Adventist Health Message?: What Is The
Adventist Health Message?: What Is The
Adventist Health Message?: What Is The
1 2 3
“The human body may be compared to Poor diet & Physical Inactivity
muscles also should have their proportion “They should go out and exercise every Sexual behavior
of exercise.”.-- Signs of Times, 1886, No. 33. day...” 2T 931 Illicit drugs
4 5 6
Death Rates by Fitness Level Fitness & Fitness &
2135 Age-grouped Men
Hypertension Risk Type 2 Diabetes Risk
1.0 0.96 7.0
Low Fitness
Medium Fitness Low Fitness Low Fitness
60.5 4.0
0.4 3.0
38.5 2.50
24 21 20 21
0.2 1.50
0 0.0 p
60-69 70-79 80+ 0.0
Blair & Wei, Am J Health Promotion 2000, 15:1-8 Barlow, CE et al. Am J Epidemiology 2006; 163: 142-‐150 Barlow, CE et al. Am J Epidemiology 2006; 163: 142-‐150
7 8 9
10 11 12
Excess Disability & Healthy Behaviors and Healthy Behaviors & Cancer
Lifestyle Choices Cardiovascular Disease
6.0 4.0
BMJ 2013;347:f4240, 2013 PLOS Medicine 2008; 5(1):39-47 PLOS Medicine 2008; 5(1):39-47
13 14 15
16 17 18
SDA Church Position
“Those foods should be chosen that best “Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables
supply the elements needed for building up constitute the diet chosen for us by our
“The diet God ordained in the Garden of the body. In this choice, appetite is not a Creator. These foods, prepared in as
Eden--the vegetarian diet--is the ideal, but safe guide. Through wrong habits of eating, simple and natural a manner as possible,
sometimes we cannot have the ideal. In the appetite has become perverted. Often it are the most healthful and nourishing. They
those circumstances, in any given demands food that impairs health and impart a strength, a power of endurance,
situation or locale, those who wish to stay causes weakness instead of strength. We and a vigor of intellect that are not afforded
cannot safely be guided by the customs of by a more complex and stimulating diet”.
in optimum health will eat the best food
society.” MH 295 MH 296
that they can obtain.”
Seventh-day Adventists Believe...
19 20 21
Functional Capacity
standard for everybody else. What we
want is a little sprinkling of good common
sense. Don't be extremists. If you err, it High-Risk Lifestyle:
would be better to err on the side of the smoking, inactivity, obesity
22 23 24
“Squaring Off” Life “Squaring Off” Life Our Mission
Low-Risk Lifestyle:
If the Seventh-day Adventist health message is in any
Functional Capacity
Functional Capacity
Low-Risk Lifestyle
active, non-smoker,
degree separated from the gospel message it will lose
healthy weight its power and effectiveness.
High-Risk Lifestyle
If a person attends a health program in a Seventh-day
Adventist church, understands and applies the
principles, they will have gained a few years of life.
If they did not learn that the power to change comes
Survival from Jesus, then the church has failed in its mission
to the community.
Age Death Birth
Age Death
25 26 27
Jesus is the Life Giver What is the Real Problem? The Real Answer is JESUS
Poor food choices?
Lack of exercise? Ephesians 2:4-7
Anxiety or depression? But God, who is rich in mercy, because of
This message is not to be separated from the gospel
Too much television?
His great love with which He loved us,
even when we were DEAD in trespasses,
Today’s most skillful and perceptive scientist cannot Weak experience with God?
made us alive together with Christ (by
bring the dead to life. High fructose corn syrup? grace you have been saved), and raised us
Too much wheat? up together, and made us sit together in
GM foods? the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
28 29 30
The Real Answer to Health Jesus is the Life Giver God Works Miracles Today!
Problems is Jesus
31 32 33