Week 3
Week 3
Week 3
What often appears to be moral
disagreement turns out to be disagreement
over how a particular set of facts ought to be
Whatever one’s belief about the facts of a
matter, these beliefs will impact one’s moral
understanding of the situation… Each
person will have to assess these beliefs
against their moral principles, and that is
(one type of) moral reasoning.
Logical Consistency:
We must be able to evaluate the consistency
of our moral principles and their relations, as
well as the consistency of the specific
actions those principles require. If the
actions required are not humanly possible,
or I am required to perform two
simultaneously incompatible acts, I would
have to revise my principles.
Refutation of Conventionalism:
the fact that some society believes an
action to be wrong is not a good reason
to accept that the action is wrong
undermines the possibility of external
moral criticism
undermines the possibility of internal
moral reform, which means the majority
will always be right on moral questions