Losses of water due to deep seepage in canals and losses due
to the inefficiency of application.
ETcrop (ETc)
• ETc = Evaporation + Transpiration
• ETc is normally expressed in mm/day.
• Factors Affecting ETc:
• Weather parameters (To, RH, Wind, etc.)
• Crop Characteristics (type, variety and
length of growing period)
• Management and Environmental aspects
(control of diseases, soil salinity, etc.)
ETcrop – Direct method
• Water balance equation – measurement of input and output
ET = I + P – DP –(θf – θi)*Dz
ETcrop – Indirect method
• Indirect method – using empirical method.
• ETc can be derived from ETo using the equation:
ETc = Kc . ETo
ETo = reference ET which reflects the effect of climate on ETc
Kc is crop coefficient which reflects the effect of crop on ETc.
ETo = Kp*Ep
Class A-
ETo = Kp*Ep
ETo map of Ethiopia for the month of April (FAO, 2002)
Locations of meteorological Stations in Ethiopia (FAO, 2002)
Crop Coefficient, Kc
Crop Coefficient, Kc
Crop Water Requirement
Example: Calculate the seasonal crop water requirement of maize
[25/35/45/30 (135)] If the average Kc is 0.65 and ETo=7mm/day.
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
Design capacity/Estimation of Discharge
Design capacity --- the flow rate determined by the water
requirement, irrigation time, irrigation period and the irrigation
application efficiency.
It is the flow rate required at the water supply source or that
required to determine channel x-sections.
A. dn
Qc =
F. H . Ea
Qc is the Desired Design Capacity;
d is the Net Irrigation Depth = Readily Available Moisture;
F is the number of days required to complete the Irrigation
H is the number of hours the System is operated (hrs/day) and
Ea is the Irrigation Efficiency
Design capacity/Estimation of Discharge
Example: A 12-hectare field is to be irrigated with a sprinkler system.
The root zone depth is 0.9m and the field capacity of the soil is 28%
while the permanent wilting point is 17% by weight. The soil bulk
density is 1.36 g/cc and the water application efficiency is 70%. The
soil is to be irrigated when 50% of the available water has depleted.
The peak evapotranspiration is 5.0mm/day and the system is to be
run for 10 hours in a day. Determine:
(i) The net irrigation depth
(ii) Gross irrigation depth
(iii) Irrigation period
(iv) Area to be irrigated per day and
(v) the required system capacity.
i) 67.5mm; ii) 96.4mm; iii)f =13days;iv)1ha/day;
V)Qc = 89m3/hr or 25 lit/sec
Base, Delta and Duty
Base Period, B ... The time between first watering and last watering.
B = length of growing period
∆ = Volume
= (Disch Area
arg e × time )
1× 60 × 60 × (24 × B ) ∆ = delta in cm,
∆ = D ×104 B = base period in days, and
∆ = 864 B
D = duty in ha/m3/s
Base, Delta and Duty
Example 1. If a crop requires 20cm of water every 5days. Compute
the discharge required to irrigate 3000ha.
Here, delta = 20cm; B = 5days
Intensity of Irrigation (I) --- a ratio of the cultivated area to the CCA
I= ×100
Base, Delta and Duty
Problem 1. The total command area of an irrigation project is 15,000ha,
where 750ha is unculturable. The area covered with crop A is 6000ha and
that of crop B is 4000ha. The duty of crop A is 3000ha/cumec and the duty
of crop B is 4000ha/cumec. Find a) the design discharge of a channel
assuming 10% transmission loss; b) intensity of irrigation
Ans: a) QA = 2.2cumec and QB = 1.1cumec; b) IA= 42.1%; IB=28.07%
θ v AL
d = = θvL
d = equivalent depth of water in a soil layer
L = depth (thickness) of the soil layer
2.6 Measurement of irrigation water
Discharge/flow rate … expressed in units of m3/sec or lit/sec.
Float method
Direct method of measuring Discharge -Weirs
Rectangular Weir
3/ 2
Q = 0.0184(L − 0.2H )H
Trapezoidal Weir
3/ 2
Q = 0.0186LH
Triangular Weir
5/ 2
Q= 0.0138H
Direct method of measuring Discharge -Weirs
Direct method of measuring Discharge -Flumes
Parshall flume
Cutthroat flume