Ray Optics Board Question Bank
Ray Optics Board Question Bank
Ray Optics Board Question Bank
123. What will be the effect on focal length and
nature of convex lens of glass of refractive
index n = dipped in a liquid of refractive
index n = ? ISC-2004
129. A point object in air is placed symmetrically at
UP Board-2023 a distance of 60 cm in front of a concave
124. Find critical angle for glass and water pair, spherical surface of refractive index 1.5. If the
given refractive index of glass is 1.62 and that radius of curvature of the surface is 20 cm, find
of water is 1.33. the position of the image formed.
ISC-2016 CBSE-2023
125. A point source of monochromatic light S is kept 130. For a glass prism of refractive index 3 , the
at the centre C of the bottom of a cylinder. The
value of angle of minimum deviation δ is equal
radius of the circular base of the cylinder is to the angle of prism A. Find the angle of prism
15.0 cm. A. How will the angle δ be affected if the prism
The cylinder contains water (refractive were immersed in water ?
4 CBSE-2022
index = ) to a height of 7.0 cm as shown in the
3 131. A point source in air is kept 24 cm in front of a
figure. concave spherical glass surface (aµg = 1.5) and
Find the area surface through which light radius of curvature 60 cm. Find the nature of
emerges in air. (Take, π = 22/7) the image formed and its distance from the
point source.
132. A magician during a show makes a glass lens
with n = 1.47 disappear in a trough of liquid.
(a) What is the refractive index of the liquid?
(b) Could the liquid be water?
Kerala Board-2020
133. A ray of light undergoes refraction when it
enters from air to glass.
ISC-2009 (a) Critical angle for glass liquid boundary is
sin–1 (8/9). Determine the speed of light in
126. A fish is located at a distance of 10 cm from the
liquid if speed of light in glass is 2 × 108
wall of fish pond. The thickness of the glass
wall is 2 cm. Find the apparent position of the
Kerala Board-2017
134. If the difference in the velocities of light in glass
(Given, aµg = 3/2 and aµw = 4/3) and water is 0.25 × 108 m/s, calculate the
velocity of light in air. Given that refractive
index of glass and water with respect to air are
1.5 and respectively.
Maharashtra Board-2020
135. A blue ray of light enters an optically denser
medium from air. What happens to its
ISC-2004 frequency in denser medium?
127. Calculate the critical angle for glass and water Karnataka Board-July, 2018
pair. (Take refractive index for glass is 1.50 136. Write the two conditions for total internal
and the refractive index for water is 1.33). reflection to takes place.
ISC-2010 Karnataka Board-July, 2015
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 206 YCT
137. Mention the laws of refraction of light. 146. A converging beam of light travelling in air
Uttarakhand Board-2022 converges at a point P as shown in the figure.
138. Write two definitions of refractive index. When a glass of refractive index 1.5 is
Bihar Board-2021 introduced in between the path of the beam,
139. If the critical angle of total internal reflection calculate the new position of the image. Also
from vacuum to any medium is 30°, what will draw the ray diagram for the image formed.
be the value of speed of light in the medium ?
Bihar Board-2022
140. Write down the relationship between critical
angle and refractive index.
Bihar Board-2022
Section-C (Short Answer)
141. What is total internal reflection of light? What
are the two essential conditions for total CBSE-2019
internal reflection to take place? 147. A point 'O' marked on the surface of a glass
Punjab Board-2018 sphere of diameter 20 cm is viewed through
142. State Snell’s law of refraction. A spherical glass from the position directly opposite to the
surface of radius of curvature R separates a point O. If the refractive index of the glass is
rarer and a denser medium as shown in the 1.5, find the position of the image formed. Also,
figure below: draw the ray diagram for the formation of the
248. A convex lens L and a plane mirror M are
arranged as shown in the figure alongside.
Position of object pin O is adjusted in such a
way that the inverted image I formed by the
lens mirror combination coincides with the
object pin O. Explain how and when this
ISC-2001 happens.
242. Draw a diagram to illustrate spherical
aberration of a convex lens.
243. Two thin lenses–one convex and the other
concave of focal lengths 15 cm and 20 cm
respectively, are put in contact. Find the focal
length of the doublet lens.
244. What is the relation between the refractive
indices n1 and n2, if the behaviour of light rays
is as shown in the given figure ? 249. Where should an object be kept on the
Here, n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length
surrounding medium and the lens, respectively. 20 cm in order to get an image, which is double
of the size of the object ?
250. Obtain an expression for refraction at a single
convex spherical surface, i.e. the relation
between µ1 (rarer medium), µ2 (denser
medium), the object distance u, image distance
v and radius of curvature R.
251. An equi-convex lens of glass having focal
length of 10 cm is split into two identical plano-
convex lenses each having focal length f1 as
shown below. Find the value of f1.
245. State how focal length of a glass lens (refractive
index 1.56) changes when it is completely
immersed in.
(i) water (refractive index = 1.33)
(ii) a liquid (refractive index = 1.65)
246. When two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2
are kept co-axially and in contact, prove that
their combined focal length f is given by ISC-2010
1 1 1 252. An illuminated point object O is kept 20 cm
= + from a thin convex lens L1 of focal length 15 cm
f f1 f2
as shown below. A thin diverging lens L2 of
ISC-2014, 2008 focal length 25 cm is kept co-axial with the first
247. The figure below shows the positions of a point lens and 35 cm from it as shown in the figure.
object O, two lenses, a plane mirror and the Find the position of the final image formed by
final image I which coincides with the object. this combination of lenses.
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 213 YCT
259. A convex lens of focal length f = 20 cm is
combined with a diverging lens of power 6.5 D.
What are the power and focal length of the
combination ?
260. A plano-convex lens has radius of curvature 10
cm. Its focal length is 80 cm under water.
Calculate the refractive index of the material of
the lens, given refractive index of water is 4/3.
253. A thin convex lens which is made of glass
(refractive index 1.5) has a focal length of 20
261. A beam of light converges at a point P. Now a
cm. It is now completely immersed in a
convex lens is placed in the path of the
transparent liquid having refractive index 1.75. convergent beam at 15 cm from P. At what
Find the new focal length of the lens. point does a beam converge if the convex lens
ISC-2009 has focal length 10 cm.
254. A plano-convex lens made of glass (n = 1.5) has CBSE-2019
a focal length 10 cm. 262. Calculate the radius of curvature of an equi-
(i) Calculate the radius of curvature of its concave lens of refractive index 1.5, when it is
curved surface. kept in a medium of refractive index 1.4, to
(ii) If an identical plano-convex lens is placed in have a power of –5D ?
contact with the first (plane surfaces facing CBSE-2019
each other), what will be the power (in 263. In the given figure the radius of curvature of
dioptres) of the combination ? curved face in the planoconvex and the plano-
ISC-2007 concave lens is 15 cm each. The refractive
255. What is the cause of spherical aberration in index of the material of the lenses is 1.5. Find
lenses ? State a method to minimise the defect. the final position of the image formed.
256. A convex lens and a plane mirror are kept at a
distance of 10 cm as shown in the diagram
below. Parallel rays incident on the convex lens
after reflection from the mirror form an image
at the optical centre. Complete the ray diagram CBSE-2023
and find out the focal length of the lens. 264. The power of a thin lens is +5 D. When it is
immersed in a liquid, it behaves like a concave
lens of focal length 100 cm. Calculate the
refractive index of the liquid. Given refractive
index of glass = 1.5.
265. A double-convex lens of power 4 D is
manufactured from a glass of refractive index
ISC-2005 1.5. What is the radius of curvature of each
face of this lens if both faces have the same
257. The sun glasses have curved surfaces, but their
radius of curvature ?
power zero. Why ?
266. (a) An object is placed in front of a converging
258. See below the diagram. lens. Obtain the conditions under which the
magnification produced by the lens is (i)
negative and (ii) positive.
(b) A point object is placed at O in front of a
glass sphere as shown in figure.
ISC-2011 375. A ray of light is normally incident on one face
368. At what angle should a ray of light be incident of an equilateral prism. Trace the course of the
on the face of an equilateral prism, so that it ray through the prism and emerging from it.
just ISC-2003
suffers totals internal reflection at the other 376. Derive; i +e = A + δ for a triangular glass
face? The refractive index of the material of the prism.
prism is 1.5. Gujarat Board- March, 2020
377. Explain refraction through a prism and derive
Karnataka Board-March, 2020
the equation δ = i + e – A.
369. Calculate angle of minimum deviation for an Gujarat Board- August, 2020
equilateral triangular prism of refractive index 378. Blue colours of sky is due to ............. .
3. MP Board-2015
J&K Board-2019 379. Prove that-
370. Define angle of minimum deviation. For a µw × wµg × gµa = 1
prism of angle A = 600, the angle of minimum where the symbols their usual meanings.
deviation is 300. Calculate its refractive index of MP Board-2018
the material of the prism. 380. Which colour of light is deviated maximum by
NIOS-2018 a prism ?
371. Define dispersive power of a prism. Calculate Chhattisgarh Board-2023
the dispersive power for a prism for following 381. Draw a graph showing variation of angle of
data. µC= 1.6444, µD= 1.6520 and µF = 1.6637, deviation (D) with angle of incidence (i) of rays
passing through a prism. Name the two factors
where C,D,F are the Fraunhofer nomenclatures
on which angle of minimum deviation (δ)
(λF = 4861Å, λD = 5893Å, λC = 6563Å) depends.
NIOS-2018 NIOS-2019
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 222 YCT
382. Define dispersive power of the material of a 394. Under which conditions can a rainbow be
prism. observed ? Distinguish between a primary and
UP Board-2017 a secondary rainbow.
383. If angle of the prism and the angle of CBSE-2019
minimum deviation are equal, then find the 395. Explain the following :
refractive index of interial of the prism. (a) Sky appears blue.
UP Board-2020 (b) The Sun appears reddish at (i) sunset, (ii)
384. Calculate dispersive power of a transparent sunrise.
material given : CBSE-2019
nv = 1.56, nr = 1.54, ny = 1.55 396. An equilateral glass prism has a refractive
index 1.6 in air. Calculate the angle of
minimum deviation of the prism, when kept in
385. What are the dark lines seen in the solar
a medium of refractive index 4 2 /5.
spectrum called ?
397. A ray of light passes through a prism of
386. What conditions must be satisfied by two thin
lenses kept in contact, so that they form an refractive index 2 as shown in the figure.
achromatic doublet, i.e. a combination free Find :
from chromatic aberration ?
387. Name an optical device, which when used with
a spectrometer, can determine the wavelength
of the given monochromatic light.
388. Calculate dispersive power of glass, accurately
upto three decimal places from following data.
(i) Refractive index of glass for red colour =
(ii) Refractive index of glass for yellow colour (i) The angle of incidence (∠r2) at face AC.
= 1.61 (ii) The angle of minimum deviation for this
(iii) Refractive index of glass for violet colour = prism.
1.62 CBSE-2022
ISC-2010 398. (a) Write two necessary conditions for total
389. State two basic differences between primary internal reflection.
and secondary rainbows. (b) Two prisms ABC and DBC are arranged
Bihar Board-2023 as shown in figure
390. Draw ray diagram to illustrate the formation of
primary rainbow by refraction and total
internal reflection of sunlight in water drops.
ISC-2005, 2003
391. Define dispersive power (for light) of a
Bihar Board-2022
ISC-2003, 2021
392. The refractive indices of a material for red, The critical angles for the two prisms with
violet and yellow colour lights are 1.52, 1.62 respect to air are 41.1° and 45° respectively.
and 1.59 respectively. Calculate the dispersive Trace the path of the ray through the
power of the material. If the mean deviation is combination.
40°, what will be the angular dispersion CBSE-2022
produced by a prism of this material ? 399. At sunset or sunrise, the _______ scattered
ISC-2006 coloured light from the sun reaches our eyes.
393. How does the angle of minimum deviation of a CBSE-2020
glass prism vary if the incident violet light is 400. Out of red, blue and yellow lights, the
replaced by red light? scattering of ______ light is maximum.
CBSE-2019 CBSE-2020
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 223 YCT
401. Draw the ray diagram showing the formation 412. Show that in case of a prism. A + δ = i + e
of primary rainbow with the total internal where symbols have their usual meanings.
reflection and refraction of a ray of light inside J&K Board-2016
a water drop. 413. Define Scattering of light. Why sky appears
Meghalaya Board-2021 blue?
402. Draw a ray diagram to show that a totally J&K Board-2022
reflecting prism deviates a ray through 180o. 414. From a prism of refracting angle 60º, the angle
Meghalaya Board-2021 of minimum deviation is 30º Calculate:
403. Draw the ray diagram showing the (i) the angle of incidence
phenomenon of dispersion of light through a
(ii) the angle of refraction
Meghalaya Board-2015 (iii) the refractive index of material of prism.
404. Why does sky look blue ? MP Board-2018
J&K Board-2020 415. A ray of white light splits into a pattern of its
constituent colours as it passes through a glass
405. Draw a graph between angle of incidence and
angle of deviation for a prism. Which color of prism. But it does not split when passed
light is deviated least by the prism? through a glass slab. Explain why ? Draw
diagrams in support of your explanations.
Uttarakhand Board-2023
Section-C (Short Answer) 416. Find the angle of incidence at which a ray of
monochromatic light should be incident on the
406. (a) Deduce the formula for refractive index n
for the material of a prism in terms of first surface AB of a regular glass prism ABC
angle of minimum deviation and angle of so that the emergent ray grazef the adjacent
prism. surface AC. (refractive index of glass = 1.56).
UP Board-2022, 2023 ISC-2016
407. (b) (i) Trace the path of a ray of light PQ 417. Show that the axial chromatic aberration (fR –
which is incident at an angle i on one face fV) for a convex lens is equal to the product of
of a glass prism of angle A. It then emerges its mean focal length (f) and dispersive power
out from the other face at an angle e. Use of its material i.e. prove fR – fV = ωf.
the ray diagram to prove that the angle ISC-2013
through which the ray is deviated is given 418. Define dispersive power of the material of
by ∠δ = ∠i + ∠e – ∠A. prism. The refractive indices of a prism for
(ii) What will be the minimum value of δ if prism for violet, yellow and red colours are
the ray passes symmetrically through the 1.632, 1.620 and 1.613 respectively. Calculate
prism? the dispersive power of the material of the
CBSE-2020 prism.
408. Deduce the formula for refractive index of ISC-2005
material of prism. 419. For any prism show that refractive index of its
MP Board-2017 material is given by
409. Draw a diagram to show how an image is A + δmin A
produced by a pair of total reflecting prism nor µ = sin sin
2 2
arranged as in a periscope.
ISC-2001 where, the terms have their usual meanings.
410. What is deviation without dispersion ? Obtain ISC-2010
the conditions of deviation without dispersion 420. A ray EF of monochromatic light is incident on
by two thin prisms. the refracting surface AB of a regular glass
Bihar Board-2022 prism (refractive index = 1.5) at an angle of
411. The refraction of light through the atmosphere incident of i = 55°. If it emerges through the
is responsible for many interesting phenomena. adjacent face AC, calculate the angle of
(a) How is the atmospheric refraction of emergence 'e'
sunlight affects the duration of a day? ISC-2010
(b) A prism shown in the figure is designed to 421. In the figure, ABC is the cross-section of a right
bend the rays by 180° angled prism with angle B = 60° and angle A =
30°. PQ is a ray incident normally at Q. Copy
the diagram and complete the passage of the
ray through the prism. Explain briefly what
happens at the interfaces between glass and air
Complete the ray diagram to show the image ? Calculate sin i2, where i2 is the angle of
formation. emergence in air. Take critical angle for glass
Kerala Board-2016 as 42° and refractive index of glass is 1.5.
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 224 YCT
427. (i) Draw a ray diagram showing refraction of a
ray of light through a triangular glass prism.
Hence, obtain the relation for the refractive
index (µ) in terms of angle of prism (A) and
angle of minimum deviation ( δm).
(ii) The radii of curvature of the two surfaces of
a concave lens are 20 cm each. Find the
ISC-2007 refractive index of the material of the lens if its
422. A ray of light which is incident in air on the power is –5·0 D.
surface of glass block is deviated through 15°. CBSE-2023
The angle of incidence in air is 60°. What is the 428. A ray of light is refracted by a glass prism.
angle of refraction in glass ? Also, calculate the Obtain an expression for the refractive index of
critical angle for a glass-air interface. the glass in terms of the angle of prism A and
ISC-2005 the angle of minimum deviation δm.
423. Obtain the expression for the angle of incidence CBSE-2023
of a ray of light which is incident on the face of 429. A ray of light is incident on a prism at an angle
a prism of refracting angle A so that it suffers of 45° and passes symmetrically as shown in
total internal reflection at the other face. the figure. Calculate :
(Given the refractive index of the glass of the
prism is µ).
424. A ray of light incident on the face AB of an
isosceles triangular prism makes an angle of
incidence (i) and deviates by angle β as shown
in the figure. Show that in the position of
minimum deviation ∠β = ∠α. Also find out the
condition when the refracted ray QR suffers
total internal reflection.
(a) the angle of minimum deviation,
(b) the refractive index of the material of the
prism, and
(c) the angle of refraction at the point P.
430. A ray is incident on a prism of material of
refractive index 2 at point M such that it
CBSE-2019 grazes along NC after emerging from the
425. Under what conditions does the phenomenon of prism, as shown in the figure.
total internal reflection take place ? Draw a
ray diagram showing how a ray of light
deviates by 90° after passing through a right-
angled isosceles prism.
426. A triangular prism of refracting angle 60° is
made of a transparent material of refractive
index 2/ 3 A ray of light is incident normally
on the face KL as shown in the figure. Trace
the path of the ray as it passes through the
prism and calculate the angle of emergence and
angle of deviation. Find :
(a) the critical angle for the prism.
(b) the angle of refraction at face AB.
431. The refractive index of an equilateral
triangular prism kept in air is 2 . Calculate :
(a) the angle of minimum deviation.
(b) the critical angle for the prism.
CBSE-2019 CBSE-2022
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 225 YCT
432. Draw the ray diagram to show use of total 439. Show that in case of a prism A + D = i + e
internal reflection in where symbols have their usual meanings.
(i) optical fiber, and J&K Board-2021
(ii) a prism that bends the ray by 90o 440. The angle of a prism is 60°. If the minimum
CBSE-2020 angle of deviation of a ray through it is 30°,
433. A composite prism ABC is made up of two find the refractive index of the material of the
identical right-angled prisms ABD and ADC prism.
made up of different materials of refractive Section-D (Case-Based Questions)
indices 3 and µ respectively. A ray of light is
incident on face AB of this prism at 60o as 441. A ray of light travels from a denser to a rarer
shown in the figure. It is observed that the final medium. After refraction, it bends away from
emergent ray grazes along face AC. Find the the normal. When we keep increasing the angle
value of µ. of incidence, the angle of refraction also
increases till the refracted ray grazes along the
interface of two media. The angle of incidence
for which it happens is called critical angle. If
the angle of incidence is increased further the
ray will not emerge and it will be reflected back
in the denser medium. This phenomenon is
called total internal reflection of light.
(i) A ray of light travels from a medium into
OR water at an angle of incidence of 18°. The
refractive index of the medium is more than
that of water and the critical angle for the
434. A point object is kept on the principal axis of a
convex spherical surface of radius of curvature interface between the two media is 20°. Which
R, separating a medium of refractive index µ2 one of the following figures best represents the
from a medium of refractive index µ (in which correct path of the ray of light?
the object is kept). A real image of the object is
formed by this surface. Draw the ray diagram
to show the image formation and derive the
relation between the object distance and image
distance and image distance in terms of µ1, µ2
and R.
435. Find the value of angle of minimum deviation
of a prism. Givenµ = 2, A = 60º .
Assam Board-2014
436. Establish the following relation for total
deviation δ of a ray of light refracted through a
triangular glass prism.
(ii) A point source of light is placed at the
where i is the angle of incidence, e is the angle
bottom of a tank filled with water, of refractive
of emergence and A is the angle of the prism.
index µ, to a depth d. The area of the surface of
Assam Board-2013
water through which light from the source can
437. You are given a prism in which the two
emerge, is :
refracting surfaces are at 90º with each other.
Draw ray diagrams using this prism so that (i) πd 2 πd 2
(a) (b)
the image of an object is rotated by 90º and (ii) 2(µ 2 – 1) (µ 2 – 1)
the image of the object is rotated by 180º. πd 2 2πd 2
Assam Board-2017 (c) (d)
2 (µ 2 – 1) (µ 2 – 1)
438. A ray of light suffers minimum deviation while
passing through a prism of refractive index 1.5 (iii) For which of the following media, with
and refracting angle 60o. Calculate -(a) the respect to air, the value of critical angle is
angle of deviation and (b) the angle of maximum ?
incidence. (a) Crown glass (b) Flint glass
Meghalaya Board-2021, 2023 (c) Water (d) Diamond
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 226 YCT
(iv) The critical angle for a pair of two media A 445. Define angle of minimum deviation. Obtain an
and B of refractive indices 2.0 and 1.0 expression for the refractive index of the
respectively is : material of the prism angle of minimum
(a) 0° (b) 30° deviation.
(c) 45° (d) 60° Nagaland Board-2017, 2021
(v) The critical angle of pair of a medium and 446. Derive an equation δ = i + e – A for an
air is 30°. The speed of light in the medium is : equilateral prism and using it obtain an
(a) 1 × 108 ms–1 (b) 1.5 × 108 ms–1 equation for refractive index (n) of material of
(c) 2.2 × 108 ms–1 (d) 2.8 × 108 ms–1 prism. 4
CBSE-2022 Gujarat Board- March, 2019
442. (a)An equilateral glass prism is placed on a 447. Establish the expression for finding the
horizontal surface. A ray PQ is incident on it. refractive index of material of a prism.
For minimum deviation: MP Board-2012
448. Define dispersion without deviation. Derive an
expression for its essential condition and
resultant dispersion.
MP Board-2015
449. Draw the ray diagram showing refraction of
monochromatic light through a glass prism of
(i) PQ is horizontal refraction angle A. Hence derive formula for
(ii) QR is horizontal refractive index µ of glass prism in terms of
(iii) RS is horizontal angle of prism and angle of minimum
(iv) None of these deviation. Also draw i-δ curve of prism.
Chhattisgarh Board-2019
(b) A thick lens gives coloured images due to 450. Drawing a neat labelled diagram, show the
______ refraction of a ray of light passing, through a
prism of equiangular triangle base. How does
(c) In a compound micro scope the nature of
the value of angle of deviation change as we
the intermediate image is ___
increase the value of angle of incidence? Draw
(d) Based on refraction and total internal
the corresponding graph. If deviation is
reflection explain the formation of
minimum for an angle of incidence of 45o,
rainbow. calculate the value of (i) angle of minimum
Kerala Board-2013 deviation (ii) refractive index of the material of
Section-E (Long Answer) the prism.
443. Draw the ray diagram showing refraction of 451. (ii) A ray of light is incident at an angle of 60°
ray of light through a glass prism. Derive the on one face of a prism with the prism angle A =
expression for the refractive index µ of the 60°. The ray passes symmetrically through the
material of prism in terms of the angle of prism prism. Find the angle of minimum deviation
A and angle of minimum deviation δm. (δm) and refractive index of the material of the
CBSE-2020 prism. If the prism is immersed in water, how
444. Draw a ray diagram of light passing throught a will δm be affected ? Justify your answer.
triangular glass prism. If prism angle is A then CBSE-2023
A + δm 452. (b) A ray of light PQ enters an isosceles right
deduce the relation µ = 2
angled prism ABC of refractive index 1.5
A as shown in figure.
µ = refractive index of substance of prism and
δm = minimum deviation).
Assam Board-2023
Rajasthan Board-2023
Bihar Board-2022
Jharkhand Board-2019
Meghalaya Board-2013, 2017
Kerala Board-2017
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 227 YCT
(i) Trace the path of the ray through the
prism. VI. Optical Instrument and Human
(ii) What will be the effect on the path of the Eye
ray if the refractive index of the prism is
1.4? Section-A (Multiple Choice Questions)
462. In the primary rainbow, light is refracted twice
453. The refractive index of glass in the form of a
and internally reflected once.
prism is unknown. For an incident ray of light
Rajasthan Board-2023
the angle of minimum deviation is found to be
40o. Calculate the refractive index of the 463. The numerical aperture of objective of a
microscope is 0.12. The limit of resolution,
material of the prism if the angle of prism is o
measured to be 60o. when light of wavelength 6000 A is used to view
Assam Board-2023 an object is
454. Draw a diagram showing a ray of light passing (a) 0.25 × 10–7m (b) 2.5 × 10–7m
through a triangular glass prism. Derive an (c) 25 × 10 m (d) 250 × 10–7m
expression for the refractive index of the Maharashtra Board-2015
material of the prism. Ans. (c) :
Kerala Board-2021 464. A person cannot see objects clearly beyond 2.0
455. Obtain an expression for the refractive index of m. The power of lens required to correct his
the material of the prism in terms of the angle vision will be
of the prism and the angle of minimum (a) + 2.0 D (b) – 1.0 D
deviation. (c) + 1.0 D (d) – 0.5 D
Meghalaya Board-2021 Nagaland Board-2017
456. With the help of a diagram, obtain an Ans. (d) :
expression for the refractive index of the 465. For what distance is ray optics a good
material of the prism. approximation when the aperture is 3 mm wide
If θ is the angle of incidence and the refracted and the wavelength is 500 mm?
ray inside the prism is parallel to the base, (a) 18 m (b) 1.8 m
then what will be the angle of emergence? (c) 18 cm (d) 1.8 m
Goa Board-2023 Gujarat Board- August, 2020
457. Obtain an expression for the refractive index of Ans. (a) :
the material of a prism in terms of angle of
466. Assume that a light of wave length 6000 Å is
prism of prism and the angle of minimum
coming from a star. What is the limit of
deviation. resolution of a telescope whose objective has a
Draw necessary ray diagram. diameter of 254 cm?
If rays of red and blue light are incident on the (a) 2.9 ×107 radian (b) 2.9 ×106 radian
given prism, then which ray will have the
larger value of angle of minimum deviation ? (c) 2.9 ×10 −6 radian (d) 2.9 ×10 −7 radian
Goa Board-2019 Gujarat Board- August, 2020
458. Derive the expression for refractive index of Ans. (d) :
the material of the prism in terms of angle of 467. _____is used for Lasik eye surgency.
the prism and angle of minimum deviation. (a) Ultra violet rays (b) Micro waves
Karnataka Board-March, 2015 (c) Infared rays (d) Radio waves
459. A prism of angle of minium deviation of 40°. Gujarat Board- August, 2020
What is its refractive index? Calculation the
Ans. (a) :
angle of incidence.
468. A defect of vision in which lines in one plane of
Karnataka Board-July, 2014
an object appear in focus while those in
460. Refractive index of equilateral prism is 1.532. another plane are out of focus is called_____
Calculate the angle of minimum deviation (a) distortion (b) astigmatism
when it is immersed in water of refractive
(c) myopia (d) hypermetropia
index 1.33.
Gujarat Board- March, 2019
Karnataka Board-July, 2020
Ans. (b) :
461. What is dispersive power? Find the necessary
conditions for obtaining deviation, without 469. The ratio of resolving power of telescope, when
dispersion by two thin prisms lights of wavelengths 5000 A and 4000 A are
Bihar Board-2019 used, is...........
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 228 YCT
(a) 5 : 4 (b) 16 : 25 (a) is less than (b) is more than
(c) 4 : 5 (d) 9 : 1 (c) is equal (d) None of these
Gujarat Board- March, 2019 MP Board-2022
Ans. (c) : Ans. (b) :
470. Detailed information can be obtained by the 477. The focal length of eye piece in telescope
Oil Immersion objective of a microscope ______ the focal length of the objective.
because the objective has................ (a) is less than (b) is more than
(a) greater value of resolution (c) is equal (d) none of these
(b) large value of magnification MP Board-2023
(c) large diameter Ans. (a) :
(d) smaller value of resolution 478. Objective in a reflection telescope is
Gujarat Board- March, 2019 (a) convex mirror (b) concave mirror
Ans. (b) : (c) plane mirror (d) prism
471. The focal length of objective lens and eyepiece UP Board-2021
is f0 and fe respectively. Magnifying power of Ans. () :
the telescope = ____.
479. The focal length of the objective of a compound
f microscope is.
(a) 0 (b) f0 – fe
fe (a) greater than the focal length of eyepiece.
fe (b) lesser than the focal length of eyepiece.
(c) f0 + fe (d) (c) equal to the focal length of eyepiece.
(d) equal to the length of its tube.
Gujarat Board-March, 2022 CBSE-2020
Ans. (a) : Ans. (b) :
472. The focal length of objectives is 100 cm and the 480. Larger aperture of objective lens in an
focal length of an eycpiece is 1 cm, then the astronomical telescope
tube length of the telescope is _____cm. (a) increases the resolving power of telescope.
(a) 100 (b) 101
(b) decreases the brightness of the image.
(c) 99 (d) 1000
(c) increases the brightness of the image.
Gujarat Board- July, 2022 (d) decreases the length of the telescope
Ans. (b) : CBSE-2020
473. The image formed by a simple microscope is Ans. (a) :
(a) imaginary and erect
481. The electromagnetic waves used in LASIK eye
(b) imaginary and inverted surgery is
(c) red and crect (a) micro waves
(d) real and inverted (b) ultraviolet rays
Jharkhand Board-2023 (c) infra-red waves
Ans. (a) : (d) gamma rays
474. If the focal length of objective lens of an Kerala Board-2021
astronomical telescope is 20 cm and the length Ans. (b) :
of it is 25 cm, the magnification of the telescope
482. The magnifying power of an astronomical
for normal adjustment is :
telescope for normal adjustment is.
(a) 5 (b) 4
(c) 1.25 (d) 1 f
(a) − 0 (b) −f o × f e
Jharkhand Board-2020 fe
Ans. (c) : f
(c) − e (d) −f o × f e
475. In an astronomical telescope focal lengths of fo
the two lenses are 0.3 m and 0.05 m. In normal
adjustment the distance between them is Bihar Board-2019
(a) 0.25 m (b) 0.175 m Ans. (a) :
(c) 0.35 m (d) 0.15 m 483. The length of tube in normal adjustment of
Jharkhand Board-2019 Astronomical telescope is
Ans. (c) : (a) fo + fe (b) fo – fe
(c) fe – fo (d) fo × fe
476. The focal length of eye in compound
microscope………the focal length of the Bihar Board-2021
objective. Ans. (a) :
CBSE & State Boards UNSOLVED Papers PHYSICS 229 YCT
484. The image formed by the objective of 495. Finde the magnifying power and length of
compound microscope is astronomical telescope of objective and eye
(a) Virtual and diminished piece of focal length 144 cm and 6 cm
(b) Real and diminished respectively .
(c) Virtual and enlarged J&K Board-2022
(d) Real and enlarged 496. Formula for magnifying power of compound
Bihar Board-2021 microscope is…..
Ans. (d) : MP Board-2020
497. Write any two difference between refractive
485. On increasing the length of the tube of
telescope and refractive reflective telescope.
compound microscope, magnifying power
MP Board-2023
(a) increases (b) decreases
498. An astronomical telescope consists of two thin
(c) does not change (d) becomes zero
convex lenses. A and B, placed 36 cm apart and
Bihar Board-2022 has a magnifying power 8, in normal
Ans. (b) : adjustment. What will be the focal lengths, f
486. The final image formed by a terrestrial and f ', of the two lenses, of the telescope.
telescope is NIOS-2016
(a) virtual and inverted compared to the object 499. Explain the meaning of power of
(b) virtual and erect compared to the object accommodation of human eye.
(c) real and erect compared to the object UP Board-2017
(d) none of these 500. Draw a ray diagram of image formation by a
Bihar Board-2023 myopic eye.
UP Board-2021
Ans. (a) :
501. The magnifying power of a telescope is 9. When
Section-B (Very Short Answer) it is adjusted for parallel rays then distance
between eye lens and objective is 20 cm.
487. Draw a ray diagram to make someone Determine the focal lengths of both the lenses.
understand how a virtual and many times UP Board-2023
magnified image of an object is formed in a 502. What is meant by short sightedness ?
compound microscope.
ISC-2016, 2014
Assam Board-2023 503. What type of lens is used to correct long
488. The diameter of objective lens of Telescope is 1 sightedness?
meter. Calculate its resolving power for the ISC-2013, 2015
light of wavelength 4538 Å.
504. State anyone advantage of using a reflecting
MP Board-2022 telescope in place of a refracting telescope.
489. Why electron is preferred over X - ray in ISC-2015
microscope? 505. State how the resolving power of an
Tamil Nadu Board-2023 astronomical telescope can be increased.
490. Mention a method to increase the resolving ISC-2010
power of microscope. 506. Why all over the world, giant telescopes are of
Karnataka Board-March, 2020 reflecting type ? State any one reason.
491. How the eye of a person suffering from myopia ISC-2009
can be corrected? Explain with the help of ray 507. Draw ray diagram to illustrate the formation of
diagram. image at infinity in a refracting telescope.
Punjab Board-2018 ISC-2003
492. Draw a labelled diagram showing course of 508 . An astronomical telescope set for normal
rays for a simple microscope adjustment has a magnifying power 10. If the
J&K Board-2016 focal length of the objective is 1.20 m, what is
493. Define Magnifying power and resolving power the focal length of the eyepiece ?
of a telescope. ISC-2001
(Objective Type Questions) 509. With regard to an astronomical telescope of
J&K Board-2014, 2015 refraction type, state how you will increase its
494. Obtain an expression for magnifying power of (i) magnifying power
simple microscope? (ii) resolving power
J&K Board-2012 ISC-2014