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Sculptor 2 Manual - 01 - 05

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Fifth Edition issued April 1990

© 1990 Microprocessor Developments Ltd

ISBN 0 947770 02X

Published by
Microprocessor Developments Ltd
Trademark Acknowledgements
MS DOS and MSNET are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Netware is a trademark of Novelllnc.
OS9 is a trademark of Microware Corp.
PC-DOS and PC-NET are trademarks of International BusinessMachines Inc.
Ultrix and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corp.
SCULPTOR is a trademark of Microprocessor Developments Ltd.
Uniflex is a trademark of Technical Systems Consultants Inc.
Unix is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
Xenix is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.

The following terms have been used in this manual and are defined


A parameter to a function.


A set of codes used to represent characters. Sculptor supports extended,

8-bit characters. ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for
Information Interchange.


A number used to identify a particular, sequential file.

child task

A process whose execution is initiated by another (parent) process. In

Sculptor, the exec command is used to initiate another process.


A word in the Sculptor programming language which is used to perform

an action.

data field

A field in a file's data dictionary which is not part of the key.

data file

A system file which is used to hold records:

,-/ day number

A means of representing a date as a number of days from a fixed

base-date. In Sculptor, day number 1 is the date 1/1/0001.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 1-1


A statement in the Sculptor programming language which defines an

option or action which is not executed in strict, procedural sequence, but
is executed as part of the initialisation of the program.


The information such as the name, type and size which is used to
describe a field in a data dictionary.


An elementary data item stored in a record.

file id

A name or number used to identify a particular keyed file.


A program subroutine which computes a result or performs an action

based on the values of its arguments.

index file

A system file which is used to hold an index to records in a data file.

Sculptor index files have a .k suffix.

key field.

A field. in a file's data dictionary which is part of the key.

keyed file

A logical file consisting of two system files, a data file which holds data
records and an index file which holds the index to those records.


A name given to a
program line so that the line may be referenced by a
goto or gosub command or a trap clause.


A restriction which is temporarily placed on a record or file to prevent

other processes from updating that record or file.

1-2 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

manifest constant

A name given to a word which may be used to represent a value in

subsequent program code.

numeric expression

An expression involving fields and constants together with operators

which produces a numeric value as its result.

parent task
A process which initiates the execution of another (child) process. In
Sculptor, the exec command is used to initiate another process.


A file specification which describes the name and location of a file. In

Unix, the components of a pathname are separated by a forward slash
(I) and in DOS by a backward slash (\). Sculptor programs accept a
forward slash on both systems.


A program which has been loaded and is running, or is waiting to run

pending some event.

raw mode

A communication protocol with the terminal in which no characters have

special meaning to the operating -systern. This mode has the
disadvantage that interrupt characters and flow control characters
cannot be used but it is occasionally necessary when using a terminal
whose control codes conflict with ascii standard protocols,


A set of fields which comprise a logical unit, for example, a stock record.

record buffer

An area in a program into which a record from a file is read and then
made available for processing. Sculptor automatically allocates a record
buffer to each file declared in a program.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 1-3

record field

A field which is described as part of a file's record as opposed to a

temporary field declared locally within a program.

relational expression

An expression involving fields and constants together with operators <::>

which produces a true or false result. A numeric expression which

produces a non-zero result is true and one which produces a zero result
is false.

screen field

A record or temporary field which is linked, within a program, to a display

area on the screen.

screen overlay

A set of screen fields which may be on (displayed) or off (not displayed)

at anyone time when a program is running.

scroll area

A set of screen fields laid out such that each field has its heading at the
top of a column of data values for that field. All fields in the scroll area
have the same heading line and occupy the same number of rows. (The
scroll area may be used to display subscripted fields or to concurrently
display data from multiple records which might, for example, represent
the lines on an invoice.)

scroll line

The row number within the scroll area on which screen input and display
commands currently operate. Also used as the default index value for
subscripted fields which are not explicitly indexed when referenced.

sequential file

A system file from which data is either read or written in sequence. A

sequential file has no index and cannot be randomly accessed.


A sequence of printable characters enclosed in quotation marks to form

an alphanumeric constant.

1-4 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual


An index value for a subscripted field.

subscripted field

A field which holds multiple values. The dimension of a subscripted field

defines the number of values that it can hold.

temporary field

A field declared locally within a program as opposed to a field which is

described as part of a file's record.

text expression

An expression involving fields and constants together with operators

which produces an alphanumeric value as its result.

trap clause

A program clause which transfers execution to a labelled line if a

particular exception condition occurs.


A computer terminal or PC with a screen and keyboard. VDU is an

acronym for Visual Display Unit.

Shorthand for the key code sent by holding down the CTRL key and
pressing X. X may be any character in the ascii range @ through _

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 1-5


This chapter provides a summary overview of the major. Sculptor


Contents Page

General description . 2-1

Documentation conventions .2-3
The Sculptor program suite .2-3
Sculptor keyed files .2-5
Vdu parameter files .2-5
Printer parameter files .2-6
Creating a Sculptor system .2-6
File integrity checks .2-7

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 2-1

General description

Sculptor comprises a suite of programs designed to enable the rapid

development of sophisticated software for a wide variety of applications.
At the heart of the Sculptor system is a powerful and flexible keyed file
technique which provides very fast retrieval, insertion and deletion of
stored information. Records may be accessed randomly or in ascending
key sequence and there are powerful search commands for use when
the exact key is not known. The indexing technique (known as aB-Tree)
keeps the index permanently sorted - it never requires re-structuring.

Data processing in Sculptor is accomplished through two specifically

designed high level languages. One is for interactive work through a vdu
(screen form language) and the other is for report writing and batch
processing (report/batch language). Both languages utilise the same
basic commands and declarations, and differ only in areas specific to
their particular use, and in their control logic. Both languages are also
suitable for general update programs and contain powerful, high level
commands. These commands take care of most normal chores, leaving
the programmer free to concentrate on the application itself.

The languages are compiled to intermediate code which is then

interpreted by a run-time interpreter. This allows a very swift
edit-compile-execute cycle and enables full portability of both source and
compiled files across the range of machines and operating systems on
which Sculptor is available. The data files themselves are stored in a
machine-independent fashion and are also fully portable.

A set of support programs make the development and maintenance of a

complete software project both quick and easy. There are utilities to
describe the structure of the files, to create a nested menu system and
to check the integrity of index files and make any necessary repairs. In
practice the indexing technique has proved to be extremely reliable and
file damage is only likely to occur through power or hardware failure.

The Sculptor system provides full device independence through the use
of vdu and printer parameter files. Utilities are supplied to define the
parameters for terminal and printer characteristics so that programs may
run without modification on a wide variety of systems. Many of the
internal messages issued by the Sculptor system may be configured to
any spoken language by the let utility.

2-2 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Two program generators are supplied to automatically create screen
form or report/batch programs as required.

An implementation of the popular Structured Ouery Language (SOL) is

supplied and may be used to generate ad-hoc reports from any of the
data files on the system. Fields on any data file may be protected from
access by SOL.

Sculptor is ideal for a wide variety of business applications; any system

involving retrieval from and updating of large or small data files, cross
referencing one to another, is particularly suitable. Full data processing
including all normal arithmetic calculation is handled efficiently, and
Sculptor is currently managing such diverse applications as data capture
in real time and complete business accounting.

The keyed file routines used within Sculptor are available separately for
use within the C language to access Sculptor keyed files directly.

Documentation conventions

Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used in syntax


1. Items in italics to be replaced as detailed in the text.

2. Items in bold face and punctuation should be entered as shown.

3. Optional items are enclosed in square brackets "[ ]". The square
brackets should not be entered as part of the command.

4. An ellipsis " ... " indicates that the preceding item may be repeated.

5. A list of items separated by a vertical bar character "I" indicates that

a choice may be made from the selection shown.

The Sculptor program suite

The following programs are supplied in the Sculptor development

cf The compiler for screen form language source

er The compiler for report/batch language source


Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 2-3

describe Define and amend the record structure for
Sculptor keyed files.

kprnt Text file interpreter used to display formatted help


kfcheck,kfcopy, Keyed file utilities to check the integrity, copy,

kfdet, kfri display details and rebuild the index of Sculptor
keyed files.

Icf Language and format configuration of Sculptor


menu Text file interpreter which produces a fully

portable formatted menu system.

newkf Creates a new, empty, keyed file from a record

descriptor created with describe.

pause Usedto display a prompt and await a key press.

pdes Prints a data dictionary defined by describe.

reformat Reorganises the data in a Sculptor keyed file after

changes to the structure.

rg, sg Report and screen form language generators for

the automatic production of source files.

sage Screen form language interpreter.

sageform Prints a screen form layout for documentation.

sagerep ReporVbatch language interpreter.

setprint, Set up and decode printer parameter files.


setvdu, Set up and decode vdu parameter files.


sp Interactive screen painter for screen. form

language programs.

spp Source pre-processor for both screen form and

report/batch language source files.

sql, eql, fql Structured query language. Interpreter,

environment and form based interfaces.

2-4 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

vno Determines the version of the compiler that was
used to compile a proqrarn,

Sculptor keyed files

A Sculptor keyed file is maintained as two separate disk files, one
containing data records and the other the index. All data, including key
information, is held in the data file. Thismeans that if the index is lost or
becomes damaged it can be rebuilt from an intact data file. Adata file is
initially defined with the describe program, which creates a data
dictionary file and determines the type and size of each field within a
record. The newkf program is then used to create the data and index
files, the data file is created with the same name as the data dictionary
file, but without a file extension. The index file is created with a .k
extension. '

Each keyed file has one physical key which may be logically interpreted
as several separate data items. There are commands to search the index
on part of the key. The index is a multi-level tree which, for efficiency, is
reorganised every time a record is inserted or deleted. The technique
used is very fast and means that the index is always up to date. The data
file grows automatically as records are inserted and it is not necessary
to predeclare the file size. To avoid unnecessary growth, the space
released by deletions is re-used when new records are inserted.

The only restrictions for a Sculptor keyed file are:

1. There must be at least one key field.

2. The total record length must be at least 3 bytes.

3. The total record length must not exceed 32,767 bytes.

4. The total number of records must not exceed 16,777,216.

5. The total key length must not exceed 195 bytes

An alternative descriptor file may be used to define an alternative record

layout for any keyed file. This allows different types of record to be stored
in the same file (see the !record declaration in the screen form and
'~-- report/batch language chapters).

Files which contain only key information may be defined. These can be
used to provide cross-referencing and alternative lockup-Indexes.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 2-5

vdu parameter files

The Sculptor screen form language requires a vdu parameter file for each
type of vdu that is being used. Several such files are supplied with the
system and new ones can be created with the program setvdu. See
chapter 10 for further details.

The purpose of these parameter files is,to make screen form language
programs independent of the terminal being used. Almost any terminal
with cursor positioning and a "clear screen" command may be used,
although Sculptor is more effective if protected fields and thin-line
graphics are available. Almost all modern terminals are suitable and
.•many different types of terminal may be used on the same system.

Printer parameter files

The report/batch language requires a printer parameter file to describe

the capabilities of the printer being used. Several such printer parameter
files are supplied with the system and new ones may be created with the
program setprint. See chapter 10 for further details.

The purpose of these parameter files is to make pr-ograms independent

of the printer being used and to make it easy to use special features such
as double-width characters, underlining and compressed print. If the
report requires a feature that is not supported by the printer in use, the
program ignores the instruction and continues to print the report.

Creating a Sculptor system

The general procedure for creating a Sculptor application is as follows:

1. Use the program describe to define the record layouts for each file
required. Up to 32 files may be used within a single screen form or
report/batch program and up to eight alternative record layouts may
be defined for eachfile. Good design technique should avoid too
much use of alternative record layouts. The describe program
creates data dictionary files, identified by a .d extension, which are
then used by the compilers and by some of the keyed file utilities.

2. Create new keyed files using the program newkf which reads the
data dictionary files, calculates the required key and record lengths
and initialises the new keyed files.

2-6 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

3. Write any required screen form programs in the screen form
language. These programs are ordinary text files so you may use
any text editor available on your system. The files must have a .f
extension and may be compiled with either the screen form compiler
cf or the source pre-processor spp. Standard file maintenance
programs may be created with the screen program generator sg. The
compiled programs have the same name as the the source file but
with a .g extension.

4. Write the required report programs in the report/batch language.

These are ordinary text files and may be created with any available
text editor. The files must have a .r extension and may be compiled
with either the report/batch compiler cr or the source pre-processor
spp. Standard report programs may be created with the report
program generator rg. The compiled programs have the same name
as the source file but with a .q extension.

5. If you subsequently alter a file's record layout by deleting or inserting

fields or by changing the type, size or dimension of any field then the
file must either be re-initialised or reformatted and all programs which
reference that file must be recompiled.

File integrity checks

The Sculptor keyed file system is very robust and has been thoroughly
tested over several years. The multi-level tree index can, however, be
corrupted if an update routine is interrupted by power or hardware failure
or by uncontrolled task termination when the operating system is
incorrectly shut down. The update routines ignore all normal keyboard
interrupts during file access.

The utility program kfcheck checks the integrity of keyed file indexes. It
should be run as part of the start-up procedure every time the system is
switched on or, if the system is permanently on, it should be run once
each day. If damage is reported the kfri utility is normally able to repair
it. Prolonged use of a damaged file can lead to serious loss of data.

See chapter 10 for further details of the keyed file utilities.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 2-7


This chapter describes the operation of the Sculptor data dictionary

editor, describe.

Contents. Page
What is a data dictionary . 3-1
Sculptor keyed file layout .3-2
Field name .3-3
Field heading .3-3
Field type and size .3-3
Field format .3-5
Default formats .3-7
Field validation .3-8
On-line help 3-10
Field comment 3-10
Hide from SOL ·3-10
Reverse sign (SOL) 3-10
Command line syntax 3-10
Using describe - Menu options 3-11
File management 3-14
The path table 3-15
Error messages 3-16

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-1

Data Dictionary Editor
What is a data dictionary
The data dictionary stores information about a keyed file, including field
name, type & size, format and validation. Default help text and comments
may also be stored for each field, and a field may have attributes set to
define its behaviour when accessed with SOL.

A data dictionary is used to define the record layout for each Sculptor
keyed file. The data dictionary file has the same name as the data file
but with a .d extension. It is used by the newkf program to create a
Sculptor keyed file and by the compilers, cf and cr, when compiling a
program that uses that file.

Defining all the information about a file in one place greatly simplifies the
use of that file in Sculptor programs. The file details can be readily printed
for documentation purposes using the pdes program.

Multiple data dictionaries may be defined for a single keyed file and are
referred to as alternate record layouts for that file.

If a data dictionary contains only key information, it may be used as an

index-only file (see newkf on page 10-30 for further information).

Sculptor keyed file record layout

The record layout is described in terms of fields. Each field must have a
name, type and size. The field may optionally have a default heading,
format, validation list and help text. These, with the exception of the
validation list, may be over-ridden by the programmer within a program.

Each file must have a key. The key for a record is composed of the values
for all of the key fields concatenated in the order defined. The data record
is composed of all the fields in the record, including key fields,
concatenated in the order defined. The record data is stored in a data
file. There is also an index file which holds a 8-tree index to the data
records. The index file has the same name as the data dictionary but with
a .k extension.

The order in which key fields are defined is crucial, since index sequential
access depends upon the content of the key. Keys are sorted by direct
byte comparison, which means that if the sequential access order is
important, you should not include numeric fields which may contain
negative values, or any floating point fields (rS or mS).

3-2 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor
Alternative record layouts may be defined for a Sculptor keyed file. These
layouts may be used within programs to access the data in a keyed file
using a different set of field names. A data dictionary file is created which
has a name that differs from the main file. The field names must also
differ. The alternative record layout must have an identical key and
record length to that of the main file and it is recomended that the key
structure is identical.

Field name

Field names may contain alphabetic characters in upper or lower case,

the numerals 0 through 9 and the underscore character, but the first
character may not be a numeral. Sculptor keywords may not be used as
field names (refer to page A-1 for a list of reserved words).

Each field name must be unique within the data dictionary file. Although
it is possible to use the same name in different files, the compilers will
issue a warning if identical field names are encouritered within. a
program, and only the first encountered will be accessible.

To avoid possible duplication within an application, it is advisable to

adopt a naming convention which identifies the file to which a field
belongs. This may be done with a file identifying prefix on each field
name. For example,

si name
may be used if the file was a sales ledger file.

Field heading

Field headings are used to identify fields on the screen or in a report.

There are no restrictions on the characters that may be used in a field
heading. The field heading may be over-ridden within a screen form or
report/batch language program.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-3

Data Dictionary Editor
Field type and size
The field type & size is specified by a single alpha character indicating
the type together with a number which indicates the size in bytes, eg a20
is an alphanumeric field of 20 bytes and m4 is a money field of 4 bytes.
A data field may also be dimensiuned by enclosing the number of
occurrences required in parentheses after the type & size, eg d4(10).
Key fields may not be dimensioned.

Type Size Description

a 0-255 Alphanumeric field which may contain any


d 4 Date field stored internally as a day number

starting from 1/1/0001.

1,2 or 4 Integer stored in binary. The range of an i1 is

0-255, the range of an i2 is -32767 to 32767 and
the range of an i4 is -214748364'7 to 2147483647.

m 4 or 8 Money field with a main currency unit equal to 100

of its subsidiary units. Stored internally as an
integer in the lower currency unit. An m4 field is
stored as an i4 type with the same range as an i4
and an m8 field is stored as an integer in a real
(r8) field with the same range as an r8 type.

r 8 Floating point field stored internally in IEEE

floating point format with up to. 15 significant
digits. Range is 10-37 to 1038.

Since date fields are stored as day numbers, adding or subtracting an

integer value from a date adjusts its value by that number of days.
Dividing a date by 7 and taking the remainder (using the % operator)
gves the day of the week (O=Sunday). Dates are input and displayed in
standard formats, ego 21/12/90 or 12/21/1990 with the input routines
adding 1900 to any two-digit year.

3-4 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor .
Money fields are stored in the lower currency unit which helps to avoid
any rounding errors, m4 fields being stored in long integers and mS fields
in floating point. Whenever a value is stored into an mS field, Sculptor
adds 0.5 and then stores the "floor" value, thus removing any fractional
portion. This operation is not, of course, performed on rS fields. When
performing multiplication and division on m4 or mS fields, bear in mind
that the values are stored in the lower currency unit.

Field format
A format may be attached to a field and is used to determine the precise
way in which the field is printed and displayed. If no format is specified,
a standard default is applied to suit the field's type and size. Any format
defined in the data dictionary may be overridden within a screen form or
report/batch language program.

Formats apply differently to alphanumeric, numeric and date fields.


For alphanumeric fields data is normally output precisely as input, the

number of characters equalling the field size. The following special
characters convert the input and/or output as shown:

e suppress echo of input characters (screen form only)

I forces lower case on input
u forces upper case on input
s no leading spaces on printing (sagerep only)
t no trailing spaces on printing (sagerep only)
r remove trailing spaces when the field is used in get, put
and print (sage and sagerep)
n null terminated field (see the get command for details)
m+ format When a numeric value is assiqned to this alpha field, treat
it as a money value with two implied decimal places and
use this format.
d+ format When a date value is assigned to this alpha field, treat
it as a date (day number) and use this format.
+ format When a numeric value is assigned to this alpha field, use
this format instead of the default format.

Following the character(s) with a plus (+) sign will force conversion when
assigning a value to the field. Examples of the use of formats on
alphanumeric fields follow:

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-5

Data Dictionary Editor
ut Force upper case on input, remove trailing
spaces, assignments are not affected.

1+ Force lower case on input and assignment.

m+###.## Format the field when assigned as a money type

using the shown format

d-dd/mrn/yyyy Format the field when assigned as date type using

the shown format

un Force upper case on input, spaces are preserved,

field is null terminated after the last character
entered (not padded to field size with spaces).


For numeric fields the output width equals the number of characters in
the format specification. The following format characters have a special
meaning, other characters in the format are output unchanged.
# Designates a position where leading zeros are to
be space filled.

o Designates a position where leading zeros are to

be printed.

* Designates a position where leading zeros are to

be filled with asterisks.

Designates a comma to group significant digits.

Position of decimal point

A numeric format is processed from right to left. Once digit selection has
begun (the first # , * . or 0), the first non-special character terminates the
numeric part of the format. If the last digit designator was # * or 0 , all
further characters in the format are floated right and leading spaces,
asterisks or zeros are used to make up the required width. Examples of
the use of numeric formats is shown below:

##,###.## Showing 9 characters, zero is shown as 0.00

unless zeros were suppressed when the program
was compiled.

####0.00 Zero always displays as 0.00 regardless of zero

suppression being applied.

3-6 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor
£ ###,##0.00 Floating £, zero is always shown as £ 0.00

On most systems, £ and # are the same ascii

character code and a space must be placed
between the # used as £ and the # which is the
most significant digit. The space causes Sculptor
to treat the first # as a currency symbol.

$ 000,000.00 Fixed $, as field is always zero filled


Date formats may use the characters d, m and y to designate day, month
and year respectively. The year portion may be two or four digits or may
be omitted altogether. However it is generally better to omit date formats
and allow the default value to apply. By doing this the program becomes
independant of date format and may be run without recompilation in other
countries. For this reason it is wise to design screen forms and reports
on the assumption that dates require space for a four-digit year. The
default date format may be altered in the run-time interpreters sage and
sagerep using the program Icf. Example date formats are shown below:

dd/mm/yy format using 2 digit year, 1900 added to year on


dd.mm.yyyy format with full stops using a four digit year

mm/dd/yyyy put the month first

dd/mm not valid for input, display only, no year shown

no format use the default format (configurable by Icf)

Default formats
If a format is not specified for a date or numeric field, a default is applied
as follows:

Type & Size Default format

d4 That set with Ict.

- i1
i4 #######
m4 #######.##

sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-7

Data Dictionary Editor
mB #######.##
rB #######.##

There is also a:default date format set in the compilers ef and er and in
describe itself. Theorily purpose of the date format in these programs
is to indicate how date constants are to be .interpretedin the program
code and validation lists.

Input data is always automatically validated according to field type and
size,both in the screen form and the report/batch languages. Further
validation within. the screen form language may be defined by attaching
a validation list to a field description. This will ensure that only valid data
may be inputby the operator. Any data valid for the type and size of the
field may be assigned directly to that field. Cross-field validation is also
possible by programmed testing of data input using the screen form or
report/batch language,


Integer fields
Only integers within the range appropriate to the field size are accepted.

Money fields
For m4 and mB fields, amounts must be whole numbers or fractions with
exactly two digits following the decimal point and must be within the m4
or mB range.

Date fields
Day, month and year must be input in the order specified in the date .
format, but most punctuation characters are accepted as separators
regardless of the the one used in the actual format. ·Ifa two-digit year is
input then 1900 is added to the year. Input dates are fully checked with
proper consideration for leap years, although a correction for the loss of
eleven days in September, 1752 is not made.

04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor

In addition to automatic validation, it is possible to attach a validation list

to a field. The list may consist of individual values and ranges of values.
Items in the list are separated by commas with ranges separated by
hyphens. If used, input to the field will only be accepted if the value
entered is included in the list.

Validation lists are not checked by the report/batch language.

Validation lists may also allow no input to the field as a valid entry. This
is done by using two consecutive commas. Validation lists may not be
overridden within a screen form program.

Alphanumeric data is validated by comparing the input text for equality

with single items in the validation list and on aqreater than or less than
oasis against a range. Although input data is padded with spaces to fill
the length of the field, these are ignored for comparison purposes, so
care must be exercised with alphanumeric validation lists. For example,
if a two-byte field is to begin with a letter in the range A-M, it is not
sufficient to validate the field A~M since MB will be considered invalid.
Specifying AA-MZ overcomes this problem.

Examples are shown below for each type of field.

Alphanumeric fields

Numeric fields
t 1-19,21-29,31-39
,,-500"-100; 100~500

Money fields

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-9

Data Dictionary Editor
Date fields
" 1/1/80-31/12/99

On displaying a validation list for a date field, describe will show the year
as four digits.

On-line help
When a field is input in the screen form language an optional line of help
text may be presented either automatically using the autohelp on
command or when the user presses the HELP key. This on-line help may
be defined for each field in the record as appropriate. The on-line help
for a field may be overridden within a screen form language program.

Field comment

When a data dictionary is printed using the pdes utility program, the
comments field may be shown. The comment entry provides information
about the field, for documentation purposes, which may otherwise not
be obvious from the field name or heading.

Hide from Sal

When the SQl system is used to produce ad-hoc enquiries from the file,
a field may be hidden from access. This may be used to preserve the
security of sensitive data while allowing users to produce reports with
sql, eql or fql.

Reverse Sign(Sal)

When producing ad-hoc reports using SQl, a field may be defined which,
although containing a positive or negative value, should have its sign
reversed for the purposes of the enquiry, egoif a field contained 100 then
it would be shown and totalled as -100 and vice-versa. This is used to
correctly show and total amounts which should be treated as the opposite
sign, ie, debits in a bank account.

3-10 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor
Command line syntax
The command line for describe has the following format:

describe [-q] [fifename]

The fifename is the name of the data dictionary file that is to be edited.
Tile .d extension is automatically added.

The -q flag selects quiet mode so that the program name and date are
not displayed on exit from describe.

The data dictionary file is used by the compilers cf and cr, by the newkf
utility and by the Sal suite sql, fql and eql.

If changes are made to the structure of a data dictionary file then all
programs that access that file must be recompiled to incorporate the
changes. The reformat utility must be used to preserve existing data if
the size or field order of the record is changed. If changes to the size or
field order have been made and there is no existing data or the data need
not be preserved, the newkf utility can be used to re-initialise the file
(see chapter 10 for details on the reformat and newkf utilities).

describe newfile
describe -q ledger

Using describe - Menu options

The describe menu is shown on the right hand side of the screen when
the program begins. A description of each of the options on that menu

While the cursor is positioned on any of the menu options, the current
descriptor line may be changed using the plus (+) and minus H keys.

This selection is active on entry to describe and allows changes to all
fields already recorded and appending of additional fields. The following
keys can be used in Edit. As these keys are defined in the vdu parameter
file, they may differ slightly on some vdus and systems.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3·11

Data Dictionary Editor
Key Description

INS Toggle insertlovertype

PGUP/PGDN Page up and down
ENTER Next field
TAB Next field
SHIFT-TAB Previous field
ARROW KEYS Field movement control
ESC Return to menu
Ctrl-Z Delete to end of field
Ctrl-X Abandon changes
F1 Help system
F2 Copy field name to heading
F3 Quick help
F4 Expanded mode
F10 Return to menu


Inserts a blank field above the current position. Field data is entered in
the expanded display. If no valid field data is entered, or ESC is pressed,
the insertis abandoned. Pressing F10 at any time or RETURN at the last
field exits and inserts the new descriptor.


Deletes the field at the current position.


Recovers the last deleted field at the current descriptor line position.


The order of the fields inthe descriptor file may be changed. The current
field is selected and may be moved using the up and down arrow keys.
Pressing ENTER completes the move.

IMPORTANTNOTE: Moving a key field into the data field area,or a data
fiefdlnto thekeyfield area will change the field type from key to data or
from data: to key respectively.

3-12 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor
WARNING: Adding, deleting or changing the order of any fields will
require the reformatting (see reformat in chapter 10) of any existing data
and the recompilation of all existing programs which use the data file.

Go to

Go directly to a specified line by entering the line number. Pressing ESC

abandons Go to.


Toggles the current field from Key(K) to Data (0). The current field must
be either the last key field or the first data field. Use the Move option to
place the field if necessary.

Changing the key fields will require the reformatting of any existing data
and the recompilation of of all existing programs which use the data file.
Existing programs may also have to be modified to correctly use the new
key fields.


A title is stored with the descriptor file and is used for documentation
purposes. This option allows entry and amendment of that title, together
with four lines of comment text.


Enters the file management system. Sculptor descriptorfiles anywhere

on the system may be viewed and the path table may be edited. See
page 3-14 for further details.


Displays the help menu and allows selection from a range of help topics.
Press ESC to return to the describe menu.


This option clears all current fields from the workspace. Descriptor files
stored on disk will remain unchanged.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-13

Data Dictionary Editor

Enters the file management system. The file selected will be loaded for
editing. The path table may also be edited. See File management on
page 3-14 for further details. If loading a file will cause descriptor
information to be lost, you will be asked if the current file is to be saved.
Answering N here will allow you to select a file, but will give you another
chance to save the changed descriptors just before the new file is loaded.


The current descriptor fields are saved to disk using the current file name.
If a Clear command has been executed or a file has not previously been
loaded, a file name (without the .d extension) must be entered.

If a new file name is given, it will over-write an existing file of the same
name after giving a warning that the existing file will be lost.


Exits describe. If changes have been made to the current descriptors

since the last save, you will be prompted to save the changes.

Don't forget to use reformat on your data files and recompile your
programs if any of the following changes have been made:

changes made reformat recom~ile

insertion,deletion or move field yes yes
type or size of field yes yes
name of field no yes
number of fields in key yes yes
heading, format or validation no yesO
on line help text no yesO
all other changes no no
o the program will still operate without recompilation, but the changes
made will not be incorporated until the program is recompiled.

If the data file contains no records that need to be maintained, newkf

may be used instead of reformat - but this will create an EMPTY data

3-14 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor
File management
The file management system provides a method of scanning the data
dictionary files on the system and selecting a file to view or load. When
entered from the Files option on the menu, descriptor files may be
viewed, but the current descriptor file is unchanged. Entry via the Load
option on recalls the selected descriptor file for editing with describe.

In either mode, the functions available are the same. The current
directory may be changed using the F2 key, files in other directories may
be selected with the aid of the Path Table. Using this, up to 14 directory
paths can be stored and then scanned using the F5 and F6 keys. A
complete key summary follows:
Key Function

ARROW KEYS Select a descriptor file from the list shown.

F1 Display further help list of available keys.

F2 Change to a new directory.

F3 Manually enter the name of the file to select.

F4 Edit path table

F5 Next path on path table.

F6 Previous path on path table.

F10 Return to the menu. In the load option, the file will
NOT be loaded.

PGUP View the previous page of files.

PGDN View the next page of files.

ENTER Return to the menu. In the load option the file will
be loaded.

The Path table

When editing the path table, up t014 paths may be entered. These
should be the directories where your system descriptor files are located.

The keys available while editing the path table are:

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-15

Data Dictionary Editor
Key Function

A Add or amend path details. Enter the line number

to change.

D Delete a path table entry. Subsequent entries are

moved up.

F10 Return to the file management system.

ESC Return to the file management system.

Paths are stored in a file called paths.se. The environment variable

PATHSDIR may beset to specify where the paths.se file will be found.
If this variable is NOT set, the current working directory will be used to
read and write the file.

IMPORTANT NOTE. The use of relative paths within the path table may
result in the paths being invalid if the paths.se file is read while in a
different directory. Always use absolute paths within the path table for

Error messages.

Too many file names

Only one file name may be specified on the command line.

File name is too long

File name is greater that 35 characters.

Help files not found

On running the help system the help files could not be found. Ensure that
the SCULPTOR environment variable points to the location of the
Sculptor directory and that the help file des.hlp is in the HELP

Can't find file!

The file name you specified could not be found.

3-16 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Data Dictionary Editor
Field name must be entered
Each field must have a unique name.

Bad characters in field name

Only the characters a-Z, 0-9 and underscore may be used in field names.

First character in field name must be alpha

The first character of the field name must be a letter.

Field name is already used

The name you entered is not unique in this file.

First character cannot be .. or '

Field names cannot use these characters.

Bad type - must be a,i,r,m,or d

Valid field types are alphanumeric (a), integer (i), real (r), money (m) or

Bad dimension
Dimension value is zero or lacks closing parenthesis.

Hide - must answer Y or N

Sign - must answer Y or N
A Y or N response is expected.

Size not specified

A size must be specified for each field.

Size must be numeric

A numeric response is expected.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-17

Data Dictionary Editor
Alphanumeric range is 0-255
Negative values or values greater than 255 are not allowed.

Valid integer sizes are 1, 2 and 4

Real must be 8 bytes
Valid money sizes are 4 and 8
Date must be 4 bytes long

The size of the field does not match the type entered.

Too many fields

The limit of 1000 fields has been exceeded.

Can't leave gap in key structure

An attempt has been made to convert a key field in the middle of the key
to a data field. Move the field to the data area and try again.

Must be after last key entry

A data field can only be changed to a key field if it is placed immediately
after the last key entry. Move the field and try again.

Keys must start at field 1

The first field must always be a key field.

No keys have been specified

The data dictionary cannot be saved without a valid key.

Dimensions not allowed in key fields

Move the field to the data area if dimensions are required.

Error! must have at least one field

Cannot save empty data dictionary file.

3-18 04.90 Sculptor Reference ManuaL

Data Dictionary Editor .
Error! record length must be greater than 2
The total record length must be greater than 2 bytes.

Can't open output file

The data dictionary file cannot be opened. Check your access
permissions and/or disk space.

Validation list too long to save

When using a d4 type field, the date entries in the validation list are
expanded to full 4-digit year entries and, when expanded, will take more
space than is available. Reduce the size of the validation list.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 3-19

Data Dictionary Editor

This chapter describes the report/batch and screen form program

generators rg and 8g.

Content.s Page

Introduction .4-2
Output code .4-2
Command line syntax for rg .4-2
Screen fields for rg . . . . . .4-3
Error messages for rg ... .4-4
Command line syntax for 8g .4-5
Screen fields for 8g .4-6
Error messages for 8g .4-7

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 4-1

Program Generators

The normal method of creating a screen form or report/batch language

program is to' create it using an editor. However, the Sculptor program
generators can create and cornpilea default screen form or report/batch
language program in seconds from the data dictionary file, leaving a
source file which may be edited and amended as required.

The program generators operate in two distinct modes. In silent mode

(the default) they read the specified data dictionary file and produce
either a screen form or a report/batch language program from that file.
In active mode the program generators display a screen form which
allows the programmer to select the fields that will be displayed/printed.
The report title, field headings and formats may be amended as required.

Both program generators are similar in operation, but differ slightly in the
fields available on the screen in active mode and, of course, in the output
code produced.

The program produced can be used as a normal Sculptor screen form or

report/batch program and the source file can be edited and recompiled
as required.

Output code
The code that is created by the program generators is well suited to the
task it has to perform. Subroutines are used for common routines, such
as display and input to screen forms, and headers and totals in
report/batch programs. When dealing with array fields on screen forms,
each is placed on the scroll area and code is generated to display and
input all elements of each array, independent of size. Although this
technique is capable of dealing with a very wide variety of situations, if
the code is to be used as the basis for an application program it will
probably require tailoring for the application.

4-2 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Program Generators
Command line syntax for rg

rg [-a] filename

Automatically generate a report program using record descriptions

previously defined with the data dictionary editor, describe. filename is
the name of the data dictionary file (with a .d extension automatically
added) which is read to produce a Sculptor report/batch language source
file. This will have the name filename.r and will then be automatically
compiled using the compiler cr to filename.q. The resulting program can
be executed by typing sage rep filename.

WARNING: Any files named filename.r or filename.q that already exists

in the current directory will be overwritten.

The generated file will contain all the Sculptor commands necessary to
produce a report of the fields from the data file, correctly formatted with
headings and totals. This source file may then be modified using a
standard text editor.

Used with the -a option, rg will display a full screen form which may be
used to select the fields to be displayed, and the formats to be applied
when printing those fields. The fields from the data dictionary file will be
listed in turn and you may choose to select or omit them from the
generated report and adjust the heading and format of the displayed field.

Screen fields for rg

Program name The source file will be saved using this name.

Report title The title that will be displayed centred at the top
of the report.

K/D The data type of the named field (Key or Data).

Field name The name of the field.

T&5 The type and size of the field. Some fields may be
too large to fit on a single line of the printer. These
should be omitted from the generated display, or
rg will report an error and will not create the

y/n Include (y) or omit (n) the field from the generated

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 4-3

Program Generators
Tot On numeric fields, a total may be printed, enter Y
or N.

Heading The heading that will be used when the field is


Format The format that will be used when the field is


When you have finished selecting fields from the data dictionary file, you
will be asked if you want duplicate key values suppressed. If you have
not placed all of the key fields on the report, there may be duplicate
values shown on the report, even though the full key is not, of course,
duplicated. Selecting this option will suppress the printing of these
duplicates and generally tidy the report.

Error messages for rg

Only one filename allowed on the command line

sg can only operate on a single data dictionary file at a time.

No file name given

Please enter a file name on the command line.

Can't fit the fields of filename on the report

All of the fields of filename will not fit on the report. Use the -a option to
select the fields that will fit on the report.

Can't execute cr

The compiler cr could not be found. Check that the development system
has been fully installed and that the er program is available.

Can't create configuration file

sg requires that a Sculptor data file called gen_cont resides in the main
Sculptor program directory. This error occurs if that file could not be
found. Check the location of this file.

4-4 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Program Generators
Can't execute sage

The -a option uses the sage screen form interpreter to present the screen
form for input. Please check the location and availability of the sage

Can't re-open configuration file

The configuration file gen_cont could not be re-opened.

Mismatch on configuration file

The configuration file gen_cont is damaged.

Can't open filename

The named file could not be opened. Check access permissions

Input error on filename

An operating system input error has occurred. Check the integrity of the

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 4-5

Program Generators
Command line syntax for s9

sg [-a] filename

Automatically generate a screen form program using record descriptions

previously defined with the data dictionary editor, describe. filename is
the name of the data dictionary file (with a .d extension automatically
added) which will be read to produce a Sculptor screen form language
source file. This will have the name filename.f and will then be
automatically compiled using the compiler ct to filename.g. The resulting
program can be executed by typing sage filename.

WARNING: Any files named filename.t or filename.g that already exists

in the current directory will be overwritten.

sg will design the screen form so that all the fields will fit on the screen,
if possible, so may take some time to perform the optimisation if there
are a large number of fields. If the fields cannot be fitted on the screen,
sg will abort the process with an appropriate error message.

The generated file will contain all the Sculptor commands necessary to
maintain the data file, with options to insert, find, next, match, amend,
delete and exit. This source file may then be modified using a standard
text editor.

Used with the -a option, sg will display a full screen form which may be
used to select the fields to be displayed, and the formats to be applied
when displaying those fields. The fields from the data dictionary file will
be listed in turn and you may choose to select or omit them from the
generated screen form and adjust the heading and format of the
displayed field.

Screen fields for s9

Program name The source file will be saved using this name.
Screen title The title that will be displayed centred at the top
of the screen.
KID The data type of the named field (Key or Data).
Field name The name of the field.

4-6 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Program Generators
T&S The type and size of the field. Some fields may be
too large to fit on the screen. These should be
omitted from the generated display, or sg will
report an error and will not create the program.

yln Include (y) or omit (n) the field from the generated

Tot Used by rg only.

Heading The heading that will be used when the field is


Format The format that will be used when the field is

displayed or input.

Error messages for sg

Only one filename allowed on the command line

sg can only operate on a single data dictionary file at a time.

No file name given

Please enter a file name on the command line.

Can't fit the fields of filename on the screen

All of the fields of filename will not fit on the screen. Use the -a option to
select the fields that will fit on the screen.

Can't execute cf

The compiler cf could not be found. Check that the development system
has been fully installed and that the cf program is available.

Can't create configuration file

sg requires that a Sculptor data file called gen_cont resides in the main
Sculptor program directory. This error occurs if that file could not be
found. Check the location of this file.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 4-7

Program Generators
Can't execute sage

The -a option uses the sage screen form interpreter to present the screen
form for input. Please check the location and availability of the sage

Can't re-open configuration file

The configuration file gen_cont could not be re-opened.

Mismatch on configuration file

The configuration file gen_cont is damaged.

Can't open filename

The named file could not be opened. Check access permissions

Input error on filename

An operating system input error has occurred. Check the integrity of the

4-8 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Program Generators

This chapter describes the operation of the screen painter for screen
form language programs, sp.

Contents Page
Introduction .5-2

Move fields .5-2

Add fields. .5-4

Temp declarations .5-5
Field declarations .5-6
Edit title ...... .5-7

Update scroll area .5-7

Change delimiters .5-7
Change screen size .5-8
View file descriptors .5-8
Directory of files .5-8
Load source file .5-8
Save changes .5-9
Include files 5-10
Command line syntax 5-10
File management 5-10
Error messages 5-12


Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-1

Screen Painter

The screen painter reads a Sculptor screen form language source file
and allows fields to be placed on any of the eight screens available. When
an existing source file is read, screen fields are drawn on the screen and
may be moved, changed or deleted as required. Fields from any file may
be placed on the screen as may any temporary fields (ie, those defined
with !temp). New temporary fields may be added and placed on the
screen. The scroll area, field delimiters and form title may also be
amended as required.

When the source file is saved, any changes made are written back and
the source file may then be compiled in the normal manner.

As the source file may contain conditional compilation statements for the
Sculptor pre-processor, spp, the screen painter performs the first phase
of that same conditional compilation so that the sections of code that are
being amended are the sections that would be compiled. Manifest
constants may, therefore, be defined on the sp command line to provide
the same level of control provided by spp.

When the screen painter begins, it reads the filename specified, if any,
and displays the screen as it would look to the user. An additional status
line at the bottom of the display and a menu on the right hand side are
also displayed. Each of these menu options is detailed in the following

Move fields

Allows movement using the arrow keys to any location on the screen.
The cursor location is marked with a plus (+) sign. Fields displayed may
be picked up and dropped at any location using the SPACE bar.

Movement of the field onto the start line of a defined scroll area will
display the field vertically to the depth specified as the scroll area depth,
with the field heading shown centred above.

If a scroll field is at the right edge of the screen, you will not be able to
move it vertically out of the scroll area as doing so would display the field
horizontally off the edge of the screen. Move the field to the left first.

The functions available will depend on whether the cursor is over a blank
area of the screen, over a field which has not been selected or moving
a field which has already been selected.
5-2 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual
Screen Painter

F1 Help on key usage.

F3 Select a screen to activate/deactivate.
There are 8 available screens which may be active at any
time. Fields will only be deleted from active screens.
Similarly, new fields added will be added only to active
screens. Deactivating a screen will remove, from display,
all fields belonging to that screen and activating a screen
will display all fields on that screen.
F7 Move the scroll area (and all scroll fields) up.
Fa Move the scroll area (and all scroll fields) down.

F10 Return to the menu.


F1 Help on key usage.

SPACE Pick up the current field (field name is displayed lower left).

F4 Display information about the current field. The

information that is displayed is shown below:
Field position The row and column position for the field.
Screens The screens on which the field is placed.
Source Whether the field is from a file (!file) or is a
temporary field (!temp). If from a file, the filename
is shown.
Name The field name
Heading The field heading in use.
Type & size The type and size of the field and the number of
dimensions (if any).
Format The format being applied to the field.
Key or Data Defines whether the field, if from a file, is a key or
data field on that file.
F5 Delete the field from the display of all active screens.
F10 Return to the menu.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-3

Screen Painter

SPACE Drop the field at the current location.

TAB Shift the field data area right - the heading is not moved.
Shift-TAB Shift the field data left - the heading is not moved.

Add fields

Allows fields to be imported from a selected descriptor (.d) file.

Using the file management system, first select the descriptor file, then
fields from that file to place on the display.

Use the arrow keys to select a file, and press ENTER to accept that
selection. See page 5-10 for details on selecting files.

When a file has been selected, the fields in the file are displayed on the
left hand side of the screen. Select or deselect a field using the ENTER
key. As a field is selected, it's name appears in the placement list on the
right section of the screen and an asterisk is shown to the left of the field
name. All of the fields shown in the placement list will be transferred to
the screen form in turn when you press F2.

When selecting the field names, F10 may be pressed to abandon the
entire option and return directly to the main menu.

Having pressed F2, the fields appear in turn on the display and you may
place them by moving to the desired location using the arrow keys and
pressing the SPACE bar. The next field on the placement list will then
appear. After the last field has been placed you will return to the menu.
If no fields have been selected you will return directly to the menu.

IMPORTANT NOTE. The field declarations will be written to the source

file in the order selected.

A list of the currently active screens are shown in the lower right corner.
All fields selected will be placed on all currently active screens in the
order shown in the placement list.

Fields that appear highlighted are already displayed and may not be
selected again.

5-4 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Screen Painter
The default heading set up in describe is automatically used, but this
may be changed using the Field Declarations option from the main
menu (see page 5-6 for further details).

Temp declarations

Allows maintenance of the temporary fields which are placed in the

source file when it is saved. Temporary field declarations may be added,
deleted and amended.

The field declarations are shown in a list with a menu of actions shown
below. Select a declaration using the up and down arrow keys and select
an action to perform using the left and right arrow keys.

The declarations are shown in the format:

!temp fieldname, [heading], type&size, [format]

where fieldname is the name of the field, heading is the heading which
will be used as a default for this field (blank for no default heading),
type&size is the field type and storage size, and format is the format
specifier (see page 3-5 for further information).


Update Amend the details of the selected declaration

Insert-Above Insert a new declaration before the current


Insert-Below Add a new declaration after the current position

Delete Delete the current declaration

Next-page View the next page of declarations

Prev-page View the previous paqe of declarations

Menu Return to the main menu

When editing field headings, a '<' symbol is used to indicate the end of
the field data. This is useful if trailing spaces are required.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-5

Screen Painter
When editing a declaration, the message "Linked to a field" will be
displayed if the temporary field is used by a screen field declaration. If
this is the case you will not be allowed to change the field name or delete
the field.

Field declarations

Allows maintenance of the screen field declarations that will be placed

in the source file when it is saved.

The screen field declarations are shown in a list with a menu of actions
shown below. Select a declaration using the up and down arrow keys
and select an action to perform using the left and right arrow keys.

The declarations are shown in the format:

+ fieldname, [heading], row, column, [formafj

where fieldname is the name of the field, heading is the heading which
will be displayed, ( a space indicates no heading ), row and column are
the screen positions of the first character in the data field, and format is
the optional format specifier which may over-ride the default for this field
(see page 3-5 for a list of available formats).

Also shown is a list of the screen number(s) on which the highlighted

field will appear and either a letter, Tor F, to mark whether the declaration
is for a temporary or file field.

A menu is presented at the bottom of the screen. The options available

on the menu are shown below.

Update Amend the details of the selected field declaration

Insert-Above Insert a new declaration before the current


Insert-Below Insert a new declaration after the current position

Delete Delete the current declaration

Next-page View the next page of declarations

Prev-page View the previous page of declarations

Menu Return to the main menu

5-6 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Screen Painter
In Update or Insert options, these keys are active:
F3 Abandon the current operation

F10 Exit and save this declaration

No two screen field declarations may refer to the same record field or
temporary field.

If an attempt is made to insert a field name from a file which has not been
used in this screen form previously, the message "needs !temp or !file
declaration" is displayed. Select the field using the Add fields option or
create a !temp declaration for the field using the Temp declarations

When editing a field heading a '<' symbol is used to indicate the end of
the heading data. This is useful if trailing spaces are required.

Edit title
The screen title is taken from the first line of the source file. This option
allows amendment of that title. The title entered is centred and
highlighted (using the start page title (entry 23) sequence from the vdu
parameter file) on the top line of the display.

Update scroU area

The start line and depth of the scroll area may be defined. Only one scroll
area may be declared for each screen form program. The total of start
line and depth may not exceed the depth of the screen.

Any fields displayed on the start line are duplicated vertically the number
of times defined by the scroll depth. This allows multiple copies of the
same field to be displayed. The scroll area applies to all screens - not
just the active screen.

Change delimiters
The characters which are used to delimit the field data. may be changed
with this option. Each delimiter may be any single character. Pressing
ENTER alone leaves the delimiters as they are. The default delimiters
used are left and right square bracket "[]", however, if the loaded source
file contains a !box declaration, the characters defined there are used.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-7

Screen Painter
Input field delimiters are applied universally throughout all screens in the
screen form program.

Change screen size

A standard and extended display depth and width may be defined in the
vdu parameter file for a terminal. This option allows you to switch
between standard and extended width or depth.

Select W to change width or D to change depth.

This option has no effect if your vdu does not support extended width
and/or depth.

View file descriptors

Enter the file management system in READ ONLY mode, to view the
descriptors of any data dictionary (.d) file on the system. All of the
functions of file management are available including the ability to edit the
Path Table.

Directory of files

Used to view the files in the current directory, three types of file may be

Sculptor data dictionary files with a .d extension are displayed with the
file title shown to the right of the file name. This is designed to aid
identification of the file.

Screen form source (.1) files may also be shown, as may the screen form
compiled code files (.g).

Load source file

Loads a source file into the workspace and displays the fields defined
within that file. The vdu width arid depth will be adjusted to meet the
requirements of the loaded source file.

If you have not saved any changes made to your current file - you will be
prompted to do so before the new source file is loaded.

5-8 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Screen Painter
This option enters the file management system where you may select
from any of the source files in the current directory or use the facilities
of the Path Table to select source files anywhere on the system. See
page 5-10 for further details of how to use these facilities.

The screens that were active when you selected Load source file will
remain active when the new file is loaded. This may result in none of the
fields from that source file being displayed.

During the loading of a source file, sp may find errors within the file and
will report them accordingly. If errors are found, the file will NOT be
loaded. Use your normal editor to correct the stated errors before
attempting to re-load the source file.

Save changes
Saves any changes to the current source file. If this is a new source file,
you will be asked to enter a name for the file (without the .f extension).
If a file by that name already exists you will be prompted to over-write it
or enter another name for the new file.

All declarations are written back to your source file and may be edited

IMPORTANT NOTE: The sp program is a tool to help ease the work

involved in creating good screen layouts, but it does not generate the
program code to use that layout.

An existing source file may be loaded and the layout changed without
affecting any sage commands within that source file as sp will only
change declarations as follows:

Change made in sp Declarations changed

fields from new file placed !file, +, !screen

existing fields moved +
existing fields deleted +, !screen
screen size changed !width, !depth
scroll area changed !scroll
title line changed/added/deleted first line of file adjusted
field delimiters changed !box
temporary fields added/amended !temp
temporary fields placed on display +, iscreen

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5·9

Screen Painter
If multiple screens are used and fields are placed when more than one
screen is active, some fields will appear simultaneously on more than
one screen. When the declarations are written back to the source file
the !screen declaration for these fields will be written first and will declare
all the screens on which the fields which follow appear. ie,
!screen 1,3,5,8
... field declarations

Include files

Information which is originally read from an include file is written back to

the same file when the source file is saved. When new declarations are
written, however, they are written to the include file only if the new
declaration immediately follows a declaration from that file. This may not
always be exactly what you require, so if in doubt, check your source

The old source file is renamed as filename.bak when the changes are

Command line syntax

sp [-q] [-Dsymbol[=text]] ... [filename]

filename is a Sculptor screen form source file with a .f extension (the

extension is added automatically).

When used with the -q switch, sp will exit quietly and NOT display the
version number header box.

The -D option allows manifest constants to be defined to have either a

null value (without the =text) or with the value text which will be used in
the program. This option is to enable the screen painter to correctly
include or exclude sections of code based on manifest constants defined
on the command line in the same fashion as the Sculptor pre-processor,

The screen painter directly modifies Sculptor screen form source files.
Include files declared within the source file using !include declarations
are also read and may be modified if declarations read from those files
are changed.

5-10 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Screen Painter
File management

The file management system may be entered in one of two modes. When
entered from the View Files option on the main menu, data dictionary
files may be viewed. Entry via the Load File option will load the selected
source file for editing with sp.

In either mode, the functions available are the same. The current
directory may be changed using the F2 key, files in other directories may
be selected with the aid of the Path Table. Using this, up to 14 separate
directory paths can be stored and then scanned using the F5 and F6
keys. A complete key summary is shown below:

ARROWS Select a descriptor file from the list shown.

F1 Display further help list of available keys.

F2 Change to a new directory.

F3 Manually enter the name of the file to select.

F4 Edit the path table.

F5 Next path on path table.

F6 Previous path on path table.

F10 Return to the menu. In the load option, the file will NOT be

PGUP View the previous page of files.

PGDN View the next page of files.

ENTER Return to the menu. In the load option, the file will be

When editing the Path Table, up to 14 paths may be entered. These

should contain directories where your system source files are located.

The keys available while editing the path table are:

A Add or amend path details. Enter the line number to


D Delete a path table entry. Subsequent entries are moved


Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-11

Screen Painter
F10 Return to the file management system

ESC Return to the file management system

Paths are stored in a file called paths.sc. The environment variable
PATHSDIR may be set to specify where the paths.sc file will be found.
If this variable is NOT set, the current working directory is used to read
and write the paths.sc file.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The use of relative paths within the path table may
result in the paths being invalid if the paths.sc file is read while in a
different directory. For consistency, always use absolute paths within the
path table.

Error messages
These errors prevent a source file from being loaded. Many of these
errors are preceded with the message:
Error in filename at line [ (!include) J nnn :

Where the (!include) will be shown to identify that the error was in an
include file and where nnn is the line number where the error occurred.

Screen size set too large: max size 25 x 132

A !width or !depth statement was encountered which exceeds the above

limits. The source file will NOT be loaded.

Fieldname too wide for the screen

The named field would not fit on the screen and has not been placed.

Fieldname adjusted

The named field would not fit on the screen at the intended position and
the position has been adjusted to allow it to fit.

Too many files specified

A maximum limit of 32 !file and !cfile declarations is imposed.

5-12 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Screen Painter
Can't open file filename
The file name specified with a !file or !record declaration could not be
read to recover field names. Check the declaration in your source, then
check the file data dictionary (.d) file exists in the named location.

Too many SCULPTOR file fields

A maximum limit of 1000 fields is imposed by sp. This number is
calculated by adding the number of fields in every file declared in a !file,
!cfile or !record declaration, regardless of whether any of those fields
are actually displayed.

Too many include files

A maximum of 20 !include file declarations are permitted. This includes

nested !include declarations.

Can't find file

When selecting a file from the file management system, the named file
could not be read. This error may occur if the file has been deleted by
another user since the directory was read.

Syntax error in !file I !record declaration

Syntax error in !include declaration
Syntax error in !define declaration
A syntax error has been encountered in the named declaration.

Error in drawbox statement

The named declaration has a syntax error which should be corrected
before the file may be loaded. This version of sp does not currently
directly use drawbox statements, but does perform some syntax
checking on them for future use.

Too many drawbox/hline/vline statements

Currently, sp supports up to 30 drawbox, hline or vline statements in a
single screen form source file.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-13

Screen Painter
Missing screen number
A tscreen declaration was found without a screen number.

Screen number must be non-zero

An invalid number was found in a !screen declaration.

Bad !define
A syntax error was encountered in a !define declaration.

Bad ! declaration
An unknown declaration was found.

Invalid !include path name

The path name recovered from the !include declaration is not in the
correct format for this operating system.

Too many + field declarations

A maximum limit of 300 + field declarations is imposed. If the source file
contains a very large number of + field declarations, it cannot be edited
with sp.

fieldname : field name not defined

A + field declaration was encountered and the field name has not been
previously defined.

There is a missing left brace character in the source file at the specified

Too many !temp fields

A maximum limit of 200 temporary fields is imposed within sp.

5-14 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Screen Painter
fieldname : !temp name too long
field name : !temp header too long
fieldname : !temp format too long
A temporary field may have a maximum name length of 40 characters,
a maximum header length of 80 characters and a maximum format string
length of 30 characters.

Fieldname : dimension is zero

The named field has a zero (or invalid) dimension.

These errors may be experienced during normal operation of sp. They

warn of adjustments to the displayed fields or give further guidance when
information has been entered incorrectly.

Field too wide to adjust

When attempting to change the screen width from extended to standard,
a field on the screen would exceed the bounds of the standard display
width. The display width will not be changed. If the display width must
be changed, the wide field will have to be deleted.

Field is in the extended region

When attempting to change the screen depth or width from extended to
standard, a field was found in the extended region. Move the field to a
location within the standard screen area.

Field too wide for the screen

The field you are trying to place on the screen is too large to be displayed.

Field already defined

When inserting a field manually within the Field declarations option
from the menu, the name entered has already been defined and placed
on the screen. A particular field name may have only one screen field
declaration associated with it. If the field must be declared on several
screens, activate all the screens on which it is to be placed prior to

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-15

Screen Painter
Field name is not a !temp or !file field
The name that you have entered for the current field declaration could
not be found in the list of files or temporary fields which have been
defined. If the field is from a file which has NOT been previously used,
use the Add Field option from the menu to insert it.

Line number is off screen

The line number manually entered within a field declaration exceeds the
maximum line depth for the current display size.

Field positioned too far left for heading

When manually placing fields within the Field Declarations option, the
row and column positions must be entered. These will default to fairly
sensible values, but if the heading is very long, they may not be suitable.
Set the column position to an appropriate value for the size of the field

Column number is off screen

The column number you entered would result in the field data being
displayed off the edge of the screen.

Field name contains bad characters

A field name must start with an alphabetic character in the range a-Z and
may contain any alphanumeric character and underscore. No other
characters are permissible.

Name has already been used

A field of this name has already been defined as a temporary field or
belongs to a field in a file which has been declared.

Cannot delete - linked to a field

The temporary field declaration that you have tried to delete is being used
in a field declaration. The field declaration must be removed before the
field declaration can be deleted.

5-16 04.90 Sculptor Reference Manual

Screen Painter
Command line syntax error
The syntax given used to start sp is incorrect.

Linked to a field
You cannot change the name of a temporary field that has been used in
a field declaration. If the name must be changed, delete the appropriate
field declaration first then re-try.

Name MUST be given

A name must be entered for a temporary field declaration and for a field

Field size is <0 or >255

The alpha field you have specified must have a size in the range shown

Size must be 1, 2 or 4 for an 'i' field

Size must be 8 for 'r' fields
Size must be 4 or 8 for 'rn" fields
Size must be 4 for date fields
The size entered is incorrect for the data type specified.

Unknown field type

Valid field types are a, i, m, rand d.

Sculptor Reference Manual 04.90 5-17

Screen Painter

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