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2021-2022 Eng. Science. Tvee A-L Schemes.-1

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1-1 Engineering is the art of adapting materials and / or energy for society’s needs. Engineers design products and systems, produce them and monitor their usage.
1-2 Engineering Science is made up of aspects of the Physical Sciences and their application to technology and Engineering principles, processes and practices.
1-3 Advanced Level Engineering Science is intended for students of the higher Secondary school level or technicians in industries who wish to carry out further studies in
1-4 Knowledge of Ordinary level mathematics, physics and chemistry is required.
1-5 Students who have taken Engineering science at the Ordinary level will also find it a useful tool for the course at the Advanced level.



The syllabus for GCE Advanced Level Engineering Science, 7100 lays a foundation
- For future studies in Engineering related and occupational qualifications.
- For university courses in Engineering (Electrical, Civil, mechanical, Electronics, Water and Environmental Engineering etc)
- To produce high caliber, skilful, innovative, competent, knowledgeable, morally upright and internationally competitive graduates to serve in the
Conventional and emerging sectors in Cameroonian engineering sectors and the world, and with the capability to pursue higher degrees.


Successful candidates of GCE A/L in Engineering science 7100, could be employed by:
- Can be employed by Government Parastatals.
- Can find professional jobs both in private and public sector; e.g. Roads, Water, and Construction Industries, Training Institutes, Relevant Research
Organizations and NGO. They can also be employed in all Engineering related Consulting Firms.

A course in Advanced Level Engineering Science should aim at providing knowledge and skills required for the:
A. Application of known scientific principles and processes in the design of appropriate methods and devices (or systems) to solve given physical
B. Production, usage and monitoring Engineering systems and devices.
C. Qualitative and quantitative applications of concepts of the Engineering Sciences to familiar and unfamiliar situations.
The examination is intended to test the candidates knowledge and understanding of the Engineering Sciences and their applications to the solution of engineering problems.
Therefore, candidates are expected to demonstrate,
1. A broad knowledge of the scientific principles relevant to the Engineering and construction industries.
2. The ability to select, state and apply information, laws and principles to both routine and unfamiliar problems
3. The program provides students with a strong foundation of mathematical, scientific and engineering knowledge and prepares students for successful engineering careers.

4. The program provides students with the theoretical and practical knowledge, and an ability to design engineering structures within realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, and sustainability.
5. Students will be able to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using scientific approach.


 Students would be tested using the cognitive skills of Bloom’s taxonomy: application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
 Students would define, describe, identify, outline, explain, interpret, translate, compute, demonstrate, manipulate, predict, differentiate, illustrate, distinguish, infer, select,
separate, summarize, write, defend, discriminate, justify, criticize, compare, conclude, appraise.
- The examination will consist of three papers. The weighting of these activities in the entire examination will be: Paper [1] 25 %; Paper [2] 50 %; Paper [3] 25 %.
- The several types of questions included are intended to provide a test that covers the aims, and objectives set out above.

Paper. Type of questions. Duration. Marks Weighting. Number of question and specifications

Multiple choice 50 questions.The questions are based on the syllabus testing different objectives.
1 questions 1 h 30 min 50 25 %
Section A ; consists of 7 structured compulsory question.
2 Essay questions 3 hours 100 35 % Section B; consists of 5 essay questions for candidates to answer any three of their choice .(Only the
first three questions answered shall be considered if you answer more than three questions)
Section C is a question on data analysis.
3 Practical paper 3 hours 100 40 % -Mainstream practical exercise: Collection of data, analyzing of data, plotting of graphs, conclusion
-Two sub post (post 1 and post 2): identification and use of measuring instruments and other devices,
and setting up of simple systems.

 Star one (*) Questions relate to questions to be answered by candidates who have gone the through the Advanced Level Engineering Science course;
 Star two (**) Questions relate to questions to be answered by candidates who are good in Advanced Level Engineering Science;
 Star two (***) Questions relates to questions to be answered by candidates who are excelled in Advanced Level Engineering Science.

Knowledge: Comprehension: Application: Analysis: Synthesis: Evaluation:

Recall data and Understand the meaning, Use a concept in a new Separates material or Builds a structure or pattern Make judgement about
information translation, interpolation, situation or imprompted concepts into component from diverse elements. Put the value of ideas or
and interpretation of use of an abstraction. parts so that it organizational parts together to form a whole, materials.
instructions and problem Apply what was learnt structure may be understood. with emphasis on creating a
in ones’ own words in the classroom into Distinguishes between facts new meaning or structure.
novel situations in the and inferences
work place.

Recite a policy, Rewrite the principles of Use of manual to Troubleshoot a piece of Write a company operations or Select the most effective
Examples Quote prices test writing, explain in calculate employees’ equipment by using logical process manual. Design a solution. Hire the most
from memory to one’s own words the steps vacation time. Apply deductions. Recognize logical machine to perform a specific qualified candidates.
a customer, know for performing a complex laws of statistics to fallacies in reasoning. Gathers task. Integrates training from Explain and justify a
the safety rules task. Translate an evaluate the reliability information from a several sources to solve a new budget.
equation into a computer of a written test. department and select the problem. Revises and process
spreadsheet. required tasks for training to improve the outcome.

Defines, Comprehends, converts, Applies, changes, Analyzes, breaks down, Categorizes, combines, Appraises, compares,
Key words describes, defends, distinguishes, computes, constructs, compares, contrasts, complies, composes, creates, concludes, contrasts,
(verbs) identifies, knows, estimates, explains, demonstrates, diagrams, deconstructs, devises, designs, explains, criticizes, critiques,
labels, lists, extends, generalizes, give discovers, manipulates, differentiates, discriminates, generates, modifies, organizes, defends, describes,
matches, names, an example, infers, modifies, operates, distinguishes, identifies, plans, rearranges, reconstructs, discriminates, evaluates,
outlines, recalls, interprets, paraphrase, predicts, prepares, illustrates, infers, outlines, elates, reorganizes, revises, explains, interprets,
recognizes, predicts, rewrites, produces, relates, relates, selects, separates. rewrites, summarizes, tells, relates, summarizes,
reproduces, summarizes, translates. shows, solves, uses writes. supports
selects, states.



OBJECTIVE(S) (in terms of knowledge and competencies ( abilities and skills) )…The student would be able to explain natural phenomenon, (to define , state laws or principles), meet with challenges of life through the use of
scientific approach in problem solving, (acquire basic scientific knowledge), manage the environment in a sustainable manner, safeguard his/her health and that of all others in his/her surrounding, (state safety rules in the
workshop/ laboratory), imbibe the scientific method, use process skills to acquire knowledge, read security notices, communicate his/her results effectively and concisely, draw up simple projects for execution, maintain and
repair simple appliances, learners will perform experimental practices to acquire skills (observable, investigative, manipulative, creative, critical and scientific, the spirit of authority, self-reliance and team work), use basic
formulas, draw diagrams, identify, reproduce, describe, explain, distinguish, demonstrate, operate, plot and interpret graphs etc..

Period/ Objectives. Topic. content / lesson Competency

Weeks Evaluation References.
1 - Definition of atomic number, atomic mass, - Notion of how to calculate these quantities
2-1. ATOMIC STRUCTURE electrons, neutrons, protons. from the atomic and mass numbers.
2.1-1 Nature of atoms.

2 2.1-2- Chemical symbols - know the names and their chemical symbols. - Simple atoms should be studied.

3 2.1-3- Electron configuration - Definition and arrangements of electrons in Study and apply:-Aufbau Principle, Pauli -Students should study Sub
an atom. Use of spdf shell notation Exclusive principle, and Hund’s rule. Shells for elements; H, He,
Ne, C, O, Mg, Cl etc.
4 2.1-4 Isotopes and Isobars - Definition and Notations. - Demonstrate with simple examples: Chlorine,
Uranium, Magnesium etc.
5 2.1-5- Electrical and heat - Use the atomic structure to explain electrical - Demonstrate with simple examples: Chlorine,
conductivity: Metals and and thermal properties of materials. Uranium, Magnesium etc.
6 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

7-8 - Semi conductivity - State differences between metals, Insulators, - Examples of metals, insulators, and semi
and semi conductors. conductors should be used.
- Semi conductors should be used.
- State examples to demonstrate concepts.

9-10 2-2. CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. - Definitions, homogenous and heterogeneous Study experiments to separate mixtures Carry out simple Experiments on
-2.2-1 Atoms, Molecules, mixtures. Description of separating techniques, principle experiments on any of the separation techniques
Compounds, Mixtures, - Pure and impure substances. and justification of choice of technique. concepts separating
Solutions, solubility. - Simple and complex substances. techniques
- Application of separating techniques
(filtration, distillation, decantation,
centrifugation, Ion exchange)
11 2-3 CHEMICAL BONDING - Electrovalent (or ionic), Covalent, and - Use diagrams to explain the formation of Knowledge of hydrogen
-2.3-1 Types of chemical Metallic bonding. each bonding type. bond and Van der Waals’
bonding - List examples of each type. bonding is expected.
12 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

13-14 2.3-2- Characteristics of the - Formation processes of each bond type - Properties of each bonding type should be
various bonding types. should be studied. studied.

15 2.3-3- Intermolecular forces

and Brownian motion

16 2-4. CHEMICAL EQUATIONS. - Simple cases of balancing chemical equations - Combine reactants to form products - Students should know how
2.4-1- Chemical reactions to write chemical equations
and be able to balance
17-18 them.

19 2.4-2 Examples of chemical Some of the products are urea, and Students should study the
products used in industries. ammonium sulphate, hydrochloric acid, uses of these industrial
titanium oxide, Iron oxide, polyvinyl acetate, products
polyvinyl chloride.

20 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

21-22 2-5 AMOUNT OF SUBSTANCE. - Definitions - Formula with equation, C1V1 = C2V2
2.5-1- Mole, Molar mass, - Calculations of mole and concentration. - Molar volume = 22.4dm3, or 224000 cm3
Molar volume, Avogadro’s -Experiments on titration should be studied. - Avogadro’s constant is
number, Concentration. = 6.02 x 10 23 mol-1
23-24 4-11. -Size reduction ( grinding, crushing, Student should adapt this Experiment of
Industrial processes. granulation) e.g metal ores, -Study experimental methods in the separation information to the daily separation of mixtures
-Extraction (pressing, crushing) e.g oil palm of mixtures. activities in the
extraction, kernel oil, groundnut oil, etc. environment.
-Separation e.g solid-solid separation e.g.
sieving, magnetic separation to pick up
magnetic particles.

25-26 -Solid-liquid separation e.g. filtration,

decantation, sedimentation, centrifuge.
- Liquid-liquid separation e.g. decantation,
distillation, sedimentation.

27-28 2-6: OXIDATION AND - Definitions based on electron transfer. - The teacher should specify Carryout
REDUCTION. - Define ions and radicals (poly atomic ions) the substances losing or experiments on
2-6-1. Oxidation, Reduction, - Calculations of oxidation states of gaining electrons. redox titration; use
reaction and Oxidizing agent, compounds, ions, and radicals. permanganate and
Reducing agent. dichromate
29-30 2.6-2- Oxidation- reduction - Definitions and distinguish between the - Students should be familiar
couple and Oxidant-reductant couples in terms of electron transfer. with balancing redox
couple - Write balanced half-cell reactions reactions using H+(aq) or
H3O+(aq) and OH-(aq)

33 2-6-3. Acid-Base reactions - Write balanced redox reactions in acid or in Study of metals like Zn, Cu, Fe and compounds Experiment to
- Electrochemical series. basic medium e.g. CuSO4, AgNO3, H2SO4 etc. demonstrate Voltaic
34 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

35 - 2.6-4 Galvanic or Voltaic cell. - Notion of electrochemical series. - Apply the formula to calculate cell emf., EΦcell= Run simple
- Definition of Hydrogen electrode, Standard EΦR - EΦL
experiments to
electrode potential, Standard cell potential.
- Treatment of voltaic or galvanic cells Apply, Δ GΟ = - n F EΦcell establish the order of
- Example of the Daniel cell. And other galvanic To calculate maximum useful work done by the reactivity of a few
cells. cell reaction. anions and cations.
-Study the notation, Δ GΟ = - RT In Kc - Be able to write the standard cell
- Kc= Equilibrium constant
- Δ GΟ standard free energy change.
-F =Faraday’s constant = 96,500C
36 - 2.6-4 Galvanic or Voltaic cell. - Be able to describe the galvanic cell
- Apply Nernst equation

n = total number of electrons transferred

Q = Mass action expression for the reaction

37-38 2-7 ELECTROLYSIS. - Electrolysis of copper ( ii) sulphate solution - Study of Fuel cells and its advantages
-2.7-2 Electrolytic cell and using copper electrodes. -- Distinguish between voltaic /galvanic cell and
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis - Definitions of laws electrolytic cell.
- Stoichiometry of electrochemical reactions -polarisation and depolarising the electrodes of
-- Fuel cells and its advantages involving electric current and time. a battery in electrochemistry

39-40 -2.7-3 Industrial applications - Electroplating, electroforming, electro

of electrolysis. winning, electro refining, electro polishing,
electro machining
- Production of aluminum and sodium by
- Corrosion and prevention

1 ENGINEERING MATERIALS. - Define Density, relative density - Recognize the physical properties useful for -The teacher should guide -Experiment to
3-1-1. Properties of materials. -Study experiments to determine the densities Engineering purposes. the students on precautions determine:
- Physical properties. and relative densities of Solids and Liquids of the experiments. (i): the density of a
solid, liquids.
(ii): relative density of
solids and liquids.
-3.1-2- Mechanical properties - Young’s modulus of elasticity (E), shear -Control of metal properties (cold working,
of solids modulus (G), yield and Ultimate strength, annealing, tempering, impurities, alloys, and
elastic limit, Poisson’s ratio, ductility, working sintering)
stress and factors of safety. -Study an experiment to determine young’s
- Introduce the relation modulus.
E = 2G ( 1 + V )., V = Poison’s ratio: E = 3 B (1— 2 V); B = Bulk modulus.
B = Bulk modulus

2 3.1-3- Notion of normal stress - Compressive and tensile stress, normal strain, Should be able to plot Experiments to
shear stress and shear strain. stress-strain graphs and determine Young’s
- Relationship between stress and strain in the calculate the slope. modulus
elastic range.

3.1-4- Hooke’s law - Describe the procedure and interpretation of -describe the behaviour of springs in terms of
results of stress-strain curves. load, extension, elastic limit, Hooke’s law and
-explain elastic limit, yield point and plastic the spring constant
flow. -relate energy and area between the force-
extension graph and extension axes, when
elastic limit is not exceeded.
3 3;1-5-Design of simple -Applications in fork lift, cranes etc.
Engineering systems and - Tensile test for ductile materials
devices and simple machines
3-1-6: Resistant to adverse -Stainless steel, normal steel (coat with -distinguish between elastic and plastic Students should know the
atmospheric conditions. antirust paint,), protective coating (use deformation of a material uses of stainless steel in
electroplating). -deduce the strain energy in a deformed food industry, in
-pressure difference across a spherical material from the area under the force- manufacture of storage
interface. extension graph. tanks for food preservation,
-demonstrate knowledge of force-extension pipes, of tanks, filling
graphs for typical ductile, brittle and polymeric machines etc.
materials, with understanding of ultimate
tensile stress.

OPTICS. - Applications to pin-hole camera and Students should review the laws of reflection, Experiment to
5-1-1- Reflection at plane reflection at plane mirror. and carry out experiments to demonstrate the demonstrate reflection
surface. laws; of light.

4 5.1-2- Linear propagation - Image formation of an object placed between Carry out experiments
of light two mirrors inclined at 90º to demonstrate
- Rotation of plane mirrors multiple mirror images
- Deflection of rotated rays.

5 - Types of mirrors. - Carr out experiments to determine -Experiment to

5-2. Spherical mirrors. - Image formation. magnification in concave mirrors. determine focal length
- Uses of spherical mirrors in driving and and magnification of:
shaving. - Apply the formula in solving mirror exercises: 1).concave mirror by
- Spherical mirror formula.(real is positive locating the centre of
2 1 1 1 1 1
formula only) = + : and = + curvature.
r u v f u v 2).Concave mirror by
object image method.
3).Convex mirror by
locating virtual images.
6 - Evaluation / Filling of marks 4).Convex mirror using

7 5-3 Laws of refraction - State the laws of refraction -- Students should be able to derive the -Study of the determination -Experiment to
- Absolute refractive index formula. of Refractive index of liquids determine.
- Refraction at plane surfaces, through by concave mirror, by plane 1). the refractive index
composite parallel side slabs. mirror and convex lens. of a liquid.
- Real and apparent depth, apparent - study the principles and 2).the total internal
displacement. advantages of optical fibre reflection of a prism
- Passage of light ray through a prism systems. 3) The total internal
- Critical angle, total internal reflection. reflection in a prism.
(application to optical fibre systems) 4). refractive index of
- Problems on laws of refraction, refractive glass block and glass
index, critical angle and total internal prism, and the
reflection. refractive index of
water by real and
apparent depth
8 5-4-1 Thin Lenses - Types (converging and diverging), and a - Apply the formulas in solving exercises Describe experiment for Run experiment to
description of their physical apearance determining the focal length determine the focal
- Thin lens equations of a lens using the: length of a lens using
- Apply the formulas (a) plane mirror methods. the:
1 1 (e ): the Bessel and (a) plane mirror
=(n−1)(eaertrditfdstddrtdrfrr 7 t r 1+ ) Silbermann’s method. methods.
F r2 (c ): the concave mirror (e ): the Bessel and
1 1 1 method. Silbermann’s method.
And = + (d) By themagnification (c ): the concave
f u v method mirror method.
(d) By themagnification
9 5-4-2. Defects of Lenses. - Chromatic and spherical aberrations.
- Definitions , causes and correction
5-5 OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. - Definitions, and descriptive studies. Notion of the properties of the microscope and Experiments to
-(Eye, camera simple and - Ray diagrams of optical instruments. the eye ring should be studied. determine the angular
compound microscope, - Study of angular magnification of optical -Comparison of optical instruments magnification of,
astronomical refracting instruments. 2-Study the characteristics of the microscope (1).Simple microscope
telescope). - Image formation and ray diagrams. (the eye orbit power, magnification, resolution (magnifying glass)
2-calculation of the eye orbit power, power, adjustment) (2) Compound
magnification, resolution power, adjustment microscope
3-Apply P=

10 5-5-1 Colours of light - Definition,
- Analysis and synthesis of white light.
- Additive and subtractive colours.
- Addition and subtraction of colours and
application to colour television.
11 5.6- Photometry. - Definition of photometric units, Luminous ΔA
intensity, luminous flux. ΔF =I
- Dimension of colour. - Apply the formula r2
- Tint, purity, lightning, three colour effect,
- Finding total flux F=4 πI

13 ELECTRICITY 1-definition-and Normal presentation -state the laws associated with resistors Experiments to
A- Study of dipole receptors 2-State Ohm’s law for a resistor or receptor -master the use of ammeter, ohmmeter, determine voltage and
9.2-1-Ohmic conductors or 3-State Joule’s law multimeter and rheostat current values
resistors 4-Characteristics U(I), of a dipole - Study the experimental Variation of Ohm’s (a). measurement of
5- Production of electric current, charge law and be able to plot graphs of Voltage temperature
carriers, conductors and insulators, potential versus current coefficient of
difference. resistance.
6- Study the relationship between current and (b).measurement of
potential difference. current and voltage
9.2-2-- Resistance. - Define resistance and resistivity L The teacher should -Experiments to
- Study the effects of temperature on R=ρ : emphasis on the reading of determine the
resistance. A multimeter by the students resistance of a wire.
- Arrangement of resistors (series, parallel, R = RO ( 1 + α Δθ ) themselves and note the
combined series and parallel, calculation of - should apply shunt and multiplier in solving accuracy of the instrument.
equivalent resistance). problems
- Use multimeter as ammeter and voltmeter. - Study of the multimeter and its ranges.
-Applications in colour coding (Apply caisson table}

14 3. Engines (ie motors). 1-characteristics of a direct current engine

2-Resultant energy
3-calculate the output of a receptor
- Evaluation / Filling of marks

15 9.2-4-Study of generators. 1- Arrangement of generators in series and -know symbols, ideal and real sources of -Experimental
1- Electric generators parallel and determination of equivalent emf tension and current determination of
and internal resistance. -associate real and linear tension to Thevenin’s quantities associated
2- identical generators in parallel model with the following:
3- Mixed series and parallel generators limited a) Resistors in series
to identical generators in each branch. and in parallel
4- Generators in opposition and the concept of - Students should know the notion of the b) Cells in series and in
back emf motor and back emf (Eb) parallel.
5-characteristics of an active dipole 6-Resultant
energy output
7-Ohm’s law on generators
8-Thevenin’s model
16 2-Batteries and 1-Description and functioning -sketch measuring instruments
accumulators. 2-similarities and differences
3-Associated batteries
3-Photo voltage 1-Characteristics
2-Resultant energy

19 9-2-3 Relative network State Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws;

laws. 1- Net work analysis
1- Network analysis 2-March theory
3- Solve problems using Kirchhoff’s law

2-General analysis, and 1-Algebraic conventions in tension and -connect electric circuit from a given Run experiments to
Functioning intensity sketch connect electric
2-Resolve Kirchhoff’s equations, calculate circuit from a given
current with resistance and know the maximum
sketch, and read
values on

21 9-2-3 Power and Energy - Heat energy and power produced in electrical - Use the relation -Experimental
circuits. EI = IV + I2 r determination
- study the relationship E = I2R t -and IV = EbI + I2 r c) Capacitors in series
- Power as the rate of expending energy, study To solve simple exercises and in parallel
the relation, P = IV using the above equations d) Diodes in series and
-State Joule’s law, P = I2R for various combination of in parallel
- Calculation of efficiency of the generator and cells e) The internal
the motor. - And the efficiency of the resistance, r of a cells.
-Applications and disadvantages of Joule effect. system.
E- Protection of an electric 1-Causes;- over load, short circuit
Installation and safety 2-Definition of excess electricity, short-circuit,
1-The surgeon (excess current) electrification, electrocution
3-Protection;- fuse, thermal device or circuit breaker,
electromagnetic device

22 2. The human body as a conductor 1-Physiological effects (case of electrocution,

of electricity. electrification)
2-Causes of accidents and protections
-Direct contact;- Isolation of conductors
-Transformer of separation
-Indirect contacts;- Earth cable, differential device
3-Apply safety rules to prevent dangers from electric

9.2-4. Characteristics curves 1- Draw circuit diagrams containing

for current and voltage. transducers.
2- Determine the various forms of energy used
[3 lessons] up in the circuit.
3- Plot graph of I – V for a given transducer
and use the graph to determine the
characteristics of the device used.
23 4- know the expression,
EI =VI −I r
5- Determine the emf and internal resistance of
a transducer.
6- Relate the graph to the mathematical

9-4-1- Electromagnetism. - Magnets and magnetic field. Experiment to:02
1- Magnetic Field - - Interaction and properties of magnets. a) Deduce Magnetic properties of a bar magnet.
Evidence, Poles of a magnet, - Magnetic effects of electric current. b) draw the magnetic field lines and direction using a
face of coil. - Magnetic field due to current carrying wire bar magnet;
c) draw magnetic field of a wire carrying current
d) locating the poles of a magnet
e) deducing Neutral points of bar magnets
24 2. Magnetic field vector 1-Define; magnetic field; field lines; magnetic
2-Characteristics of a magnetic field around
current-carrying conductor
3-Measurement of magnetic field and unit
4-Magnetic spectrum
3. Earth magnetic field 1-Components of the earth’s magnetic field

4. Magnetic field of current 1-Rectilinear current -calculate the magnetic field of current carrying
2-The solenoid, Flat coil and Helmholtz coils solenoid, Flat coil and Helmholtz coils
3-Define Ampere’s law
25 G-Magnetic field of current 1-Evidence (proves)
carrying conductor (Torque) 2-State the law of Laplace and the role for
1-Rectilinear conductor maximum flux
2. Rectangular conductor 1-moment of a couple in a magnetic field - study the production of alternating current Experimental
2- moving coil galvanometer, electric magnetic using a coil and bar magnet. production of A.C. in
moment. And current sensitivity. coils and bar magnets.
- Use of magnetic fields in everyday life e.g.
telephone receiver, electric bells, magnetic
separator etc.
- Production of alternating current
2--Electrodynamics and loudspeaker
3. Work done by 1-Notion of flux and unit of flux -expression for flux in a uniform magnetic field
electromagnetic force 2-Inductance of a solenoid in a plane surface.
3-Roles of maximum flux
4-Expression and calculation of work of the
electromagnetic force.
26 H-Electromagnetic induction 1-Experiment- Interpretation -visualise emf of a coil with an oscilloscope
1-Experiment- Interpretation
2-Lenz’s law and energy 1-State and apply Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law -name the causes of induced emf in a circuit
aspects. 2-Inducd emf, voltage and current
3-Evaluation of power
3- Applications 1-Rotating magnetic field -name the applications of electromagnetic
- Alternator; 2-Alternator; --Description, induction phenomenon
-principle of action
-Theoretical and practical emf
-Transformer; 3-Transformer; -Description; -principle of Calculations involving transformers
action; -Representation, -Transformation
27 I-Self-induction-RL circuits. 1-Experiment- Interpretation -use an oscilloscope
2-Induced emf;- -apply the formula giving the induced emf and
-Equation of voltage drop across a coil. electromagnetic energy stored in a coil
2-Lenz’s law and energy 1-State and apply Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law -name the causes of induced emf in a circuit
aspects. 2-Inducd emf, voltage and current
3-Evaluation of power

9-6 ELECTRONICS. - Discovery of electrons. - Thomson’s apparatus should be studied.
9-6-1. Electrons. - Properties of electrons, effects of magnetic
and electric field on electrons.
- The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)
28 D-Simple Electronic 1-Description and symbol Experiment on diode
connections 2-Characteristics of static current and tension values.(characteristics,
9-6-2. Semi conducting diode- in silicon diode diode resistance, diode
Zener diode. 3-Application of the adjustable diode.eg as as rectifiers).
4- Pure and impure semiconductors; electrons
and holes, charge carriers, P-type and N-type
semiconductors, PN junction.
9-6-3- Junction transistor 1-description and symbol -description of dissymmetric junctions NPN -Experimental study of
(bipolar transistor) 2-functioning domain of a transistor and PNP the transistor as;
-calculate amplification coefficient -draw diagrams to show the make up and a) a switch and
3-- The simple transistor, resistance loaded functioning of a transistor b) an amplifier
amplifier, transistor as a switch, the load line.
- study the output characteristics and load line
29 9-6-5 Microchips and ICS - Descriptive study / treatment.
amplifiers. - Operational amplifier (OP amp)
-Study of properties, transfer characteristics,
op amp voltage amplifier, voltage gain , and
voltage comparator
30 3- Detectors or sensors. 1-photoresistors and thermistors.
2-exploit their characteristics
E-Experimental study of an 1-principal functioning Experimental study of
operational amplifier 2-description and symbol an operational amplifier
1-General presentation

33 1-normal representation of an operational -know the linear and saturated

amplifier -the inverse and non-inverting amplification
2-Linear OP-AMP circuit 2-Inverting and summing voltage amplifier -represent only two entering terminals
3-Non-linear OP Amp circuit
4-know two methods of functioning of an
E1∧E 2,and one exit U S terminal
operational amplifier.
(linear tension , U E <U E max and saturated
tension U E >U E max
5- Make a measuring table U E and U S Trace
the chart U S (U E) and that with the function
of the amplifier
6-Calculate the coefficient of saturation

9.6-6. Logic gates. - Definition - construction of the following gates: - Study both British and -Experimental
- Types of logic gates;- NOT, AND, OR, - NOT, AND, NAND, OR and the deduction of American symbol of logic construction of the
- Truth tables for a simple system. their truth tables. gates. following gates:
Applications to familiar and unfamiliar systems - OR gates and AND
e.g security systems, fire alarm circuits gates;
-NOT gate and NAND,
-NAND gates and NOT
gates - NOT gate and
AND gates
34 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

35 D-Motion of a charged 1-Know expression of Lorentz force -Calculations involving the particle initial
particle in a uniform magnetic ⃗
F =q ⃗v ᴧ ⃗
B . (the charged particle is in speed vector ⃗
V o at right angles to magnetic
field. ⃗
B. constant and uniform magnetic field)
field vector ⃗
1-Action of ⃗
B on a charged 2-Energy aspect of the Lorentz force

C- Motion of a charged 1-Electrostatic force -Calculations involving the charged particle in

particle in a uniform electric 2-Acceleration constant and uniform electric field
field. E 3-Energy
1- Particles in E
36 3-3 WOOD - Characteristics The types of wood found in the Cameroonian Some preservative methods:
3.3-1 WOOD PRODUCTS - Classification, (Hard woods and soft wood) forest, classified as hard and soft wood painting, vanishing, drying
- Mechanical properties. etc.
-Preservation of wood
3-3-2 -Plywood and glued - Definition, - Focus on the concepts and definitions only.
laminated wood. - Processes
3.3-3-Application -Site construction industries
-Examples of some Cameroon timber.
37 3-4 CONCRETE. - Coarse and fine aggregate, cement, water
3.4-1- Constituent materials. and mixture
3.4-2-Properties - Study mechanical and physical properties.

3.4-3-Applications - Study the structural applications of concrete.

38 3-5 PLASTICS AND CERAMICS - Raw materials -students should be able to distinguish Students should note the
- Making and shaping of plastics. between thermoset plastics and uses of low and high density
- Characteristics and properties. thermoplastics in terms of property, type, polyethylene, and polyvinyl
- Industrial applications. structure and examples. chloride.

10.-SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY - Awareness of the effect of scientific and - Study should be made on environmental -
AND THE ENVIRONMENT. industrial activities on the natural environment hazards (volcanic eruptions, floods, earth
- Understanding of concepts such as pollution quakes, land slides, drought, bush fire), their
( air, water, ) effects and prevention.
- Study of toxic waste, acid rain, global
warming, depletion of the ozone layer,
greenhouse effect.
- Contribution of man to environmental

39 11.-INSTRUMENTATION. -Use of measuring instruments to obtain Example: meter rule, Vernier calipers, micro- The accuracy of the Experiment carried out
readings. meter screw gauge, scale balance, measuring instruments to respect the accuracy
-Study the principles of measuring instruments, thermometer, Newton meter, stop watch, should be respected when of the instruments-
and deduce accuracies from the instruments measuring cylinder, wheatstone bridge, reading data from it. -Verniercalipers,
potentiometer, sonometer. -Micrometer screw
-Scale balance, -
-Newton meter, -Stop
watch, Meter rule, -
Measuring cylinder, etc

12.-INDUSTRIAL SAFETY -Safety rules and -Safety symbols -Plan visits to many industries and study their Teacher and students
-Individual safety equipment and uses safety equipment and principles. should go out for an
-Industrial safety-methods, industrial visit before the
-Precautions and routines. examination is written.
40 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

41--47 June to July Official Examination Revision and writing certificate .







OBJECTIVE(S) (in terms of knowledge and competencies ( abilities and skills) )…The student would be able to explain natural phenomenon, (to define , state laws or principles), meet with challenges of life through the use of
scientific approach in problem solving, (acquire basic scientific knowledge), manage the environment in a sustainable manner, safeguard his/her health and that of all others in his/her surrounding, (state safety rules in the
workshop/ laboratory), imbibe the scientific method, use process skills to acquire knowledge, read security notices, communicate his/her results effectively and concisely, draw up simple projects for execution, maintain and
repair simple appliances, learners will perform experimental practices to acquire skills (observable, investigative, manipulative, creative, critical and scientific, the spirit of authority, self-reliance and team work), use basic
formulas, draw diagrams, identify, reproduce, describe, explain, distinguish, demonstrate, operate, plot and interpret graphs etc..
Period/ Objectives/ Topic. content / lesson Competency
Weeks Evaluation References.
1 2-8 ORGANIC 2.8-1- General characteristics - Definitions
CHEMISTRY - General characteristics of organic chemistry
2 2.8-2- Hydrocarbons, - Alkanes, Alkenes, alkynes - Calculations to obtain the empirical The teacher should ensure
Nomenclature and reactions. - General molecular formulas, and molecular formula of hydrocarbons that the students are able to
- Isomers of hydrocarbons, and alcohols. calculate empirical formula
- Reactions with chlorine, water, hydrogen, and -Understanding and definition of and molecular formula.
oxygen empirical formula
-Description of Laboratory preparation of methane,
ethene, and ethyne

3 2.8-3- Aromatic hydrocarbons - Definitions, cycloalkanes,

- Cracking, (methane, ethane and industrial uses of
products), reforming, plat forming, alkylation,
polymerization, isomerization
4-5 2.8-4-Aromatic compounds. -Definition Calculations to obtain the empirical and
(Benzene, and alcohols) - Reactions of benzene with nitric acid and chlorine. molecular formulas of alcohols
And Isomerism of alcohols. - Reactions of alcohols: oxidation, hydration,
substitution and isomers of alcohol

6 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

7-8 2.8-5 - - Types of polymerization (addition and - Know the monomers, structure and
Polymers and Polymerization condensational) -Examples:- Nylon, balanced equations of each polymer
polyvinylchloride, polyethylene, benzene. PVC and Teflon and nylon
1-Define polymerisation and poly-condensation
2-Know the methods of preparing polymers
3-Know the test to identify polymers
9 2.8-6 -Oil Refining. 1-Extraction of natural gas.
1- Extraction and Composition 2-Composition of crude oil.
10 3- Fractional distillation [thermal - Method of separating mixtures of organic -environmental problems;- (thermal
and catalytic] compounds. pollution of water, emission of dust
1-definitions of cracking, distillation, reforming containing heavy metals, the problem of
2-know the ecological problems due to refining used water)
3-Principle of fractional distillation(fractionating
11 4. Transformation of crude oil 1-processes involved
-physical and mechanical properties of polymers and
- Mention industrial applications.
12 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

13-14 2.8-7-Organic solvents -Toluene, acetone, ethanol, cyclo- pentane, white Study their properties and applications Study precautions and uses
spirit. Etc. of organic solvents.

15-16 -Organic compounds having 2. Aldehydes and ketones [Nomenclature. General Study their properties and applications
oxygen in their functional group. formula, chemical properties, preparation].
[ Aromatic compounds ] -Aldehydes are sensitive to Schiff’s reagent, DNPH,
Tollens reagents, and Fehling’s liquor
19 3-Carboxylic acids.[Nomenclature. General formula, - for esterification study know the role
chemical properties, preparation]. of temperature and catalyst,
-kinetics of the reaction
-applications of ester(saponification)
- -the importance of buffer solution
20 - Evaluation / Filling of marks
21-22 4-compare pH of hydrochloric acid and acetic acid
5-practice and sketch curves of weak acids- strong
6-introduction of Ka, pKa, the α -dissociation ratio
of carboxylic acids
23-24 4-Test to identify functional groups, saturated and
unsaturated hydrocarbons.

25-26 3. Carboxylic acids. [Nomenclature. General

formula, chemical properties, preparation and uses].

27-28 D-Metallurgy E-Elaboration of some metals. 1.Structure of metals on atomic and microscopic Determination of quantities obtained Students should be familiar
scale from extraction processes. with the structures and
1-General methods. 2-Apply faraday’s law (case of electrolysis) -Define unit cells examples of HCP, BCC and
3.2-1 Pure metals (or single - Aluminum, copper, Iron, sodium. FCC materials
component metals ) - Study extraction and manufacturing processes
- Study hexagonal closed packed (HCP) (simple
cubic), Body centered cubic (BCC), Face centered
cubic (FCC) and body centered tetragonal (BCT)
29-30 3.2-2 Alloys (or alloyed metals) 1-Interpretation of binary diagrams and the case of -use the solidification diagram of binary
solidification compounds to describe the solidification
2-diagrams of Iron and carbon of alloys
- Steel, brass, duralumin, bronze. -Knowledge of the constituent elements
- Study their constituent elements and uses of each. and compounds in the alloys, their
properties and applications
33 3- Transformation of binary solids 1-Transformation of binary solids.
34 - Evaluation / Filling of marks
35 4- Heat treatment. 1-Interest of heat treatment.

36-37 E-Elaboration of some metals. 1-Apply faraday’s law (case of electrolysis) Students should be familiar
1-General methods. - Aluminum, copper, Iron, sodium. -Define unit cells with the structures and
3.2-1 Pure metals (or single - Study extraction and manufacturing processes examples of HCP, BCC and
component metals ) - Study hexagonal closed packed (HCP) (simple FCC materials
cubic), Body centered cubic (BCC), Face centered
cubic (FCC) and body centered tetragonal (BCT)

38 2-Application in siderurgy 1-Know the principle of soldering and
(soldering) and in Aluminothermy Aluminothermy (i.e. thermal welding)

39-40 3.2-3- Extraction, refining and - As rolling, forging, drawing and cold forming. -Study these extractions from their ores
shaping of metals. - Study the principles, properties and usage. No to finished products.
details of the processes is required. - Study the physical properties of metals
and alloys;
1 Units and 1-1 Base Quantities and Units of - Knowledge of the basic S.I. units of base - state and breakdown the SI base
Dimension System International (SI units) quantities; length, time, mass, current, amount of quantities and their units; length (m),
substance temperature, luminous intensity, mass (kg), current (A), temperature (K),
amount of substance (mol), time (s)
1-2. The S.I. derived units(SI) - Know the relationship between derived quantities -Express derived units as products or
-Homogeneity of physical equations. quotients of the base units.
-Use base units to check the
homogeneity of physical equations.
2 1-3 Names and symbols of S.I. -Knowledge of these prefixes will be assumed in
prefixesetc: milli, micro, nano, kilo, numerical problems.
1-4 DIMENSIONS - Dimensions of theses base quantities should be - Demonstration of these units in
1-4-1; Relation between physical stated. Mass(M), Length (L), Time(T) current,(I), physical quantities should be carried
quantities and other basic amount of substance (mol), temperature, (K) out.
quantities -Knowledge of dimensional homogeneity, - Apply to simple examples / exercises
dimensional analysis. -use standard measuring instruments to
obtain units.
3 MECHANICS 4-1-1- Vectors and scalar - Definition of vector and scalar quantities
quantities. - Expressions in Cartesian form
4.1-2- Operations on vectors. - Graphical representation.
Vector addition and multiplication of vectors by
- Scalar and vector products.
- Application of scalar products.
4.1-3- Resolution of vectors. - Vector addition and multiplication of vectors by
- Scalar and vector products.
- Application of scalar products.
4 4.1-3- Resolution of vectors. -Rectangular components of vectors.
- Applications to forces.
4.1-4- Unit vectors - Unit vectors in X, Y, Z direction. Emphasize on the dot and
cross products.
4.1-5- Addition and subtraction of - Study by summing and subtraction of the
vectors. rectangular components.
- Application to resultant of concurrent coplanar
4.1-6- Application. - Examples of scalar products of the vectors to work Ability to analyses and solve vector
done. equations.
- Examples of vector products to moment of a force,
area of rectangles and triangles etc.

5 4-2-1 –Uniform rectilinear motion. - Definitions and units
- Rectilinear motion of bodies
- Displacement, velocity and speed (average and
instantaneous velocity)
6 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

7 4.2-2- Graphs. - Solve problems using velocity-time graphs.

- Distance – time graphs
4.2-3-Acceleration and - Definition and units. - Students should be able to determine Exploit the skills of drawing
deceleration. - Determine the acceleration from the slope of the total distance traveled by a body graphs and handling of data.
velocity-time graph from a velocity-time graph.
- study deceleration as negative acceleration
4-2-4 Free Fall - Definition of free fall - The simple pendulum Experiment to
- Solve examples on free fall (acceleration due to or oscillatory string method should be determine
gravity, g) applied to study g acceleration of
- study of experimental determination of g gravity , g.
8 4.2-5-Rectilinear motion with -Equations of linear motion. Apply equations V =U +at ,
uniform velocity 2 2
. v =U +2 aS ;
1 2
S=Ut+ a t ; S=Vt ;
1 2
S=Vt− a t
- To Solve simple examples
4.2-6- Kinematics - Acceleration as derivative of velocity,
a = dV/dt
- Velocity as derivative of displacement,
V = dS/dt
9 4-3- Forces - Types of forces. Study forces in equilibrium. Experiment to
- Forces acting at a distance (gravitational, magnetic determine forces in
and electrostatic forces) equilibrium.
- Definition of weight as example of forces on a
4-4- Newton’s laws of motion. - State the three laws of motion and show their
mathematical relationship.
- Application to simple Engineering problems
4.5-1 Linear momentum - Definition and units
- State the relationship between force and the rate
of change of momentum.
- study the impulse.
10 4.5-2- Conservation of linear - State the conservation law of linear momentum - Experiment to
momentum - Solve examples relating to direct impacts determine the
- Notion of elastic and inelastic collisions. coefficient of
restitution for elastic
and inelastic collision.

4.5-3-Motion of changing mass. -Flow of water
- Flow of sand on a conveyor belt etc.
- Solve simple problems.
-Rocket propulsions.
11 4-6 .Friction (static and dynamic) - Definition. - Students should be able to perform carry out experiments
- State the laws of friction for various surfaces in calculations involving the coefficient of to determine the
contact. friction coefficient of static
- Application of friction in brake lining friction
12 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

13 4-7 -1-Uniform circular motion. - Definition of the angular motion of a body in a -Apply the equations in solving
circle. exercises;
- Relationship between angular and linear motion. V =R ω
- Uniform motion in a circle.
Differentiate between couple and torque.
- Work done by couple and torque.
- Power as the product of torque and angular P=ω Γ
4.7-2-Centripetal and centrifugal - Definitions - distinguish between centripetal and
forces - Examples and uses of centrifugal effects (conical centrifugal forces.
pendulum, banking required for roads, centrifuges,
and other applications)
4-8.Energy, Work, Power. - Definition of energy - Students should distinguish between
4.8-1- Mechanical energy. - Types of energy and units, kinetic and potential energy
- Kinetic and potential energy, gravitational
potential energy, potential energy in a stretched
14 4.8-2- Law of conservation of - Conservation of mechanical energy.
energy. - Changes of energy of a falling body and a body
oscillating as a simple pendulum.
4.8-3-Work - Definition and determination of work and unit. Apply the equation:
4.8-4-Power - work of a constant and variable force ∆ W =∆ Ke
- state the work-energy theorem
P = F.V
- Definition as rate of doing work and unit f work
- power as the product of force and velocity
15 4.8-5. Renewable energy. - Definition of sustainable and renewable energy Methods of exploitation of
(solar, wind , geothermal, hydroelectricity, biofuels) these energy sources, the
- Different extraction technologies, advantages and various technologies
short comings) associated with renewable
energy, advantages of the
various renewable sources.
4-9-1- Equilibrium of Bodies. - Notion of free body diagrams in solving problems. - Study of coplanar forces in equilibrium. Experiment on
- Notion of coplanar and concurrent forces. coplanar forces in
16 4.9-2- Equilibrium conditions. - Two, three and four concurrent coplanar forces in Solving of problems by vector diagrams
equilibrium. and by vector sums
- The method of solution should be both graphical
and algebraic

19 4.9-3- Moments. - Define moment of a force about a point or about Perform calculations on moments Experiment to
an axis (couple) demonstrate the
- Equilibrium conditions of parallel forces principle of moments.
4.9-4- Applications - Levers like, see-saw, the spanner, sugar tongs, and - Classify the levers into First class, Students should study the Experiment on simple
reactions at supports of beams, human elbow, second class, and third class. gear box system in the machines.
inclined plane construction of simple -To determine the
machines in industries e.g. velocity ratio and
grinding machine, screw mechanical advantage
conveyor of an inclined plane.

20 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

21 4-10 Properties of rigid bodies. - Center of gravity, center of mass and centroid.
- Algebraic methods will be required to determine
the centroid of regular and irregular shapes.
22 FLUID MECHANICS - Definition of fluids and examples. -Study experiments to show that the Experiment to
6-1-1 Hydrostatics - Differences between gases and liquids. pressure of a liquid increases with depth demonstrate pressure
of liquids increases
with depth.
6.1-2- Properties of fluids. - Density, specific gravity, unit weight, Viscosity, Experiments to
surface tension. determine the relative
density of a solid and
liquid using
-U-tube method and
-Hydrometer method
-Spring balance
6.1-3- Pressure at a point in a - A Liquid exerts pressure on the walls of the -Study characteristics of pressure and - Carry out simple Experiment on
liquid in static equilibrium. container. properties of pressure. experiments to demonstrate pressure
- Pressure is perpendicular to the surface on which these characteristics. characteristics.
it exerts. -
- Pressure at a point in a liquid is the same in all
23 6.1-4 Fundamental principles of -The equation should be used
PA – PB = ρ g h
In practical applications of siphons, equilibrium of
immiscible liquids in the same vessel or in
communicating vessels.
6.1-5 Pascal’s principle - Formal statement and practical applications in Experiments on
hydraulic Press (brake system of a car), barometers, atmospheric pressure.
pneumatic press etc.

24 6.1-6- Manometers - Different types and mode of operation. Experiments on

- Practical applications e.g measurement of blood measuring pressure
pressure. with manometers

6.1-7- Pressure forces on plane -Only plane vertical and horizontal surfaces will be
surfaces (center of pressure) tested (limit the surfaces to rectangular surfac4es).

6.1-8- Pressure distribution along -Application to sluice gates, dams etc.

the height.

25 6.1-9-Archimedes’s principle - Definition and calculation of upthrust for cork, -Carry out experiment to determine Experiment to
balloons, ships, submarines etc upthrust and verify Archimedes’ determine the upthrust
principle. and Archimedes’
6-2-1. Hydrodynamics. - Notion of laminar and turbulent flow. - Study the equation of continuity: -Students should be familiar
- Continuity of fluid flow. V 1 A 1=V 2 A 2 and
with simple exercises
- Application to the flow of liquids of constant applying these formulas.
density through a tube of changing cross section;
determination of flow regimes by use of Reynolds VCρL
number ℜ=
26 6.2-2 Bernoulli’s Principle - State the principle of Bernoulli - Apply the equation: Experimental
- Apply to simple cases of laminar flow. 2 verification of fluid
- Use the Venturi meter to study the velocity of P= ρ g h+ ρ =Constant flow.
fluids at a given point. 2
- Flow of liquid through a hole. - Apply Torricelli’s formula
V = √2 g h
6.2-3- Movement of fluids and - State the laws of stoke and Poiseuille’s - Apply the formulas; F = 6 π η r V Experiment for
objects in fluids. - Apply the laws in solving exercises. 4 determination of
- Notion of terminal velocity. and,
π r (P1 −P 2) viscosity.
-viscosity (drag) and boundary layer. ¿¿
2 r 2 g( ρ−σ )
V t=
And, 9η
Wave motion 7-1-1. Definition and examples 1-Definition of wave motion
2-describe the effect of persistence of vision on the
1-definition of harmonic wave motion and Period -study only harmonic wave motion Experimental variation
2-Harmonic wave motion. 2-Define frequency, wavelength, and velocity of a -Speed of transverse waves in: of frequency of a
wave. a) Stretched string or wire stretched string with
3-State Fourier theorem V = √ ( T /μ) (1) variation in length
(2) variation in tension

3-. Experiment 1-apply the principle of the Stroboscopy - describe the effect of persistence of
2-Rotating mirrors the retina
7-2--Progressive waves. 1-Mechanical waves, sound and light waves
1-Examples 2- Notion of transverse and longitudinal waves
should be studied.

1-the analytic equation of a progressive wave. -Speed of longitudinal waves in;
Y1 = a Sin( ω t + K x ) a) in Liquids. V = √ ( B /ρ)
2-Double periodicity and wave vector b) in solid rod, V = √ ( E /ρ)
2-Unidirectional progressive 3-calculate the energy carried by progressive wave c ) in gases, V = √ ( γ P /ρ)
waves. 4- Velocity of longitudinal and transverse waves in a
solid medium (relation between velocity of
propagation, young’s modulus (E) and shear
modulus (G)
3-Spherical or circular progressive 1-wave surface
waves 2-wave radius
3-Apply C= F /μ √
7-3--Superposition of waves 1-Fresnel construction
1-. Addition of sinusoidal 2-Define , describe and explain interference
quantities ( functions) phenomenon
3-know Laplace equation
1-- Definition., (phase difference, path difference, - Apply the equations, LD -Young crack, wave
-Derivation of: Y = curve
coherence, angular separation) 2π L mλ a
- Principles of Young’s double slit interference. φ= and θ=
2- Use relation giving inter-fringe and the difference λ a Ya
2-Mechanical and luminous
of distance -bright fringes: =mλ
interference D
-dark fringes
= m+ λ
2 ( )
xx 3-Stationary waves 1- Definition and Principle of superposition of --Melde cord, Kundth trombone, - -open pipes at both
waves should be studied. conditions of resonance with Melde cord ends, open pipe at one
2-Derivation of stationary wave equation - Explain and differentiate between end
3-Melde experiment these quantities. Y1 = a Sin( ω t + K x )
4-describe and explain stationary sound wave and
5-Electromagnetic waves
Y2 = a Sin( ω t – K x )
SOUND 1. Nature of simple sound 2-
1- Nature of simple sound Production of Sound.
- Notion of rarefaction and compression should be
2. Propagation and speed of sound 1-Speed of Sound in air -
in air, wavelength, and period 2-definition of wavelength and calculation
3-Measure the speed of sound using resonance
30 3. Physiological characteristics of 1-Definition of sound intensity The threshold intensity value is Ι0 = 10 Make emphasis on the Experiment on the
musical sounds. 2-Level of sound intensity —12
W m—2 interference effects of concepts of resonance.
3-Threshold intensity of sound -Apply the equation sound, and to carry out To determine:
4- Pitch, loudness and intensity, timbre (tone or Ι (db) = 10 log ( Ι / Ι0 )
quality) experiments using (a). The speed of sound
resonance. (b). The end correction

4-apply relation;,
L=10 log P/ PO And,
L=20 log P/ PO
31-32 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

33 4- Ultra-sound 1-Echo graphic and applications

7.6 Stroboscopy - Definition and principles.

- Application of stroboscopes in periodic motions.
PERIODIC WAVEMOTION. - Definition -Apply the equations,

7-1-1 Vibrations. - Free vibrations of particles XO
- Notion of periodic, frequency, and amplitude T =2 π K
, ¿ V O =X O
VO m
14 7.1-2- Simple harmonic motion. - Case study- simple pendulum, vibrations of
- Study the principle of energy conservation in
simple harmonic motion.
-and T =2
√ L
the equations;
g a = - ω X,
T = 2π √ ( m⁄ K ) and

V = √(B2 – X2 ) K ⁄ m and

-the speed, V = - ω √(B2 – X2 )

-Study of energy
KE + PE = Constant
½m V2 + ½K X2 = ½ K XO
SHM Experiment to
accelerationdue to
gravity, g
a = -- X K⁄ m

7.1-3- Forced harmonic motion. - Definitions

- Notion of natural frequency and resonance.
- Application in engineering practice.

7.1-4- Damped harmonic motion Definitions and principles. -Experimental study of damped motion. Experiment on
-Study the equation, damping simple
E = ½ K B ℓ-b t ⁄m harmonic motion of
15 THERMODYNAMICS 8-1-1. States of matters. - Solids, Liquids, Gaseous Experiments to
. - Intermolecular forces and changes of phase. demonstrate Brownian
- Brownian motion motion.
8-1-2 Temperature and - Definition of temperature and heat. - Students should be able to convert Experiment to measure
thermometry. - Different temperature scales (Celsius, from one scale to another. the apparent cubic
Reaumur,Fahrenheit, Kelvin) - Compare liquids like water and expansivity of liquids.
- Different types of thermometers (mercury in glass alcohol.
thermometers, thermocouples, pyrometers) - Apply the equations,
- Other liquids should be compared to mercury as Θ ⁄100 = (Xθ– XO ) ⁄ (X100 -- XO)
thermometric liquids. -TK = θ˚C + 273
-TF = 9⁄5 θ˚C + 32
8-1-3 Thermal Expansion. - Definitions -Be familiar with and do calculations -Experiments of.
- Linear, area, volume expansion of solids, with the expressions; (1) apparent cubic
coefficient of linear, superficial and volume L = L0 (1 + α Δθ ) expansivity of liquids
(weight thermometer)
expansion and the relationship between them. A = A0 (1 + β Δθ )
(2) apparent cubic
- Expansion of fluids relative to their containers. V = V0(1 + γ Δθ)
expansivity of liquids
by Archimedes

16 8.1-4- Application of thermal - Study should be made with bimetallic strip and its - The teacher should Carry Experiment to
expansion and contraction. uses e.g. thermostats etc. out experiment to demonstrate (a). The
- minimizing unwanted effects of expansion and demonstrate the expansion expansion of liquids
of solids, liquids and air. (b). the expansion of
- Solution to problems involving changes in
temperature and dimensions. With the students. air.
(c ). The expansion of
8-2 Heat transfer. - Definition Apply the equations solids.
- Experiment on:
- Mechanism of thermal conductivity of substances. (a). The heating of cold
8.2-1- Conduction dQ dθ
- Rate of heat transfer through walls. =−K A liquids.
- Definition of thermal resistance and thermal dt dX (b).The movement of
conductivity. heat along a rod.
- Notion of Insulators and insulation.- (c ). The cooling of hot
Solution to simple problems involving Fourier’s law. liquids
8.2-2- Convection - Definition dQ/dt = h∆θ
- Mechanism of heat transfer by convection.
8.2-3-Radiation - Definition Apply the equations
- Mechanism of heat transfer by radiation.
- Use of Stefan-Boltzmann’s law to explain the rate E 4
of heat transfer by radiation from a body. =Aσ T
(σ = Stefan –Boltzmann constant )
- The Wien’s displacement law,
λmaxT = constant
19 8-3 Gases. - State Gas laws:- Boyles’s law, Charles’s law, PV Experiment to
(Thermal constraints.) Pressure law. =constant investigate (a). Boyle’s
- Kinetic theory of gases. T Law
- Ideal gas equation, PV = nRT - Solve problems of P, V, and T (b ). Charles’s law.
-solid and liquid expansion Using PV = nRT,
-compressibility of gas
-law of perfect gas
20 - Evaluation / Filling of marks

21 3-Thermal balance. 1-First law of thermodynamics Statement of the law and its application
2-Cyclic transformation of open loop and closed to simple engineering systems.
loop systems
3-Experiment of Joule
22 8-4 Calorimetry. - Definitions: - The principle of conservation of energy Treat experiments using: - Experimental
-Quantity of heat - Heat capacity, specific heat capacity. should be used to do simple (a) electrical method determination of
- use of Calorimeter to measure the specific heat calculations. (b) method of mixtures specific heat capacity
capacity ( or heat capacity) ( c) method of cooling. of solids and liquids,

8-5- Changes of state. - Definition of latent heat. The principle of conservation of energy Experiment to
8.5-1-Latent heat - specific latent heat of fusion and vapourisation should be used to do simple determine specific
calculations. latent heat of fusion
and vapourisation of
solids and fluids (water,
23 8.5-2-Evaporation of water. - Definition Note the position of
- Factors affecting the rate of evapouration. instruments e.g. air
- Molecular explanation of evapouration. conditional at the top of the
- Principle of functioning. room, water heater at the
- Boiling and saturated vapour pressure. bottom, etc

8.5-3- Refrigerators (Heat pump) - Notion of coefficient of performance (COP) and QC

and heat engines. efficiency of refrigerators and engines. Apply the formula: COP=
24 8-6 Thermodynamic cycle. 1. State the first and second law of thermodynamics - Apply the equations:
2. Appreciation of Isothermal and adiabatic γ
P V =constant
processes, Isobaric and Iso-volumetric processes.
and T V γ−1=constant
Apply Meyer’s equation:

8.7-The Carnot cycle. - Definition of a cyclic process, and thermal

C P −CV =R
-Study the diagram of a cyclic process
- Study cases of the engine cycle
( heat pump or refrigerator, petrol engine)
- Internal energy.

29 12. ELECTRICITY 9-1-1- Electrostatics - Electric charges (positive and negative) ε0 A

- Coulomb’s law. Apply the formulae, C=K
Q1 Q2
F=K 2
9.1-2- Capacitors - Electric field and electric potential. -Apply the half time equation -Experimental study of Experiment on
- Capacitors and capacitance, T1/2 = R C In 2 charging and discharging a charging and
- Detailed description of any type of capacitor and -Apply the formula to solve exercises capacitor of known discharging of
practical QV 2 capacitance. capacitors
- Capacitors in series and parallel connections. W= ;W=
Q and
- Energy stored in a capacitor, charging and 2 2C
discharging the capacitor 2

9-5-1- Alternating current circuits. 1- Graphics representation and vector or phasor
( Fresnel’s construction )
2- Effective and mean values of an AC.
3- Definition of frequency and calculation of
frequency, effective (rms) value, the peak and
instantaneous values etc.
4- Sinusoidal nature or the wave form of the
electrical mains supply.
- Independent study of pure resistive, pure inductive
and pure capacitive circuits.
- Reactance and phase displacement.

30 H-Study of RC, RL, LC and RL 1-Identify the components on a diagram and in a Make proper use of Experiments to
circuits. circuit Oscilloscope, voltmeter, investigate the
2- Principle, diagrams, experiment. ammeter inductance in a.c
5- addition of two sinusoidal quantities of the same circuits.
nature by use of Fresnel’s method ( or phasor
6-Wave form, peak and R.M.S value4

-apply the relation;
I rms =
1-Definition of time constant - Study of R-C and R--L time constants
2-calculation of time constant of oscillation of an
2- Influence of time constants.
LC, RC, LC and LC circuit

1-calculation of period and energy in an LC circuit

2-Apply T O=2 π √ L C and total energy is
3-Period of LC circuit. 3-similarity between electric period
T O=2 π √ L C and elastic oscillator
T =2 π √ m/ K
1-the emission of Hertz waves by an LC oscillator.
33 RLC oscillator 1- Arrangement of 2 or 3 dipoles (R, L, C) in series,
Resonance impedance, and resonance in AC series circuit.
1-. Series RLC circuits. 2-the expression of electromagnetic energy of an
inductance and electric energy of a capacitor
3-the relationship between the maximum value and
the effective value
2-Notion of impedance. Fresnel 1-Fresnel construction. -Fresnel characteristics
construction.(phasor diagram) 2-graphically determine the impedance of a RC, RL,
LC and RLC series circuit
3-measure the phase difference or the amplitude
with an oscilloscope
4-Add two sinusoidal functions using Fresnel

1-Resonance curve and conditions at resonance -Be familiar with the equations
2-Excess current 1
3- Over voltage across a capacitor f o= ,; and
4-Impedance;, -Band-pass; - Quality factor 2 π √ LC
5-Energy aspect
3-Magnitude of current at ωL
resonance Q.f=

9-5-5-Power in sinusoidal systems. 1-Definitions of;,- Active power;, -Reactive power;

1 L
R C √
-maximum rms voltage is determined by Wattmeter
( AC Circuits.) -Apparent power;, instantaneous power;, and Power insulation of windings
factor, -maximum rms current value is
2-State Boucherot theorem determined by the cooling system
3- Know the expressions and units of: Active power
and apparent power;
-Know the importance of power factor

- Home power electricity supply. . - Measurement of

- Concepts of security;- circuit breakers, fuses, three phase power
thermal circuit breakers, differential circuit using wattmeter.
-Calculation of Energy absorbed; energy exchanged
and energy at resonance
9.5-3- D.C. Machines. -- Construction, functioning, and reversibility.

34 Evaluation / Filling of marks

35 E-Distribution of electrical energy. 1-Domestic installations
1-Single phase network 2-Draw the diagram of the connections
2. Balanced Three phase systems 1-definitions of;- phase voltage, line voltage -relation between line current and -wattmeter,
and installation 2-Definition of three phase supply phase current oscilloscope,
- Balanced three phase system and three phase
3-Calculation of Line voltage, and phase voltage.
4-Fresnel representation ( phasor diagram)
3-Apply relation;- V L=V P √3 ; , and
I L =I P √ 3; ,
4-draw the diagram of a three phase supply
36 3. Star or delta connections of 1-Define star and Delta connection power measurement
balanced and unbalanced loads. 2-Draw diagrams of star and delta connections using wattmeter
1-.Principle and diagrams
1-Expressions of power
2-Measurement of active and reactive power
4. Power factor 1- definition of power factor -relationship between active power,
2-measurements of power factor reactive power, and apparent power
3- Improvement of power factor.
4. Name plate of a 3-phase 1-Interpret the name plate of an asynchronous motor
asynchronous motor

F-Single phase Transformer. 1-Principle of action of a single phase transformer
1-Principle of action. 2-Normalised symbol of a single phase transformer
3- Applicable to A.C. and D.C power supply.
4- High voltage transmission.
2-Transformer on no load. 1-Equivalent circuit
2- calculate Transformation ratio

3-Transformer on load. 1-Equivalent circuit

2-Primary and secondary coils
3-Calculate apparent power
37 13. ATOMIC 13-1-Energy Level 1. Postulates of Bohr Hydrogen atom -apply; E=h f
SPECTRA AND 13-1.1 Postulates of Bohr -Definitions of: excitation and ionisation energies. -solve problems using the relation:
PHOTOELECTR Hydrogen atom -calculations of excitation. Ionisation energy and
potential hf =E1−E 2
- En = 2
eV (n = integral
values called quantum numbers
13-2. Types of energy spectra -Distinguish between line, Emission and Absorption
14-Photocells 1-Principle, and diagram
14-1- Experiment of Hertz (1887) 2-Experiment
3-Interpretation of Einstein

38 1-Definition of photoelectric cell and draw its

E=h f ; ,
-apply; and

2-characteristics E=KE+ φO
14-2- The photon. 3-Quantum of energy
4-Efficiency of a photo-emissive cell
5-State Leonard’s laws

1. -photoelectric current -the wave theory and quantum theory of

14-3-Energy exchange between 2.- work- function light
light and matter.(material) 3-Millikan curves
4-calculate the threshold frequency

14-4-Illustration of quantum theory 1-The photochemical reactions (chlorophyll h

of light synthesis, chlorination of methane and HCl -apply L De Broglie, λ=
synthesis) p
2-The Compton effect

15- The Nucleus of Atom and 1-The structure of atomic nucleus

Nuclear reactions. 2-The proton, neutron, and nucleon bond energy
15-1-constitution of atomic nucleus

39 15-2-Natural nuclear reactions 1-The nuclear model of an atom -existence of neutrino and antineutrino
2-Radioactive emissions;-α , β ,∧γ radiations during ;- α , β ,∧γ ; emission
and properties.
3-Calculate the energy of a nuclear reaction
1-The principle of fusion and fission reactions.
15-3-Artificial nuclear reactions

15-4- Dangers of radioactive 1-Dangers of radioactive radiations
radiation and radio- protection. 2-Biological effects of radioactive radiation

15-5-Electromagnetic Radiations 1.-Definition,

1-X-Rays, Infra-red and. 2-Characteristics, (nature, source, properties,
Ultraviolet radiations. absorption, detection}
3. -Application
40 - Evaluation / Filling of marks
41-47 June to July Official Examination Revision and writing certificate examination .


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