Budget Preparation
Budget Preparation
Budget Preparation
Financial Expenses are expenses which are not used in the actual
operation of the LGU. These expenses include bank charges, interest
expense, commitment fees, and other financial charges.
Capital Outlays refer to appropriations for the purchase of goods and
services, the benefits of which extend beyond the fiscal year and which
add to the asset of the LGU concerned, including investment in public
utilities (PUs) such as public markets and slaughter houses.
C. Prepare the PPMP for the Budget Year
The PPMP shall be prepared by all Departments/Offices for all PPAs
with proposed procurement of goods, civil works, and consulting
services. This shall be done by firming up the PPMP prepared based on
the approved AlP, taking into consideration the available resources,
particularly the budget ceilings of the Department/Office concerned.
D. Consolidate PPMPs into APP
The consolidation and evaluation of PPMPs will be made much faster
and economical through the BAC. This means that decisions on the
mode of procurement, type and specifications of items to be procured,
when to procure, and costs have been considered.
E. Review and Consolidate Budget Proposals
The budget proposals by various Departments/Offices shall be reviewed
by the LBO using the following criteria:
• Consistency with policies set forth in the budget call;
• Compliance with budgetary requirements, general limitations and other
provisions under the LGC; and
• Accuracy of horizontal and vertical computations.
Budget proposals not in conformity with policies and guidelines shall be
returned for revision.
All budget proposals shall be consolidated by the LBO for submission to
LFC to be used in the conduct of budget hearings.