Bank Exams
Bank Exams
Bank Exams
3. 4.
Books for Indian Banks PO Exam Preparation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R. S. Agarwal series on arithmetic, reasoning and Basic English. BSC series of reasoning and English. Bank PO Exam Preparation by Aditya Publications. Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exams from Abhijit Guha. High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin. Banking Service Chronicle Monthly. Pratiyogitha Kiran Monthly.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Discuss the highest and lowest points in your resume? Talk about your biggest achievements till date? How will you take care of high profile customers? Can you assure us your regularity and honesty to keep secrets of your designation? What is the difference between operating profit and net profit? What is payees account and joint account? Can you tell us the product categories this bank has? Name any three categories and with which departments these products are associated? Hope the bank policies and regulations are clear to you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I understand from your resume, you have a prior experience of 3 years in a lucrative share broking firm. Why do you wish to change your previous job? Can you briefly tell us about the banking regulatory authority of this country? Banking job is a different from your previous job. How do you plan to achieve this different nature of work? Name any 5 leading banks in your city? Can you explain what do you understand by fraud and embezzlement in banking parlance? Have you worked in a deadline and target oriented environment previously? How would you deal with a situation where one of the top-notch customers of your employer-bank feels aggrieved? How will you achieve the daily reconciliation of cash transaction? How do you keep yourself updated with the latest amendments to banking regulations? What are your salary expectations from the job? Tell us about your background? Why do you want to work in a bank? Do you have any kind of job experience or is it your first job? From which institute you have completed your academic qualifications? Have you scored any special diploma in bank management? What is your biggest strength and weakness? Are you familiar with bank vocabulary? Differentiate between a customer and a potential customer? How will you motivate your staff or team to work hard to obtain desired results? What is your method to handle disputes between management and staff? How do you maintain a balance sheet? What is the difference between a ledger book and a balance sheet? What is PLR voluntary? How does a bank fix PLR voluntary? Explain the types of profits a bank earn from its customers and stock marketing? What do you understand from general banking staff? Describe the difference between fixed deposit and draft?
Role of Po in Banks
A Bank Probationary Officer (PO) is the starting level managerial position in any bank. In any bank, all the officers at the level of General Manager, Chairman and Managing Director, etc are the ones who have started their careers at the level of this position only. The promotions for the officers are given based on their performance. To rise to the upper level positions, exhibiting the suitable talent is necessary. The senior level positions involve the duties like planning, marketing, budgeting, processing of loan, investment management decisions, etc. The General Banking, administration work and other duties those are required from time to time are performed by the officer. A Bank PO would be expected to perform all kinds of banking duties until the end of the probationary period. These include accounting, finance, marketing, billing as well as investment related work. He has to handle the daily customer transactions like passing a cheque, cash management, draft issuance, etc. The PO will report to his immediate senior officer who will closely monitor and evaluate the performance of the PO for a certain duration.The bank PO also works on other domains such as loan department, mortgage and finance divisions of the bank. The officer also handles customer complaints and address their queries and doubts. Good communication skills and tactful handling of customers are the necessary qualities required for a PO.
He is promoted to the position of Assistant Manager after his confirmation in the position. He is ready to work anywhere in the country as per the service rules of all the public sector bank. The probationary period of the PO generally involves working in each department usually for a period of three to four months each. This puts him in command over all the aspects of the bank he or she is going to work for the next 30 to 35 years.
A commerce graduate may be good in Accounting but he or she is generally weak in financial management which comes from logical analysis of financial data. An MBA degree with specialization in Banking helps the candidate much better to understand the job responsibilities of a Bank with respect to customer. This also tends to increase the net worth of that individual and he is able to undertake the related responsibility with respect to his specialization. Furthermore an MBA degree equips you with hard skills such as economics, finance, marketing, operations, management, and accounting. And also soft skills of leadership, teamwork, ethics, and communication that are very important for effective management in any organization.