SPT 111 Organic Chemistry
SPT 111 Organic Chemistry
SPT 111 Organic Chemistry
SBT 112 Organic chemistry is a course that introduces the student to the principles of
carbon chemistry. This course is a pre-requisite for courses to come.
Course description
Organic chemistry is of vital importance to the pharmaceutical, polymer and
biotechnology industries, where the prime concern is the synthesis of new organic
molecules and polymers. Knowledge of the structure, functionality, and reactivity of
organic molecules is critical for the understanding of numerous phenomena, from
biological and biochemical processes, to the properties of materials (polymers) for
example in nanotechnology. This course covers the basic and fundamental principles of
organic chemistry, allowing the student to begin understanding the language of organic
chemists. A broad overview of the properties and characteristics of organic molecules is
provided, and several key reactions and reaction mechanisms are discussed.
Course objectives
The student should know structural formulas and stereo configurations of organic
The student should be able to define aromaticity, recognize aromatic compounds
and describe the preparation and reactions of various aromatic compounds; provide
an overview of heterocyclic aromatic chemistry;
The student should study extensively reactions, synthesis methods and applications
of organic molecules.
Describe the origin, chemistry, biosynthesis and pharmaceutical importance of vari-
ous classes of natural products including alkaloids, phenolics, steroids and terpen-
The student’s understanding of the course content should be demonstrated through
class discussion, solving homework problems and throughout the exams.
The student should acquire research skills in using the internet and the library and
carrying out assignments.
Course Assessment
SBT 112 is a double credit course covered in one semester. Students will be assessed
through assignments, student presentations, practical exercises, tests and an exam at the
end of the semester. The weighting contribution will be as follows:
Examination 60%
Assignment and tests 15%
Practicals 25%
Course attendance
Learning Resources
2. McMurry J., Organic Chemistry, 7th edition, 2007, Brooks Cole Publishers.
3. Journals series: Organic Chemistry Journal, Organic and Medicinal chemistry letters
and Natural Products Chemistry and Research journal
Course outline
1.1 Review of bonding: covalent and polar bonds. Lewis structures: Lewis acids and
Lewis bases constitutional isomers.
1.4 Carbons and hydrogens: quaternary carbon and nitrogen, conformations of alkanes.
2.0 Alkenes
3.1 Substitution and elimination reactions: SN2, SN I, E2 and E2 mechanisms and their
respective stereo chemistries.
4.2 Addition or Grignard reagents to product alcohols and (with carbon dioxide) acids.
4.3 Reaction or Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives with Oxygen and Nitrogen
Nucleophiles. Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Reactions
Laboratory experiments
3. Synthesis of aspirin