Human Resource Accounting (HRA)
Human Resource Accounting (HRA)
Human Resource Accounting (HRA)
Human Resource Accounting (HRA) means to measure the cost and value of the people (i.e. of employees and managers) in the organisation. It measures the cost incurred to recruit, hire, train and develop employees and managers. HRA also finds out the present economic value of its employees and managers. After measuring the cost and value of its employees and managers, the organisation prepares a report. This report is called HRA Report. It is shown to the top level management. It can also be shown to the employees, managers and outside investors.
Advantages of HRA
Benefits, objectives, advantages of human resource accounting HRA:-
4. Proper placements
HRA helps the organisation to place the right man in the right post depending on his skills and abilities.
Limitations of HRA
Criticism, disadvantages, limitations of human resource accounting HRA:The valuation of human assets is based on the assumption that the employees are going to remain with the organisation for a specified period. However, this assumption is wrong because employee mobility is very high. The human resource accounting may lead to the dehumanisation in the organisation. If the valuation is not done correctly or the results of the valuation are not used properly. In the case of financial accounting, there are certain specified accounting standards which every organisation must follow. However, there are no standards for HRA. Each organisation has its own standards for HRA. So, there are no uniform standards for HRA. Therefore, the HRA of two organisations cannot be compared. There are no specific and clear cut guidelines for 'cost' and 'value' of human resources of an organisation. The present valuation systems have many limitations. The life of a human being is uncertain. So its value is also uncertain.