Zero Day Virus
Zero Day Virus
Zero Day Virus
The reason of being the term "zero-day" is that the developers have had zero
days to fix the problem before it's exploited by hackers.
That's why, it means the developers have “zero days” to prevent the attack or
fix it when hackers take advantage of the vulnerability before developers have a
chance to address it.
When developers become aware of the attack, they started looking out for
vulnerabilities to address and then develop a solution when they release an updated
Operating systems
Web browsers
Office applications
Open-source components
Hardware and firmware
Internet of Things (IoT)
Targeted Attacks
Zero-day vulnerabilities are often used in targeted attacks. Hackers can
strategically exploit these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to specific
systems, networks, or individuals
Spreading Malware
Zero-day viruses can be designed to spread rapidly across multiple systems.
They can act as a vehicle for malware delivery
Use the compromised systems for further attacks, such as launching botnets or
distributing malware.
malicious software
a broad term used to describe various types of malicious computer programs,
such as viruses, trojans, and other destructive software.
These programs are employed by threat actors with the goal of infecting
systems and networks in order to obtain unauthorized access to sensitive
Main Objective
1 == Virus Malware
Programs that copy themselves throughout a computer or network.
At their worst, viruses can corrupt or delete data, use the user’s email to
spread, or erase everything on a hard disk.
To infect systems and networks with the intention of causing harm, gaining
unauthorized access, stealing sensitive information, disrupting system
functionality, creating botnets, extorting victims for financial gain, and
spreading rapidly
2 == Trojans
Trojans are a type of malicious software that relies on deception and social
engineering to infect and compromise computer systems
Once activated, malware Trojans will conduct whatever action they have been
programmed to carry out
Trojans do not replicate or reproduce through infection
It performs actions that are different from what the user expects. It may
create a backdoor, which allows remote access to the compromised system, or it can
modify system settings, steal sensitive information, log keystrokes, or download
additional malware components.
3 == Spyware
Spyware is malicious software that enters a user’s computer, gathers data
from the device and user, and sends it to third parties without their consent.
A commonly accepted spyware definition is a strand of malware designed to
access and damage a device without the user’s consent.
Spyware is one of the most commonly used cyberattack methods that can be
difficult for users and businesses to identify and can do serious harm to networks
Collects personal and sensitive information that it sends to advertisers,
data collection firms, or malicious actors for profit.
Attackers use it to track, steal, and sell user data, such as internet usage,
credit card, and bank account details, or steal user credentials to spoof their
4 == Adware
form of malware or hardware that keeps track of and records your keystrokes
as you type.
takes the information and sends it to a hacker using a command-and-control
(C&C) server.
The hacker then analyzes the keystrokes to locate usernames and passwords and
uses them to hack into otherwise secure systems
Software keyloggers consist of applications that have to be installed on a
computer to steal keystroke data. They are the most common methods hackers use to
access a user’s keystrokes.
if programmed to do so, it can spread to other devices the computer comes in
contact with.
software keylogger can keep track of your keystrokes and record each one.
After the keystrokes have been recorded, they are then automatically transferred to
the hacker
A hardware keylogger works much like its software counterpart. The biggest
difference is hardware keyloggers have to be physically connected to the target
computer to record the user's keystrokes.
For this reason, it is important for an organization to carefully monitor who
has access to the network and the devices connected to it.
Boot Sector = Attack Operating System
Resident Virus = Make the system slow down - Harm
Virus - Can have, it doesn't matter but the problem starts when the users run the
infected program and can replicate