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600 Cert - First Mile Group LTD 2

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Certificate of Motor Insurance

Certificate Number: BV27567889 600

1 Description of vehicle: Any motor vehicle owned by or hired or leased or loaned to the Policyholder.


3 Effective Date of Commencement of Insurance

for the Purpose of the Relevant Law: 01/10/2023 12:00 Hours

4 Date of Expiry of Insurance: 01/10/2024 12:00 Hours

5 Persons or Classes of Persons Entitled to Drive:

Any person driving with the Policyholder’s permission.

Provided that the person driving holds a licence to drive the vehicle or has held and is not disqualified
for holding or obtaining such a licence.

6 Limitations as to Use:
For social domestic and pleasure purposes and for the Policyholder’s business or profession.

BV27567889 BV27567889 BV27567889

The policy does not cover

Use for hire or reward, racing, reliability trials, speed testing in any competition irrespective
of whether this takes place on any race track or circuit, or motor trade purposes. (See reverse)

I hereby certify that the Policy to which this certificate relates satisfies the requirements of the Relevant Law applicable in
Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Island of Guernsey, the Island of Jersey and the Island of Alderney.

Simon McGinn Authorised Insurers ADVICE TO THIRD PARTIES

Chief Executive Allianz Commercial Allianz Insurance plc Nothing contained in this Certificate affects
your right as a Third Party to make a claim

Allianz Insurance plc. Registered in England number 84638. NOTE: For full details of the
Insurance cover reference
Registered office: Allianz Insurance plc 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1DB, United Kingdom.
should be made to the Policy
Allianz Insurance plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services Register number 121849.

ACOM8564_2 10.22
European Cover
The Insurance evidenced by this Certificate of Motor Insurance extends to include the compulsory motor insurance
requirements of any member of the European Union, Andorra, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein,
Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland and Vatican City.

El seguro constatado por el presente Certificado de Seguro de Automóviles se amplia para incluir los requistiros del
seguro oligatorio de automóviles de cualquier pais miembro de Ia Union Europea, Andorra, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Gibraltar, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Mónaco, Noruega, San Marino, Serbia, Suiza y Ciudad del Vaticano.

Die vorliegende Versicherung gilt auch überall in den Ländern der Europäischen Union sowie in Andorra, Bosnien-
Herzegowina, Gibraltar, Island, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norwegen, San Marino, Serbien, Schweiz und Vatikanstadt.
Die Versicherung bietet auf jeden Fall die für die jeweiligen Länder gesetzlich geforderte Mindestdeckung.

L’assurance objet de Ia présente attestation d’assurance automobile s’étend et satisfait aux exigences d’assurance
automobile obligatoires de tout pays membre de l’Union européenne, d’Andorre, de Bosnie-Herzégovine, de
Gibraltar, d’Islande, du Liechtenstein, de Monaco, de Norvège, de Saint-Marin, de Serbie, de Suisse et de la Cité
du Vatican.

L’assicurazione comprovata da questo Certificato di Assicurazione Automobilistica si estende ad includere

i requisiti d’assicurazione automobilistica obbligatoria di ogni paese membro dell’Unione Europea, Andorra,
Bosnia-Erzegovina, Gibilterra, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norvegia, San Marino, Serbia, Svizzera e Città
del Vaticano.

1 Driving Other Vehicles

If section 5 of this Certificate of Motor Insurance contains a sentence marked ’*’ Your attention is drawn to the fact that
irrespective of the basic policy cover,Third Party Only cover applies under this extension and there is no cover in respect
of loss or damage to the motor vehicle being driven.

2 Limitations As To Use (Section 6 Overleaf)

Use by any person only includes driving by that person if permitted under section 5- Persons or classes of persons
entitled to drive.

Addition or change of vehicle

Unless stated otherwise on the face of this Certificate of Motor Insurance, if the registration mark of Your vehicle is shown
You must obtain a new Certificate of Motor Insurance or cover note for any additional or replacement vehicle before any
insurance cover is in force in respect of such vehicle.

If the registration mark is not shown you must inform us of the change or addition within the terms of Your policy stating
the following information:- make and model,cubic capacity,year of manufacture, estimated value and registration mark.

Failure to do so may mean that the protection of Your policy is not fully operative (cover required by virtue of the relevant
law shown on the face of this Certificate of Motor Insurance is not affected).

In the event of an accident

1 Do not make any admission of liability nor give money to any injured person.
2 Obtain the name and address of any other driver and registration mark of any other vehicle involved.
3 Obtain Insurance Certificate details from any driver You hold responsible for causing the accident and give such
details to anyone that similarly holds you responsible (You are compelled to provide such information by the Road
Traffic Act 1988).
4 Obtain the name and address of any witnesses.
5 Record the position in the road of your vehicle and any other vehicle involved.
6 Inform us as soon as reasonably possible by calling our Motor Claims Team on 0370 606 4912.

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