Prefinal Exam Problems Solving
Prefinal Exam Problems Solving
Prefinal Exam Problems Solving
1.The population of a community was 12 500. After 1. Plutonium has a half-life of 14,000 years.
20 years it was found that the population grew to Suppose that 50 pounds of it was dumped at a
16 000. What will the population be after 50 years? nuclear waste site. How long would it take for it to
decay into 20 lbs?
2. One type of bacteria triples every 8 hours.
Starting with 100 bacteria, how many will there be 2. Let’s say a substance has a half-life of six days. If
after 18 hours? there are 80 grams present now, how much is left
after three days?
3. A forest has a population of 1000 birds. Due to
deforestation, the bird population is decreasing at 3. Lead-209 is a radioactive isotope. It has a half-life
a rate of 5% per year. Calculate the size of the bird of 6.3 hours. Suppose that 100 milligrams of this
population after 10 years. isotope is created in an experiment, how much is
left after 24 hours?
4. The cost of a car model decreases in value at a
continuous rate of 8% per year. If a car costs 4.The population of a community was 2 500. After
20,000 USD when new, what will it be worth after 30 years it was found that the population grew to
5 years? 36 000. What will the population be after 50 years?
5. An artifact originally had 10 grams of carbon-14. 5. One type of bacteria triples every 4 hours.
Using the model A=Aoe−0.000121t, determine how Starting with 100 bacteria, how many will there be
many grams of carbon-14 the artifact will have after 48 hours?
after 250,000 years.?
6. A forest has a population of 2000 birds. Due to
6. The doubling time of a population of flies is eight deforestation, the bird population is decreasing at
days. If there are initially 100 flies, how many flies a rate of 4% per year. Calculate the size of the bird
will there be in 17 days? population after 12 years.
7. A certain cancerous tumor doubles in size every 7. The cost of a car model decreases in value at a
six months. If the initial size of the tumor is four continuous rate of 7% per year. If a car costs
cells, how many cells will there in seven years? 1,200,000 Php when new, what will it be worth
after 15 years?
8. Plutonium has a half-life of 24,000 years.
Suppose that 50 pounds of it was dumped at a 8. An artifact originally had 140 grams of carbon-
nuclear waste site. How long would it take for it to 14. Using the model A=Aoe−0.000121t, determine
decay into 10 lbs? how many grams of carbon-14 the artifact will have
after 250,000 years.?
9. Let’s say a substance has a half-life of eight days.
If there are 40 grams present now, how much is left 9. The doubling time of a population of flies is 10
after three days? days. If there are initially 10 flies, how many flies
will there be in 37 days?
10. Lead-209 is a radioactive isotope. It has a half-
life of 3.3 hours. Suppose that 40 milligrams of this 10. A certain cancerous tumor doubles in size every
isotope is created in an experiment, how much is five months. If the initial size of the tumor is 10
left after 14 hours? cells, how many cells will there in ten years?