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Course 8 Private Banking

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The key takeaways are that the course aims to help students realize their unlimited potential and take responsibility for creating their own world, while also providing practical information and tools related to finance, law, and spirituality.

The overall purpose of the course is to provide empowering information to students so they can free their mind and create what they want in life, while also distinguishing between fiction and fact about how the world works.

The course covers topics like commercial law, political theory, personal finance, spirituality, and tools for eliminating debt like mortgages, credit cards, loans, and taxes.

Introduction to A New Beginning Is A Practical Course in Miracles



This is your new beginning, a fresh look at the world and yourself. Rather than flailing and raging at the world it is often more empowering to look at yourself and how you meet the challenges this world presents. A New Beginning is a practical Course in Miracles that is at once commercial, political, secular, social and spiritual. This is a practicum, not just talk and theory. This is a laboratory of ideas, attitudes and practices that you can test in the world around you. And along the way you will discover a great wealth awaiting you that has always been yours. But you didn't know it existed. You didn't know, so you had no right to it. Even if you know it exists but you don't know HOW to get it, you still have no right to it. The New Beginnings Practical Course in Miracles is one of the tools you can use to bridge the chasm of deception, illusion and ignorance. You will find professionals who can help you with mortgage elimination, to help you eliminate credit card debt, student loan debt, and eliminate taxes you have been volunteering to pay. That might seem like a significant miracle to you but it is real and available. This course will help you open your eyes, your mind, and your heart to receive the gift of being you. This administrative process works well but the banks are not honoring the terms of the mortgage agreement. When the debt is discharged they are refusing to reconvey the deed. If you wish to use the consumer protection laws passed by Congress, signed by the President and the regulations set out by the Federal Reserve, we can help you stop Predatory Lending by the banks, show you how to obtain monetary awards from the fines and possibly get your home free and clear of debt read about Mortgage Analysis Compliance PURPOSE: To prepare you to study: Provides an outline of each of the courses on a gradient level Provide an overall view of the achievements of the courses Explains how to study each course to get the most optimum results Explains the importance of defining words in the study materials 1

Details how to use a check-sheet, for the courses Explains how to team up with one or more classmates Explains how to drill routines and perform demonstrations of knowledge Explains the process of compiling your course exercises for final exam

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to define and understand what you read. The purpose of this series of courses is to provide information to those who care enough to do something with it. Most of this information is referenced and documented. Some of it is theory and will be so stated as theory. We live in a world of fiction, the Land of Oz, where fact is hard to find. The information contained in this course will help you distinguish between fiction and the fact of what actually is. This course is designed to assist everyone to realize that they are free beings, with unlimited potential, who can create their own world, and be responsible for all events that occur in their life. This is who you really are. To the degree that one chooses to believe one is not responsible for something, to that same degree one is enslaved by ones own thought. It is not the purpose of this information to be presented as fixed unchangeable truth, for each individual is ever-changing their own world on a daily basis. Instead, it is information for you. Information you must prove for yourself, for your understanding. This will enable you to free your mind so you can create exactly what you want. It is information that will empower you if you want to be empowered. However, you can also choose to remain in an unempowered state, in fear, in resentment, in anger, in regret, that, too, is all right -- it is your choice -- remember, you are a free being.

Quote From the Movie The Matrix

There is a quote that applies perfectly to our present time. It comes from the Movie, The Matrix. When Morpheus is talking to Neo for the first time. We will, first define the words Matrix; Morpheus; and Neo so you will understand the statements a little better. Matrix: Its origin comes from the word mother. Female beast kept for breeding, the womb. Morpheus: Son of Hypnos. The god of dreams; 2. In the arms of Morpheus asleep; a deep sleep. Neo: Greek naus to float.

The following are direct statements from the movie:

Morpheus:" I imagine right now you feel a bit like Alice, tumbling down a rabbit hole. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees and expecting to wake up. You're here because you know something that you can't explain, but you feel it. There is something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it is there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?" Neo: "The Matrix." Morpheus: "Do you want to know what it is? The matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or turn on your television set. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. That you are a slave, Neo, like everyone else, you were born into a prison that you cannot see, that you cannot smell, or taste or touch. A prison for your mind. "Unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. Take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. "Take the red pill, you will stay in wonderland, and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, what I am offering is the truth, nothing more. Follow me." We do live in such a world. And for anyone who has been involved in the system to any degree, in court, County and City and National rules and regulations, a bankruptcy, or a foreclosure, you know something is very wrong. You look all about you and see the morals of this country creeping into depravity. People are in despair. Nothing seems real anymore and we cant put our finger on the cause. Something is wrong with our world. It bothers you like a splinter in your mind. When you go through this course, like The Matrix, it will be life altering for you. You will come to know that you are in slavery. This will show you how we dropped into slavery. This will also show you how to free yourself from that slavery. This will affect everything you think and everything you do. This will expose the beast and deliver you to the promised land.

Word Definitions
We will begin this Introduction with a few choice words that apply to throughout this entire course level. 3

The world around you has been designed to keep you in a dreamy, hypnotic state, to distract you from the truth. Throughout your entire life, others have verbally taught you the meanings of words. But have you ever taken the time to find the meanings and definitions of words for yourself? This world is filled with symbols of which you are not aware with the meanings of, words taught verbally by someone else that are not understood and your life is filled with misunderstood meanings that are just plain false. Its a wonder we can communicate at all. There is an opportunity to find the truth of words, without opinion, without alteration, without confusion. That is the purpose of this course. The derivation of a word is the key to understanding each of its possible numerous meanings. Some of the words defined in these courses have been traced to the Latin and Greek that date back over 2500 years. However, we have traced many words back to the original Hebrew and Sumerian.

Are You In Commerce?

One of the main words we wish to define at this point is Commerce and its various derivatives. Why? Because we live in a sea of commerce and are controlled by maritime law. We have so lived since the very beginning. It is very strange and confusing that even the lawyers, courts, and law enforcement in this nation appear totally unaware that we live in and are controlled by Commerce. Either that, or they are attempting to deceive us concerning the subject matter. Each time anyone brings up the matter of commerce in the courts, both the attorneys and the judges loudly exclaim Were not in commerce here, Commerce has nothing to do with this court. Were under statute law. Try this for yourself, watch the outcome. They appear to be so sincere, so positive. It makes you wonder if they are actually ignorant of this fact or if they simply are purposefully deceiving us and are very good actors. Whatever the reason they all deny that we are in and under the jurisdiction of commerce, the fact remains that WE ARE IN COMMERCE throughout this country! We are embedded in commerce. Therefore, we must have a good understanding of what it means and how it affects us, regardless of ignorance or deceit on the part of the courts and the law. It becomes very revealing when we define the word and its various derivatives, when we go into the derivations and roots of the word. We will use Blacks Law Dictionary, The Random House College Dictionary, to obtain their meanings and to get the root and derivation of each word connected to the word Commerce. Then we use the Greek and the Hebrew and trace those roots and derivations for a complete definition. So, lets begin with the definition of commerce.

The Random House College Dictionary defines Commerce as:

1. an interchange of goods or commodities; 2. engaged in commerce; 3. Sexual intercourse; 4. Intellectual or spiritual interchange; communion. (The root is Latin; to trade together; com plus marcari, from merc of merz, [Merchandise], goods). Then it says, See Trade. Blacks :Law Dictionary, fifth Edition defines Commerce as: to exchange goods, productions, or property of any kind; the buying, selling, and exchanging of articles. Intercourse by way of trade and traffic between different peoples or states and the citizens of inhabitants thereof, including not only the purchase, sale, and exchange of commodities, but also the instrumentalities and agencies by which it is promoted and the means and applications by which it is carried on, and the transportation of persons as well as goods, both by land and sea. The term commerce means trade, traffic, commerce, transportation, or communication among the several states. The word Traffic is defined in Random House College Dictionary as: Traffic (n) 8. trade or dealing in specific commodity or service, often of an illegal nature; 9. To carry on traffic , trade, or commercial dealings. 10. To trade or deal in a specific commodity or service, often of an illegal nature. Blacks Law, Sixth Edition defines Traffic as: Traffic. Commerce, trade, sale or exchange of merchandise, bills, money, and the like. The definition of Traffic from the original Hebrew Kenan; to travel as a peddler; Canaan, merchant, traffic, to bend the knee in humiliation. Now the word traffic leads us from the Hebrew into Greek; we must go to the Greek word whore, as in Whore of Babylon, the Greek word for Whore is Pornos. Pornos: to traverse, to traffic, to sell, a prostitute, to dispose of as merchandise or into slavery. (slavery means to be security) The Hebrew definition for Whore is: Whore: highly fed and therefore wanton, to commit adultery, to commit idolatry. Next we follow the root word of West, the direction, has a similar root meaning as whore. The Hebrew definition for the word West means:

West. To roar, a sea in breaking as a noisy surf. A large river, an artificial basin; shading the area as covering; evening shadow; to give or to be security; give pledges, mortgages. Commerce is dependent upon two other words: Value and Scarcity. Without these two words commerce falls flat and is unable to function. Create scarcity of anything and its value tends to soar. Decrease scarcity (by increasing supply of a thing) and you decrease value. This is how the power elite control our actions by the control of scarcity and value in commerce. Supply (scarcity) and demand (value). The Greek definition of Value is: Value: To prize, to revere, money paid, to pay a price as a penalty; be punished with. When money is scarce, one generates a fear that one does not have any money. However, it is the lack of money that one fears, and therefore worship, giving worth to, i.e. value to, the god of fear. The derivation of worship is to create worth.

Demonstrate your understanding of the similarities between the above definitions pertaining to Commerce, value and scarcity, in our present time. Demo. No. 2. What, if any, part of your life is not affected by commerce. (You will learn how this principle will change as you go through this course).

The Entire Course

This program consists of 12 separate study courses with accompanying demonstrations, drills and tests. You can copy this text by highlighting it by clicking and holding the left mouse button as you pass over the text you wish to copy. Highlight the entire text and then either hold the Ctrl key while you press c. Then open a Word Document and hold the Ctrl key as you press v. Then you can print off this page and use it as your guide to answer questions and then get together with study group or team to discuss what you have learned. Basically, each course is a single state of your being. Where and how and who you are. You must realize that you and every one else on this planet are in some state of being. There are specific procedures of working your way out of your present, and particular state of being into the next higher state of being. These procedures are part and parcel of any activity in this universe and they must be complied with. And they will be compiled with whether or not you know or understand them. By following these procedures, step by step, it will take the chance out of everything you do, whether in business, personal finances or in your individual life. The variables are only how well you estimate the situation and how much energy you apply to the procedures. The next thing to know is that the proper application of the proper procedure works. It works no matter how idiotically it is applied only so long as the right 6

procedure is applied and the exact sequence of steps is taken. Yes, brilliance only shows up in the speed of expansion. This expansion can show up in a single day if one is brilliant enough. Dull applications, given only they are correct, show up in slower expansions. One only has to estimate the exact procedure accurately and act energetically in applying the steps in exact order. There is one other thing to know. Knowing the procedures carries the responsibility of using them. These are the procedures. They do work like magic. If these procedures are not known or used, expansion is totally a matter of chance or fate regardless of how good one's ideas are.



SUMMARY OF COURSES 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW BEGINNING COURSES PURPOSE: To prepare you how to study: Provides an outline of each of the courses on a gradient level Provide an overall view of the achievements of the courses Explains how to study each course to get the most optimum results Explains the importance of defining words in the study materials Details how to use a check sheet for the courses Explains how to team up with one or more classmates Explains how to drill routines and perform demonstrations of knowledge Explains the process of compiling your course exercises for final exam

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to define and understand what you read. 2. HISTORY OF COMMERCE PURPOSE: To find out WHERE you are. Provides a history line of commerce from the Bible and Magna Carta to the "revised constitution" Looking up key words in the dictionary will be a major part in this course 7

There will be charts and diagrams of key issues which one must duplicate by demonstrating your knowledge to your fellow classmate

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to find out where you stand and to know the difference between a fiction and fact. To know where you are at this moment in time. 3. RESPONSIBILITY PURPOSE: To find out who you are Are you a slave or a king - a citizen or a sovereign? Do you know what your job description is? Again, there will be numerous key words to look up and understand as most people do not understand that "legalese" is a very different language.

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to know the difference between the "labels" that society can put on you and how powerful you become when find out who really you are. 4. REDEMPTION PURPOSE: To find out how to take back your equity from those using your credit Provides a brief summary on the differences in bodies of law by definition More definitions regarding titles, property and possession Gives an overall view on how to get back control of your property Explains how to make the UCC-1 contract and how to properly file it Explains how to set up your own private account and zero out any debt your strawman corporation has with the government.

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to control ones body and ones property 5.. POWER OF ACCEPTANCE PURPOSE: To convert debt energy into credit energy through Acceptance. Learn the Art of Acceptance and the resulting Power received by returning energy back to the source. Learn the basics of the Administrative Process in order to get a contract Learn that every offer is like money in the bank to you. Learn procedures when default occurs including how to initiate bankruptcy in a foreign proceeding (YOURS).

Learn how to take your equity back from banks and other debtors who have been using your credit. Learn how to liquidate debtor properties and transfer title in the public as well as the private venue.

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to contract with any and all private and public entities for your advantage 6. BEING A DIPLOMAT PURPOSE: To find the communication network and link into it Learn how to communicate effectively to all levels of people Learn how to present yourself and your message effectively Learn how to interact with police, judges, clerks, federal agents and other public and private people under any circumstance with success Familiarize yourself with the different justice and administration agencies and their duties they offer to you.

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to communicate effectively and present yourself in a professional manner to anyone under any condition 7. BEING A SOVEREIGN PURPOSE: To bypass public systems and operate privately Learn how to establish your own DECLARATION AND TREATY OF PEACE with the world Learn how to bypass the court system, and the public recording, registration and taxation systems. Learn how to buy property and make it disappear from the public record never to be taxed again Learn how to fully organize your private affairs

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to handle all of your private affairs through your own responsibility. 8. PRIVATE BANKING PURPOSE: To produce monetary value for public and private trade Learn the history of money and banking and that it is actually the same system that has been in place for the last 4,000 years Learn about the US bankruptcy and how to use it to your advantage Learn about the different means of exchange and the instruments used

Find out how "fighting the system" is a waste of time and how understanding and utilizing the system is extremely successful Learn how to create money

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to use the current system to obtain prosperity 9. PAYING IT FORWARD Not yet available PURPOSE: To teach others how to be stable in their private and public affairs Learn how to be a private judge for the Administrative Processes Learn how to tell - not sell - other people about this process as this process is for responsible people or those wanting to be responsible Learn how to network with others and have seminars and study groups

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to maintain your stability by getting others stable 10. A NEW BEGINNING Not yet available PURPOSE: To create successful environments Learn how to create townships and ideal communities Learn how to create private banking and investing systems Learn how to tap into and operate in the international network Learn to be totally self-sufficient using solar, wind and other natural energies

FINAL PRODUCT: Ability to create new civilizations. 11. POWER Not yet available PURPOSE: To use your power for the greatest good Learn how to get what you want by merely postulating it into existence Learn how to sublimate your thoughts for unlimited creative expansion Learn how to be aware of your environment and "listen" for solutions to all of your problems

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to maintain your position in space 12. THE NEW GAME (To be revealed) Not yet available

How You Study These Packs


These courses are designed for you to work with at least one other person. It can be you wife or husband, a family member, a friend or even with a group. The important thing is that you choose one or more person(s) to work with. If there is a group, then each member of the group will choose one other person to team with. Each one will take full responsibility for the other member of the team. You will make certain your team member knows the materials you study. He or she will in turn take full responsibility that you fully understand and know your subject of study. You will each be required to do drills throughout each course. The drills will be within each study pack. Word definitions are also very important part of this study. This will be taken up more fully in your study pack. You will learn how to demonstrate with various objects the abstract ideas you encounter. Your state of mind in how you approach this study will determine the results you get. You and your teammate will need to know what you are going to do with the materials you study. You must determine what you are going to do with the information you are drinking in. If either of you do not become fully involved in the study, "Oh this really doesn't apply to me" sort of thing is a waste of time for you both. This kind of thinking is the primary barrier in the ability to apply the material of the course. Interest in what you're studying will be maintained only if you can see that what you are studying leads to an attainable goal. Any piece of knowledge you observe or learn has value to you only if you can use it.

In order to see its use and therefore its value, you have to invest some of yourself into it. You have to apply it to yourself and your life. When you are given a new idea or you read one, you should ask yourself questions about it. Ask your teammate about it. Does this apply to me? Has it ever happened to me? Have I seen this happening in life? Once you sort out an idea in this way, it then becomes your idea to make use of. To actually be wise, you have to be able to relate ideas and information to activities and actions and evaluate them for their own sake and their relative importance to other ideas and information. So its not enough to simply know ideas and information, you must know the ideas and information's use and where it belongs and how it fits together and how it aligns with what you're doing and what you intend to do. As you encounter these ideas and new information, discuss these with your teammate. How does this apply in our life? How can we use this? What other ideas and information come to mind? How does this work? Ideas and information become your ideas and your information only as long as you have evaluated it. (Definition of evaluate: to determine the significance, worth, or condition of, by careful appraisal and study. [root; back formation]. 11

Test your teammate and have him or her test you, this will convince each of you whether or not it exists as truth. DRILL: Ask your teammate the definition of evaluate without him or her looking at the above definition. If they cannot properly define the word, have them look it up in a dictionary and have them write down on paper that definition. Then have your teammate ask you the definition without you looking at the definition. There will be certain key principles throughout the materials of the course. If you learn to think with them and apply them, you will have superior information that will resolve the problems you're faced with. Before you begin your study, decide with your teammate, what your purpose is for taking this course and what you would like to achieve. Write your purpose and what you want to achieve down on paper and give it to your teammate. Important Note Definitions of Words When you study, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. You will need the following reference manuals to study the course materials: 1. The oldest fattest dictionary that you can find. 2. A Black's Law Dictionary, preferably a Sixth or Forth Edition. 3. The Uniform Commercial Code Manual must include Article 9 Section 600s. 4. The Strongs Exhaustive Concordance with Greek and Hebrew dictionaries included. This manual traces the King James translation of the bible to the original Hebrew (for the old testament) and the Greek (for the new testament) to the primary root of the words so that you can understand the meaning of the word when it was originally spoken over 4,000 years ago. The only reason anyone gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is that he or she has gone past a word or phrase that is not understood. If the material becomes confusing or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you have not understood. Don't go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined. So take responsibility of your teammate, watch him or her closely. If they seem confused or somewhat droopy, have them to go back and find the misunderstood word and define it. DRILL: First, start with a clear notebook of paper. This can be a tablet or the papers can be placed in a three ring binder. Second, Write out the word on the left hand edge of your paper, starting from the top of the page. Third, write out in your own


handwriting, the entire definition given in the dictionary. Be sure and include the derivation in your definition. For example: Word: 1. something that is said, 2a a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use. 2b a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word [derivation: ME (Middle English), fr. (from), OE (Old English) akin to OHG (Old High German), wort-word, L (Latin) verbum, GK (Greek) eirein-to say, speak, Hitt(Hittite) weriya- to call, name] Thats the way you write out each of your definitions. DRILL: Ask your teammate the definition of word without him or her looking at the above definition. If they cannot properly define the word, have them look it up in a dictionary and have them write down on paper that definition. Then have your teammate ask you the definition without you looking at the definition.

When you diagram, draw stick people for people. Then draw objects and actions that demonstrate the idea or concept that you want to communicate to your teammate. Your teammate must be able to recognize your idea or concept from the diagram you draw without your assistance or any hint from you. Then, have your teammate diagram his idea and concept to you in the same manner. DRILL: Two people communicating with words from one to another. Demonstrations You will see the word DEMO throughout these courses. This refers to a demonstration done with a DEMO KIT which consists of various small objects such as corks, caps, paper clips, old pen tops, batteries -- whatever will do. These are kept in a box or container. The pieces are used while studying, to represent the things in the material being read. Demonstrating helps make concepts and ideas more real. A demo kit adds mass, physical matter, and reality and action to the theory and so helps you study. When you are required to do a demonstration using your demo kit, simply take whatever items in your demo kit to represent the ideas you are studying. You move the pieces of the demo kit making them demonstrate what you are studying. The pieces of the kit represent the things you are demonstrating. They help hold concepts and ideas in place. The idea becomes real with two coins, a paper clip and a few coins. They can be seen and felt. Your teammate can demonstrate the idea to you in this manner and you for him or her. Explain what the objects represent and what you are doing with them. The idea is to actually have the objects showing action, not your explanation of it.


If you are not clear on something you are studying and you have looked up all the words, you may use a demo kit to help you work it out. In this manner, you connect to what you are studying to what you are doing. You name each piece as you present the idea, and it doesnt matter what piece you use. This is the beginning for you to learn HOW TO CREATE. The piece is what it is because you said it is. Example: Take out a pencil (or other object) from your kit. Call this a man and set it down on the table. Next, take out another object from your kit, a paperclip or other object. Call this object a word. Take out another object from your kit and call this one a woman. Now, show with your objects, a word coming from a man and going to a woman. Now, demonstrate by using different pieces from your kit for each word in the sentence you choose. Lets say you choose, the man says to the woman, I will go to the store. DRILL: Now demonstrate this to your teammate and have them do the same back to you. DRILL: Now do a demonstration of another concept of your own. Practice with this idea a little with each other. Understand what youre doing. A story about Understanding The explorers were in route to the New World sailing around the tip of Africa in massive ships driven by large canvas sails. The ships anchored a safe distance offshore and used long open boats powered by oars to bring a small crew ashore. Never having seen white men or their ships before, the natives asked the men how they arrived in that part of the world. The sailors pointed to the ships anchored offshore with the large white sails. The natives looked in the direction and, no matter how hard the natives tried, they could not see the ships. It was the shaman of the tribe that began to try something new. He discovered that in using his eyes differently, the image of the ships began to appear in his view. As he began to practice this way of seeing, others soon began to see the ships also. Within a short period of time, nearly everyone in the tribe could see the ships, even those who were not there to meet the crew as they rowed ashore. The tribe had learned a new way to see and in doing so had experienced the boundaries of their external world; a human example the one-hundredth monkey principle. It becomes increasingly important, now more than ever, that your beliefs must not be limited by what you have been taught. You are learning to trust yourself, your own feelings and the process of your life. Within this world you have choices and you have free will, you have an opportunity to realize your full potential as a divine expression of your creator; becoming a creator yourself in the process. A portion of these lessons is that of the power of thought. You are learning that your feelings, as well as your thoughts, are something, not just pictures in the eye or your mind or sensations of your body. As you think and feel, you create; is there ever a time that your are not feeling? You are, quite literally, creating within each second of your life! 14

Perhaps without full awareness of the process, you are learning to function within the context of an extremely sophisticated system of creating seed thoughts, amassing energy around those seeds, and bringing together components of the energy necessary to gel the seeds into your reality. Even the technology of present day, one hallmark of sophisticated, user friendly systems is the unknown complexity behind the scenes, providing the apparent simplicity to the user. The user does not have to know the intricacies of the system only the ability to use them as they were designed. Similarly, you do not have to know or understand any of the workings of your system of energy you can just be in the purity of your intention. This is the beauty of this lifetime; you may choose to know if you wish or just be in the experience and the outcome can remain the same. The ability to create (manifest) is a skill available to each individual; a direct result of three components of thought: 1. CLARITY For a thought to become real, it must be a clear, concise and sustained pattern of energy. A thought that remains a fuzzy collection of constantly changing patterns is probably incapable of sustaining itself long enough to crystallize as a manifestation. In the event that it does, it may appear to you as a series of incongruent, possibly confusing situations, mirroring the blueprints which it is attempting to express. 2. DURATION While clarity is a key component, without the ability to sustain the clarity, the seed is not maintained for a time sufficient to develop as it descends into successively denser levels of experience. It is a copy of the blueprint that is passed down through the creation matrix, gathering the energy at each level to sustain the energy for a decreased period of time. 3. INTENTION It is the energy of emotion, intention, that sustains the thought-seed as it descends the creation matrix. At any point, the seed may dissipate if the sustaining energy (intention) is lost. As the magnetic fields of earth weaken, as it is increasingly weakening by the day, the thought becomes increasingly potent and less energy is required to sustain the energy for a decreased period of time. MEDITATION AND PRAYER Meditation. [L meditor, meditates meditate; akin to medicus to heal, to cure; from Greek medos care.] to dwell on anything in thought; to cogitate; to turn or revolve any subject in the mind; to plan by revolving in the mind; to intend; to think on; close or continued thought. Prayer. Hebrew siyach contemplations, an utterance, to ponder, converse with oneself. Greek deesis a petition, request; from deomai to beg (as binding oneself); from deo to bind, tie, wind. Do you notice the similarities in the two words? Both are about thought. Both are describing the action of turning or winding. It could be said that the intention is to look at a thought in your mind from every angle by turning it so that you can SEE 15

it from different points of view until one understood it. One would undoubtedly get a very clear picture of anything if they did this effectively enough. The fundamental difference between prayer and meditation is that the latter offers a silent space in which to hear the higher power talk to you. In prayer you are speaking to that higher power and in meditation you are listening. The above words may each be considered as a form of thought, as each involves the use of directed intent, body circuits and a shift of body frequency through thought. Both meditation and prayer may be accomplished thorough specific techniques tailored to a specific purpose. In each of these circumstances, the individual initiating the prayer is asking for intervention from a higher power toward a situation over which he has been conditioned to accept a sense of powerlessness. Traditionally, we have been conditioned to view ourselves as the creation, yet superior to that which surrounds us. We feel separate from all else and in that separation we are unable to see, or identify with, the forces that drive creation, including the body. Feeling helpless to address events that unfold within our world and our lives, things appear to just happen. A fundamental concept, developed within ancient mystery schools, and shared in the traditions of indigenous peoples and Eastern religions, is the idea that the human form is a part of creation not separate from it. As an integral part of creation, the individual plays an important role in the causes of events within that creation. These ancient concepts are just as valid today as they were six thousand years ago. You are, and always have been, a part of all that you see at that point of resonance you are aligned even closer to the energetic patterns to which your thoughts have carried you. In this resonance, or oneness, you have the opportunity to plant and nurture seeds of your creation. It is in the space of resonance, attained simply from your patterns of thought coupled with feeling that you may direct energy most efficiently, consciously and with intent. It is in this space that you become the creator of your experience and may impact the events of your world while regulating the response of your body to that world. You intervene, on your own behalf, through the acknowledgement of your oneness with creation. The process that has allowed you to accomplish this tuning may be considered as a high form of mastery, using both directed thought an prayer, meshed into the process commonly known as meditation. To BE or not to BE The way that most ancient native peoples, such as the Australian aborigines and American natives, manifested their thoughts is that they became the thing that they wanted. For example, if they wanted water or rain, they would use the phrase pray rain, not pray FOR rain. The peoples would become the water. They would taste water, feel water, smell water, hear water, see water, to the point that they would become the water. All senses would be activated in the mind and create a space in the universe a vacuum if you will - for the purpose of holding a space open so that the intended substance could flow into that space and manifest itself. A universal principal is that the physical universe cannot maintain a vacuum and it will flow material into that space until it balances itself. This is how you use the universal


principals to your advantage. You have agreed to the universal contracts, you might as well take advantage of them. It becomes apparent why meditation (to dwell on something) may be an effective, though passive, form of intervention. You are aware that the experience of each individual affects the whole to some degree. If this is truly clear to you, then it also becomes apparent why it is not enough to pray, for example, for peace in the world. This may be well intentioned, the request for peace, in and of itself, but is incomplete. The highest form of intervention that anyone may offer within a given situation is not to ask for something to be, rather to become that which is desired. If peace is the desired reality, peace must become the reality within your experience. You must become that peace. It takes a relatively few number of reference points within the whole, to bring about change in the expression of that whole. All this said, this is the lesson of the explorers and the native Africans in the first paragraph at the beginning of this segment.

Please Remember
Without exception, all that you experience is in part of your journey home, Your return. Each situation or circumstance that you draw into your life is the result of the very powerful energy you have expended to bring this healing to light. Try to become aware of anger, pain and frustration from this perspective. Each is an expression of, and resolves to, the fundamental energy of fear. Embrace the opportunities as they cross your path. You are more powerful than any fear that you may imagine. The fear is only a fragment of you in your totality. You, in your completeness, are of greater substance than any one fragment standing alone. You are an expression of divine love; a thought generated within the heart of no dimensional boundaries, do not conform to polarity, duality, ego or fear.

Note: Pay it Forward

As youve noticed, we do not charge money for these courses. Instead, we pay it forward. If you have not seen the movie, Pay it Forward, we suggest that you rent the movie and watch it to know what we are talking about by Paying it forward. At present time, we have hundreds, perhaps several thousands of people across this country now in possession of these courses and using the principles contained within. Here is the way the process works: When you get this course, you are requested to e-mail or give one copy to at least three different people that you know will benefit from this education and knowledge. You should take full responsibility that each one studies, learns and applies the principles contained herein. You should also request that each one who receives this course from you pay it forward as well. 17

Start your own study group. It is more effective when you study with others. It is a necessity to study with at least one other. There is tremendous power in these courses. We can get our country back, one person at a time, by using the principles and techniques contained herein. If you have ever been in one of the Corporate United States or State Courts in this country, you already know there is no remedy to be found in those courts. Contained in these courses are procedures that are far more powerful than any court in the country or the world. Wake up! Study, Learn and lets get busy and take our country back! Build your foundations deep in the understanding of A History of Commerce next.


A History of Commerce: A Practical Course in Miracles 2

PURPOSE: To find out WHERE you are. Provides a history line from the Bible and Magna Carta to the "revised constitution" Looking up key words in the dictionary will be a major part in this course There will be charts and diagrams of key issues which one must duplicate by demonstrating your knowledge to your fellow classmate FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to find out where you stand and to know the difference between a fiction and fact. To know where you are at this moment in time. The purpose of this second course is to help you determine where you are. In order to do this we begin deep in history, where we came from. Please be patient with the Biblical references because you will begin to recognize the outlines of an allegory by which you can understand deeply the situation today. So, we begin with history found in the Bible and continue forward to present time. You'll find that there is a common thread woven throughout our entire history and that thread is commerce, the merchant, the money-changer (banks), the law merchant, i.e., the law of commerce, civil law and maritime law. This is not to say that commerce is bad. It does, however, say that commerce brings with it the laws of commerce. Wherever commerce goes it brings laws that bind people into slavery. This can happen only if the people agree with it. Banks create money today out of thin air; then, they charge, we, the people, interest on their creation. Merchants, who produce nothing, sell our produce for a larger profit than is received by the producer. This can happen only if the people agree with it. Thereafter, the merchants and the bankers create laws, through lawmakers whom they control, that protect commerce and bind the people to obey. This can happen only if the people agree with it. The only reason this occurs is that we do not handle our own affairs. This same scenario has happened for more than 4000 years throughout our history. There is value in turning around and looking at the past to uncover movements of men in other ages, because their behaviour in that setting is known, then the real meaning of the movements of men today are exposed. The patterns of history help us put together the puzzle of the present so that we can understand it. "If we consider the shortness of human life, and our limited knowledge, even of what passes in our own time, we must be sensible that we should be forever children of understanding, were it not for this invention, which extends our experience to all past ages, and to our improvement in wisdom, as they had actually laid under our 19

observation. A man acquainted with history may, in some respect, be said to have lived from the beginning of the world, and to have been making continual additions to his stock of knowledge in every country" David Hume: London Of the Study of History at page 390 (1898) Have fun on this journey through history and then you can determine for yourself where you are. Chart and Recent Time Line of Rights The American colonies gained independence by force of arms and asserted their rights for the entire world by the Treaty of Peace in Paris France after the Revolution, by writing Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by a completely new system of People's Law under a written constitution. But all this was founded on the evolving polity and awareness of mankind. 1787 || Constitutional Supremacy: The American Founders established a new kind of republic based on a system of "Constitutional supremacy". 1776 || The Articles of Confederation and State Supremacy: The Articles of Confederation were adopted, providing for individual state supremacy" and a committee of the states functioning as a national congress. 1721 || Parliamentary Supremacy: Parliament chose a Prime Minister who adopted a cabinet and selected all chief administrative officials with the King's consent. Thus, the British established a republic structured on "parliamentary supremacy" 1265 || Evolution of Parliamentary Power Power developed Principle of no taxation without representation; All laws by consent of Parliament; ability to impeach King's officers. 1215 || Magna Carta The great struggle to restore freedom began with King John signing the Magna Carta that guaranteed: The people have unalienable right; The King must also obey the law. 1066 || Ruler's Law: Freedom and natural rights were lost when England was conquered by the Normans in and became subject to Ruler's Law. A.D.450 || People's Law: The Anglo-Saxons extensively developed People's Law History of the law structure in America From Genesis to Present time This second course is to help you determine Where You are. Where you are in terms of your country, the laws of your country, where and how the laws of today's forum of laws came about. Answer the following questions: Were you born in AUSTRALIA? Y Do you now live in AUSTRALIA? Y What is the soil beneath your feet called? ???


Write your answers out in your note book and save to compare these with your answers after you finish this course. Go to the Chart and Recent Time Line of Rights that's directly before this first page. Study that chart carefully. " DEFINITIONS" Read and define each word, as indicated, in a standard dictionary (STD), Blacks Law Dictionary (BLKS) or a Hebrew/Greek dictionary (HEB/GRK) such as a Strongs Concordance. Write out the appropriate definition to the right of the word including the derivation. Then demonstrate your understanding of the word to a classmate. When your classmate can see that you understand the concept of the word then they will write their initials next to Demo. See example below: History (STD): acts, ideas, or events that will or can shape the course of the future. Derivation: Greek - historia, learning or knowing by inquiry. Demo_____ Government: (STD) Demo ______ Do not proceed until you have completed the above. When you have finished the above exercises, let's begin our journey through the pages of our history. Look back at the "Chart and Recent Time Line of Rights". Let's begin to briefly analyze each step in that chart. Begin at the bottom of the chart and work your way up to the top. IN THE BEGINNING Define the following: Genesis (STD): The root word for 'Genesis' in is KIN. In the Greek it is GI. In Sumerian, KI, means of the earth; the origin. Bible: derivation byblos - book, Byblos, a Phoenician city from which papyrus was exported. Hebrew (STD): Hebrew (HEB): From the line of Eber - 6 generations before Abraham. Eber: to cross over. Sumer (STD) (Sumer was the land of Shinar. Babylon was a city in Sumer). Babylon (HEB) means confusion; to overflow; to mix: to feed cattle (Goy) Moses in Hebrew transfers to the Chaldean - Mosheh: to pull out of the water. (Perhaps, to pull out of the system of maritime commerce; of slavery?) Israel (STD) Israel (HEB): He who rules as God Counselor (Ezra 4:5): Hebrew word meaning to advise, deliberate or resolve, devise. 21

(same as the meaning of Attorney of today) Define: Heir, Inheritance. 4000 BC - Genesis has been translated from Sumerian scripts that have been unearthed only decades ago in recently discovered Nineveh and other areas of the Tigris/Euphrates area in the mid-east. These ancient scripts recorded on baked clay tablets date back to a civilization that was highly educated, incredibly organized and socially advanced. 2123 BC. Abraham, grandfather of the Israelites, was originally from the ancient city of Nippur and later moved to Ur (both major cities of Sumer). Abraham was then told to move to Haran under supreme guidance and finally to Canaan where the Promised Land was to become his children's inheritance. 2023 BC - Isaac, son of Abraham, is born (Genesis 21:5) 2000 BC.- Babylon flourishes in the land of Sumer (Shinar) Babylon had a modern system of life with canals to irrigate their land for agriculture, indoor toilets, city sewage systems and public restrooms. They had a city to city postal system with baked clay letters and envelopes. Further, Babylon had a judicial system where judges wore black robes, just as they do today. Then, because of their idols of gold and silver, they began to fall into disgrace but continued to rule through fiction until they were destroyed. They had a system of Commerce that included coined money (banks), receipts, titles, seals, signing and merchant law which evolved into Roman Law, then into Civil Law and later became Maritime Law. 1963 BC - Jacob (Israel is born) (Genesis 25:26) 1890 BC.- Joseph, Jacobs son, sold into slavery to Egypt. (Genesis 37:2) 1833 BC - Israel sojourns into Egypt because of Famine (Genesis 15:13, 47:8) 1513 BC.- Israel become slaves to Egypt and Moses is born. 1433 BC - Exodus of Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea and into the wilderness 1432 BC - God gives Moses the Ten Commandments to give to Israel. (Exodus 20) 1393 BC - Israel reaches Promised Land and Moses dies 953 BC - Solomon starts building temple at Jerusalem (1 Kings 6:1) 587 BC. - Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, capture Israelites and exile them to Babylon in the country now called Assyria (formerly Sumer). 538 BC - Medo Persians conquered Babylon and allowed some of the Israelites to go back to their homeland and rebuild their temple that was destroyed by Babylon. 537 BC - Assyrians (Babylonians) hire counselors (attorneys) against the Israelites to frustrate them in the building of the temple and weakened their hands. Ezra 4:5 525 BC - Alexander the Great captures Babylon from the Medes and released the remnant of Israel back to their original homeland.


400 BC - Hebrew disappears as a language and the Israelites became scattered or lost by repeated captures and enslavement by Assyria - hence the lost tribes of Israel. Many believe remnants of the Israelite tribes wandered to northern Europe and carried the Biblical laws with them. Many also believe that America is the regathering of the lost tribes of Israel. 361 BC - Flavius Julianus (Julian the Apostate) begins reign as Emperor of Rome and soon seizes Babylon from Assyria adopting Babylonian Law (civil and maritime law) to Roman Law. 363 BC - Flavius Julianus greatly reduced taxes by cutting court expenditure and corruption. He was killed in battle with the Persians. 200 BC - Two Roman Emperors are assassinated for passing usury laws. 133 BC - Babylonian priests turn over priesthood to Roman priesthood in Pergamos in Eastern Turkey, the future site of the Seven Churches in Revelation where Pergamos is referred to as "Satan's Seat" or throne. Physical Babylon is destroyed but the system they established lingers, even to this day. 38 BC - Brutus assassinates Julius Caesar as Emperor for allowing Roman government to mint coins and make money plentiful in strong opposition of private money-changers (banks and Babylon). 33 AD - Christ chases the money changers (banks) out of the temple and 3 days later is charged with blasphemy by the Pharisees (Lawyers) and is crucified. The Roman priesthood was later moved from Pergamos in Eastern Turkey to Rome in Italy. Now. Let's begin our American History. At the very beginning, the first on the scale, you'll find "The Bible". The Bible is the basis of all law on this planet. People's Law Define the following words: Write out your definitions below the words. unalienable (BLKS); Anglo-Saxon (STD); Demo the meaning of divided; balance; limited form of Government Until the eighth century A.D., the Anglo-Saxons still practiced, with a lively appreciation, most of the ancient Biblical principles which characterized the precepts of People's Law. It was a system designed to preserve and protect the unalienable rights of the people. At the same time, provided a divided, balanced, limited form of government. As Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founders of the Declaration of Independence, discovered, the institutes of the Anglo-Saxons were almost identical with those of


ancient Israel, which had the oldest system of representative government known to history. Now, let's go to the next section. Ruler's Law Define the following: write out your definitions in the space below the word. Henry I (STD): Goldsmiths (STD): William I. (STD): Normans (STD); Civil (BLKS): Demo_____ 1000 AD - Goldsmiths (banks) took in gold as deposit and loaned out more receipts as loans than they had gold in reserve. (the birth of fractional reserve banking). 1100 AD - Henry I took money power away from the money changers and established the tally stick system which lasted nearly 500 years. In A.D. 1066 the Normans, under William the Conqueror, subjugated the English people and established a royal dynasty, which still occupies the throne of England to this day. The Normans imposed on the English a system of Ruler's Law which destroyed the rights of the people, resulted in the confiscation of much of their land, and inflicted a system of cruel oppression on the people that was virtually unendurable. Drill: Define the following: inflict; confiscation; civil; oppressive; repel; motivate. Now look go to your chart: Magna Carta Define the following and write your definitions in the space below the word: Freeman (BLKS) Magna Carta (STD). (Magna means Large; Carta means Charter, hence large charter). Drill: Define the following words: Baron; invoke; covenant; initial. Because King John was one of the most cruel and ruthless of the Norman Kings, the Barons united their forces and compelled him to sign the famous Magna Carta. This was done on a hill at Runnymede, England and under the threat of beheading King John if he did not sign the paper. The date was June 15, 1215. The Magna Carta not only returned to the people many of the rights which the conquers 24

had stolen away; It also acknowledged that the King, himself, was subject to the law. The Magna Carta not only refers to the rights of the barons, but also makes frequent reference to the rights of English "freemen." The American Founders counted themselves freemen and invoked the Magna Carta as a covenant on the part of the King and his heirs that those rights would be respected. This initial victory in the partial recovery of their rights became this third step in our history. The Magna Carta is one of the basis of our laws in America. Evolution of Parliamentary Power Here we are going into an exhaustive illustration on the definition of words. This will give you a better idea of what is meant by define a word. We will go into all the derivations of the word Parliament and parliamentary. When you go into the derivations, this will often lead you into other derivations, which may lead you to others, etc.. For this illustration, Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition. We'll begin with the word 'Parliament'. Parliament: \ par-la-ment also parl-ya n [ME,. fr OF parlement fr parler] (Note: this is the way you'll find it in your dictionary. These are your derivations and root words of the word parliament. ME stands for Middle English. Fr, stands for French. These are the root words you need to trace down to find the true and correct meaning of this word. We'll look up these roots and derivations after the definition) 1. A formal conference for the discussion of public affairs, specifically: a council of state in early medieval England. 2. A: an assemblage of the nobility, clergy, and commons called together by the British sovereign as the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom. 2b. : a similar assemblage in another or state 3 a: the supreme legislative body of a usu major political unit that is a continuing institution comprising a series of individual assemblages. 3b : the British House of Commons 4. One of several principle courts of justice existing in France before the revolution of 1789. Now, we must look up the word 'nobility' as used above. Nobility: 1: the quality or state of being noble in character, quality, or rank. 2: the body of persons forming the noble class in a country or state: ARISTOCRACY. Next, we must look up Aristocracy: (I'll skip the derivations and roots here because of space. For a complete understanding, however, you should also follow up on each of these. You'll be amazed what comes from all this. It will certainly change your understanding and your life.). 1. government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class. 3 : a governing body or upper class usually made up an hereditary nobility. 4 : the aggregate of those believed to be superior. Next, let's look up the word common Common: [ME commun, fr. OF L. (stands for Latin) communis -- more at MEAN ] 1: a: of or relating to a community at large 4 b: characterized by a lack of privilege or special status 5 a: falling below ordinary standards b: lacking refinement; COARSE 7 : of, relating to, or being common stock.


As we can see from the deviation above there is more at MEAN. So we go to MEAN; (we go to the second meaning listed. Check out the root and the derivative here as well. ) Mean: 1 a: lacking distinction or eminence: HUMBLE 2: lacking in mental discrimination 3 a: of poor shabby inferior quality or status b: worthy of little regard: CONTEMPTIBLE 4: lacking dignity or honor: BASE 5 a: PENURIOUS, STINGY b: characterized by petty selfishness or malice c: causing trouble or bother: VEXATIOUS 6 : ASHAMED 1b meanness. Now go to Parlor: the 2nd definition: 2 a: a fostered or advocated in comfortable seclusion without consequent action or application to affairs b: a given to or characterized by fostering or advocating something (as a doctrine) in such a manner (socialist). Now we define Parley: 1 a a conference for discussion and dispute b: a conference with an enemy. So parliament means a group of people who believe themselves to be superior by their own authority, making law in comfort and seclusion, without recourse or responsibility to control common people whom they consider to be of inferior quality and worthy of little regard. Communicate: This also fits with the above, so let's explore this word as well. 1. Share; 2. A: to convey knowledge of or information about, make known. b, to reveal by clear signs. 3 to cause to pass from one to another. Derivation: fr. Communs common- more at MEAN. (see mean above). The point of this exercise of communication is: the so-called aristocrats do not want communication to exist at the common level as it will endanger their selfappointed status. Demonstrate how the above effects your life. ________. Drill: define the following words in your note book: representative; regain; principle; secure; impeach; arrogant; abusive; violate. The foundations of parliamentary government began to develop around 1265. And this gradually developed into a legislative voice to represent the desires of the people. It also provided a bargaining tool to regain some of the lost powers of the people and limit the tyrannical powers of the King. The Parliament regained the right to have no taxation without the approval of the people's representatives. They also established the principle that there would be no laws imposed on the people that had not been fully approved by the Parliament. Finally, the Parliament secured the right to impeach the arrogant and abusive officers of the King whenever it could be shown that they had violated the law in the exercise of their high office. This development of a legislative forum is the subject of this step. Continuing further on the chart. Parliamentary Supremacy 1500 AD- Henry VII relaxed usury laws which infuriated the money changers (banks, Babylon)(Julius Caesar conquered England which later paved the way for the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church in England) The Catholic church ex26

communicated the King for beheading several of his wives, so the King drove the Catholic church out of England and formed the first Protestant Church of England. 1600 AD - Queen Elizabeth I controls money supply and issues own coin against the wishes of the moneychangers. 1649 Oliver Cromwell, financed by the money changers had King Charles killed, then plunged England into debt from wars and took over the City of London. 1688 AD - Money changers (banks) financed William of Orange of the Netherlands to overthrow the Stuart Kings and took possession of the English Throne. 1694 AD - England is monetarily exhausted after 50 years of war with France and Holland. The private Bank of England (Babylon) is formed and secures itself with politicians and their laws to protect the bank and the debt of England. The tally sticks are attacked by the Bank of England and replaces it with their own money system which took away the power of the King to control money. 1698 AD. - English debt then rocketed from 1.25 million pounds to 16 million pounds within a few short years. 1748 AD- Amschel Bauer in Germany opens a gold smith shop under the sign of Red Shield. (in German tongue pronounced Rote schild, i.e. Rothschild). He had five Sons. During the reign of two German Kings over England (George I and George II, between 1714 and 1760), the Parliament was left on its own more than ever before. The government was run almost entirely by the King's prime minister, which meant that he and the other members of Parliament serving in the prime minister's cabinet could appoint all of the officials and have a relatively free hand in running the government. This brought England to the status of a limited monarchy with a parliament system of government that allowed the legislature to exercise practically unlimited power The parliament system in England never rose above this step, nor did its commonwealths, being Canada, Australia and the others, which followed the same pattern. Therefore, many frustrated Europeans began the migration to America in order to find spiritual and social freedom. The Articles of Confederation and State Supremacy Define the words: Write out your definitions in the space below each word. America: the soil comprising the contiguous 48 states called the united states of America Up to 1776 only comprised of 12 colonies. Colonies (STD) Articles (STD): Confederation (BLKS): Demo Articles of Confederation to your teammate.


provincial (STD): delegates (BLKS) maxims (BLKS) Demo what a maxim of law is to your teammate. DRILL: Read the article of Confederation before going any further. They can be obtained from your local library. It was only in America that Englishmen acquired the advantages of this step. America was in the English colonies. This was where the first opportunity for local or provincial assemblies were developed, where the people elected the delegates. This was first inaugurated in Virginia as early as 1619. As the colonies gained in economic and political strength, they demanded the full recognition of their rights as Englishmen. It was at this time that the colonies asserted their unalienable rights of selfgovernment by issuing the Declaration of Independence to the King of England. The people of America then confederated together as the United States. Their form of government was a confederated republic, where the states remained supreme. Prior to Revolution most commerce was done by barter and also by paper money printed by different states. All of it, however, was based on the production of goods and services created by the people. After the constitution was adopted, only gold and silver coin could be used as money in the United States. The banks, under bankruptcy and as creditor of the UNITED STATES, since 1933, all money is based purely on debt and credit. The Times of London stated the following regarding fiat money in America: "If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origins in North America, shall become endurrated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and the wealth of all the countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every Monarchy on the globe." DEMONSTRATE to your teammate what society would be like under the Articles of Confederation. Reciprocate with your teammate. The Declaration of Independence The Revolutionary War Define the following: Declaration (STD): Independence (STD): Revolution (BLKS) 28

Demo the word revolution to your teammate . _____. Fiat: (STD) money: (STD) Demo fiat money to your teammate. America, by the Declaration of Independence, declared war on England. However, most people do not realize that the primary reason for the war was not taxation without representation, but the forced payment of taxes to the King in gold not paper money. America was flourishing by using their own fiat money system based only on their production - not a gold based system that could be manipulated by the King. The King could not control the fiat money system and therefore passed a law requiring one to pay taxes in gold only. The King had most of the gold the colonies had little (scarcity/value), unemployment ensued - and embittered souls cried for war.

An East Indiaman; National Maritime Museum

peter monamy 39 x 32

America did win the Revolutionary war with England. There was a malfunction, however, in the plans for America. Money powers were waiting at the gate from the beginning. Although the British Empire, as a world government, lost the American Revolution, the power structure behind it did not lose the war. The most visible of the power structure identities was the East India Company, owned by the Bankers and the Crown in London, England. This was an entirely private enterprise whose flag was adopted by Queen Elizabeth in 1600 which happened to have thirteen red and white horizontal stripes with a blue rectangle in its upper left-hand corner. Betsy Ross had a pattern for her creative "invention" of the stars and stripes--the flag of the international financiers. 29

While the British government lost the war in 1776, the East India Company's owners who constituted a portion of the invisible, (sovereign) Power structure (banks) behind the British government not only did not lose but moved right into the new usA economy, together, and in close association, with Americas' most powerful landowners. DRILL: Read the Declaration of Independence. DRAW A DIAGRAM of the Declaration of Independence. Include both America and England. Also, include people and actions taken. Constitutional Supremacy Drill: Define the words- people; state; Republic; Democracy 2. Demonstrate the powers of (a) the State; (b) the United States; (c) the people. 3. By what authority is each power in number 2. authorized? Drill: Define the following words in your notebook: National; Federal; Federal Government; National Government; glitch; and bifurcated. Before we get into the constitution, let's explore under what authority the states and the federal government were created and established. Authority for the American Constitution 1. The Bible. 2. The Magna Carta that King John signed in 1215. 3. The Petition of Rights granted by King Charles I in 1628. 4. The habeas corpus rights granted by King Charles II in 1679. 5. The English Bill of Rights granted by William and Mary in 1689. 6. The Articles of Confederation. These six documents became the basis and guidelines in creating our Constitution. It is important to know at this point that any constitution must have some prior reference to establish it. Based on this premise, any and every constitution thereafter must have an enabling clause. From this point onward, no constitution may diminish, in any manner, those rights already established in the above six documents. Next, man, or the people of the various states, created the state governments for the protection of their rights. They delegated certain authority from the people powers by and through the state constitutions, in order that the three branches of government could properly carry out the dictates outlined in the constitutions to protect our rights. The States then created the United States.


The American Constitution created a new structure of government that was established on a much higher plane than either the parliamentary system or the confederation of states. It was a people's "constitutional republic," where a certain amount of power was delegated to the states and a certain amount was delegated to the federal government. The United States, by way of the Congress of the United States, has certain powers delegated by the Constitution. So far as the several States party to the Constitution are concerned, the United States may not exercise power not delegated by the Constitution. All power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution is reserved to the several States within their respective territorial borders -- or, to the people. The Constitution was pushed and supported by the bankers through their associates, for their own control over the United States of America. Had the Articles of Confederation been completed and adopted, instead of the Constitution, the bankers would have far less control than they achieved. Ten Square Miles Define the word Columbia.This word and the following words to be defined in this section are from WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY10TH EDITION. Columbia: [NL (new Latin) Christopher Columbus] (Originated in 1775 ): THE UNITED STATES Columbus has the same root word as columbarium and columbine. Columbarium [L dovecote, from columba dove] a stucture of vaults lined with recesses for cinerary urns. Dovecote: 1. a small compartmented raised house or box for domestic pigeons or doves; also for breeding. 2. a settled or harmonious group or organization. Columbine [ME from ML columbina, L columbinus like a dove ,from columba dove, GK kolymbos a small grebe (diving bird), kelainos black] Columbidea is the Latin species of dove. Dove: 3.one who takes a conciliatory attitude and advocates negotiations and compromise; an opponent of war. District: [F from ML districtus jurisdiction, from distringer to distrain] 1.a territorial division as for administrative or electoral purposes. 2.an area, region or section with a distinguishing character. Distrain; [ME distreynen, from dis- + stringere to bind tight, more at strain]1. to force or compel to satisfy an obligation by means of a distress 2. to seize by distress; to levy a distress. Strain [ME streen progeny, lineage, from OE streon gain, acquisition; akin to OHG gistriuni gain, L struere to heap up] 1. lineage, ancestry b. a group of presumed common ancestry with clear-cut physiological but usual no morphological distinctions. 2 a. inherited or inherent character, quality, or disposition. (emphasis added on all of the above definitions). 31

Note: The Columba faction, an Italian Organization and Masonic group, funded Cristoforo Colon, who was renamed by the organization as Christopher Columbus, circa 1480s. The Columba factions symbol is a black dove! It is also interesting to note that the Illuminati, an Italian Masonic group, was formed in 1776. Both of theses groups strictly adhere to their own hereditary bloodlines and purposely do not intermix with other ancestries. References read The Biggest Secret by David Icke. DRILL: Diagram with your teammate the meaning of District and Columbia with the above definitions. THE UNITED STATES consists only of the ten miles square of Washington, District of Columbia (D.C.), its territories of Guam, Samoa, Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico, etc. Define Plenary. One of the powers granted in the federal constitution is to the congress in Article 1, section 8, clause 16 and 17, which reads as follows: 16. To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten mile square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of congress, become the seat of government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased, by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and the needful buildings: -- and, 17.To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all the new powers vested by this constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Congress has absolute -- or what is described as plenary power. This is municipal, police power, and the like. Where does Congress have such plenary power? Read again clauses 16 and 17 above. Only within the geographical area of the District of Columbia, and all forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings within the several States. The United States is an abstraction -- it exists only on paper. It is a total fiction. It exists as an idea. The various Republic States of the Union, exist in substance and reality. The United States only takes on physical reality after Congress positively activates constitutionally delegated powers through statutes enacted in accordance with Article I section 7 of the Constitution. It is necessary for you to read that section. Demo _____ Article 1 Section 17 of the Constitution. The Constitution is Bifurcated -- Separated in Two Parts The Constitution was bifurcated. Bifurcated is defined as separated. (See the Bifurcated Chart at the end of this course). We will call it bifurcated because it is the separation from the original jurisdiction as outlined in the Articles of Confederation. Article I, section 8, clauses 16 and 17 clearly set this out.


It important to remember, as we will be returning to this particular section later on throughout this course, the U.S. Congress does have the right to make all laws regarding Washington D.C. within the ten miles square and territories owned by the United States, etc.. This tiny scope of legislative powers is the only authority relating to people of the various states. This is the end of part one of the first course. Make certain you get together with your partner, ask him or her questions regarding all the above. See to it that each of you have defined all the words described to define. Both of you need to know that each has a good, solid, understanding of what you have gone through thus far. DRILL; Diagram America and mark the areas of jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES and DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The First National Bank in The United States Define 'Bank' in Blacks Law 4th. (you need to read the entire definition which consists of one full column. This has a lot of reference to law and judges and particularly to water, i.e. maritime, before you arrive at what you think a bank might be. Read it carefully because this will become more and more important later in these courses). Define 'charter': (BLKS) One of the first acts, within two years, that President Washington did was to declare an emergency. William Morris with the help of Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of Treasury, heavily promoted the first national bank (Bank of England, Babylon) to legislation in order to create a private bank. In 1781, Congress chartered the first national bank for a term of 20 years, to the same European bankers that were holding the debts before the war. The bankers loaned worthless, un-backed, nonsecured printed money to each other to charter this first bank. After thousands of lives were lost fighting a war to get control of our own money, why did congress contract with the same bankers that STARTED the revolutionary war in the first place? Very simple. Since the Crown (House of Rothschild) was the creditor, they demanded a private bank to hold the securities of the United States as the pledged assets to the Crown of England in order to secure the debt to which the United States had defaulted. The holder of the securities was the private bank. So under public international law, the creditor nation forced the United States to establish a private bank to hold the securities as the collateral for the loan. As throughout history, Babylon follows wherever we go. DRILL: Demonstrate to your teammate why the First National Bank was chartered in the UNITED STATES. European Bankers Expand 1785 AD - The youngest Rothschild, Nathan, expanded his wealth to 20,000 pounds in a 15 year period by using other peoples money. An increase of 2500%. 1787 AD - Amschel Rothschild made the famous statement: "Let me issue and control a Nation's money, and I care not who writes the laws." 33

Thomas Jefferson stated, "If the American people ever allow the previous banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake homeless on the Continent their fathers conquered." 1798 AD - The five Rothschild brothers expanded by opening banks in each of the major cities of Europe. Amschel Mayer, Germany; Solomon,Vienna; Jacob, Paris; Nathan, London; Carl, Naples. The War of 1812 and the Second National Bank Define the word in the space below the word: Marque (BLKS): Demo Marque with your teammate______ The charter for the private bank was for 20 years-- or until around 1811. What happened in 1812? The War of 1812. What did England attack? Washington, D.C... the ten miles square where they burned the White House and other buildings. Was the attack by England on the ten miles square an act of war? No, it was not. Under public international law, what was an act of war was the United States not extending the first national bank into the second national bank to continue to maintain the securities on the unpaid debt. So when the United States did an act of war by not giving the lawful creditor his securities in a peaceful manner, the only remedy open under international law to the creditor was to come in on letters of marque and seize the assets to protect his loan. Did the second national bank get approved? Absolutely. After England attacked the nation that was in default, Americans saw the penalty for not and enacted the second national bank. This was for another 20 years, which was to expire about 1836. DRILL: Diagram with your teammate the pattern developing with the first two private banks leading us closer to our current situation. The Forgotten 13th Amendment Define the following words: Title (STD): Attorn (BLKS): Attorney: with obligation to the courts and to the public, not to the client, and wherever the duties of his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the later. (emphasis added); Corpus Juris Secundum, 1980, section 4 See note. (All attorneys owe their allegiance, first to the Crown of England, next to the courts, and then to the public and finally, to their clients. Is it any wonder your attorney never wins a case for you?) BAR (acronym for British Accreditation Regency look up each of these words) 34

Attorneys are members of the BAR. The American Bar Association is a branch of the Bar Council, sole bar association in England. All laws, today in America, are copyrighted property of a British company, all state Codes are private, commercial, British-owned "law". All attorneys follow instruction from England, Attorneys twist and turn over their clients in synch with the private law of the bankruptcy. That is their job. That is their pledge to those whom they owe allegiance. Note: By definition, the obligations and duties of attorneys extend to the court and the "public" (government) before any mere "client." Clients are "wards of the court" and therefore "persons of unsound mind." See also 'client', 'wards of court'. Demo to your teammate the purpose of an attorney. The Original 13th Amendment There was also another important issue involved in that War of 1812. The original 13th Amendment, which prohibited Attorneys and anyone with a title of nobility to hold any public office in America. All the states then had ratified this 13th Amendment except for Virginia. You'll note that the War of 1812 was waged mostly in Washington, D.C. The British burned all the repository buildings, attempting to destroy all records of the new United States in Washington, D.C.. Thus, the war of 1812 was partly waged to prevent the passage and enforcement of the new Thirteenth Amendment. Most book repositories throughout the states were burned to the ground and all records destroyed. As a result of the accumulated debt of waging that war and a bankmanufactured depression in the midst of war, a new Bank Charter was issued for another 20 years. Demo why the 13th Amendment was enacted and why England burned the book depositories and libraries because of it in the war of 1812. Andrew Jackson and the Bank President Andrew Jackson put an end to this second Charter in 1836. Jackson's reasoning was simple: The Constitution does not delegate authority for Congress to establish a national bank. Jackson's rationale has never been seriously challenged, and the Constitution has never been amended to authorize Congress to establish a national bank. Nor, for that matter, does the Constitution delegate authority for the United States to establish corporations, particularly private corporations. There was not a national bank established in America for more than 75 years, until 1913 with the Federal Reserve Bank. Andrew Jackson did an excellent job. What did Congress do with Andrew Jackson? They fought him tooth and nail. Is that because Congress is made up mostly of attorneys? To whom do the attorneys owe their title of nobility? The Crown of England. So Congress is populated by attorneys who are Esquires, noblemen, who owe their allegiance to the Crown of England. So, who does our Congress represent? The Bankers. The bankers hired an 35

assassin to kill Andrew Jackson using two pistols, however the plot failed as both pistols misfired. Andrew Jackson violated public international law because he denied the creditor his just lien rights on the debtor. However, the bankers did not lend value (substance), so in actuality they had an unperfected lien so the law actually did not apply. Andrew Jackson stated, "Controlling our currency, receiving our public money, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence would be more formidable and dangerous than a military power of the enemy." Demo how Andrew Jackson affected our history and what could have taken place had he not stood up the bankers. The Civil War Define sine die (BLKS): On March 27, 1861, the Southern states declared their states rights pursuant to the Constitution and walked out of Congress. This created sine die, which literally means "without day," and in this case refers to an adjournment without provision for a date to reconvene. Abraham Lincoln had been elected President and without a quorum, Congress could not transact business. He declared martial law and ruled by executive order. The constitutional republic was gone. Martial law was never ended and a constitutional facade has been maintained since then. Slavery was only window dressing for the Civil War. The war had nothing to do with slavery. It had to do with States Rights and the National debt to the bankers. The South wanted to be redeemed from the Crown in England. The North wanted to remain under their dominion and their debt. . When the South walked out of Congress, this ended the public side of the bifurcated Constitution as far as the government was concerned. What remained of the government was the private side, the democracy, and it was under the rule of the bankers. During and after the Civil War, a new 13th, Amendment was enacted December 18, 1865; the 14th Amendment was enacted July 28, 1868; The 15th Amendment enacted March 30, 1870. President Lincoln, by Executive Order proclaimed the first Trading With the Enemy Act. President Lincoln stated, " The government should create, issue, and circulate all currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers." Further, he quoted, "The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the governments' greatest opportunity." Weeks later, he was murdered because he defied the bankers by printing interest free money to pay for the war efforts. The 14th Amendment brought the freed slaves, whose previous owners were private plantations and transferred those slaves under slavery of the government, the ten miles square jurisdiction of Washington, D.C.


At this period of time, the only people in the United States who were under the jurisdiction of the private bifurcated government of the ten miles square of Washington. D.C., were the government employees, those within the territories owned by the United States and now the former slaves. The former citizens of the South, now "captured" became 14th Amendment citizens. The remainder of the people could still invoke the power over government through original jurisdiction of the Republic side of the Constitution. Thus, the government operated fully under the authority of private law dictated by the creditor, a dictatorship of the banks. Demo how the Civil War altered the constitution and affected us today. UNITED STATES incorporates in England In 1871 the default again loomed and bankruptcy was eminent. So in 1871, the ten miles square was incorporated in England. They used the constitution as their bylaws. Not as authority under the Constitution but as authority over the constitution. They copyrighted, not only the constitution but also many names such as, THE UNITED STATES, U.S. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USA and many other titles as their own. This is the final blow to the original constitution. From here on out, the UNITED STATES was governed entirely by private corporate law, dictated by the banks as creditors. Demo how England now influences or controls the UNITED STATES through the constitution. More Bankruptcy Re-organizations Define the word By-laws (STD) Then, in 1909, default loomed once more. The US government went to the Crown of England and asked for an extension of time. This extension was granted for another 20 years on several conditions. One of the conditions was that the United States allow the creditors to establish a new national bank. This was done in 1913, with the Federal Reserve Bank. This, along with the 16th Amendment, collection of Income tax, enacted February 25, 1913, and the 17th Amendment enacted May 31, 1913, were the conditions for the extension of time. The 16th and 17th Amendment further reduced the states power. The UNITED STATES adopted the Babylonian system. First World War In 1917 we were drafted into the First World War. The debt accumulated so that it became impossible for us to pay off the debt in 1929. It also enhanced the War Powers Act that President Lincoln put in place during his Presidency by Executive Order. This War Powers Act was re-enforced and was The Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. This will become more important later on. The Great Depression Define the following words: Adhesion (BLKS) 37

Accession (BLKS) Demo adhesion and accession contracts. _____ We all know what happened in 1929. This was the year of the stock market crash and the beginning of The Great Depression. The Great Depression: The stock market crash moved billions of dollars from the people to the banks. This also removed cash from circulation for the peoples use. Those who still possessed any cash, invested in high interest yielding Treasury Bonds driven higher by increased demand. As a result, even more cash was removed from circulation for the general public to the point where there was not enough cash left in circulation to buy the goods being produced. Production came to a halt as inventory overcrowded the market. There were more products on the market than there was cash to buy them. Prices plummeted and industries plunged into bankruptcy, throwing millions more people out of work and out of cash. Foreclosures on homes, factories, businesses and farms rose to the highest level in the history of America. A mere dime was literally salvation to many families now living on the street. Millions of people lost everything they had, keeping only the clothes on their backs. In Europe, in 1930, the International Bankers declared several nations bankrupt, including the United States. Then in 1933, President Roosevelt was elected and took office. His first act as President was to declare, publicly, the United States bankrupt. He further went on to issue his Presidential Executive Order on March 5th, 1933 that all United States Citizens must turn in all their gold in return for Federal Reserve Notes. This was passed into law by Congress on June 5th, 1933. Demo the affect the Depression had on the American people. House/Senate Joint Resolution 192 (1933) Define the following: House of Representatives (BLKS): Senate (BLKS): Joint (BLKS): Resolution (BLKS): Adhesion contract (BLKS) Read HJR 192 (Exhibit 5) Demo HJR 192 We the People, turned in all our gold at that time. Why? Were we United States Citizens? No. We were still a sovereign people until that time. We just thought that we were required to turn in all our gold. Only those people living in Washington, D.C., and the 14th Amendment Citizens were so required. We were still sovereign. We were not under the jurisdiction of the United States of America, which incorporated in 1871.


When we turned in our gold, we just volunteered into the jurisdiction of the ten miles square of Washington D.C. and their laws. We became 14th Amendment Citizens. Our birth Certificates, the title to our bodies, were registered in the Commercial Registry. This title to our bodies, all of our property and all of our future labor, was pledged to the International Bankers as security for the money owed in bankruptcy. This was done under the authority of Commercial Law (Babylonian law) by and through Title. The American People were not in bankruptcy. Only the Corporate UNITED STATES was in bankruptcy. We must remember, however, that it was only the politicians and the ten miles square of Washington, D.C. the UNITED STATES CORPORATION that went into bankruptcy. It was not the American people. Demo how HJR 192 in 1933 affected the Citizens of the UNITED STATES and why it did not necessarily have to affect American sovereigns. Demo what was money before HJR 192 and what constitutes money after HJR 192.

Artificial Entities
Define artificial and entity. How did we become a 'subject' of the artificial UNITED STATES? The US Corporation has no more power over you than does the Taco Bell Corporation. UNLESS YOU CONTRACT UNDER THE ARTIFICIAL ENTITY!!! First, your birth certificate was voluntarily given by your mother to the state and then entered into the Commercial Registry for Registration, within the UNITED STATES, when you were born. This, in commerce, gave Title to your body by way of a constructive or other types of contract. Now, all of us are now members of the Babylonian system in every manner. Next, the government created an artificial 'person', an organization, a fictitious entity, and what we call an artificial entity. By and through an adhesion contract, the government then made you, the real man or woman, responsible for and fiduciary for and surety for that artificial entity. This is how your artificial entity secured the National debt and through it, you became a 14th Amendment Citizen of the UNITED STATES. All licenses and all existing contracts are made between the UNITED STATES or THE STATE OF (whatever state you live in) and your artificial entity. That fictitious entity binds you to the UNITED STATES because they have, through adhesion contract, made you the real man or woman, fiduciary and responsible for that artificial entity. Of course, you voluntarily sign, and even request, all those contracts, dont you? All of these contracts you sign carry with it your agreement to obey and uphold all the laws, rules and regulations passed by the Congress of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and THE STATE OF. . . . and will be enforced against you. Demo how you became subject to the artificial entity, the UNITED STATES.


Trustee of the Bankruptcy takes Possession of Property Define the word in the space below the word: Trustee (BLKS) Wards (BLKS) License: (BLKS) (Note; in Blacks 4th, read down in the small print to the third definition). Permit: (BLKS). Privilege: (BLKS). Benefit: (BLKS). From that day forward, we could never own any property because the state now had possession of it all. (In 1964, the state obtained title to our property.) We can only rent our homes that we believe we own. We only have a certificate of title to the car we think we own. The state owns the true title to our homes and to our cars, to everything we thought or think we own. You married the state through your marriage license and your children became wards of the state. You are a Ward of the State. All of this was pledged, including all the fruits of our future labor, to the bankers as security against the national debt and was placed in the possession of the Secretary of State of each state as an agent for the Trustee of the Bankruptcy - The U.S. Secretary of Treasury. This was further tightened up when we applied for our Social Security number after 1935, by contract which we hurriedly voluntarily entered into, when the Social Security Act was signed into law. Then by many further contracts to be entered into and license to be applied for all voluntary affairs. Demo: Compare where you were before 1933 to where you are now. States Lose Sovereignty President Roosevelt then called all the Governors into Washington D. C. for a conference. This was the beginning of the states losing the remainder of their sovereignty. It was not until 1944 that the corporate states lost all their power over the corporate United States with the Buck Act. With this Act, the states became, essentially, 14th Amendment Citizens as well. This completed the destruction of the corporate states having any power to protect against usurpation by the U.S. Government. The corporate states went under the jurisdiction of Washington, D.C.. The march toward Communism Define the following: Socialism (STD) Communism (STD) Demo the difference between Republic, and Communism.


Thereafter, the movement toward a communistic dictatorship and One World Government rapidly increased. The Bretton Woods Agreement created the United Nations in 1946. The adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code by all States in 1964 and a number of other like laws and Acts were incorporated into this nation. This made the Uniform Commercial Code, the Supreme Law of the Land. Demo the progression from the republic to democracy to socialism and finally to communism. We Lost our Courts in 1976 Define (BLKS): the following words in the space below Justice in Hebrew means Rightness, to be right. Justice (STD) Construe (BLKS) Demo._____ Construct Demo._____ Judge-made-law (BLKS) In 1976, Congress took away any semblance of law or justice left within our court system. All law today is now construed, constructed and made up by the judge in the courtroom. They took away any control or authority we might have had over the court system. See Senate Bill 94-204 which deals with the court system and Senate Bill 94381 dealing with Public Law. This has been very well hidden from all of us. Many of us going into court often wonder why and how the courts can simply override the laws we put into our paperwork. Its very simple now that we know how they do it. They operate on the words construe and construct. A simple word such as in changed to at as in at law or in law has a totally separate meaning. For example: If youre in the river, you are wet, you can swim, etc., But if youre at the river, you might enjoy a refreshing picnic, play baseball or run races. See the difference a simple word can make? And, the attorneys often change this word when they answer your motions in addition to many others. It will pay you in dividends to read the answers of attorneys to your paperwork. Compare what they say the case law says to the actual case law itself. Youll discover that they have actually changed the words therein. This is illegal, you might say. No, not, according to the above Senate Bills. You see, they can now construe and construct any law or statute to mean whatever they decide it means, for their benefit. You dont know any of this. You think they are railroading you in a kangaroo court. No, they are legal in what they 41

do. They usually follow the law to the letter; Their law, private law, the law of contract, that you know nothing about. This law is called contract law. Contracts If you dont understand the above and realize what law you are dealing with when you go into court, you will lose. Even if you have filed your UCC-1 and have captured your Title and your artificial entity, this makes no difference in the above courts. Why? They operate in total fiction, in la la land, in the land of Oz. They can only recognize contracts. And you are a real, sentient being (still with numerous adhesion contracts attached to you). Whatever you file in that court, whether it is your UCC-1 or Law from the Judicial and Original Jurisdiction side, that is real, Lawful, truth. They do not recognize truth of any sort. They only recognize fiction and contract law. So, when you go into any court, be aware that it is their law, that the judge or the prosecutor can construe and construct that law in any fashion they choose. It will always mean what they choose it to mean. So, are the courts bound by the Constitution? Law? Statutes? No, contracts only and the statutes used to enforce the contracts. And when we use their statutes, constitution, UCC, rules and regulations, all copyrighted without a license from the BAR, we are in violation of copyright infringement and punishment is mandatory. There is NO Law in this Nation or the world for that matter there is only contract law. Demo: compare where you are in todays court system with your previous conception of how you thought the courts should operate. Summary We can see throughout our history that Babylon, commerce and Merchant Law has followed wherever productive people go. The Bankers were waiting in the wings when we founded this country. It was only two years after the constitution was enacted that the bankers threw us into bankruptcy. The newly founded government moved over to the side under the ten square mile that congress controlled. In 1861, the Southern states walked out of Congress. This officially ended the lawful side of the Constitution. In 1871, the ten square miles and its territories, that congress controlled was incorporated in England and the constitution was adopted as the by-laws of that corporation. This completely ended the Constitution. We no longer had a Constitution. We do NOT have the protection of the original Constitution and the Bill of Rights except as a facade to maintain tranquility as the International Bankers tighten the control still more. THE UNITED STATES as a corporation, created in England, came under the jurisdiction of England. This entitled England to create laws as the Bank of England and International Bankers saw fit to do, establish those laws in THE UNITED 42

STATES and everyone who at that time was a 14th Amendment Citizen was subject to obey those laws. This also placed the Congress of THE UNITED STATES above that portion of what we think is the constitution, not under the authority of the constitution. Copyrighted, remember? The only Bill of Rights left at this point in time is four Amendments -- 13th, 14th 15th, and 16th. That is all the Courts are required to take cognizance of when you appear in their courts. Then the Merchants of Babylon, the bankers, moved deeper into our nation by the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 and the IRS to collect the interest on their loans made to the UNITED STATES. The 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression that followed, placed the American people in desperation, homelessness, poverty and even starvation. The minds of the people were focused on survival. They were trapped in a dilemma that forced them to accept any handout given by the government, no matter what the cost to their freedoms. FDR treasonously placed this entire nation into socialism. We were drawn in as 14th Amendment Citizens through the registration of our birth certificates. We were further enticed deeper into that system by volunteering for many other licenses and privileges given by the government. We were also made enemies of THE UNITED STATES. This act gives the UNITED STATES authority, under the laws of war and as a captured people, to force anything on us they choose to create. Thereafter, we sank further into communism. If you read the ten planks of communism you'll discover that this nation has fulfilled every plank successfully. We are a Communist Nation. Then, in 1976, Congress removed any semblance of justice in our court system with Senate bill 94-201 and 94-381. From this point forward, the 'officers of the court' can construe and construct the laws to mean anything they chose them to mean. As 14th Amendment Citizens, we are not citizens of the America we have always thought. We are actually citizens of England, through the corporation of THE UNITED STATES. Today, as in ancient Babylon, our idol is money, i.e. Federal Reserve Notes which are graven images, both a fiction. There is no law today except as fiction of copyrighted statutes, to be interpreted by 'judges' who construe and construct whatever they choose to have those statutes mean. Do you now have a different viewpoint on where you actually are now from where you thought before you began this course? Demonstrate to your partner, the difference between where you were, or thought you were, when you began this course and where you now know you are in terms of your political, citizen and legal standing within the UNITED STATES. We The People, Sovereigns created...States 43

States created...a federation of States with a Bifurcated Constitution:

Democracy located in 10 Mile Square District of Columbia Governing body is Congress Regulated by statutes as needed. Bankruptcy brought about need for a National Bank, 1791 War of 1812 2nd National Bank, 1816 Andrew Jackson threw vipers out, 1834 2nd Bank Charter Expired, 1836 Civil War, 1861 13th and 14th Amendments passed by the democratic side only, All citizens of the ten miles square and freed slaves became 14th Amendment Citizens 1868 UNITED STATES incorporated in England. Moved entirely from Original Constitution. Instead, This corporation 'adopted' the Constitution through the 14th Amendment 1871 Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act 1913 World War I. Trading with the Enemy Act revised, made tougher 1917 The Great Depression 1929 Bankruptcy of UNITED STATES, Registration 1933 Even the Sovereign became attached to of Birth 1933 Certificates, etc US. We The People became 14th Amendment citizen through the contract of our registered birth certificates. We were placed under Socialism. SOCIALISM The Bretton Woods Agreement (1946) and the 1946 Creation of the United Nations COMMUNISM Uniform Commercial Code Adopted We lost control of our Courts 1951 1976 A Republic made up of Sovereign States created by Sovereigns Governing body is Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches Regulated by Entire Constitution, Bill of Rights We The People could enforce Constitution

1861 Southern States walked out of Congress, ended the Republic. Moved totally under the jurisdiction of a democracy. Lincoln, by E.O. initiated the Trading With The Enemy Act.

1871 We The People could still enforce the Original Constitution.

. Until 1933, with the registering of the title to their bodies, the birth certificate, in the Commercial Registry, sovereigns had the authority to enforce the Original Constitution. CAN YOU NOW SEE WHERE YOU ARE IN THE POLITICAL ARENA? Not what you were taught,

is it?

Birds eye View of American History Pre 1776 1776 1777 Description of Event Many battles with England over the money issues: Taxation, Money and Banking Declaration of Independence -- Revolutionary War fought Constitution for the united States of America 44

1791 1811 1812 1815 1813 1819 1828 1832 1861-

First United States (National) Bank, with 20 year charter The Original 13th Amendment against Titles of Nobility, proposed and ratified by most states War of 1812, England attacks; burns Washington, D.C. and other record depositories War with England ends, treaty signed 1815, soldiers of England leave with arms 2nd United States National Bank chartered for another 20 years After the War, original 13th Amendment ratified by Virginia breaking the 75% requirement: passed After severe abuse by bankers Andrew Jackson takes office on promise to route the vipers out 2nd United States National Bank charter expires War between the States and the Union is fought. Union wins (U.S. Army) The original 13th Amendment is forgotten and buried in the ashes of this destructive war

The so-called 13th and 14th Amendments are adopted . . .the U.S. takes over states The UNITED STATES is incorporated in England adopting the original constitution, through the 14th Amendments, as it's by-laws. (See 41st 1871 Congress, Session III, Chapter 61 and 62) Government is shifted to the private sector under private corporate law. However, We The People were still sovereign. All Union States adopt new legislatively created 'conditions' and 'codify' their 1868laws. Under federal mandate. State 'codes' are unlawfully adopted despite their origin. "The purpose of 'Civil Law' is to establish and protect two classes of citizens" Bank 'panics' are caused by demand exceeding supply of lawful funds, etc. as 1892 international bankers manipulate credit (Value and Scarcity) Commerce. UCC began codification. 1901- Large tax-exempt Foundations plot social change and target us for war. JP 15 Morgan captures control of newspapers. 1868 1913The Federal Reserve Act is unlawfully hatched and 'Income tax' is born 1917World War I -- creates larger debt and lays foundations for WWII 1929 The Bank-led "Great Depression" starts just 15 years into the Federal Reserve Act



FDR takes office as President and issues Executive Orders declaring a 'Bank Holiday F.D.R. by Executive Order declares gold (lawful money) ownership illegal (Remember until this time We The People were still sovereign) Only U.S. Citizens were required to turn in their gold. F.D.R. by Executive Order declares the people to be the enemy by illegally altering the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1861, revised 1917 F.D.R. and through Congress H.J.R.-192 declares U.S. bankrupt. F.D.R. by Executive Order sweeps the Republic into the trash can and declares democracy F.D.R. by Executive Order (dictatorship) proves himself a traitor to United States Constitution F.D.R. initiates socialism (socialism) contrary to well established law, stacks the 1933-38 Supreme Court with democratic liberals and socialists

1933 1934 1938 1940 1941-

Registration of Birth Certificates. Mothers volunteered children into slavery through this registration, giving Title to our bodies to the Commercial Registry Social Security System established Erie Railroad vs.Tompkins changes face of justice. No more common law in federal government. The Buck Act was passed establishing corporate state governments. This Act placed the states under the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES Corporation World War II begins -- tax and spend begins, 'voluntary compliance' is encouraged by Walt Disney's Donald Duck cartoon Bretton Woods Treaty signed, United Nations Born. Uniform Commercial Code Adopted in law The Korean War - a can't win war, tax and spend, increase of the debt. California Constitution of 1879 completely repealed and replaced legislatively All remaining States adopt Uniform Commercial Code. UCC becomes The Law of the Land The American People, 14th Amendment citizens, as well as any and other citizens of America, lost total control of the court system in America -- See Senate Report 94-204. With this law, instead of courts law our courts were permitted to "construe and construct." This means that the various courts now have the authority through above legislation to change any statute, any case law, any word contained in those laws, to mean whatever they choose it to mean.

1945 1951 195254 1958 1964



Next, we will show you a tool which will help you resolve the confusion you must now feel and know. While this tool can help you out of any situation you might find in your life, now or in the future, it will be used here to show how we arrived where you are now and what must be done to achieve your end goal of Freedom. The following will require careful reading on your part. It is not to be skipped through. Use the first page, circle diagram, and as you progress through the questions and definitions write your answers on this sheet accordingly. This purpose of this exercise is to help you determine where you are and to provide assistance in achieving your end goal. Freedom. The secondary purpose of this exercise is to teach you how to follow instructions by thinking an idea through not by relying on knee jerk reaction. Orientation: (Std) The act or process of orienting. Root, Orient: to cause, to face, or point toward the East; Specifically, to build a temple with the axis pointing eastward. East. [ Latin Orient, to rise, Sanskrit Ronti he moves, arises, Greek ornynai, to rouse, from oros to rise, mountain] Direction: Guidance or supervision of action, management; assistance of pointing out the proper route. Comes from the root direct - to regulate the activities or course of. [Latin directus, straight, from dirigere to lead straight, from regere to rule, Greek oregein to stretch out, from oros to rise, mountain] The following words are Hebrew definitions, so to get a full understanding of the orientation of the area of Palestine we will locate it and describe where it is in relation to its surrounding areas. To the east of Palestine is the fertile crest between the Tigres and Euphrates Rivers currently Kuwait and the border between Iran and Iraq. This is where civilization began, this is where the Garden of Eden was. It was the home of the enlightened ones and the ancient god kings of this planet. This is where the sun is first seen. To the North are the Caucus Mountains and Armenian Mountains. This is where people fled to when in danger and to go under cover. This is where they went to hide. It was dark and stormy in the north areas. To the West was the Mediterranean Sea. Along the coast was Canaan and Phoenicia, the land of the merchants, commerce and the largest trading ports in the entire world. These people used the sea (maritime law) as a means for transportation. They used many instruments that we use today, such as mortgages, securities and SLAVES. To the South was the great desert of the Sinai peninsula. It was hot and dry with very little water available. It was usually called the wilderness and was where the children of Israel wandered for 40 years before coming to the Promised Land. Right: Hebrew yaman to be right; to be right handed; the right hand or right side; the stronger; the South; yashar to make straight or even, right, prosperous; mishpat verdict, justice, judgment, from shaphat to judge, to vindicate; emeth stability, 47

certainty, truth; Latin regere to rule, Greek oregein to stretch out, from oros to rise, mountain. Drill: Look at the above definitions and observe the similar meanings of each. What is the same root meaning for each of the words. Left: Hebrew semol wrapping up; dark as enveloped; the North. The idea of cover, assuming the shape of the object beneath; Anglo Saxon worthless, from lef weak, infirm.

Drill: Compare the definitions of ORIENTATION, DIRECTION and RIGHT to the definition of LEFT. What are the differences?

1. Refer to the drawing of a circle attached hereto. From the above definitions label
the Right hand and the left hand of the circle. Write in the definitions of Right and Left in the space below the "hand" lines. There are lines provided for this purpose. (Note: read the following two questions carefully. Do not go with your first reaction. Think before you act.)

2. Look at the definition of right and label the corresponding direction. Include
Definition of the direction on the lines provided

3. Look at the definition of left and label the corresponding direction. Include
Definition of the direction on the lines provided. South: Hebrew negeb to be parched; central, middle, mostly to sever, a bisection, Right, right side, inner most part. North: (Heb) tsaphon hidden, dark, unknown, to hide by covering over, to hoard or reserve, figuratively to deny, to protect unfavorably, to lurk.

4. Label South and North on the circle with the key words to describe them.
West: (Heb) yam to roar, a sea, as breaking as a noisy surf, a large river, an artificial basin, shading, the idea of covering, evening shadows, to give, to be security, give pledges, mortgage, occupy, (West has the same root as does sea.) East: (Heb) In front of time, days of old, East, comes from the same root as Old The front place or time antiquity, the fore part, relatively east, before, anciently Eastward; from quadam, to project [oneself], proceed, to anticipate, hasten, meet.

5. Look at the meaning of orientation and east then label the corresponding
direction. Include Definition of the direction on the lines provided

6. There's only one remaining direction so label it West. Include Definition of the
direction on the lines provided Drill: Read the definitions of LEFT, NORTH and WEST. What are the similarities?


Sea: (Heb) yam to roar, a sea, as breaking as a noisy surf, a large river, an artificial basin, shading, the idea of covering, evening shadows, to give, to be security, give pledges, mortgage, occupy, (West has the same root as does sea.) Noise: (STD) [L. nausea;] 1. Loud, confused, or Senseless outcry; 2e irrelevant or meaningless data or output occurring along with desired information 3. Rumor or common talk, especially Slander; To spread as a report or rumor; Drill: What does WEST and SEA have to do with Maritime Law and our present system of commerce? From the viewpoint of all the people on the planet, where is the WEST?

What do you think is the meaning behind Go West young man, Go West?

7. Determine where the sea should be on your circle and draw the sea beginning
from the northwest across to the southwest side of the circle making wavelike motions. Mountain: Greek oros to rise or rear, a mountain as lifting itself above the plain. airo to lift, to take up or away, to raise, to keep in suspense, specifically to sail away, to weigh anchor, to expiate sin. The Greek leads back to the Hebrew nacah: to lift, accept, advance, arise, bring forth, burn, desire, erase, exalt, exact, for give, furnish, give, help, high, hold up, honorable, lofty, marry, magnify, pardon, receive, respect, spare. Zion, Mount: (STD) A mountain east of Jerusalem. Occupied in ancient times by the Jewish Temple. Hebrew: tsiyon. Capitol, conspicuousness, guiding pillar, to parch, aridity, desert, wilderness, GK. Sion: Church, triumphant. Parch: deprived of natural moisture; (as water from the sea). Drill: Compare the definitions of MOUNTAIN and MOUNT ZION with ORIENTATION, DIRECTION, RIGHT and SOUTH. What are the similarities?

8. Read the definition of South (to be parched) and mountain (to rise above the
plain) and compare the definitions to Zion, then determine where the land and a mountain should be on your circle. Start drawing the plain from the northwest part of the circle towards the center of the circle, then begin an upward slope to the southeast to make a mountain. Sun: (Heb) shemesh - to be brilliant, the east, a ray, a window

9. From the above definition of the sun, label the sun including the definitions.
Moon: (Heb) yarech - Lunation, a month, NIGHT: to twist from the light. DRILL: What happens on a monthly basis in regards to; a. How the moon affects the sea/tides (maritime law)?

b. Dispersing of your energy/money? c. A womans time of the month?


d. How the full moon affects lunatics? e. What profession twists from the light (understanding)? Hint: to turn, atorn, to turn homage and service to a new feudal lord.

10. From the above definition, label the moon including the definitions. SEVEN STEPS TO FREEDOM This section will become more and more important as we proceed through the courses. At this point we will only describe our current position as it relates to the various contracts attached to our artificial entities. 11. Look at the eight divisions inside the circle. Starting from the top left side of the circle, label the center of each division going counterclockwise from 1,2,3,31/2,4,5,6,7. Label the sun 8. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. CREATOR: that which starts or originates a thought Example- God created the Heaven - thought. PRINCIPAL: [Definition: To take first; Chief; leading; most important; original; highest rank; authority.] We as sovereigns irresponsibly recognized the Crown of England (IMF) as PRINCIPAL of America. In reality, the IMF was the Creditor of the UNITED STATES, a corporation, but NEVER you. 2. CREATING: thoughts of how to do something, to merge thoughts into reality by design. example - God created the heaven (thought) and the earth). CONTRACT: The Creditor of the UNITED STATES designed invisible contracts to enslave the sovereign people of America. 3. CREATION: something that is made from thought. (example - earth, physical) DEBTOR: The Creditor of the UNITED STATES implemented the invisible contracts through apparent 'color of law' and the sovereigns irresponsibly agreed. 31/2 CONFUSION: turmoil, disoriented, to disturb mentally and physically. DEBT: We, as Sovereigns, through the invisible contracts, and our irresponsibility to reject the Creditors (IMF) ideas, have voluntarily given our substance to the mythical creator of our situation Draw a line through the center of the circle, from top to bottom; i.e. from East to West. This line represents a mirror. Label the line LOOK. This line is a point of demarcation, a point of decision. The Red pill or the Blue pill. Here is where you go forward accept and be responsible or you return to the endless whirlpool of confusion.

Mirror Drill
Now, go to a mirror and look into it. Next reach into the mirror and try to comb your hair. Cant do it, Right? Now try and change anything by reaching into 50

the mirror to do so. The object of this drill is to show you that you cant change your world you see. You must comb your hair on your head, you must change your world inside your mind. 4. RESPONSIBILITY: to accept ownership of that which you have created. Accept: (STD) To receive willingly; to be able or designed to take or hold; to endure without protest or reaction; to agree to undertake. At this point, we accept the contracts the Creditor designed for us. Acceptance: (STD) an agreeing either expressly or by conduct to the act or offer of another so that a contract is concluded and the parties become legally bound; Power of Acceptance: Capacity of offeree, upon acceptance of terms of offer, to create binding contract. Blacks Law 6th edition. 5. CONSUME: to waste or burn away; parish; to do away with completely. REDEMPTION: To take back, to free from captivity or bondage, or from any obligation or liability by paying an equivalent, to release from blame or debt. To free freedom the consequences of sin, to exchange for something of value (to accept for value). [L. redimo to buy back, from red, re back + emo to obtain or purchase.] 6. DIGEST; to take into the mind or memory; to assimilate mentally. DUPLICATE: to make a double or identical image of, to repeat. IMAGE: [L. mitari, to imitate], an imitation in solid form of a thing; exact likeness; a tangible or visible representation. (here we duplicate all of the imaginary Creditors actions) 7. DISAPPEAR: to pass from view, creation ceases to exist: POWER: the ability to maintain your position in space. [OF to be able; L. potis, able; Goth bruthfaths, bridegroom; GK, posis, husband; SKT, Pati, MASTER.] the ability to act or produce an effect; legal or official authority, capacity, or right. DRILL: Label the left half of the circle: Label the right half of the circle: PUBLIC DEBTOR NEGATIVE APPEAR PHYSICAL PRIVATE CREDITOR POSITIVE DISAPPEAR SPIRITUAL

This circle is to be used as a tool to utilize the seven steps of completion of any action that is to be achieved or in the process of achieving the end goal. In this example, it will be demonstrated how we were the CREATOR of the United States and through the actions of a foreign entity, we became the DEBTOR of our 51

own CREATION. This was achieved through the first three and one half steps of this process (CREATOR, CREATING, CREATION and CONFUSION). It is now up to us to complete the remaining three and one half steps (LOOK/UNDERSTANDING, DESTROY, DUPLICATE and DISAPPEAR). 1. CREATOR 2. CREATING 3. CREATION 4. CONFUSION/RESPONSIBILITY 5. CONSUME REDEEM 6. DUPLICATE 7. DISAPPEAR IMAGE POWER PRINCIPAL CONTRACT DEBTOR DEBT/ACCEPT

DEMONSTRATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Face the East and describe what East is using the key words as described. Turn now to the North and describe this direction with the key words. Turn to the West and describe this direction with the key words. What is your focus, what are you looking at when you face West? Turn to the South and describe this direction with the key words. Turn to the East again. What is the difference between the East and West? Can you go around the circle, without loosing focus of the East? What would this mean if you did not loose your focus on your goal?

The following are references for your benefit to give you a deeper understanding of the different subjects contained in the body of this second course. REFERENCE #1 Titles of Nobility Anyone who has read the Original Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution thinks, mostly, that this Amendment relates to Attorneys. This is mostly true. However there are other far-reaching and significant meanings to the term Titles of Nobility. 52

Title: [OF, title, L titlulus an inscription, label, title, sign, token.] A notice put over, upon, or under anything to distinguish or explain it; That which is inscribed; a document, as a title deed or certificate; An appellation of dignity, distinction, or preeminence (hereditary or acquired), given to persons by virtue of rank, office, achievement, or privilege, or as a mark of respect. Title may be classified as those of: A. Sovereignty, attached to hereditary rank and office, and grouped as (1) higher- Emperor, Tsar, Kaiser, King, Sultan, Shah, Mikado (2) lower, Grand Duke, Duke, Prince. B. Nobility, attached to hereditary rank irrespective of office, and grouped as (1) Greater Prince, Duke, Marquis, Count, Earl, Viscount, Baron; (2) Lesser Baron, Knight, Chevalier, Ritter, Caballero, Esquire, Noble. Websters New International Dictionary 1943 Nobility: [OF from L nobilis that can be or is known, well known, famous, highborn, noble, akin to L noscere to know] Possessing the power of transmitting by inheritance some acknowledged, pre-eminence founded on hereditary succession; of high birth or exalted rank or station, whether inherited or conferred; Quality of possessing characteristics or properties of a very high kind or order; superiority in excellence, value or the like.

Attorn: To turn or transfer homage and service from one Lord to another; to render homage and service to a Lord. Websters New International Dictionary 1943 Attorney: to transfer. to turn. One who is appointed or admitted in the place of another to transact any business for him. Websters Consolidated Dictionary 1962. So, An attorney means to transfer homage and service, in our case, from the Republic of our country to the allegiance of the King of England. In our particular case, to the private laws of the Bankers, the IMF, to whom the CORPORATE UNITED STATES owed vast sums of money; and the corporate UNITED STATES went into bankruptcy in 1930. American Jurisprudence defines Attorney: Attorney: . . . with obligation to the courts and to the public, not to the client, and wherever the duties of his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the later. (emphasis added); Corpus Juris Secundum, 1980, section 4 See note. Note: By definition, the obligations and duties of attorneys extend to the court and the "public" (government) before any mere "client." Clients are "wards of the court" and therefore "persons of unsound mind." See also 'client', 'wards of court' All attorneys owe their allegiance, first to the Crown of England, next to the courts and then to the public and finally, to their clients. Is it any wonder your attorney never wins a case for you? It is the job of attorneys to transfer all our, We The Peoples, wealth and substance into the hand of the Bankruptcy for a debt We The People dont owe. That is their job. That is their pledge to those whom they owe allegiance. BAR (acronym for British Accreditation Regency look up each of these words)


Attorneys are members of the BAR. The American Bar Association is a branch of the Bar Council, which is the sole bar association in England. All laws, today in America, are copyrighted property British company, all state Codes are private, commercial, British-owned "law". All attorneys follow instruction from England, Attorneys are responsible for following orders from the Crown of England and drawing up the laws and Acts which brought this country into bankruptcy. They then created Titles of Nobility in various ways through laws, Acts and Legislation. All laws, rules and regulations for every city, county, state and National governments are actually created by attorneys, on orders from England, in Chicago, and then sent out to the various legislators, city councils and county supervisors across the nation for enactment. Rarely, if ever, are these laws, rules and regulations read by those who enact them. Most of those people elected for office who enact those laws are attorneys themselves. The 13th Amendment/Titles of Nobility The Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the thirteenth amendment is as follows: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, two thirds of both houses concurring, That the following section be submitted to the legislatures of the several states, which, when ratified by the legislature of three fourths of the states, shall be valid and binding, as part of the constitution of the United States. If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of Nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, King, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them. The War of 1812 served several purposes. It delayed the passage of the 13th Amendment by Virginia, allowed the British to destroy the evidence of the first 12 states that already ratified this Amendment, and it increased the national debt, which would coerce the Congress to re-establish the Bank Charter in 1816 after the treaty of Ghent was ratified by the Senate in 1815. The Articles of Confederation, Article VI states: Nor shall the united States in Congress assembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. The Constitution for the united States, in Article 1, section 9, clause 7, states: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the united States, and no person holding office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, prince or foreign state. Also, Section, 10 clause 1 states: 54

No state shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant letters of Marque or Reprisal; coin money; emit Bills of Credit; make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the Obligation of Contracts; or grant any Title of Nobility. There was, however, no measurable penalty for a violation of the above sections. Congress saw this as a great threat to the freedom of Americans, and our Republican form of government. In January 1810, Senator Reed proposed the thirteenth Amendment, and on April 26, 1810 was passed by the Senate 26 to 1 (First session, page 670) and by the House 87 to 3 on May 1, 1810 (second session, page 2050) and submitted to the Seventeen states for ratification. The War of 1812 The original 13th Amendment prohibited Attorneys and anyone with a title of nobility to hold any public office in America. Why was this so important to the American Sovereign to have this Amendment in effect? And what advantage would the foreign bankers have on the American Sovereign if this Amendment was not in effect? By 1812, all the states had ratified the 13th Amendment except for Virginia. Virginia did ratify the Amendment in 1818, but AFTER the War of 1812. You'll note that the War of 1812 was waged mostly in Washington, D.C. The British burned all the repository buildings, attempting to destroy all records of the new United States in Washington, D.C. Thus, the war of 1812 was partly waged to prevent the passage and enforcement of the new Thirteenth Amendment. Most book repositories throughout the states were burned to the ground and all records destroyed. There's a famous painting in Washington D.C. (and it can be found in many books) depicting the British boarding a ship after they "surrendered". The painting showed the British carrying their rifles as they mounted the gangplank. One must ask, "What army is allowed to keep their weapons after they surrender?" One must also ask, "Who really won that war?" As a result of the accumulated debt of waging that war, a new Bank Charter was issued for another 20 years. The 13th Amendment was finally ratified by Virginia, the only remaining State necessary to complete ratification, after the War of 1812 and thereafter became Law. Now, The Rest of the Story Of the Term Titles of Nobility Refer back to the top for a definition of Title. The last time we were here we went over the Hierarchy of authority, from the Sovereign man, to family, to neighborhood, to townships, to counties, to states, to country, and finally to the planet. Now that you know the hierarchy of authority that is mapped out as above, is everything running like the above line of command in todays 55

society? Not quite! You see, the foreign bankers knew they could not control Sovereigns with THIS system. So they decided to design a fictional system, which "looks" like the real thing - but really is not. The first thing that was done was to make an entity which looked and sounded like the federal republic entitled "united States of America." Notice that the "u" in united is a small u - that's because it is an adjective, describing the States (noun) of America. What if one capitalized the "U", as in United States? This would be a name, a "title" wouldn't it? So, now we have a "title" for the republic which was incorporated in England in 1871 as an English corporation. So does this mean we are being ruled by a private foreign operated corporation NOT a government? You said it. In 1944, the Buck Act took the sovereignty away from the states so that the states could also have a "title" as in "The State of Arizona." Then came the counties and municipalities - each had their own corporations which usurped the organic government. What we then had was an inverse relationship to the original organic republics. So, the natural hierarchy of authority is: Authority/body Name Fiction/image Title/number

Sovereign Family Neighborhood Township County State Country Planet

John Doe

Birth Certificate

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________


_______________________MIRROR_________________________ In the blank spaces below under Title put in your idea of what the title might be. Other Titles Relating to Every aspect of your Life


Proof of Ownership

Title/Name/Number ______________


1. Land/Earth



2. An Animal

Bill of Sale


3. Farm Equipment Bill of Sale


4. Vehicle

Bill of Sale


5. Home



6. Farm/Crops



7. Timber

Land ownership


8. Mining



9. Public Lands People


10. Industry

Trade Name


11. Produce/food Possession


12 Air



13 Water



14 Actions



15 Ideas




16 Gold

Gold Coin




On March 9, 1933 House 73rd Congress, Session I. Chapter I, page # 83, 1st paragraph, third sentence it states: Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the nation. (Emphasis added) 18 Credit word, IOU _____________________________________

Here are the names of titles in the blank spaces above: 1. Property description and zip code. 2. Registration 3. Registration Serial number 4. Certificate of Title 5. FEMA copyrighted address and zip code 6. Whenever a farmer finances his farm through a bank of through a farm equipment company -- say he buys a John Deere tractor for example; -- he is then tied to the banks jurisdiction and the bank dictates to him in various ways: one, he must buy his crop seeds from one of the major seed companies. These companies (who belong to the bankers or to Standard Oil and the like) sell only hybrid seed, which means the farmer cannot take a certain portion of his crop and save the seed for next years crops. Hybrid seed will not grow the second year. Plus, hybrid seed requires various fertilizers, which must be purchased from a Corporation. They require pesticides, herbicides etc., all of which must be purchased from the companies belonging to Corporations. Then, the government sets the prices on all products sold. The farmer then must sell only to those same companies with different names but owned by Corporations owned by the banks etc. 7. Timber was once on land that was privately owned or it was public lands owned by the people and held in trust FOR the People. During this period, people who owned the land took care not to rape it. They selectively cut the timber by choosing certain trees to be harvested during the year and left the remaining trees for the future. Then, all the lands held in trust for the people were transferred to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and hypothecated by the UNITED STATES to help pay the artificial debt to the International Bankers. Large companies were formed under Standard Oil and the like, to 58

form companies like Weyerhaeuser, National Paper, etc. who now own millions of acres of timberlands. Because of this, these large timber companies wanted to clear-cut the lands, strip it clean which cause all sorts of problems such a erosion and many other harms. It became, and is now, nearly impossible for the private people to buy such lands to harvest the timber. The government does not sell rights to timber in small tracts such as 1,000 acres anymore. It now goes into the millions of dollars and prohibits most small business people from entering into the bidding. All the damage done to our forests was not the result of We The People destroying the land, as the Sierra Club wants everyone to believe, it was the huge companies that raped the land they blame on the little logger. 8. The same result of the timberlands, again, also applies to the mining 9. Public Lands are now in the hands of the BLM. You now have to register with the BLM in order to graze cattle on Public Land. It has nearly become so expensive to register and pay the BLM for grazing cattle that it is prohibitive. 10. Trademarks registered with the Patent Office and bar codes. Bar codes are the means by which the International Bankers track the elements of the world economy. 11. When you go to the grocery, all food products are now registered by a bar code. 12. Can you fly a plane through the air without a license? How about a plane registration and number? How about a radio or television station? Can you still get air for your tires at any service station? 13. Who owns the water right below the ground in Arizona? The State of Arizona. It is becoming nearly impossible to drill a water well in Arizona. Even when you can, you must get a permit. 14. Can you walk where you want to walk? When you come to a red light and there is no car in sight, if you cross against the red light and a cop sees you, what will happen? If youre a smoker, can you smoke where you please? Can you fish? Can you hunt? Can you hike where you want? Can you enter a National Park free? Can you burn your barn down if you no longer wanted it? 15. If you have an idea, you must get it patented through the patent office to protect it. Try building a home your own design on your own property, do you need a permit? 16. This was represented by a title called a Gold Certificate. Now, a dollar bill is backed by another title your credit. 17. Before you can claim the STRAWMAN (your Title), you must file a UCC-1 Financing statement and Security Agreement with the Secretary of State of your state. But who can represent the STRAWMAN/Title) in a court of fictional law? Not you, of course, because you are not a fiction, and besides if you attempted to represent your title in a court of fiction you would be using copyrighted material called statutes and you could be enjoined in and charged with the same crimes that a fictitious Plaintiff is charging the 59

STRAWMAN /Title with. The STRAWMAN/Title cant speak for itself because it is a corporation. So who CAN represent your title in court? You said it an ATTORNEY! 18. Now your credit is being used, but not by you. Fictional law called statutes even say you cant. Did you know your credit even has a Title? It actually has many Titles, namely Federal Reserve Notes. There are many others also, including; a. Federal Reserve Bills

b. Federal Reserve Bonds c. Checks

d. Bills of Exchange e. f. g. h. i. Trade Acceptances Sight Drafts Documentary Drafts Judgments ANY AND EVERY BILL THAT YOU RECEIVE REFERENCE 2 Spiritual Numbers In the Bible, the number 7 represents perfection. We'll be using the numbers included in the Bible from time to time. We will also include a complete paper regarding the meaning of the different numbers contained in the Bible at a later date. But, for now, it will be mentioned that the number 7 equals perfection. For example, if one goes bankrupt in his private life, how long is the bankruptcy effective? Seven years. Thereafter, in commercial terms you are purified, perfected and now clean. For a nation, it is ten times seven or seventy years. Now let's go back and say that the year in which the first judgment against the United States as a debtor nation occurred was in 1788. We could have come out of the judgment 70 years later in 1858-59. What occurred within three and half years after that period of time? Civil War. Now, if we add 70 years to 1859, we get 1929. We now know what happened in 1929. Then, if we add 70 years to 1929, we get 1999. We were supposed to come out of Babylon captivity in 1859. We didn't. We were supposed to come out of captivity in 1929. We didn't. This is what the current Redemption program is all about. For those of us who desire to come out of captivity, we have a window of opportunity to do so. That's what we are doing now. Let's again pause a moment in our history. Let's say you have debts beyond your capacity to discharge, or to pay, depending on what law forum you are trying to 60

operate in, and they are so overwhelming that you file an action in the bankruptcy court to get relief because you are in the bifurcated law forum. There is no remedy there because you can't pay your debts, but you can get relief from them by equity, not remedy by law. By Law means under the original jurisdiction. Look up the words "Lawful" in your dictionary, "equity" and the word "legal". Compare the difference. So you go into bankruptcy court, and you petition, and after a certain amount of magic the judge awards a decree of discharge from the bankruptcy and all your debts are wiped out. Now you leave the courtroom after this judgment from the judge. You get out in the hallway and the attorney for the bank, who holds an unsecured mortgage on your house and he says to you, "Excuse me. You still owe my fine bank client $200,000.00 on your mortgage which was discharged by the court. When are you going to pay up?" You open your mouth and say, "Well, I'll try to get them a payment starting next month." What did you just do to the debt? You reaffirmed the debt after the discharge, meaning that creditor must be paid in full as it applies to you, and the fact that the bankruptcy court discharged you from that liability five minutes earlier, is of no force and effect. All right, let's go back to our history. Let's assume and presume that what to America in the year 1788, January 1, the United States as a government was in default to the Crown of England to the tune of 18 million Lira, plus interest, and as a direct and proximate result the U.S. corporate government was bankrupt in their private capacity from the start of the Constitution. Then, the debt had to be paid for a period of 70 years. After a period of 70 years, if the Bible is res judicata and stare decisis, God said America can come out of bankruptcy with England on December 31, 1858. And let's say as an operation of law, at that time some notice was given to the nation that might have gone something like this: "Excuse me, do you people really want to leave Babylon and have your liberty back now, or would you prefer to maintain the Crown of England as your master and serve him faithfully?" Or something along those lines. Look at Leviticus 3:17, which says that if you love your master and your period of service is up, you can go to the judges, recite the fact that you love your master and you don't want to leave him, you can choose to serve him for the rest of your life, and you've just placed yourself into voluntary servitude. So in the year of 1858, after December 31st, did the Crown of England, through its attorney agents, give notice to the country, "Hey, you guys want to leave Babylon and go back to original jurisdiction, or do you want to have your government remain under us?" Apparently, the Southern States did not wish to remain under slavery and walked out of Congress. Evidently what happened is, the people failed to give Notice of Lawful Protest, which was their acquiescent vote to remain in Babylon under the Crown of England with continuing debt, plus a reorganization of government, because now you are under a new law forum because the old law forum was entitled to liberty and 61

freedom. The South walked out, ending the public side of the Constitution. The people did not protest in any manner because they were busy fighting the Civil War, therefore we had to create a new law forum that all you people volunteered into, to go on for another 70 years of captivity. REFERENCE 3 Original Jurisdiction You can go to several law dictionaries to look up meanings for law and legal terms. It depends on the author and publisher as to which law forum they publish. If you read Blacks Law Dictionary you're going to get one opinion of one point of view. If you're reading Bouvier's or Ballentine's you might be getting another point of view. This is inserted here because Black's Law Dictionary first came out shortly after this new Constitution was formed in 1887. Black's Law Dictionary was first published in 1891. That was 20 years, a time of prescription, after the corporate United States came into full force and effect by the Act of February 21, 1871. What does Black's Law Dictionary define? It defines the terms, the legal meanings of words, as they apply to the bifurcated United States Corporation. Roughly every 20 years there has been a new edition of Black's. Because every 20 year period in use -- is in the bifurcation -- , and if anyone failed to give a Notice of Lawful Protest, they go on to the next stage and say, "Let's change it again and see if we can go a little further, and we'll see if anybody protests this." So as you go through the 20 year segments, 1871,1891, 1911, 1931, 1951, 1971, 1991, you get different definitions within Black's Law Dictionary. Remember, bifurcated means separated. The newly incorporated United States is separated from the original jurisdiction (even separated entirely from the Constitution) of the Republic side of the Constitution. And also remember that the original Constitution came in with the fact that it contains both the private side and public side. The public government can never be changed, because the public government is based upon the laws of nature and nature's God, and those laws never change. So the general side of government, which we call Original Jurisdiction, is based on the laws of nature and nature's God and it never changes. Could you amend the Original Jurisdiction? What would you amend to change that which never changes? It is an oxymoron. So Original Jurisdiction is and always remains exactly what it is, and it never changes. What is the law? The law that never changes. It is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What is the other side, the side that is amended and does change? That is private government. Is the private government law" No. What is it? It's the rules to determine the use and the procedure applying to the assets and the property belonging to the private corporate government. Just think for a minute. Does a private owner of a business or property have the right to make his own rules, regulations and "law" for the use of his own property? Yes, he does, that is exactly what the statutes and the regulations and rules are, they are internal and they deal with the property and assets of the private corporate government. 62

In 1871, did "We the People" fall under the jurisdiction of this private government? No. Only those who lived in Washington D.C., its territories and the 14th Amendment slaves. This did not touch "We the People". We were still enforcing the Original Jurisdiction and had the authority to do so. The original private corporate government back in 1789 was established on certain principles and rules, but as we've seen, it went through a bankruptcy almost right away, and with each stage of the bankruptcy there was reorganization. A reorganization creates a new set of circumstances, and probably a new set of creditors or masters or rules to discharge the old bankruptcy. Roughly every 20 years you have a re-organization, you get different changes in the rules and regulations, and it just goes on and on. As the proprietors and creditors of that private law forum, as it goes into worse and worse bankruptcy, creates tighter and tighter rules in order to raise the revenue to keep the thing going, and that is what you see today. Practical Application 1. Write an essay on what you have learned from this course: 2. Write an essay telling where you are. After you write out where you are, go back to page 3 and compare your answers from page 3 to what you wrote here. 3. Do you now know exactly where you are? 4. Now. Do you know what the government has labeled you? Do you know who you really are? Find the answers in Course number Three - Responsibility.

Responsibility: A Practical Course in Miracles 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course will be given in two parts, Part I - to find out what you have been labeled or have agreed to be labeled and Part II - to find out who you really are. This is going to require some very intent looking (3 on the circle) and confronting on your part to find the truth, but we both know you can do it. We should first define a very important word that entitles this course before continuing. Responsibility: [ L respondere to promise in return, answer, from re back, + spondere to promise, more at SPOUSE, L sponsus betroth, GK spendein to pour a libation ] to be answerable or liable for creating, to take ownership of a creation. Sounds like a contract doesnt it? Responsibility is quite high on the list of attributes to have. Remember the circle of completion in your last course? Where is responsibility on the circle and what does it have to do with spouse and betroth? To give you a hint, turn back to the definitions before the circle and look at the definition of mountain again and you will find it there. Also read Revelation 19 about the marriage supper. We will begin the course by presenting words in groupings according to the time periods that we similarly covered in the History Course, so that you can see what 63

we have labeled ourselves from the beginning of time to our present time. Genesis is where you will find the earliest place in the history of man. Read Genesis 1:27. PART I FIND OUT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LABELED 1. IN THE BEGINNING Many people call them selves a man (or woman) or a flesh and blood man when writing an affidavit. Please read closely to find out if you really are a man, or if that is just a label that other sources have put on you, and you have contentedly agreed to, without question, without finding the true meaning of the word. The following Hebrew words and definitions are key words taken from Genesis 1 and 2 and are taken all the way to the root words. Start reading in Genesis 1:27 about how God made man in his own image. If you have a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, please define as many words as you like. Read to the end of the first chapter. God: Elohiym gods, magistrates, from El strength, Almighty, from uwl to twist, strong, the body as being rolled together, powerful. Created: bara to create, to cut down (a wood), select, feed, choose, make fat (as a fatted calf) Man: adam ruddy, reddish from blood flow in the face, hypocrite, of low degree, of the earth. Image: tselem - to shade, a phantom, illusion, resemblance, a representative figure, an idol, a vain show. God created man in his own image in Genesis 1:27. However, in Gen 2:5 there was no man to till the ground. It appears that there are two kinds of men, but lets define the words first before drawing any conclusions. Continue reading from Genesis 2:5-7 after reading and defining the following words. Till: abad to work or serve as a servant. Same root as bondage which is used in the sense of Israel was in bondage in Egypt. Ground: adamah soil (from its redness), husband, earth. Root word is adam, the same word as Man in the above definition. Earth: erets to be firm, earth, land, common. Formed: yatsar squeezing into shape, to mould (as a potter), to determine the shape, to press, be narrow, be in distress. Dust: aphar dust (as powdered and gray), clay, mud, rubbish, to be gray, to pulverize. Breathed: naphach to puff, to inflate, to blow, scatter, kindle, expire, to dis-esteem. Nostrils: aph the nose or nostril, the face, person. From anaph to breathe hard, be enraged, angry, displeased. Breath: neshama a puff, wind, vital breath, inspiration, intellect.


Life / Living: chay alive, raw flesh, fresh plant, strong, living thing. This word is similar to another Hebrew word chavah to live, to declare or to show. Soul: nephesh breathing creature, animal or vitality, to be breathed upon. Drill: Ask your teammate how your definition of soul differs from the above definition and what source you learned it from and visa versa. Continue reading Genesis 2:8-9 after defining the following words. Garden: gan a garden as fenced, from ganan to hedge about, protect, defend. Eden: ednah - pleasure, from adan - to be soft or pleasant, to live voluptuously, delight self, What was in the midst of the garden that could not be touched or you would die? Tree: ets a tree (from its firmness), wood, from atsah to fasten (or make firm), to close the eyes shut. Food: maakal an eatable, flesh and fruit, from akal to eat, burn, consume, devour. Midst: tavek to sever, a bisection, the center. Knowledge: daath - cunning, know, aware, from yada to know, to ascertain by seeing, observation, care, recognition, instruction, designation, punishment. Good: towb good, to make or be good, to please, goods or good things. Evil: ra bad, from raa to spoil (by breaking to pieces), to make or be good for nothing, displease. Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations: Man, body, person, persona, face, human, homo sapiens, homage, humble. Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words (including the Hebrew words) are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: Read Genesis 2:5-9 again the with above words now defined and charted on the circle and point to each word on the circle as you read it. Then discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. 2. ISRAEL GOES INTO SLAVERY This section will begin with the story of Israel inhabiting the land, then called Caanan (merchant) the future Promised Land, where they were strangers or foreigners in the land (read Genesis 37). Joseph was sold (by contract) into slavery to the Egyptians by his brothers (and you were unwittingly sold into slavery by your mother with the birth certificate). There are so many similarities in this event that we will compare this story with what is happening today. Joseph: Yowceph let him add, from yacaph to add or augment, continue 65

Coat: kuttoneth to cover, to clothe, the shoulder where the garments hang. Colours: pac the palm of the hand (as being spread out) or sole of the foot, a long sleeved tunic, from pacac to disperse, disappear. The Latin celare to conceal, (the same root word as HELL) as in the color of Law, an outward deceptive show. Brothers: ach used in the widest sense of literal relationship, brother, kindred. Dream: chalam to bind firmly, to be or make plump, to dream, recover Sheaf: alum something bound, to tie fast, to be tongue tied, be dumb or silent Star: kowkab from two words kabbown to heap up and kavah to burn, a prince. Observe the definitions of sheaf - something bound, and star - to heap up and burn. Which word is stuck or cannot proceed, and which word completes a cycle or circle of creation? Stript: pashat to spread out, deploy, to strip, unclothe, plunder, flay (Gen 37:23) Pit: bowr a pit hole (as a cistern or prison), buwr to bore into (the mind), examine, declare, explain, make plain. Sell: makar to sell (as merchandise or into slavery), to surrender, meker value, price. Egypt: Mitsrayim matsowr hemming in, a mound, distress, limit, fenced in. Joseph's brothers were jealous of him because their father made him the coat (cover) of many colours (to conceal) and because of his dreams. But the brothers stripped (unclothed) him of the color of law - was this actually a good thing? Take out a dollar bill and look on the back of it. Do you see an Egyptian pyramid? This is the symbol and logo of the U.S. Treasury! And the Illuminati! At the top you will see the All-Seeing of Horus, the symbol of the Secret Service of the Illuminati. Have you observed the architecture of Washington D.C. with its Egyptian monoliths, columns, stairways and corniths? What are the colors of Egypt - red, white and blue. What is the symbol of Egypt - the FIVE pointed star. Egypt means hemmed in or "boxed" in - District of Columbia is ten miles "square". The District (UNITED STATES) of Columbia was started by the Illuminati, a masonic group that originated in, yes Egypt! What do you think the Illuminati call the UNITED STATES? You guessed it New Egypt! If you are noticing any similarities here, feel free to discuss them with your classmates. Joseph eventually was released from slavery and became second in command to Pharaoh. You can go into this event more in detail as it has incredible similarities to current events, but for now we will continue where a famine is in the land and the remainder of Josephs family get pulled into Egypt and later into bondage to till the ground - still stuck in # 3! Famine: raab hunger, to famish, to suffer. Bondage: Heb aboda work, from abad to serve or enslave, bondman, to till (the same root word as for till in Genesis 2: 6 there was no man to till the ground. 66

Gather: quashash to become sapless (through drought), to forage for straw or wood, to assemble, straw (as being dry) Straw: teben material, stalks of grain (as chopped in threshing), from banah to build or create (from little substance) Bricks: lebenah to be or make white, the moon, to make bricks (as being white), Lebanon, transparent In Genesis 5, Pharaoh afflicted the Israelites to the point that they had to gather (find) their own straw (straw man) in order to make bricks (transparent, fictional entities). Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations: bondman, contract, famine, foreign, strawman (Blks) Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, point to each word on the circle as you read Genesis 7. Then discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. 3. BABYLON AND ROMAN EMPIRES The ancient kings and rulers of the middle east governed the populace for thousands of years through what they called city-states, where each city and the surrounding area was a state in and unto itself, independent of the other city-states. Many conflicts and battles between the city-states took place because of the continual disagreements with the boundary lines between them in order to keep the people and their land under their control for commerce and taxation. This is where the term citizen came from. Roman rulers continued to use the term as they conquered each territory by declaring You are citizens of Rome! Since the people did not want to fight the Romans, they acquiesced and thus they were verbally contracted under Roman rule. Citizen: Greek polites a townsman, citizen, from polis a town, from polemos to bustle, warfare, battle, fight, or from polus much, many, largely Populous: Hebrew amown a throng of people, from hamon a noise, tumult, crowd, disquietude, multitude, riches, wealth, from hamah to make a loud sound, war, rage Define the following words in a Black's and standard dictionary including derivations: citizen, city, hind, city-state, civil, civic, tax, taxpayer, state, reside, occupy, acquiesce, populace Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. 67

Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. 4. FEUDAL TITLES OF EUROPE The dark ages brought with it the feudal society which appeared to be "new", however, it was the same enslavement system with a new name. There were so many levels and titles of nobility one got lost in the complexity of it all. We will not go into all of the titles here as it would be an entire course of itself, however it is important to define the key titles and levels of serfdom that still linger on in England and the UNITED STATES even after a thousand years of the custom. Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations: feudal, slave, slav, slovakia, serf, title, nobility, servant, vassal, vessel, property, villien, villain, villa, vicinity, freeman, farm, squire, knight, indenture, peasant, debtor, common After defining the word "title", ask yourself - can a title ever be the real thing or is it a fictional label with fictitious qualities that can be used to manipulate another? Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. DEMO: Demonstrate by using a demo kit or a diagram showing the above scenario. 5. AMERICA, THE LAND OF THE FREE (?) Indentured servants in Europe were frequently offered the option to go to America and work off their debt to the one they owed money (and sometimes their life) to. Many took the gamble and found that they were able to pay off their debts much easier and faster in the land of opportunity than they would if they had stayed in Europe. Define the following words in a Blacks and a standard dictionary including derivations: patriot, constitutionalist, Posse Comitatus, Esquire, present, in Re, freeman, address, post, common law, fee, feoh, feod, fumage, fuage Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed.


Mortgage: (Webster's 1939 edition) [F mort, dead + gage, pledge - the estate pledged becomes dead or entirely lost by failure to pay.] Define the following words in a Blacks and a standard dictionary including derivations: Trust, trustor, trustee, grant, grantor, legal, description, tenancy, lease, landlord, deed of trust, will, testator, substitutionary executor, fruct and usafruct, Drill: If you think we are no longer in the fuedal system here in the "good ol' US of A", THINK AGAIN. If either you or a friend has a Mortgage or Deed of Trust, go to your files and pull out the copy of it and read the first page and answer the following questions; 1. Did you know you created a TRUST when you obtained your house? 2. Who is the TRUSTOR - you or the STRAWMAN? 3. Who is the TRUSTEE? 4. Who is the BENEFICIARY? 5. What is the "described property", the land or a list of measurements of a fictitious location? 6. If you irrevocably "grant" a legal description to the TRUSTEE, who is the GRANTOR; and just what exactly was granted? (hint: not the land) 7. Did the husband and wife sign as joint TENANCY? If so what does that make the TRUSTOR - the owner or the TENANT? 8. If the TRUSTOR is now the tenant making payments to the Beneficiary is the bank in fact the LANDLORD? 9. If one (the mortgage or trust) dies and the property is disposed of - what is it? 10. What really is this document called the Deed of Trust? a. a trust

b. a grant c. a lease

d. a will e. f. a contract all of the above

1. If you said "f" you are correct - but if the TRUSTOR is the strawman, how do you fit into this mystery - are you the Settlor or the Surety? 2. Who gave the consideration for this contract?


3. Are all the above "persons" and property real or fictitious? 4. If this is fiction - who had the land in the first place before ever walking into the Title Company to sign the loan? (hint: YOU!!!) 5. Who is security for the Federal Reserve Notes? (same answer) 6. Who then paid for the loan when they signed the Promissory Note? (no hints) 7. So why do we think we are the tenant when we get a late notice or a NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE from the bank, when the property was ours in the first place AND we paid for it again with our Promissory Note? 6. UNITED STATES, THE CORPORATION In 1871 the United States incorporated in England and therefore became an English corporation under the rule of the Crown (Rothschild). As you will see corporations are not governments and can only rule by contracts through corporate copyrighted policy. How can a corporation ever have authority over you - by contract! State: (as defined in 28 USC ss 1331 C&D) Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations: corporation, law, legal, lie, color of law, rights, benefit, certificate, application, attorney, represent, organization, organ, work, policy, copyright, private Define the following words in a Blacks dictionary: color of law, represent, rights, benefit, privilege, corporation, artificial entity, person, body, individual, citizen, intern, revenue, internal revenue, bankruptcy, resident, occupant, dweller, habitant, reside, indicia, address, taxpayer, debtor Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. Practical application: Now gather up all of the circles that you have drawn in sections 1-6 above and spread them out on the table. You and a classmate look, observe and discuss the diagrams; 1. Note similarities and differences 2. Note any kind of a pattern with the words 3. Write up your observations PART II FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE


Now that you have found out what you have been labeled, what did you find? Not a very comforting picture? Well, strap yourselves in, its going to be a rocket ride from here on out you are going to find out who you REALLY are! 1. IN THE BEGINNING It is very interesting to see how one can change their viewpoint on a certain subject after one defines each and every word on that subject. It is not our objective here to change your mind, or your life style, or your religion during these courses, but you definitely will change your viewpoint towards what you thought were stable datum (facts). Read Genesis 3 in a new unit of time with the following definitions in mind and not preconceived ideas that people have verbally told you about what "the truth" is. Then make up your own mind as to what the truth is for you. Lord: Yehovah self-existent or eternal, from hayah to be or become, come to pass, Avah to wish for, to breathe, adon to rule, sovereign, controller, master, owner Serpent: nachash a serpent (from its hiss), to hiss, whisper a magic spell, prognosticate, enchanter, learn by experience, diligently observe Wise: sakal to be circumspect, intelligent, prudent, prosper, success, to understand Does the actual definition of serpent differ from the one you have been verbally told ? Notice that it does NOT say "Satan" or the "Devil". Drill: Discuss how your previous definition of Serpent is different from the original Hebrew, written over 6,000 years ago. You may have been told that the serpent told a lie, but if you read Genesis 3:5, the serpent said something that the Lord later agreed with, "For God does know in that day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil." In verse 22 the Lord states, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil." Remember what good and evil are? And where they are on the circle? Good: towb good, to make or be good, to please, goods or good things. Evil: ra bad, from raa to spoil (by breaking to pieces), to make or be good for nothing, displease. ..increasing and diminishing, going forth and returning, growing a crop and consuming the crop, create and destroy, ebb and flow, to and fro, give and take, down and up, life and death, in and out, pro and con, yin and yang, positive and negative, Light and Dark, God/good and Devil/evil, live (looking in the mirror is) evil, etc., etc., etc. So did the serpent state a lie or the truth? It appears that good is the left half of the circle and evil is the right half. Does this mean that your definitions of good and evil are not what you thought they were? You are going to have to ask yourself several questions. 1. Is it good to make goods and create things and not be responsible for them? 71

2. Is it evil to spoil or consume (be responsible for) your goods or whatever you create? 3. Is it even necessary to choose between good and evil or are they both essential parts in a complete cycle of action? What was meant by the saying "if you eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die" - was this a scare tactic that we gave ourselves to stay in #3, or is destruction of the creation an essential step in completing a cycle of action across #3 1/2 and into #4 - responsibility? Have you ever heard of the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it to?" Well, if you want to believe that, you can, but if I am going to make a cake, I am going to eat it! This is the mystery of our existence - the evolution of creation, the technology of completion, THE CYCLE OF LIFE - make your cake and then eat the damn thing! Lets find out more of how Israel got into Egypt (a box) by starting with the great grandfather of Israel (Abraham) and what his purpose was. Abraham: father of a multitude, from ab principal Sarah: Abrahams wife, to prevail as god Kings: melek - a king, to reign, to ascend the throne, to induct into royalty, to take counsel Nations: goy - a foreign nation, a gentile, from ga'ah - to mount up, to rise, be majestic Abraham was promised by God that he would be "a father of many nations, and kings shall come out of you." Genesis 17:1-8. Isaac: Yitschaq (joc) joke, laughter, to sport, to strut as a lion, the son of Abraham and father of Esau and Jacob Rebekah: Ribqah - to clog by tying up the foot, fettering. Wife of Isaac. Esau: Edom twin brother of Jacob, red, from adam so show blood, flush, hypocrite Jacob: Yaacob supplanter, to circumvent by tripping, to restrain, later became Israel Birthright: bekorah - firstling of a man, firstborn, chief, to burst the womb, bear or make early fruit, give the birthright, first-fruit Pottage: naziyd - something boiled, soup, from ziyd - to seethe, to be insolent, deal proudly Jacob (supplanter) bought his birthright from his twin brother Esau (hypocrite of the earth) by trading him a bowl of pottage (insolent) one day when Esau was famished (starving for the truth). With the help of his mother (mind), Jacob also got


the blessing from his father (principal, spirit), which means he now had the inheritance. Israel: Yisra el is actually Chaldean, the language of the area of Babylon and Persia meaning Yisra - he who rules + El - as god (same root as Elohiym) Joseph: Yowceph let him add, from yacaph to add or augment, continue (#3), son of Jacob and father to Ephraim and Menasah. Ephraim: to be forgetful, Menasah: to be fruitful. Jacob's name was later changed to Israel and was promised that nations and kings will come from him. Genesis 35:10 Israel multiplies in Canaan until the famine; they then journey to Egypt and find their brother Joseph, whom his father thought was dead, but who is really alive. This is a similar description of Christ in Revelation 2:8 These things saith the first and the last, which was dead and is alive. Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations; supplant, circumvent, birthright, insolent, inheritance, heir Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. 2. ISRAEL COMES OUT OF EGYPT The children of Israel do not become slaves right away; it took 300 years of a gradual loss of their integrity - sound familiar? The Egyptian (hemmed in) taskmasters afflicted them with increasing burdens (taxes), but the Israelites only multiplied and grew even more a lot of #3 going on here. Then Moses is born. Moses means to draw out of the water or out of the Nile (river of commerce) and out of the Red sea (of confusion.) But first the plagues had to occur, with all the confusion and death of the Egyptians and their property, before Israel could leave. Exodus 1-7 Exodus: an exiting, coming out of something Moses: Moshe to draw out of the water The Lord said to Moses, See, I have made you a god to Pharaoh (Ex 7:1). Wise men: chakam to be wise, intelligent, skilful, artful, cunning, subtle Magicians: chartome horoscopist, illusionist, image maker Sorcerers: kashaph whisper a spell, to enchant Serpent: nachash a serpent (from its hiss), to hiss, whisper a magic spell, prognosticate, enchanter, learn by experience, diligently observe 73

Swallowed: bala to make away with (by swallowing), to destroy, devour, eat up Plagues: naga to blow upon, lay hand upon, to touch Blood: daman astonished, be dumb, stop, when shed causes death Vessels: keliy something prepared, any apparatus (implement, utensil, weapon, instrument), from kalah to end, to cease, be finished, prepare, consume Wood: ates tree, be firm, to close, fasten shut (as a box) Stone: eben to build (with) Remember, the Egyptians worshipped (created worth and value) the river (commerce) so when it was turned to blood (stopped) they were shocked and dumbfounded and therefore punished with the value they had put on it. Even the vessels (weapons, instruments, corporations) of wood (firms) and stone (buildings) were filled with blood (stopped became bankrupt). There were 10 plagues in all, 10 being a number that signifies law (10 commandments) as in setting forth the law with the administrative procedure (Course #5). Where does the plagues fit on the circle, and where would the plague of the death of the firstborn be, and what does it signify in today's events? What was the first thing that the UNITED STATES created just after you were born - that's right, the strawman. When you claim the entity back from the U.S. you take it from the Egyptians, and in their viewpoint you kill it because it is no longer under their control. During the plague of the Frogs, plague #4, God put a division between Israel and the Egyptians. Division: peduwth redemption (#5), distinction (#6), to project oneself (#7 east). I just love that word division! There was a Passover of the Israelites firstborn, because they killed or redeemed the lamb by their own will, and put the blood (to stop) on the door posts (Federal window) as a notice to the destroyer (IRS) to pass over (exempt) them. You see, the Israelites killed (took responsibility for) the lamb (their own creation) so that god would not have to, and for this responsible act, the Israelites avoided loss. Borrowed: shael to inquire, request, demand, wish, to lay charge, obtain leave Jewels: keliy - something prepared, any apparatus (implement, utensil, weapon, instrument), from kalah to end, to cease, be finished, prepare, consume, take away Gold: zahab to shimmer, gold gold-colored, yellow, as oil, a clear sky, fair weather Silver: keceph silver (from its pale color), money, pale, to pine after, desire After the plague of the firstborn the Egyptians wanted the Israelites GONE! The Israelites borrowed (laid charge and gave notice of leave) from the Egyptians by taking valuable jewels of gold and silver (commercial instruments as valuable as gold such as administrative procedures and commercial liens). The most important point of this exiting was that the Egyptians lost most of their commerce when the Israelites left - they lost their power to make money and fill treasuries. What would happen to the


world if no one wrote their signature on another instrument - today's commerce would completely fold. The Israelites could have gone out by way of the land of the Philistines (to the North, which is in #3), but God said that the Israelites might return to Egypt if they saw war. So they went across (#4) the Red Sea by rank of five (#5) and into the wilderness (#6). As soon as the Israelites walked across the Red Sea on dry ground, Pharaohs army followed after them and was swallowed (#5) by the sea and destroyed (#5). Wilderness: misbar driving, a pasture (as driving cattle), a desert, speech (including its organs), south, from dabar- to arrange, to speak, to subdue, command, use entreaties. The Israelites journeyed to Mt Sinai in the wilderness where God gave them the 10 commandments and other laws and judgments. They also made the tabernacle and the ark of the covenant. This took approximately one year. They then journeyed to the Promised Land where the land was flowing with milk and honey, however when they heard that there were giants and walled cities there, the people said would God that we had died in the wilderness! Were it not better for us to return to Egypt? God was so angry at this murmuring he said, as you have spoken in my ears, so will I do to you: your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness. Doubtless you shall not come into the land. Out of their own mouth was their judgment! Duplication - #6! The Israelites could not go into the Promised Land (your goal, contract) until every last one of the murmurers (your doubtful thoughts) died (vanished) in the wilderness (to subdue by commanding), except for Caleb and Joshua who wanted to go in and take the land at that time. After 40 years the Israelites crossed Jordan, again on dry land, and went into the Promised Land (#7). The spiritual moral of the story is, out of your own mouth (#6) shall come your own judgment and fate (#7), to your advantage or to your detriment - your choice. You create your own reality. Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations; Pharaoh, taskmaster, master, captain, tyrant, magician, magistrate, magic, magi, enchantments, prognosticate, horoscope, zodiac, spell. Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. 3. BABYLON AND THE GOD-KINGS


Babylon, Greece, Persia and Assyria, as well as the earlier civilizations Sumer and Akkadia, ruled the populace with an iron fist. In Part I you got a viewpoint of what it was like to be a citizen, now you will assume the viewpoint of a ruler and the meanings of the nations they ruled. Babylon: Hebrew confusion, to overflow, to mix, to feed cattle (goy). Roman: Greek Rhomaios strength, from rhoomai to have health (as a farewell), a current, to rush or draw (for oneself), rescue, from rheo to flow (as water) Greece: Heb Yavan effervescing (hot and active), (same root as dove - Columbia), the Ionians, the Greek word is Hellene (as in Helen of Troy) Akkadia: Heb Akkad strengthen, a fortress. Assyria: Heb Ashshur successful, from ashar to be straight, level, to be right, to go forward, prosper, be happy Persia: Parac to break in pieces (without violence), to split, distribute, divide. Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations; ruler, demigod, king, prince, Caesar, emperor, priest, Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. 4. MONARCHY RULES! As you found out in Part I, it is futile to be feudal and conversely, its good to be the king. What is it like to be a king? The first step is to define what a king is so that you can start acting and thinking and talking and looking like a king. Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations; king, monarch, royal, roy, rex, lord, loaf, mind, supreme, dominion, master, baron, duke, Sovereign. Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. Now look up sovereign, again in several other BIG dictionaries. I have looked in many dictionaries for the definition that fits what the Americans had in their mind when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and this is what I have found.


In the "Consolidated Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary" of 1939, the derivation of sovereign is as follows. [OF soverain, Mod F souverain, from LL superanus, from L super, above, over] the English purposely and erroneously added the "g" in sovereign so that it would include the word "reign"!!! The word was also spelled "sovran" (Miriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary - Tenth Edition), however the "e" has been erroneously dropped. In the Random House College Dictionary c. 1984, the word has been broken down further, [L super over + -anus -an above]. My conclusion is that the word "sovereign" has been erroneously influenced by the English and the true root definition means "over and above," and that the word should be spelled "soveran", not sovereign and not sovran. So, I am going to make a big leap here and declare that this word is an American word and that we can spell our words the way we want, and use them to communicate whatever we want. Soveran: over and above, having supreme authority, dominion, rule, rank or power over, beyond jurisdiction, independent and self-governing, autonomous, potent and unlimited in extent. Can a Soveran be under any laws, statutes or "other authority" - or is a Soveran only bound to what one has said, only his own words? However, if a Soveran says that he is under a law or authority - then, of course, he is under the very authority that he spoke of. You may be saying to yourself, "this is too simple, it can't work this easily!" All I have to say to those people is - fine! Have it your way! You can have it however you like. Because - you're the Soveran. 5. AMERICA, THE LAND OF THE SOVERAN Define the following words in a Blacks and a standard dictionary including derivations; Allodial, land, estate, real estate, private, sovereign, preferred stockholder, grantor, creator. Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. Hierarchy of Authority Each of us was born free, a Soveran being. As a Sovran, there is a hierarchy of authority in the political arena. This will be described below. As a man or woman, you are a king or a queen. You are the highest authority. All power rests with each of you. All authority of law stems from you. Your only law by which you must abide is that you must not infringe upon the rights of another; and by the knowing agreements you make with others.


You team up with another and form a marriage. A King and a Queen join together and begin a family.

Soon, you have children perhaps and you have a family unit.

In a family setting it is the father who has the ultimate authority. He is responsible for the welfare of the entire family. Still, each member of the family is a Soveran in their own right. So father and mother usually share in the responsibility of rearing the children. They, together, establish rules and responsibilities for each of the children to follow. Never establish harsh rules and punishments. Each of the children is also a Soveran being as well, but rules and responsibilities teach children the meaning of sharing together with the rest of the family, of their responsibility within the family unit and in life as well.



Next, we move to groups of people in your neighborhood. Each father in the neighborhood is the ultimate authority of his family. If you so choose, you can come together as a group for the benefit of all concerned. For example; each neighbor could agree to assist his neighbor if his house or barn caught fire or some other such disaster occurred. However, if you choose not to participate in such agreement, no one could pass a law or a penalty and enforce it against you. But, you can see that it would benefit everyone in the neighborhood if you did agree to assist each other. So, groups of people in a given area are next in the hierarchy of authority. Could people in another state pass laws or agreements for this group of people? Of course not. Even if they did no one would be obligated to obey such laws or agreements.

In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson, appointed Lewis and Clark to explore and map out the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase from France --nearly one-third the total area of the United States. From this expedition the entire area of the United States was mapped with metes and bounds. We measure today our boundaries for each piece of property with metes and bounds. Townships were formed across the nation for every six miles square, containing thirty-six square miles. These townships exist today. Townships are the next in the hierarchy of power. People within these townships began to cooperate with each other and towns began to grow. Small governments developed with these townships so that everyone could better benefit from cooperation with each other. Still, this small government could not, under any circumstances, apply laws that would infringe upon the Soveran people. The people were still king and controlled the members of that government.

County governments are next in the hierarchy of power in politics. County: [LL comitatus a count, L computare to compute, from com together + puto to reckon, esteem] originally, the district or territory of a count or earl; now, a district or particular portion of a state or kingdom, separated from the rest of the territory for certain purposes in the administration of justice; a shire, count, earl or lord.

The states then created the Federal government called the united States of America. America was a Republic. The Constitution of every state and the U.S. Constitution guaranteed every state a Republican form of Government. Rule by the People and not a democracy. Only the ten miles square of Washington, D.C. was to be a democracy. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed by the various groups and states and sent to England. England considered the various States their domain to be taxed, to pass laws and agreements for them without their consent or agreement.


The Declaration of Independence gave Notice to the World that all Americans were Sovereign People, in which independent and supreme power and authority is vested; a chief ruler with supreme authority; a king. Thus, We The Sovereign People, created the various States, who in turn created the united States of America. The ultimate power rested with The People. The Revolutionary War was waged and won by America. The Soveran people then delegated some of their authority to the states to form a government in each state. A Constitution, an agreement between the people and the newly formed state government was drawn and adopted by each of the various states. Those Constitutions merely applied to those in government. They did not nor were they ever intended to be applied to the people within the states. The Soveran people were still Sovereign. The people were still King, the ultimate authority. The Constitutions were merely an agreement for those who worked in government, guidelines within which to work . If those in government stretched or broke the bounds of that Constitution, there were penalties to pay.

united States of America

The several states then got together and began to draw up guidelines for Federal Government. These were the Articles of Confederation. These Articles were never finished because there were factions between the wealthy of the new nation. Some people wanted to be aligned with England. Their wealth and continued wealth were locked with English rule and commerce. Others wanted to be completely separate from England. Those who favored England found that there was too much opposition to be bound with England. As a result, those in favor of England, with the aid of English Bankers, did the next best thing for themselves. They pushed for a Constitution instead of the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was completed and established before the Articles of Confederation were finished. In 1789, the Constitution was adopted by several states. But a few states wanted some protection from the new federal government. It took another two years and the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. This was to protect those in government, the ten miles square and the employees of that government, never the people. Soverans do not need Constitutional protection--they are REAL people who have natural freedom as their heritage.

Now that we have the hierarchy of authority mapped out, everything is running like expected, like the above line of command - Right? Not quite! You see, the foreign bankers knew they could not control Soverans with THIS system. So they decided to design a fictional system which "looks" like the real thing - but really is not. The first thing that was done was to make an entity which looked and sounded like the federal republic entitled "united States of America." Notice that the "u" in united is a small u - that's because it is an adjective, describing the States (noun) of America. What if one capitalized the "U", as in United States? This would be a name, a "title" wouldn't it? So, now we have a "title" for the republic which was incorporated as a corporation in England. 80

In 1944, the Buck Act took the sovereignty away from the states so that the states could also have a "title" as in "The State of Arizona." Then came the counties and municipalities - each had their own corporations which usurped the organic government. What we then had was an inverse relationship to the original organic republics. So if you would hold the original hierarchy of authority up to the mirror it would look like this. John Doe - Soveran family neighborhood township county state country planet

________________ (mirror)__________________

WORLD CORPORATION NATIONAL CORPORATION STATE OF.. COUNTY OF.. CITY OF.. VOTING DISTRICT ADDRESS JOHN DOE - STRAWMAN If you feel the "government" has authority over you or rules your life then you need to look at who you are, because that viewpoint is being a strawman - the fiction living in the fictitious world of corporations. By the way, the "government" can never have authority over you, because you are the government - a Soveran, but a corporation (UNITED STATES) can obtain a contract with your strawman (another corporation) through acquiescence, admission by silence and tacit consent. Are you the Soveran or the Strawman?


Drill: Draw the above diagram without looking at the diagram and write next to each item an example that is in your life today. 6. UNITED STATES AND THE SECURED PARTY Due to impending bankruptcy since the revolutionary war, the UNITED STATES has been under many bankruptcy re-organizations. There are only two groups of people in this situation that we have today - the creditors and the debtors. The creditor is also called a Secured Party because his interest is secured and not able to be taken away by the debtor. Who gave the consideration to make the Federal Reserve Notes, Bills, and Bonds otherwise known in today's commerce as currency or "legal tender"? The 73rd Congress of March 9, 1933 said "it (the new currency) will be worth 100 cents on the dollar and will represent the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and the property of the people of the nation." If UNITED STATES received the benefit of the credit that we gave them - does that make them the DEBTOR or the CREDITOR? UNITED STATES employees even know who you are - a CREDITOR!!! So isn't it time we started acting like one? Define the following words in a standard dictionary including derivations, and a Black's; bankruptcy, secured, party, creditor, settlor (not settler), surety, trust, grantor, trustee, beneficiary, power - every definition of power in the Black's. Drill: On the Circle of Completion found at the end of the History course, determine where each of the above words are on the circle label each word to the corresponding number, 1-7. Demo: Draw the circle and put each of the above words in the appropriate sections. Drill: With above words now defined and charted on the circle, discuss any and all observations with your teammate and write down what you have observed. JACK AND THE BEAN STOCK Have you ever wondered what is the meaning behind the story of Jack and the Bean stock? Well, we wondered about that too, so we started looking up words in the story to get a better understanding of what the story really meant. What we found was extremely revealing, so we have since deciphered several other "children's fairy tales" and we have found they all have an ulterior motive. Think of the stories as implants that you are giving your children so that they will obey the powers that be. That is why you tell the story when the child is in a semi-conscious state, so it puts them to sleep thinking about the story unconsciously all through the night and in a hypnotic state when they wake. It's subtle programming. Find the oldest version (1800's or earlier) of this story, perhaps on the internet, as the new versions have been grossly altered. One version said, "Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell the blood of a runty one." I guess someone wanted to be politically correct not wanting to degrade another by calling them "an Englishman"? Or maybe it is desired that this story is altered in order to cover up the true meaning! If you have seen the made for TV movie about this story made in 2001, it also gave an alternate viewpoint to the traditional meaning. Here is what we found from the definitions;


Jack: 1939 Webster's [F Jacques, L Jacobus, James, John. Being the most common Christian name in France, it became synonymous with rustic or clown, a meaning which it also had in England, where it came to be used as a substitute for the common name John] the union flag of Britain made by uniting the crosses of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. Rustic or clown means - a country bumpkin or commoner. Poor: [OE poure, OF povre, L pauper, from paucas few + pario to produce - to produce little or nothing at all] destitute of riches; not having property; needy; having little value or importance, barren; destitute of intellectual merit, wanting in spirit or vigor; impotent. Magic: [L magicus sorcery, from Grk mageia the theology of the Magi, from Persian mag a priest, holy man, sage; Hebrew chartome horoscopist, illusionist, engraver of images] The art of producing effects by superhuman means, as by spiritual beings or the occult. Bean: 1939 Webster's. A legume used for food; Bean-goose: A species of wild goose which winters in Britain; Bean-king: The person who presided as king over the Twelfth-night festivities, attaining this dignity through getting the bean buried in the Twelfth night-cake: A large cake into which a bean was often introduced, prepared for the Twelfth-night festivities: The evening of the festival of the the Twelve Days of Christmas and the Epiphany: [Grk epi upon + phaino to show] An appearance or a becoming manifest; specifically, a Christian festival celebrated on the sixth day of January in commemoration of the manifestation of the Savior's birth to the wise men of the East. SLANG - your mind as the source for ideas and visions. Cake: 1939 Webster's. To take the cake - complete the victory, to surpass. Stock: [A. Sax stoc a stem, the root of that is stick, the primary nothing being that which is stuck in and remains fast. In the plural stocks of a vessel.] the stem or trunk of a tree or other plant; the original race or line of a family; lineage; the property which a merchant tradesman, or company has invested in an business; capital invested in some commercial business or enterprise and contributed by individuals jointly; to store or hoard; Stock-breeder: a person who breeds live stock or domestic animals. Cow: [A. Sax cu, Dan. Koe, Skr. Gaus, a cow, kine] The general term applied to the female of the bovine genus. The most valuable to man of all the ruminating animals, on account of her milk, flesh, hide, etc. ALSO [Danish kue to depress, subdue, keep under] Trade: [A. Sax tredan to tread] the business of exchanging commodities for other commodities or for money; commerce; traffic; the place where commercial exchange occurs. Cast: [Danish kaste to throw] to throw, fling or send; to turn or direct; to decide against at law, to form by pouring liquid into a mold; to compute or calculate. Window: [OE windohe, from Icelandic vindr wind + auga eye] An opening in the wall of a building for the admission of light or air; suggestive of a window. So that we don't get lost in the definitions, lets see what we have so far. Jack (a commoner in England) is so poor (lacking spirit) that he takes his cow (state of being subdued) and trades it for magic (creator of illusions) beans (of the mind). He takes 83

them to his mother (Queen of England) and she casts (passes) them out of the house (House of Lords and eventually through the House of Representatives) through the window (Federal window - the symbol of the "eye" of Horus, the "sun" god, which is the symbol of the US Treasury) and into the earth (called America). The bean stock (progeny) grows "overnight" up into the air and above the clouds (concealed, cover). Jack, curious where the bean stock may end, climbs up the stock where he discovers a heavenly place Let's look up more words. Giant: [OE geant, L gigas, gigantus, Grk gigas a giant, from gen to produce] a being of extraordinary stature, strength, intellect or powers. Giant: [Hebrew nephilim, from nephal to fall + im those - those who fell] Giant: [Sumerian annunaki, from annu heaven + na came + ki earth - those from heaven to earth came] Goose: [A Sax gos, Russian gus, Dan gaas, L anser, Grk chen, Skt hansa; from a root meaning to gape] a swimming bird larger than ducks; a silly creature, a stupid person; a game formerly common in England played with dice on a card divided into small compartments or counters, on certain of which a goose was figured, referred to as the twelve good rules of the Royal Game of Goose. Gold: [A Sax gold, Dan goud yellow] a precious metal of deep yellow color; money; riches; a symbol of what is valuable or much prized. Goldsmith: an artisan who manufactures vessels and ornaments of gold (Rothschild was a Goldsmith). Egg: [A Sax aeg, Ger ei, L ovum, Grk oon an egg] a roundish body covered with a shell or membrane, formed in a special organ of many female animals besides birds in which the development of the young takes place; a symbol of productivity or fertility. ALSO -[a Sax ecgian to incite, to sharpen] urge on; to stimulate; to instigate; to provoke Harp: [A Sax hearpe, Grk harje a harp, from L earpo to pluck or twitch] a stringed musical instrument of great antiquity; to dwell on a subject tiresomely as to weary or annoy the listeners. Fee: pronounce fee [A Sax feoh cattle, property, money, L pecus cattle] a compensation for services; a fief or piece of land held of a superior on certain conditions; a feud; Feoh: pronounced fiy. [A Sax feoh same as Fee above] a feudal grant of land Foi: pronounced foy. [French foi faith, fealty, feudal law] Faith: belief; confidence; credit; trust; thus and act may be said to be done "one the faith" of certain representations Fumage: pronounced like fume [A Sax fumis smoke, vapor, fume, Skt dhuma smoke] English law - same as fuage; hearth money, or a tax laid upon each fireplace or hearth. Steal: [A Sax stelan to steal, Grk stereo to deprive, Skt stenas a thief] to take and carry away feloniously and without right; to gain or win by address or gradual or secretive means.


Axe: [A Sax ax, Grk axine, L ascia an axe, from ak a point] an instrument used for cutting down trees and hewing timber with an arching edge of iron attached to a handle; Fasces: [L] A bundle of rods, with an axe bound in along with them so as to reinforce the weak or broken handle; anciently borne before the superior Roman magistrates as a badge of their power over life and limb; now the symbol of the Fascist party in Italy. Notice also the two large symbols posted on both sides of the rostrum in the UNITED STATES Senate and the stripes of the flag and the shape of the back of the chair carrying out the theme of the FASCES of Authority!!!! Fascism: a totalitarian form of government which advocates the building of the highly nationalistic state, recognizing private ownership except when the state determines otherwise. (Is the US Senate trying to tell us something?) So where were we? Jack found himself in the realm of the giant. An almost overwhelming feeling if you think of yourself as small and weak and unproductive as Jack did. You see, Jack soon realized that the giant ruled earth as well as the heavenly place. When the giant sensed Jack was in his presence (by the stench of feudalism and taxes) the giant declared (Declaration of Independence) "Fee, Fiy, Foy, Fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!" When Jack saw the giant with a goose (unthinking person) that laid gold eggs producing an unlimited supply of riches, and a gold harp (truth that is annoying to the untruthful), he stated, " these wonderful things were too good for a giant to have." The Times of London Newspaper stated the following regarding fiat money in America: "If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origins in North America, shall become endurrated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and the wealth of all the countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every Monarchy on the globe." That is a pretty nasty thing to say about someone - does it sound like they are annoyed? Well, anyway, Jack thought that he needed wealth worse than the giant so he stole it! The giant chased after (was lead by) Jack who now was in control of the goose (strawman and the gold in 1933) and the harp (airwaves of sound - media). Jack swiftly (timely) got off (out of) the bean stock (stock market), took an axe (totalitarian politics) and cut the stock (progeny of the giant) down (stock market crash). The powerful being fell from heaven to earth - some say never to rise again. But here is the rest of the story.. The giant indeed was thought to be dead - but he was not - and he rose again up out of the great depression (bottomless pit) he created when he fell to earth (the physical) from heaven (spiritual). The giant was just in a state of confusion (Dorothy we're not in Kansas anymore we're in KA! Wizard of OZ) and suffered from amnesia. The giant found himself hungry, tired and without a dime (the Great Depression - in the pit), so he made an agreement with Jack (adhesion contract) to 85

work on "Jack's land." The giant saved up enough money (IOU's pledged on the giant's land) so that he could buy the land from Jack even though he already owned it. Jack kept giving the giant less and less for his products (inflation) to a point that the giant could not pay Jack anymore so Jack took back the land and kicked the giant out on the street (foreclosure). Sounds like a raw deal so far doesn't it? An amazing thing happened next! The giant seeing the goose and her goslings started to remember more and more - then he woke up!! "That's MY goose!" the giant shouted, "and that is my gold!" Jack was petrified as he knew the giant sleeper had awoken. The giant took the goose from Jack (redemption), then asked, "What is your name?" Jack told him and the giant immediately asked the golden harp to play harmonious notes (notices and contracts) to Jack who by now was in stark terror. So Jack began to threaten and when that did not stop the giant, Jack began to scramble backwards, then he tripped (by their own words & law) and fell into the bottomless pit - never to be seen or heard again! Drill: Discuss the above story with your classmates; 1. How does it differ from the story you were told? 2. Who is Jack and who is the giant? 3. Did you always think that Jack was the good guy and if so, whose side were you on anyway? 4. How were you affected by the old story? 5. If you were against the giant prevailing what were you actually saying about yourself? 6. How are you affected now by "the rest of the story"? 7. WHAT IS REAL? Today our society - all of it - is based on a fiction. Fictitious plaintiffs (UNITED STATES) versus fictitious defendants (JOHN DOE) in a fictitious court with non-consensual fictitious laws (statutes). Fictitious contracts (DEEDS OF TRUST) are made by fictitious parties granting fictitious property (TITLES and LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS) to other fictitious parties. You may say "I want only the real thing or something that is real." Real: [OF real, LL realis, from L res, a thing] (same root as Republic) Actually being or existing; not fictitious or imaginary; genuine; not artificial, counterfeit or fictitious; not affected; not assumed. But what is real? Is matter or even your body real - or are they a composite of thought particles and sound waves with agreed upon electromagnetic energies that vibrate in fluctuating patterns so as to reflect light, thus giving the illusion of varying degrees of solidity, light, color and motion? Whew! Let's go to the MATRIX where Morpheus introduced Neo to the "construct." "Your appearance is what we call residual self image - the mental projection of your digital self." Neo asks - is this real? Morpheus, "What is real? How do you define 86

real? If you are talking about what you can feel, what you can taste, what you can see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your mind." Does this idea sound familiar? Have you ever heard of this concept before? Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: Man: adam - of the earth, hypocrite. Image: tselem - to shade, a phantom, illusion, resemblance, a representative figure, an idol, a vain show. How is it, by saying you are a "man," you are being a hypocrite? Hypocrite: [F hypocrite, Grk hypocrites, L hypocrisis, a playing a part on the stage, simulation, to feign, from hypo under + krino to separate, discern - to separate and put under] the act or practice of simulating or feigning to be what one is not; especially the assuming of a false appearance. Is it possible that we have been looking at God and man from the wrong prospective? Are you "of the earth" - a creation, an illusion, a representative figure? Is the body real or is it an "image", a vain show, a reflection of what is in our mind? "The world exists as a neural interactive simulation - you've been living in a Dream world Neo!" When Neo was in the "jump program" where he was going to jump across to the other skyscraper, he let his doubt overcome him and he fell. Afterwards he was in pain and commented to Morpheus, "I thought it wasn't real?" Morpheus said, "Your mind makes it real - your body cannot live without the mind." Wait a minute! If there really is nothing real - then what really is real? Really! Well, you know you are real don't you - not your body - just you? Once you have that stable datum then you can create reality with your own mind. Not by trying or wishing or hoping or thinking or even believing something into existence - these words are way too wimpy. One must create reality by KNOWING! Remember what Morpheus said to Neo when they were sparring in the training construct? He asked Neo, "How did I beat you? Do you think my being faster or stronger has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Do you think that is air you are breathing? What are you waiting for? You are faster than this! Don't "think" you are KNOW YOU ARE! Come on, stop "trying" to hit me and HIT me! What is reality? Can one have reality without agreement? If two people were playing chess, then one could say they were playing a "game of chess" - a reality. But, what if one of them said "I am not playing this game anymore," would there be a reality to the two people of "a game of chess" or not? What if one started playing on the same board with the same pieces with the same player, only he changed the rules to "checkers"! Wow, would that ever cause some confusion with the guy playing under chess rules! We all can do this! We can change the rules and continue to play where we are right now in the same environment (board) with the same people (pieces). By our word we can make our own rules and state "this is how the game will be played from now on we play by my rules!" 87

Word: Greek logos - something said including the thought, topic, reasoning, motive, a computation, expression; from lego - to lay forth, relate in words, to show or make known one's thoughts. Flesh: Greek sarx - flesh (as stripped of the skin), meat, body (as a symbol of what is external as opposed to the mind or spirit), human being; from sairo - to brush off, to sweep away. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. Our world has been waiting for us to tell it what to do our entire existence. It will do anything we command it to do - if we only could figure out what we wished. Decide (#3 1/2), take responsibility for the consequences (#4), destroy all fear and doubt (#5), command what you envision (#6) and attain it - success (#7). Voila!! completion! Make your word manifest itself in the physical universe. John 1:14 The Word was made flesh 8. WHEN GODS BECAME MEN Here are some quotes from the Bible that you must interpret for yourself in light of what you have read and understand in this course so far; Genesis 3:5 You shall be as Gods knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:22 Look, man has become as one of us, knowing good and evil. Psalms 82:6 John 10:34 are Gods? John 10:35 John 14:12 and I have said you are gods. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, You He called them gods on whom the word of God came. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; greater works than these shall he do; What are the above verses saying? Have you been told "we can never be like god"? Who told you this? Oh, but we can never say that "we are a god" or even "like" God, "that would be blasphemy!" Is it blasphemy or is it a mechanism to remind ourselves to stay in #3, to not eat (#5) of the fruit of good AND evil? "Don't confront - don't look!" Phrases like, "you can't decide for yourself - you are nothing" are suppressive and debasing to say the least. Do you know the alleged act that Jesus was charged with and the reason he was crucified - blasphemy! Christ: Greek Cristos anointed, from chrio to smear or rub with oil, from chraomai to furnish what is needed (to give an oracle), to employ, to use. 88

Jesus: Greek Iesous, from Hebrew Yehoshua (pronounced yeh-ho-shoo'-ah), from two words Yahovah to exist + yasha to be open, wide or to free, deliver, get victory; Yahovah is from another word yehudah celebrated, Judah, from yadah to use the hand, to throw, to revere or worship, from a primary word yad a hand (the opened one, indicating power, means, direction, in distinction from the closed one - kaph, kaphaph to curve, bow down self). Open: [A Sax, Ger offen open, akin to up and over] uncover; unseal; free ingress; accessible; free; liberal; not drawn or contracted; not secret or concealed; truthful and candid; laid bare; to reveal. Since the word "Jesus" is a Greek word that has been changed by the English, I am going to refer to him by his original Hebrew name, "Yehoshua", meaning "to exist as the one who opens or reveals the truth." Remember when his body died on the cross, the holy veil was rent which let God be revealed and accessible to all men? Yehoshua also opened the seven seals in Revelation. Blasphemy: Greek blasphemia - vilification, scurrilous, calumnious, impious; from blapto - to hinder, to injure, hurt. John 10:31 Many good works have I shown you from my Father; for which of those works do you stone me? The Jews answered him saying, For a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; and because that you being a man, make yourself God. What is with the mind set of this planet that one is discouraged to the extreme from saying that he has created something and now wants to take responsibility for it? Do we have to live our lives continuing to be the EFFECT and not dare to be CAUSE for the fear of blasphemy? I refuse this philosophy - I know I am the cause for everything in MY WORLD - do you? Have you ever heard of the definition of the "criminal mind"? It is accusing another for what you yourself are doing. Remember the circle where the mirror is (#3 1/2), and that your world is a reflection - the reverse image - of your mind? Is it possible that whoever was accusing Jesus of blasphemy was actually guilty of blasphemy themselves by the reversal of the above statement ? "you being a god, make yourself man" Drill: With your classmate, discuss what the above statements mean to you and how they differ from what you have been verbally taught by others. Remember, there is no wrong answer. If we really are gods, is it possible that since we are all powerful and immortal, that we got bored with creating simple games and we continued to make games more complex and more "real," more believable, more convincing so that we could actually experience fear, lack, pain and sorrow in order to become more than what we are - to test our integrity in order to become more disciplined? Possibly the ultimate complex game we created was so good, we believed it was real and we got lazy and created machinery, mechanisms, circuits, and ARTIFICIAL ENTITIES with


artificial intelligence to make things "easier," and to think for us to the extent that we let them control us more and more and eventually we forgot who we really were! Morpheus describing "the real world, "We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to Artificial Intelligence, a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. We know that it was us that scorched the sky. At the time they were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would not be able to survive without an unlimited resource as the sun. Throughout human history, we have depended on the machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. Combined with a form of fusion (thinking you and the strawman are the same) the machines (banks) have found more energy (currency) than they will ever need. Endless fields! Humans are no longer born - we are grown (including a title - birth certificate). For a long time I did not believe it until I seen it with my own eyes. I watched them liquefy (liquidate) the dead (inanimate strawman) so they could be fed intravenously (through the network of commerce) to the living. What is the Matrix? Control! It is a dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this (a "coppertop" battery, a production unit that provides energy called "currency" more commonly called money). Demo: With a demo kit, show how the Matrix is similar to the world we have today. So under these seemingly "overwhelming" circumstances a desperate question cries out from this morass of confusion we call life, "who is the one that will save us"? Remember when Neo was asked if he was "the one"? He did not think he was when he was asked the question, so to him, he was not. But later on when he had to make a choice to save his own life and let Morpheus die or, sacrifice himself for a greater cause, he kept his integrity intact and was willing lose his life for the truth's sake - in the end he gained immortality. Save: Greek sozo - to save, deliver or protect, preserve, make whole Save: Websters 1939 [F sauver, L salvare, to save, safe] to preserve from destruction, to rescue from sin and eternal death; to deliver; to keep from doing or suffering. Deliver: 1939 Websters [F delirer, from LL delibero, to set free, liberate] to release, as from restraint; to set at liberty; to free; to rescue or save; to transfer, hand over, or commit; to surrender, yield, give up, resign; Redemption: [F redimer, L redimo to buy back, to ransom, from red back + emo to obtain or purchase] To take back, to free from captivity or bondage, to release from blame or debt; To free from the consequences of sin, to exchange for something of value. How are the concepts of "Save, Deliver and Redemption" similar? Lose: Greek apollumi - to destroy, to perish, die; apo - away + ollumi - destroy, ruin, death, punishment.


Life: Greek psuche - breath, the animal sentient principle (as distinguished from the immortal soul), heart, mind Find: heuro - to find, get obtain, perceive, see; Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it..... Most of the "followers of Christ" today have adopted an idea that they will be "saved" if they do certain things or act a certain way. What actually does save mean to hoard or keep in the same condition (#3), or does it mean to liberate, release and set free (#3 1/2, 4,5,6,7)? If you think you can or should be "hoarded or kept in the same condition" then do you think you are a thing or a creation? If you agree that you are an immortal being then how can ANYONE "save" you? How can you even consider someone else taking responsibility for all your mistakes, sins, faults and screw ups? How can anyone live your life for you? Notice that "lose" means complete destruction of "life" - the thing that breathes or the mind - NOT the immortal soul or spirit. We will continue in the next verse with as "lose" in the next verse has a different definition; Lose: zemioo - to injure, to experience detriment, suffer loss, receive damage; from zemia - detriment or loss through violence; akin to damazo - to tame Soul: pneuma - a current of air, breath, a breeze, spirit, the rational soul Continued.....For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? It appears that the first "lose" is referring to the physical life that one is animated in where you have a body and it breathes. The second "lose" appears to be different, where the soul or spirit could have a "loss through a violent experience," however not total destruction as in the first "lose." One can draw their own conclusion, but it looks like one cannot destroy oneself as an immortal soul, however they can suffer loss, receive damage and experience injury. If they think of themselves as an "animal", they will have to continue on in this physical world until they can "tame" their irresponsible behavior and gain their true self again. "Saving the world" in the context that Christ was referring to, was talking about liberating and freeing his world, his mind from the physical restraints - NOT preserving our lives in these frail earthly bodies. Only you can take responsibility for yourself, only you can repair the damage that you have created. This is called UNLIMITED LIABILITY - you pay back whatever it takes to put the injured party back in the same condition or better as they were before the injury, even if it means giving up your physical life. Demo: Demonstrate to your classmate how the above viewpoint could affect your life differently than the way you are living now. 9. THE "ONE" One: Grk heis a prime number, one; Hebrew echad united, one, first, alike, from achad to unify, collect (one's thoughts). 91

One: [OE oon, Welsh un, Gaelic an, L unus one] Being a single thing or unit; not two or more; indicating a contrast or opposition to some other thing; closely united; forming a whole; in agreement. Brother: Grk adelphos brother, from a union + delphos the womb - in union by the womb. Conformed: Grk summorphos jointly formed, similar, from sun - union, with or together, resemblance, completeness + morphe shape, form of nature, from meros a division or share as an allotment. Drill: What concept does "One, Brother, and Conform" have in common? John 13:15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.

Matthew 12:48 Who is my mother and who is my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! Matthew 25:40 And the King (Yahoshua) shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say to you, inasmuch as you have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done to me. Romans 8:29 For whom he (Yehovah) did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son (Yehoshua), that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our

Genesis 1:26 likeness;

Son: Hebrew ben a son, from banah to build, to make children. So a "son" is something that is built, or made, or born (body) that is in the image of his father, made by the father (principal, spirit), through the conception (thought) of the mother (mind). Just as Yahoshua is the son (body) of his father Yahovah (principal, spirit) through his image (mind) we also exist in this configuration - spirit, body, mind. Could this be the "trinity"? Father (spirit), Son (body) and Holy Spirit (mind). It appears that the above verses are saying that we are like Yahoshua principals born into the physical world (body) from the womb (mind). AND that we all were known, by Yahovah, beforehand, before this world began, and that this world was predestined, predetermined, pre-programmed by ourselves so that we could learn certain things by experiencing a certain set of circumstances that we have planned out beforehand. Yahoshua stated that anyone in agreement with the principles that he stated are of "like mind" and are his brothers and that he, as our elder brother, has set an example for us to follow. This is important - he did not say he was going to sacrifice our physical world for us - he said he gave us AN EXAMPLE so that we can do this ourselves. 92

You have your own "Matrix," your own "World" that you have created and live in, at this very moment, with every breath you take, but are you controlling it or is it controlling you? It is your creation, however pleasant or unpleasant it may be to take responsibility for. So, right about now you may be asking yourself, "am I the one?" Here are some ideas to consider; John 10:30 John 17:22 (Yahoshua) I and my father are one. And the glory which you gave me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

What does being "One" mean? Redemption means to "take back." To take what back? The control of your mind? The control of your creation? If you do not have control of your mind and your creation then your world is divided and not in agreement - you cannot redeem your world. You cannot be ONE! To be "One," your mind and your creation must be in agreement with you - it is a marriage between your mind and your creation, like the marriage supper in Revelation 19. Marriage: [F mariage, LL maritaticum, marriage, from L maritus a husband, from mas, maris, male, masculine.] Marriage: [Grk gamos nuptuals] Nuptuals: [L nuptialis, from nuptioe, marriage, from nubo to marry, akin to nubes, nimbus, a cloud (from the veiling of the bride).] Does the concept of "veil" sound familiar? When Yahoshua's body died, he rent the "veil" of the temple so man could commune with God and be "One." At the Marriage Supper, Yahoshua will remove the "veil" from the wife (church) so that they can be "One". Both of these actions are "uncovering" something that has been hidden up to that point. Remember what Yahoshua means - he who OPENS or reveals! Betroth: [A Sax from be I am + troth truth, from treowe true, faithful, Skr. dhru to be fixed.]To contract to any one in order to a future marriage; affiance; to pledge one's troth. John 14:6 Yehoshua said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.

Responsibility: [ L respondere to promise in return, answer, from re back, + spondere to promise, more at SPOUSE, L sponsus betroth, GK spendein to pour a libation ] to be answerable or liable for creating, to take ownership of a creation. So here we are, at the beginning of the course again at RESPONSIBILITY!! We have come FULL CIRCLE. We started with Responsibility, meaning "betroth" and we end up at the end of the course on the subject of marriage - Responsibility is everywhere you "turn"! But most of our lives we have been running from it, "attempting" to escape from it. As you can see, it is impossible not to look and so we must confront our own life at some point. We will have to keep our promise we made in our contract at the beginning of this complex game we began a long time ago. We will have to take responsibility and marry our creation that we have created.


Drill: Find the location on the circle where cover is. If "uncover" is the opposite of cover, where would "uncover" be found? Where is marriage on the circle? Morpheus - I'm only trying to free your mind, but I can only show you the door - you are the one that has to walk through it. You have to let it all go - fear, doubt and disbelief - FREE YOUR MIND! Where is the "One" on the circle? What are the attributes to the number "one" - creator, source, originator. What are the attributes of "East" - the front place, the fore part, time antiquity, to project oneself. Some of you have heard about "redemption" and "UCC", well some of you are already UCC - "1's" aren't you? Well, what are you waiting for? START! Drill: Write up how being "The One" will change your life. Drill: Make a circle of creation with the numbers in the proper section and label the following statement in Genesis 1:1 to the corresponding number of the circle; 1 2 In the beginning God (source) created the heaven (mind) and the earth (creation). And the earth was without form and void (confusion) and darkness (ignorance) was upon the face of the deep (artificial basin). And the Spirit (command) of God moved upon (over) the face of the waters (unstable creation). And God said (commanded), Let there be light: and there was light (duplication). And God saw the light (understanding), that it was good: and God divided (digest - to take in or organize in one's mind) the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day (the sun), and the darkness he called Night (moon). And the evening and the morning were the first day (cycle of action, circle of completion, age).

3 4 5

Redemption: A Practical Course in Miracles 4

PURPOSE: To find out what group you are in Provides a brief summary on the differences in bodies of law by definition More definitions regarding titles, property and possession Gives an overall view on how to get back control of your universe Explains how to make the UCC-1 contract and how to properly file it Explains how to establish own private treaty with the world

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to control ones body and ones property

Hierarchy of Law
The first order of law is Natural Law. These are Universal Principles which so necessarily agrees with nature and state of man, that without observing their 94

inherent maxims, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved. Knowledge of natural laws may be attained merely by the light of reason, from the facts of their essential agreeableness with the constitution of human nature. Natural Law exists regardless of whether it is enacted as positive law. When law began to emerge into human conscience, thought, word and deed we come to the next order of law on this planet. The most fundamental law of all human law has to do with survival which is a Universal Principal. It has to do with human interactions, of any kind, any relationships, buying, selling or trading or relating in any way. It is based upon treating or dealing with others the way that you would like to be treated or dealt with. This is the Law of Commerce. The Law of Commerce has been in operation since man interacted with each other starting many thousands of years ago through the Sumerian/Babylonian era where it was codified and enforced. Ancient artifacts dating over 6,000 old reveal that the system was so complex it even included receipts, coined money, shopping lists, manifestos and a postal system with the medium being in baked clay. As a derivative of Commercial law, being removed from natural law, and therefore inferior, is Common Law (common [L co together + munis service, gift, exchange] to exchange together). This emerged, basically, in England out of disputes over a portion of the earth in allodium (sovereign ownership of land) and was based on common sense. So, common law is the law of the earth. Common law gave rise to the jury system and many writs and processes which governments have absorbed, statutized and made into rules and regulation processes in courts. Common Law procedures were based on the opportunity to face your accuser or the injured party in front of witnesses to sort out the problem directly. This process was never intended to include lawyers, attorneys or judges construing their own law, as these titles are all based upon the fiction of representation which can never be the real thing. After common law come governments, and their laws and legislative regulations, ad infinitum of the organic republics of the states. The only laws that the state can create is to allow commerce to flow more efficiently WITHIN the state. The only law the central government, united States of America, could create was to allow commerce to flow more efficiently BETWEEN the states. It was never intended to regulate people the soverans. Below that, the "garbage froth," more or less, is politics and the private copyrighted company policy of foreign corporations such as UNITED STATES, THE STATE OF, THE COUNTY OF, THE CITY OF, etc. The purpose of these municipalities [L munus service, gift, exchange + capere to take; to take service and exchange] is to govern fictitious entities such as JOHN DOE and K-MART not to regulate people. Remember back when you thought that YOU were JOHN DOE because that is how it is written on your drivers license? One of our problems is that when we engage with government, municipalities and other such elements, in all our dealings in the law when have been conditioned to interact on and in THEIR level. We have never risen to the level where the base of law is, where the reality, the power, the solidity and the pre-eminence exists - THE SOVERANS LEVEL.


But now, we can function at this powerful level. This is Check mate. This is the end of the game. THIS IS THE REMEDY.

The principles, maxims and precepts of Commerce Law are eternal, unchanging and unchangeable. They are expressed in the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New. We learned in the second course how the law of commerce has plagued us for more than 6000 years. This law of commerce, unchanged for thousands of years, forms the underlying foundation for all law on this planet and for governments around the world. It is the law of Nations and everything that human civilization is built upon. This is why it is so powerful. When you operate at this level, by these precepts, nothing that is of inferior statute can overturn or change it or abrogate it or meddle with it. It remains the fundamental source of authority and power and functional reality.

The Affidavit
Commerce in everyday life is the vehicle or glue that holds, or binds, the corporate body politic together. More specifically, commerce consists of a mode of interacting, doing business, or resolving disputes whereby all matters are executed under oath, certified on each patty's commercial liability by sworn affidavit, or what is intended to possess the same effect, as true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This affidavit is usually required for an application for a driver's license, and IRS form 1040, a voters registration, a direct Treasury Account, a Notary's "Copy Certification" or certifying a document, and on nearly every single document that the system desires others to be bound or obligated. Such means of signing is an oath, or Commercial Affidavit, executed under penalty of perjury, "true. Correct, and complete". Whereas in a court setting testimony (oral) is stated in judicial terms by being sworn to be "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God." In addition to asserting all matters under solemn oath of personal, commercial, financial, and legal liability for the validity of each and every statement, the participant must provide material evidence, i.e. ledgering, or bookkeeping, providing the truth, validity, relevance, and verifiability of each and every particular assertion to sustain credibility. Commerce is antecedent to and more fundamental to society that courts or legal systems, and exists and functions without respect to courts or legal systems. Commercial Law, the non-statutory variety as presented below in maxims 1 through 10, is the economic extension of Natural Law into man's social world and is universal in nature. The foundational, invariant, necessary, and sufficient principles or "Maxims of Commerce" pertaining herein are:

Maxims of Law
There are ten essential maxims or precepts in commercial law. 1. WORKMAN IS WORTHY OF HIS HIRE. The first of these is expressed in Exodus 20:15; Lev. 19:13; Mat. 10:10; Luke 10"7; II Tim. 96

2:6. Legal maxim: "It is against equity for freemen not to have the free disposal of their own property." 2. ALL ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW. "Equality before the law" (God's Law - Moral and Natural Law). Exodus 21:23-25; Lev. 24: 17-21; Deut. 1;17, 19:21; Mat. 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; Col. 3:25. "No one is above the law". This is founded on both Natural and Moral law and is binding on everyone. For someone to say , or act as though, he is "above the law" is insane. This is the major insanity in the world today. Man continues to live, act, believe, and form systems, organizations, governments, laws and processes which presume to be able to supercede or abrogate Natural or Moral Law. But, under commercial law, Natural and Moral Law are binding on everyone, and no one can escape it. Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly and the private gain of the few. 3. IN COMMERCE TRUTH IS SOVEREIGN This one is one of the most comforting maxims one could have, your foundation for your peaceof-mind and your security and your capacity to win and triumph -- to get your remedy -- in this business. (Exodus 20:16; Ps. 117:2; John 8:32; II Cor. 13:8 ).Truth is sovereign -- and the Sovereign tells only the truth. Your word is your bond. If truth were not sovereign in commerce, i.e., all human action and inter-relations, there would be no basis for anything. No basis for law and order, no basis no accountability, there would be no standards, no capacity to resolve anything. It would mean "anything goes", "each man for himself", and "nothing matters". That's worse than the law of the jungle. Commerce. "To lie is to go against the mind". Oriental proverb: "Of all that is good, sublimity is supreme." 4. TRUTH IS EXPRESSED IN THE FORM OF AN AFFIDAVIT. (Lev. 5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev. 19:11-13: Num. 30:2; Mat. 5:33; James 5: 12). An affidavit is your solemn expression of your truth. In commerce, an affidavit must be accompanied and must underlay and form the foundation for any commercial transaction whatsoever. There can be no valid commercial transaction without someone putting their neck on the line and stating, "this is true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead." An affidavit is a two edged sword; it cuts both ways. Someone has to take responsibility for saying that it is a real situation. It can be called a true bill, as they say in the Grand Jury. When you issue an affidavit in commerce you get the power of an affidavit. You also incur the liability, because this has to be a situation where other people might be adversely affected by it. Things change by your affidavit, which are going to affect people's lives. If what you say in your affidavit is, in fact, not true, then those who are adversely affected can come back at you with justifiable recourse because you lied. You have told a lie as if it were the truth. People depend on your affidavit and then they have lost because you lied. 5. AN UNREBUTTED AFFIDAVIT STANDS AS TRUTH IN COMMERCE. (12 Pet. 1:25; Heb. 6:13-15;) Claims made in your affidavit, if not rebutted, emerge as the truth of the matter. Legal Maxim: "He who does deny, admits." 97

6. AN UNREBUTTED AFFIDAVIT BECOMES THE JUDGMENT IN COMMERCE. (Heb. 6:16-17;). There is nothing left to resolve. Any proceeding in a court, tribunal, or arbitration forum consists of a contest, or duel, of commercial affidavits wherein the points remaining unrebutted in the end stand as truth and matters to which the judgment of the law is applied. 7. IN COMMERCE FOR ANY MATTER TO BE RESOLVED MUST BE EXPRESSED. (Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:6; Eph. 6:19-21). No one is a mind reader. You have to put your position out there, you have to state what the issue is, to have someone to talk about and resolve. Legal Maxim: "He who fails to assert his rights has none. 8. HE WHO LEAVES THE BATTLEFIELD FIRST LOSES BY DEFAULT. The primary users of commercial law and those who best understand and codified it in Western Civilization are the Jews. This is Mosaic Law they have had for more than 3500 years and is based upon Babylonian commerce. (Book of Job; Mat. 10:22; This means that an affidavit which is unrebutted point for point stands as "truth in commerce" because it hasn't been rebutted and has left the battlefield. Governments allegedly exist to resolve disputes, conflicts and truth. Governments allegedly exist to be substitutes for the dueling field and the battlefield for such disputes, conflicts of affidavits of truth are resolved peaceably, reasonably instead of by violence. So people can take their disputes into court and have them all opened up and resolved, instead of going out and marching ten paces and turning to kill or injure. Legal Maxim: "He who does not repel a wrong when he can, occasions it". 9. SACRIFICE IS THE MEASURE OF CREDIBILITY (NO WILLINGNESS TO SACRIFICE = NO LIABILITY, RESPONSIBILITY, AUTHORITY OR MEASURE OF CONVICTION). Nothing ventured nothing gained. A person must put himself on the line assume a position, take a stand, as regards the matter at hand. and One cannot realize the potential gain without also exposing himself to the potential of loss. (One who is not damaged, put at risk, or willing to swear an oath on his commercial liability to claim authority) (Acts 7, life/death of Stephen). for the truth of his statements and legitimacy of his actions has no basis to assert claims or charges and forfeits all credibility and right Legal Maxim: "He who bears the burden ought also to derive the benefit". 10. A LIEN OR CLAIM CAN BE SATISFIED ONLY THROUGH REBUTTABLE BY AFFIDAVIT POINT BY POINT, RESOLUTION BY JURY, OR PAYMENT. In commerce a lien or claim can be satisfied in any one of three ways. (Gen. 2-3; Mat. 4; Revelation.). (A) By someone rebutting your affidavit, with another affidavit of his own, point by point, until the matter is resolved as to whose is correct, in case of non-resolution. 98

(B) You convene a Sheriff's common law jury, based on the Seventh Amendment, concerning a dispute involving a claim of more than $20. Or, you can use three disinterested parties to make judgment. (C) The only other way to satisfy a lien is to pay it. Legal Maxim: "if the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved". Commercial Law is non-judicial. This is pre-judicial (not prejudice). This is timeless. This is the base, the foundation beneath which any government or any of their court systems can possibly exist or function. That means what the courts are doing, and what all governments are ultimately adjudicating and making rules about, are these basic rules of Commercial Law. When you go into court and place your hand on the Bible you say, "I swear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth . . ." you have just sworn a Commercial Affidavit. It's the conflict between Commercial Affidavits of Truth that gives the court something to talk about, that forms the entire basis of its action, and its being there , in their venue. Hence, one of the reasons attorneys always create controversy. No court and no judge can overturn or disregard or abrogate somebody's Affidavit of Truth. The only one who has any capacity or right or responsibility or knowledge to rebut your Affidavit of Truth is the one who is adversely affected by it. It's his job, his right, his responsibility to speak for himself, to issue his own affidavit because no one can speak it for him. No one else can know what your truth is or has the free-will responsibility to state it. This is YOUR job.

Commercial Law
This phrase designates the whole body of substantive jurisprudence, i.e. the Uniform Commercial Code, the Truth in Lending Act, applicable to the rights, intercourse, of persons engaged in commerce, trade or mercantile pursuits. Blacks 6th. Commercial Law is is intended to maintain the commercial harmony, integrity, and continuity of society. Its purpose is also stated thus: "to maintain the peace and dignity of the State." Over the millennia these principles have been discovered through experience and distilled and codified into those ten fundamental Maximums listed above. There is no legal issue or dispute possible which is not a function of one or more of these principles. The entirety of world commerce now functions in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the UNITED STATES corporation version of Commercial Law.

How To Calculate Your Damages and Collect,

Now, here is another aspect of your affidavits. In commerce there is the Assessment aspect, which is who owes whom, and what, why, how and for what reasons; and there is the Collection aspect. The collection aspect is based in international commerce that has existed for more than 6000 years. Again, this is based on Jewish Law and the Jewish grace 99

period, which is in units of three; three days, three weeks, three months. This is why you get 90day letters from the IRS. Commercial processes are non-judicial. They are summary processes (short, concise-without a jury). The IRS creates the most activity of Commercial Collection in the entire world. The collection process is relatively valid, although the IRS is not registered to do business in any state. Did you understand what you just read? The IRS is NOT REGISTERED TO DO BUSINESS OR PERFORM COMMERCIAL MATTERS IN ANY STATE. So how do they get all the money they get? ANSWER: because you give it to them without requesting a proof of claim from them or even if they were licensed to give you offers based on arbitrary estimations. However, this is where things get very interesting. The other phase of matters is the assessment phase: THERE IS NO VALID ASSESSMENT. The IRS has, and never can, and never will, and never could, EVER issue a valid assessment lien or levy. It's not possible. First of all, in order for them to do that there would have to be paperwork, a True Bill in Commerce. There would have to be sworn Affidavits by someone that this is a true, correct and complete and not meant to deceive, which, in commerce is, essentially "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" when you get into court. Now, nobody in the IRS is going to take commercial liability for exposing themselves to a lie, and have a chance for people to come back at them with a True Bill in Commerce, a true accounting. This means they would have to set forth the contract, the foundational instrument with your signature on it, in which you are in default, and a list of all the wonderful goods and services that they have done for you which you owe them for; or a statement of all the damages that you have caused them, for which you owe them. To my knowledge, no one has ever received goods or service from the IRS for which they owe money. I personally don't know of anyone who has damaged anybody in the IRS that gives them the right to come after us and say that "you owe us money because you damaged me". The assessment phase in the IRS is nonexistent, it is a complete fraud. Wait a minute, there is one definition of service that actually applies to the IRS; Service. The act of bringing a female animal to a male animal to get *&%$#@ so that the owner of the animals may enjoy the product of this union. Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside doesnt it? This is why these rules of Commercial Law come to our rescue. T. S. Eliot wrote a wonderful little phrase in one of his poems: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the result of all our exploring will be to arrive at the place at which we began and know it for the first time." This is the beginning, and this is the end. This closes the circle on the process. One reason why the super rich bankers and the super rich people in the world have been able to literally steal the world and subjugate it, and plunder it, and


bankrupt it and make chattel property out of most of us is because they know and use the rules of Commercial Law and we don't. Because we don't know the rules, nor use them, we don't know what the game is. We don't know what to do. We don't know how to invoke our rights, remedies and recourses. We get lost in doing everything under the sun except the one and only thing that is the solution. No one is going to explain to you what and how all this is happening to you. That is never going to happen. These powers-that-be have not divulged the rules of the game. They can and do get away with complete fraud and steal everything because no one knows what to do about it. SOLUTION: Well, what CAN you do about it? YOU NEED TO ISSUE A COMMERCIAL AFFIDAVIT. You don't have to title it that, but that's what it is. You can assert in your affidavit, "I have never been presented with any sworn affidavits that would provide validity to your assessment. It is my best and considered judgment that no such paperwork or affidavit exists." At the end of this document, you put demands on them. They must be implicit and then you state, "Should you consider my position in error . . ." You know what they have to do now, don't you? They must come back with an affidavit which rebuts your affidavit point for point, which means they have to provide the paper work with the real assessment, the true bill in commerce, the real sworn affidavits that would make their assessment or claims against you valid. No agent or attorney of a fictitious entity can sign an affidavit for the corporation. How can they swear as fact that the corporation has done or not done ANYTHING? They do not have the standing. They cannot and never will provide you with this. This means your affidavit stands as truth in commerce. You can even make it more interesting if you like. You go to all their laws like Title 18 and you tabulate the whole list of crimes they have committed against you in lying to you, foreclosing and selling your home and issuing liens and levies. This could be quite an impressive list. If you tabulate the dollar amounts of the fines involved in these offenses, you could take just Title 18 section 241 alone which is a $10,000.00 fine on any public official for each offense. That means for every single violation of the Constitution, or commercial law, there could be 35 or 40 of these just in Title 18. You're looking at $300 to $400 thousand. When they start adding up, they become very impressive. Now you attach this accounting, the criminal accounting to your affidavit and you file it as a criminal complaint with the State Attorney. This is like putting the fox in charge of guarding the hen house. However, more about this will be outlined later in this course. For now, just attach your affidavit and your criminal complaint to a commercial lien. But wait! There is even a more effective way of getting you equity back Involuntary Bankruptcy! These procedures will be detailed in Course 5.


The reason you go through this criminal complaint is because by their own laws and value system and penalties, they have hung themselves. They have already discerned and formulated the dollar amount involved in each of the various offenses. When you lien them for those amounts, they can't come back and say: "Well, these are out of nowhere. They're unreasonable. Where did you get this?" Right out of your own codes. COMMERCIAL PROCESSES ARE NON-JUDICIAL, PRE-JUDICIAL, AND ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN JUDICIAL PROCESSES. Now, you take your commercial lien to the Secretary of State to file as a UCC1 Financing statement. Then as soon as you've finished filing the original criminal complaint with the Prosecuting attorney you file this lien against every agent individually. (The criminal complaint is optional). They can't hide behind the skirts of the corporate state, this fictional entity created by man to be able to engage in perfidious actions which you would not otherwise be able by virtue of Natural and Moral Law. It just doesn't work. Now, you can use this same collection process against them just as the IRS uses against you. You will discover that all the attorneys, judges and the people who come against you think this is a lot of gobble-di-gook, hogwash and silly. But they soon learn that your affidavit of truth is valid and enforceable against them. And they find that things become more and more uncomfortable with each passing day. Judges even think all this doesn't matter because they can get another judge to remove all your paperwork against them. Other agents of the government think they can hide behind the sovereign immunity of the Government, behind all the power and prestige, all their attorneys and all their capacity to get the courts to do whatever the wish is going to save them. None of these have any effect on your process. It has no effect because there is only one way that they can be saved and that is to come in with their own affidavit that rebuts your affidavit point by point and prove you wrong. If they did get this into court or jury that's not going to do them any good because the same battle still exists. All this means is that the conflict between affidavits are now fought out in the open. And that is embarrassing to them because they are not going to change anything. All this will simply do them more harm. The third way to settle your claim is for them to pay it. If they don't satisfy your claim you give them a grace period, at the end of 90 days you transform the Secretary of State into your Accounts Receivable Office. Legal Title of all their real and personal property has now passed to you. You now file the correct paperwork with the Secretary of State, and you serve this on the Sheriff and say, "I want to take possession of my property." Things begin to get interesting. If you send a criminal complaint on a public official to the Insurance Commissioner of the State, it becomes instantly and automatically a lien against the bond of the official, the judge or district attorney and he's dead in the water. He cannot function without bonding. This is held in suspension until the issue is resolved.


Now, simply by going back to what we've wanted all along, which is truth, rightness and a remedy and finding the rules that pertain to it, all of a sudden we find that we have a way to have more power than they do, since we are soveran. No one, not a judge, jury or anyone else can overturn this or change this process. To do so would be to dissolve the world immediately into chaos. This would be the end of all law, all order, all standards, for all civilization. It is not possible. They are stuck. This forms the underpinnings of philosophy, in tangible practices, of the way to put power on your side and against those agents of government who violate your being, injure you all in violation of their oath of office. That is how, through their own process, we can use the rules of the game in OUR favor instead of remaining in ignorance and being taken forever as slaves. This applies to everything, not just the government. This forms a valid foundation for your life and it forms a basis for any kind of dealings with government. What most people don't even consider is that governments don't have and can't have anything to support an affidavit of truth that supports their actions. Governments invent all the regulations and statutes to impose on you, affecting your life and commercial/economic standing. And no one is taking any liability, responsibility nor accountability. They may have some kind of bonding. But in most states this bonding is only for about $5-10 million for the entire state and all its employees. However, you can tabulate a simple traffic ticket into more than $5 million if you so choose.

Uniform Commercial Code

The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws together with the American Law Institute drafted Nation-wide Uniform Laws and each state has now adopted these laws. These laws govern commercial transactions, including sales and leasing goods, transfer of funds, commercial paper, bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, investment securities, and secured transactions. The UCC has been adopted in whole or substantially by all states. Blacks 6th. The UCC is a code of laws governing various commercial transactions -- sale of goods, banking transactions, secured transactions in personal property, and other matters, that was designed to bring uniformity in these areas to the laws of the various states, and that has been adopted, with some modifications, in all states, including the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. Barron's 3rd. Unless displaced by the particular provisions of this code, the principles of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law relative to capacity to contract, principal and agent, estopple, fraud, misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake, bankruptcy, or other validating or invalidating cause shall supplement its provisions. UCC 1-103. To paraphrase the third definition above, the UCC is the supreme law on the planet, and all other forms of law are encompassed by it and included in it (except you as a sovereign, of course). Pennsylvania was the first state to adopt the UCC (July 1954), and Louisiana the last (January 1, 1975).


The following is a quote from the BANK OFFICERS HANDBOOK OF COMMERCIAL BANKING LAW WITHIN THE UNITED STATES, sixth edition, paragraph 22.01(1) and pertains to certain types of transactions: "There are twelve transactions to which the UCC does not apply. They are as follows: "1. Security interests governed by federal statutes . . . "2. Landlord liens . . . "3. Liens for services or material provided . . . "4. Assignment for claims fore wages . . . "5. Transfers by government agencies . . . "6. Certain isolated sales of accounts or chattel paper . . . "7. Insurance Policies . . . "8. Judgments . . . "9. Rights of setoff . . . (see setoff) "10. Real Estate interests . . . "11. Tort Claims . . . "12. Bank accounts . . ." UCC-104 states: "Construction against implicit repeal. This code being a general act intended as a unified coverage of its subject matter, no part of it shall be deemed to be impliedly repealed by subsequent legislation in such construction be reasonably avoided". Nothing in the UCC has ever been repealed, nor can it ever be. In the event of conflict between a deleted section and a current section, the deleted section controls. If this is examined one will see that it cannot be the other way. Potentially countless commercial transactions can be consummated based on the current UCC at any time. To "cancel" any portion of the UCC at a later point is to throw into upheaval and chaos all commercial agreements that were based on the deleted portion, an act that would carry unimaginably astronomical liability to the many actors who attempted to effect such change. Now, we must define the United States. This was covered in course number 2. But for purposes in this particular area, we must define it for a better understanding applied to this procedure.

Commercial Lien
A commercial lien is a non-judicial claim or charge against property of a Lien Debtor for payment of a debt or discharge of a duty or obligation. A lien has the effect of permanently seizing property in three months, ninety days, upon failure of the lien debtor to rebut the Affidavit of Claim of Lien. The commercial grace of a lien is 104

provided by the three-month delay of the execution process, allowing resolution either verbally, in writing, or by jury trial within the 90 day grace period. A Distress (to be defined in Blacks 6th) bonded by an affidavit of information becomes a finalized matured commercial lien and accounts receivable ninety days from the date of filing. The Lien Right of a Lien must be expressed in the form of an Affidavit sworn true, correct and complete, with positive identification of the Affiant. The swearing is based on one's own commercial liability. A commercial lien differs from a true bill in commerce only in that ordinarily a true bill in commerce is private, whereas a lien is the same bill publicly declared, usually filed in the office of the County Recorder, and, like all such declarations, when uncontested by categorical point-for-point rebuttal of the affidavit, is a Security (15 USC) and an accounts-receivable. A commercial lien differs from a non-commercial lien in that it contains a declaration of a one-to-one correspondence between an item or service purchased or offenses committed, and a debt owed. A commercial lien does not require a court process for its establishment. However, a commercial lien can be challenged via the Seventh Amendment jury trial, but may not be removed by anyone except the Lien Claimant or a jury trial, properly constituted, convened, and concluded by due process of law. It cannot be removed by summary process, i.e. a judges discretion. A commercial lien (or distress) can exist in ordinary commerce without dependence on a judicial process, and is therefore not a common law instrument unless challenged in a court of common law, whereupon it converts to a common law lien. A commercial lien must always contain an Affidavit in support of Claim of Lien and cannot be removed without a complete rebuttal of the Liens Claimant affidavit point-by-point, in order to overthrow the one-to-one correspondence of the commercial lien. Also, no common law process can remove a commercial lien unless that common law process guarantees and results in a complete rebuttal of the lien claimants Affidavit categorically and point-for-point in order to overthrow the one-to-one correspondence of the commercial lien.

What is a True Bill in Commerce?

This is a ledgering or bookkeeping/accounting, with every entry established. This is your first Affidavit, certified and sworn on the responsible party's commercial liability as true, correct, and complete, not meant to mislead. It must contain a one-to one correspondence between an item or service purchased or offenses committed and the corresponding debt owed. This commercial relationship is what is known as "Just compensation" (5th Amendment to the Constitution), in relationship between the Government and the American people, a true bill is called a warrant (4th Amendment to the Constitution), and the direct taking of property by legislative act, ( e.g. IRS and the like) is called a "Bill of Pains and Penalties" (Constitution, Art. I, Section 10, Clause I, and Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 -"Bill of Attainder). There is one other matter we must define before we start putting all these pieces of the puzzle together into a workable tool for our benefit. That is the Uniform Commercial Code itself.

United States - US- U.S.-USA-America


Means: (A) a federal corporation . . . Title 28 USC Section 3002(5) Chapter 176. It is clear that the United States . . . is a corporation . . . 534 FEDERAL SUPPLEMENT 724. `It is well settled that "United States" et al is a corporation, originally incorporated February 21, 1871 under the name "District of Columbia," 16 Stat. 419 Chapter 62. It was reorganized June 11, 1878; a bankrupt organization per House Joint Resolution 192 on June 5, 1933, Senate Report 93-549, and Executive Orders 6072, 6102, and 6246; a de facto (define de facto) government, originally the ten square mile tract ceded by Maryland and Virginia and comprising Washington D. C., plus the possessions, territories, forts, and arsenals. The significance of this is that, as a corporation, the United States has no more authority to implement its laws against "We The People" than does Mac Donald Corporations, except for one thing -- the contracts we've signed as surety for our strawman with the United States and the Creditor Bankers. These contracts binding us together with the United States and the bankers are actually not with us, but with our artificial entity, or as they term it "person", which appears to be us but spelled with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. All this was done under,

In English Law. Courts established in the queen's possessions beyond the seas, with jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize. The United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. The American people, however, had sovereign standing in law, independent to any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British Rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice in order to accomplish this task. First, through the 14th Amendment and then through the registration of our birth certificate and property. All courts in America are Vice-admiralty courts in the Crowns private commerce. ACCEPT FOR VALUE AND ACCEPTANCE By now, you have probably heard the term accept for value. This term, for me, gave me quite a problem in understanding when first encountered. And, most of the people starting in this redemption program seems to have the same problem. When you look up the word accept in Blacks 4th Edition you find, "To receive with approval or satisfaction; to receive with intent to retain." With this in mind, when you get a traffic ticket, a notice of foreclosure or whatever, one's first instinct is "Oh, No. I'm certainly not going to 'accept' that!" Why would anyone want to accept such a thing?


Acceptance. The taking and receiving of anything in good part, and as it were a tacit agreement to a proceeding part, which might have been defeated or avoided if such acceptance had not been made. Nope, that doesn't sound much better, now does it? First, you may not know what the word 'tacit' means so let's look that one up as well. In Blacks 6th it states: 1. "Existing, inferred, or understood without being openly expressed or stated; implied by silence or silent acquiescence, as a tacit agreement or a tacit understanding. 2. Done or made in silence, implied or indicated, but not actually expressed. Manifested by the refrainment from contradiction or objection; inferred from the situation and circumstances, in the absence of express matter." From the above, I deduce that if I accept the thing then there is an agreement. I agree with what they have said in the writing, whatever it may be. But, then, if I don't accept it, don't say anything, then there is still an agreement because I don't refute it or contradict what they say in the writing. I know from all my past experience that I certainly don't want to get into a court battle with anyone. No matter how right you might think you are, what law you think is on your side, you always seem to lose in any court. My, my, what a predicament. So, why would I want to accept anything for value? How could that phrase possibly be of any help? Well, let's look a little further, define more words, and see if we can make any sense out of all this. Let's go a little further when we look under Acceptance in Blacks 6th edition. You'll go on down the page until you get to Types of acceptance. Beneath that heading you'll see Conditional acceptance; Conditional acceptance. An agreement to pay the draft or accept the offer on the happening of a condition. A 'conditional acceptance' is in effect a statement that the offeree [this is you] is willing to enter into a bargain differing in some respects from that proposed in the original offer. The conditional acceptance is, therefore, itself a counter offer." OK. That sounds a little better. If I accept their offer with a conditional acceptance, I now have a counter offer to make back to them. Now, the ball is in their court. If they do not answer, they then accept your offer by tacit agreement and you win. Now this sounds much better. But, we're not through yet. Let's look at power of acceptance. In Blacks 6th edition it says: Power of acceptance. Capacity of offeree [that's you again, the offeree] upon acceptance of terms of offer, to create a binding contract. So, if I accept your offer, with conditional acceptance, then place my own terms in which I do accept your offer, then we now have a binding contract. The offeror (a municipality or corporation) must now come back with a rebuttal to prove my terms and conditions in error. We will go into detail on this in the 5th Course 107

Contracts, but first you need to accept these contracts by claiming the fictitious entity the state created when you were born. REDEMPTION Did you know the UNITED STATES actually defines the fictitious entity spelled like your name with upper case letters as a corporation? The definition is in 15 USCA (United States Code Annotated) section 44; Corporation shall be deemed to include any company, trust, so-called Massachusetts trust, or association, incorporated or unincorporated, which is organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its members,. So if the state has created this unincorporated corporation then does it have authority over it? Yes it does. And until you give them notice otherwise, they will always have authority over it. That is what a UCC-1 Financing Statement does, it gives public notice that you, the secured party, have a claim against the debtor, the unincorporated corporation. Now when you file this notice, you take this entity out of the state, out of the jurisdiction of a fictitious entity and into the private venue, your kingdom, and thus the entity becomes foreign to the state and now it becomes an unincorporated foreign corporation to the state. Sounds like an oxymoron, but then again, I am using THEIR terminology! Financing Statement: A document setting out a secured partys security interest in goods. A document designed to notify third parties, generally prospective buyers or lenders, that there may be an enforceable security interest in the property of the debtor; It is merely evidence of the creation of a security interest, and usually is not itself a security agreement; The financing statement is filed by the security holder with the Secretary of State, or similar public body, and as such becomes public record. Security Agreement: An agreement which creates or provides for a security interest between the debtor and a secured party. UCC-9- 105(h); An agreement granting a creditor a security interest in personal property, which security interest is normally perfected either by the creditor taking possession of the collateral or by filing financing statements in the proper public records. Security interest: Interest in property obtained pursuant to security agreement; A form of interest in property which provides that the property may be sold on default in order to satisfy the obligation for which the security interest is given; Often lien is used as a synonym, although lien most commonly refers only to interests providing security that are created by operation of law, not through agreement of the debtor and creditor. A security agreement must exist to file a UCC-1Financing Statement, but does this mean it must be in writing and attached to the UCC-1? Possibly, but what if it is a verbal agreement? Since your strawman corporation cannot speak how can it write or sign its name? You can create one and attach it, but you probably dont need it. In fact, one can still do all of the administrative procedures without filing a UCC-1, because you are the secured party and creditor whether you file or not. Filing the UCC-1 is actually more for your benefit than for anyone else because it makes this


esoteric, intangible subject more real to you and gives you confidence, and that gain alone is worth every bit of the effort expended. Some of the states give you a hard time when filing the financing statement as they claim you are contracting with yourself. To prevent this, you create a separation between you and your strawman corporation so that they can tell the difference (as if they didnt know!). One of the things you can do is to apply for a tradename for your corporation. Once this is filed, you will start receiving promotions in the mail advertising credit card machines that you can use in your new business. You will not need them, but it indicates that the corporate system now recognizes your strawman as a fictitious entity doing business for profit a corporation. Drill: File your tradename and UCC-1 Financing Statement 1. Go to the website for your state and pull off an Application for Trade Name and a UCC-1 Financing Statement form. You should be able to go to your Secretary of States site, such as SOSAZ would be for Arizona, or just call for the website. 2. Fill out the Application for Trade Name and send it into the SOS (Secretary of State) of your state along with the application fee. Mark "person" for the section of what kind of business it is. They get confused if you mark anything else. 3. When you get the Trade Name certificate back, make a copy as an attachment for the UCC-1 Financing Statement that you will be doing next. 4. Fill out the UCC-1 Financing Statement according to the example below and attach your Trade Name certificate to it as well as a copy of your birth certificate. A Security Agreement is not necessary as this is a private agreement between you and your corporation commonly referred to as a strawman. You must put the HOSPITAL where you were born as the address for the DEBTOR as this is where the corporation was created by the state. It is important to list all of the contracts that you have signed for your strawman such as the Drivers License, Social Security Number, Marriage license, Passport, etc. 5. Also reserve a number that will become your TREASURY POSTED REGISTERED ACCOUNT. This account will be set up at the US Department of Treasury with the private man entitled US Secretary of Treasury. It is important you refer to this man by his name such as John Snow, as you cannot deal with a fiction while in the private venue. The number will consist of the registered number that is printed on the red registered mail sticker you get from the Post Office, plus your social security number without dashes. Example is RR26511985-111223333. 6. File your UCC-1 with the Secretary of State with the applicable fees.

Commercial Security Agreement

This non-negotiable and non-transferable Security Agreement is made and entered this day of JOHN HENRY DOE , hereinafter "Debtor", ______________ , 2001 by and between , hereinafter "Secured Party", Creditor Organization Number 570-50-8194 John Henry Doe Identification Number 544327911. The Parties, hereinafter "Parties", are identified as follows:


DEBTOR: JOHN HENRY DOE, a Legal Entity SAINT MARYS HOSPITAL TUCSON, ARIZONA 85746 Organization Number: 570-50-8194

Secured Party: John Henry Doe, a man Mailing Location: c/o 4741 W, Camino Tierra Tucson, Arizona 85746 Creditor Identification Number: 544327911

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: Debtor hereby grants Secured Party, who deems herself insecure, a security interest in the Collateral described generally herein or specifically on attached Schedule A, hereinafter referred to as Collateral, to secure all Debtors property, as well as all income from every source, and all direct and indirect, absolute or contingent, due or to become due, now existing or hereafter arising, presumed or actual, parole or expressed public indebtedness and liabilities held by Debtor, to Secured Party in consideration for Secured Party providing certain things and accommodations for Debtor, including but not limited to: 1. the Secured Party signing by accommodation, without immediate consideration, for the Debtor when necessary where the signature of the Debtor will be required, while retaining the right to make sufficient claims to secured such indebtedness until satisfied in whole; the Secured Party issuing a binding commitment to extend credit or to extend immediately available credit, whether or not drawn upon and whether or not reimbursed in the event of difficulties in collection; and the Secured Party providing the security for payment of all sums due or owing, or to become due or owing, by the Debtor on every public contract entered by the Debtor.



Debtor declares it is a legal entity recognized as such, and has rights and privileges recognized under the laws of the United States, as has been the case since its creation in 1966. All legal means to protect the security interest being established by this Agreement, will be used by the Debtor when necessary; and all support needed by the Secured Party to protect his security interest in the collateral identified herein, will be provided by the Debtor. Execution of this Security Agreement incorporates a promise that the Debtor will execute such commercial forms, including but not limited to such Financing Statements as may be necessary, to assure the Secured Partys interest is perfected. The security interest established by this Agreement will continue until the Secured Party is relieved of all liability associated with said services provided to the Debtor, and until all owing and due consideration to the Secured Party has been delivered, regardless of whether the Collateral identified in this Agreement is in the possession of the Debtor or the Secured Party. Debtor warrants that Secured Partys claim against the Collateral is enforceable according to the terms and conditions expressed therein, and according to all applicable laws promulgated for the purpose of protecting the interests of a creditor against a debtor. Debtor also warrants that it holds good and marketable title to the Collateral, free and clear of all actual and lawful liens and encumbrances except for the interest established herein, and except for such substantial interest as may have been privately


established by agreement of the parties with full attention to the elements necessary to establish a valid contract under international contract law. Public encumbrances belonging to the Debtor, against the Collateral, shall remain secondary to this Agreement, unless registered prior to the registration of Secured Partys interest in the same Collateral, as is well-established in international commercial law

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GENERAL PROVISIONS Possession of Collateral. Collateral or evidence of Collateral may remain in the possession of the Debtor, to be kept at the address given in this Agreement by the Debtor or such other place(s) approved by Secured Party, and notice of changes in location must be made to the Secured Party within ten (10) days of such relocation. Debtor agrees not to otherwise remove the Collateral except as is expected in the ordinary course of business, including sale of inventory, exchange, and other acceptable reasons for removal. When in doubt as to the legal ramifications for relocation, Debtor agrees to acquire prior written authorization from the Secured Party. Debtor may possess all tangible personal property included in Collateral, and have beneficial use of all other Collateral, and may use it in any lawful manner not inconsistent with this Agreement, except that Debtors right to possession and beneficial use may also apply to Collateral that is in the possession of the Secured Party if such possession is required by law to perfect Secured Partys interest in such Collateral. If Secured Party, at any time, has possession of any part of the Collateral, whether before or after an Event of Default, Secured Party shall be deemed to have exercised reasonable care in the custody and preservation of the Collateral, if Secured Party takes such action for that purpose as deemed appropriate by the Secured Party under the circumstances. Proceeds and Products from Collateral. Unless waived by Secured Party, all proceeds and products from the disposition of the Collateral, for whatever reason, shall be held in trust for Secured Party and shall not be commingled with any other accounts or funds without the consent of the Secured Party. Notice of such proceeds shall be delivered to Secured Party immediately upon receipt. Except for inventory sold or accounts collected in the ordinary course of Debtors public business, Debtor agrees not to sell, offer to sell, or otherwise transfer or dispose of the Collateral; nor to pledge, mortgage, encumber, or otherwise permit the Collateral to be subject to a lien, security interest, encumbrance, or charge, other than the security interested established by this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the Secured Party. Maintenance of Collateral. Debtor agrees to maintain all tangible Collateral in good condition and repair, and not to commit or permit damage to or destruction of the Collateral or any part of the Collateral. Secured Party and his designated representatives and agents shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine, inspect, and audit the Collateral wherever located. Debtor shall immediately notify Secured Party of all cases involving the return, rejection, repossession, loss, or damage of or to the Collateral; of all requests for credit or adjustment of Collateral, or dispute arising with respect to the Collateral; and generally of all happenings and events affecting the Collateral or the value or the amount of the Collateral. Compliance with Law. Debtor shall comply promptly with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of all governmental authorities applicable to the production, disposition, or use of the Collateral. Debtor may contest in good faith any such law, ordinance, or regulation without compliance during a proceeding, including appropriate appeals, so long as Secured Partys interest in the Collateral, in Secured Partys opinion, is not jeopardized. Secured Party may, at his option, intervene in any situation that appears to place the Collateral in jeopardy. Public Disputes. Debtor agrees to pay all applicable taxes, assessments, and liens upon the Collateral when due; provided that such taxes, assessments, and liens are proved to be superior to the lawful claim established by this Agreement and subsequently perfected by the Secured Party by appropriate registration. In the event Debtor elects to dispute such taxes, assessments, and liens, Secured Partys interest must be protected at all times, at the sole opinion of the Secured Party, who may, at his option, intervene in any situation that appears to jeopardize Secured Partys interest in the Collateral. Debtor may elect to continue pursuit of dispute of such taxes, assessments, and liens, only upon production of a surety bond by public claimant(s), in favor of the Secured Party, sufficient to protect Secured Party


from loss, including all costs and fees associated with such dispute. Should public judgment against the Debtor result from such dispute, Debtor agrees to satisfy such judgment from its accounts established and managed by the United States or its subdivisions, agents, officers, or affiliates, so as not to adversely affect the Secured Partys interest in the Collateral. Indemnification. Debtor hereby indemnifies Secured Party from all harm as expressed in the attached Indemnity Bond, incorporated herein as if fully set forth within this Security Agreement. SUBORDINATION OF DEBTOR S DEBTS TO SECURED PARTY Providing Secured Party, subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, perfects his security interest in the Collateral by appropriate registration, Debtor agrees that its indebtedness to the Secured Party, whether now existing or hereafter created, shall have priority over unregistered claims that third parties may raise against Debtor or the Collateral, whether or not Debtor becomes insolvent. Debtor hereby expressly subordinates any claim Debtor may have against Secured Party, upon any account whatsoever, to the claim Secured Party has or will have against the Debtor. Page 2 of 4 If Secured Party so requests, all notes or credit agreements now or hereafter established evidencing debts or obligation of Debtor to third parties, shall be marked with a legend that the same are subject to this Agreement and shall be delivered to Secured Party. Debtor agrees, and Secured Party hereby is authorized, in the name of the Debtor, to execute and file such financing statements and other commercial statements, as Secured Party deems necessary or appropriate to perfect, preserve, and enforce his rights under this Agreement. DEFAULT The following shall constitute Event(s) of Default hereunder: 1. 2. 3. 4. failure by the Debtor to pay a debt secured hereby when due; failure by the Debtor to perform an obligation secured hereby when required to be performed; breach by the Debtor of a warranty contained in this Agreement; evidence that a statement, warranty, or representation made or implied in this Agreement by Debtor, is false or misleading in any material respect, either now or at the time made or furnished; evidence that this Agreement or a document of title is void or ineffective; dissolution or termination of Debtors existence as a legal entity, the insolvency of Debtor, the appointment of a receiver for all or any portion of Debtors property, an assignment for the benefit of public creditors, or the commencement of proceedings under bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Debtor; commencement of foreclosure, whether by action of a tribunal, self-help, repossession, or other method, by a creditor of Debtor against the Collateral; garnishment of Debtors deposit accounts or employment.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Cure of Default. If a fault or dishonor under this Agreement is curable through an account held by Debtor but managed by the United States or one of its subdivisions, agents, officers, or affiliates, such fault or dishonor may be cured by the Debtor with authorization by Secured Party; and upon advice by the fiduciary that the fault or dishonor has been cured, and no Event of Default will have occurred. A dishonor under this Agreement, initiated by third party intervention, will not cause a default if such intervention is challenged by Debtor by its good faith effort to confirm or disprove the validity or reasonableness of a public claim which is the basis of the public creditors proceeding; but Debtor


must, in that event, deposit such surety with Secured Party as is necessary to indemnify the Secured Party from loss. Acceleration. In the Event of Default, Secured Party may declare the entire indebtedness, immediately due and payable without notice. Liquidation of Collateral. In the Event of Default, Secured Party shall have full power to privately or publicly sell, lease, transfer, or otherwise deal with the Collateral or proceeds or products therefrom, in his own name or in the name of the Debtor. All expenses related to the liquidation of Collateral shall become a part of the Debtors indebtedness. Secured Party may, at his discretion, transfer part or all of the Collateral to his own name or to the name of his nominee. Rights and Remedies. The Secured Party shall have all the rights and remedies of a secured creditor under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code as it has been adopted in the State where part or all of the Collateral is located or presumed to be located, including but not limited to, the right to proceed with self-help with or without a public court or tribunal. Rights and remedies available to Secured Party may be exercised singularly or jointly and in all venues and jurisdictions concurrently at the sole discretion of the Secured Party. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Amendments. This Agreement, together with all related documents, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the Parties as to the matters set forth in this Agreement. No alteration of or amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless expressed in writing and signed by both Parties. Applicable Law. The governing law of this Agreement is the agreement of the Parties, supported by the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted by the legislature of the State of North Carolina, international contract law, the unwritten Law Merchant as practiced before the Uniform Commercial Code was promulgated, and applicable maxims of law. Expenses. Debtor agrees to pay upon demand, from such accounts as Debtor may have, all Secured Partys costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees and other expenses incurred by the Secured Party to defend or enforce the provisions of this Agreement. Page 3 of 4 Indebtedness. The word indebtedness means the indebtedness evidenced by this Agreement as a claim against the Debtor and all its present and future possessions identified in this Agreement as Collateral; and all public obligations, debts, and liabilities ascribed to Debtor through its contracts and agreements, whether expressed or implied, known or unknown, or actual or constructive, that are with the United States or its subdivisions, agents, officers, affiliates, or other public entities; and all claims made by Secured Party against Debtor, whether existing now or in the future, whether they are voluntary or involuntary, due or not due, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, regardless of whether Debtor is or may be liable individually or jointly, or is obligated as, or beneficiary of, a surety or accommodation party. Related Documents. The phrase related documents means all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, applications, accounts, licenses, policies, permits, identification cards, account cards, receipts, forms, and all other documents and instruments that Debtor or its previous surety has or will execute in connection with the Debtors total indebtedness. Notices. Except for revocation notices by Debtor, all notices required to be given by either Party under this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be effective when actually delivered or when deposited with the United States post office or a nationally recognized courier service, first class postage prepaid, addressed to the Party to whom the notice is to be given at the address shown on this Agreement or to such other address as either Party may designate to the other in writing.


Severability. If one or more provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a qualified court finds that one or more provisions of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision(s) it would become valid or enforceable, such provision(s) shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. In the event that such a finding and limitation causes damage or hardship to either Party, the Agreement shall be amended in a lawful manner to make all Parties whole. Waiver of Contractual Right. The failure of either Party to enforce one or more provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that Party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement. Secured Party shall not be deemed to have waived rights under this Agreement unless such waiver is given in writing and signed by Secured Party. No delay or omission on the part of Secured Party in exercising a right shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other right. A waiver by Secured Party of a provision of this Agreement shall not prejudice or constitute a waiver of Secured Partys right otherwise to demand strict compliance with that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. No prior waiver by Secured Party, nor any course of dealing between Secured Party and Debtor shall constitute a waiver of Secured Partys rights or of Debtors obligations under this Agreement as to future transactions. Whenever the consent of Secured Party is required under this Agreement, the granting of such consent by Secured Party in one instance shall not constitute consent over the whole. Ambiguities and Interpretation. Each Party acknowledges receipt of this Agreement and has had the opportunity to have counsel review it, and that any rule of construction claiming ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party, shall not apply in the interpretation of this Agreement or its amendments. All statements in this instrument are important to the Parties. Misunderstandings have been resolved prior to execution. Authority to Represent. A signer of this Agreement on behalf of a legal entity certifies that he has the authority to sign this Agreement and that this transaction has been duly authorized by such entity. Gender. All references within this Agreement to a specific gender, include the other. SIGNATURES Secured Party accepts all signatures in accord with the Uniform Commercial Code and acknowledges Debtors signature as representative of all derivations thereof.

______________________________________ ____________________________________ JOHN HENRY DOE a Legal Entity John Henry Doe a man

See attached: Schedule A and Indemnity Bond Page 4 of 4

This Schedule A dated the _____ day of ____________, 2001, is attached to and incorporated in the attached Security Agreement dated the same date, as though fully set forth therein. The following partial itemization of property constitutes a portion of the Collateral referenced in said Security Agreement, and is not intended to represent the actual and full extent of said Collateral. This Schedule


A supplements previous security agreements describing collateral, that may have been entered by the same parties. Income from every source Proceeds of Secured Partys labor from every source Application for STATE OF CALIFORNIA CERTIFICATION OF BIRTH # 1907 5396, and all other Certificates of Birth, Certificates of Living Birth, Notifications of Registration of Birth, or Certificates of Registration of Birth, or otherwise entitled documents of birth -- whether County, State, Federal, or other -- either ascribed to or derived from the name of the DEBTOR identified above, or based upon the above described birth document. Application for Social Security # 570508194 Treasury Posted Registered Account # R792 407 568 United States of America Passport # 051870157 Arizona Driver License # B11176728 Personal Treasury Direct Account # R 792 407 568 - 570508194 All property belonging to the DEBTOR


Know all men by these presents, that JOHN HENRY DOE, the Debtor, hereby establishes this Indemnity Bond in favor of John Henry Doe, the Secured Party, in the sum of present and future Collateral Values up to the sum of One hundred billion United States Dollars ($100,000,000,000), for the payment of which bond, the Debtor hereby firmly binds its successors, heirs, executors, administrators, DBAs, AKAs, and third-party assigns, jointly and severally. The Debtor hereby indemnifies the Secured Party against losses incurred as a result of all claims of debts or losses made by any and all persons against the commercial transactions and investments of the Debtor. The condition of this bond is that Secured Party covenants to do certain things on behalf of the Debtor, as set forth in the attached Security Agreement of the same date and executing Parties; and Debtor covenants to serve as a transmitting utility to assure beneficial interest in all accounts established and managed by the United States, and all goods and services in commerce, are available to or conveyed from Debtor to Secured Party, whichever is appropriate. To avert losses of vested rights in the present or future collateral that is the subject of the attached Security Agreement, Debtor agrees to make available to the Secured Party, such accounts established by intent of the Parties, by operation of law, and/or as constructive trusts, to hold proceeds arising from assets belonging to the Debtor, and administered by the United States or its subdivisions, agents, or affiliates. Pursuant to existing laws of the United States and the agreement of the Parties of the attached Security Agreement, the Secured Party is authorized to assign such funds from said accounts as are necessary to settle all past, present, and future public debts and obligations incurred by the Debtor on behalf of the Secured Party. The Debtor, without the benefit of discussion or division, does hereby agree, covenant, and undertake to indemnify, defend, and hold the Secured Party harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs, interests, and expenses, including without restriction, legal costs, interests, penalties, and fines previously suffered or incurred, or to be suffered or incurred by the Secured Party, in accordance with the Secured Partys personal guarantee with respect to loans or indebtedness belonging to the Debtor, including any amount the Debtor might be deemed to owe to a public creditor for any reason whatsoever.


The Secured Party shall promptly advise the Debtor of all public claims brought by third parties against the present or future property of the Debtor, all of which is covered by the attached Security Agreement up to the indemnification amount declared herein, and to provide the Debtor with full details of said claim(s), including copies of all documents, correspondence, suits, or actions received by or served upon the Debtor through the Secured Party. Secured Party shall fully cooperate with discussion, negotiation, or other proceedings relating to such claims. This bond shall be in force and effect as of the date it is signed and accepted by the Parties, and provided that Secured Party may cancel this bond and be relieved of further duty hereunder by delivering a thirty (30) day written Notice of Cancellation to the Debtor. No such cancellation shall affect the liability incurred by or accrued to Secured Party prior to the conclusion of said thirty (30) day period. In such event of Notice of Cancellation, and in the event the United States reinstitutes its constructive claim against the Collateral, the Debtor agrees to reissue the bond before the end of the thirty (30) day period for an amount equal to or greater than the above value of the attached Security Agreement, unless the Parties agree otherwise.

Done this ____ day of ______________, _______

______________________________________ _______________________________________ Indemnitor, JOHN HENRY DOE

Indemnitee, John Henry Doe


The government or specifically the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE keeps an account for your strawman corporation from the time you were born until the time you die. That is all the strawman really is an account, an accounting of the commercial transactions of the credit that you as the creditor gives to UNITED STATES. The IRS calls the summary of entries made to this account your Individual Master File (IMF). This file is an account of what the strawman has done so that they can put a value on the criminal charges that they are claiming, such as a rum runner in Puerto Rico, an arms dealer in Iran, or a drug dealer in Malaysia. That is how they charge your account and that is why you have never been charged with these crimes the debtor, the strawman, the corporation has. These charges represent millions of dollars worth of U.S. Treasury Bonds to the foreign corporation we fondly call UNITED STATES. As you might guess, depending on the crimes and the assigned values, this balance is a continuing deficit to the debtor and at first glance it would be an overwhelming feeling to know that if you think you are the debtor, you could owe millions, if not hundreds of millions. But, you must ask yourself this question, who is the creditor to this debtor? Is it the UNITED STATES, the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, or INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND? I think you know the answer. They are pretending to be the creditors, but did they give the substance or did you? Then why are they getting the interest (taxes) for the credit units that WE have supplied to the corporations? Shouldnt the corporations be paying the interest to us? 116

How did this get turned upside down where the head is the tail and the tail is now the head? Turn to Deuteronomy 28 and read it, but specifically 43, 44 & 45; The stranger that is within you shall get up above you very high; and you shall come down very low. He shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. Moreover all these curses shall come upon you, and shall pursue you, and overtake you, till you be destroyed; because you hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord your God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded you: Now that you can visualize the countless number of charges that have been entered on your strawman account by the IRS, what can you do about it? You can balance your account by ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE. The main reason why you must do this action is to keep this account at a zero balance so that you can discharge all of your debt that you CAN see. Drill. Set up your Treasury Account and discharge the debt in the name of the strawman corporation. 1. You will have to get a copy of your birth certificate and accept that for value. This is the document that the state issued for the purpose of creating an artificial person in your upper case name with an account so that the state could keep an accounting record of all the debt that has been assigned to that person. 2. While you are waiting for your copy of your birth certificate, you will have to make an invoice like they would have if they were able to give one to you. Since they will never do this, you will make one up yourself based on the birth certificate as this is the actual document evidencing that the strawman account really exists. This is the bill, the charge, the evidence of debt. Do not put an amount in the space provided, because you do not know how much they have entered into your account. Leave this blank and let them fill this amount in. 3. Now that you have the bill, the evidence of the debt, you need to discharge it. You will do this by means of a set-off, a cancellation of mutual debt, an exchange, a BILL OF EXCHANGE. Replace the generic data with your information and again DO NOT ENTER AND AMOUNT. Then sign the document. 4. Next compose the cover letter that you will send to John Snow, not the US Secretary of Treasury. The reason is that you, as a soveran in the private venue, cannot see or recognize a fiction whether it be a corporation or an office. You can only see or deal with the real man or woman. This is a private contract between you the creditor and John Snow, your agent for the bankruptcy to cancel the debt. 5. Go to your local IRS and get a 1040ES (Estimated Tax) Form and fill it out, but DO NOT sign it or fill in the AMOUNT. Again you do not know how much it is so let them fill it out. When they figure out how much the total debt is they will then pay themselves by using this form.


6. When you get your birth certificate, you will need to make a transparency for it. This consists of printing out the page that says Non-Negotiable CHARGEBACK on it. Take it down to a Mailboxes Etcs. and have them make RED transparency of it. Then situate the CHARGEBACK transparency on the birth certificate and have them make a color copy of it. Fill in the blanks appropriately. 7. While you are at the copy place, take your UCC-1 and make a copy of it also. Copy only the Financing Statement NOT the entire Security Agreement and attachments. 8. Now that you have the whole package, make a copy of the entire package which should include; a. Cover letter to John Snow

b. Invoice c. BILL OF EXCHANGE

d. Copy of birth certificate with CHARGEBACK stamp e. f. Copy of your UCC-1 Financing statement. 1040ES

9. Send the contents registered mail return receipt so that you know that someone has signed for it. 10. After you have received the green receipt back, wait 30 days and if you have not heard back then they have consented to all that you have requested. Following are the documents that you will need to complete this particular process. you will set up another closed account You will probably not use this account again, but

Know all men by these presents, that JOHN HENRY DOE, the Debtor, hereby establishes this Indemnity Bond in favor of John Henry Doe, the Secured Party, in the sum of present and future Collateral Values up to the sum of One hundred billion United States Dollars ($100,000,000,000), for the payment of which bond, the Debtor hereby firmly binds its successors, heirs, executors, administrators, DBAs, AKAs, and third-party assigns, jointly and severally. The Debtor hereby indemnifies the Secured Party against losses incurred as a result of all claims of debts or losses made by any and all persons against the commercial transactions and investments of the Debtor. The condition of this bond is that Secured Party covenants to do certain things on behalf of the Debtor, as set forth in the attached Security Agreement of the same date and executing Parties; and Debtor covenants to serve as a transmitting utility to assure beneficial interest in all accounts established and managed by the United States, and all goods and services in commerce, are available to or conveyed from Debtor to Secured Party, whichever is appropriate. To avert losses of vested rights in the present or future collateral that is the subject of the attached Security Agreement, Debtor agrees to make available to the Secured Party, such accounts established


by intent of the Parties, by operation of law, and/or as constructive trusts, to hold proceeds arising from assets belonging to the Debtor, and administered by the United States or its subdivisions, agents, or affiliates. Pursuant to existing laws of the United States and the agreement of the Parties of the attached Security Agreement, the Secured Party is authorized to assign such funds from said accounts as are necessary to settle all past, present, and future public debts and obligations incurred by the Debtor on behalf of the Secured Party. The Debtor, without the benefit of discussion or division, does hereby agree, covenant, and undertake to indemnify, defend, and hold the Secured Party harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs, interests, and expenses, including without restriction, legal costs, interests, penalties, and fines previously suffered or incurred, or to be suffered or incurred by the Secured Party, in accordance with the Secured Partys personal guarantee with respect to loans or indebtedness belonging to the Debtor, including any amount the Debtor might be deemed to owe to a public creditor for any reason whatsoever. The Secured Party shall promptly advise the Debtor of all public claims brought by third parties against the present or future property of the Debtor, all of which is covered by the attached Security Agreement up to the indemnification amount declared herein, and to provide the Debtor with full details of said claim(s), including copies of all documents, correspondence, suits, or actions received by or served upon the Debtor through the Secured Party. Secured Party shall fully cooperate with discussion, negotiation, or other proceedings relating to such claims. This bond shall be in force and effect as of the date it is signed and accepted by the Parties, and provided that Secured Party may cancel this bond and be relieved of further duty hereunder by delivering a thirty (30) day written Notice of Cancellation to the Debtor. No such cancellation shall affect the liability incurred by or accrued to Secured Party prior to the conclusion of said thirty (30) day period. In such event of Notice of Cancellation, and in the event the United States reinstitutes its constructive claim against the Collateral, the Debtor agrees to reissue the bond before the end of the thirty (30) day period for an amount equal to or greater than the above value of the attached Security Agreement, unless the Parties agree otherwise.

Done this ____ day of ______________, _______

______________________________________ _______________________________________ Indemnitor, JOHN HENRY DOE

Indemnitee, John Henry Doe



The government or specifically the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE keeps an account for your strawman corporation from the time you were born until the time you die. That is all the strawman really is an account, an accounting of the commercial transactions of the credit that you as the creditor gives to UNITED STATES. The IRS calls the summary of entries made to this account your Individual Master File (IMF). This file is an account of what the strawman has done so that they can put a value on the criminal charges that they are claiming, such as a rum runner in Puerto Rico, an arms dealer in Iran, or a drug dealer in Malaysia. That is how they charge your account and that is why you have never been charged with these crimes the debtor, the strawman, the corporation has. These charges represent millions of dollars worth of U.S. Treasury Bonds to the foreign corporation we fondly call UNITED STATES. As you might guess, depending on the crimes and the assigned values, this balance is a continuing deficit to the debtor and at first glance it would be an overwhelming feeling to know that if you think you are the debtor, you could owe millions, if not hundreds of millions. But, you must ask yourself this question, who is the creditor to this debtor? Is it the UNITED STATES, the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, or INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND? I think you know the answer. They are pretending to be the creditors, but did they give the substance or did you? Then why are they getting the interest (taxes) for the credit units that WE have supplied to the corporations? Shouldnt the corporations be paying the interest to us? How did this get turned upside down where the head is the tail and the tail is now the head? Turn to Deuteronomy 28 and read it, but specifically 43, 44 & 45; The stranger that is within you shall get up above you very high; and you shall come down very low. He shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. Moreover all these curses shall come upon you, and shall pursue you, and overtake you, till you be destroyed; because you hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord your God, to keep his commandments and his statues which he commanded you: Now that you can visualize the countless number of charges that have been entered on your strawman account by the IRS, what can you do about it? You can balance your account by ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE. The main reason why you must do this action is to keep this account at a zero balance so that you can discharge all of your debt that you CAN see. Drill. Set up your Treasury Account and discharge the debt in the name of the strawman corporation.


1. You will have to get a copy of your birth certificate and accept that for value. This is the document that the state issued for the purpose of creating an artificial person in your upper case name with an account so that the state could keep an accounting record of all the debt that has been assigned to that person. 2. While you are waiting for your copy of your birth certificate, you will have to make an invoice like they would have if they were able to give one to you. Since they will never do this, you will make one up yourself based on the birth certificate as this is the actual document evidencing that the strawman account really exists. This is the bill, the charge, the evidence of debt. Do not put an amount in the space provided, because you do not know how much they have entered into your account. Leave this blank and let them fill this amount in. 3. Now that you have the bill, the evidenced the debt, you need to discharge it. You will do this by means of a set-off, a cancellation of mutual debt, an exchange, a BILL OF EXCHANGE. Replace the generic data with your information and again DO NOT ENTER AND AMOUNT. Then sign the document. 4. Next compose the cover letter that you will send to Paul H ONeill, not the US Secretary of Treasury. The reason is that you, as a soveran in the private venue, cannot see or recognize a fiction whether it be a corporation or an office. You can only see or deal with the real man or woman. This is a private contract between you the creditor and Paul H ONeill, you agent for the bankruptcy to cancel the debt. 5. Go to your local IRS and get a 1040ES (Estimated Tax) Form and fill it out, but DO NOT sign it or fill in the AMOUNT. Again you do not know how much it is so let them fill it out. When they figure out how much the total debt is they will then pay themselves by using this form. 6. When you get your birth certificate, you will need to make a transparency for it. This consists of printing out the page that says Non-Negotiable CHARGEBACK on it. Take it down to a Mailboxes Etcs. and have them make RED transparency of it. Then situate the CHARGEBACK transparency on the birth certificate and have them make a color copy of it. Fill in the blanks appropriately. 7. While you are at the copy place, take your UCC-1 and make a copy of it also. Copy only the Financing Statement NOT the entire Security Agreement and attachments. 8. Now that you have the whole package, make a copy of the entire package which should include; a. Cover letter to John Snow

b. Invoice c. BILL OF EXCHANGE

d. Copy of birth certificate with CHARGEBACK stamp 121

e. f.

Copy of your UCC-1 Financing statement. 1040ES

9. Send the contents registered mail return receipt so that you know that someone has signed for it. 10. After you have received the green receipt back, wait 30 days and if you have not heard back then they have consented to all that you have requested. Following are the documents that you will need to complete this particular process. you will set up another closed account You will probably not use this account again, but Non-Negotiable

Charge Back
Paul H ONeill or Office Holder

Secretary of the Treasury

John Henory Doe accepts for value all related endorsements, front and back, in accordance with Uniform Commercial Code 3-419 and House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933. Charge Treasury Direct Account Number R987654321-123456789 for the registration fees and command the Memory of account number 123456789 to charge the same to the Debtors Order or the Order of Paul H ONeill or Office Holder. Employer Identification #123456789 Pre-Paid Preferred Stock Priority Exempt form Levy

Posted Registered Account # R987654321 _________________________________

Invoice: # JHD12252000-R987654321 John Henory Doe


Exempt from Levy Account # R987654321 Preferred Stock Posted Registered

Purpose: Name on Account:


Personal Treasury Direct Account # R987654321-123456789


Amount: Respondent:

______________ John Snow

Attached please find Invoice # JHD12252000-R987654321 and a copy of the undersigneds nonnegotiable acceptance for value of the attached CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH, representing the original birth document wherever it may be at this time, with all related endorsements, front and back, and correlating numbers, in accord with UCC 3-419, relying on UCC 1-104 and 10-104. Said accepted Certificate of Birth, original document of title, and related numbers are included in and are part of the Undersigneds commercial agreements. 1. Please charge back _____________________ to the JOHN HENRY DOES Treasury Direct Account # R987654321-123456789, Deducting the fees necessary to secure and register this tax exempt priority exchange for the purpose of discharging a public liability, for this priority exchange to discharge the public liability. Please command the memory of account # 123456789 to charge the same certain sum of money to the Debtors Treasury Direct Account named above, after the necessary fees have been deducted. The posted registered account # R987654321, which is part of the undersigneds tax estimate, is directed for priority use for the Republic as referenced in Article Four Section Four of the Constitution for the United States, and is in accord with public policy House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, for discharge of the public debt. Please take the Undersigneds Bankers Acceptance of the attached Article Seven receipt, in exchange for the tax exempt priority. This non-negotiable BILL OF EXCHANGE is presented to the Respondent to the Federal Window, for settlement within the three-day Truth and Lending time for settlement of retail agreements. With this posted transaction, the charge back documented by the enclosed forms, for use by the Republic is complete.




5. Failure of the Respondent to notice the Undersigned of his refusal or inability to timely adjust said Direct Treasury Account within thirty(30) days of receipt of this instrument, shall constitute confirmation that said account has been adjusted as requested herein. 6. Should additional information or assistance be required to comply with this request, please direct inquiries to the Undersigned at the mailing location provided below.

Sincerely, Dated:___________________. ____________________________________ John Henory Doe via JOHN HENORY DOE 123456789 ? 0119 N. Broadway Stock Tucson, Arizona Exempt from Levy 85799 Pre-Paid - Preferred Priority Employer Identification #


Following is a speech by Representative Traficant who Reports On The Bankruptcy Of The United States,United States Congressional Record, March 1, 1993 VOL. 33, page H-1303 The Speaker - Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House. 123

Several people have looked in Law Libraries for the above speech and references, however the documents can not yet be located, therefore this is not verified and cannot be stated as fact. However, Travicants speech is very eloquent, to the point and can be supported with other documented facts. Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. . . Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; Declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H. J. R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Government Offices, Officers and Departments and is futher evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a defacto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H. R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?" Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the United States of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold and silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) made no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money." The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the


Constitution for the United States of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, - gold and silver coin. It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money, and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper in debt. We the People no longer have any "money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country? Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRN's are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). Whenever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs. Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRN's has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRN's, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRN's are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank. There is a fundamental difference between "paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRN's, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good and valuable consideration." Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already. Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations. The Federal Reserve System, is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal "person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. (1:9:3) The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same. 125

Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principal. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until Federal Reserve Act (1913). "Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, - in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title, the U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th. Amendment U.S. citizens, to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn't have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves," the U.S. citizens, as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledge the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forest, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers. Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, Feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another. This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed" knowledge: Of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it's easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt. Why don't more people own their properties outright? Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less? We are reaping what has been sown, and the result of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it. America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war. Bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your country.

Power of Acceptance: A Practical Course in Miracles 5


PURPOSE: To convert debt energy into credit energy through Acceptance. Learn the Art of Acceptance and the resulting Power received by returning energy back to the source. Learn the basics of the Administrative Process in order to get a contract Learn that every offer is like money in the bank to you. Learn procedures when default occurs including how to initiate bankruptcy in a foreign proceeding (YOURS). Learn how to take your equity back from banks and other debtors who have been using your credit. Learn how to liquidate debtor properties and transfer title in the public as well as the private venue, and to evict the tenants using the same procedure the banks have been using for many years.

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to contract with any and all private and public entities for your advantage through acceptance. There are 3 sections to this course; 1. Creating the Contract 2. Enacting the Contract 3. Enforcing the Contract Let us begin by defining some very key words in order to understand Acceptance. Contract. An agreement between two or more persons which creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. Its essentials are competent parties, subject matter, a legal consideration, mutuality of agreement, and mutuality of obligation. Offer. v. To bring to or before; to present for acceptance or rejection; to hold out or proffer; to make a proposal to; to exhibit something that may be taken or received or not. n. A proposal to do a thing or pay an amount, usually accompanied by an expected acceptance, counter-offer, return promise or act. A manifestation of willingness to enter into a bargain, so made as to justify another person in understanding that his assent to that bargain is invited and will conclude it. Offer and acceptance. In a bilateral contract, the two elements which constitute mutual assent, a requirement of the contract. In a unilateral contract, the acceptance is generally the act or performance of the offeree, though, in most jurisdictions, a promise to perform is inferred if the offeree commences the undertaking and the offeror attempts to revoke before the offeree has had an opportunity to complete the act. Offeree. In contracts, the person to whom an offer is made by the offeror. Accept. To receive with approval or satisfaction; to receive with intent to retain. Admit and agree to; accede to or consent to; receive with approval; adopt; agree to. 127

Accept. [L. acceptare, from ad, to + capio, to take.] To take or receive, as something offered; received with approbation or favor; take as it comes; accede or assent to (a treaty, a proposal); to acknowledge, especially by signature, and thus to promise to pay (a bill of exchange). The Consolidated Webster s Encyclopedic Dictionary 1933 Acceptance. The taking and receiving of anything in good part, and as it were a tacit agreement to a preceding act, which might have been defeated or avoided if such acceptance had not been made. Tacit. Existing, inferred, or understood without being openly expressed or stated; implied by silence or silent acquiescence, as a tacit agreement or a tacit understanding. Done or made in silence, implied or indicated, but not actually expressed. Manifested by the refraining from contradiction or objection; inferred from the situation and circumstances, in the absence of express matter. Tacit acceptance. A tacit acceptance of an inheritance takes place when some act is done by the heir which necessarily supposes his intention to accept and which he would have no right to do but in his capacity as heir. Tacit law. A law which derives its authority from the common consent of the people without any legislative enactment. As you know by now, UNITED STATES is a trust with our forefathers as the Grantors, the government agents as the Trustees and we as the beneficiaries or heirs. All property and energy (in the CAFRs) that the government has in its apparent possession is our inheritance. But, we have never ACCEPTED it! We have never claimed it back.. until now. Power. [LL potere, to be able, from L. posse, from potis, able + esse, to be.] Ability to act; the faculty of doing or performing something; capability; the right of governing or actual government; dominion; rule; authority; a sovereign; a spirit or superhuman agent having a certain sway (celestial powers); the moving force applied to produce the required effect; Power of Acceptance. Capacity of offeree, upon acceptance of terms of offer, to create binding contract. When you get an offer, THE OFFEROR JUST PUT YOU IN A POSITION OF POWER! What an honor! Why not accept that gift?

Since the strawman is a corporation created by the state to account for the credit that they are using in your name, it stands to reason that the strawman represents UNITED STATES and THEIR debt not you and your debt. You are the creditor, and the state or UNITED STATES is the debtor. They owe you exemption for using your credit, but since they are bankrupt, there is no substance money, so you, as the creditor, will have


to get paid by taking equity, such as your house and your car as a setoff. As one can see from the above definitions, you are a banker that can issue BILLS OF EXCHANGE (BOE) intended to be circulated as money. Since that is what ALL currency is today your credit it should not be a stretch for the imagination to think that you can USE YOUR OWN CREDIT! However, you are not going to use your credit which creates more debt you are going to use your EXEMPTION. Exemption. Freedom from a general duty or service; immunity from a general burden, tax, or charge, Immunity from service of process or from certain legal obligations, as jury duty, military service, or the payment of taxes; Property exempt in bankruptcy proceedings is provided for under Bankruptcy Code sec. 522. Exempt. [L. exemptum, to take out, to remove, from ex, out + emo, to buy, to take.] To free or permit to be free from any charge, burden, restraint, duty to which others are subject; to grant immunity. Accept. [L. acceptare, from ad, to + capio, to take.] To take or receive, as something offered; to acknowledge with a signature and thus promise to pay a Bill of Exchange. All municipalities and corporations are bankrupt because they have no substance to back up their currency. We, as sovereigns, bailed them out by letting them use OUR PROPERTY as collateral, then they mortgaged it and Voila! there was currency. However, we are EXEMPT because they are using our credit to make trillions of dollars a year, and therefore, we are entitled to take a portion of their equity in return. You are going TO TAKE what is already yours and in your possession. Since there is no money, you can only take equity goods and services from the corporations using your credit as they are BANKRUPT! You will be sending a copy of the BOE to John Snow in a private capacity as the trustee for the US Bankruptcy. This is done privately because you cannot deal with a fiction.


You are foreign to UNITED STATES and all other corporations, so you can use your EXEMPTION as a FOREIGN BILL OF EXCHANGE to pay the balance due in another country (or should we say corporation such as UNITED STATES). The balance representing the interest that a person owes you when they are using YOUR credit. Since the strawman is a corporation created by the state to account for the credit that they are using in your name, it stands to reason that the strawman represents UNITED STATES and THEIR debt not you. Not your debt. You are the creditor, and the state or UNITED STATES is the debtor. They owe you interest for using your credit, but since they are bankrupt, there is no substance money, so you, as the creditor, will have to get paid by taking equity, such as your house and your car as a setoff. Power of acceptance. Capacity of offeree, upon acceptance of the terms of the offer, to create a binding contract. House Joint Resolution 192, June 5, 1933, states that one cannot demand a certain form of currency that they want to receive if it is dollar for dollar as ALL CURRENCY IS YOUR CREDIT!! If they do, they are in breach of the contract of HJR 192. You have already accepted this contract and now they must perform. Pursuant to the contract with the corporation of which you are discharging the debt, and HJR 192, they must give you a Letter of Release or Payment in Full. If you have not received the release in 14 days then send them a DEFAULT and contact a notary to do a process that will give you a CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR, because they are in breach of the contract at this time.
Remember in the Bible who offers? Sinners offer offerings to God. That is why you never, never make an offer, because you are admitting that you are the sinner the debtor, one who is obligated. So when an agent of a fictitious entity (your creation) gives you an offer, they are acknowledging that you are their creator, their god and that they are honoring you and returning their appreciation and energy back to you that you have created them. There is another type of acceptance called a conditional acceptance.


Acceptance, Conditional. An engagement to pay the draft or accept the offer on the happening of a condition. A conditional acceptance is in effect a statement that the offeree is willing to enter into a bargain differing in some respects from that proposed in the original offer. The conditional acceptance is, therefore, itself a counter offer. Counteroffer. A statement by the offeree which has the legal effect of rejecting the offer and of proposing a new offer to the offeror. As one can see if you have a condition, it is not complete acceptance. One is actually rejecting and making a new offer. Now you have just returned the power to them. I have seen very good conditional acceptances which shifts the burden of proof to the one making the offer and this appears to be effective. The conditional acceptances are a very good gradient to the full acceptance or absolute acceptance. Absolute. [L absolutus to set free, from ab from + solvo to loose.] Freed from limitation or condition; unconditional; unlimited by extraneous power or control; complete in itself; finished; perfect; positive; decided; self-existing; without restriction. Since you are the creator or the god of this system and everything in it, then you can accept all the offers they give you - ABSOLUTELY! Remember what duplication means and that no 2 objects can be in the same space at the same time? Well, when you DUPLICATE an offer, you make the entire matter disappear! Which acceptance do you think has more power, Conditional Acceptance where you are depending on THEM to provide the condition, or Absolute Acceptance where it does not matter what offer is made, you are able or have the power to accept it and it becomes perfect and finished. It sets you free from the obligation completely! However, some may be saying I would never accept what the government is trying to get me to do! You must first do what is called Finding it. You must first look at the document or hear what they are actually saying. Who are they talking to, you or the strawman? Who does the strawman represent you or the one who created that account to keep the accounting of how much they owe you as the Creditor? This is one of the biggest misconception of the strawman that it represents you. No, it represents UNITED STATES. It is a sub-corporation of UNITED STATES, a transmitting utility, to deal with you, to interface with the Creditor and to get the Creditor to think he is the debtor. So, how do you find it? You just read and define the words and take the viewpoint of the Creditor and listen to what they want the DEBTOR to do not you. They cannot even see you or hear you because you are real, not fiction like them. Can a fiction see or hear ANYTHING? Can you see or hear a fiction? Nope! So why do you insist that you are the one they are dealing with? Find it and do an ABSOLUTE ACCEPTANCE! As far as the truth goes, I dont care WHAT they do with the fictional debtor, in their fictional courts with fictional statutes.


In the Matrix, while waiting to see the Oracle (the word or thought), Neo observed a gifted child bend a spoon. The child said, try not to think that you can bend the spoon, that is impossible. The truth is there is no spoon. Remember when Neo got shot in the chest and thought he was dead? Through unconditional love, Trinity called him back and woke him up. He thought he was dead, but he wasnt. When he got up and looked again at the agents what did he see? He saw them as they really were digital images with no significance. What was there to be afraid of? He then realized that he was the ONE and that he had no limitation and they did. He saw through the Matrix, behind the curtain of the Wizard of OZ, through the corporate veil. They were created so they had limitations. He was not the creation but the creator, and therefore had no limitations. Look at what this system REALLY is not what it appears to be. Lets go into a specific demonstration of a Contract. Let's assume you have just received an offer from someone, it could be a traffic ticket, a demand from an insurance company, a demand to stop crossing someone else's property, or a notice of foreclosure, etc.


PURPOSE: As a Creditor of UNITED STATES and all other sub-corporations private and public, you are owed equity and interest for the gold and all property that your forefathers and you loaned them starting March 9, 1933 to date. There is NO MONEY, so in order to start getting integrity and ethics back into society, you must NOTICE your DEBTORS of what you expect them to do and the consequences if they do not comply, but first you must ESTABLISH THE LAW. Your acceptance of any and all offers is a binding contract to the Offeror and tells them what you want and how things are going to be done in this CREDITOR/DEBTOR relationship. This file contains all the documents you will need to PERFECT YOUR CLAIM, TAKE BACK YOUR EQUITY and most of all, ENSURE JUSTICE IS DONE; 1. Notice of Acceptance to Contract 2. Notice of Default 3. Notice of Dishonor from Notary Public

4. Notice of Protest and Opportunity to Cure from Notary Public 5. Certificate of Dishonor - from Notary Public 6. Notice of Default and Entry for Default Judgment 7. Default Judgment - from 3 Creditors 8. Notice of Acceptance - to be file at the Secretary of State The following steps are sequence of events that must occur to get your Contract established and enacted as the supreme law of the land.
1. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO CONTRACT Word process the Notice of Acceptance to Contract for all of the correct information Print the Notice of Acceptance to Contract out, read it several times for correctness and MAKE SURE YOU DESIGNATE A THIRD PARTY RECEIVER WITH NAME AND ADDRESS, Stamp the OFFER with your Acceptance for Value stamp and sign it and send the ORIGINAL OFFER to Respondent, then get the Notice notarized. Send the Notice of Acceptance to Contract by registered mail, return receipt so you have proof that they received your Contract you are in the process of creating. Send the copies of the above documents to the Respondent(s) and keep the originals 2. NOTICE OF DEFAULT After the 10 days send them a Notice of Default. This means total failure. This notice completes your court procedure as a sovereign in your nation that is foreign to the public venue. Now you will need to pursue this matter in the public venue in their legal proceedings, however it will not go into the courts you are familiar with. You must take this matter up with the SECRETARY OF STATE of the state you in which you live.. Secretary of State. In American law. Title of the chief of the executive bureau of the United States called the Department of State. He is a member of the cabinet, and is charged with the general administration of the international and diplomatic affairs of the government. In many of the state governments there is an executive officer bearing the same title and exercising important functions. In English law. The secretaries of state are cabinet ministers attending the sovereign for the receipt and dispatch of letters, grants, petitions, and many of the most important affairs of the kingdom, both foreign and domestic. Blacks 4th edition You are a foreign nation in their eyes, so you must go through the proper channels so that you can utilize the functions and duties of the Secretary of State general administration of the international affairs and attending the sovereign. There are many designees of the Secretary of the state in the area you live, normally called Notary Publics. Find a private Notary Public that you 133

can work with; OR create one by getting a friend to become a Notary who understands this procedure. 3. NOTICE OF DISHONOR Notary Public Now we will go through the process called a Notarial Protest, a very powerful process that will create a witness against the debtor through a Public Official. Following is the definition of a Notary Public according to Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th edition. It is important to know why you need to use a Notary Public. Notary Public: A public officer whose function it is to administer oaths; to attest and certify, by her or his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; to take acknowledgements of deeds and other conveyances, and certify the same; and to perform certain official acts, chiefly in commercial matters such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and marine protests in cases of loss or damage. One who is authorized by the State or Federal Government to administer oaths, and to attest to the authenticity of signatures. Blacks 6th edition NOTARY PUBLIC. A legal practitioner, usually a solicitor, who attests or certifies deeds and other documents and notes or protests dishonored bills of exchange. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) Title 41-332;

Secretary of the State; deputy county clerk; county clerk functions

each clerk of the superior court shall deputize the secretary of state and the secretarys designees as deputy county clerks of the superior court solely for the performance of the superior court clerks functions All notary publics are assigned a commission by the secretary of the state and deputized by the notary public of the Superior Court. Commission: An authority or writ issuing from a court, in relation to a cause before it, directing and authorizing a person or persons named to do some act or exercise some special function; usually to take the depositions of witnesses. Commissioner: A person to whom a commission is directed by the government or a court. A person with a commission. An officer who is charged with the administration of the laws relating to some particular subject matter, or the management of some bureau or agency of the government. Member of a commission or board. Specially appointed officer of the Court. TABELLIO. In Roman law. An officer corresponding in some respects to a notary. His business was to draw legal instruments, (contracts, wills, etc.,) and witness their execution. Tabelliones differed from notaries in many respects; they had judicial jurisdiction in some cases, and from their judgments there were no appeals. Notaries were then the clerks or aiders of the tabelliones; they received the agreements of the parties, which they reduced to short notes; and these 134

contracts were not binding until they were written in extenso, which was done by the tabelliones. Blacks 4th edition In summary of the above definitions, a Notary Public is a commissioner designated by the secretary of the state and deputized to be a deputy superior court clerk to hear certain issues presented to them by foreign agents by taking depositions of the parties termed notes. In order for the notes (contracts) to be binding they are registered in the extenso, a public record. We now file with the secretary of state to register our contracts and securities. BILL OF EXCHANGE. An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person (the drawer/debtor) to another (the drawee/your strawman) and signed by the person giving it, requiring the drawee to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a specified sum of money to or to the order of a specified person (the payee/John Snow/trustee of U.S. Bankruptcy) or to the bearer. If the bill is payable at a future time the drawee (your strawman) signifies his acceptance (by you as the creditor of both the drawer and drawee AND the payee), which makes him the party primarily liable upon the bill; the drawer and endorsers may also be liable upon a bill. The use of bills of exchange enables one person to transfer to another an enforceable right to a sum of money. A bill of exchange is not only transferable but also negotiable, since if a person without an enforceable right to the money transfers a bill to a holder in due course, the latter obtains a good title to it. Much of the law on bills of exchange is codified by the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and the Cheques Act 1992. Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press Market House Books Ltd 1997 DISHONOR. Failure to honor a bill of exchange. This may be by nonacceptance, when a bill of exchange is presented for acceptance and this is refused or cannot be obtained (or when presentment for acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted); or by nonpayment, when the bill is presented for payment and payment is refused or cannot be obtained (or when presentment is excused and the bill is overdue and unpaid). In both cases the holder has an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and endorsers, but foreign bills that have been dishonored must first be protested (see protest). --Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 NOTE A BILL. When a foreign bill has been dishonored, it is usual for a notary public to present it again on the same day and if it be not then paid, to make a minute, consisting of his initials, the day, month, and year, and reason, if assigned, of non-acceptance. The making of this minute is called noting the bill.

UCC 3 505.

Protest; Noting for Protest

* * * (b) A protest is a certificate of dishonor made by a United States consul or vice consul, or a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths by the law of the place where dishonor occurs. It may be made upon information satisfactory to that person. The protest shall identify the instrument and certify either that presentment has been made or, if not made, the reason why it was not made, and that the instrument has been dishonored by non-acceptance or nonpayment. The protest may also certify that notice of dishonor has been given to some or all parties.


NOTING. 1. The procedure adopted if a bill of exchange has been dishonored by non-acceptance or by non-payment. Not later than the next business day after the day on which it was dishonored, the holder has to hand it to a notary public to be noted. The notary re-presents the bill; if it is still unaccepted or unpaid, the circumstances are noted in a register and also on a Notarial ticket, which is attached to the bill. The noting can then, if necessary, be extended to a protest. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 NOTING. The act of a Notary in minuting on a bill of exchange, after it has been presented for acceptance or payment, the initials of his name, the date of the day, month, and year when such presentment was made, and the reason, if any has been assigned, for non-acceptance or non-payment, together with his charge. Blacks 4th MINUTES. Practice. A memorandum of what takes place in court, made by authority of the court. Blacks 4th edition CHARGE. In Equity practice. A written statement presented to a master in chancery (notary public) by a party (you) of the items with which the opposite party should be debited or should account for, or of the claim of the party making it. A charge may embrace the whole liabilities of the accounting party. TICKET. In contracts. A slip of paper containing a certificate that the person to whom it is issued, or the holder, is entitled to some right or privilege therein mentioned or described; Blacks 4th edition JUDGMENT NOTE. A promissory note (contract), embodying an authorization toa clerk of the court (or a notary public), to enter an appearance for the maker of the note and confess a judgment against him for a sum therein named, upon default of payment of the note. Blacks 4th edition PROTEST. A Notarial act, being a formal statement in writing made by a notary under his seal of office, at the request of the holder of a bill or note, in which it is declared that the bill or note described was on a certain day presented for payment or acceptance and that such payment or acceptance was refused, and stating the reasons, if any, given for such refusal, whereupon the notary protests against all parties to such instrument, and declares that they will be held responsible for all loss or damage arising from its dishonor. It denotes also all the steps or acts accompanying dishonor necessary to charge an endorser. Blacks 4th edition PROTEST. 2. A procedure by which a notary provides formal evidence of the dishonor of a bill of exchange. When a foreign bill has been dishonored by nonacceptance or nonpayment it is handed to the notary, who usually presents it again. If it is still dishonored, the notary attaches a slip showing the answer received and other particulars - a process called noting. The protest, in the form of a formal document, may then be drawn up at a later time. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Locate a Notary Public that is knowledgeable and willing to do your Notarial Protest. There are 3 documents needed for this process: Notice of Dishonor, 136

Notice of Protest and Opportunity to Cure, and a Certificate of Dishonor. The first document is a Notice of Dishonor, which the Notary issues to the Offeror to allow them a second opportunity to provide evidence to substantiate their claim. Basically the Notary Public is acting in the capacity of taking a deposition from witnesses. The Notary Public has been shown your affidavit (sworn statement) and now the Notary is asking for the Offerors affidavit (sworn statement). 4. NOTICE OF PROTEST AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE Notary Public This notice will allow an additional 10 days to give the debtor another chance to bring the evidence forth to support any claim that they may be professing. 5. CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR Notary Public If in 10 days the Notary Public does not receive a response point for point by affidavit with documented evidence, the debtor has defaulted and therefore dishonored your acceptance. Then the Notary prepares a Notarial Protest which the Notary keeps for her/his own records, and issues you a Certificate of Dishonor. The Certificate of Dishonor is actually just as valid as a Default Judgment in a Superior Court. 6. NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT Now that you have a Default in your private venue and a Default in the public venue and the Debtor is still not responding, you will go to an international venue to finalize this matter. This will be done by an INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL consisting of 3 other disinterested parties that are Creditors (anyone who has filed a UCC-1 in the state you are doing business in). International agreements. Treaties and other agreements of a contractual character between different countries or organizations of states (foreign) creating legal rights and obligations between the parties. Tribunal. The seat of a judge; a court of law; the place where he administers justice. The whole body of judges who compose a jurisdiction; a judicial court; Blacks 6th edition Tribunal. [L. tribunus, a magistrate or officer, from tribus, tribe.] Tribune. An officer in ancient Rome who represented a tribe for certain purposes; an offer or magistrate chosen by the common people of Rome to protect them from the oppression of the patricians; also a military officer commanding a division or legion; a raised seat or stand; the throne of a bishop; a sort of pulpit or rostrum where a speaker stands to address an assembly. Tribe. [L. tribus, one of the three bodies into which the Romans were originally divided, from tres three.] A division, class, or distinct portion of a people or nation. The reason we call this court an INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL is that it is an action where an organization of a state has not performed according to the original agreement (such a HJR 192, Public Policy 73-10, etc.) they have with the initial Creditor who is foreign to said organizations venue. The magistrates who judge this matter represent their own nations. Therefore, this matter is an international matter which must be decided in an international venue.


You will present the 3 Creditors with a package consisting of all of your notices and actions that you have done up to this point. The 3 Creditors will review what you have done for correctness with specific attention on continuity of what you have claimed throughout your contract. Any contradictory statements or facts will be pointed out and will need to be corrected or amended as necessary. It may even require sending a correction statement to the Debtor to handle the error or point out in the paperwork. You will write the NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT in affidavit form summarizing the actions of what you have done to this point. The purpose for this document is to enter this matter into the international venue where 3 Creditors will review the matter and witness a response, if any, from the Debtor. 7. DEFAULT JUDGMENT BY 3 CREDITORS After ten (10) days have elapsed with no response from Debtor, and after inspecting that all documents are in alignment and correct, and upon finding no evidence of a proper response to the contract, the 3 Creditors will sign a DEFAULT JUDGMENT in front of a Notary Public stating what they have found is true and correct. UCC 9-601. Rights After Default; (a) [Rights or secured party after default.] After default, a secured party has the rights provided in this part and except as otherwise provided in Section 9-602, those provided by agreement of the parties. A secured party: 1. may reduce a claim to judgment, foreclose, or otherwise enforce the claim, security interest, or agricultural lien by any available judicial procedure; and UCC 9-607. Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party. (b) [Non-judicial enforcement of mortgage.] If necessary to enable a secured party to exercise under subsection (a)(3) the right of a debtor to enforce a mortgage nonjudicially, the secured party may record in the office in which a record of the mortgage is recorded: 1. a copy of the security agreement that creates or provides for a security interest in the obligation secured by the mortgage; and 2. the secured partys sworn affidavit in recordable form stating that: a. b. a default has occurred; and the secured party is entitled to enforce the mortgage nonjudicially.

Your contract is the security agreement. The affidavit, entitled NOTICE OF DEFAULT, is the sworn affidavit in recordable form stating that a default has occurred. 138

UCC 9-609. Secured Partys Right to Take Possession After Default. (a) [Possession; rendering equipment unusable; disposition on debtors premises.] After default, a secured party: 1. may take possession of the collateral;

(b) [Judicial and non-judicial process.] A secured party may proceed under subsection (a): (2) without judicial process, if it proceeds without breach of the peace. Now that you have completed your non-judicial process, you can collect the collateral and take possession of it This completes the Dishonor process. The next process will be covered in a separate set of instructions. The next process is INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE. THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. IT IS CERTAIN THAT THERE WILL BE IMPROVEMENTS TO THIS PROCESS AND WE WILL STRIVE TO GET THE INFORMATION TO YOU. IN THE MEANTIME, LEARN IT, IMPROVE ON IT YOURSELF, AND SPREAD IT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO IS DETERMINED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CREATION OF THEIR WORLD.

John Henry Doe

c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 8574 Secured Party

Contract No 101101-JHD-US

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Virginia Mathis, d.b.a. Magistrate Morton Sitver, d.b.a. Magistrate Dick Mesh, d.b.a. Assistant U.S. Attorney Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Chuck Jones, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Mr. Metelski, d.b.a Police Officer #5794 Mr. Moore, d.b.a. Police Officer #6803 Raymond Garcia, d.b.a. U.S. Pretrial Services Officer 139

Donna Long, d.b.a. Finance Manager, BELL LEXUS Respondents



) ) ss


I, John Henry Doe, hereinafter Secured Party, am competent to state the matters included in this contract which are true, correct and complete, and not meant to mislead.


1. Secured Party I, John Henry Doe, am a Sovereign without subjects. I am a Foreign Nation (not a person) who rules autonomously and is not subject to any entity or jurisdiction anywhere. My authority for this contract is the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic power, property, and responsibilities of the sovereign individual. I choose to comply with mutual respect, which serves to bring harmony to society. All national and state "constitutions, laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules, codes and public policy" in all nations and states are private copyrighted material. I do not possess a license or have authority to use such copyrighted material and consequently this material does not have any authority over me, my property or my personal affairs. I have complete sovereign immunity and therefore, my power to contract is unlimited. 2. Respondents The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, is a legal person and a corporation, and the following persons in their private capacities: John Snow, d.b.a. Secretary of the Treasury; Virginia Mathis, d.b.a. Magistrate; Morton Sitver, d.b.a. Magistrate; Dick Mesh, d.b.a. Assistant U.S. Attorney; Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent; Chuck Jones, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent; Mr. Moore, d.b.a. Police Officer #6803; Mr. Metelski, d.b.a. Police Officer #5794, Raymond Garcia, d.b.a. U.S. Pretrial Services Officer; Donna Long, d.b.a. Finance Manager, Bell Lexus; Bell Lexus; and John Doe, 1-10; are agents of the private corporations, BELL LEXUS, COUNTY OF MARICOPA, STATE OF ARIZONA, UNITED STATES and UNITED NATIONS.


3. In 1871, the UNITED STATES incorporated in England, which in turn made it an English corporation. Due to impending bankruptcy in 1933, the UNITED STATES made a "New Deal" (a contract) with the UNITED STATES citizens (not the American Sovereigns) on March 9, 1933 entitled, Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session. The contract stated that "It (the new money) will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation." As a result, title of property was turned over to the State as evidenced by the statement in the contract, "The ownership of all property is in the State". In order to account for the increase gained by use of the people's property, the UNITED STATES created artificial entities for each of the people using their owns names, however spelled in all capital letters. For example, John Doe the man would have an entity entitled JOHN DOE. 4. On or about October 31, 1954, The UNITED STATES under contract with the creditor of the bankruptcy created an artificial entity entitled JOHN HENRY DOE. The application for the birth certificate created by the state when John Henry Doe was born was the instrument upon which the Artificial Entity was created. Thus the application for the birth certificate, hereinafter title, was registered in the commercial registry through a constructive contract created by the state and through this title made John Henry Doe the fiduciary for the artificial entity.

5. All contracts i.e., application for drivers license, application for Social Security and any other adhesion, constructive, gratuitous, onerous, quasi and any other invisible contracts were made with the artificial entity created by the state - NOT with the Secured Party, John Henry Doe as the Secured Party, I hereby accept for value all of the above contracts.

6. On August 23 2000, I, John Henry Doe filed UCC-1 Financing Statement #2000-2360017 with the Secretary of State in the State of Washington which included the Security Agreement between the Debtor, JOHN HENRY DOE (the fictitious entity created by the state) and the superior claimant of right, John Henry Doe. This act secured title to the artificial entity created by the state and secures to John Henry Doe all property attached to the artificial entity under the name of JOHN HENRY DOE. This claim is undisputed and therefore stands by fiat that John Henry Doe is Secured Party, Holder In Due Course and creditor of JOHN HENRY DOE. 7. On October 1, 2001, Secured Party was arrested by Phoenix Police Officers Metelski and Moore in the office of Donna Long, at Bell Lexus and was handcuffed and detained against his will. Secret Service Agents Jones and Mendoza arrived and Agent Mendoza proceeded to interview the Secured Party. Secured Party immediately gave the above mentioned parties testimony of the Secretary of State of the State of Washington that stated John Henry Doe is in fact the Secured Party and superior claimant to all matters involving the person charged. Officer Metelski, Officer Moore and Secret Service Agents Jones and Mendoza knew or should have known that Secured Party is not in the UNITED STATES or any of their agents jurisdiction.


Officer Metelski threatened Secured Party with physical violence if Secured Party did not comply with their demands.

8. Secured Party was then asked for consent to search his house, which Secured Party shares with the owner of the house, Darren Starwynn. Secured Party initially declined said consent and then was advised by Agent Mendoza that if he did not give consent that they would get a search warrant and violate Mr. Starwynns privacy as well. Only under this threat, duress and coercion, did Secured Party agree to allow the agents to search only his own possessions in residence. Agents Jones and Mendoza then took Secured Partys two computer systems, along with several boxes of files and folders of legal documents, as well as checks and other documentation against Secured Partys will. 9. Secured Party was then incarcerated, arraigned before Virgina Mathis on 10/2/01, and was taken before Morton Sitver on 10/3/01 on a detainment hearing. Secured Party conditionally accepted a public defender to represent the debtor under the condition that the interests of the Secured Party be put first before the interests of the court and the interests of the UNITED STATES. On 10/3/01 Secured Party was released on personal recognizance and was advised that the Debtor would be placed in third party custody of Darren Starwynn, with various restrictions and requirements of reporting. 10. Secured Party has accepted for value all offers to contract made by the above named respondents with a qualified acceptance of Secured Party's additional terms and conditions. 11. Secured Party, on behalf of the artificial entity, JOHN HENRY DOE, hereby accepts the offer to contract with a qualified acceptance and herein states the new terms and conditions.


12. Each Respondent agrees to compensate Secured Party for the following: each arrest arrest $10,000.000. B. $1,000,000.00 for each day of involuntary servitude @ 2 days 2,000,000. C. $1,000,000.00 for each court appearance, warrant or ticket A. @ 1 arrest warrant, and 2 court appearances $3,000,000. D. E. $100,000.00 per day that the warrant is in effect @ 8 days $800,000. $100,000.00 per day that Secured Partys possessions are are retained.@ 8 $800,000. days $10,000,000.00 for @1 $




October 9, $16,600,000.

2001 142

13. Each Respondent has 10 days from the time of this notice to deliver funds to Secured Party. 14. In the event each Respondent does not deliver $16,600,000 plus daily fines to Secured Party as agreed to in the contract, Respondent hereby agrees to be subject to involuntary bankruptcy proceedings on each party in their private and public capacity. 15. In the event Respondents withdraw their offer to contract entitled, CRIMINAL COMPLAINT, Case Number 01-0313M, within 10 days then this contract will become void and Secured Party will not proceed with the enforcement of the above terms and conditions.

16. Notice is hereby given that Secured Party does not consent to Respondents judging him on any matter in any instance, at any location, at any time now or in the future. 17. Secured Party does not consent to incarceration, detainment, or punishment in any manner. 18. Secured Party hereby demands that all personal property that was taken from him without his free will consent from the Secret Service agents and Jones be returned to him immediately. 19. All terms and conditions of this agreement are approved by both parties. 20. If Respondent wishes to respond to this contract, it must be in form of Affidavit, point for point, with supporting documentation and mailed to Secured Partys agent, Notary Public William Smith at 41 S. Mesa Drive, #A, Mesa, Arizona 85210. It has been said, so it is done. 2001. _____________________________ Signed and Sealed this 9th day of October

John Henry Doe, Secured Party



Maricopa county )

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of _____________ 2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:


_____________________________ Notary Public

John Henry Doe

c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Secured Party

Contract No 101101-JHD-US

To: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Virginia Mathis, d.b.a. Magistrate Morton Sitver, d.b.a. Magistrate Dick Mesh, d.b.a. Assistant U.S. Attorney Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Chuck Jones, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Mr. Metelski, d.b.a Police Officer #5794 Mr. Moore, d.b.a. Police Officer #6803 Raymond Garcia, d.b.a. U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Donna Long, d.b.a. Finance Manager, BELL LEXUS



) ) ss


Pima County

Notice is hereby given, that the above named respondents are in Default upon the contract, entitled Notice of Acceptance to Contract presented to you on 7 November 2001, and therefore a Notarial Protest has been entered upon them. By the terms and conditions of the agreement contained in the Secured Party's affidavit, you were under obligation to timely and in good faith protest and make proper presentment with proof of your claim or interest. Your failure to do so is a dishonor and places you at Default.


By your default, you are deemed to be under the new terms and conditions of our original contract #101101-JSC-US, and have therefore waived all of your rights to your original presentment and terms. Any attempt to collect on your original presentment places you personally at risk for any damages incurred per this contract and may subject you to criminal sanctions and involuntary bankruptcy. In order to exhaust all administrative remedies, it is required that a Notarial Protest be executed to obtain any evidence and/or testimony from Respondent that could aid in his defense. In the event no response is received by the Public Official (Notary), this will act as a witness against Respondent. Upon default, a CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR will be issued which will act as a Default Judgment against Respondent who will then be taken in to bankruptcy liquidation whereby all the equity in the name of Respondent will be disposed of in a foreign proceeding. _______________________________ 11/27/01 Doe July 13, 2002 John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 John Henry

William Smith, Notary Public P.O. Box 86182 Tucson. Arizona 85754

Request for Notarial Protest

This is a request for you to enter a Notarial Protest to the attached list of Respondents at their respective addresses. I have included Contract #101101-JHD-US beginning with the first Notice mailed, with proof of service, dated August 19, 2001; The Second Notice dated September 6, 2001; and Default Judgment, dated October 7, 2001


Would you please follow up on this private negotiation under your notary seal and send along the accompanying acceptance of each of their acts and actions of which I have enclosed herewith. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. Sincerely _____________________________ John Henry Doe


NOTICE OF DISHONOR 1/3/2000 Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent 105 E Speedway Phoenix, Arizona 85684 Dear Mr. Mendoza, I received a request by affidavit for a protest pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues at Sections 47-3505(a), from John Henry Doe, who informed me you dishonored his presentments consisting of the NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO CONTRACT and NOTICE OF DEFAULT dated 1/2/2000 and sent to you at 105 E Speedway NW, Washington D.C. 20220 on 1/2/2000, as evidenced by U.S. Postal Service CERTIFICATE OF MAILING verifying the contents of the Mail package. In the event your dishonor through non-acceptance or non-performance was unintentional or due to reasonable neglect or impossibility, I am attaching a copy of the same presentment to this Notice. You may respond to me, and I will forward your response to John Henry Doe. Your response is expected no later than ten (10) days from the postmark of this Notice of Dishonor. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, ______________________________________ Notary Public (name) Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________




NOTICE OF PROTEST AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE 1/4/2000 Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent 105 E Speedway Phoenix, Arizona 85684

Dear Mr. Mendoza, On 1/3/2000, I sent you a Notice of Dishonor regarding the presentments of NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO CONTRACT and NOTICE OF DEFAULT sent you on 1/2/2000. You failed to accept or perform after receiving these presentments from John Henry Doe, and you failed to accept or perform after receiving the same presentment from me. You are now in default and have stipulated to the terms of John Henry Doe's 1/2/2000 dated presentment through your dishonor. You have the right to cure this default and perform according to said terms within the ten (10) days from the postmark of this Notice. Should you fail to cure the default, I will issue a CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues 47-3535. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, _______________________________________ Notary Public ________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Address of Notary

(Stamp) 148


I, William Smith, am the notary to whom all communications are to be mailed regarding the contract entitled CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE and Contract #101101-JHD-US in response to Public Account # 01-0313M, herein "presentment. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes 47-3505(b), and Uniform Commercial Code 3505(b) and 1-202, Notice of Protest is hereby given with Certificate of Dishonor regarding the following: On September 22, 2001, I sent a Notice of Dishonor of John Henry Doe's presentment to Respondent Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent, herein "Respondent, located at 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85684, who was given 10 days to respond. On October 22, 2001, Proof of Service shows a Notice of Protest and Opportunity to Cure was mailed to Respondent who was given 10 days to respond. As of this date, no response had been delivered to me, the designated receiver. I interviewed John Henry Doe, whose affidavit is attached to this Notarial Protest. John Henry Doe has stated to me by affidavit that Petitioner has received no response to said Contract at any other mailing location. Based on the foregoing information, Respondent has dishonored John Henry Doe's presentments by non-acceptance and/or non-performance and have therefore assented to the terms and conditions in said Contract. _____________________________ William Smith, Third Party Witness



Pima county

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of _____________2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:

_____________________________ Notary Public


INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL Contract No 101101-JHD-US John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Affiant UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Virginia Mathis, d.b.a. Magistrate Morton Sitver, d.b.a. Magistrate Dick Mesh, d.b.a. Assistant U.S. Attorney Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Chuck Jones, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Mr. Metelski, d.b.a Police Officer #5794 Mr. Moore, d.b.a. Police Officer #6803 Raymond Garcia, d.b.a. U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Donna Long, d.b.a. Finance Manager, BELL LEXUS




) ss



Pima county

I, John Henry Doe, herein Affiant, having been duly sworn, declares that affidavit and response of the parties to the contract entitled, Notice of NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO CONTRACT, hereinafter "Contract," are in full agreement regarding the following: 150

1. Affiant is competent to state to the matters included in his/her declaration, has knowledge of the facts, and declared that to the best of his/her knowledge, the statements made in his/her affidavit are true, correct, and not meant to mislead; 2. Affiant is the secured party, superior claimant, holder in due course, and principal creditor having a registered priority lien hold interest to all property held in the name of JOHN HENRY DOE organization # 520-80-6307, evidenced by UCC-1 Financing Statement #0565988 filed with the Secretary of State of the State of West Virginia. On October 9, 2001, Affiant sent Respondents a Notice of Acceptance to Contract, each by registered mail, stating that he had exercised his power of acceptance and accepted all offers and actions made by Respondents with qualified terms as detailed in the Contract. Affiant or the designated Notary has received no response to date so Respondents are in Default and have therefore fully agreed to all of the terms and conditions of the contract



5. Respondents have fully assented to all the actions as described in the contract and therefore have confessed to the following felonies; aggravated kidnapping, terrorism, terroristic threats, trespassing, grand theft, impeding the commerce of the Secured Party, and involuntary servitude 6. All administrative remedies have been exhausted including the execution of a Notarial Protest to obtain any evidence and/or testimony from Respondent that could aid in his defense. No response has been received by the Public Official (Notary), and therefore this acquiescence will act as a witness against Respondent as evidenced by the attached CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR which will act as a Default Judgment against Respondent who will then be taken in to bankruptcy liquidation whereby all the equity in the name of Respondent will be disposed of in a foreign proceeding. It has been said, so it is done.

Dated this

day of

, 2002.

John Henry Doe, Affiant

Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of _____________2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:


____________________________ Notary Public


INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL Contract No 101101-JHD-US John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Affiant UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Virginia Mathis, d.b.a. Magistrate Morton Sitver, d.b.a. Magistrate Dick Mesh, d.b.a. Assistant U.S. Attorney Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Chuck Jones, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Mr. Metelski, d.b.a Police Officer #5794 Mr. Moore, d.b.a. Police Officer #6803 Raymond Garcia, d.b.a. U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Donna Long, d.b.a. Finance Manager, BELL LEXUS Respondents _____________________________________________________________________ ___

DEFAULT JUDGMENT - DECISION having the same effect as Res Judicata and Stare Decisis


) ) ss )


Based on the attached affidavit entitled Notice of Default, RE: Private Contract entitled, Notice of Acceptance to Contract, hereinafter "Contract", and the evidence attached to said affidavit, all of which has been presented to this panel, JUDGMENT 153

IT IS THE JUDGMENT OF THIS PANEL that: 1. Petitioner is a Secured Party/Creditor over the property of JOHN HENRY DOE. On three occasions Petitioner properly noticed Respondents, in their private capacity and

in his public capacity as an agent for UNITED STATES, of the Contract and Respondents corresponding duty to respond, and that he properly commenced, continued, and concluded said Contract.
3. 4. Respondent failed to answer or otherwise respond, and therefore stands in agreement with Petitioner. Maxims of law in support of Petitioners request to this panel are:

An unrebutted affidavit is a judgment in commerce. In commerce truth is sovereign. Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit. A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counteraffidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment. The proof lies on him who affirms, not on him who denies. The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract. A mans word is his bond. For truth to be established, it must be expressed. Silence is agreement. He who leaves the battlefield first loses by default. When a party has a duty to speak, his silence equates with fraud. An accessory follows the nature of his principal. A contract founded on a base or unlawful consideration, or against good morals, is null. Sacrifice is the measure of credibility. One who has not been damaged by, 154

given to, lost on account of, or put at risk by another has no basis to make claims or charges against him. DECISION THEREFORE, IT IS THE DECISION OF THIS PANEL that the parties have reached the following agreement: 1. Petitioner has exercised his power of acceptance and has accepted all offers made by Respondents to contract and therefore has undisputed ownership of the Contract. 2. Respondent has agreed that John Henry Doe is in fact the Secured Party in this matter, and has agreed to all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract. 3. Respondent, in their private and public capacities as agent for UNITED STATES, failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, against the property of JOHN HENRY DOE which is currently pledged as security to the Petitioner. 4. Respondents have agreed to be subject to Involuntary Bankruptcy in their private and public capacities. 5. Respondents claims are unenforceable ab initio. Done this (SEAL) disinterested third party, as private administrative judge L.S. (SEAL) disinterested third party, as private administrative judge L.S. (SEAL) disinterested third party, as private administrative judge
Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

day of L.S.

, Two Thousand Two.

For the purpose of verification of signatures and for public notice, I the undersigned Notary Public, day of , 2001, the being commissioned in the county noted above, do declare on the


ones known to me to be, or who proved to me to be execute this document before me.


Notary Public

My Commission expires


PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to file and PERFECT the claim that you have against a debtor if they have dishonored you or your acceptance of their offer AND ENACT IT AS LAW. Before starting this process, one must have accepted all offers given to them, completed the administrative procedure, including the Notarial Protest, and now have a secured claim against the debtor. This procedure starts once you have a CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR from the Notary which is as valid as a Default Judgment in a Superior Court. Bankrupt [L bank a bench + ruptus broken, literally one whose bench has been broken, the bench or table which a merchant or banker formerly used in the exchange having been broken on his bankruptcy.] The Consolidated WEBSTERS Encyclopedic Dictionary 1939 edition. Bankrupt. Originally and strictly, a trader who secretes himself or does certain other acts tending to defraud his creditors. In a looser sense, an insolvent person. In English law there were two characteristics which distinguished bankrupts from insolvents; the former must have been a trader and the object of the proceedings against, not by him. As used in American law, the distinction between a bankrupt and an insolvent is not generally regarded. Do you find it interesting that a bankrupt is one who acts to defraud his creditors? Who fits the description of a trader and who is the creditor? Trader. One who makes it his business to buy merchandise, goods, or chattels to sell the same at a profit. One who sells goods substantially in the form in which they are bought; one who has not converted them into another form of property by his skill and labor. The above definitions for bankrupt or trader could not be found in the Blacks 6th edition and here is probably why. What institution do you know of sells chattels substantially in the form in which they are bought? Here is a hint what does the bank do when they deposit your promissory note as an asset instead of a liability, then writes a check off of the deposit to give to the seller of the property? First of all, the bankers do not buy your credit with money. After you GIVE your credit to them, they sell your credit to the seller of the property without converting it into another form. It goes in and comes out the same your credit! Or as they would say money. Could this be considered of the bank to be an act to defraud his creditor? Bankrupt Law. The leading distinction between a bankrupt law and an insolvent law, in the proper technical sense, consists in the character of the persons upon whom it is designed to operate, - the former contemplating as its objects bankrupts only, that is traders of a certain description; the latter insolvents in general, or persons unable to 156

pay their debts. This has led to a marked separation between the two systems, in principle and in practice, which in England has always been carefully maintained, although the United States it has of late been disregarded. The only substantial difference between a strictly bankrupt law and an insolvent law lies in the circumstance that the former affords relief upon the application of the creditor, and the latter upon the application of the debtor. Why do you think that United States has failed to maintain the difference between bankrupt and insolvency? I have a theory. Since they call you bankrupt, they are assuming that you are acting to defraud your creditors and therefore you are in dishonor before walking into the court room, and that you are considered a criminal by the mere fact the you filed your bankruptcy petition. Following is a step by step set of instructions that will assist you in your taking the equity from your debtors. Note, this is only an example that has been used to take property one will still have to continue processes to KEEP IT! This procedure will, of course, be improved from time to time, but it is a good place to start. Steps in Sequence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. Notice of Substitution of Trustee Notice of Bankruptcy Petition in a Foreign Proceeding Collateral Found Substitution of Trustee UCC-1 assigned Notice of Disposition Disposition Real Property Disposition Personal Property Disposition Vehicle Confirmation of Receipt of Recordings and Filings Notice of Substitution of Trustee

Information. An accusation exhibited against a person for some criminal offense, without an indictment. An accusation in the nature of an indictment, from which it differs only in being presented by a competent public officer on his oath of office, instead of a grand jury on their oath. Function of an information is to inform defendant of the nature of the charge made against him and the act constituting such charge so that he can prepare for trial and to prevent him from being tried again for the same offense. Blacks Law Dictionary 6th edition Notary Public. A public officer whose function it is to administer oaths; to attest and certify, by his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; the noting of foreign drafts.


Operating outside a bankruptcy proceeding is considered to be a crime according to 11 USCA. Any public official who is aware of an activity evidencing unlawful operations must report such activity to the proper authorities such as a US Attorney or the US Bankruptcy Trustee (John Snow). An information is an accusation exhibited by a public official. Since a Notary is a public official and has first hand knowledge of the crime by doing a Notarial Protest on that person, the Notary must report such activities by information. The information will be in the form of a Certificate of Dishonor issued by the Notary that will include all previous notices and evidence of noticing that you have done since the beginning of the matter. The information will be written by you and will contain all details and specifics on such activities and must be in affidavit form in order for a criminal complaint to be initiated and the matter investigated by the US Attorney or any other agency with a duty to handle the matter. ACCEPTANCE SUPRA PROTEST (Acceptance for Honor). The acceptance or payment of a bill of exchange, after it has been dishonored, by a person wishing to save the honor of the drawer or an endorser of the bill. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Supra Protest. In Mercantile law. A term applied to an acceptance of a bill by a third person, after protest for non-acceptance by the drawee. Blacks 4th edition The second purpose for sending this document is to allow all of the notified parties an opportunity to accept for honor this matter. This package is to be sent to the Trustee of the UNITED STATES Bankruptcy, John Snow, so they can investigate why the debtor is unlawfully using your exemption and operating outside the US Bankruptcy. If this third party (who represents you, the Creditor) does not wish to save the honor of the debtor (a sub-corporation or the U.S.), you will put the debtor into Involuntary Bankruptcy. You will give a ten (10) day notice to the proper authorities in order to accept for honor or handle the situation. If they fail to respond, their silence is their consent for you to administrate and conclude the involuntary bankruptcy in a foreign proceeding your court, as a foreign nation. This is pursuant to 11 USCA 303(b)(4). At this point, the state, United States or all of their agents can not come back to you and bring up the fact that you did not have the authority to liquidate the debtors property. The third purpose of this document is to give John Snow, the chapter 11 Reorganization Bankruptcy Trustee, a notice of substitution. Being a chapter 11 trustee, he is not qualified to commence with any chapter 7 Liquidation proceedings so he must be substituted by another who is qualified to do so. 11 USCA 703 Successor trustee (a) If a trustee dies or resigns during a case, fails to qualify under section 322 of this title or is removed under section 324 of this title, creditors may elect, in the manner specified in section 702 of this title, a person to fill the vacancy in the office of trustee. Since the proceeding is foreign, you would not need a person to fill the vacancy in the office of trustee, you would elect or assign a private trustee yourself.


Substitution. Putting in one person in the place of another; particularly, the act of a testator in naming a second devisee who is to take the bequest either on failure of the original devisee after him. Blacks 4th edition Testator. One who makes a will. Devisee. A person to whom lands or other real property are devised or given by will. In the case of a devise to an existing trust or trustee, or to a trustee on trust described by will, the trust or trustee is the devisee and the beneficiaries are not devisees. Devise. A testamentary disposition of land or realty by the last will and testament of the donor; to dispose of real or personal property by will. You may be asking what does a will have to do with bankruptcy or trusts? or who died leaving you in charge anyway? One must remember that the debtor is a trust created by the state in order to keep an accounting of all the credit they are using in the creditors name. It is just an account with the debtor showing how much the state or United States is liable to the creditor the real man or woman. The debtor is actually an unincorporated corporation (pursuant to 15 USCA 44) that has been operating in the public venue as a sub-corporation of UNITED STATES in a chapter 11 Reorganization Bankruptcy. You as its creditor have allowed UNITED STATES and all its sub-corporations to operate in the bankruptcy on the condition that they must honor your method of payment per HJR 192. As creditor, your method of payment is a set-off, or a cancellation of mutual debt. Their debt being interest due for the use of your credit that is backed by your property and your production. However, once the debtor dishonors your method of payment, then you may choose to liquidate the debtor by disposing all the property in the debtors name. In other words game over. When the debtor is liquidated, that corporation dies. Now the trust becomes a will and you have the superior claim to the property - unless the state wanted to bring their claim against the debtor! I would love to see them do that they would have to admit to creating the strawman and consequently blow the lid off this whole scam. After ten days with no response received regarding this matter, you will file a petition with the US Bankruptcy Court. 2. Notice of Bankruptcy Petition in a Foreign Proceeding

11 USCA 303. Involuntary cases (b) An involuntary case against a person is commenced by the filing with the bankruptcy court of a petition under chapter 7 or 11 of this title (4) by a foreign representative of the estate in a foreign proceeding concerning such person. An involuntary bankruptcy proceeding is commenced by filing with the Bankruptcy Court of a petition under chapter 7 Chapter 7 is liquidation of all the assets under the debtors name. You prepare a NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY PETITION IN A FOREIGN PROCEEDING. Then you will take it to the US bankruptcy clerk and pay them with a private check. The clerk will then stamp the original and keep it, then stamp your copy. It does not really matter what they do with this petition as it is serving as a notice to the court that a foreign proceeding will be commencing on the debtor. 3. Collateral Found and Listed 159

There are a number of ways to find collateral. The fastest and easiest way is to call an online private detective, the website is www.americafind.com . The phone number is 713-271-9518. For $99 the detective searches 22 databases to find the address, social security number, real property and other information of the Offeror. One can also go down to the Department of Motor Vehicles and tell them that you are going to place a lien on the Offerors vehicle and that you need the Vehicle Identification Number (V.I.N. number) for the lien. There are other detective services that are being tested and you can find your own methods by trial and error (one is Windsor Judicial Services). However, the main object of finding collateral is to find their social security number, address, real property and vehicle. List all the collateral as a separate attachment. An example of the specific descriptions is provided with these instructions. The goal is to attach this list of collateral to a UCC-3 with the Offeror as the Debtor and claim it as your own property by filing it with the Secretary of State. 4. Substitution of Trustee

This document substitutes John Snow, the chapter 11 Re-organization Trustee, with the Chapter 7 Liquidation Trustee. The substitution trustee will be named and an address given where to contact the trustee. This is a straight forward simple summary which will be attached to your UCC-1 when you file it along with the list of collateral. 5. UCC-1 assigned

When you get the list of collateral done you are now ready to fill out a UCC-1. Fill-in the Debtors information and your information as the Secured Party in the appropriate boxes. The assignee, in section 5, who will receive the Assignment for the benefit of Creditors (you as the creditor), will be someone you know and trust. You will assign the collateral to the assignee, with the intent to dispose of it. The assignee is actually listed as an unincorporated foreign corporation, which is the strawman corporation of the flesh and blood being. This is a method of separating and using the strawman as an interface to the public venue, while remaining in the private side. This assignment is described more fully in Blacks Dictionary, 6th Edition. Assignment for benefit of creditors: A general assignment for benefit of creditors is transfer of all or substantially all of debtors property to another person in trust to collect any money owing to debtor, to sell property, to distribute the proceeds to his creditors and to return the surplus, if any, to debtor. Under Bankruptcy Act of 1898, such assignment was an act of bankruptcy if made within four months of bankruptcy. Now that the UCC-1 has been filled out, attach the NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE, SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE, LIST OF COLLATERAL, CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR and your NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE TO CONTRACT with the DEFAULT. File these documents in the office of the secretary of the state, then when you get your copy back from them, send a copy to the Debtor 6. Notice of Disposition


You must give the debtor at least a 10-day notification before you dispose of the property. Less is not considered a reasonable period of time. Authenticated in the definition below means notarized by a Notary Public and recorded at the County Recorders Office of the county the property is in. UCC-9-611(b) [Notification of disposition required.] Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), a secure party that disposes of collateral under Section 9-610 shall send to the persons specified in sub-section (c) a reasonable authenticated notice of disposition. UCC-9-612(b) [10-day period sufficient in non-consumer transaction.] In a transaction other than a consumer transaction, a notification of disposition sent after default and 10 days or more before the earliest time of disposition set forth in the notification is sent within a reasonable time before the disposition. Make a copy of the Notice of Disposition before you record it and send it to the Debtor giving him at least 10 days (21 to 30 days is better) notice to allow him a last chance remedy. Send this Notice by Certified Mail or any other proof of service. 7. Disposition Real Property The assignee you assigned in your UCC-1 has the duty to dispose of all the collateral that you find under the debtors name or is associated with the debtor. Bill of Sale. In contracts, a written agreement, formerly limited to one under seal, by which one person assigns or transfers his right or interest in goods and personal chattels to another. Legal document which conveys title from seller to buyer When one transfers title using a bill of sale it is actually the only real title that exists on the private side. This means that once you pay your property taxes with a closed checking account (substance) it takes the property out of the public side and a bill of sale is the only way it can be transferred privately. Any and every other form of title, i.e. deed of trust, warranty deed, etc. is a fiction and will transfer the private property back to the public side. The description of the real property should be in metes and bounds and township, section, and range if at all possible. Include the address and former property identification (tax I.D.) with a note that this is a fictional description. 8. Disposition Personal Property

All other personal property will be transferred with a bill of sale or a UCC-3. Personal property may include BAR Licenses, business licenses, tradenames, trademarks, copyrighted materials, bank accounts, computers and any other equipment. 9. Disposition Vehicle

Vehicles will be transferred with a bill of sale and a transfer statement. Transfer statements are normally provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Request a transfer statement when you go to your DMV to register the vehicle and fill it 161

out with the appropriate information. Present the transfer statement with the bill of sale at the DMV window and you will receive your new registration and plates. 10. Confirmation of Receipt of Recordings and Filings

This final step is to verify that all collateral is properly disposed of and titles transferred to their new owners.


John Henry Doe

c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Creditor

Contract No 101101-JHD-US

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Virginia Mathis, d.b.a. Magistrate Morton Sitver, d.b.a. Magistrate Dick Mesh, d.b.a. Assistant U.S. Attorney Roland Mendoza, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Chuck Jones, d.b.a. Secret Service Agent Mr. Metelski, d.b.a Police Officer #5794 Mr. Moore, d.b.a. Police Officer #6803 Raymond Garcia, d.b.a. U.S. Pretrial Services Officer Donna Long, d.b.a. Finance Manager, BELL LEXUS Debtors NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE

I, John Henry Doe, herein "Creditor, hereby state that I am competent to make the following statements, have knowledge of the facts stated herein, that they are true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead and are presented in good faith: 1. The corporations, entitled UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UNITED STATES, STATE OF ARIZONA, and above named, herein "Debtors," are Bankrupt and must operate pursuant to House Joint Resolution 192, June 5, 1933. The above corporations have been using the credit of Creditor since his birth, January 22, 1958, without remuneration to Creditor;


2. Creditor has accepted all offers and returned them to the above named Debtors thereby discharging all controversy and all charges. Debtors then claimed the charge still exists and therefore they are liable for the debt. 3. Creditor has accepted all offers and claims issued by Debtors and returned them to Debtors for proper processing. Debtors have failed to provide a remedy and is operating outside the UNITED STATES Bankruptcy a criminal offense; 4. Debtors are holding the discharging instrument, but has failed to provide Creditor with a copy of the 1099 Original Issue Discount, therefore Debtors are TAX DELINQUENT since the claim is considered to be Creditors exemption; 5. Creditor has timely noticed Debtors and has properly commenced and concluded a perfected security interest against Debtors. The perfected security interest, Contract No. 101101-JHD-US herein Contract, includes all notices including a Certificate of Dishonor, herein Information, issued by a Public Official. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6. John Snow, the chapter 11 bankruptcy trustee for the UNITED STATES, is hereby given a final opportunity to execute an Acceptance for Honor if he wishes to save the honor of the Debtors by giving Creditor a remedy. In the event John Snow does not wish to save the honor of Debtors, it will constitute John Snows consent for substitution of trustee, whereas Creditor will designate an assignee of his choice to liquidate all of Debtors property in a foreign proceeding pursuant to Contract #101101-JHD-US; 7. Debtor has ten (10) days from the date of postmark on this mailing to provide remedy regarding this matter. In the event Debtor fails to provide a remedy, Creditor will accept evidence of Debtors dishonor as a refusal to volunteer into the bankruptcy remedy, whereby Debtors will be stripped of all immunity that UNITED STATES public policy may have otherwise afforded him. Upon dishonor, Debtors agrees in the alternative to Involuntary Bankruptcy that will be initiated on Debtors in a private capacity; 8. In the event Debtors dishonors, Debtors agree to provide a BANKRUPTCY FORM 5 in accord with 11 USCA 303 which is a property description list of all the property held in Debtors names. Creditor will take the equity and place it for sale and proceed to liquidate the personal property for settlement of this account. Debtors additionally agrees to be placed on a UCC-1 Financing Statement as DEBTOR attaching it to a Declaration of Involuntary Bankruptcy and a list of Debtors collateral. Upon filing the UCC-1 form with the Secretary of State of Arizona (or your state), the liquidation and disposition of property will be executed immediately. Dated this ____ of ____________, 2002. _______________________________ 164

John Henry Doe

Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____day of_____________ ______ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:

_____________________________ Notary Public


Copies forwarded to the following:

John Ashcroft US Attorney General 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

John Snow US Secretary of Treasury DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220

Charles O. Rossotti Internal Revenue Service, IRS 1111 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20224-0002

George W. Bush President of the UNITED STATES 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500

Norman Minetta US Secretary of Transportation 400 Seventh Street, SW Washington, DC 20590

Tom Ridge Director of Homeland Security 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500

Colin L. Powell US Secretary of State US Department of State Washington, DC 20520-6810

Brian L. Stafford Director of Secret Service US Government Service Agency 950 H Street, NW Ste 912 Washington, DC 20223

Jane Hull Governor of the State of Arizona Arizona Executive Office of the Governor 1700 W. Washington Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85007 (or your state) 166

Betsey Bayless Arizona Secretary of State 1700 W. Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85007 (or your state)

Janet Napolitano Office of Attorney General Department of Law 1275 W. Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85007 (or your state)

Arizona Judicial Commission 1501 W. Washington Phoenix, AZ 85077 (or your state)

Barbara LaWall Pima County Attorney 32 N. Stone Avenue, Ste 2100 Tucson, AZ 85701 (or your state)


John Henry Doe 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Phone: 707-897-5129


ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, ASSIGNORS AND ASSIGNEES ) ) ) ) DEBTOR ) ) TAX I.D. NO.________________ ) ) 105 E Speedway Phoenix, Arizona 85684 ) ____________________________________) ) )


CASE NO._________________

Arizona state Pima county

) ) ss )


I, John Henry Doe, herein "Creditor", hereby state that I am competent to make the following statements, have knowledge of the facts stated herein, that they are true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead and are presented in good faith: INFORMATION REGARDING DEBTOR


ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, ASSIGNORS AND ASSIGNEES, herein jointly Debtor, claims to be a person representing a legal entity, entitled UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as a WASHINGTON D.C. corporation, doing business in the State of Arizona in the capacity of a revenue agent. Debtor has failed to honor registered securities of Creditor. VENUE Debtor has had a residence and/or principal assets in the District for 180 days immediately preceding the date of this petition. ALLEGATIONS 1. 2. 3. Petitioner is eligible to file this petition pursuant to 11 USCA sec 303 (b)(4) as a foreign government. The Debtor is a person against whom an order for relief may be entered under title 11 of the United States Code. The Debtor is not paying such Debtors debts as they come due. UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE Creditor and above referenced Debtors, entered into a private contractual agreement, Contract No. 101101-JHD-US, herein Contract, whereby Debtors accepted and agreed to Creditor taking the equity via involuntary bankruptcy proceedings upon Dishonor of said Contract. Debtors have since dishonored said Contract (see attachments). Debtors have dishonored Creditors acceptance of Debtors offers which is in direct violation of House Joint Resolution 192 of March 9, 1933, Public Policy 73-10, 307 U.S. 251 & 252 and UCC 1-201 (24). Debtor has refused to deliver title to Creditor and has proceeded to take action to remove Creditors property without cause. Creditor has exhausted all administrative proceedings and has perfected a security interest against Debtor, including a Notarial Protest (UCC 3-505). IT IS REQUESTED THAT; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Full and complete disclosure of all equity from all Debtors referenced in this matter be delivered to Creditor. This court immediately secure ALL equity of Debtors for liquidation and/or delivery to Creditor. An Order for Relief be entered against Debtor under 11 USCA sec.7 An Order to close the account #_____________ in accordance with United States Public Policy. Creditor be honored to initiate liquidation action against Debtors in a foreign proceeding without interference from this court.


Dated this ____ of ____________, 2002. _________________________________ John Henry Doe, Creditor 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Phone: 707-897-5129

For the purpose of verification of signature -- and seal -- and for public notice, I the undersigned Notary Public, being commissioned in the county noted above, do declare on the _____ day of ______________ 2002, the one known to me to be, or who proved to me to be John Henry Doe did execute this document before me.

_____________________________ Notary Public expires

_____________________ My Commission

Creditor: John Henry Doe 6880 S.Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746

Debtor: ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 105 E Speedway Phoenix, Arizona 85684


Contract No 101101-JHD-US




) ss Pima County )


I, John Henry Doe, herein "Creditor", hereby state that I am competent to make the following statements, have knowledge of the facts stated herein, that they are true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead and are presented in good faith: The undersigned beneficiary hereby appoints WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation, successor chapter 7 trustee under the contract #10501-EPF executed by GEORGE A DUNSCOMB as Debtor, in which John Henry Doe is named as Creditor, and under the contract/treaty 100701-SWS whereby John Snow is named as the chapter 11 trustee of the UNITED STATES Bankruptcy. WHEREAS, the undersigned is the present Creditor under said contracts and, WHEREAS, the undersigned desires to substitute a new Trustee under said Contract in the place and stead of said original Trustee thereunder. NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned hereby substitutes WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation, PMB 278, 1830 East Broadway Ste 124, Tucson, AZ 85734 Dated this ____ of ____________, 2002. _________________________________ John Henry Doe, Creditor
For the purpose of verification of signature -- and seal -- and for public notice, I the undersigned Notary Public, being commissioned in the county noted above, do declare on the _____ day of ______________ 2002, the one known to me to be, or who proved to me to be John Henry Doe did execute this document before me.

_____________________________ Notary Public expires

_____________________ My Commission


When recorded mail to: William Hanson Harrison PMB 278, 1830 East Broadway Ste 124 Tucson, AZ 85734


) ss Pima County )



I, William Hanson Harrison, agent for WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation, hereinafter Grantor, am competent to state the matters included in this contract which are true, correct and complete, and not meant to mislead. Grantor has been designated to execute the ASSIGNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITOR pursuant to the Involuntary Bankruptcy as stated in Contract No 101101JHD-US in the UCC-1 Financing Statement filed June 3, 2002 with the Secretary of State of Arizona for Secured Party: John Henry Doe Tucson, AZ 85734 Phone: (520) 465-7334

PO Box 34567,

Grantor: WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation


PMB 278, 1830 East Broadway Ste 124,

Tucson, AZ 85734


ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for UNITED STATES OF 105 E Speedway, Phoenix, AZ 85684

Interested Party: JOHN SNOW, d.b.a. Trustee for U.S. Bankruptcy 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220

the following described Real Property Located in PIMA, Arizona

CASAS BONITAS LOT 6, BLOCK B, BOOK 8 OF MAPS PLATS AT PAGE 28 Recorded 03/10/89 at Docket 8491, Page 381, At the Address of : 105 E Speedway, Phoenix, AZ 85684 PARCEL NUMBER 125-09-1760 We will sell the described property privately in 11 days, sometime after August 12, 2002. You are entitled to an accounting of the unpaid indebtedness secured by the property that we intend to sell. You may request an accounting by calling us at (520) 230-4919.
__________________________ WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation BY: William Hanson Harrison, Creditor Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____day of______________


______ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:

_____________________________ Notary Public

When recorded mail to:

JOHN SMITH 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746


For the consideration of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS, and other valuable considerations, I or we, WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation PMB 278 1830 East Broadway Ste 124 Tucson, AZ 85734 GRANTOR

do hereby convey to

JOHN SMITH 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 GRANTEE

without covenant or warranty, express or implied, all right, title and interest of Grantor in Real Property in allodium. Pursuant to the Declaration of Involuntary Bankruptcy, Real Property was sold by Grantor at Bankruptcy Liquidation on June 19, 2002, at a private sale to Grantee who was the transferee for Real Property, for $94,000.00, which will be paid with $10,000.00 Down and monthly principal payments of $1,000.00 per month for eighty-four (84) months (7 years) with 0% interest.
the following formerly described Real Property Located in PIMA, Arizona CASAS BONITAS LOT 6, BLOCK B, BOOK 8 OF MAPS PLATS AT PAGE 28 Recorded 03/10/89 at Docket 8491, Page 381,


At the Address of : 105 E Speedway, Phoenix, AZ 85684 FORMER TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 125-09-1760 Grantee is now the owner of the land and property described above which is now private property exempt from levy and not under the jurisdiction of anyone or any artificial entity.

Transferred this ______Day of ____________, 2002.

_________________________ ____________
WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation BY: William Hanson Harrison, Creditor Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____day of______________ ______ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:

_____________________________ Notary Public



an unincorporated foreign corporation PMB 2781830 East Broadway Ste 124 Tucson, AZ 85734

To Whom It May Concern:

For receipt of the sum of $5,000.00, WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON does hereby sell and transfer at a Bankruptcy Liquidation Sale the motor vehicle described as:
Make: Model: Year: VIN: Buick Electra 1999 3994837237292200


JOHN SMITH 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746

Transferred this _________ day of _____________________ 2002. ________________________________ WILLIAM HANSON HARRISON, an unincorporated foreign corporation BY: William Hanson Harrison, Creditor Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____day of______________ ______ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:

_____________________________ Notary Public


PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to execute the claim that you have against a debtor in order to get your equity back. Before starting this process, one must have properly filed with your agent the Secretary of State and consequently now have a perfected secured claim against the debtor. This procedure starts after you have recorded a NOTICE OF DISPOSITION and sent the Debtor a copy of it giving them ten (10) days before the Liquidation Sale and then transferred the property. Execute. To complete; to make; to sign; to perform; to do; to follow out; to carry out according to its terms; to fulfill the command or purpose of. This eviction process is the same one that the bank uses to remove people who do not know they are Creditors from their homes. We have taken the same documents they have sent us and are using them to evict the bankers from their own buildings! Is this a great country or what? The following documents will be used in this process: 1. NOTICE REQUIRING DELIVERY OF POSSESSION OF PREMISES 2. SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PRIVATE PERSON 3. LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 4. SUMMONS FOR FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER 5. COMPLAINT IN FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER 6. AFFIDAVIT FOR APPLICATION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT 7. ENTRY FOR DEFAULT 8. DEFAULT JUDGMENT NOTICE REQUIRING DELIVERY OF POSSESSION OF PREMISES After you have transferred title to another person, they will have to evict the tenants from the property. Eviction. Dispossession by process of law; the act of depriving a person of the possession of land or rental property which he has held or leased. Act of turning a tenant out of possession, either by re-entry or legal proceedings, such as an action of ejectment. Re-entry. The act of resuming the possession of lands or tenements in pursuance of a right which party exercising it reserved to himself when he quit his former possession. The right reserved by a grantor to enter the premises on breach of a condition of the conveyance. Quit. To leave; remove from; surrender possession of; as when a tenant quits the premises or receives a notice to quit. 177 1.

Remember the quote from the 73rd Congress, March 9, 1933: It (the new money) will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the Nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation. You see, we as Creditors have given up our homes, property and substance to UNITED STATES to be mortgaged so that they can operate in the bankruptcy. When any agent in UNITED STATES breaches the mortgage then we can claim REENTRY and enter the premises that we quit when we surrendered the possession of the property to the state originally in 1933. It does not matter if it is the same property, it matters that whenever an agent for UNITED STATES (our Debtor) breaches the contract we can claim possession of the property back. 2. SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PRIVATE PERSON Service of Process can be done by a private person in the state of Arizona. You will have to check to see if this is legal in your state. The reason why this is so important in this case is that you will be going to court and this will be a requirement to have legal service of process. The process server can be anyone you know, but not a relative. They only need to serve the address if no one is present to answer the door. This process has nothing to do with serving the person only the address. I know this for a fact as I had a house that I rented out and I never got the document that was served on the tenants. You see it is not the person occupying the property that matters, only the address that is served. 3. LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT After 7 days go back to the house and if they have vacated, send John Snow, the Trustee to the US Bankruptcy, a LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT acknowledging the delivery of the possession of the premises to the owner. Why John Snow, you might be asking? Because he is an agent of the US who manages the bankruptcy for you and you let him know that this property is no longer in the possession of UNITED STATES. 4. SUMMONS FOR FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER If however, the tenants are detaining you from possession your property, you will start an eviction process to remove them. The summons will notify them of when they will have to answer or they will be in Default. 5. COMPLAINT IN FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER Forcible Entry and Detainer. A summary proceeding for restoring to possession of land by one who is wrongfully kept out or has been wrongfully deprived of the possession. An action to obtain possession or repossession of real property which had been transferred from one to another pursuant to contract; such proceeding is not an action to determine ownership of title to property. How many times have we gone to court thinking we will just bring up all the paperwork we have sent them about ownership and title of the house? So what did we learn when that did not work? Did we ever look up the meaning of this action? Noooooooooo! We just complained and blamed the system. You see, this action has nothing to do with ownership of title to property. In fact, you cannot even bring it up as some of you have tried and gotten denied. This action is about TENANCY and only that. So when you walk into court, how do you think the judge and the bank attorney look at you? You got it a tenant! There is only one thing that can be brought up in that court room do you have a lease agreement or not. No one that I know has ever had a lease with the bank because they assigned the lease to the bank when they signed the Deed of Trust (no kidding)! So when the tenant cannot provide a lease, he is given an arbitrary time to 178

remove himself from the premises. He is also told how much rent he is being charged with per day now he really is a tenant. Since this works so well on us, it will work on them. When you evict the bank, it will not matter how many attorneys they bring into the courtroom THEY CAN NEVER BRING UP OWNERSHIP OF THE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY!!!!! Use their own instruments against them. Is that justice or what? 6. AFFIDAVIT FOR APPLICATION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT After 20 days (30 days for out of state) and you do not get an answer from the tenants, they have defaulted and you can file for a Default Judgment. This must be in affidavit form summarizing what has been done to this point. You will also file the ENTRY FOR DEFAULT for the Clerk of the Court to sign, and the DEFAULT JUDGMENT for the judge to sign. ENTRY FOR DEFAULT 7. This document is written up by you as if the Clerk of the Court was writing it. The clerk will verify that no response or answer has been made by Defendants, then the clerk will issue a NOTICE OF DEFAULT to the Defendant giving them 10 additional days to answer. If Defendants do not answer within 10 days, the clerk will take this to the judge or even issue the Default themselves. 8. DEFAULT JUDGMENT Since there has been no response from the Defendants, the judge will have no choice but to issue the DEFAULT JUDGMENT in your favor. Now the clerk will issue a Writ of Restitution to the Sheriff to evict the tenants from your property. If this does not happen you can also get the U.S. Marshal to remove the tenants.

342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 ____________________________________________________________________________ ___ NOTICE REQUIRING DELIVERY OF POSSESSION OF PREMISES TO: ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR SUBTENANTS POSSESSION OF PREMISES LOCATED AT: 105 E Speedway Phoenix, AZ 85684 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, John Smith has purchased the above described property at a liquidation sale under Involuntary Bankruptcy proceedings by Notice of Disposition and transferred by a Bill of Sale duly recorded. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that within seven ( 7 ) days after the service of this NOTICE upon you, you are required to deliver up possession of the above described premises to the undersigned, or legal proceedings will be commenced against you to recover possession of said premises. This NOTICE is given to you pursuant to Section 12-1171 through 12-1174 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. For further information, please contact Wade at (520) 8833556. DATED THIS: _________________, 2002 179

OWNER: __________________________. John Smith JOHN SMITH 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 PIMA COUNTY, STATE OF ARIZONA John Smith ) ) vs ) ) ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for ) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION) AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR ) SUBTENANTS ) POSSESSION OF PREMISES LOCATED AT: ) PROCESS 105 E Speedway ) Phoenix, AZ 85684 ) __________________________________________)


I declare that I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen, and not a party to this action. And that within the boundaries of the state where service was affected, I was authorized to perform said service. On August 14, 2002, I received a document entitled, NOTICE REQUIRING DELIVERY OF POSSESSION OF PREMISES. Copies of which I personally served as follows: UPON OCCUPANT, BY SERVING ONE TRUE COPY UPON JOHN DOE RESIDING THEREIN, AT THE ADDRESS OF 9322 South Patricia Drive, Tucson, PIMA COUNTY, Arizona 85746, AT THE HOUR OF 11:15 AM. TOTAL COST OF SERVICE: $25.00 ________________________ William Smith
Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this ____ day of _____________ _______ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:


_____________________________ Notary Public

John Smith 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO: JOHN SNOW, d.b.a. Trustee for U.S. Bankruptcy 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IS HEREBY GIVEN that, STATEN ISLAND SAVINGS BANK AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR SUBTENANTS, herein Tenants, have vacated and have delivered up possession of the above-described premises to the undersigned owner of the property, John Smith. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, at anytime in the future, Tenants or any agent thereof wishing to enter the property, a request in writing to John Smith will be required 10 days in advance. Permission will be granted upon the discretion of the owner. If forcible entry is made by Tenants from this point forward legal proceedings will be commenced against them to recover possession of said premises. Tenants are thanked for their cooperation in this matter. DATED THIS: _________________, 2002 OWNER:_________________________ John Smith John Smith 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT PIMA COUNTY JOHN SMITH ) ) Plaintiff, ) Vs. ) ) ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for 181 ) FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER ) SUMMONS CASE NO._____________



THE STATE OF ARIZONA TO: ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR SUBTENANTS & DOES I - X inclusive YOUR ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend or answer in this action in this Court as follows: ARS ss12-1175 BEFORE: ________________________ DATE AND TIME: _________________ PLACE: Division No. ______of this Court located at: _____________________ You are further advised that Plaintiffs seek to recover possession of the following property: 105 E SPEEDWAY, PHOENIX, AZ 85684

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that in case of your failure to appear and defend within the time applicable, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. REQUESTS FOR REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES MUST BE MADE TO THE COURT BY PARTIES AT LEAST 3 WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE OF A SCHEDULED COURT PROCEEDING. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED____________________________, 2002.



BY:__________________________ Deputy Clerk ORIGINAL FILED:

COPY of the foregoing sent _____ day of May, 2002 to:

ROLAND MENDOZA 105 E Speedway Phoenix, AZ 85684

JOHN SNOW, d.b.a. Trustee for U.S. Bankruptcy 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220


John Smith 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT PIMA COUNTY


) ) Plaintiff, ) ) CASE NO._____________


) )


ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for ) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. ) AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR ) SUBTENANTS ) POSSESSION OF PREMISES LOCATED AT:) 105 E Speedway ) Phoenix, AZ 85684 & DOES I - X inclusive, ) Defendants ) ) )

____________________________________) Plaintiff alleges: PARTIES AND JURISDICTION

1. entitled to

Plaintiff is a Creditor registered to do business in Arizona and is

the possession of, and is the recorded owner of a parcel of property and the dwelling thereon located at: 105 E Speedway, Phoenix, AZ 85684, property is more particularly described as follows: 184


as located within the above-captioned Judicial District and County. 2. The true names or capacities, whether individual, corporate, associate or otherwise of the Defendants named herein as DOES I through X in occupancy are unknown to Plaintiff, who therefore sues said Defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff will amend this complaint to show their true names and capacities when they have been ascertained. 3. That Defendants, and each of them, are currently in possession of and occupying the above-described real property. CAUSE OF ACTION FOR FORCIBLE DETAINER 4. The Plaintiff purchased the above-described real property at a Liquidation Sale held on July 21, 2002, in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Section 47-9612 and 47-9613 et seq. and its title has been duly perfected. 5. That Plaintiff has a duly executed Bill of Sale and Contract for Deed, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference incorporated herein as if set forth in full. 6. That on July 27, 2002, by written notice, and in compliance with Arizona Revised Statutes Section 12-1173.01, Plaintiff made demand on said Defendants for and required the delivery of possession of said real property within seven (7) days from service of said notice, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and by this reference, incorporated herein as if set forth in full. 7. Said written Notice and demand served upon the Defendants has been neglected and refused for seven (7) days following its service upon them, and remains neglected and refused now. A true copy of the Affidavit of Service of the Notice is attached hereto as Exhibit C and by this reference, incorporated herein as if set forth in full. 8. Said Defendants unlawfully are continuing in possession of said premises after said demand and without permission of the Plaintiff and under no claim of right. 9. The reasonable value for the use and occupancy of the subject premises is $30.00 per day. Plaintiff seeks such damages from July 21, 2002, 185

the date of the Liquidation sale, and for each day thereafter, until the date Defendants are removed from the premises. 10. Plaintiff has performed all the necessary conditions and given all the required notices to bring this Forcible Detainer action. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests for Judgment as follows: 1. 2. Defendants be ordered to leave and vacate subject premises For an order to the Clerk of the Court to issue a Writ of and Plaintiff be placed in possession thereof; Restitution, in this action to the Sheriff of Pima County, Arizona, commanding him to immediately restore possession of the property to Plaintiff from Defendants and all persons holding possession under Defendants or otherwise; 3. day; 4. For such other relief as this Court may deem just and proper. Defendants be ordered to pay a fair rental on the premises from July 21, 2002, through the date of judgment at the rate of $30.00 per

DATED____________________________, 2002.

BY:__________________________ John Smith ORIGINAL FILED:

COPY of the foregoing sent _____ day of May, 2002 to:

ROLAND MENDOZA 105 E Speedway Phoenix, AZ 85684

JOHN SNOW, d.b.a. Trustee for U.S. Bankruptcy 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW 186

Washington D.C. 20220


John Smith 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT PIMA COUNTY


) ) Plaintiff, ) ) AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF CASE NO._____________





Arizona Pima County )

) ) ss

I, John Smith, herein "Plaintiff", hereby state that I am competent to make the following statements, have knowledge of the facts stated herein, that they are true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead and are presented in good faith: On __________ Plaintiff filed with the Superior Court a cause entitled Forcible Entry and Detainer against Defendants ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for UNITED 188

STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR SUBTENANTS and DOES I - X inclusive, herein "Defendants." Plaintiff is now filing for Application for Entry of Default on the Forcible Entry and Detainer and Affidavit in Support of Application for Entry of Default that Defendants have been regularly served with process, that Defendants have failed to plead or otherwise defend as to the complaint on file in this action, and the time allowed has expired, the default of Defendants is hereby applied for to the Clerk of the Superior Court. This default shall not be effective if Defendants plead or otherwise defend prior to the expiration of ten (10) days from the date hereof. DATED____________________________, 2002. __________________________ John Smith
Arizona ) ) Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

For the purpose of verification of signature -- and seal -- and for public notice, I the undersigned Notary Public, being commissioned in the county noted above, do declare on the _____ day of ______________ 2002, the one known to me to be, or who proved to me to be John Smith did execute this document before me.

_____________________________ Notary Public expires

_____________________ My Commission


COPY of the foregoing sent _____ day of May, 2002 to:

ROLAND MENDOZA 105 E Speedway Phoenix, AZ 85684

JOHN SNOW, d.b.a. Trustee for U.S. Bankruptcy


1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220

John Smith 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT PIMA COUNTY


) ) Plaintiff, ) ) ENTRY OF DEFAULT CASE NO._____________


) )

ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for ) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. ) AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR ) SUBTENANTS ) POSSESSION OF PREMISES LOCATED AT:) 105 E Speedway ) Phoenix, AZ 85684 & DOES I - X inclusive, ) ) ) Defendants )


It appearing to the Clerk of this Court from the Plaintiff's Application for Entry of Default on the Forcible Entry and Detainer and Affidavit in Support of Application for Entry of Default that Defendants OCWEN FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., its


successors and/ or assigns and DOES I - X inclusive, herein "Defendants", have been regularly served with process, that Defendants have failed to plead or otherwise defend as to the complaint on file in this action, and the time allowed has expired, the default of Defendants is hereby entered. This default shall not be effective if Defendants pleads or otherwise defend prior to the expiration of ten (10) days from the date hereof. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED____________________________, 2002. CLERK OF THE COURT BY:__________________________ Deputy Clerk ORIGINAL FILED: COPY of the foregoing sent _____ day of May, 2002 to:

ROLAND MENDOZA 105 E Speedway Phoenix, AZ 85684

JOHN SNOW, d.b.a. Trustee for U.S. Bankruptcy 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220

John Smith 342 E Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746 520-320-0720 ARIZONA SUPERIOR COURT PIMA COUNTY 191


) ) Plaintiff, ) ) CASE NO._____________



ROLAND MENDOZA, d.b.a. agent for ) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. ) AND ALL OCCUPANTS, TENANTS OR ) SUBTENANTS ) POSSESSION OF PREMISES LOCATED AT:) 105 E Speedway ) Phoenix, AZ 85684 & DOES I - X inclusive, ) Defendants ) ) )


This cause came regularly to the Superior Court on _______________ . Defendants, being properly served, failed to appear or otherwise respond to the Complaint.

The Court having considered the evidence before it and finding that the Defendants herein named were regularly entered; that the allegations contained in Plaintiff's Complaint are true and correct; and there is no just reason for a delay in entering a final judgment against the persons named below, and good cause appearing therefore:


DOES I - X inclusive, and each of them as follows: 1. For possessions of the premises located at 105 E Speedway,

Phoenix, AZ 85684, and; 2. Rental damages and costs are waived.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that should Defendants fail or refuse to vacate according to this Order, Plaintiff shall be entitled to the Issuance of a Writ of Restitution of the aforementioned premises no sooner than _______________________, 2002. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this judgment be entered at this time as a final Judgment.

DATED____________________________, 2002. ______________________________ Superior Court Judge/Commissioner ORIGINAL FILED: COPY of the foregoing sent _____ day of May, 2002 to: ROLAND MENDOZA 105 E Speedway Phoenix, AZ 85684

JOHN SNOW, d.b.a. Trustee for U.S. Bankruptcy 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220

Being a Diplomat: A Practical Course in Miracles 6

PURPOSE: To find the communication network and link into it


Learn how to communicate effectively to all levels of people Learn how to present yourself and your message effectively and professionally Learn how to interact with police, judges, clerks, federal agents and other public and private people under any circumstance with success

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to communicate effectively and present yourself in a professional manner to anyone under any condition Diploma. [Greek diploma a paper folded double, from diploo to fold, double] A letter or writing usually under seal and signed by competent authority conferring some power, privilege, or honor. Diplomacy. The science of art of conducting negotiations, arranging treaties, etc. between nations, artful management or maneuvering with the view of securing advantages. Since you have finished COURSE 4 - Redemption, you should have your treaty in effect. So now you can be a diplomat and artfully conduct negotiations with the view of securing advantages. When you decide you are going to jump into the realm of discharging public debt, it is vital that you know and understand the rules of the game. One very important thing to remember when doing this often dangerous excursion is that the bankers want you to know that only they can use your credit not you! Of course this is ridiculous and absurd when you understand that you are the creditor and every product that you see exists solely on the fact that you furnished the credit to make it from the very beginning. To start with, you should already be knowledgeable and effective in completing the administrative processes whenever you receive a dishonor from anyone of your debtors. These processes are detailed in COURSE 5 The Power of Acceptance. The key processes include your own private affidavit and the essential follow-up default procedure, as well as the notarial protest and the eventual involuntary bankruptcy proceeding to liquidate YOUR equity formerly in possession of the debtor. Notice I said YOUR equity. Everything the municipalities and corporations have purchased was produced by the use of YOUR credit as production capital. We will be defining terms of all the actions and procedures relating to this subject. A complete study of the etymology of each word is vital for understanding and if done correctly the definitions speak for themselves in finding the answer. The following definitions are taken from Blacks 6th edition which are typed in italics. The derivations are taken from the Consolidated Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary 1939 edition. The Hebrew and Greek definitions are taken from the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance to the King James Bible. We will start with one of the most powerful terms on this subject that is the key to understanding redemption.


Power of acceptance. Capacity of offeree (you), upon acceptance of terms of offer, to create binding contract. Dishonor. To refuse to accept When you understand the power of acceptance, then you will see the world in a different light. You will realize, possibly for the first time, that you no longer have to fight, deny, or argue as these are all dishonor. And, that you have the power to create a binding contract on YOUR terms. You will realize that YOU HAVE POWER!

Occasionally, while finishing up your processes, one may encounter the Secret Service. To a citizen or a debtor, this may sound frightening. But for a creditor, you will look forward to getting your commercial matter resolved by your agents. Secret Service. The investigative responsibilities are to detect and arrest persons committing any offense against the laws of the United States relating to coins, obligations and securities or the United States and of foreign governments (that's you, remember); and to detect and arrest persons violating certain laws relating to the FDIC, Federal land banks, electronic fund transfer frauds, credit and debit card frauds, false identification documents. Did you know that the duty of the Secret Service is to detect and arrest persons that violate the laws pertaining to securities of foreign governments? You should know by now that you are a government foreign to the US government and all municipalities, and that the credit they enjoy is backed by YOUR securities. So, if one of your debtors dishonors your check on a private account where they were supposed to do an electronic funds transfer, would this constitute a fraud on their part? Does this mean that they could be arrested for this? Yes it does! And to aid the Secret Service so that they can investigate the facts and do their duty to you, they must be provided with information. Information. An accusation in the nature of an indictment, from which it differs only in being presented by a competent public officer on his oath of office, instead of a grand jury on their oath. Notary Public. A public officer whose function it is to administer oaths; to attest and certify, by his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; to perform certain official acts, chiefly in commercial matters, such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and marine protests in cases of loss or damage. If the debtor has dishonored your acceptance after you have returned it to them and they argue the charge still exists, then THEY can now be CHARGED with an information or an indictment. To complete this process one must be able to locate a notary public knowledgeable on this subject and willing to do a notarial protest. When the notarial protest process is completed it is as effective as a criminal indictment from a grand jury or a prosecutor. On the civil side it is as effective as a Default Judgment in a States Superior Court! You should then send an affidavit of 195

information along with the completed administrative process to the Secret Service as well as the US Attorney, US Attorney General, US Secretary of Treasury, US Secretary of State, Director of IRS, and your own states relating officers. This is covered in detail in COURSE 5 CONTRACTS. There is another part of the definition of the Secret Service that is important here; Secret Service. The protective responsibilities include protection of a visiting head of a foreign state or foreign governmentunless such protection is decline. Visiting. In international law, the right of visit or visitation is the right of a cruiser or warship to stop a vessel sailing under another flag on the high seas, and send an officer to such vessel to ascertain whether her nationality is what it purports to be. Visitor. A person appointed to visit, inspect, inquire into, and correct irregularities of corporations. Is there any reason why we would decline the offer of someone to protect us and our securities? All the Secret Service is there for is to ascertain whether your foreign nationality is what you purport it to be. If you are not sure you are a foreign nation THEN YOU ARENT ONE! How then, can one BE a foreign nation? You must think, act and speak like a foreign head. Usually, the Secret Service will contact you to do an interview with them. When they offer, you should NOT decline as they are there to help you in handling the corporation that dishonored your acceptance. You will be acting as a visitor to inspect, inquire into and correct irregularities of corporations. To be prepared for this meeting separately package copies of all the administrative process and perfected claims that you have done on each dishonor, then attaching the affidavit of information as the cover letter. Now you have everything they need to continue in the investigation of the corporation that dishonored you through electronic transfer fund fraud. Because that is their job! Now you are acting like a creditor, a principal, a head of a foreign government. A DIPLOMAT! Be very happy to see them and thank them for looking into this matter for you. Ask them for their card so that you can give them any further information regarding this matter. It would also be impressive to have a card to give to them this would be very professional and respectful. Encourage them to keep you updated on the progress of the investigation, but let them know that time is of the essence in completing the liquidation of the corporations equity and that if it was absolutely necessary, you could allow them more time to handle the matter. If they ask you where does the money come from to pay for the items, you should correct them and say there is no money, because the UNITED STATES and all municipalities are in bankruptcy and the only currency that exists is the peoples credit. You could also tell them the US Trust Fund is where all of the peoples property has been collateralized to create the credit of the nation. If they appear confused, show them a copy of the 73rd Congress, March 9, 1933 where it says: (the new money) will be backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and property of all the people in the nation. 196

IN THEIR OWN WRITING THEY AGREE WE ARE THE CREDITORS! Wow! They would be so impressed and shocked that they had actually witnessed a creditor who knows his business, that they in turn would probably conduct themselves more respectful and businesslike towards you. DRILL: Practice talking to an agent using the above information until you are comfortable with the flow of the conversation. Have your classmate, as the agent, start with a low gradient and work up to a stressful situation. Then reverse the flow to your classmate.


In the course of your business, one may eventually get a court order from one of your debtors to argue about the matter. There is no need to dishonor their offer to go to court, so just accept it or conditionally accept it to shift the burden of proof asking THEM to prove you are NOT the creditor. It is possible that the court may issue an arrest warrant to force you into agreeing with their point of view even though they have already dishonored. However, not to worry, there is a brilliant method of discharging this charge. KNOWING the fact, that you are the Creditor, firmly implanted in your mind, we will begin to define several key terms from this powerful viewpoint. While defining the following terms, keep in mind how each definition relates to accounting principles. The court is merely a commercial enterprise existing primarily to sell you governmental services such as whisking you off to secluded get-a-ways where you get free room and board and the state of the art security is the finest money (your credit) can by. First we will start with some terms of how the USA looks at your relationship with your strawman corporation. Implied Partnership. One which is not a real partnership but which is recognized by the court as such because of the conduct of the parties; in effect, the parties are estopped from denying the existence of a partnership. Charging order. A statutorily created means for a creditor (USA) of a judgment debtor (strawman, JOHN) who is a partner of others (John) to reach the debtors beneficial interest in the partnership (your credit), without risking dissolution of the partnership. Uniform Partnership Act, ss 28. It is the intention of the USA, as plaintiff, to charge JOHN so John can go in and conduct himself as a partner and argue about it. You cannot deny or you will, of course, dishonor yourself and they win. The whole trick they use is to get your credit without you knowing that they are charging the partner, and to keep the partnership going without risk of dissolution. Are these guys slick or what? Charge: An encumbrance, lien, or claim; a burden or load; an obligation or duty; a liability; an accusation. A person or thing committed to the care of another. The price of, or rate for, something. Charge account. System of purchasing goods and services on credit, under which customer (you) agrees to settle or make payments on his balance. 197

No matter what they do to compel you into court DONT GO. Why would a soveran go to a place and let his servants sort out his affairs for him. Lets say you are handed an arrest warrant by a peace officer after you fail to appear. Look it over and make sure it is correct, then say: I am accepting this charge and am now returning it to you. Give the warrant back to him as you say it. It does not matter at that point what he does with it as it is a balanced the account, a done deal, finito! Dont take it back, because it has already been discharged. It is a COMPLETED CYCLE OF ACTION. The bailee (officer) then may escort you to the warehouse. The first thing you must do when you get there is ask for your phone call that you are guaranteed to get so that you can call the magistrate that will be able to give you an appearance bond. You are guaranteed this call even if you have called someone else first. This is the right to go before a magistrate within 24 hours of your detainment. When talking to the magistrate make a statement as follows: I want closure on this matter and I do not intend to dispute the facts. Statement. In a general sense, an allegation; a declaration of matters of fact. A summary of a financial account showing the balance due. Statement of affairs. A balance sheet showing immediate liquidation amounts, usually prepared when bankruptcy is imminent. When you make a statement are you actually asking for the financial account, the balance sheet, so that you can see what the value of the charge is? They are in bankruptcy and you are the creditor requesting to see the account of your debtor. Close/closure. To suspend or stop operations of, to transfer to the main account. [L claudo to shut, conclude.] Closed account. An account to which no further additions can be made on either side, but which remains still open for adjustment and set-off, which distinguishes it from and account stated. Set-off. The equitable right to cancel or offset mutual debts or cross demands, commonly used by a bank (you) in reducing a customers (USA) checking or deposit account in satisfaction of a debt the customer (USA) owes the bank (you). You see, YOU are the bank! You and your property are the only substance that exists in this fictional system of commerce and you are the only one who can USE it for any purpose. Your substance is the only reason the corporations exist and function at all. The only way to settle the account is to cancel mutual debt, because being in bankruptcy - THERE IS NO MONEY! Dispute. A conflict or controversy; an assertion of a right, claim, or demand on one side, met by contrary claims or allegations on the other. The subject of litigation; the matter for which a suit is brought and upon which issue is joined, and in relation to which jurors are called and witnesses examined.


Sounds like DISHONOR to me. So when you say I do not intend to dispute the facts, what are you saying? I ACCEPT the charges and now I OWN them! Fact [L facio to do or make] A true statement. A fact is either a state of things, that is in existence, or a motion, that is, an event. Evidence. A truth, as distinguished from fiction or error. Fact means reality of events or things, the actual occurrence or existence of which is to be determined by evidence. Admissions. More accurately regarded, they are statements by a party (JOHN), or some one identified with him (John as a partner) in legal interest, of the existence of a fact which is relevant to the cause. As creditor, you are asking to see the statement of account as distinguished from fiction which is assumption and presumption. You want to see the basis of the charge the FACTS. I request an appearance bond in order to plead. I request to be released on my own recognizance until the hearing. So the question you may be asking yourself is why would I ask for an appearance bond? To answer this question one must understand the exact definition of this term. Appear/Appearance. To be in evidence; to be proved. Coming into court by a party to a suit, whether plaintiff or defendant. A special appearance is for the purpose of testing or objecting to the sufficiency of service or the jurisdiction of the court over defendant without submitting to such jurisdiction; Bond. In every case a bond represents debt its holder is a creditor of the corporation (you) and not a part owner as is the shareholder. The word bond is sometimes used more broadly to refer also to unsecured debt instruments. Does this appearance bond request you to come to court or something else? What name is on the charging instrument entitled COMPLAINT? Your name or the strawmans name? If you say the strawman, how is he going to make an appearance? Just what is the strawman anyway? Can you see a strawman? No, but you can show evidence of it. It is an account of all the debits the UNITED STATES and municipalities enter to show debt, hence DEBTOR. It is the opposite (public) side of the account which shows the credits (private). And who does the credits belong to? You the creditor. This being the case, one could see evidence of the strawman or the account which shows the debt. Does the strawman represent you? No, absolutely not! What then does the strawman represent who/what created the strawman and is using the credit of the creditor? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the plaintiff, who also represents the DEBTOR. Do I hear conflict of interest? So how can this be a judicial proceeding? It is an impossibility. It is a business transaction in commerce, and the only reason they need you present at the negotiations is so that you, as the principal, can sign for the debtor in order to balance the account. And you say this is justice? Maybe it is. Account. [Old English accompt, from ac to add + compt a calculation; from Latin computo to compute, reckon] 199

Justice. [L justus just, from jus to be right, to bind, rights of man] Right. Hebrew yaman - to be right; to be right handed; the right hand or right side; the stronger; the South. Latin regere - to rule. Greek oregein - to stretch out] Left. Hebrew semol - wrapping up; properly dark; as enveloped; the North, the left side, the idea of cover, assuming the shape of the object beneath. [Anglo Saxon left worthless, from lef weak, infirm. Do you find it interesting to notice that the debits (debt) of an account are entered on the left side meaning worthless and assuming the shape as in the court assuming you will buy into the game that the name of the strawman has the same shape as your own? But when you enter (the court) from the right side, it means the stronger and to rule. It means substance, reality. It means to make right. Do you think that this is a co-incidence? I think not. Hearing. The parties proceeded against or otherwise involved have right to be heard, in much the same manner as a trial and such proceedings may terminate a final order. Audit. Systematic inspection of accounting records involving analyses, tests, and confirmations. The hearing and investigation had before and auditor. A formal or official examination and authentication of accounts, with witnesses, vouchers, etc. [L audit he hears, a hearing, from audio to hear] Auditor. An officer of the court, assigned to state the items of debit and credit between the parties in a suit where accounts are in question, and exhibit the balance. Under Rules of Civil Procedure in many states, the term master is used to describe those persons formerly known as auditors; Magistrate. [L magister a master, from magia sorcery, from Greek mageia the theology of Magicians] Master of chancery. An officer of a court of chancery who acts as an assistant to the judge or chancellor. His duties are to inquire into such matters as may be referred to him by the court, examine causes, take testimony, take accounts, compute damages, etc., reporting his findings to the court in such shape that a decree may be made; RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. 53. Masters (a) Appointment and Compensation. master includes a referee, and auditor, an examiner, and an assessor. The master shall not retain the masters report as security for the masters compensation; but when the party ordered to pay the compensation allowed by the court does not pay it after notice and with the time prescribed by the court, the master is entitled to a writ of execution against the delinquent party. Wow! What officer of the court must state the items of debit and credit and exhibit the balance? You got it, the magistrate holding out the balance scales of justice. What happens when you are offered the order to pay and you do not pay (accept) it? You dishonor, and you will get a writ of execution against you. (c) Powers. 200

The master may require the production before the master of evidence upon all matters embraced in the reference, including the production of all books, papers, vouchers, documents, and writings applicable thereto. (d) (2) Witnesses. If without adequate excuse a witness fails to appear or give evidence, the witness may be punished as for a contempt and be subjected to the consequences, penalties, and remedies provided in Rules 37 and 45. (d) (3) Witnesses. When matters of accounting are in issue before the master, the master may prescribe the form in which the accounts shall be submitted and in any proper case may require or receive in evidence a statement by a certified public accountant who is called as a witness. (e) Report. In an action to be tried without a jury, unless otherwise directed by the order of reference, the master shall file with the report a transcript of the proceedings and of the evidence and the original exhibits. Who is the witness referred to here? It is the accountant or accounting that must provide the court with evidence of the account of the Defendant/ Debtor/Strawman. If they do not provide the court with this evidence, then they are in big trouble! Account. A detailed statement of the mutual demands in the nature of debit and credit between parties, arising out of contracts or some fiduciary relation. Accountable. Subject to pay; responsible; liable. Accounting/accrual method. A method of keeping accounts which shows expenses incurred and income earned for a given period, although such expenses and income may not have been actually paid or received. Whatever is debited to the strawman/debtor, we, as a creditor, will show as income. Since there is no money, we can never be paid. So we must take the equity from the corporation or the service of the municipality instead as interest payment for using our credit. In summary, when you ask for the appearance bond you are asking to bring evidence into court of the account which shows the debt in order to test the claim without submitting to such jurisdiction so that you can accept the charge and balance the account.


Some of you could be saying but I dont want to plead GUILTY! Maybe you dont know what you are saying. Just what does guilty mean? Guilty. [Anglo Saxon gildan to pay, payment] justly chargeable with a crime (commercial liability); 201

What are you saying when you say guilty? Isnt this a bad thing? As you well know, all crimes are commercial liabilities. Instead of saying I am guilty, you are REALLY saying I am payment. You are saying the debtor is chargeable and I, as the creditor am going to pay with my signature as payment, just like all the other credit that I have created with my signature, which the municipalities and corporations have been capitalizing on up to this point. You are saying, I dont have to get permission from the Federal Reserve System to use MY OWN CREDIT. The Fed intentionally did NOT print enough Federal Reserve Notes to cover the interest payments known as income taxes (which creates the national debt), so I am bypassing them and their faulty accounting system and will handle this matter myself as the principal to discharge the national debt. One must admit that the idea behind this system we are speaking of is absolutely brilliant, if not admirable. Who would have ever thought that the statement I am guilty means I am the creditor who can pay? There is a universal principle at work here, what you resist persists, but on the contrary, what you accept and admire disappears! Confession and avoidance. A plea in which one avows and confesses the truth of the averments of fact in the complaint (liability) or declaration, either expressly or by implication, but then proceeds to allege new matter which tends to deprive the facts admitted of their ordinary legal effect, or to obviate, neutralize, or avoid them. What new matter would this be in order to neutralize or balance the account? How about requesting that the account evidencing debt be brought into court the APPEARANCE BOND! What happens when you sign your name on that bond? Bingo! You just created credit, the account is balanced! The debt is now discharged! The charges are dismissed! You see they needed the creditor to give his approval/authority for a block of credit to be produced. That is why you get court orders. They are really money orders. Remember, this is simply a commercial transaction. They only want to get your signature to get more credit! Criminal admissions. A statement by accused, direct or implied, of facts pertinent to issue, and tending, in connection with proof of other facts, to prove his guilt (ability to pay). Confession of Judgment. The act of a debtor in permitting judgment to be entered against him by his creditor, for a stipulated sum, by a written statement to that effect or by warrant of attorney, without the institution of legal proceedings of any kind. In other words, they are testing you to see if you know that you are the creditor. If you dont know then you arent one. I just love the two words in the above definition, issue as in issue money, and tending as in legal tender. This is becoming more and more obvious what the courts are REALLY about. It has nothing to do with justice or the law only about ACCOUNTING. Now what happens when you deny or traverse or argue? You DISHONOR! And at that point, all the rules go out the window. Whatever the statute says the fine


is valued at no longer matters. Its up to the magistrate/master/auditor to make the arbitrary value. NO MERCY! And what if you cop a plea to a lesser charge, you just lied! You just DISHONORED! If they try to alter the plea, DONT BUY IT! It is a trap to get you to dishonor. You want to accept the exact charges that they offered to you. Once you accept, the contract is yours. Not only that, but the one who makes the charges then gets to pay the bill not you. This would probably be the Secret Service agent or IRS agent or Prosecutor. Is this country great or what? What if you do not plead, so the magistrate enters a plea of NOT GUILTY? Then he is saying The man in front of me is not acting like a creditor so he is NOT ABLE TO PAY and thus a debtor. Now they will have to have a trial, as in a trial balance to verify the debt. Try. [French trier to pick, cull, select, examine; from Latin tritum to cleanse corn by thrashing; from tra to pierce] to purify, assay or refine as metals; to test or prove by experiment; to subject to some severe test or experience; to examine or inquire into; a process for testing qualification; Trial balance. A listing of debit and credit balances of all ledger accounts; all accounts with debit balances are totaled separately from accounts with credit balances. The two totals should be equal. Jury trial. A body of persons returned from the citizens of a particular district before a court. Return. Something which has had a prior existence will be brought or sent back. Profit on sale, or income from investments. A schedule of information required by governmental bodies, such as the tax return required by the Internal Revenue Service. Grand jury. Body of citizens, the number of whom varies from state to state, whose duties consist in determining whether probable cause exists that a crime (commercial liability) has been committed and whether an indictment (true bill) should be returned against one for such a crime. See, they are still trying to get you to accept the charge so they return it to you to give you another chance. It is part of the administrative procedure to give a second notice. This is why they have to try you with a trial. The jury must find a person guilty or not guilty so they can convict the defendant. Find. To discover, to locate, to ascertain and declare. Finder. In intermediary who contracts to find, introduce, and bring together parties to a business opportunity, leaving negotiation and consummation of transaction to the principals. One who locates a particular type of business acquisition for a corporation (USA). Convict. To find (locate) a person (strawman) guilty (liable) of a criminal (commercial) charge (debt). 203

Who would be the intermediary in this matter? The legislative, judicial and executive systems. They bring some of the parties together in handcuffs, but they do the job. Now you, the principal, can negotiate and consume the business acquisition attired in a brilliant orange suit! What a business opportunity of a lifetime! The main purpose of the trial by jury would be to act in the capacity of an accountant in order to make a trial balance and validate the charge or fact on the debit side of the account of the strawman/debtor to see if it is accountable. If they find the debtor not guilty or not able to pay and its creditor does not come forth to sign for the debt, then they throw the collateral in a warehouse for safekeeping. And WHO is the collateral from their viewpoint? When you act like a debtor instead of the creditor, they think YOU are the collateral of the strawman corporation. So the moral of the story is ACCEPT and pay the debt, not DENY and dishonor. Remember, what you resist persists what you accept and admire disappears. Here is a summary of what you say to the public officials when appropriate: 1. To the officer twho hands you a warrant, I am accepting this charge and am now returning it to you. 2. To the magistrate on the phone, I want closure on this matter and I do not intend to dispute the facts. I request an appearance bond in order to plead. I request to be released on my own recognizance until the hearing. 3. To the magistrate at the court room, , I want closure on this matter and I do not intend to dispute the facts. I request an appearance bond without cost and that you waive the fees on my own personal recognizance in order to plead. When asked to plead you say, guilty. 4. When you get the judgment, accept it for value and file it on a UCC-3 as now it becomes your personal property. Now whoever makes the charges (the prosecutor or county attorney, etc.) is the one who has to pay the debt. DRILL: Drill the above scenarios with a friend being the officer or magistrate until you have it down no matter what the circumstances.


When you go into court to be tried in their maritime law of the sea of confusion, you now know the object is to test you to see if you know that you are the creditor. The prosecutor may scoff and mock you in front of the master entitled magistrate. They may have been searching for you to get you to come to their negotiation meeting to create worth and value to their claim. Accept and keep your honor. You may be asked questions in order to test you to see how bright you are and how you miraculously discharge debts. But you must keep focused and allow them to prove the basis of the charge. So, hold your position of being the creditor firmly in your mind so you will pass the test. Below is an interesting analogy of this scenario from II Chronicles 32:31. Read the definitions before reading the verse in order to get a complete grasp of its meaning. 204

Ambassador. Hebrew luwts to make mouths at, to scoff, to interpret, make a mock, mocker. Princes. Hebrew sar a head person, chief, captain, governor, keeper, master. Babylon. Heb Babel confusion; from balal to overflow, to mix, to feed cattle Enquire. Heb darash to tread or frequent, to follow (for pursuit or search), to seek or ask, to worship. worship. [Anglo Saxon weorthscipe honor, weorth worth, value + scipe shape, make, create] Wonder. Heb mopheth conspicuousness, a miracle; from yaphah to be bright, beautiful. Land. Heb erets to be firm, the earth. Try. Hebrew nacah to test, to attempt, adventure, assay, prove, tempt, try. Heart. Heb lebab the heart (as the most interior), courage, the mind. II Chronicles 32:31 Howbeit in the business of the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon, who sent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart. DRILL: Compare the bible verse with the paragraph above it and spot the similarities. Tried. Greek peirazo to test, endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline, examine, prove; from peira through the idea of piercing, a test, an experience; from peiro through, across, cross over to the other side. Faithful. Greek pistos trustworthy, trustful, true. Crown. Greek stephanos chaplet, wreath as a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor. Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which you shall suffer; behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and you shall have tribulation ten days; be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life. All of our lives we have been told that we are being tested, but did anyone really know what this meant and what to do to pass it? Well, it appears this is a very important test, an opportunity to see if you know who you really are. And if you are true to yourself and continue on regardless of the consequences while playing in the public games, you will keep your honor and as a Soveran, you will receive YOUR crown of life.

The Ten Commandments: A Practical Course in Miracles 7


Now that you have given them notice that you know that you are sovereign and that you now control your strawman corporation, AND that you have cancelled the debt of that corporation by using your credit, you can establish YOUR law. Your law will be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. First we will go back to the original law, the Ten Commandments, that started the current line of laws that we have today in order to understand just what they were REALLY about. I bet you thought that the Ten Commandments were written for you to obey another of a higher authority, right? Of course, we should adhere to their principals, but did you know that the Ten Commandments were written for us to use so that our creation can obey US? The Ten Commandments are structured so that YOU say them from YOUR viewpoint. You have probably never heard of this before, have you? Well, that is because we have gotten into our creation (our physical world) so deep we think we are the creation. Well, as you have learned in course 3, we are the creators of everything we see and do and think. What we see is just the reflection of our own mind, and the Ten Commandments are the reflection of what we as gods actually command to our creation. Go to Exodus 20. Just imagine you are looking into the mirror and saying the first commandment, 1. You shall have no other gods before me. Who is saying those words and making that reflection in the mirror? An entity called Yahweh, Jahovah, Elohim, etc., etc., etc.? Nope, guess again, how about, YOU? It appears that we have turned reality upside down and backwards to get out of taking responsibility. We have done the impossible - making the image real and then obeying it. We have even made an image with initials "US" so that we might escape responsibility and say "the world must obey US (UNITED STATES)"! In reality, our own world (our image including the UNITED SATES) must obey each one of us! Since our creation is also a reflection of ourselves, we also must heed this universal principal. We can have no other gods before us so that we worship (create worth) anything else more than we value ourselves. We are responsible for our universe alone and not another how can they be? How can another be responsible for your actions and your deeds it is an impossibility. Did another think your thoughts, DO your actions and move your body. Even though a number of major religions will argue otherwise, YOU ARE GUILTY. Drill: Go to the mirror and say the first commandment to your reflection (your creation). Now have your study partner stand beside you and have them say it LOOKING DIRECTLY AT YOUR REFLECTION. Did you feel that they were talking to you? Was your partner talking to you or YOUR REFLECTION. Trade saying this back and forth in the mirror until you have a cognition or realization. 2. You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth, you shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them Graven Heb pecel idol, to carve wood or stone, grave, hew. 206

Image there is no word for image, it was added to aid in understanding of GRAVEN. Likeness Heb temunah something portioned or fashioned out, a shape, phantom, embodiment or manifestation; representation Bow Heb shachah to depress, prostrate (in homage to royalty), fall down, humbly beseech, obey, make to stoop, worship; related to sachah make to swim, inundate. Serve Heb abad to work, serve, till, enslave, keep in bondage or service (this is the same root word as Exodus 2:5 there was not man to till the ground, and same as bondman when Israel was in Egypt. Remember, you are saying this to the mirror - to your creation. So why would we want to make a law like this? Well, what if you started submitting to the image in the mirror (your creation) and you obeyed it every time it spoke to you or gave you a ticket or got a nasty letter from it? "The government says this.", or "the TV said that", "this statute says we cannot do...", "the LAW says we must conform", "the Bank says they are going to take my house". WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO AND WORSHIPPING YOUR OWN CREATION???? Who is running your universe anyway - You or them? Secondly, it does not say "you shall NOT make graven images". It says - don't make them then give them authority over you and serve them. You see, you can make anything you want as long as you take responsibility for it. You may be thinking, "Wow, that is not what I was told, this is just too simple, it must be more complex"! . NOT. Drill: With the above definitions in mind, what does an attorney represent in the court room? How about a judge, a corporation, or a title? How have you bowed down to or served them? 3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain. Lord Heb Yehovah self-existant, eternal; from hayah to exist, to be, to become, come to pass, accomplished; related to Chaldean havah to exist, to judge. Name: Heb shem - definite and conspicuous position, honor, authority, character, to put; from shamayim - aloft in the sky. Vain Heb shawv - desolating, evil, to rush over, tempest. Have you ever wondered why you cannot be held guiltless or be forgiven for sinning against the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit translates to "the mind", and when you lie to yourself (your mind) then you cannot get well. You are stuck in a lie and as long as you do not confront that problem in your face, it will continue forever! We have told ourselves countless times that we are "only human", "chaff in the wind", or "a vessel of God". Is this true? Are you a vessel or is your body a vessel? If you drive your car - are you a car? How many lies have we told ourselves over our entire existence? ANSWER: A LOT!!


Then if you truly understand that you are a god who has created all that one sees and experiences, and you say "I can't do that", or "why would they listen to me?", what are you really saying? You are saying that you have not created this circumstance and you do not want to take responsibility for it. You are saying that you are not "Lord" over your creation and therefore you have desolated your definite and conspicuous position, your honorable, lofty name as Lord and master of your creation. You have DISHONORED your name. You have taken your name as Lord in vain. Replace phrases like I cant with I can or even better it is done. Drill: Write down several examples of negative phrases that you say that LIMIT you or degrade you. Now write them again like they already EXIST right now, in the present. Discuss this with your study mate and make an agreement to remind you to talk IN THE PRESENT like your actions already exist. 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, in it you shall not do any work, you nor your son, nor daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is in your gates; For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Remember Heb zakar - to mark, to remember, to mention, record, memorial. Sabbath Heb - intermission, to repose, desist from exertion, cease, celebrate, rest, put away, take away, rid. Labor Heb abad - to work, to serve, till, enslave, keep in bondage, be bondmen, compel, dress, execute, husbandman, become a servant, do service, transgress, worshipper. Son Heb ben - to build, make, create Again you are commanding your creation when you say this, "You will serve me and I will enslave you, keep you in bondage and I will compel you to become a servant and you and your own offspring or creations will worship me". Remember the circle and how it has seven actions? Six of the steps are creating something, then consuming or enjoying it and when you finally duplicate it and digest it into your mind, what happens to it on the seventh day? It disappears! What does the Sabbath mean in the viewpoint of the creation? To repose, to cease, put away, take away, RID - that sounds terminal doesn't it? You are basically saying to your creation, "remember, I brought you into this world and I can take you out!" I want to point out that the commandments are not for ruling other gods they are for ruling your creation. This is important to remember. The intention of this exercise is not to become a megalomaniac (look it up), but to be responsible for what you are creating. 5. Honour your father and your mother; that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord gives you. Honour Heb kabad - to be heavy, honourable, weighty, glorify, 208

Father Heb ab - father, chief, principal Mother Heb em - a mother as the bond of the family Who is your creation's father and mother? Who is the principal of your creation (#3)? Who spawned it? That would be #1 on the circleyou. How was it created, conceived and bound through a contract, and where did it first take place? Right, #2 on the circle - your mind. So what are you telling your creation? You are telling it "let my words be heavy upon you for I am the principal, take heed to me, your maker, and obey my contract so that your days may be long upon the land that I have given you." Can you imagine speaking to a Banker or a government official like that? You are the Creditor of this country and the fiction called the UNITED STATES and all other corporations. You have given all that is substance in this country including THE LAND and the production. You have given them your credit which enabled them to make ALL of their money and power which appear they have and factually owe to you. Without you and the other soverans they would not even exist. Take ownership of this fact right now at this very moment! 6. You shall not kill. Kill Heb ratsach - to dash in pieces, kill, murder, slay. Why would you be commanding your creation not to murder? Because only you can say what creation can continue or end - NOT the creation. Only you can consume your creation or destroy it or take it away - not the Bank or the Secret Service or the IRS it is not their call, it is not their job, it is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! If a corporation is giving you a problem, remember you gave them credit, you gave them life. Without you they could not exist. If they do not recognize this fact, then you will have to kill the corporation. And how does one do that? Remember in the Wizard of OZ when Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the cowardly Lion all came before the Wizard and wanted something? What did the Wizard tell them? Bring me the broom of the Wicked Witch of the West and I will give you what you ask. Dorothy exclaimed, But we may have to kill her to get the broom! If you remember the Wizard did not answer. It was like he was saying to himself, exactly! So they went to the witchs castle and how did they get the broom? They poured water (maritime law) on the WEST (to be security) and liquidated her (Bankruptcy Liquidation Chapter 7)! When they completed this task, they all actually realized that they already had what they wanted. Dorothy, you could always go back to Kansas. Drill: Where is the above story of liquidation on the circle? Is it a coincidence it is in the west in the water? 7. You shall not commit adultery. Adultery Heb na'aph - to commit adultery, apostatize.


Apostatize: [Greek apostasia - a standing away from a defection, apo - from + sta to stand] an abandonment of what one has professed; a total desertion or departure from one's faith, principles or party; traitorous. Of course one would want their creation not to depart from obeying them. You now have your own religion and your creation must be faithful to you if they want to "live long upon the land". This is covered in detail in the last part of Course 3. 8. You shall not steal. Steal Heb ganab - thieve, to deceive, carry away, secretly bring, get by stealth. You do not want your creation to carry away, or get by stealth ANYTHING in your realm, in your universe including other being's creations. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Witness Heb ed - a witness, testimony, recorder, prince. Neighbor Heb rea - an associate, a thought (as association of ideas); from ra'ah - to tend to a flock, to pasture it, to rule, to associate with as a friend, companion, wander, waste Here again we have an indication that our creation originates from our thoughts. It truly appears that our creation has a mind of its own, and it will rule us if we do not take responsibility for it and rule it our selves. Otherwise, it could start lying to us and telling us that we must obey our creation which is of course a "false testimony". 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house, you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is your neighbor's. Covet Heb chamad - to delight in, beauty, greatly beloved, covet, delectable thing, desire, lust, pleasant, precious, to long for or wish for Desire [Latin desidero from de to take away + sidus a star] to wish, to be in a state of anxiety about something; an emotion or excitement of the mind, directed to the attainment or possession of an object from which pleasure is expected. Now just so you know, all of these laws apply to us as well when we deal with each other as honorable people. We must respect each other. This being the case, why would you want another's property when you can create your own? Why is it not OK to desire something - like a car or a house? When you desire something, you are repeating in your mind over and over again, "that thing that I want in my mind is what I do not have". Why are you creating that you do not have it - why are you creating lack? Wouldn't it be more logical to actually create in your mind that you actually have it? I can hear you now, "but I DON'T HAVE IT"! And you know what? You are right, because you are a god and you can have it your way by continuing to create what just came out of your mouth. But consider this, if you never have it in your mind first, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT IN THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. 210

Remember in the first course what value means? Value: Greek time (tee-may) - a value, money paid, valuables, esteem, dignity itself; from tino - to pay a price (as a penalty), to be punished with. When you value something and you desire it, you are saying, "I do not have the thing that I want so bad and therefore I am punishing myself with it until I get it". What is the product of "TRYING to get something done for a thousand years"? You get a thousand years of TRYING, but you do not get the product do you? I think that this last commandment is one of the most important rules - You shall not covet. This is where we start remembering how to create again. This is where we take control of our universe and take responsibility for everything we think and say and do. For if we do not guide our own thoughts and our own actions then we will get exactly what we are allowing to be floating around in our minds. If you create "I have" then the physical universe must obey you, and conversely, if you say "I don't have" then the physical universe will also obey you. How many times have we said "I don't have enough money to pay the bills", or "I have a piece of junk for a car", or "my job sucks"? I just have one question WHY ARE YOU CREATING THAT? Are you allowing your creation to dictate to you? Are you basing your life on a piece of paper with ink on it (called a bank statement) that you interpret as "you do not have enough money"? All I've got to say is Wow, that is an incredible thing that a god can actually create lack! A god can create anything, however you are creating that you DON'T HAVE anything - that is an impossibility. Pat yourself on the back, congratulations - you are actually doing the impossible!!! I must say that you are doing something incredibly challenging. Wouldn't it be more fun if you decided you wanted something and took responsibility for it from its beginning to its end, that you could imagine you already having it - say a new car. Imagine you seeing your reflection in the shine of the hood, then getting in the car, feeling the cushion of the seat, the aroma of "new car", the steering wheel in your hands, you turning the key, driving away with the wind in you face down a scenic country road, pushing the pedal to the floor for that rush of speed, all the while having a smile on your face. Feels good doesn't it? You have just created a thought that if nourished and embellished upon will result in that dream. You cannot allow physical barriers to get in the way of your dreams. Matter, energy, space and time are but considerations. Consideration [Latin considero, con together + sidus a star] to fix the mind on; to respect; to take into view or account; to meditate on; to regard; to reflect; important or valuable; making allowance for. So if you are taking into account, meditating, regarding as important or fixing the mind on a barrier to your dream, then your mind will reflect it into the physical universe and of course, you will get what you make real your worst fears. It's an honest and true universal principle - crap in/crap out, quality in/quality out. And what if you do not apply the ten commandments to your creation?


Deuteronomy 28:68 And the Lord shall bring you into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spoke unto you, You shall see it no more again; and there you shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you What does the Power Elite call UNITED STATES? New Egypt! And it is a fiction you shall see it no more again. And you have been brought into slavery by way of artificial vessels (ships) called a strawman. And no man bought us as slaves WE SOLD OURSELVES INTO BONDAGE to our enemies who never paid a dime for us and our credit. Now you have learned that you do create law every time you think and say a word. You are creating whether you want to or not, it just depends on what you are allowing to be in your mind. Drill: Go to a mountain or large hill so that you can see a panoramic view of "your world" and read the Ten Commandments out loud one at a time to your creation. Say it like you mean it, like you are talking to the whole universe, repeat the first commandment until you feel it all the way through you, feeling so exhilarated that you just want to explode with emotion and be at one with your universe. Your universe has waited a long time for you to take your throne. A DECLARATION AND TREATY OF PEACE Now that you know that you are separate from your creation, you must put it in writing what you want your creation to do. Since you are your own Sovereign, you are your own nation and thus you have the responsibility to tell the nations around you what is expected of them. First you must notice the people that are affecting you the most such as the key local, state, national and international officials. They have already published their job descriptions and oaths that they promise to do for you. These actions are called "offers" (offerings) and you as a god must accept them in order to maintain your own honor. If you do not accept them, then you will go into dishonor and YOU will be consumed instead of the offering. You will be required to read and understand the instructions in order to enact your Treaty as the "Supreme Law of the Land". INTRODUCTION TO YOUR TREATY Before we begin your Treaty, it would be beneficial to get some background as to why America is in this present situation. Following is a speech by Representative Traficant who Reports On The Bankruptcy Of The United States, United States Congressional Record, March 1, 1993 VOL. 33, page H-1303 The Speaker - Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House. When you have finished examining what is furnished to you here, you will know WHY James Traficant was "convicted" and sentenced to eight years in federal prison. HE WILL NEVER EMERGE ALIVE because he KNOWS TOO MUCH AND TRIED TO TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. He spoke on the House Floor on March 17, 1993, and I heard part of the speech on CSPAN. It was interrupted and no reason was given; C-SPAN went directly to 212

coverage of another event. More than a year later, I was able to get a copy of the speech he gave and submitted for the Congressional Record, and my son downloaded it to his hard drive at the time. I have had hard copies of that for several years, but did not have it in MY computer. Today, I had a need to give a copy to an acquaintance and, now that I am "computer literate," I went to Thomas (the Congressional Computer Program) intending to copy and print it out rather than dig out my copies. When I read what is in the Congressional Record NOW, I immediately knew it was NOT what Traficant said that day. I dug out my hard copies and have taken the time to type Traficant's words for you exactly as they were spoken to a nearly empty chamber. United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, Page H-1302 and H1303, Resolution of the Budget AS IT IS NOW REFLECTED IN THE OFFICIAL RECORD. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgibin/query/D?r103:30:./temp/~r1035EGAp...Scroll down to page H-1303 and read the words of James Traficant Jr. AS THEY NOW APPEAR IN THE RECORD, then below read the way it was originally read into the record, and the way it appeared when I downloaded it in 1994. Here is what the record reflected in 1994; WHEN it was changed, I do not know: Mark Gregory Koernke Friday, August 09, 2002 11:55 PM Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. . . Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; Declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H. J. R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Government Offices, Officers and Departments and is futher evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a defacto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H. R. 13955 reads in part:"The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?"


Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the United States of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold and silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) made no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money." The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the United States of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, - gold and silver coin. It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money, and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper in debt. We the People no longer have any "money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country? Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRN's are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). Whenever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs. Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRN's has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRN's, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRN's are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank. There is a fundamental difference between "paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRN's, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good and valuable consideration." Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already. Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations. The Federal Reserve System, is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal "person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. (1:9:3) 214

The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same. Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principal. Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until Federal Reserve Act (1913). "Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, - in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title, the U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th. Amendment U.S. citizens, to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn't have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves," the U.S. citizens, as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledge the unincorporated federal territories, national parks and forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers. Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another. This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed" knowledge: of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it's easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt. Why don't more people own their properties outright? Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less? We are reaping what has been sown, and the result of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it. 215

America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war. Bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your country. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENACTING YOUR TREATY AS LAW PURPOSE: As a Creditor of UNITED STATES and all other sub-corporations private and public, you are owed equity and interest for the gold and all property that you loaned them starting March 9, 1933 to date. There is NO MONEY. In order to start getting your equity back, you must NOTICE your DEBTORS of what you expect them to do and the consequences if they do not comply, but first you must ESTABLISH THE LAW. Your treaty is a contract to the WHOLE WORLD and tells the world what you want and how things are going to be done in this CREDITOR/DEBTOR relationship. This file contains all the documents you will need to PERFECT YOUR LIEN and TAKE BACK YOUR EQUITY; A. Instructions B. Treaty C. Notice of Default and Entry of Assent to Contract D. Certificate of Assent - from a third party witness saying no response was received E. Notice of Commercial Lien - to be recorded at the County Recorder 1. The following steps are sequence of events that must occur to get your treaty established and enacted as the supreme law of the land. a. Word process the Treaty for all of the correct information b. Print the Treaty out, read it several times for correctness and MAKE SURE YOU DESIGNATE A THIRD PARTY RECEIVER WITH NAME AND ADDRESS, then get it notarized c. Send the Treaty by registered mail, return receipt so you have proof that they received your Contract you are in the process of creating. d. If you have not received a response in twenty (20) days, send Notice of Default and Entry of Assent to Contract allowing Respondents ten (10) additional days to respond. e. Send the copies of the above documents to the Respondent(s) and keep the originals f. After ten (10) additional days get take the Certificate of Assent to the THIRD PARTY RECEIVER and have them Notarize their signature. g. Word process the NOTICE OF COMMERCIAL LIEN and notarize it h. Take all of the Notices that you have done from the Treaty and arrange them in a package from the first on the bottom to the Certificate of Assent on the top. i. Place the NOTICE OF COMMERCIAL LIEN on top of the package, copy the package, then staple the original together, then record the document at the County Recorder. Take the receipt of the recording, make a copy and send it along with the copy of the lien you just recorded to the Respondents. j. File a UCC-1 Financing statement with SECRETARY OF STATE for your state, with John Snow US SECRETARY OF TREASURY as the DEBTOR, for $100 Billion, and you the CREDITOR and assign the security interest to a TRUST with you as BENEFICIARY, a third party as TRUSTEE and the DEBTOR (corporation) as GRANTOR/TRUSTOR. No 216

documents need to be drawn up for the Trust and it does not need to be recorded - ANYWHERE - because it is a PRIVATE TRUST. You do not need to file all of the other notices with the UCC-1, but you do need to reference the county docket and page or filing number. The reason you use a trust is that it is a third party (like the banks use - such as a Title Company or a Reconveyance company) and therefore a witness if this is ever brought up in court. For reference look up UCC 1-202, and Blacks Dictionary under prima facie evidence. You will see that this cannot be refuted unless by other similar evidence. k. Within a month after you recorded the COMMERCIAL LIEN, send Respondent, now as DEBTOR, a NOTICE OF DEBT COLLECTION giving them 30 additional days to pay you the amount of the lien. Notice them again in 60 days. 2. You now have a perfected lien that has been seasoned. You can do several things at this point; You can deposit this lien in a bank as a Certificate of Deposit and get a whopping 4% annual interest rate You could sell it for cash (at a discount) at anywhere from 25 - 90% of face value. Keep the lien and pay for products you want, such as vehicles or real estate, by filing a UCC-3 as a partial assignment of the lien until you have used it up. You could initiate involuntary bankruptcy where you have a forced sale of the Respondents property. This is the exact procedure the banks use to take property from people and never set foot in the courtroom. This is basically how the IRS takes away property; a. When the Respondent does not pay you, this is called a BREACH. You see, the Trust (testator) actually "dies" when the trust is breached and as a result, the first Trustee becomes the grantor and has to be substituted by a third party in order to execute or carry out the Deed (the will) by liquidating the property. You will need to make a second TRUST and SUBSTITUTE the first Trustee so they can record a Notice of Trustee Sale in 60 days if the Respondent breaches. b. After 60-90 days from the time you recorded the lien, record 2 documents; 1. Notice of Substitution of Trustee Sale - the cover page 2. Statement of Breach and Non-Performance - attachment c. Have the Trustee that you substituted sign by notary the Notice of Trustee Sale, then record it at the county Recorders. This action gives the Respondent 90 days to pay you the amount owed or you have a public Sale, in which all of the collateral goes up for auction and the highest bidder gets the collateral. You keep selling off their collateral until you satisfy the lien. Designate a public place where you are going to have the public auction. Then advertise it in the local monthly paper that lists all of the foreclosures, and Trustee Sales for 90 days. Also put a copy on the public notice board at the Superior Court where all the other foreclosures are advertised.







When sale day comes, have the Trustee describe the property by reading the Notice of Trustee Sale, which includes giving the legal description and amount against the lien. Whoever is going to bid must have in their possession $1,000.00 cash, not a check or money order. Start opening bids and keep a record of who is bidding and how much they bid. The last one to bid is the winner. e. The Substituted Trustee then gives the highest bidder a TRUSTEES DEED, which is signed, notarized and recorded. f. If no one shows up, then the property you listed as collateral is yours. The Substitute Trustee then gives you a TRUSTEES DEED, which is prima facie evidence in any court if challenged. g. If the collateral is real estate, you can now have a Realtor sell it, or sell it your self. THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. IT IS CERTAIN THAT THERE WILL BE IMPROVEMENTS TO THIS PROCESS AND WE WILL STRIVE TO GET THE INFORMATION TO YOU. IN THE MEANTIME, LEARN IT, IMPROVE ON IT YOURSELF, AND SPREAD IT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO IS DETERMINED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CREATION OF THEIR WORLD.

Private Banking: A Practical Course in Miracles 8

PURPOSE: To produce monetary value for public and private trade Learn the history of money and banking and that it is actually the same system that has been in place for the last 6,000 years Learn about the US bankruptcy and how to use it to your advantage Learn about the different means of exchange and the instruments used Find out how "fighting the system" is a waste of time and how understanding and how ACCEPTING the system is extremely successful Learn how to create money through exchange.

FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to use the current system to obtain prosperity

It is important to understand just what our government is, in order to operate effectively in this system. Did you know that it is actually a trust? Before explaining how the government is a trust, we will first examine a trust that most of us are familiar with a Deed of Trust. You might be saying to yourself, you mean my mortgage? No I mean your trust!


Go to your filing cabinet and pull out your file on what you think is the mortgage to your house. Now for the fist time, READ IT. What does it say? Is a Deed of Trust different than a Mortgage? Lets find out! The following definitions will be used from the Blacks 4th and 6th editions; Trust. An obligation on a person arising out of confidence reposed in him to apply property faithfully and according to such confidence; as being in nature of deposition by which proprietor transfers to another property of subject in trusted, not that it should remain with him, but that it should be applied to certain uses for the be hoof of third party. Trustor. A person who creates a trust, also called a Settlor. Trustee. Person who holds title to the res and administers it for the others benefit. One must be an attorney to operate a title company. If title companys hold all the titles of the Deed of Trusts in the country, then who holds all the titles? Thats right attorneys! Beneficiary. One for whose benefit a trust is created. One receiving benefit or advantage, or one who is in receipt of benefits, profits, or advantage. Settlor. One who furnishes the consideration for the creation of a trust, though in form the trust is created by another. Did you know when you signed the Deed of Trust that you were giving benefit and advantage to the bank? Who created the Deed of Trust? The bank did, so why wouldnt the bank draw up the contract for


their own advantage if we dont say anything against it? Mortgage. [L. mort dead + gage pledge, or bet; the estate pledged becomes dead or entirely lost by failure to pay.] An assignment or conveyance of land or house property to a person as security for the payment of a debt due to him and on the condition that if the money shall be paid according to contract the grant shall be void. The Consolidated Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1939 edition. Most states have passed the Deed of Trust Act and for the purpose of making it easier to evict people out of their homes by not going into court. Why would they change the name of a mortgage to a Deed of Trust? Perhaps they are not holding the land or house property as security. What would the security be then? Deed of trust. An instrument in use in many states, taking the place and serving the uses of a common-law mortgage, by which the legal title to real property is placed in one or more trustees, to secure the repayment of a sum of money or the performance of other conditions. Instead of having the land be security the bankers have replaced this with legal title to real property. Does this mean a legal description? Can the legal description ever be the land or house property? Since there is no money what would the performance of other conditions be? Could this be the delivery of the Promissory Note? Grant. To bestow; to confer upon some one other than the person or entity which makes the grant Grantor. The person by whom a grant is made.


Legal. Conforming to the law; according to law; created by law. Description. A written enumeration of items composing an estate, or of its condition, or of titles or documents; like an inventory, but with more particularity, and without involving the idea of an appraisement. The dictionary did not have the term legal description, so a summary of the words would be a written enumeration of items composing an estate created by law. Since law is a fiction then what actually is a legal description? The legal description, or should I say the strawland, is the birth certificate for the soil, the dirt, the substance that you own. It is the title, but can never be the real thing or take the place of it NEVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Title. The evidence of right which a person has to the possession of property. The word title certainly does not merely signify the right which a person has to the possession of property; because there are many instances in which a person may have the right to the possession of property, and at the same time have no title to the same. Isnt that interesting! Title does NOT signify the right to possession. One may have right of possession and have no title to the same! This is why the bank must create a right of possession in order to take your property away when you do not pay. You see, the bank does not have title before this instance, the title company has the title, so the bank must create a title. But first the bank must create a right of possession. They must notice you by posting a notice on the property, sending you certified mail,

putting it in the newspaper, recording it in the public record and posting it on the public bulletin board. When you do not respond to these notices, it is assumed that you give your consent, and therefore they now have right of possession. Grantors Trust. A trust whereby the Grantor is considered to be the owner so that he can maintain the property and pay the taxes on it. Fructus. Fruits; produce; profit or increase; the right to the fruits of a thing belonging to another. Usufruct. The right of enjoying a thing, the property of which is vested in another, and draw from the same all the profit, utility, and advantage which it may produce, provided it be without altering the substance of the thing. Does the above definition say what I think it says? Are we being usufructed by the banks? Tenant. One who holds lands of another; one who has the temporary use and occupation of real property owned by another person (called the landlord) the duration and terms of his tenancy being usually fixed by an instrument called a lease. Joint Tenancy. An estate in fee-simple, fee-tail, for life, for years, or at will, arising by purchase or grant to two or more persons. If you signed your Deed of Trust Joint Tenancy, what did you do? Did you actually sign a lease agreement with the landlord that call themselves the bank? Here is a quote from a Deed of Trust WITNESSETH: That Trustor hereby irrevocably grants, conveys, transfers and assigns to the Trustee in Trust, with Power of Sale, the above described real

property, together with leases, issues, profits, or income there from: SUBJECT, however to the right, power and authority hereinafter given to and conferred upon Beneficiary to collect and apply such property income. Assignment of lease. Such occurs where lessee transfers entire unexpired remainder of term created by lease. What did you do when you signed the Deed of Trust at the title company? You assigned the lease between you (the Settlor) and the Trustor (the strawman) to the Beneficiary (the landlord). What were you thinking? How did the Deed of Trust become a lease, anyway? Executed. Completed; carried into full effect; already done or performed; taking effect immediately; now in existence or in possession; conveying an immediate right or possession. A trust does not become fully executed until subject matter of it has been properly paid over to beneficiaries. Execute. To complete; to make; to perform; to do; to follow out. The execution of a note involves not only the signing but the delivery of the note.[Latin executus to follow to the end; from ex out + sequor to follow.] Delivery. The act by which the res or substance thereof is placed within the actual or constructive possession or control of another. Subject matter. The subject, or matter presented for consideration; to recover money What would be the subject matter, res or substance of a Deed of Trust and the notes secured thereby? What is the subject matter presented for consideration? Would this be money or substance or would this be what our society uses as money?


Registered. Entered or recorded in some official register or record or list. Security. Protection; assurance; indemnification. The term is usually applied to an obligation, pledge, mortgage, deposit, lien, etc., given by a debtor in order to make sure the payment or performance of his debt, by furnishing the creditor with a resource to be used in case of failure in the principal obligation. To understand how the money system works today, one must remember the 73rd Congress, March 9, 1933; The money (Federal Reserve Notes) will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the nation. The money so issued will not have one penny of gold coverage behind it, because it is really not needed. Since the national emergency in banking, otherwise known as bankruptcy occurred in 1933, our money is credit your credit backed by your collateral or your promise. When you sign any promise to pay, it becomes MONEY! What is the difference between Federal Reserve Notes and the Promissory Note you gave the bank? They both represent your credit. Only one thing is different the bank failed to record your Promissory Note when they recorded the Deed of Trust, therefore it is not registered in the public register like FRNs are. Could this be considered fraudulent use of a foreign security? You better believe it is!


Will. A will is not a sheet of paper, nor a number of sheets or pages, but consists of the words written thereon. And the form of an instrument is of little consequence in determining whether it is a will, but if it is executed with formalities required by statute, and if it is to operate only after death of maker, it is a will? The difference between a will and a trust is that a will operates from the moment of death, while a trust operates in present to a certain extent. Testator. One who makes or has made a testament or will; one who dies leaving a will. Substitution. The putting one person in place of another; particularly, the act of a testator in naming second devisee (receiver of real property by will) or legatee (receiver of personal property by will) who is to take the bequest either on failure of the original devisee or legatee or after him. Executor by substitution. A successor executor appointed by testator entitled to succeed to administration of estate following resignation of first executor who had partially administered upon such estate. Executor. A person appointed by a testator to carry out the directions and requests in his will, and to dispose of the property according to his testamentary provisions after his decease. You may be thinking by now, what does all of these terms about death got to do with the Deed of Trust? What happens when you execute something? You kill it, it dies. OK, so what died? Have you ever wondered why the bank issues a Notice of Substitution of Trustee before they issue a Notice Trustees Sale? They must replace the original

trustee, because someone, or something died - as in a mortgage (dead pledge). The following is a quote from a Full Reconveyance that the bank gives you when you pay off a loan. Said Deed of Trust was executed by JOHN A. DOE (Trustor) to SHYSTER BANK (Original Beneficiary), and recorded in the official records of PIMA County, ARIZONA, as follows: Date Deed of Trust Recorded: September 28, 1998. The date given above as the date the Deed of Trust was executed was the same date that the Promissory Note was signed and delivered, not when the loan was paid off. The bank is telling you that the trust was completed when you delivered the note to them. THESE ARE THEIR OWN WORDS! So, the trust or trustor died! Who is the trustor? How did they spell the name of the trustor? With all capital letters? Is this you or is it Memorex (the strawman)?
Drill: If you think we are no longer in the feudal system here in the "good ol' US of A," THINK AGAIN. If either you or a friend has a Deed of Trust, go to your files and pull out the copy of it and read the first page and answer the following questions; 1. Did you know you created a TRUST when you obtained your house? 2. Who is the TRUSTOR - you or the STRAWMAN? 3. Who is the TRUSTEE? 4. Who is the BENEFICIARY? 5. What is the "described property," the land or a list of measurements of a fictitious location? 6. If you irrevocably "grant" a legal description to the TRUSTEE, who is the GRANTOR; and just what exactly was granted? (hint: not the land) 7. Did the husband and wife sign as joint TENANCY? If so what does that make the TRUSTOR - the owner or the TENANT? 226

8. If the TRUSTOR is now the tenant making payments to the Beneficiary is the bank in fact the LANDLORD? 9. If one (the mortgage or trust) dies and the property is disposed of - what is it? 10. What really is this document called the Deed of Trust? a. a trust

b. a grant c. a lease

d. a will e. f. a contract all of the above

1. If you said "f" you are correct - but if the TRUSTOR is the strawman, how do you fit into this mystery - are you the Settlor or the Surety? 2. Who gave the consideration for this contract? 3. Are all the above "persons" and property real or fictitious? 4. If this is fiction - who had the land in the first place before ever walking into the Title Company to sign the loan? (hint: YOU!!!) 5. Who is security for the Federal Reserve Notes? (same answer) 6. Who then paid for the loan when they signed the Promissory Note? (no hints) 7. So why do we think we are the tenant when we get a late notice or a NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE from the bank, when the property was ours in the first place AND we paid for it again with our Promissory Note?

Now that you know what a Deed of Trust really is, you can solve this riddle. Here are a few more words to define to get a grasp of how much power you really have.

Banking. The business of receiving money on deposit, loaning money, discounting notes, issuing notes for circulation, collecting money on notes deposited, negotiating bills, etc. Bank. An institution, usually incorporated with power to issue its promissory notes intended to circulate as money

(known as bank notes); or to receive the money of others on general deposit, to forma joint fund that shall be used by the institution, for its own benefit; The term bank is usually restricted in its application to an incorporated body; while a private individual making it his business to conduct banking operations is generally denominated a banker. Banker. A private person who keeps a bank; one who is engaged in the business of banking. One who carries on the business of banking by receiving money on deposit with or without interest, by buying and selling bills of exchange, promissory notes, gold or silver coin, bullion, uncurrent money, bonds or stock, or other securities, and by loaning money without being incorporated. Bankers Note. A commercial instrument resembling a bank note (a promissory note issued by a bank intended to circulate as money) in every particular except that it is given by a private banker or unincorporated banking institution. Bill of Exchange. A written order from A. to B. directing B. to pay C. a certain sum of money therein named. A check differs from a bill of exchange in that it is always drawn on a deposit whereas a bill is not. Foreign Bill of Exchange. A bill of exchange drawn in one state or country, upon a foreign state or country. Foreign Exchange. Conversion of the money of one country into its equal of another country. Process by which money of one country is used to pay balances due in another country. As one can see from the above definitions, you are a banker that can issue promissory notes intended to be circulated as money. Since that is what

ALL currency is today your credit it should not be a stretch for the imagination to think that you can USE YOUR OWN CREDIT! You are foreign to UNITED STATES so you can use your credit to pay the balance due in another country (or should we say corporation such as UNITED STATES). The balance representing the interest that a person owes you when they are using YOUR credit. Since the strawman is a corporation created by the state to account for the credit that they are using in your name, it stands to reason that the strawman represents UNITED STATES and THEIR debt not you and your debt. You are the creditor, and the state or UNITED STATES is the debtor. They owe you exemption for using your credit, but since they are bankrupt, there is no substance money, so you, as the creditor, will have to get paid by taking equity, such as your house and your car as a setoff. As one can see from the above definitions, you are a banker that can issue BILLS OF EXCHANGE (BOE) intended to be circulated as money. Since that is what ALL currency is today your credit it should not be a stretch for the imagination to think that you can USE YOUR OWN CREDIT! However, you are not going to use your credit which creates more debt you are going to by using your EXEMPTION. Exemption. Freedom from a general duty or service; immunity from a general burden, tax, or charge, Immunity from service of process or from certain legal obligations, as jury duty, military service, or the payment of taxes; Property exempt in bankruptcy proceedings is provided for under Bankruptcy Code sec. 522.

Exempt. [L. exemptum, to take out, to remove, from ex, out + emo, to buy, to take.] To free or permit to be free from any charge, burden, restraint, duty to which others are subject; to grant immunity. Accept. [L. acceptare, from ad, to + capio, to take.] To take or receive, as something offered; to acknowledge with a signature and thus promise to pay a Bill of Exchange. All municipalities and corporations are bankrupt because they have no substance to back up their currency. We, as sovereigns, bailed them out by letting them use OUR PROPERTY as collateral, then they mortgaged it and Voila! there was currency. However, we are EXEMPT because they are using our credit to make trillions of dollars a year, and therefore, we are entitled to take a portion of their equity in return. You are going TO TAKE what is already yours and in your possession. Since there is no money, you can only take equity goods and services from the corporations using your credit as they are BANKRUPT! You will be sending a copy of the BOE to John Snow in a private capacity as the trustee for the US Bankruptcy. This is done privately because you cannot deal with a fiction. You are foreign to UNITED STATES and all other corporations, so you can use your EXEMPTION as a FOREIGN BILL OF EXCHANGE to pay the balance due in another country (or should we say corporation such as UNITED STATES). The balance representing the interest that a person owes you when they are using YOUR credit.


Since the strawman is a corporation created by the state to account for the credit that they are using in your name, it stands to reason that the strawman represents UNITED STATES and THEIR debt not you. You are the creditor, and the state or UNITED STATES is the debtor. They owe you interest for using your credit, but since they are bankrupt, there is no substance money, so you, as the creditor, will have to get paid by taking equity, such as your house and your car as a setoff. Power of acceptance. Capacity of offeree, upon acceptance of the terms of the offer, to create a binding contract. House Joint Resolution 192, June 5, 1933, states that one cannot demand a certain form of currency that they want to receive if it is dollar for dollar as ALL CURRENCY IS YOUR CREDIT!! If they do, they are in breach of the contract of HJR 192. You have already accepted this contract and now they must perform. Pursuant to the contract with the corporation that you are discharging the debt of and HJR 192, they must give you a Letter of Release or Payment in Full. If you have not received the release in 14 days then send them a DEFAULT and contact a notary to do a process that will give you a CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR, because they are in breach of the contract at this time. Conveyance. The transfer of title from one person to another. An instrument in writing under seal, by which some estate or interest in lands is transferred from one person to another.


Reconveyance. It takes place where a mortgage debt is paid off, and the mortgaged property is conveyed again to the mortgagor or his representatives free from the mortgage debt. Have you ever wondered why the banks use the term Reconveyance? If conveyance means the transfer of title, then does Reconveyance mean to transfer title back to you? Did you know that you had interest in the land before you ever walked into the title company to sign your loan? Now that you have issued a promissory note to the bank and they have acknowledged your payment by admitting that it is a security and that it executed the Deed of Trust at the time you gave them the promissory note. Since the bank did not record the promissory note, it is not registered so instead of waiting for the bank, as beneficiary of the deed of trust to do this you do it as the Settlor of the trust. Take out a copy of your Promissory Note and sign it as Settlor, the one who furnished the consideration. Now you are accepting the promise that the Trustor (strawman) made to the bank and therefore discharging the debt by using your exemption. Then record the note and have the county recorder, the public fiduciary, register it and do a service of process on the bank by mailing it to them. Pursuant to the contract (Deed of Trust) they must give you a FULL RECONVEYANCE. If you have not received the FULL RECONVEYANCE in ten days then contact a notary and do a process that will give you a CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE. Then record the Reconveyance


yourself as Settlor for the bank, because they are in breach of the contract at this time.
Breach. The breaking or violating of a law, right, or duty, either by commission or omission. Breach of contract. Failure, without legal excuse, to perform any promise which forms the whole or part of a contract; Unequivocal, distinct and absolute refusal to perform agreement. Notary Public: A public officer whose function it is to administer oaths; to attest and certify, by her or his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; to take acknowledgements of deeds and other conveyances, and certify the same; and to perform certain official acts, chiefly in commercial matters such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and marine protests in cases of loss or damage. One who is authorized by the State or Federal Government to administer oaths, and to attest to the authenticity of signatures. Blacks 6th edition Notary Public. A legal practitioner, usually a solicitor, who attests or certifies deeds and other documents and notes or protests dishonoured bills of exchange. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996

Certificate. A certificate by a public officer is a statement written and signed, but not necessarily or customarily sworn to, which is by law made evidence of the truth of the facts stated for all or for certain purposes. Land Certificate. A certificate is given to the registered proprietor, and similarly upon every transfer of registered land. This registration supersedes the necessity of any further registration in the register counties (county recorder). It contains a description of the land as it appears on the register and the name and address of the proprietor, and is prima facie evidence of the truth of the matters therein set forth. Torrens title system. A system for registration of land under which, upon the land-owners application, the court may, after appropriate proceedings, direct the issuance of a certificate of title. With exceptions, this certificate is conclusive as to applicants estate in land.

System of registration of land title as distinguished from registration or recording of evidence of such title. Investiture. A ceremony which accompanied the grant of lands in the feudal ages, and consisted in the open and notorious delivery of possession in the presence of the other vassals, which perpetuated among them the area of their new acquisition at the time when the art of writing was very little known; and thus the evidence of the property was reposed in the memory of the neighborhood, who, in case of disputed title, were afterwards called upon to decide upon it.
According to the above definitions, a notary can issue a certificate authenticating a transfer of title of land referred to as conveyance a land certificate. The transfer of land that we are concerned with must be according to the contract called a deed of trust. We must create a right of possession just as the bank does. We must notice the bank similarly as they do. And when they do not answer, they give their consent just as we have given our consent when we do not answer the NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE that the banks send you when they claim you breach the deed of trust. Pursuant to your deed of trust, the bank must record a FULL RECONVEYANCE when you have paid the loan off. But, if they do not record the Reconveyance, THE BANK IS NOW IN BREACH! Now, as Settlor, you will have to bypass them.

Bank charges. This term in an action on a bill of exchange is equivalent to expenses of noting and may be especially endorsed as a liquidated demand. Liquidated demand. A demand the amount of which has been ascertained or settled by agreement of the parties, or otherwise.
Noting. The act of a notary in minuting on a bill of exchange, after it has been presented for acceptance or payment, the initials of his name, the date of the day, month, and year when such presentment was made, and the reason, if any has been assigned, for non-acceptance or non-payment, together with his charge. Blacks 4th edition Minutes. Practice. A memorandum of what takes place in court, made by authority of the court. Blacks 4th edition Charge. In Equity practice. A written statement presented to a master in chancery (notary public) by a party (you) of the items with which the opposite party should be debited or should account for, or of the claim of the party making it. A charge may embrace the whole liabilities of the accounting party.
The phrases in an action and noting are referring to the Notarial process detailed in course


5, and will be enumerated again in the instructions below. The Notarial process of noting is equivalent to a court procedure, the end product being a certificate of dishonor or some other certificate, authenticating that an action has been done between 2 parties and that the parties are in agreement. The banks term this document a BREACH AND NONPERFORMANCE and is recorded with the NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE. The BREACH AND NONPERFORMANCE is the certificate the bank uses as a certificate of dishonor issued by a notary. You are going to duplicate their process back to them.

So after you have finished the notarial process, the notary will issue you a certificate indicating transfer of title. However, instead of the notary issuing a land certificate, the notary will issue a CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE. Since land certificate would indicate 2 parties and thus a direct transfer we cannot use this term. We must follow the stipulations in the deed of trust as there are three (3) parties concern, and therefore we must reconvey the title or convey back title to the person who granted the property in the deed of trust. This would be the TRUSTOR, ie. JOHN DOE not John Doe. If the bank is admitting that the TRUSTOR had title from the beginning then there is already a right of possession in place. Right of possession already existed before even the signing of the deed of trust. This is the reason that we can simply reconvey without the need to proceed with a TRUSTEE SALE. Settlement. Act or process of adjusting or determining; an adjusting; an adjustment between persons concerning their dealings or difficulties; an agreement by which parties having disputed matters between them reach or ascertain what is coming from one to the other; and liquidation. Liquidation. The act of process of settling or making clear, fixed, and determinate that which before was uncertain or unascertained; winding up and distribution of assets among creditors and stockholders.


Wind up. To settle the accounts and liquidate the assets of a corporation, for the purpose of making distribution and dissolving the concern. Settle up. A term, colloquial rather than legal, which is applied to the final collection, adjustment, and distribution of the estate of a decedent, a bankrupt, or an insolvent corporation. It includes the processes of collecting the property, paying debts and charges, and turning over the balance to those entitled to receive it. Deed of settlement. The party who settles property is called the settlor. Settlor. One who furnishes the consideration for the creation of a trust although the in form the trust is created by another. Since the bank is already in bankruptcy (chapter 11) and they breach the contract (deed of trust) by not transferring title when the contract is executed, you can liquidate the contract. You are the Settlor one who settles property.
Final settlement. This term, as applied to the administration of an estate, is usually understood to have reference to the order of court approving the account which closes the business of the estate, and which finally discharges the executor or administrator from the duties of his trust. Now you have created a default against the bank with a public official (a deputy superior court clerk) as a third party witness just as the bank has done before they liquidate the trust property at the TRUSTEE SALE. And now, since you have finished the administrative process on this matter, you will record a FULL RECONVEYANCE for the bank, as the Settlor, and reconvey the property to the person entitled to it which is your strawman corporation, ie. JOHN DOE, the original TRUSTOR of the Deed of Trust. The CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE is final settlement by the order of court called the notary process which closes the business of the estate by closing the account of the deed of trust.

In the below principals of law, remember, the Secured Party is you. UCC 9-607. Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party. (b) [Non-judicial enforcement of mortgage.] If necessary to enable a secured party to exercise under subsection (a)(3) the right of a debtor to enforce a mortgage non-judicially, the secured party may record in the office in which a record of the mortgage is recorded: 1. a copy of the security agreement that creates or provides for a security interest in the 236

obligation secured by the mortgage; and 2. the secured partys sworn affidavit in recordable form stating that: a. b. a default has occurred; and the secured party is entitled to enforce the mortgage nonjudicially.

The Deed of Trust is the security agreement. The NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE that you recorded is part of the agreement as well. The affidavit, entitled NOTICE OF DEFAULT, is the sworn affidavit in recordable form stating that a default has occurred. UCC 9-609. Secured Partys Right to Take Possession After Default. (a) [Possession; rendering equipment unusable; disposition on debtors premises.] After default, a secured party: 1. may take possession of the collateral;

(b) [Judicial and nonjudicial process.] A secured party may proceed under subsection (a): (2) without judicial process, if it proceeds without breach of the peace. Now that you have completed your nonjudicial process, you can collect the collateral and take possession of it. Since you already live there, you may proceed without judicial process, if it proceeds without breach of peace.



PURPOSE: As a Creditor of UNITED STATES and all other sub-corporations private and public, you are owed interest for the gold and all property that you loaned them starting March 9, 1933 to date. There is NO MONEY. In order to start getting your interest back, you must NOTICE your DEBTORS of what you expect them to do and the consequences if they do not comply. This file contains all the documents you will need to register your promissory note that you already have paid the bank and as a result get your house conveyed back to you or as they term it a FULL RECONVEYANCE. Following is a step by step list of actions that will instruct you on the specifics of how to take your house back after you have discharge it with your promissory note. Below is a list of the documents that one will need in this process; 1. NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE 2. NOTICE OF DEFAULT 3. NOTICE OF BREACH from a Notary 4. CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE - from a Notary 5. FULL RECONVEYANCE from the Substitution Trustee 1. The NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE is for the return of your equity (your house) when you signed the Promissory Note on your house - the banks have used your Note, and now, as their Settlor, you want the equity and the rents back.


a. Word process the NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE for all of the correct information b. When doing your Promissory Note, create a new document on your computer and make a signature line just like the one you signed on the note originally, but type your name in upper and lower letters under the left side of the line and Settlor under the right side of the line. Then print it, cut it out and paste it on the right hand side of the Promissory Note. Then make a copy of it and have the copy notarized when you get the Notice notarized. The signatory should look like this. _____________________________ John Henry Doe EIN # 123456789 Settlor PREPAID

c. NOTE: If you cannot locate your Promissory Note, request a copy from the bank. If they dont send you a copy, get a copy of a friends note and type in all of your info and record it. If they ever challenge it, they will have to bring a certified copy both front and back of the original which they probably dont have; the back will also show that the note was PAID TO THE ORDER OF ______ BANK which proves that the bank indeed collateralized your note just as they would deposit a check. Either way they lose.

d. Attach the Promissory Note to the NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE and get both notarized e. Record the Notice with the County recorder. The original will go to the bank, so pay for a copy of the Notice to be sent to you. The reasons why you are recording this notice with the Recorder is that they are the PUBLIC FIDUCIARY for you as a SETTLOR and they must accept your instrument, register your instrument and deliver the instrument to your DEBTOR. Now the bank has received a registered security. f. When you get the copy back from the Recorder, wait ten (10) days for your FULL RECONVEYANCE from the bank. 2. NOTICE OF DEFAULT After giving ten (10) days and you have received no response, prepare the NOTICE OF DEFAULT. This document is the entering in of the charge to the Notary Public who is acting as a Deputy Superior Court Clerk. Take this document to the notary, notarize it and have the notary start the Notarial Protest. If the Respondents do not answer in 10 days, the notary will notice them again to give them one more opportunity. Then the notary will issue a CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE which is considered a DEFAULT JUDGMENT. 3. NOTICE OF BREACH by a Notary Public
Now we will go through the process called a Notarial Protest, a very powerful process that will create a witness against the Respondent through a Public Official. Following is the definition of a Notary Public according to Blacks Law 240

Dictionary, 6th edition. It is important to know why you need to use a Notary Public. Notary Public: A public officer whose function it is to administer oaths; to attest and certify, by her or his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; to take acknowledgements of deeds and other conveyances, and certify the same; and to perform certain official acts, chiefly in commercial matters such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and marine protests in cases of loss or damage. One who is authorized by the State or Federal Government to administer oaths, and to attest to the authenticity of signatures. Blacks 6th edition NOTARY PUBLIC. A legal practitioner, usually a solicitor, who attests or certifies deeds and other documents and notes or protests dishonoured bills of exchange. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) Title 41-332; Secretary of the State; deputy county clerk; county clerk functions each clerk of the superior court shall deputize the secretary of state and the secretarys designees as deputy county clerks of the superior court solely for the performance of the superior court clerks functions SECRETARY OF STATE. In American law. Title of the chief of the executive bureau of the United States called the Department of State. He is a member of the cabinet, and is charged with the general administration of the international and diplomatic affairs of the government. In many of the state governments there is an executive officer bearing the same title and exercising important functions. In English law. The secretaries of state are cabinet ministers attending the sovereign for the receipt and dispatch of letters, grants, petitions, and many of the most important affairs of the kingdom, both foreign and domestic. Blacks 4th edition As you should now know, each of us are a separate foreign sovereign nation. The Secretary of the States main function is to attend the to the sovereign you. Commission: An authority or writ issuing from a court, in relation to a cause before it, directing and authorizing a person or persons named to do some act or exercise some special function; usually to take the depositions of witnesses. Commissioner: A person to whom a commission is directed by the government or a court. A person with a commission. An officer who is charged with the administration of the laws relating to some particular subject matter, or the management of some bureau or agency of the government. Member of a commission or board. Specially appointed officer of the Court. All notary publics are assigned a commission by the secretary of the state and deputized by the notary public of the Superior Court. 241

TABELLIO. In Roman law. An officer corresponding in some respects to a notary. His business was to draw legal instruments, (contracts, wills, etc.,) and witness their execution. Tabelliones differed from notaries in many respects; they had judicial jurisdiction in some cases, and from their judgments there were no appeals. Notaries were then the clerks or aiders of the tabelliones; they received the agreements of the parties, which they reduced to short notes; and these contracts were not binding until they were written in extenso, which was done by the tabelliones. Black s 4th edition In summary of the above definitions, a Notary Public is a commissioner designated by the secretary of the state and deputized to be a deputy superior court clerk to hear certain issues presented to them by foreign agents by taking depositions of the parties termed notes. In order for the notes (contracts) to be binding they are registered with the secretary of state. BILL OF EXCHANGE. An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person (the drawer/debtor) to another (the drawee/your strawman) and signed by the person giving it, requiring the drawee to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a specified sum of money to or to the order of a specified person (the payee/John Snow/trustee of U.S. Bankruptcy) or to the bearer. If the bill is payable at a future time the drawee (your strawman) signifies his acceptance (by you as the creditor of both the drawer and drawee AND the payee), which makes him the party primarily liable upon the bill; the drawer and endorsers may also be liable upon a bill. The use of bills of exchange enables one person to transfer to another an enforceable right to a sum of money. A bill of exchange is not only transferable but also negotiable, since if a person without an enforceable right to the money transfers a bill to a holder in due course, the latter obtains a good title to it. Much of the law on bills of exchange is codified by the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and the Cheques Act 1992.


Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press Market House Books Ltd 1997

DISHONOR. Failure to honour a bill of exchange. This may be by nonacceptance, when a bill of exchange is presented for acceptance and this is refused or cannot be obtained (or when presentment for acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted); or by nonpayment, when the bill is presented for payment and payment is refused or cannot be obtained (or when presentment is excused and the bill is overdue and unpaid). In both cases the holder has an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and endorsers, but foreign bills that have been dishonoured must first be protested (see protest). Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 NOTE A BILL. When a foreign bill has been dishonored, it is usual for a notary public to present it again on the same day and if it be not then paid, to make a minute, consisting of his initials, the day, month, and year, and reason, if assigned, of non-acceptance. The making of this minute is called noting the bill.

UCC 3 505.

Protest; Noting for Protest

* * * (b) A protest is a certificate of dishonor made by a United States consul or vice consul, or a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths by the law of the place where dishonor occurs. It may be made upon information satisfactory to that person. The protest shall identify the instrument and certify either that presentment has been made or, if not made, the reason why it was not made, and that the instrument has been dishonored by nonacceptance or nonpayment. The protest may also certify that notice of dishonor has been given to some or all parties. NOTING. 1. The procedure adopted if a bill of exchange has been dishonoured by non-acceptance or by non-payment. Not later than the next business day after the day on which it was dishonoured, the holder has to hand it to a notary public to be noted. The notary re-presents the bill; if it is still unaccepted or unpaid, the circumstances are noted in a register and also on a notarial ticket, which is attached to the bill. The noting can then, if necessary, be extended to a protest. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 NOTING. The act of a notary in minuting on a bill of exchange, after it has been presented for acceptance or payment, the initials of his name, the date of the day, month, and year when such presentment was made, and the reason, if any has been assigned, for non-acceptance or non-payment, together with his charge. Blacks 4th MINUTES. Practice. A memorandum of what takes place in court, made by authority of the court. Blacks 4th edition 243

CHARGE. In Equity practice. A written statement presented to a master in chancery (notary public) by a party (you) of the items with which the opposite party should be debited or should account for, or of the claim of the party making it. A charge may embrace the whole liabilities of the accounting party. TICKET. In contracts. A slip of paper containing a certificate that the person to whom it is issued, or the holder, is entitled to some right or privilege therein mentioned or described; Blacks 4th edition JUDGMENT NOTE. A promissory note (contract), embodying an authorization toa clerk of the court (or a notary public), to enter an appearance for the maker of the note and confess a judgment against him for a sum therein named, upon default of payment of the note. Blacks 4th edition PROTEST. A notarial act, being a formal statement in writing made by a notary under his seal of office, at the request of the holder of a bill or note, in which it is declared that the bill or note described was on a certain day presented for payment or acceptance and that such payment or acceptance was refused, and stating the reasons, if any, given for such refusal, whereupon the notary protests against all parties to such instrument, and declares that they will be held responsible for all loss or damage arising from its dishonor. It denotes also all the steps or acts accompanying dishonor necessary to charge an indorser. Blacks 4th edition PROTEST. 2. A procedure by which a notary provides formal evidence of the dishonour of a bill of exchange. When a foreign bill has been dishonoured by nonacceptance or nonpayment it is handed to the notary, who usually presents it again. If it is still dishonoured, the notary attaches a slip showing the answer received and other particulars - a process called noting. The protest, in the form of a formal document, may then be drawn up at a later time. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Locate a Notary Public that is knowledgeable and willing to do your Notarial Protest. There are 3 documents needed for this process: Notice of Breach, Default and Opportunity to Cure, and a Certificate of Dishonor. The first document is a NOTICE OF BREACH , which the Notary issues to the Offeror to allow them a second opportunity to provide evidence to substantiate their claim. Basically the Notary Public is acting in the capacity of taking a deposition from witnesses. The Notary Public has been shown your affidavit ENTRY FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT BY AFFIDAVIT and now the Notary is asking for the Offeror s affidavit (sworn statement).




If in 10 days the Notary Public does not receive a response point for point by affidavit with documented evidence, the Respondent has defaulted and therefore dishonored your acceptance. Then the Notary prepares a Notarial Protest which the Notary keeps for her/his own records, and issues you a certificate authenticating the transfer of title. The certificate is called a CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE and is actually just as valid as a Default Judgment in a Superior Court.


Word process the FULL RECONVEYANCE. Gather the following documents into a package starting with the bottom of the package as follows:

1. NOTICE OF DEFAULT affidavit from the Settlor 2. CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE affidavit from a Notary Public 3. FULL RECONVEYANCE affidavit from Substitution Trustee Make two copies of this package. Record the package at the county recorders office of the county you are in. In the upper right hand corner of the first copy of the FULL RECONVEYANCE, write the name of the county recorder, the Docket number and the Page number, and the date recorded. Then send that copy certified mail to the bank.
This completes the process for FULL RECONVEYANCE. The next process will be covered in a separate set of instructions. The next process is INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE.


When Recorded Mail to:

Daniel Begley, d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401


Payee: Daniel Begley, d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist, SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401



I, John Henry Doe, herein Settlor, state the facts contained herein are true, correct, complete, and not misleading, to the best of my personal knowledge. I am Creditor for the legal fiction JOHN HENRY DOE, organization #601-15-3458, and have PREPAID EXEMPT status as evidenced by the UCC-1 Financing Statement #0565988 as the testimony of the Secretary of State West Virginia. On October 27, 1999, Settlor, signed for his legal fiction JOHN HENRY DOE, on a Deed of Trust recorded at Docket__________, Page________ of PIMA COUNTY. JOHN HENRY DOE, herein BORROWER, was named as Trustor to a trust presented by Fidelity National Title Company that was named as Trustee, hereinafter "TRUSTEE." The BORROWER as Trustor entrusted the Deed of Trust as a title to be held by the TRUSTEE until the loan #17368499 was paid to CHARTER FUNDING as the Beneficiary. The Deed stated that the BORROWER as Trustor granted a list of measurements of a fictitious location, entitled legal description to the Beneficiary, which became the property of the Beneficiary as the Grantee. CHARTER FUNDING later assigned the Deed to SHYSTER BANK, herein Beneficiary. The Settlor signed a Promissory Note for the BORROWER evidencing consideration, and delivered it to the TRUSTEE who accepted the Note as payment for the loan based upon Settlors prepaid exempt status, thereby discharging the debt the BORROWER, as Trustor, had with the Beneficiary. The TRUSTEE inadvertently failed to register the Promissory Note and therefore the Pima County Recorder as Public Fiduciary will register and deliver this security to Beneficiarys agent as evidence that the loan has been discharged for the public record and that the trust has been executed and hereby terminated. The Beneficiary has ten (10) days to record a FULL RECONVEYANCE to original TRUSTOR. In the event a FULL RECONVEYANCE is not recorded in ten (10) days, beneficiary consents that Settlor record the Reconveyance in Beneficiarys behalf. __________________________ John Henry Doe, Settlor
Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this ____ day of _____________ _______ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:

_____________________________ Notary Public


John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Affiant

Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401 Respondent

RE: Account #17368499 #700008



) ss Pima county )




Having been duly sworn, Affiant declares that affidavit and response... The parties to the contract entitled, Notice of RECONVEYANCE , hereinafter "Contract," are in full agreement regarding the following: 1. Affiant is competent to state to the matters included in his/her declaration, has knowledge of the facts, and declared that to the best of his/her knowledge, the statements made in his/her affidavit are true, correct, and not meant to mislead;



Affiant is the secured party, superior claimant, holder in due course, and principal creditor having a registered priority lien hold interest to all property held in the name of JOHN HENRY DOE organization # 520-80-6307, evidenced by UCC-1 Financing Statement #0565988 filed with the Secretary of State of the State of West Virginia.

3. Respondent, Dan Begley, is herein addressed in his private capacity, but in his public capacity is a citizen and resident of the State of Florida and is participating in a commercial enterprise with his co-business partners, including but not limited to SHYSTER BANK, hereinafter collectively referred to as Respondent; 4. The governing law of this private contract is the agreement of the parties supported by the Law Merchant and applicable maxims of law;

5. Affiant at no time has willing, knowingly, intentionally, or voluntarily agreed to subordinate their position as creditor, through signature, or words, actions, or inactions; 6. Affiant at no time has requested or accepted extraordinary benefits or privileges from the Respondent, the United States, or any subdivision thereof; 7. Affiant is not a party to a valid contract with Respondent that requires Affiant to perform in any manner, including but not limited to the payment of money to Respondent; 8. On September 22, 2001, Affiant sent a security, entitled Promissory Note, to the PIMA COUNTY RECORDER to register. The cover document, entitled Notice of RECONVEYANCE , instructed Respondent on the procedure of concluding the contract. The PIMA COUNTY RECORDER recorded the instrument and delivered the now registered security, herein presentment, to the Respondent evidencing payment. 9. Affiant gave Notice that Respondents failure to properly and timely respond to this good faith effort to settle the account noted above, would constitute Respondents consent that Affiant, in the capacity of Settlor for Respondent, would record the FULL RECONVEYANCE in behalf of Respondent. 10. Respondent has dishonored Affiants presentment by not issuing a FULL RECONVEYANCE as stipulated in the original Deed of Trust when Deed of Trust was executed by delivery of the Promissory Note. This dishonor is now deemed to be a charge against Respondent. 11. In order to exhaust all administrative remedies, it is required that a Notarial Protest be executed to obtain any evidence and/or testimony from Respondent that could aid in his defense. In the event no response is received by the Public Official (Notary), this will act as a witness against Respondent. Upon default, a CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE will be issued which will act as a Default Judgment against Respondent who will then be taken in to bankruptcy liquidation whereby all the equity in the name of Respondent will be disposed of in a foreign proceeding. It has been said, so it is done. 249

Dated this

day of

, 2002.

John Henry Doe, Affiant

Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of _____________2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal: ____________________________ Notary Public


Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401

Dear Mr. Begley, I received a request by affidavit for a protest pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues at Sections 473505(a), from John Henry Doe, who informed me you dishonored his registered security consisting of the NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE and a Promissory Note dated 1/2/2000 and sent to you at

1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., West Palm Beach FL., 33401, on 1/2/2000, as evidenced by public
record Docket ________ and Page ______verifying the contents.


In the event you dishonor through non-acceptance or non-performance was unintentional or due to reasonable neglect or impossibility, I am attaching a copy of the same presentment to this Notice. You may respond to me, and I will forward your response to John Henry Doe. Your response is expected no later than ten (10) days from the postmark of this Notice of Breach. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, ______________________________________ Notary Public (name) Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________



CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE I, William Smith, am the notary to whom all communications are to be mailed regarding the contract entitled NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE in response to Public Account #17368499, herein "presentment." Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes 47-3505(b), and Uniform Commercial Code 3505(b) and 1-202, Notice of Protest is hereby given with CERTIFICATE OF RECONVEYANCE regarding the following: On October 22, 2001, the notary record shows a NOTICE OF BREACH was mailed to John Henry Doe's Respondent Daniel Begley, Loan Resolution Specialist agent for SHYSTER BANK, herein "Respondent," located at 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401, who was given 10 days to respond. As of this date, no response had been delivered to me, the designated receiver. I interviewed John Henry Doe, whose affidavit is attached to this Notarial Protest. John Henry Doe has stated to me by affidavit that Petitioner has received no response to said Private Contract at any other mailing location. Based on the foregoing information, Respondent has dishonored


John Henry Doe's notices by non-acceptance and/or non-performance and have therefore assented to the terms and conditions in said Contract. _____________________________ William Smith, Third Party Witness
Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of _____________2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal: _____________________________ Notary Public

When Recorded Mail to:

John Henry Doe 6880 S Broadway Tucson, Arizona 85746


John Henry Doe, acting in the capacity of settlor for SHYSTER BANK, as beneficiary under that certain Deed of Trust duly substitutes and appoints Aage Nost as Trustee under said Deed of Trust, and having received from furnisher of the consideration there under a written request to reconvey, reciting that all sums secured by said Deed of Trust have been fully paid by recording the Promissory Note as a registered security, and said Deed of Trust and the note or notes secured thereby having been surrendered to said Trustee for cancellation, does hereby RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the property now held by it there under. Said Deed of Trust was executed by JOHN H. DOE (Trustor) to SHYSTER BANK (Original Beneficiary), and recorded in the official records of PIMA County, ARIZONA, as follows: Date Deed of Trust Recorded: SEPTEMBER 28, 1998 as Instrument Number 19981670016 in Book 10890 at Page 61. Date Promissory Note Recorded: FEBRUARY 4, 2002 as Instrument Number 20020231145 in Book 11729 at Page 3819. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2204 & 2206 SOUTH CAMPBELL AVENUE, TUCSON, ARIZONA LOT 8 IN BLOCK 8 OF PUEBLO GARDENS, AS SHOWN BY SUBDIVISION MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 8 OF MAPS AT PAGE 84, RECORDED IN PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, John Henry Doe, in the capacity as Settlor for SHYSTER BANK, has caused her name and seal to be hereto affixed. SHYSTER BANK __________________________ ____________________________ Aage Nost, Substitute Trustee SHYSTER BANK BY: John Henry Doe, Settlor



Pima county

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this ____ day of _____________ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal: _____________________________ Notary Public



PURPOSE: As a Creditor of UNITED STATES and all other sub-corporations private and public, you are owed equity and interest for the gold and all property that you loaned them starting March 9, 1933 to date. There is NO MONEY. In order to start getting your equity back, you must NOTICE your DEBTORS of what you expect them to do and the consequences if they do not comply. This file contains all the documents you will need to PERFECT YOUR CLAIM and TAKE BACK YOUR EQUITY;
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PREPARING YOUR PRIVATE CHECK STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT LETTER TO John Snow FINAL STATEMENT CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE NOTICE OF DEFAULT NOTICE OF DISHONOR From The Notary Public NOTICE OF PROTEST AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE From Notary 9. CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR - From Notary 10. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE 1. PREPARING YOUR PRIVATE CHECK Some of you doing this process have already issued private checks on a closed account and may or may not know that you have used private funds to discharge the debt. Any and every time you have received an offer and you have accepted it by writing ACCEPTED FOR VALUE on the offer with your name, date and EIN (Employer Identification Number) you have used private funds. It does not matter what you have used, they ALL WORK, whether it is a Bill of Exchange, a Trade Acceptance, a Promissory Note, a Documentary Draft, a Sight Draft, or a check on a closed account, hereinafter private check. You could put your signature on a piece of toilet paper and your debtors would still have to accept YOUR method of payment pursuant to HJR 192, March 9, 1933.
Closed account. An account to which no further additions can be made on either side, but which remains still open for adjustment and set-off, which distinguishes it from an account stated Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition


Setoff. The equitable right to cancel or offset mutual debts or cross demands, commonly used by a bank in reducing a customers checking or other deposit account in satisfaction of a debt the customer owes the bank. You are the bank in the above 2 terms and the customer is the debtor that you sent your check to. The reason the debtor is the customer is that they have ordered a block of credit from you and you have accepted their offer, so now they can use your credit (your exemption) and you can offset mutual debts with a set off and receive the product or service they offered you. Remember, they owe you interest on your credit they are using to buy ALL of the goods and services to manufacture or create the product you are buying. YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR THE PRODUCT BEFORE YOU EVEN BUY IT!!! The following is the procedure for setting up a closed account and preparing the private check; a. Open a checking account at a local bank. If you already have one that you dont use anymore, you can use this account.

b. Order a box of checks from the one you opened. Or order more checks from the one you already have. c. When you get the checks, write a check for $10 yo s third party and when the check clears close the account.

d. If you have already filed a UCC-1 then file a UCC-3 addendum to include the routing and account numbers of the closed account. Also include the check numbers 1-10,000. 2. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. Statement of Account. A report issued monthly or periodically by a bank or creditor (you) to a customer setting forth the amounts billed, credits given and balance due. If you have already sent your private check to your customer to discharge a debt, you need to finish the accounting procedure with a Statement of Account. If you are sending the check for the first time, you should send the statement of account WITH your check so the clock starts from the time you send it. The debtor has 14 days to respond to your statement or the statement stands as truth. 3. LETTER TO John Snow You must communicate your acceptance to the trustee of the US Bankruptcy, who currently is John Snow in order to keep track of the accounting. Do not send this package to Secretary of the Treasury as this is a fiction not a private entity. Remember, you are operating in the private and you cannot see of deal with a fictitious entity or office. a. When you get an offer (a bill, a statement, IRS bill, etc.) from your Debtor, take your stamp and stamp the bill ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and sign your


name, date, and EIN number. Then make a copy of the bill that you have converted to a BILL OF EXCHANGE. b. Write your check out like you normally would except in the memo section print the registered mailing number, and EFT ONLY (Electronic Funds Transfer). c. Fill out the STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT (SoA) and along with the CHECK and the original bill that is now a BILL OF EXCHANGE.

d. Make a letter of acceptance and send the package registered mail to John Snow, d.b.a. Secretary of Treasury. e. Fill out a UCC-3 and list the private check, the Bill from the Debtor and SoA, and the letter to John Snow. You will be preparing 3 packages as follows: 1. John Snow Package a. Original letter to Mr. Snow and SoA b. Copy of Private Check and SoA from Debtor c. Copy of Bill from Debtor to Mr. Snow d. Copy of UCC-3 2. Debtor Package a. Original Private Check b. Copy of Bill c. Copy of letter d. Copy of UCC-3

3. UCC-3 Package 4. For your files a. Original UCC-3 a. Original Bill from Debtor b. Copy of letter to Mr. Snow b. Copy of Private Check and SoA c. Copy of Private Check and SoA c. Copy of letter to Mr. Snow d. Copy of Bill from Debtor d. Copy of UCC-3 The reason why you are sending John Snow a package by registered mail is to register the transaction or your exemption. This Registered number is issued by the Treasury as this is considered part of the postage system which is currency such as stamps which is also issued by the Treasury. This same registered number will be put on your check and your UCC-3 and is now registered in the National Registry. Send the package by certified mail to the Debtor as your check will now be considered certified funds. 4. FINAL STATEMENT


After 14 days from sending out the Statement of Account and they either have not responded or they have sent a statement that does not acknowledge your statement, you will need to send them the follow up notice that will acknowledge their consent to your statement balance 5. CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE Even though most of the Closed Account Checks will be accepted, some will be dishonored. For those that are dishonored you will need to send a Conditional Acceptance to the Debtor because they are stepping outside of the United States Bankruptcy which is a criminal offense. If the Debtor's attempt to call you, !Always, always, always get their first and last name then tell them that you only do business in writing, not verbally over the phone. You want to know who you are doing business with because you may be taking their collateral. 6. NOTICE OF DEFAULT After the 10 days send them a Notice of Default. This means total failure. This notice completes your court procedure as a sovereign in your nation that is foreign to the public venue. Now you will need to pursue this matter in the public venue in their legal proceedings, however it will not go into the courts you are familiar with. You must take this matter up with the SECRETARY OF STATE of the state you are in. Secretary of State. In American law. Title of the chief of the executive bureau of the United States called the Department of State. He is a member of the cabinet, and is charged with the general administration of the international and diplomatic affairs of the government. In many of the state governments there is an executive officer bearing the same title and exercising important functions. In English law. The secretaries of state are cabinet ministers attending the sovereign for the receipt and dispatch of letters, grants, petitions, and many of the most important affairs of the kingdom, both foreign and domestic. Blacks 4th edition You are a foreign nation in their eyes, so you must go through the proper channels so that you can utilize the functions and duties of the Secretary of State general administration of the international affairs and attending the sovereign. There are many designees of the 257

Secretary of the state in the area you live, normally called Notary Publics. Find a private Notary Public that you can work with; OR create one by getting a friend to become a Notary who understands this procedure. 7. NOTICE OF DISHONOR Notary Public Now we will go through the process called a Notarial Protest, a very powerful process that will create a witness against the debtor through a Public Official. Following is the definition of a Notary Public according to Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th edition. It is important to know why you need to use a Notary Public. Notary Public: A public officer whose function it is to administer oaths; to attest and certify, by her or his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; to take acknowledgements of deeds and other conveyances, and certify the same; and to perform certain official acts, chiefly in commercial matters such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts, and marine protests in cases of loss or damage. One who is authorized by the State or Federal Government to administer oaths, and to attest to the authenticity of signatures. Blacks 6th edition NOTARY PUBLIC. A legal practitioner, usually a solicitor, who attests or certifies deeds and other documents and notes or protests dishonoured bills of exchange. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) Title 41-332; Secretary of the State; deputy county clerk; county clerk functions each clerk of the superior court shall deputize the secretary of state and the secretarys designees as deputy county clerks of the superior court solely for the performance of the superior court clerks functions All notary publics are assigned a commission by the secretary of the state and deputized by the notary public of the Superior Court. Commission: An authority or writ issuing from a court, in relation to a cause before it, directing and authorizing a person or persons named to do some act or exercise some special function; usually to take the depositions of witnesses. Commissioner: A person to whom a commission is directed by the government or a court. A person with a commission. An officer who is charged with the administration of the laws relating to some particular subject matter, or the management of some bureau or agency of the government. Member of a commission or board. Specially appointed officer of the Court.


TABELLIO. In Roman law. An officer corresponding in some respects to a notary. His business was to draw legal instruments, (contracts, wills, etc.,) and witness their execution. Tabelliones differed from notaries in many respects; they had judicial jurisdiction in some cases, and from their judgments there were no appeals. Notaries were then the clerks or aiders of the tabelliones; they received the agreements of the parties, which they reduced to short notes; and these contracts were not binding until they were written in extenso, which was done by the tabelliones. Black s 4th edition In summary of the above definitions, a Notary Public is a commissioner designated by the secretary of the state and deputized to be a deputy superior court clerk to hear certain issues presented to them by foreign agents by taking depositions of the parties termed notes. In order for the notes (contracts) to be binding they are registered with the secretary of state. BILL OF EXCHANGE. An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person (the drawer/debtor) to another (the drawee/your strawman) and signed by the person giving it, requiring the drawee to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a specified sum of money to or to the order of a specified person (the payee/John Snow/trustee of U.S. Bankruptcy) or to the bearer. If the bill is payable at a future time the drawee (your strawman) signifies his acceptance (by you as the creditor of both the drawer and drawee AND the payee), which makes him the party primarily liable upon the bill; the drawer and endorsers may also be liable upon a bill. The use of bills of exchange enables one person to transfer to another an enforceable right to a sum of money. A bill of exchange is not only transferable but also negotiable, since if a person without an enforceable right to the money transfers a bill to a holder in due course, the latter obtains a good title to it. Much of the law on bills of exchange is codified by the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and the Cheques Act 1992.


Dictionary of Law, Oxford University Press Market House Books Ltd 1997 DISHONOR. Failure to honour a bill of exchange. This may be by nonacceptance, when a bill of exchange is presented for acceptance and this is refused or cannot be obtained (or when presentment for acceptance is excused and the bill is not accepted); or by nonpayment, when the bill is presented for payment and payment is refused or cannot be obtained (or when presentment is excused and the bill is overdue and unpaid). In both cases the holder has an immediate right of recourse against the drawer and endorsers, but foreign bills that have been dishonoured must first be protested (see protest). Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 NOTE A BILL. When a foreign bill has been dishonored, it is usual for a notary public to present it again on the same day and if it be not then paid, to make a minute, consisting of his initials, the day, month, and year, and reason, if assigned, of non-acceptance. The making of this minute is called noting the bill. UCC 3 505. Protest; Noting for Protest * * * (b) A protest is a certificate of dishonor made by a United States consul or vice consul, or a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths by the law of the place where dishonor occurs. It may be made upon information satisfactory to that person. The protest shall identify the instrument and certify either that presentment has been made or, if not made, the reason why it was not made, and that the instrument has been dishonored by nonacceptance or nonpayment. The protest may also certify that notice of dishonor has been given to some or all parties. NOTING. 1. The procedure adopted if a bill of exchange has been dishonoured by non-acceptance or by non-payment. Not later than the next business day after the day on which it was dishonoured, the holder has to hand it to a notary public to be noted. The notary re-presents the bill; if it is still unaccepted or unpaid, the circumstances are noted in a register and also on a notarial ticket, which is attached to the bill. The noting can then, if necessary, be extended to a protest. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 NOTING. The act of a notary in minuting on a bill of exchange, after it has been presented for acceptance or payment, the initials of his name, the date of the day, month, and year when such presentment was made, and the reason, if any has been assigned, for non-acceptance or non-payment, together with his charge. Blacks 4th MINUTES. Practice. A memorandum of what takes place in court, made by authority of the court. Blacks 4th edition


CHARGE. In Equity practice. A written statement presented to a master in chancery (notary public) by a party (you) of the items with which the opposite party should be debited or should account for, or of the claim of the party making it. A charge may embrace the whole liabilities of the accounting party. TICKET. In contracts. A slip of paper containing a certificate that the person to whom it is issued, or the holder, is entitled to some right or privilege therein mentioned or described; Blacks 4th edition JUDGMENT NOTE. A promissory note (contract), embodying an authorization toa clerk of the court (or a notary public), to enter an appearance for the maker of the note and confess a judgment against him for a sum therein named, upon default of payment of the note. Blacks 4th edition PROTEST. A notarial act, being a formal statement in writing made by a notary under his seal of office, at the request of the holder of a bill or note, in which it is declared that the bill or note described was on a certain day presented for payment or acceptance and that such payment or acceptance was refused, and stating the reasons, if any, given for such refusal, whereupon the notary protests against all parties to such instrument, and declares that they will be held responsible for all loss or damage arising from its dishonor. It denotes also all the steps or acts accompanying dishonor necessary to charge an indorser. Blacks 4th edition PROTEST. 2. A procedure by which a notary provides formal evidence of the dishonour of a bill of exchange. When a foreign bill has been dishonoured by nonacceptance or nonpayment it is handed to the notary, who usually presents it again. If it is still dishonoured, the notary attaches a slip showing the answer received and other particulars - a process called noting. The protest, in the form of a formal document, may then be drawn up at a later time. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Locate a Notary Public that is knowledgeable and willing to do your Notarial Protest. There are 3 documents needed for this process: Notice of Dishonor, Notice of Protest and Opportunity to Cure, and a Certificate of Dishonor. The first document is a Notice of Dishonor , which the Notary issues to the Offeror to allow them a second opportunity to provide evidence to substantiate their claim. Basically the Notary Public is acting in the capacity of taking a deposition from witnesses. The Notary Public has been shown your affidavit (sworn statement) and now the Notary is asking for the Offerors affidavit (sworn statement). 8. NOTICE OF PROTEST AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE Notary Public This notice will allow an additional 10 days to give the debtor another chance to bring the evidence forth to support any claim that they may be professing. 9. CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR Notary Public


If in 10 days the Notary Public does not receive a response point for point by affidavit with documented evidence, the debtor, has defaulted and therefore dishonored your acceptance. Then the Notary prepares a Notarial Protest which the Notary keeps for her/his own records, and issues you the Second Notice, a Certificate of Dishonor. The Certificate of Dishonor is actually just as valid as a Default Judgment in a Superior Court. 10. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE You will then attach the Certificate of Dishonor with the letter the Debtor sent you evidencing dishonor to a NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE. This notice is to be sent to the Trustee of the UNITED STATES Bankruptcy so they can investigate why the debtor is unlawfully using your exemption and stepping outside the US Bankruptcy. If this third party (who represents you, the Creditor) does not wish to save the honor of the debtor (a sub-corporation or the U.S.), you will then put them into Involuntary Bankruptcy. Information. An accusation in the nature of an indictment, from which it differs only in being presented by a competent public officer on his oath of office, instead of a grand jury on their oath. Blacks 4th edition ACCEPTANCE SUPRA PROTEST (Acceptance for Honor). The acceptance or payment of a bill of exchange, after it has been dishonoured, by a person wishing to save the honour of the drawer or an endorser of the bill. Dictionary of Business, Oxford University Press, Market House Books Ltd 1996 Supra Protest. In mercantile law. A term applied to an acceptance of a bill by a third person, after protest for nonacceptance by the drawee. Blacks 4th edition After 10 days from mailing your information to the proper authorities and you have not received a response from anyone, you will then proceed with the involuntary bankruptcy liquidation. No response indicates that the proper authorities have given their consent to your bankruptcy proceedings and cannot come back and say this was not a legal action. There can be no recourse from them. It is very important to note here the differentiation in viewpoint from what you may be used to. We normally cry to the authorities about our rights that have been violated and expect them to do something about it. Just take a look at that pathetic viewpoint for a second OK, long enough, dont get too depressed. Allow me to clue you in, YOU ARE A CREDITOR! A Creditor or a Sovereign does not have rights, they have POWER!!!!! When you send in the NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE, you are not asking or begging, or requesting the authorities to do their job and take care of the matter. NO! You as a Creditor are giving them the opportunity to save the debtors honor (in other words to save his ass!). You are letting them know that you are the Creditor of this bankruptcy and if they dont handle this matter YOU WILL! This is an entirely different viewpoint than has been used before. You are finally acting like the Creditor that you are!


This completes the Dishonor process for a private check. The next process will be covered in a separate set of instructions. The next process is INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE which was detailed in course 5 POWER OF ACCEPTANCE John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401

RE: Account #17368499

Contract #196

Statement of Account
June 4, 2001

Balance of Charges for June 30, 2002 Discharge June 15, 2002 with Private Check #196 Ending Balance of Charges:

$4,986.74 $4,986.74

The balance shown above reflects my good faith Statement of Account for the loan you claim is due on said account. The Account Representative or his designee may correct or approve the balance. Your correction must be returned to me in two weeks, or no later than June 19, 2001. Pursuant to ARS 47 9-208 and UCC 9-208, failure to correct and return this Statement of Account with supporting documentation of indebtedness within two weeks constitutes your agreement with this accounting, after which you, and your co-business partners may only make a claim up to the amount this statement shows as a balance.
Date July 10, 2001

_______________________ John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746


MAY 15, 2000 John Snow , Secretary US Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220

Re: Non-Negotiable Charge Back Mr. Snow: Enclosed you will find a copy of the Registered Security which I have sent to you to open my Treasury Direct Account. I accept for value all related endorsements with both UCC 3-419 and HJR-192 of June 5, 1933. Charge my Private Account # 987654321-123456789 for the registration fees and command the memory of account number SSN 123456789 to charge the same to the debtors Order or your Order. The total amount of this NON-NEGOTIABLE ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE in the enclosed filing is $ ___________________

Posted Registered Exemption # R987654321 Private Account # 987654321-123456789 Invoice # JHD12252000 Pre-paid Preferred Stock Priority Exempt from Levy

Res/ln Rem. _____________________________________ John Henory Doe via JOHN HENORY DOE ? ANYHOUSE IN SOME TOWN ANYTOWN,ANY STATE WITH A ZIP 264

Employer Identification Number: 123456789 Attachments: 1) INVOICE # JHD12252000 2) Posted Registered Exemption # R987654321 3) Copy of UCC-3 Cc: file John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Secured Party Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401 Respondent

RE: Account #17368499 Contract #196

Statement of Account pursuant to UCC 9-208 Mailed June 15, 2002

Dear Mr. Begley, I received your letter today dated June 28, 2002 regarding my Statement of Account mailed to you June 15, 2002. This is to inform you that your letter is not in compliance with ARS 47 9-208(2) nor UCC 9-208(2). Which reads " The secured party must comply with such a request within two weeks after receipt by sending a written correction or approval . . . If the secured party without reasonable excuse fails to comply he is liable for any loss to the debtor thereby; and if the debtor has properly included in his request a good faith statement of the obligation or a list of the collateral or both the secured party may claim a security interest only as shown in the statement against persons misled by his failure to comply. . ."


The Statement of Account was mailed to SHYSTER BANK, at the address listed above on June 4, 2001. Add three days for mail service and two weeks for compliance and three days for return mail and one additional day for a Sunday and your approval or correction to my Statement of Account must have been received by me no later than June 24, 2001. You have failed to comply, therefore my Statement of Account remains as stated a balance of Zero (0). Please adjust your accounts to comply with the above. Thank You; ______________________________ John Henry Doe


John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Secured Party Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401 Respondent

RE: Account #17368499 Contract #196

August 28, 2002



I, John Henry Doe, hereinafter Secured Party, am competent to state the matters included in this contract which are true, correct and complete, and not meant to mislead.
This affidavit is in response to a letter from your company dated 6/12/2002. I am informing you that I accept your offer that I owe you money in the sum of $4,986.74, asserting for some heretofore undisclosed reason, that you were "whatever they said" of the check I issued you on April 8, 2002. However, my acceptance and subsequent payment is on condition precedent that you provide some very simple elemental proof of your claim. The check number 196 you received from me is a prepaid item from a private account that is closed to the public, no longer under control of COMPASS BANK, but still open on the private side to the US Treasury Bank. If FIRST USA BANK, N.A. had done an EFT (electronic funds transfer) on the check, then it would have been known immediately that this account was closed to the public and no longer an account under the control of COMPASS BANK, the bank from which this account originated from as a common public open


account, and the debt would have been instantly discharged. You may be unaware of the function of closed accounts. A closed count is defined as: An account to which no further additions can be made on either side, but which remains still open for adjustment and set-off, which distinguishes it from an account stated (Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Edition) The EFT creates an irreversible event that neither FIRST USA BANK, N.A. nor your fiduciary bank can undo and generates a record that proves that the accrual account was indeed adjusted back to zero proving complete discharge of the debt in question. In fact, these checks are usually stamped Account Closed which means that the transaction closed by properly discharging the debt to zero, not that the check is no good, or anything else other than that the account (escrow) properly closed with this pre paid check.

At this time, Respondent is in violation of a number of their own accounting and banking procedures which include; Breach of Fiduciary Duty (UCC-3-307), Obligation of Drawer (UCC-3-414), Presentment of Tender Offer (UCC-3-501), Dishonor of presentment (UCC-3-502), Excused presentment (UCC-3-504), Discharge after presentment (UCC-3-602), Responsibility for Collection of the presentment (UCC-4-202), Failure of ordinary care of presentment (UCC-4-214 (d) (2). TERMS AND CONDITIONS
1. This is CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE upon the contract # 196, entitled Private Check, presented to you on or about 30 August 2001. This is our good faith offer to extend the time for you to answer the Secured Partys request by an additional ten (10) days. Should you fail, refuse, or neglect to respond to this Notice of Fault, we will enter a Notice of Default, as a second witness, upon you and your options on that presentment will expire. In order for you to prove your claim that check number 196 was incapable of discharging the debt, please provide me the record that shows that when the EFT was performed on the check, my account did not in fact go to zero, which would prove complete satisfactory discharge of the debt. I am also requesting at this time my copy of the 1099 OID for this transaction so that I may have the documentation showing who the fiduciary debtor and fiduciary creditor are in this transaction. Also I need to see the documents that you are relying on that support your contention that you are incapable of doing an EFT on this check if in fact that is your assertion. Please send these documents along with a short letter signed in blue ink by a title-identified party asserting your claim. Any unsigned, anonymous letter will have to be ignored by me as a matter of law, since someone must take responsibility for asserting the validity of your claim. In the event that Respondent defaults with the above request and dishonors Secured Party's presentment, then Respondent consents to be filed as Debtor on a UCC-1 Financing Statement with the Secretary of States of Arizona and state of incorporation. Respondent also consents to be into involuntary bankruptcy and will allow Secured Party to liquidate all the collateral in Respondents name.



. __________________________ John Henry Doe 268



Pima county

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____day of ______________________ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal: _____________________________ Notary Public

Affix fee here in stamps or meter postage and post mark. Inquire of Postmaster for current fee.


U.S. Postal Service


Received From:

John Henry Doe MERGEFIELD My_Address_1 7518 West 81st Street MERGEFIELD My_Address_2 Playa del Rey, California MERGEFIELD My_Address_3 90293

One piece of ordinary mail addressed to:

MERGEFIELD Company_Name Test Company


MERGEFIELD Company_Address_1 TestAddress1 MERGEFIELD Company_Address_2 TestAddress2 MERGEFIELD Company_Address_3 TestAddress3

Conforms to PS Form 3817, March, 1989

July 13, 2002 John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Cecilia Vindiola , Notary Public P.O. Box 86182 Tucson. Arizona 85754 Request for Notarial Protest

This is a request for you to enter a Notarial Protest to Daniel Begley, d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK, whose address is 1665 Palm


Beach Lakes Blvd., West Palm Beach FL., 33401. I have included Contract #196 beginning with the first Notice mailed, with proof of service, dated August 19, 2001; The Second Notice dated September 6, 2001; and Default Judgment, dated October 7, 2001 Would you please follow up on this private negotiation under your notary seal and send to Daneen Sparcino, Vice President of SHYSTER BANK, whose address is 475 Cross Point Parkway, P.O. Box 9000, Getzville, NY 14068-9000. And send along the accompanying acceptance of each of their acts and actions of which I have enclosed herewith. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. Sincerely _____________________________ John Henry Doe John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Secured Party Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401 Respondent

RE: Account #17368499 Contract #196


) ss




Pima county

I, John Henry Doe, herein Affiant, having been duly sworn, declares that affidavit and response of the parties to the contract entitled, Notice of RECONVEYANCE , hereinafter "Contract," are in full agreement regarding the following: 1. Affiant is competent to state to the matters included in his/her declaration, has knowledge of the facts, and declared that to the best of his/her knowledge, the statements made in his/her affidavit are true, correct, and not meant to mislead; 2. Affiant is the secured party, superior claimant, holder in due course, and principal creditor having a registered priority lien hold interest to all property held in the name of JOHN HENRY DOE organization # 520-80-6307, evidenced by UCC-1 Financing Statement #0565988 filed with the Secretary of State of the State of West Virginia. 3. Respondent, Dan Begley, is herein addressed in his private capacity, but in his public capacity is a citizen and resident of the State of Florida and is participating in a commercial enterprise with his co-business partners, including but not limited to SHYSTER BANK, hereinafter collectively referred to as Respondent; 4. The governing law of this private contract is the agreement of the parties supported by the Law Merchant and applicable maxims of law; 5. Affiant at no time has willing, knowingly, intentionally, or voluntarily agreed to subordinate their position as creditor, through signature, or words, actions, or inactions; 6. Affiant at no time has requested or accepted extraordinary benefits or privileges from the Respondent, the United States, or any subdivision thereof; 7. Affiant is not a party to a valid contract with Respondent that requires Affiant to perform in any manner, including but not limited to the payment of money to Respondent; 8. On September 22, 2001, Affiant sent a private check and Statement of Account to the Respondent evidencing payment and indicating a zero balance. Respondent had 14 days to respond, however elected to remain silent and therefore consented to the information contained in the Statement of Account. 9. Affiant gave Notice that Respondents failure to properly and timely issue Affiant with a LIEN RELEASE would constitute Respondents consent that Affiant, in the capacity of Settlor for Respondent, would file a LIEN RELEASE in behalf of Respondent. 10. Respondent has dishonored Affiants presentment by not issuing a LIEN RELEASE as stipulated in the Statement of Account. This dishonor is now deemed to be a charge against Respondent. 273

11. In order to exhaust all administrative remedies, it is required that a Notarial Protest be executed to obtain any evidence and/or testimony from Respondent that could aid in his defense. In the event no response is received by the Public Official (Notary), this will act as a witness against Respondent. Upon default, a CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR will be issued which will act as a Default Judgment against Respondent who will then be taken in to bankruptcy liquidation whereby all the equity in the name of Respondent will be disposed of in a foreign proceeding. It has been said, so it is done. Dated this day of , 2002.

John Henry Doe, Affiant

Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of _____________2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal: ____________________________ Notary Public

Notice of Dishonor

Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401

Dear Mr. Begley,


I received a request by affidavit for a protest pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues at Sections 47-3505(a), from John Henry Doe, who informed me you dishonored his presentments consisting of the CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE and NOTICE OF DEFAULT dated 1/2/2000 and sent to you at 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm

Beach FL., 33401 on 1/2/2000, as evidenced by U.S. Postal Service CERTIFICATE OF

MAILING verifying the contents of the Mail package. In the event your dishonor through non-acceptance or non-performance was unintentional or due to reasonable neglect or impossibility, I am attaching a copy of the same presentment to this Notice. You may respond to me, and I will forward your response to John Henry Doe. Your response is expected no later than ten (10) days from the postmark of this Notice of Dishonor. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely,

______________________________________ Notary Public (name) Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________



Notice of Protest and Opportunity to Cure



Daniel Begley, d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401
Dear Mr. Begley, On 1/3/2000, I sent you a Notice of Dishonor regarding the presentments of CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE and NOTICE OF DEFAULT sent you on 1/2/2000. You failed to accept or perform after receiving these presentments from John Henry Doe, and you failed to accept or perform after receiving the same presentment from me. You are now in default and have stipulated to the terms of John Henry Doe's 1/2/2000 dated presentment through your dishonor. You have the right to cure this default and perform according to said terms within the ten (10) days from the postmark of this Notice. Should you fail to cure the default, I will issue a CERTIFICATE OF DISHONOR pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues 47-3535. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, _______________________________________ Notary Public ________________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
Address of Notary



I, William Smith, am the notary to whom all communications are to be mailed regarding the contract entitled CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE and Contract #196 in response to Public Account #17368499, herein "presentment. 276

Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes 47-3505(b), and Uniform Commercial Code 3505(b) and 1-202, Notice of Protest is hereby given with Certificate of Dishonor regarding the following: On September 22, 2001, I sent a Notice of Dishonor of John Henry Doe's presentment to Respondent Daniel Begley, Loan Resolution Specialist agent for SHYSTER BANK, herein "Respondent, located at 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach FL., 33401, who was given 10 days to respond. On October 22, 2001, Proof of Service shows a Notice of Protest and Opportunity to Cure was mailed to Respondent who was given 10 days to respond. As of this date, no response had been delivered to me, the designated receiver. I interviewed John Henry Doe, whose affidavit is attached to this Notarial Protest. John Henry Doe has stated to me by affidavit that Petitioner has received no response to said Contract at any other mailing location. Based on the foregoing information, Respondent has dishonored John Henry Doe's presentments by non-acceptance and/or non-performance and have therefore assented to the terms and conditions in said Contract. William Smith, Third Party Witness
Arizona ) ) ss Pima county ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of _____________2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal: _____________________________ Notary Public

Creditor: John Henry Doe c/o 6880 S. Broadway Tucson, AZ 85746 Debtor: Daniel Begley d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist SHYSTER BANK 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.


West Palm Beach FL., 33401


Arizona Pima County )

) ) ss


I, John Henry Doe, herein "Creditor, hereby state that I am competent to make the following statements, have knowledge of the facts stated herein, that they are true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead and are presented in good faith: 1. The corporations, entitled UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF ARIZONA, SHYSTER BANK, and Daniel Begley, herein "Debtor," are Bankrupt and must operate pursuant to United States House Joint Resolution 192, June 5, 1933. The above corporations have been using the credit of Creditor since his birth, January 22, 1958, without remuneration to Creditor; On July 7, 2001, Creditor was given an offer by Daniel Begley, d.b.a. Loan Resolution Specialist of SHYSTER BANK. Creditor accepted the offer and returned it to Debtor thereby discharging the debt. Debtor then claimed the charge still exists and therefore he is liable for the debt. Creditor has accepted all offers and claims issued by Debtor and returned them to Debtor for proper processing. Debtor has failed to provide a remedy and is operating outside the UNITED STATES Bankruptcy a criminal offense; Debtor is holding the discharging instrument, but has failed to provide Creditor with a copy of the 1099 Original Issue Discount, therefore Debtor is TAX DELINQUENT since the claim is considered to be Creditors exemption; Creditor has timely noticed Debtor and has properly commenced and concluded a perfected security interest against Debtor. The perfected security interest, herein Contract, #196, includes all notices including a Certificate of Dishonor, herein Information, issued by a Public Official. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6. John Snow, the chapter 11 bankruptcy trustee for the UNITED STATES, is hereby given a final opportunity to execute an Acceptance for Honor if he wishes to save the honor of the Debtor by giving Creditor a remedy. In the event John Snow does not wish to save the honor of Debtor, it will constitute John Snows consent for substitution of trustee, whereas Creditor will designate an assignee of his choice to liquidate all of Debtors property in a foreign proceeding pursuant to Treaty #100701-SWS and Contract #92501-SWS-OV; Debtor has ten (10) days from the date of postmark on this mailing to provide remedy regarding this matter. In the event Debtor fails to provide a remedy, Creditor will accept evidence of Debtor's dishonor as a refusal to volunteer into the bankruptcy remedy, whereby Debtor will be stripped of all immunity that UNITED STATES public policy may have otherwise afforded him. Upon dishonor, Debtor agrees in the alternative to Involuntary Bankruptcy that will be initiated on Debtor in a private capacity; In the event Debtor dishonors, Debtor agrees to provide a BANKRUPTCY FORM 5 in accord with 11 USCA 303 which is a property description list of all the property held in








SHYSTER BANKS name. Creditor will take the equity and place it for sale and proceed to liquidate the personal property for settlement of this account. Debtor additionally agrees to be placed on a UCC-1 Financing Statement as DEBTOR attaching it to a Declaration of Involuntary Bankruptcy and a list of Debtor's collateral. Upon filing the UCC-1 form with the Secretary of State of Arizona, the liquidation and disposition of property will be executed immediately Dated this ____ of ____________, 2002. _______________________________ John Henry Doe



Pima county

As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____day of_____________ ______ the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal:

_____________________________ Notary Public

Copies forwarded to the following:

John Ashcroft US Attorney General 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

John Snow US Secretary of Treasury DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20220

Charles O. Rossotti Internal Revenue Service, IRS 1111 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20224-0002

George W. Bush President of the UNITED STATES 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500


Norman Minetta US Secretary of Transportation 400 Seventh Street, SW Washington, DC 20590

Tom Ridge Director of Homeland Security 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500

Colin L. Powell US Secretary of State US Department of State Washington, DC 20520-6810

Brian L. Stafford Director of Secret Service US Government Service Agency 950 H Street, NW Ste 912 Washington, DC 20223

Jane Hull Governor of the State of Arizona Arizona Executive Office of the Governor 1700 W. Washington Ave. Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Betsey Bayless Arizona Secretary of State 1700 W. Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Janet Napolitano Office of Attorney General Department of Law 1275 W. Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Arizona Judicial Commission 1501 W. Washington Phoenix, AZ 85077

Barbara LaWall Pima County Attorney 32 N. Stone Avenue, Ste 2100 Tucson, AZ 85701


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