Female Reproduction
Female Reproduction
Female Reproduction
NOTE: Diagrams given here in the notes are for the reference only and not to
be drawn in the notebook. For exam preparation refer the diagrams given in
your NCERT book.
# Preview (Day-4):
Each ovary is present inside the abdominal cavity.
At the time of birth each girl child already contains thousands of immature ova in the ovary.
These ova start maturing only from the time of puberty.
Only one ovum is produced by one ovary in one month and each ovary releases an ovum in
alternate months.
The release of an ovum from the ovary is known as ovulation.
▪Oviducts/Fallopian tube: Carries the egg from the ovary to the womb or uterus
▪The two oviducts unite into an elastic bag-like structure known as the uterus.
▪The uterus opens into the vagina through the cervix.
The act of mating between the male and female partner is termed as copulation.
The semen is discharged into the vaginal tract during copulation.
The sperms travel upwards and reach the fallopian tube where, one sperm fuses with
the ovum (if present) to form the zygote.
FERTILIZATION: The process of fusion of male and female gamete to form zygote is called
fertilization. It occurs in the fallopian tube.
Female (50%) Male (50%)
These are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Types of contraceptives:
B. Intra-uterine devices: These are made of copper and prevent implantation in uterus.
Example: Copper T
C. Physiological or Hormonal: Oral pills: act such that eggs are not released and fertilisation
cannot occur. They can cause side effects too.
For a healthy society, the female: male sex ratio must be maintained at 1:1
Sex-Selective abortion of female foetuses is misused by many people across the country.
Reckless female foeticide has led to an alarming decrease in the child sex ratio.
Prenatal sex determination has been prohibited by law.
# Review (Day-4):
Q1. What is sex-selective abortion? How does it affect a healthy society?
● Sex-Selective abortion is a procedure that is done for female foeticide. It adversely affects
the male-female sex ratio of a society.
Q2. Draw a labelled diagram of a female reproductive system. (Refer NCERT)