Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
Palawan State University
Bataraza Campus
This chapter is the beginning of the research study. It contains the background of the study,
statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and delimitation of the study.
Teaching is a noble profession that motivate, encourage, and boost the confidence of the
students. They are not only responsible on giving knowledge, also they have a huge contribution
on the students’ life. Teachers are not just only teachers they are also mentors and guide of the
learners. Teaching profession needs a full dedication and time.
Professional advancement is to enhance the ability and knowledge of the teachers.
According to the (article XIV, Section 5) teachers shall enhance the right of teachers’
advancement and ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best
retainable talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and
fulfillment. Professional Advancement refers to the development of knowledge and skills by
considering attitudes and approaches to improve the quality of learning. It is a process of
increasing teacher professionalism to strengthen teachers' skills, responsibilities and careers to
face the changes that are occurring. Suryadi (2021)
There are factors influencing the professional advancement of teachers. It was stated that
professional advancement is important to develop the knowledge, classroom management skills,
teaching skills, content skills, leadership skills, the teachers competence, and desposition
According to Aqib and Rohmanto, the quality of professionalism is demonstrated by the
following five accomplishments: 1) the desire to always exhibit behavior close to ideal standards,
2) to improve and maintain a professional image, 3) the desire to continuously professionally
developing opportunities to improve and improve teacher quality and improve the quality of
knowledge and skills, 4) dating qualities and ideals at work, and 5) taking pride in their work
(Aqib & Elham, 2007).
In other words, professional development is learning and learning. As noted by Feiman
Nemser and Tummons cited by Steward, professional development as the acquisition of
professional skills (professional learning) offers significant benefits to teachers. Feiman Nemser
has identified four benefits that teachers can achieve in fulfilling their tasks, namely: broadening
and deepening of knowledge of teaching issues; Extension and refinement of repertoire in
curriculum, teaching and assessment; strengthening abilities and dispositions for learning and
improving education; and delegating responsibilities and developing leadership skills
Statement of the Problem
The researchers aimed to determine the “Factors Influencing Professional Advancement
of teachers” and the motivation, problems, and strategies of teachers.
Specifically, the study aims to answer the following question;
1. How do the teachers describe their Professional Advancement Experiences and problems of
the teachers?
a. Promoted teachers
b. Non-Promoted Teachers
2. What describes the motivation of teachers on pursuing professional advancement
a. Promoted Teachers
b. Non-promoted
3. What describes the strategies of the teachers to conquer their problems for Professional
a. Promoted Teachers
b. Non-Promoted Teachers
To the School Administrator. The study is beneficial to school administrator to give them
information and awareness about the difficulties of non-promoted teachers. And they can
develop them through their implemented seminars and trainings.
To the Teacher. The study could be beneficial to the teachers by the means of motivation and
strategies done by the other promoted teachers.
To the future researcher. The study could provide valid information and data that may be used
for some related studies about professional advancement of teachers. This study will give them
recommendations to strengthen their study.
To the future educators. The study would be beneficial to the future educators for them to have
information that may give them awareness about the strategies done by the other teachers and
they may understand the importance of professional advancement.
This chapter represents the relevant and studies after the thorough search done by the
researchers that strengthen the investigation, conceptual framework, research paradigm
assumption and definition of terms.
Related literature
In this section, the researchers will discuss the (1) experience, (2) motivation and (3)
strategies of the teachers in terms of professional advancement. Before proceeding further with
this literature review, it would be useful that the term “professional advancement” is defined.
Miller (2013) stated that professional advancement is highly individual matter. It is one
growth that must be motivated from within. Teacher collaboration and the establishment of
professional learning communities are becoming increasingly important Yi, Shih (2020).
Continuous training and professional development help teachers develop new knowledge and
skills to better serve their students Emma Garcia, Elaine Weiss (2019). Additionally, according
to DepEd (2017) quality learning is contingent upon quality teaching they recognize the
importance of professional advancement.
Kusmaryani, Siregar, Widjaja, Jatnika (2016) stated that the enhancement of teachers’
professionalism is to increase professional skills of a teachers. Zajic et al. (2021) states that the
action research is one of the factors that encourage teachers to manage and control their own
work. Additionally, Phothongsunan (2018) stated that in relation to professional development,
nearly all participants point out a strong need for obtaining a higher degree as career
advancement in their field and interestingly as a tool for salary increment. Personal goals,
capacity beliefs, context beliefs, emotional arousal process are also the factors that influencing
professional advancement of teachers Steyn (2005). And one of the factors that influence to the
professional advancement of teachers is their quality of life because of their consumptions,
saving and investment Kumar, Abhinandan (2021). Whereas Dasuki (2010) state that the factors
have caused the low professionalism of teachers include: (1) there are still many teachers who do
not practice their profession as a whole because of the teachers working hours so there is no time
to read and write to improve once skills; (2) teachers are lack of motivation in improving quality
as they are not committed to research as is it is with University lectures. Moreover, Carlyon
(2015) states that teachers transition between year levels is practice in many primary school in
New Zealand; However, it is not always perceived as an opportunity for teachers continuing
professional development (CPD).
Teachers serving at classrooms involving different cultures. Also It is seen that the
problems experienced by classroom teachers were categorized under five main sub-themes (1)
time management, classroom management, communication skill, attitude and prejudices Sari,
Yuce (2020). According to the Tradewind article (2023) one of the factors that give problems to
the promoted teachers are (1) Paper works (2) Lack of Support (3) Long hours. According to
Yariv (2011) teacher professional difficulties are ineffective management of principals, weak
performance of teacher, poor management skills that leads to the lack of adequate supervision of
principals. Furthermore, towards this issue the School administrator also blame for not seeking
attention to those incompetent teachers that having lack of ability and not giving helpful
assistance from administrative Schools.
Non-promoted Teachers.
Molepo (2017) stated the problems of non – promoted teachers such as (1)
discrimination and stereotyping in schools (2) lack of qualification and inadequate language
proficiency (3) lack of legal documents for employment. Teachers deals with different issues and
obstacle such as meager salaries, teaching style adjustment, heavy workloads, and also teacher
experience abused from the leaners Sevillana (2022)
Kayuni, Tambulasi (2007) stated that lack of motivation may have a negative impact on
teachers’ commitment. Teachers seeking promotion wish to maximize their influence and power
within their school, to have more freedom in their work and to establish new challenges in order
to relieve or reduce the threat of boredom Wong (2009). Many teachers pursue advancement in
teaching education to take the opportunity include the promotions, role transfers to other
educational positions with more responsibility in terms of leadership, administration or
specialization. Addition to this, the teacher wants to advance their teaching due to having high
salary that offer higher compensation and received advanced salaries. New responsibilities take
new roles for teachers such as specialization, and leadership. Development it offers the teachers
ability and enhance their thinking skills, in able to serve the students. Professional satisfaction
build/enhance teachers’ confidence and feel more valued to their ability in contributing to the
field of education. Furthermore, the teachers pursue advancement in teaching to take the
opportunities that includes departmental leadership and being expertise in coaching, mentoring,
assessment and manage other instructors. School administration, teachers want to advance in
order to transitioning out of the classroom and into administrative roles as superintendents,
deans, directors of admissions, school leaders, principals or assistant principals. Counseling
focus in counseling and supporting the students. Alternate paths it is where the teacher shift their
career and applying their skills in different industries. Indeed Editorial team (2021)
Wong, PM. (2009). Teachers and Promotion: Research Evidence on the Role of Gender,
Career Intentions, Promotion Criteria and Teacher Satisfaction Professions offer the opportunity
to pursue career that can be promoted that will refer as the passage to higher rank. In addition to
this, promotion can help to motivate employees that include opportunities to take advance pay,
recognition, desirable work assignments, and participation. Between promotion and job
satisfaction, job satisfaction is less important while the promotion is more important as a factor
of motivating teacher however, a few teachers is not pursuing their career advancement because
they do not want to move in other schools or administrative side of the things.
Arab World English Journal (2020) Teacher professionalism has qualifications such as
social and political that greater impact in professionalism furthermore, teaching professional
development has impact to their teaching abilities, knowledge, and career advancement. A
teacher's intrinsic motivation is influenced by task-related factors such as achievement,
recognition, advancement, and opportunities for growth (Jang, 2017)
According to Ndijuye,Tandika (2019), stated that personal and social status, classroom
environment, socioeconomic status, student behavior, exam stress, rewards and incentives, and
teacher self-confidence were shown to affect teacher motivation. In Guinea, the Education
Report (2012) indicates that preschool teachers had poor attitudes towards the profession. Poor
attitudes related to issues related to service conditions, low wages, fringe benefits, and other
systemic benefits such as professional support, participation in decision-making, and
professional development and training. The negative sense of community among some teachers,
causing insecurity and fighting against their chances of advancement Jerotich (2015)
Strategies of the teachers to conquer their problems for Professional Advancement.
Teachers should encourage the adaptive development and lifelong learning of all their
students, and encourage the development of their potential, life knowledge and civic
responsibility. Yi.Shih (2020). The specific strategy encourages schools to foster learning
communities and leadership learning so that mentor teachers, directors, team leaders, field
supervisors and promoters of various teaching communities play middle leadership roles and
every teacher has opportunities for professional growth, bringing expertise, professional
responsibility and educational leadership exercise (Pan, 2017). This creates a better quality of
education for students. Strategies for professional development. 1) Setting professional standards
for teachers and basic professional training for teachers. 2) Using international surveys to
improve teachers' professional development. 3) Strengthen educational leadership. 4)
Implementation of the system of support for teachers' professional development. Yi Shih (2020)
The teacher's strategies 1) workshop handouts, 2) journals, 3) self-assessment forms, and 4) peer
coaching. Osullivan (2002)
1. Workshop Handouts - Whether they're professionally crafted masterpieces or simple,
handwritten sheets, handouts can be an effective teaching tool. The workshop provides a way to
create an immersive educational experience, teach practical skills, and create a sense of
community in a short amount of time.The University of Kansas (2023)
2. Diaries – Dincel and Savur (2018) found in a qualitative study that keeping a reflective diary
helped teachers improve their writing skills, professional skills and personal development.
4. Peer Coaching – That means it is a tool that organizations with employees can use to
encourage collaboration, learning and growth. (Ryan Carruthers.2022)
Non-Promoted teachers
The trainer strategies 1) lesson observation, 2) learner assessment, 3) progress meetings, 4)
checklists, 5) trainer role and 5) demonstration lessons. O’sullivan 2002
1. Lesson Observation - It reviews and adjusts a teacher's performance, which means that
students get the most out of their lessons, improve their academic performance, and therefore
improve the school's overall performance. Duncan Ritchie, (2021)
2. Learner Assessment - Assessment for learning supports practitioners and helps them focus on
the learner and learning in individual sessions. Jones, (2005)
3. Progress Meeting – to review the previous week's work progress, discuss expected progress in
the following weeks, and review critical issues and potential issues. Cassie, (2014)
4. Checklist – The use of checklists in education can facilitate the learning process, aid in
memorization, and reinforce the concepts being studied. Further studies are needed to examine
the impact of checklists on the teaching of undergraduate and non-healthcare students. (Makram,
Wang, Vaghela, Gala, Quan, Minh Duc, Imoto, Moji, Huy, 2022)
Definition of terms
Professional Advancement.
The researchers assume the following:
Name: Year in service:
Age: Position:
1. How long did you prepare yourself before taking your (master’s degree, PPD EDD, Doctoral,
4. What are the things that makes you difficult before being promoted?
5. How did you conquer those difficulties?
9. Does computer literacy is a factor that affects your studying in grad school?
10. Does being promoted helps you to improve your teaching expertise towards different
learning styles of your students?
9. Does compiling files and reaching the DEPED standard are the one that discourage you on not