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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices

Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment

S-580 PART2



Adopted: 1989; Revised: 1994, 2001, 2005, 2008

1.1 These specifications for crashworthiness enhancements cover requirements applicable to all
new road-type locomotives, except for passenger-occupied vehicles, manufactured after December
31, 2008, for use on standard gauge track on North American railroads in revenue freight service
or in commuter/passenger service.
1.2 The following locomotives are exempted from this standard:
• Locomotive not equipped with an operator's cab structure.
• Locomotive that is designated and marked in cab "Trail Only-Do Not Occupy (Except
The primary purpose of these requirements is to minimize the potential for injuries and fatalities
to train crews and others involved in the transportation of freight and passengers.
This standard provides design requirements for locomotives with improved crashworthiness fea­
tures. The design requirements were developed as enhancements to AAR S-580 (1989) by the Loco­
motive Crashworthiness Working Group of the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC), a
federally-chartered advisory committee. This Working Group was comprised of AAR member rail­
roads, rail labor, locomotive manufacturers, the Federal Railroad Administration, and the
National Transportation Safety Board. This standard has been approved for use by the Federal
Railroad Administration under the locomotive crashworthiness requirements of 49 CFR Part 229,
Subpart D.
Dual cab A locomotive design incorporating cab structures at each end (Ion-
gitudinally) of the vehicle.
Monocoque design A locomotive design where the shell or skin acts as a single unit
locomotive with the supporting frame to resist and transmit the loads acting
on the locomotive.
Narrow-nose locomotive A locomotive with a short hood that spans substantially less than
the full width of the locomotive.
Permanent deformation The undergoing of a permanent change in shape of a structural
member of a rail vehicle.
Roofrail The longitudinal structural member at the intersection of the
sidewall and the roof sheathing.
Semi-monocoque design A locomotive design where the shell or skin acts, to sorne extent,
locomotive as a single unit with the supporting frame to resist and transmit
the loads acting on the locomotive.
Skin The outer covering of a fuel tank and a rail vehicle. The skin may
be covered with another coating of material such as fiberglass.

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment
PART2 S-580


Ultimate strength The capacity of a structure to resist a load that, when exceeded,
causes the structure to fail due to excessive buckling, yielding,
and/or fracture such that the structure can no longer function as
Wide-nose locomotive A locomotive used in revenue freight -or commuter/passenger ser-
(North American cab) vice that is not of narrow-nose or monocoque/semi-monocoque
Yield strength The capacity of a structure to resist a load that, when exceeded,
causes permanent deformation ofthe structure.
Unless specifically stated otherwise, all loads are applied opposite the direction of locomotive
travel. The locomotive is assumed to be operated cab-end forward. For dual-cab designs, both ends
ofthe locomotive must meet applicable requirements ofthis standard.
6.1 Anticlimbers
6.1.1 Width Each locomotive must have an anti-climber that extends to the approximate 1/3
points across the width on its cab end.
6.1.2 Depth The center ofthe anti-climber must extend to within 4 in. ofthe pulling face of
the coupler with the draft gear fully compressed and be no less than 10 in. from
the locomotive front plate for its required width.
6.1.3 Load The anti-climber must be able to resist an upward or downward vertical force of
100,000 lb applied over a 12-in. width anywhere along the anti-climber
6.1.4 Criteria The load must be applied without exceeding the ultimate strength ofthe anti-

6.2 Collision Posts

p m-2

p m-1

0" at base (P ,)
O" < +/ - 15" < 30" (P m-1)
+/- 8 ° > 30" (P m-z)

Fig. 6.1 Schematic of collision post loads

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment
S-580 PART2

6.2.1 Each locomotive must be equipped with at least two collision posts or equivalent structures
that are located as follows:
• at the approximate 1/3 points across the width ofthe locomotive
• in their entirety forward ofthe seating position ofany crew person
• must extend in height to a distance 24 in. above the finished cab floor.
6.2.2 Each collision post must be continuously attached/welded to the front skin and roof of the
short hood.
6.2.3 Each collision post must withstand the following loads without exceeding the ultimate
strength ofthe posts and their attachments to the underframe:
• A 750,000-lb load applied over the bottom 10% ofthe overall height ofthe collision post at
the base (Ps), at any angle in the horizontal plane in the range of±15º ofthe longitudinal
axis ofthe locomotive
• A 500,000-lb load applied over an area, the width ofthe post structure and the height of
10% ofthe overall height ofthe post on each collision post, centered at a height 30 in. above
the top ofthe underframe (Pm-1), at any angle in the horizontal plane in the range of±15º
ofthe longitudinal axis ofthe locomotive
• Any load (Pm-2) that
• is applied at a vertical location greater than 30 in. above the top ofthe underframe up to
the top ofthe collision post.
• develops the same moment at the base as a 500,000-lb load applied at 30 in. above the
underframe (FxL=15,000,000 in.·lb for L>30 in. where L=height above underframe).
• is applied at any angle in the horizontal plane in the range of±8º ofthe longitudinal
axis ofthe locomotive.
• is distributed over an area the width ofthe post and 10% ofthe height ofthe post.
6.3 Emergency Egress
The locomotive cab must allow for exit through at least one opening (e.g., engineer's side <loor, nose
<loor, windows) in any locomotive orientation.
6.4 Emergency Interior Lighting
6.4.1 Illumination design shall provide sufficient illumination within the cab area to allow for
safe egress from the locomotive cab in the event ofa collision.
6.4.2 Emergency interior lighting shall actívate automatically upon emergency brake application
for a mínimum of 20 minutes at the following levels: the exit path from each seat position to each
exit <loor shall be automatically illuminated to a level of0.5 lux in general and 2.5 lux on each stair
step to be negotiated to the exit <loor and 2.5 lux at each <loor threshold higher than 1 in. Illumina­
tion shall be measured at floor level and perpendicular to the floor.
6.4.3 Emergency interior lighting shall operate in all equipment orientations.
6.4.4 The locomotive main battery system or a separate battery power source shall provide for a
manual reset to extinguish emergency interior lighting (not required if other power source is uti­
6.5 Fuel Tank
Each main diesel fuel tank used for the propulsion prime mover must meet the requirements of
MSRP Standard S-5506, "Performance Requirements for Diesel Electric Locomotive Fuel Tanks,"
latest revision.

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment
PART2 S-580

6.6 Interior Confi.guration

6.6.1 Protruding parts, sharp edges, and corners in a locomotive cab must be rounded, radiused,
or padded to mitigate the consequences of an occupant impact with such surfaces.
6.6.2 All appurtenances mounted in the locomotive cab, including cab seats, must be securely fas­
tened and capable ofwithstanding without permanent deformation tp.e following service forces:
• Longitudinal: 3.0 G
• Lateral: 1.5 G
• Vertical: 2.0 G
6.7 Short Hood Structure
6.7.1 The short hood must be capable of supporting a longitudinal load of 400,000 lb. applied to
the front ofthe short hood in the upper comer over an area that is 12 in. wide starting 30 in. above
the top of the deck and extending to the nose cab roof sheet without exceeding ultimate strength
(see Fig. 6.2). An acceptable method other than finite element analysis of determining compliance
with the above is the load-thickness formula that follows. A short hood capable of meeting this
requirement has its side and top surface material properties determined by the formula contained
in paragraph 6.7.2. The length ofthe short hood must be at least one-half the total height for the
equation to be applicable. The base of the short hood must be securely and continuously attached
to the locomotive underframe to develop the full strength ofthe connection.

Area of
Applicalion Cab


Fig. 6.2 Diagram of short hood load application

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment
S-580 PART2

6.7.2 The mínimum sheet thicknesses of the short hood skin must be selected to satisfy the fol-
lowing equation:

2 2 113 U1 t2 )
pm = 6.36crº (b¡ t¡ + b2t2)
Cf1 + t2)

= mean crush force (400,000 lb)
= half dimension of short hood roof width ( ~60 in.)
= average hood height (~60 in.)
= thickness of short hood roof structure
= thickness of side walls
= material flow stress [ (crY x au> 05 ] ( see paragraph 6.7 .2.1) The flow stress is given by the formula

= material yield stress (psi)
= material ultimate stress (psi)
6.7.3 All skin on the front-facing portion ofthe short hood, including personnel doors, must be the
equivalent strength of1/2-in.-thick steel plate at 25,000 psi yield strength. (Thinner high-strength
steel may be substituted where thickness varíes inversely with the square root of yield strength.)
6.7.4 Any windows must meet FRA glazing standards per 49 CFR Part 223.
6.8 Truck Attachment
Attachment of each truck to the frame of the locomotive must withstand an equivalent ultimate
shear value of250,000 lb from the longitudinal to lateral, inclusive.
6.9 Underframe Strength
The underframe must be capable ofwithstanding a longitudinal load of1,000,000 lo applied at the
inner draft stops without permanent deformation ofthe body structure.
7.1 Anti-Climbers
Narrow-nose locomotives must meet the anti-climber requirements for wide-nose locomotives in
paragraph 6.1 ofthis standard.
7.2 Collision Posts
Narrow-nose locomotives must meet collision post requirements for wide-nose locomotives in
paragraph 6.2 ofthis standard.
7.3 Emergency Egress
The locomotive cab must allow for exit through at least one opening (e.g., engineer's side door, nose
door, windows) in any locomotive orientation.

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment
PART2 S-580

7.4 Emergency Interior Lighting

7.4.1 Illumination design shall provide sufficient illumination within the cab area to allow for
safe egress from the locomotive cab in the event ofa collision.
7.4.2 Emergency interior lighting shall activate automatically upon emergency brake application
for a minimum of20 minutes at the following levels: the exit path from each seat position to each
exit door shall be automatically illuminated to a level of0.5 lux in general and 2.5 lux on each stair
step to be negotiated to the exit door and 2.5 lux at each door threshold higher than 1 in. Illumina­
tion shall be measured at floor level and perpendicular to the floor.
7.4.3 Emergency interior lighting shall operate in all equipment orientations.
7.4.4 The locomotive main battery system or a separate battery power source shall provide for a
manual reset to extinguish emergency interior lighting (not required if other power source is
7.5 Fuel Tank
Narrow-nose locomotives must meet fu.el tank requirements for wide-nose locomotives m
paragraph 6.5 ofthis standard.
7.6 Interior Configuration
Narrow-nose locomotives must meet interior configuration requirements for wide-nose locomotives
in paragraph 6.6 ofthis standard.
7.7 Operator's Cab Comer Posts
7.7.1 Corner posts must be provided at all corners ofthe cab structure.
7.7.2 Each corner post, supporting structure, and intervening connection must resist the follow­
ing horizontal loads individually applied in the direction stated:
• Minimum of300,000 lb applied at a point even with the top ofthe underframe without
exceeding the ultimate strength ofthe post. This load must be applied at any angle in the
horizontal plane in the range of±8 º from the longitudinal axis ofthe locomotive.
• Minimum of 100,000 lb applied at a height from the finished cab floor to a point 30 in.
above the finished floor ofthe cab. This load must be applied at any angle in the horizontal
plane in the range of±8º from the longitudinal axis ofthe locomotive. This load must be
applied without exceeding the ultimate strength ofthe post or its connections.
• Minimum of45,000 lb applied anywhere between the top ofthe post at its connection to
the roofstructure and the top ofthe underframe without exceeding the ultimate strength
ofthe post or its connections. This load must be applied toward the inside ofthe locomotive
in any direction from the longitudinal to the transverse.
7.8 Operator's Cab and Hood Structure
7.8.1 The skin of the short hood end-facing area shall be equivalent to 1/2-in. steel plate at
25,000 psi yield strength (where thickness varies inversely with the square root ofyield strength).
7.8.2 This end nose plate assembly shall be securely fastened to the collision posts.
7.8.3 .Any personnel doors in the short hood end-facing area shall be suitably reinforced to the
equivalent strength ofthe short hood skin.
7.8.4 .Any windows must meet Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) standards.
7.9 Truck Attachment
Attachment of each truck to the frame of the locomotive must withstand an equivalent ultimate
shear value of250,000 lb from the longitudinal to lateral, inclusive.

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment
S-580 PART2

7.10 Underframe Strength

Narrow-nose locomotives must meet underframe strength requirements for wide-nose road freight
locomotives in paragraph 6.9 ofthis standard.
8.1 Anti-Climbers
Monocoque design and semi-monocoque design locomotives must meet the anticlimber design
requirements for wide-nose locomotives in par agraph 6.1 ofthis standard.
8.2 Car Body Underframe Strength
The underframe must be capable of withstanding a longitudinal load of 800,000 lb applied at the
inner draft stops without permanent deformation ofthe body structure.
8.3 Collision Posts
8.3.1 Collision posts must be located at the approximate 1/3 points across the width ofthe vehicle
and must, in their entirety, be forward ofthe seating position of any crew person.
8.3.2 Each collision post, supporting car body structure, and intervening connection must resist
the following loads individually applied at any angle in the horizontal plane in the range of ±8 º of
the longitudinal axis ofthe locomotive.
• Minimum 500,000 lb applied at a point even with the top ofthe underframe, without
exceeding the ultimate strength ofthe post and its attachment
• Minimum 200,000 lb applied at a point 30 in. above the top ofthe underframe, without
exceeding the ultimate strength of the post and its attachment
• Minimum 60,000 lb applied anywhere along the post above the top ofthe underframe,
without permanent deformation
8.3.3 The area properties of the collision posts, including any reinforcement required to provide
the specified 500,000-lb shear strength at the top ofthe underframe, must extend from the bottom
ofthe end sill to at least 30 in. above the top ofthe underframe.
8.4 Emergency Egress
The locomotive cab must allow for exit through at least one opening (e.g., engineer's side door,
front sheet door, windows) in any locomotive orientation.
8.5 Emergency Interior Lighting
8.5.1 Illumination design shall provide sufficient illumination, within the cab area to allow for
safe egress from the locomotive cab in the event of a collision.
8.5.2 Emergency interior lighting shall activate automatically upon emergency brake application
for a minimum of 20 minutes at the following levels: the exit path from each seat position to each
exit door shall be automatically illuminated to a level of0.5 lux in general and 2.5 lux on each stair
step to be negotiated to the exit door and 2.5 lux at each door threshold higher than one inch.
Illumination shall be measured at floor level and perpendicular to the floor.
8.5.3 Emergency interior lighting shall operate in all equipment orientations.
8.5.4 The locomotive main battery system or a separate battery power source shall provide for a
manual reset to extinguish emergency interior lighting (not required if other power source is uti­

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AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices
Locomotives and Locomotive Interchange Equipment
PART2 S-580

8.6 Comer Posts

8.6.1 The forward end structure shall have two full-height comer posts or equivalent structure.
8.6.2 Each comer post shall be capable ofwithstanding the following:
• A horizontal, longitudinal, or lateral shear load 300,000 lb applied at its joint with the
underframe. This load shall be applied without exceeding the ultimate strength ofthe
• A horizontal, longitudinal, or lateral force of 100,000 lb applied at a point 18 in. above the
top ofthe underframe. This load shall be applied without exceeding ultima te strength.
• A mínimum load of45,000 lb applied anywhere between the top of the post at its connec-
tion to the roofstructure and the top ofthe underframe, without permanent deformation.
8.6.3 Corner posts in locomotives with isolated cabs may be discontinuous at the boundary ofthe
isolated cab, but shall otherwise meet the requirements of this part for corner posts. This may
require intermediate supports for the portions ofthe corner posts ofthe locomotive platform struc­
ture and in the isolated cab, and limit stops on the possible displacement ofthe isolated cab.
8.7 Operator's Cab and Front End Structure
8.7.1 The skin of the front end-facing structure shall be equivalent to 1/2-in. steel plate at
25,000 psi yield strength (where thickness varies inversely with the square root ofyield strength).
8.7.2 The skin ofthe front end-facing structure shall be securely fastened to the collision posts.
8.7.3 Any access opening in the front end-facing structure shall be suitably reinforced to the
equivalent strength ofthe skin.
8.7.4 Any windows must meet Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) standards.
8.8 Fuel Tank
Monocoque and semi-monocoque design locomotives must meet the fuel tank requirements for
wide-nose locomotives in paragraph 6.5 ofthis standard.
8.9 Interior Configuration
Monocoque and semi-monocoque design locomotives must meet the interior configuration require­
ments for wide-nose locomotives in paragraph 6.6 ofthis standard.
8.10 Truck Attachment
Attachment of each truck to the frame of the locomotive must withstand an equivalent ultimate
shear value of 250,000 lb from the longitudinal to lateral, inclusive.
8.11 Roof Load and End Structure
8.11.1 Each roof raíl shall be able to support a longitudinal load of 80,000 lb without permanent
8.11.2 Under load conditions that cause permanent deformation of the end structure, the roof
structure must help support the load.

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