him after Fran, through the barrier. Sasha grabs Omar and getting away from the soldier.) drags about children living in country a This is the beginning of a play to survive. sOLDIER: Hey. youl Come back! wnere soldiers are hghting and people are stnug8ling (Sasha and Omar disappear into the crowd.) From 'In the Rue Bel Tesoro' by Lin Coghlan SCENE 2 SCENE 1 (Fran staggers into the train compartment with her bundies.) (A busy train crowded station with travellers. Sasha and Omar arrive pushing SASHA: Please, madam, if we could stay with you, we're On our o w n . . an old-fashioned pram and carrying a bag stutfed with belongingS) FRAN: Oh no -impossible. I must have my space. SASHA: Don't say anything. let me do the Omar, talking. SASHA: The soldiers don't stop old people SO much when they have children. OMAR: (into the pram) FRAN: don't like babies. You've got to keep quiet, OMAR: It isn't a baby - it's a dog. Valentine, we re in the station now. (Sasha looks at him furiously) (They approach a soldier checking documents at the entrance to the platform.) SOLDIER: Papers? SASHA: (handing over the papers) Get started we re going to meet our mother. She's waiting for us. them by filling in SOLDIER: The baby his pass? - Copy these carefully and sentences complete the gaps. Use the playscript to find the answers. SASHA: He's.. a new baby. he doesn't have one. SOLDIER: No papers, I can't let you through. 1. Scene 1 is set in a busy (Fran arrives with a huge suitcase and 2. Sasha and Omar's bag is stuffed with pushes in.) 3. The soldier checks everyone's_ FRAN Please-let an old woman by! My bad hipt My teet SOLDIER: (unmoved) 4. Fran is an. Papers? 5. Omar tells Fran they have a - (Fran gives him her papers as the children watch.) not a