MFH NGW20 Tscripts EN XX
MFH NGW20 Tscripts EN XX
MFH NGW20 Tscripts EN XX
October 2014
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
SAP Best Practices SAP Fiori Apps for SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (MFH): Test Script
Icon Meaning
Typographic Conventions
Icon Meaning
Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons
as well as menu names, paths and options.
Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in
the documentation.
<Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with
appropriate entries.
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SAP Best Practices SAP Fiori Apps for SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (MFH): Test Script
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SAP Best Practices SAP Fiori Apps for SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (MFH): Test Script
1 Purpose................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Prerequisites......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 My Accounts......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4 My Tasks............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
5 My Appointments................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
6 My Contacts (CRM Role).................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
7 My Opportunities................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
8 My Leads............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
9 My Notes............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
10 Simulate Sales Pipeline................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
11 Track Sales Pipeline........................................................................................................................................................................................ 53
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SAP Best Practices SAP Fiori Apps for SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (MFH): Test Script
1 Purpose
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing the scope item after solution deployment, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution.
Each process step is covered in its own section, providing the system interactions (i.e. test steps) in a table view.
The following SAP Fiori apps are described in this document:
SAP Fiori app Business Role
My Accounts Sales Representative
My Tasks Sales Representative
My Appointments Sales Representative
My Contacts (CRM Role) Sales Representative
My Opportunities Sales Representative
My Leads Sales Representative
My Notes Sales Representative
Simulate Sales Pipeline Sales Representative
Track Sales Pipeline Sales Representative
2 Prerequisites
Before using SAP Fiori applications, you must install the prerequisite building blocks.
Users must be assigned to the predefined Launchpad role for your SAP Fiori application.
For launching the home page, use the appropriate URL.
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3 My Accounts
3.1 Purpose
With the My Accounts app, you can search for accounts and view related information like contacts, leads, opportunities, tasks, notes, and
attachments of a selected account. Information on the expected date of delivery of an order of a product that the distributor is expected to make.
Check Contacts Details Sales Representative Contacts are displayed (My contacts or All
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch the Launch the SAP Fiori home page The Home page with all the
FIORI system via the appropriate URL (https://<> applications the user has
<>…) and log on with the assigned is displayed in a tiled
appropriate user and password. layout.
2 Enter SAP My Navigate on the Application’s The SAP My Accounts app is
Accounts Homepage and choose the option displayed
My Accounts
3 Check and A list of accounts appears. Select A list of accounts is displayed
Search List of one or use the Search field to find
Accounts a customer (search by account
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
name or account ID), and then
select the account.
4 Select Account The file of the customer appears. For the Account selected the
and display The following details are overview appears
details displayed: General information,
Contacts, Opportunities,
Appointments, Leads, Tasks,
Notes, and Attachments.
5 Select Contacts 1. Select Contacts Display Contacts
2. A list of contacts is displayed
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
10 Check Notes and 1. Select Notes to see all the notes Display notes and attachments
Attachments related to the Account.
2. Select Attachments to see all
the attachments related to the
Refer to chapter Assign a User to the SAP FIORI Launch pad within the corresponding configuration guide for instructions.
The user should be assigned to the sales professional business role in order to access the CRM Web UI.
1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
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1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
Transaction code /WUI
If you do not know the Account ID, you can search for all accounts or filter the result list by providing a search criteria. For example:
Role is Sold-To Party or City is New York.
4. Choose Search. The required account (or the list of all accounts) is displayed in the Result List.
5. To view the details of the account, select the hyperlink in the column Name.
6. Choose Edit in the Account Details section.
7. In the Employee Responsible section, assign your user in the Employee field and
Use Input Help and search for partner according to user. Choose Save.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Check Account 1. Go to transaction WUI The details of the opportunity can
2. Open your account by be visualized in the backend
navigating to Account
Management → Search →
3. Search by Account ID (obtain
the account ID from My Accounts)
4. Choose Search
5. Your account should be
6. Select the name of your
accounts hyperlink to navigate to
the details.
7. Here you can visualize all
account data that can be
visualized in My accounts:
- Contacts
- Opportunities
- Appointments (Planned activities
in WebUI)
- Leads
- Attachments
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
- Notes
2 Manage Account 1. Enter transaction WUI to launch Changes made within the FIORI
the WebClient app can be visualized within the
2. Navigate to Account backend and vice versa
Management → Search →
3. Enter an Account ID that has
your user as employee
4. Choose Search
5. Your account should be
6. Within the Address assignment
block modify the Street of the
7. Save your changes.
8. Log back into the FIORI launch
9. Select My accounts tile
10. The Account Street Address
should now be modified.
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4 My Tasks
4.1 Purpose
With My Tasks on a desktop PC or a mobile device, you can see an overview of what you need to take care of by a specific date, since it gives
you access to your tasks from the CRM back end. If you change tasks or create new ones within the app, they are synchronized with the CRM
back end, and are also visible to colleagues there if you do not mark the task as private.
Launch Application Sales Representative Select My tasks from the launch pad
Check the Tasks list Sales Representative All the tasks are displayed
Filter Tasks Sales Representative Filter the task list to find tasks by the
following statuses: open, due today, due this
week or completed
Add, Edit or Delete Tasks Sales Representative The sales responsible is able to add, edit,
delete, or assign tasks to other employees
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch the Launch the SAP Fiori home page The Home page with all the
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
FIORI system via the appropriate URL (https://<> applications the user has
<>…) and log on with the assigned is displayed in a tiled
appropriate user and password. layout.
2 Select My Tasks Navigate to the Application’s A list of tasks is displayed
Homepage and choose My Tasks
3 Search Tasks 1. Select a task or use the Search The task is found and displays the
field to find a task (search by task correct fields
title), and then select the task.
2. The following details are
displayed: title, due date, priority,
private, account, contact and note.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
9. Click Save
1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
Transaction code WUI
2. Navigate to Activities → Activities
3. In the Search Criteria section, choose the field Category and choose the value Task.
4. Choose Search. The list of all tasks for the given account is displayed in the Result List.
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You can filter the Result List by providing additional search criteria. For example: If you want to view the tasks created under an
Account for which your user is the employee responsible then choose the search criteria Account ID from the drop-down list and enter
the desired account.
5. To view the details of a task, select the task description hyperlink in the column Description
6. Choose Edit in the Task Details section.
7. Assign your user in the Employee Responsible field and choose Save.
8. Note down the Task ID for reference.
9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 to assign more tasks to your user.
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Check List of 1. Navigate to WUI The tasks that are shown in the
Tasks Activities Search Activities app are displayed in the backend
2. Navigate to the Activities
3. Within the search criteria, select
Category is Task
4. Choose Search
5. In the results list, the tasks are
6. On the account column you can
visualize which account this task is
associated to
7. By selecting the task description
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
hyperlink you can visualize the
details of the task itself
2 Edit/create Tasks 1. Navigate to WUI "The data that can be seen in the
2. Navigate to Activities -> Create app is displayed in the backend.
-> Task Modifications made in the
3. The window "Select Transaction backend are displayed in the app
Type" will be displayed
4. Choose "Transaction Type
Description" Task Fiori
5. In case another Webpage
Dialog comes up, select
appropriate attributes.
6. On the "Tasks fiori: New
screen" enter a Description (Title)
and fill the mandatory fields
"Account" and "Contact".
7. Save your data.
8. Verify that this newly created
task can be visualized within the
SAP My Tasks Fiori App
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5 My Appointments
5.1 Purpose
With My Appointments, you can create and manage appointments. The sales representative is able to display details about accounts and
contacts, create new appointments, enter internal and external attendees, assign an account and contact, enter notes for an appointment and
attach documents to an appointment.
Launch Application Sales Representative Select My Appointments from the launch pad
Manage Existing Appointments Sales Representative Edit Appointments; add attendees, notes,
attachments, and create new appointments
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch the Launch the SAP Fiori home page The Home page with all the
FIORI system via the appropriate URL (https://<> applications the user has
<>…) and log on with the assigned is displayed in a tiled
appropriate user and password. layout.
2 Launch On the Launchpad, choose the A appointment calendar is
Application option My Appointments displayed
3 Check 1. A weekly view of your Appointment details can be
Appointments appointments will be displayed as visualized successfully
blocks below.
2. To view you appointments
monthly choose month within the
toolbar, located on the bottom of
the screen.
3. To view your daily
appointments, select today within
the toolbar.
4. Use the lateral arrows to shift
from week to week (if you have
week selected) or month to month
(if you have month selected).
5. For more details on an
appointment, select the
appointment itself.
6. The appointment details are
a. Appointment title
b. Account assigned to the
appointment - select it to obtain
further details
c. Contact assigned to the
appointment - select it to obtain
further details
d. Status
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
e. Date and time
f. Attendees
g. Notes
h. Attachments
7. To make additions to the
appointment such as important
attachments select Edit
8. Add more detail to the
appointment such as adding
attendees (internal and external),
notes, and attachments.
If you change appointments or
create new ones within the app,
they are synchronized with the
CRM back end, and are also
visible to colleagues there if they
are entered as attendees.
9. Select Save, the main page will
be displayed
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
j. Notes
k. Attachments
2. Select Save
3. The appointment created will
now be displayed in the
appointment calendar.
The user should be assigned to the sales professional business role in order to access the CRM Web UI.
1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
Transaction code WUI
2. Navigate to Activities → Activities
3. In the Search Criteria section, choose the field Activity Type and choose the value Appointment.
4. Choose Search. The list of all appointments is displayed in the Result List.
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You can filter the Result List by providing additional search criteria. For example: If you want to view the appointments created under
an Account for which your user is the employee responsible then choose the search criteria Account ID from the drop-down list and
enter the desired account.
5. To view the details of an appointment, select the description hyperlink in the column Description
6. Choose Edit.
7. Go to the Attendees assignment block.
8. In the Partner Function column choose a required partner function, for example, Owner or Attendee
The function Owner can be assigned in the Appointment Details assignment block also in the Employee Responsible field.
9. In the Name column, assign your user and choose Save
10. Note down the Appointment ID for reference.
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Manage Existing 1. Go to transaction WUI Appointments displayed within the
Appointments 2. Navigate to Home application can be verified and
3. Daily appointments are visible are the same as those displayed
within the home WorkCentre in the backend
4. To view all appointments related
to this user or to which this user is
assigned (attendee) navigate to
Activities → Search → Activities
5. Choose activity type
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
Appointment, select search
6. The status of the appointment is
displayed (represented by
7. Select one appointment by
selecting the description hyperlink
8. The appointment details are
9. Here you can verify that the
following information is consistent
with the details displayed in My
a. General Data - Description
(Displayed in the application as -
Appointment title)
b. References - Account
(Displayed in the application as -
Account assigned to the
c. References - Contact
(Displayed in the application as -
Contact assigned to the
d. General Data - Active Status
(Displayed in the application as -
e. General Data – Start Date
and Time/ End Date and Time
(Displayed in the application as -
Date and time)
f. Attendees assignment block
(Displayed in the application as -
g. Notes assignment block and
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
appointment details - notes
(Displayed in the application as -
h. Attachments assignment
block (Displayed in the application
as - Attachments)
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Check contact details Sales Representative Basic data for the selected contact is
displayed. You can initiate call or initiate
Manage contact details Sales Representative Add or change data for a particular contact.
Attach documents and maintain notes for a
particular contact
Create a new contact Sales Representative The new contact is created with the data you
choose to enter
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch the Launch the SAP Fiori home page The Home page with all the
FIORI system via the appropriate URL (https://<> applications the user has
<>…) and log on with the assigned is displayed in a tiled
appropriate user and password. layout.
2 Select SAP My 1.Navigate on the Application’s The SAP My Contacts app is
Contacts Homepage and choose the option displayed
My Contacts
3 List of contacts 1.A list of contacts is displayed in The contacts list is displayed
alphanumeric order. Select Filter
in order to select if you want to
display All Contacts or My
2.Select Sort by in order to sort the
contacts by Last Name, First
Name or Account.
4 Check contact 1.Select one particular contact The contact basic data is
details from the list or use the Search field displayed
to find and select a particular
contact (search by contact name
or contact account).
2.The basic data for the selected
contact is displayed. You can save
this contact as a tile on the
application’s home page, just
press Save as Tile (right lower
3. You can perform follow up
activities for the selected contact.
You can initiate a call or an email
directly from the app by clicking on
the contact mobile/phone number
or on the contact email.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
5 Manage contact 1. Add or change data to the The contact basic data was
details selected contact by clicking Edit. changed
The following information can be
edit (Last Name and Account
information are mandatory): Title,
Academic Title. First Name, Last
Name, Function, Department,
Address, Mobile, Phone, Email,
Date of Birth, Contact Photo.
2.Edit Academic Title and Date of
3. You can attach documents by
clicking Attachments, a list of the
contact attachments is displayed,
you can open them or add a new
one by choosing the + button.
4.You can maintain notes by
clicking Notes, a list of the contact
notes displayed, you can add a
new one by writing in the
appropriated box.
6 Create a new 1. To create a new contact record A new contact was created
contact click Add Contact. Fill the
mandatory fields: Last Name and
Account. Fill other fields you wish
(listed above) and click Save.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
The user should be assigned to the sales professional business role in order to access the CRM Web UI.
1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
Transaction code /WUI
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Check Contact 1. Go to transaction WUI (Launch The contacts visualized in the app
details WebClient UI) can be displayed in the Webclient
2. Navigate to Account Management → UI
Search → Contacts
2. Search for a contact that you created
within the My Contacts app
3. Search by last name for example
4. Select search
5. Your contacts will be displayed below.
6. Select your contact by pressing the
last name hyperlink
7. All the contact details will be
2 Edit Contacts 1. Within the My Contacts app, select a Changes performed in the app
details contact are displayed in the Webclient UI
2. Press Edit
3. And enter an e-mail address
4. Save your changes
5. Log into the WebUI (Transaction WUI)
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
6. Choose the contact you just edited
7. Verify that the e-mail you added for
the contact is now visible.
7 My Opportunities
7.1 Purpose
My Opportunities helps the sales representative to review opportunities, get all the details of an opportunity and change the value of existing
Check List of Opportunities Sales Representative Display the list of opportunities with search,
filter and sort function.
Check Opportunity Details Sales Representative View detailed information about your
opportunity such as the products, notes,
attachments, and participants
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch the Launch the SAP Fiori home page via The Home page with all the
FIORI system the appropriate URL (https://<> <>…) applications the user has
and log on with the appropriate user assigned is displayed in a tiled
and password. layout.
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3 Check 1. Select an opportunity from the list Opportunity details can be verified
Opportunity 2. The opportunity details will be successfully
Details displayed on the left-hand side of the
3. Select the Info icon to obtain
further details regarding the specific
opportunity such as opportunity ID,
starting date, closing date, status,
sales stage, chance of success,
priority, expected sales volume
(weighted), forecast relevance and
log of changes.
4. Select the Products icon, a list of
products will be displayed.
5. Select edit to add products and to
modify already existing products (only
quantities can be modified).
Note: If no products are assigned to
an opportunity the product icon will
not be displayed.
6. Select the notes icon to add notes
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to your opportunity:
i. Add your note within the
ii. Select the plus icon
iii. Your note will be displayed
7. Select the attachments icon to add
attachments to your opportunity:
i. Select the attachments
ii. Select the Plus icon
iii. A pop-up will be displayed
for you to select the file you wish to
iv. Your attachment will be
shown below (this is not working at
the moment)
Note: Attachments cannot be added
using windows explorer 9.0. Use
chrome or firefox for this functionality
to be available.
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1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
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The function Employee Responsible can be assigned in the Opportunity Details assignment block also.
9. In the Name column, assign your user and choose Save
10. Note down the opportunity ID for reference.
11. Repeat steps 2 to 10 to assign more opportunities to your user.
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Check 1. Go to transaction WUI The details of the opportunity can
Opportunity 2. Navigate to Sales Cycle → Search be visualized in the backend
→ Opportunities
3. Enter an opportunity ID (one that is
visible within FIORI My Opportunities)
4. Select your opportunity by
selecting the hyperlink
5. The opportunity that you see within
the tile My opportunities is displayed.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
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8 My Leads
8.1 Purpose
The SAP My Leads app allows sales representatives to manage their leads and follow up on potential accounts. This analytical app is based on
the customer profile and the embedded analytics provided by SAP HANA Live and it allows you to view operational sales analysis related to lead
origin, qualification, and status.
The sales representative can search, view, and edit leads their involved in; view and edit header data; add, edit, and delete products and obtain
information on the expected date of delivery of an order of a product that the distributor is expected to make.
Check Lead Details Sales Representative The header data is changed and displayed,
the products are added, edited and deleted
Manage Lead Sales Representative View and add Notes, Attachments and
Receive open leads assigned to you with Sales Representative Accept or Reject leads assigned
the option to accept or reject them
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch Home Launch the SAP Fiori home page via The Home page with all the
Page the appropriate URL (https://<> <>…) applications the user has
and log on with the appropriate user assigned is displayed in a tiled
and password. layout.
2 Select SAP My 1.Navigate on the Application’s The SAP My Leads app is
Leads Homepage and choose the option My displayed
3 Search List of 1. A list of Leads appears in The list of Leads is displayed
Leads alphanumeric order.
2. Select Filter in order to select 'All
Leads' or 'Open Leads'.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
products pushbutton.
7 Select Notes 1. Select the Notes icon, the notes The lead notes are displayed
Icon associated to this lead are displayed
2. Write a note on ‘Add note’ and then
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Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
click on Add
3. Now you can see your note below
8 Select 1. Select Attachment, you can see the The lead attachments are
Attachments attachments associated to this Lead displayed
2. Click upload file, a pop up is
displayed, select your attachment and
select open, your attachment is
displayed below
3. Click the attachment hyperlink for the
attachment to be displayed
9 Select 1. Select Participants, you can see the The participants are displayed
Participants Contacts associated to this Lead
2. Click Add to select and add more
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1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
Transaction code WUI
2. Navigate to Sales Cycle → Leads.
3. In the Prospect Name field, enter the account or contact for which your user is assigned as the employee responsible.
4. Choose Search. The list of all leads for the given prospect is displayed in the Result List.
5. To view the details of a lead, select the lead description hyperlink in the column Description.
6. Choose Edit.
7. Go to the Parties Involved assignment block.
8. In the Partner Function column choose a required partner function, for example, Employee Responsible or Sales Representative.
The function Employee Responsible can be assigned in the Lead Details assignment block also.
9. In the Name column, assign your user and choose Save .
10. Note down the lead ID for reference.
11. Repeat steps 2 to 10 to assign more leads to your user.
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Check/ Edit Lead 1. Go to transaction WUI The lead details that can be seen
Details 2. Navigate to: Sales Cycle → Search within the app are displayed in the
→ Leads backend
3. Enter the Lead ID within Search
Criteria Lead ID field.
4. Select Search
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
5. Your lead will be displayed below
6. Select your lead description
hyperlink, your lead details are
7. Within the Lead Details assignment
block the following data can be
- General Data and Dates
- Info (My Leads)
2 Check/Edit 1. Go to transaction WUI The products that can be seen
Products 2. Navigate to: Sales Cycle → Search within the app are displayed in the
→ Leads backend. Modifications made to
3. Enter the Lead ID within Search products in the backend are
Criteria Lead ID field. displayed in the app
4. Select Search
5. Your lead will be displayed below
6. Select your lead description
hyperlink, your lead details are
7. Navigate to the Products
assignment block
8. Select the Edit List Button.
9. Add more Products and then Save.
10.Check your lead within the
application to confirm that the new
product can be visualized within My
3 Check/Edit Notes 1. Go to transaction WUI The data that can be seen within
2. Navigate to: Sales Cycle → Search the app is displayed in the
→ Leads backend. Modifications made in
2. Enter the Lead ID within Search the backend are displayed in the
Criteria Lead ID field. app.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
3. Select Search
4. Your lead will be displayed below
5. Navigate to the Notes assignment
6. Select the Text hyperlink within the
Notes assignment block
7. Confirm that the notes you
visualize here are displayed within the
My leads app
8. Select back
9. Select New
10. Select text type Note
11. Enter a message within the text
12. Select Back
13. Save your changes.
14. Once you have added your new
note check your lead within the
application to confirm that the new
note can be visualized within My
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
My leads app
8. Select new Attachment.
9. Select an attachment from content
10. Select Attach
11. Save your changes.
12. Once you have added your new
attachment check your lead within the
application to confirm that the new
attachment can be visualized within
My Leads.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
you edited on the WebClient UI and
verify that the contact person you
added is present.
9 My Notes
9.1 Purpose
The SAP My Notes app enables the user to create notes with several items. The app allows the user to choose which note items to assign to an
opportunity, appointment or task from an existing note. It is possible to select the account and the person responsible for that account when
assigning the notes. It’s also possible to add or remove items from the note and also edit them.
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Create New Appointment for Sales Representative The Appointment is created from a note
Create New Task for a Note Sales Representative The Task is created from a note
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch Home Launch the SAP Fiori home page via the The Home page with all the
Page appropriate URL (https://<> <>…) and applications the user has
log on with the appropriate user and assigned is displayed in a tiled
password. layout.
2 Enter SAP My Navigate on the Application’s Homepage The SAP Note app is displayed
Notes and choose the option My Notes
3 Check List of 1. A list of notes appears. A list of notes is displayed
Notes and 2. Select one or use the Search field to
Search note find a note (search by note title), and
then select the note. It is possible to
order them by date or alphabetical.
4 Create New Note Add a note by pressing the plus sign and A note is added with several items
add several items to the note (by double
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
5 Remove item An item is removed from the note
Removes items by ticking the check box
and pressing Delete push button
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Fail /
Value Comment
1 Check assigning 1. Go to transaction WUI Verify that the note seen in
note to 2. Navigate to: Sales Cycle→ Search → backend is the same as what is
opportunity Opportunities displayed within My Notes app
3. Enter the Opportunity ID within Search
Criteria Opportunity ID field.
4. Select Search
5. Your Opportunity will be displayed
6. Select an opportunity; your opportunity
details will be displayed.
7. Navigate to the Notes assignment block
8. Or view the Notes area within the
opportunities details assignment block.
9. Verify that the note you added to the
opportunity is present.
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Check Current Target Sales Representative A graph of current target achievements are
Achievements displayed
Check Opportunity Details Sales Representative Opportunity ID, Account information, main
contact, and employee responsible data is
Manage Opportunity Details Sales Representative Edit start date, end date, expected sales
volume, chance of success, sales stage, and
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch Home Launch the SAP Fiori home page via The Home page with all the
Page the appropriate URL (https://<> <>…) applications the user has
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
and log on with the appropriate user assigned is displayed in a tiled
and password. layout.
2 Select SAP Navigate on the Application’s The SAP Simulate Sales Pipeline
Simulate Sales Homepage and choose the option app is displayed
Pipeline Simulate Sales Pipeline
3 Check the 1. The graph shows all the current A graph with Target
Current Target Target Achievements. Achievements is displayed
Achievements 2. The circles represent the
3. The graph display shows the current
quarter and to shift from one quarter to
the next simply scroll to the bottom of
the screen, a bar can be seen, drag
that bar to the left or the right
depending on which quarter you wish
to visualize.
4 View 1. Select a circle by clicking on it. Opportunity details are displayed
Opportunities 2. Select the ‘I’ icon. To deselect the
opportunity simply select the grey
3. Here account data and contact
information can be visualized
5 Edit You can edit the Target Sales Pipeline Opportunity details are edited and
Opportunities (a) in two ways: saved correctly
-Within the 'i' icon (a)
- By dragging and dropping (b)
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
opportunity ID, account, main contact
and employee responsible for this
specific opportunity are displayed.
3. Select okay to accept your changes
or cancel to ignore your changes.
6 Edit You can edit the Target Sales Pipeline Opportunity details are edited and
Opportunities (b) in two ways: saved correctly
-Within the 'i' icon (a)
- By dragging and dropping (b)
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10.4.1Maintain Opportunities
In this procedure, you maintain Opportunities in order to visualize it in Fiori app Simulate Sales Pipeline
1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
Transaction code /WUI
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Check/Edit 1. Go to transaction WUI Changes made within the
Pipeline details 2. Navigate to: Pipeline Performance → Simulate Sales Pipeline app can
Target to Date be seen within the WebUI and
3. The opportunities displayed here are vice versa
equivalent to those displayed within the
Simulate Sales Pipeline App
4. Select one of the opportunities by
selecting the drop-down tab to the left of
the opportunity.
5. Compare this opportunity to the data
that is displayed in the app.
6. Modify the closing date of the
opportunity within the WebClient.
7. Select over the closing date, within the
opportunity row.
8. Press Enter, to Save
9. Verify that the closing date has been
modified within Simulate Sales Pipeline
app for your specific opportunity.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Launch Home Launch the SAP Fiori home page via The Home page with all the
Page the appropriate URL (https://<> <>…) applications the user has
and log on with the appropriate user assigned is displayed in a tiled
and password. layout.
2 Select SAP Navigate on the Application’s The SAP Track Sales Pipeline
Track Sales Homepage and choose the option app is displayed
Pipeline Track Sales Pipeline
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
3 Check the 1. The graph shows all the current A graph with Target
Current Target Target Achievements. Achievements is displayed
Achievements 2. The circles represent the
3. The periodicity shown can be
quarterly, yearly, weekly or monthly
according to you sales target settings.
a. To modify the graphic view
periodicity use the dropdown arrow
and select among quarterly, yearly,
weekly or monthly
4. You can filter target achievements
you want to see. Use the dropdown
arrow and select among Team’s
Sales Pipeline and Top 10
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
accounts current Target
Achievements you want to see
5 Manage sales 1. Choose Settings, a pop-up window Settings are changed
target settings appears.
2. Choose Sales Targets, another
pop-up window appears.
3. Here you can edit the following
information: Sales Target Periodicity,
Sales Target for Current Period,
Currency, Time Span (From, To).
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
11.4.1Maintain Opportunities
In this procedure, you maintain Opportunities in order to visualize it in Fiori app Track Sales Pipeline.
This app is for the
1. Within your CRM System, access the activity using the transaction below:
Transaction code /WUI
If you do not know the Organizational Unit name, you can choose Find by User in the Search criteria, provide your user, and choose
3. Choose the Name hyperlink in the column Organizational Unit.
4. The Organizational unit details are displayed. Make a note of the users assigned to your organizational unit and reporting to you.
5. Navigate to Sales Cycle → Opportunities
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The function Employee Responsible can be assigned in the Opportunity Details assignment block also.
14. In the Name column, assign one of users as noted in step 4 above.
15. Choose Save.
16. Repeat steps 5 to 15 for all the opportunities you want to visualize in the Fiori app.
Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
1 Check/Edit 1. Go to transaction WUI Changes made within the Track
Pipeline details 2. Navigate to : Pipeline Sales Pipeline app can be seen
Performance → Target to Date within the WebUI and vice versa
3. The opportunities displayed
here are equivalent to those
displayed within the Track Sales
Pipeline App
4. Select one of the opportunities
by selecting the drop-down tab to
the left of the opportunity.
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Test Test Step Name Instruction User Entries: Expected Result Pass /
Step # Field Name: Value Fail /
5. Compare this opportunity to the
data that is displayed in the app.
6. Modify the closing date of the
opportunity within the WebClient.
7. Select over the closing date,
within the opportunity row.
8. Press Enter, to Save
9. Verify that the closing date has
been modified within Track Sales
Pipeline app for your specific
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