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Child and Adolescent Reviewer

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Direction: Answer the following a.

questions. b. Growth
1. Dr. Escoto, the school physician c. Learning
conducted a physical examination in Ms. d. Maturation
Manuel’s class. What concept best
describes the quantitative increase
observed by Dr. Escoto among learners
in terms of height and weight?
7. Which of the following theory can help
a. Development
Miss Samson determine the readiness of
b. Growth
her learners by administering a readiness
c. Learning
d. Maturation
a. Conditioning Theories
b. Cognitive Development Theory
2. Which situation best illustrates the
c. Maturation Theory
concept of growth?
d. Ethological Theory
a. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within
two months.
b. A high school student gets a score of 8. Mr. Francisco was very much worried
85 in mental ability test. about the thumb sucking of his son. A
c. An education student has gained friend of him says that certain behavior
knowledge on approaches and strategies among infants. Who presented that
in teaching different subjects notion that certain behavior like thumb-
d. An elementary grader has learned to sucking is normal behavior?
play piano. A. Sigmund Freud
b. Erick Ericson
3. Which statements below best c. John Bowlly
describes development? d. Urie Bronfrenbenner9. A newborn
a. A high school student’s height infant move his whole body at one time,
increased by 5’2″ to 5’4″ instead of moving a part of it. Which of
b. A high school student’s change in the following principles is illustrated by
weight from 110 lbs. to 125 lbs. his behavior?
c. A student had learned to operate the
computer a. Development proceeds from specific to
d. A student’s enlargement of hips general.
b. Development proceeds from general
to specific.
4. What concept can best describes
c. Development follows an orderly
Francisco’s ability to walk without a
support at age of 12 months because of
d. Development follows a general
the “internal ripening” that occured in his
muscles, bones and nervous system
10. Train up a child in the way he should
a. Development
be; when he grows up, he will not depart
b. Growth
from it. Which principle supports this?
c. Learning
a. Development is determined by his
d. Maturation
b. Development is determined by the
5. Teacher Jesus in now 69 years old has environment
been observing changes in himself such c. Early development is more critical than
as the aging process. Which term refers the late development
to the development change in the d. Early development is less critical than
individual? late development.
a. Development
b. Growth
11. Which state of the psycho-sexual
c. Learning
theory does young boys experience
d. Maturation
rivalry with their father for their mother’s
attention and affection?
6. Manuel, a five-year old boy can hold a. Oral
his pen and write his name with his right b. Anal
hand. Which term describes Manuel’s c. Phallic
action/ behavior? d. Latency
12. Angela focuses her attention on the teacher help a child who is hyperactive?
school work and vigorous play that a. Make him the leader of the class
consume most of her physical energy. b. Transfer him to another class
Which stage of psychosexual theory c. Give him challenging activities that are
illustrates her behavior? appropriate to his ability level and
a. Oral interests.
b. Anal d. Allow him to spend longer at the
c. Phallic playground until he gets tired.
d. Latency
18. Tessa gets jealous whenever she
sees her father showing love and
affection to her mother. Which of the
following is she showing according to
a. Complex
b. Phallic
c. Electra Complex
13. Which of the following is likely to be d. Oedipus Complex
developed if infants are shown genuine
affection? 19. In Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive
a. Trust Development, which of the following
b. Autonomy statements would illustrate Edward who
c. Initiative is 11 years old?
d. Industry a. Able to see relationships and to reason
in the abstract.
14. Christian develops an integral and b. Unable to breakdown a whole into
coherent sense of self. He seeks answers separate parts.
to the question. “Who am I”? Which of c. Differentiates goals and goal-directed
the following is Christian likely to activities.
develop? d. Experiments with methods to reach
a. Initiative goals.
b. Identity and Role Confusion
c. Intimacy 20. Trisha goes with her mother in
d. Autonomy school. She enjoys the workplace of her
mother. Which of the following ecological
15. Ms. Reyes uses images and language theories is illustrated by the situation?
to represent and understand her various a. Microsystem
lessons to preschool learners. What stage b. Mesosystem
in the cognitive theory of development c. Exosystem
explains this? d. Macrosystem
a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperational 21. Lito, a student in secondary level
c. Concrete operation tends to spend more time with his friends
d. Formal operation and his family, thus, his behavior is
greatly affected by them. In which stage
16. Connie develops concepts necessary in the Psychosocial Stages of
for everyday living, builds healthy Development does Lito belong?
attitudes towards oneself, and achieve a. Autonomous vs Shame and Doubt
personal independence. These are b. Identity vs. Role Confusion
among the attributes of an individual in c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
what particular stage? d. Initiative vs. Guilt
a. Infancy and early childhood
b. Middle childhood 22. Anna believes that authority is
c. Adolescence respected. She is now in what particular
d. Early adulthood level in moral development theory of
Lawrence Kholberg?
17. Some children are more active than a. Social contract
others, as everyone knows-extremely b. Law and order orientation
highlevels of activity or hyperactivity are c. Interpersonal concordance
considered problematic. How may a d. Universal ethics orientation
23. What level has a four year old learner 4. When a teacher present a morally
like Maryann reached when she acquired ambiguous situation to his students and
new skills such as putting the same ask them what to do, the teacher’s
shapes and the same colors together? technique is based on the theory of
a. Development A. Bandura ●C. Kohlberg
b. Maturation B. Piaget D. Bruner
c. Zone of Proximal Development 5. According to Maslow, the highest of the
d. Learning need in the Hierarchy of Needs theory is
A. Psychological need C. Belongingness
●B. Self actualization D. Safety
24. Which of the following principles can Ego
be the basis of the growing realization of A. Ego C. Id and ego
the significance of the early childhood B. Superego ●D. Id
education? 7. Operant conditioning can be applied to
a. The young children are capable of classroom by
doing many things at an early stage. A. Connecting facts and concepts
b. The child should be seen and should B. Fostering conducive learning
learn. environment
c. The first five years of life are the ●C. Using reinforcement
formative years of the child. D. Using manipulative devices
d. Early childhood experiences can be 8. “Women should not study since they will
interesting and challenging. be marrying soon”. If a father tells his
daughter this, can we consider his premise
morally right?
A. Depends on the family social status
B. Yes, women are mean for the home
25. Which of the following learner’s C. No, women can perform just like men
characteristics will affect most of the ●D. No, there is gender equality in
learners learning in the academic class? education
a. His affective characteristics 9. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage,
b. His cognitive characteristics teacher Maritel should
c. His psychomotor characteristics provide_______________.
d. His socio-emotional characteristics A. Activities of hypothesis formulation
●B. Learning activities that involve
problems of classification and order
1B 2A 3C 4D 5D 6A 7C 8A 9B 10B 11C 12D 13A
14B 15B 16B 17C 18C 19A 20C 21D 22A 23C 24B
C. Activities for evaluation purposes
25 D. Stimulating environment with ample
objects to play with
10. A student is finding it hard to read.
When the guidance counselor traced the
child’s history, the counselor was able to
find out that the student came from a
dysfunctional family, aside from that, the
child was abused and neglected. What
could have caused the student’s reading
●A. Emotional Factors C. Neurological
B. Poor teaching D. Immaturity
11. A child was punished for cheating in an
exam. For sure the child wont cheat again
1. According to Erikson, identity and role
in short span of time, but this does not
confusion occurs during
guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever
A. Elementary Years C. College years
again Based on Thorndike’s theory on
●B. High school years D. Pre school years
punishment and learning, this shows that
2. According to Jerome Bruner, learning is a
simultaneous process of acquisition,
A. Punishment strengthens a response
transformation and_______________.
B. Punishment removes response
● A. Evaluation C. Metacognition
C. Punishment doesn’t remove a response
B. Question D. Education
●D. Punishment weakens a response
3. Who among the following developed the
12. Laughing at a two-year-old child who
Social Learning Theory?
uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to
●A. Bandura C. Bruner
do because in this stage of the child’s, the
B. Kohlberg D. Skinner
child is_______________.
A. Considering the views of others A. Associative learning ●C. Operant
B. Distinguishing sex references Conditioning
C. Socializing B. Classical conditioning D. Pavlovian
●D. Distinguishing right from wrong conditioning
13. According to Sigmund Freud, the main 20. A child submitted a poor written report
proponent of Psychoanalytic Theory, the but packaged with brightly colored paper
superego is mainly concerned with cover. This showcases__________________.
A. The resolution of conflict within the self A. Art over academics C. art over science
B. The finding of greater satisfaction B. Substance over “porma” ● D. “porma”
●C. The idea of right and wrong over substance
D. The development of healthy psyche 21. He is considered as the first special
14. Modeling is a teaching rooted education student.
on______________________ learning theory. ●A. Victor of Aveyron C.Sigmund Freud
●A. Bandura C. Thorndike B. Tarzan of the Jungle D. Alfred Binet
B. Skinner D. Bruner 22. The Father of modern psychology
15. Teacher Marissa would like to employ A. Carl Jung ● C. Sigmund Freud
Operant Conditioning on her students to B. Aristotle D. Alfred Binet
increase the probabilities of greater 23. He is postulated that man psyche is
participation during discussion. It is highly composed of animus and the anima
possible that teacher Marissa will A. Karen Horney C. Willism James
A. Put more emphasis on sharing and ●B. Carl Jung D. Cattell
consistently guide them to new ideas 24. He pioneered in NON-Directive
B. Allow them to think about thinking Counseling?
●C. Give a star token to those who will A. Thomas Gordon ●C. Carl Rogers
participate B. Erik Erikson D. Rousseau
D. Let them exercise metacognitive 25. This educator proposed 3 modes of
approaches to better understand the topic representation, enactive, iconic and
16. One of the traits of many students is symbolic
putting more emphasis on “porma” over A. Bandura C. Kounin
substance. This is likely to be shown when B. Kohler ●D. Bruner
A. A written report was submitted by a 26. This premier behaviorist once said:
student with shabby cover but Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-
comprehensive content formed and my own specified world to
●B. A written report was submitted by a bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take
student using “perfumed” stationary but any one of random and train him to
poor content become any type of specialist I might
C. A written report was submitted by a select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-
student two days ahead of time chief and, yes even beggar-man and chief,
D. A written report was submitted by a regardless of his talents, penchants,
student two days late tendencies, abilities, vacations, and race of
17. Providing variety of learning activities his ancestors”
to students is a characteristic of a teacher A. Bandura C. Rogers
who understand the principle of ●B. Watson D. Erikson
A. Reward as a potential means of 27. His best contribution to the world of
increasing the participation education is the 3 laws (law of effect, law
B. Proactive teaching as a modern or readiness and law of exercise)
technique of teaching A. Rousseau ●C. Thorndike
●C. Facilitating learning with emphasis on B. Pavlov D. Bandura
individual differences 28. The teachers’ widely accepted view of
D. Allowing the student to be exposed to giving rewards to students is the legacy of
various teaching techniques A. Dewey C. kounin
18. The best example of Operant B. Bruner ●D. Skinner
Conditioning among the following is 29. He believes that learning is based on
A. Connecting facts and concepts Adhesive principle
B. Fostering conducive learning A. Dewey C. Kounin
environment B. Bruner ●D. Koffka
●C. Using reinforcement 30. One of main proponent of Gestalt and
D. Using manipulative devices who believes that the whole is more than
19. A child receives a STAR STAMP after the sum of all its parts
correctly completing his task. The child A. Bruner ●C. Wertheimer
always tries to complete all tasks correctly B. Thorndike D. Lewin
for him to have a stamp once again. What 31. “the child learns from what he sees in
is being shown in the situation? the environment” is the main thesis of this
famous educational psychologist
A. Skinner ● C. Bandura B. Tyler D. Rubenstein
B. Locke D. Koffka 45. This condition is also known as trisomy
32. According to this theorist, our behavior 21
at a particular time is a product of the A Turner Syndrome ●C. Down Syndrome
interaction of two factors, internal and B. Patau Syndrome D. Autism
external forces 46. This condition is characterized by poor
●A. Lewin C. Locke spelling and pervasive difficulty in reading
B. Wertheimer D. Jung A. Mental retardation C. Savant
33. According to this developmental B. autism ●D. dyslexia
psychologist, children’s thinking skills 47. Certain injury to the language area of
move from simplicity to complexity the brain can cause the total loss of the
A. Bandura ●C. Piaget ability to produce and/ or understand
B. Thorndike D. Freud language, this condition is known as
34. The inventor of the first usable A. Mutism C. aspergers
intelligence test ●B. Aphasia D. dyslexia
A. Freud C. Skinner 48. ___________is a disorder of neural
B. Piaget ●D. Binet development characterized by impaired
35. This particular theorist believes that social interaction and communicatio9n and
the mind is blank at birth by restricted and repetitive behavior.
A. Allport ●C. Loche A. Mental retardation C. ADHD
B. Skinner D. Binet ●B. Autism D. Physical Disabilities
36. He is generally considered as the 49. __________ refers to quantitative
father of modern education changes in an individual as he progresses
A. Collin C. Aristotle in chronological age.
●B. Comenius D. hagel A. Development C. Cephalocaudal
37. Kindergarten movement is the legacy ●B. Growth D. Proximodistal
of this man who is considered the father of 50. __________ refers to progressive series
kindergarten of changes of an orderly coherent type
A. Pestalozzi C. Montessori leading to the individual’s maturation.
●B. Froebel D. Collins ●A. Development C. Cephalocaudal
38. He once said: “education is not a B. Growth D. Proximodistal
preparation for life…it is life”
A. Montessori C. Havighurst
●B. Dewey D. Skinner
39. He proposed that every child is born
with a unique potential, his individuality,
but that potential remained unfulfilled until
it was analyzed and transformed by
A. Lewin ●C. Herbart
B. Kohler D. Havighurst
40. He pioneered in coming up with a list of
development task as individuals pass
through the developmental stages
●A. Havigburst C. Anastasi
B. Hurlock D. Herbart
41. This educator is famous for applying
classical education to impoverished
children of Chicago Illinois.
●A. Collins C. Froebel
B. Montessori D. Piaget
42. This educator opposes the traditional
notion that students are empty vessels. He
call this traditional technique as banking
A. Herbart ● C. Freire
B. Locke D. Rousseau
43. He pioneered in the study of language
acquisition of children
●A. Rousseau C. Chomsky
B. Freire D. Rubenstein
44. He introduced the notion of zone of
proximal development and “scaffolding”
●A. Vygotsky C. Chomsky

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