CAT P1 May 2024
CAT P1 May 2024
CAT P1 May 2024
MAY 2024
1. Before you begin, rename your Data Files folder to your examination number.
E.g.: Data Files becomes 1234567890.
2. This question paper consists of 17 pages and an appendix (HTML Tag List and
Input Mask Character Sheet) of 2 pages (i–ii). Please check that your question
paper is complete.
3. The examination consists of 5 sections and 9 questions. All questions in all sections
must be answered.
4. You must use a text editor for the HTML section. Acceptable applications are
Notepad, Notepad++ or WordPad. Microsoft Word may NOT be used for HTML
6. Take note of the mark allocation to ascertain the complexity of the solution required
and the amount of time you should spend on each question.
9. Unless other instructions are given, all word-processing documents should be set
up as follows:
10. You may use the offline help function, if available, in each application.
11. Figures in the question paper have a border. When a figure is provided as part of a
question, you are not expected to add the border unless instructed to do so.
14. Do NOT delete, move or duplicate any files or folders unless instructed to do so.
15. Save your work at regular intervals to prevent data loss. Backup data files will be
made available to you by your teacher/invigilator, if needed.
The contents of your examination Data Files folder and sub-folders are as follows:
Medias folder
Project folder
Q2 Q3 Q4
Q5 Q6 Q7
Q8 Q9 Q9 images subfolder
images folder
1.2 Move all image, audio and video files into the Media Assets folder. (3)
1.3 Compress the file Names.rtf into a file with the same name. (1)
1.4 Add the author name, John Collins, to the Templates document. (2)
Ensure the File Explorer window is displaying the content in Details view.
1.7 Sort all the contents of the Project folder, according to Comments, ascending.
If you were unable to complete Question 1.6, then sort by Name. (2)
1.10 Save the screenshot as a PNG (or JPG) file called Preview.png. Ensure
the Comments column is included in the screenshot. If you are unable to
create a PNG or JPG file, insert the screenshot into a Word document and
save the document as Screenshot.docx. (1)
1.11 Create a copy of the document Draft. Leave the default naming of the file
as suggested by Windows. (1)
1.12 Determine the Album Artist of the audio file SignIn.mp3. Create a new text
document with the same name as the album artist. (2)
1.13 Investigate what date the file, Names.rtf, was last modified. Fill in the
answer in the allocated space in the Names.rtf file. (2)
1.14 Create a shortcut to the Project folder. Place the shortcut in the Q1 folder. (1)
20 marks
IEB Copyright © 2024
'The people who have skills, who have training, they can get a job,' says Lionel P. Robert Jr., a
professor at the University of Michigan Robotics Institute. 'The people at the low end – when
those jobs go away, they just have less options to find another job.'
As everyone knows, the supply chain is under tremendous pressure with a boom in consumer
spending. E-commerce exploded as the pandemic lockdowns set in, and it continues to grow
rapidly (up 14,2% from 2020 to 2021). Demand is accelerating the deployment of already
advanced robots, and nowhere are the prospects for automation stronger than in two particular
sectors: warehousing and trucking.
Figure 1
2.6 Locate the three sub-headings highlighted in yellow and apply the style
called SUBHEADING to them. (1)
2.7 Modify the style SUBHEADING so that the font size is 14 pt. (1)
2.8 Place a footnote at the end of the text 'This article has been adapted.' The
footnote must read:
our-jobs. (2)
Save and close the document.
10 marks
IEB Copyright © 2024 PLEASE TURN OVER
Page 1
3.1 Adjust the top margin of the document to 1.75 cm. (1)
3.2 Apply a top and bottom paragraph border to the text '2022 REPORT'. (1)
Page 2
3.3 Insert the text 'SYNTAX SOLUTIONS REPORT 2022' in the header. (1)
3.4 The header text must not display on page 1 of the document. (1)
3.6 Ensure that all pages in the document, from page 2 onwards, are numbered. (2)
3.8 Format the text starting with 'Claire Nguyen' and ending with 'Chief Data
Officer' into two columns. See Figure 2 as an example. (1)
Figure 2
3.9 Use an appropriate break so that 'Emily Davis' will always appear at the top
of the second column. (1)
3.10 Indent the paragraph with the quotation by Steve Jobs by 3.5 cm from the
left and 3 cm from the right. It should display as shown in Figure 3. (2)
Figure 3
Page 3
3.11 Edit the automatic table of contents to display only the headings that have
been formatted with the ReportSubs style. (2)
Page 4
3.12 Adjust the line spacing of the paragraph beginning with 'Syntax Solutions is
a …' and ending with '… and AI needs.' to 1.5. (1)
3.13 Locate the text 'cloud computing', which has been highlighted in yellow, and
convert it into a URL linking to ''. (2)
3.14 Apply ScreenTip text to the link created in Question 3.13. The text must read
'See our cloud computing options'. (1)
Page 5
3.15 Starting at 'Customer service', format the entire list given as follows: (3)
The list begins with 'Customer service' and ends with '… evolving fraud
threats.' See Figure 4 as an example showing all three formatted levels for
the first point.
Figure 4
21 marks
Page 4
4.1 Locate the heading 'Outlook' at the top of the fourth page. Create a bookmark
called 'outlook' using the heading text. (1)
Page 1
4.2 Convert the text 'This outlook remains positive.' located on page 1, into a
hyperlink, linking to the bookmark you created in Question 4.1. If you were
unable to create a bookmark in the previous question, link to the text to 'Our
Outlook' which has been formatted with Heading 1. (1)
4.3 Insert the chart from the Q4Graph workbook as a linked object, on the text
'{insert chart as linked object here}' (remove the text once the link was
inserted). (3)
Page 3
4.4 Adjust the orientation of the third page (containing the graph and table) to
display in landscape orientation. All other pages must remain in portrait
orientation. (3)
Page 6
4.5 Use the information on this page to add a source to the Source Manager of
Word. (1)
Whole document
4.6 Change all occurrences of the phrase 'Syntax Solutions' to 'SS'. (2)
Mail merge
Open the document Q4MailTemplate.
Syntax Solutions are giving all the managers in the marketing department a bonus.
A template has been created to complete a mail merge to notify all the relevant
4.7 Use the provided DataToMerge workbook to insert the four fields into the
letter. (2)
4.8 Edit the recipients so that the letter will only be sent to managers in the
Marketing department. (3)
4.9 Complete the merge and save the completed merge document as
Q4Letters. (2)
18 marks
Worksheet: Sheet 1
The data for calculations can be referenced from the Employees worksheet.
5.2 Set the height of Row 1 to 123 pixels (73.80 pts). (2)
5.4 Calculate the total amount of all salaries paid globally, in cell C2. Make use
of an appropriate function to do so. (2)
5.5 Use a function in cell C3 to calculate the total number of employees working
for the company. (2)
5.6 How many employees do not have an Age field filled in? Determine the
answer by means of a function in cell C4. (2)
5.7 How old is the oldest employee? Use a function to display the answer in cell
C5. (2)
5.8 Determine the average percentage, using a function in cell C6, of the bonus
percentage paid. (2)
5.9 Calculate the total amount of annual salaries paid to United States
employees. Use a function in cell C7 to display your answer. (4)
5.10 Work out, by means of a function, the total number of employees based in
Berlin (as indicated in cell E3), in cell F3. Copy this down correctly to cell F4
so that it works for Hamburg as well. (3)
21 marks
Worksheet: AccessCodes
6.2 Create an access code for each employee in Column C. Each access code
is created from the following structure:
Worksheet: Lookup
6.3 Use data validation to create a drop-down list in cell B3. The list must display
all the ID's located in Column A from the AccessCodes worksheet. (2)
6.4 Make use of a function, in cell C3, that will return the name of an employee
based on whichever ID has been selected in cell B3. (4)
14 marks
Worksheet: Employees
7.1 Correct the issue causing Column F displaying the # symbol. (1)
7.3 Calculate the total number of years, in cells H2:H9, based on their hire and
exit dates. The figure must display as a whole number with no decimals. (3)
7.4 Display in Column I, the word 'Yes' if an employee has worked for more
than 2 years for the company, otherwise, display the word 'No'. Answer this
question even if you were not able to answer Question 7.3. (3)
Worksheet: Sales
7.6 Insert a pivot table. The table must display the following details/values: (4)
7.6.1 Department.
7.7 For the Sales department, also display the sum of sales secured for each
business unit and employee working in Sales. (1)
See Figure 5 on the next page for an excerpt example of the table.
Figure 5
Worksheet: HighestSales
7.9 Create a column chart using the data presented in the pivot table on this
worksheet. (1)
7.11 Edit the chart heading to display as 'Sales people figures' (no quotations). (1)
18 marks
Table: tbl_Employees
8.1 Change the properties of the fields contained in this table as indicated
8.2 Add a rule so that a user cannot enter a value of more than 0.12 in the bonus
field. Provide an appropriate validation message. (2)
8.3 Ensure that the field IntContact displays contact phone numbers in the
following format: +873(1)xx-xxxx. The letter x represents where any
number is allowed to be entered. (2)
8.4.1 The form must display the fields FullName, JobTitle, Department,
BusinessUnit, Country and City from tbl_Employees. (1)
8.4.2 Insert a search button in the header of the form that will open up a
Search dialog box when clicked. (2)
8.5.2 Change the background colour to any colour other than the default. (1)
Detail section
Figure 6
8.5.4 Change the tab order of the fields so that Rating is the first field
activated. (1)
8.6 Insert a hyperlink on the Menu form which will open the form frm2-
Employees when clicked. (1)
8.9.2 Type your exam number in the footer of the report. Use a label, not
a text box. (1)
8.10 A field has been added to the page header section, called SARands.
Calculate, in the corresponding box in the Detail section, the annual salary
amount in South African rands. Assume the exchange rate is R20 to 1$. (1)
8.13 Create a query called qry1-HighRatings. Use both database tables. (1)
8.13.3 The query must display all employees with a rating of 49 and above. (1)
8.14 Add the necessary criteria so that the query displays only corporate
employees who are missing an age entry in their records. (3)
8.15 Employees who have a rating of 50 are eligible for a bonus increase of 5%.
Create a new field called NewBonus to calculate each employee's new
bonus amount. (3)
8.16 The query must display all employees hired between 1992 and 1998. (3)
40 marks
Open and work only in the folder named Q9.
Open the file index.html and edit with a text-based editor.
9.1 Give web document a title: 'Syntax Solutions: Welcome'. (No quotations). (2)
9.2 Set the body background to grey. (2)
9.3 Locate the <img> tag and update it to show the image Banner.png, located
in the images subfolder. (2)
9.4 Set the width of the image Banner.png to 600 px and the height to 300 px. (1)
9.5 Format the text 'Syntax Solutions', located underneath the image, to display
with a heading size of 1. (1)
9.6 Insert a line after the text 'Client Login page'. (1)
9.7 Format the text beginning with 'Select an option …' and ending with '…
service before.' as a paragraph. (1)
9.8 Format the word 'register', located in the paragraph, to display as bold text. (1)
9.9 The list, beginning with the word 'Login', has not been correctly marked up
with HTML tags. Correct it by adding the missing tags. (2)
9.10 Adjust the font size of the word 'Contact', located at the bottom of the page,
to 5. (2)
9.11 Convert the text 'Contact', at the bottom of the page, to a hyperlink which
will open the page contact when clicked. (2)
Save and close index.html
Open the file contact.html and edit with a text-based editor.
9.12 Correct the last row of the table so that the text '© 2023 Syntax Solutions'
displays across all three columns. See Figure 7 as an example. (1)
Figure 7
Save and close contact.html
18 marks