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MCQ Legal History

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1. When was East India Company incorporated?

a. 1800

b. 1700

c. 1600

d. 1500

2. What was the object of the East India Company?

a. To promote trade & commerce and to acquire territories

b. To promote trade & commerce and to promote monarchy

c. To promote trade, commerce and Christianity

d. To acquire territories and to promote the British currency

3. Where did East India Company establish its first factory?

a. Bombay

b. Madras

c. Surat

d. Calcutta

4. When did East India Company establish its first factory?

a. 1611

b. 1612

c. 1613

d. 1615

5. Which was the first Presidency town in India?

a. Surat

b. Bombay

c. Madras

d. Calcutta
6. Which was the first Presidency town to be fully established by
East India Company?

a. Surat

b. Madras

c. Bombay

d. Calcutta

7. Who found Madras?

a. Hindu Raja

b. East India Company

c. Chancebury Wednesday

d. Francis Day

8. Hindu Raja granted the Company a village. What was it known


a. Madraspatnam

b. Madraspata

c. Madraspitta

d. Madrasmata

9. Admiralty Court dealt with _____.

a. Martial law

b. Civil cases

c. Criminal cases

d. Revenue Matters

10. By which name Madraspatnam was known?

a. Brown Town

b. Black Town

c. White Town

d. Town
11. By which name ‘The Fort’ was known?

a. Brown Town

b. Black Town

c. White Town

d. Town

12. What was the entire settlement of ‘Black Town’ and ‘White
Town’ came to be known as?

a. Surat

b. Madras

c. Bombay

d. Calcutta

13. Before being a Presidency town, what was the status of


a. Status of agency

b. Status of amity

c. Status of principal

d. No status

14. Before 1665, Madras was subordinate to which presidency?

a. Bombay

b. Calcutta

c. Surat

d. Calicut

15. Agent and council were to refer serious criminal cases for
advice to whom?

a. British crown

b. British Parliament
c. Company’s servant in India

d. Company’s servant in England

16. Agent and council was:

a. Executive Authority

b. Judicial Authority

c. Both

d. None of the above

16. The village headman who was responsible for the

maintenance of law was called:

a. Adigar

b. Sarpanch

c. Adhikari

d. None of the above

17. Village headman was the judge of which court?

a. Court of Revenue

b. Criminal court

c. Civil court

d. Choultry court

18. Charter of 1661 empowered to hear civil and criminal cases.

a. Agent in Council

b. Governor and Council

c. Village headman

d. East India Company

19. After dismissing Kanappa, who presided over the Choultry

a. Agent in Council

b. Governor & council

c. English servants

d. Raja

20. In the second stage of settlement in Madras, the Court of

Governor and Council was declared to be the?

a. Supreme Court

b. High Court of Judicature

c. Mayor’s court

d. Court of agent in council

21. In 1678, number of judges in the Choultry court was increased

to ____.

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

22. In 1678, choultry court was empowered to hear civil cases up

to ______.

a. 10 Rupees

b. 10 Pagodas

c. 50 Pagodas

d. 50 Rupees

23. The Court of Admiralty was established under British Crown’s

Charter of?

a. 1683

b. 1686
c. 1661

d. 1687

24. In 1687, Mayor’s Court was established under?

a. Company’s charter

b. British crown

c. British parliament

d. Raja of Madras

25. Judges of Admiralty Court was appointed by whom?

a. British crown

b. British parliament

c. Company

d. Governor and Council

26. Who among the following was the first European to come to
A. Portuguese

B. British

C. French

D. Dutch

27. Who among the following discovered the Cape Route from
Europe to India?
A. Christopher Colobus

B. Vasco-da-Gama

C. Ferdinand Magellan

D. Amerigo Vespucci
28. Which of the following Portuguese Governor in India who
introduced the ‘Policy of imperialism’?
A. Francisco de Almeida

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Alfonso de Albuquerque

29. Which of the following Portuguese Governor in India who

captured Goa from the ruler of Bijapur?
A. Francisco de Almeida

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Alfonso de Albuquerque

30. The English East India Company was formed by a group of

merchants known as the ______ in 1600 AD.
A. Merchant Adventures

B. English Trader

C. Duke Trading Community

D. Cox & King

31. Who among the following British explorer and adventurer and
one of the first to make an overland journey to India?
A. Francis Dey

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Captain Hawkins

32. In which place the first factory of East India Company was
A. Masulipatnam

B. Nagapatnam

C. Surat

D. Bombay

33. Who among the following European forced to sell all their
settlements in India to the British?
A. Dutch

B. Portuguese

C. Danish

D. French

34. Who among the following obtained the site of Madras from
the Raja of Chandragiri?
A. Francis Dey

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Captain Hawkins

35. Which of the following Act of British India designated the

Governor-General of Bengal?
A. Regulating Act, 1773

B. Pitt’s India Act of 1784

C. Charter Act of 1793

D. Charter Act of 1813

36. Which of the following Act of British India provided for the
establishment of a Supreme Court at Calcutta?
A. Regulating Act, 1773

B. Pitt’s India Act of 1784

C. Charter Act of 1793

D. Charter Act of 1813

37. Which of the following British Act gave exclusive trade

privileges to the British East India Company?
A. Regulating Act, 1773

B. Pitt’s India Act of 1784

C. Charter Act of 1793

D. Charter Act of 1813

38. Which of the following British Act envisages the

Parliamentary system of Government?
A. Charter Act of 1793

B. Charter Act of 1813

C. Charter Act of 1833

D. Charter Act of 1853

39. Which of the following British Act introduces Indian Civil

Service as an open competition?
A. Charter Act of 1793

B. Charter Act of 1813

C. Charter Act of 1833

D. Charter Act of 1853

40. Consider the following statement (s) is/are related to the
Charter Act of 1833.
I. It allowed missionaries for spreading the Christianity in India.

II. It made British East India Company as an administrative body.


A. Only I

B. Only II

C. Both I and II

D. Neither I nor II

41. Match the following

Set I
a. Charter Act of 1833

b. Charter Act of 1853

c. Charter Act of 1813

d. Charter Act of 1793

Set II
1. Power of Governor-General increased over the Governors of Bombay
and Madras.

2. Allowed missionaries for spreading the Christianity in India.

3. Enshrines that the office of Governor-General assisted by 6 members

'4. British East India Company became a purely administrative body.'

a b c d

A. 1 2 3 4

B. 4 1 3 2

C. 4 3 2 1

D. 1 4 2 3

. Consider the following.

I. The office of Governor-General of Bengal replaced with the Governor-
General of India.

II. Lord William Bentinck became the “First Governor General of British

Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct about the main
features of The Charter Act of 1833?

A. Only I

B. Only II

C. Both I and II

D. Neither I nor II

42. Assertion (A): Pitt’s India Act of 1784 distinguished between the
commercial and political functions of the British East India Company.
Reason (R): Pitt’s India Act of 1784 allowed the Court of Directors to
manage the commercial affairs but created a new body called Board of
Control to manage the political affairs. Thus, it established a system of
double government.

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A

C. A is true but R is false

D. Both A & R is not true

43. Who was the first Governor-General of Bengal?
A. Lord Warren Hastings

B. Lord William Bentinck

C. Lord Mayo

D. Robert Clive

44. What was the name of the first ship of East India Company of
England which reached here on August 24, 1600 AD?

A. Edward

B. Hector

C. Henary

D. William

45. How many times did Vascoda Gama come to India?

A) One only

B) Two times

C) Three times

D) Four times

46. Who among the following Europeans were the last to come to
pre-independence India as traders?

A) French

B) English
C) Dutch

D) Portuguese

47. Who among the following introduced Cashewnut, Pineapple

and Tobacco in India?

A) Dutch

B) English

C) French

D) Portuguese

. The greatest Portuguese governor who laid the real foundation of

Portuguese power in India was

A) Francisco de Almedia

B) Francis Drake

C) Albuquerque

D) Vascoda Gama

48. The Peshwa who engineered the capture of Salsette and Bassein from
the Portuguese in 1739 was

A) Balaji Vishwanath

B) Baji Rao I

C) Baji Rao II

D) Madhava Rao

49. Who among the following Europeans was first to come India to
establish trade relation with their country?
A) Dutch

B) Portuguese

C) British

D) French

51. Which of the following court in India established under the

regulating act of 1773 AD?

A. Supreme Court of India

B. Supreme Court of Fort William

C. Civil disputes for District Diwani Adalat and criminal disputes for District
Fauzdari Adalats.

D. None of the above

52. During 17th century, the Choultry Courts were active in
imparting justice as per long-established traditions in which
region of India?

A. Bengal

B. Gujarat

C. Madras

D. Bombay

53. The first trial by Jury in history of India happened in which of

these towns?


B. Bombay

C. Calcutta

D. Madras

54. When was the when a Mayor’s Court in Madras, Bombay and
Calcutta was established by the East India Company?

A. 1726 AD
B. 1678 AD

C. 1710 AD

D. 1789 AD

55. In 1690, the English Merchants founded a settlement at

A. Sutanati

B. Calcutta

C. Gobindpur

D. None of the above

56. In 1670s, two judicial systems were established under watch

of Gerald Aungier at which of the following towns?


B. Bombay

C. Calcutta

D. Madras
57. Judicial Reforms of 1670, Bombay was divided into two
divisions. Each division had a court of how many Judges.

A . Six

B. Ten

C. Five

D. None of the above

58.First judicial system in Bombay was established in

A. 1670

B. 1671

C. 1690

D. 1672

59. Admiralty court in Bombay, _____ a person learned in the civil

law was send to preside in the court as the Judge advocate

A. Dr. St. John

B. Deputy Governor

C. Deputy Governor and Council

D. None of the above

60. In which year Bombay was attacked by Moghul Admiral Siddi?

A. 1685

B. 1684

C. 1687

D. 1690

















































51- B

52- B

53- D

54- A

55- A

56- B

57- C

58- A

59- A

60- D

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