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Mindful Eating Questionnaire

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Mindful Eating Questionnaire

Name: Date:

Question N/A Sometimes Never/Rarely Usually/Always

I eat so quickly that I don't taste what I'm eating

When I eat at “all you can eat” buffets, I tend to

I don't eat at

At a party where there is a lot of good food, I notice

when it makes me want to eat more food than I

I recognize when food advertisements make me 
 Food ads never

want to eat. make me want to
When a restaurant portion is too large, I stop eating
when I'm full.

My thoughts tend to wander while I am eating

When I'm eating one of my favorite foods, I don't

recognize when I've had enough.

I notice when just going into a movie theater 
 I never eat candy
makes me want to eat candy or popcorn or popcorn

If it doesn't cost much more, I get the larger size 

food or drink regardless of how hungry I feel

I notice when there are subtle flavors in the foods I


I there are leftovers that I like, I take a second helping

even though I'm full

When eating a pleasant meal, I notice if it makes me

feel relaxed.

I snack without noticing that I am eating.

When I eat a big meal, I notice if it makes me feel

heavy or sluggis

I stop eating when I'm full…even when eating

something I love.

I appreciate the way my food looks on my plate.

When I'm feeling stressed at work, I'll go find I don’t work

something to eat.

If there's good food at a party, I'll continue eating

even after I'm full.

When I'm sad, I eat to feel better

I notice when foods and drinks are too sweet.

Adapted from shared resources at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (http://sharedresources.fhcrc.org/). Based on Framson C, Kristal AR, Schenk JM, Littman AJ,
Zeliadt S, Benitez D. Development and validation of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109:1439-1444.
Question N/A Sometimes Never/Rarely Usually/Always

Before I eat I take a moment to appreciate the colors

and smells of my food

I taste every bite of food that I eat. I never eat when

I’m not hungry

I recognize when I'm eating and not hungry.

I notice when I'm eating from a dish of candy just

because it's there

When I'm at a restaurant, I can tell when the portion

I've been served is too large for me.

I notice when the food I eat affects my emotional


I have trouble not eating ice cream, cookies, or chips

if they're around the house.

I think about things I need to do while I am eating.

Scoring on the next page

Adapted from shared resources at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (http://sharedresources.fhcrc.org/). Based on Framson C, Kristal AR, Schenk JM, Littman AJ,
Zeliadt S, Benitez D. Development and validation of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109:1439-1444.
Scoring the Mindful Eating Questionnaire


Category Question #




Awareness— 21

being aware of 20

how food looks,

tastes and smells 22


#Answered Total Score

Distraction— 6

focusing on
other things 28 Distraction
while eating
#Answered Total Score

Disinhibition— 11

eating even
when full 15


25 Disinhibition

#Answered Total Score


Emotional 17 *

Response— 19

eating in Emotional
response to 27 Response
sadness or stress
#Answered Total Score

Adapted from shared resources at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (http://sharedresources.fhcrc.org/). Based on Framson C, Kristal AR, Schenk JM, Littman AJ,
Zeliadt S, Benitez D. Development and validation of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109:1439-1444.
Scoring the Mindful Eating Questionnaire


Category Question #

4 *

8 *

External Cues—
eating in 14

response to
environmental 23 *
cues, such as 24 Cues
#Answered Total Score

Total Score

Higher scores on the mindful eating questionnaire overall—and on each of the categories—has been associated with a lower body
mass index (BMI), which suggests that mindful eating may play an important role in long-term weight maintenance.

Look at your responses to questions 1-28 and match each question to its appropriate category.

Assign each response a corresponding point value (see below)

Total those points and divide by the number of questions answered * to calculate the individual category score.
Add category scores together and divide by 5 to get your overall score.

4 pts.

Questions Sometimes
3 pts.

in a white Often
2 pts.

shaded box
at left. Usually/Always
1 pt.

N/A 0 pts. *

1 pt.

Questions Sometimes
2 pts.

in a gray
3 pts.

shaded box
at left. Usually/Always
4 pts.

N/A 0 pts. *

* Do not count N/A questions when totaling the number of questions

answered within each category.

Adapted from shared resources at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (http://sharedresources.fhcrc.org/). Based on Framson C, Kristal AR, Schenk JM, Littman AJ,
Zeliadt S, Benitez D. Development and validation of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109:1439-1444.

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