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UtSoV Character Options

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Chapter IV: Character Options

Characters are the center of any story and the following options will
help you create adventurers for underwater campaigns in Vodari or
your campaign world.
Additional subclass options are provided for core classes as out-
lined in the table below. These character-defining choices are made at
1st, 2nd, or 3rd level depending on class, unlocking specific features.
This chapter also contains the drylander and treasure hunter
Finally, this chapter provides new feats, which offer additional ways
to further customize a character for an undersea campaign.

Undersea Options for Surface Dwellers

Playing a PC in an underwater campaign who can’t
breath underwater and doesn’t have a swimming
speed can be a difficult challenge. Most landborn
characters who descend into the undersea world only
do so once they have gained magic items or spells to
allow them to survive there.
Most of the subclass options presented in this
chapter are designed for characters from an undersea
world. For druids and sorcerers, we have provided
subclass options for surface dwelling characters to
play in an undersea campaign. These two subclass-
es are reprints from The Sea of Vodari and are now
accompanied by sidebars with alternative benefits for
undersea characters.

Class Subclass Level Available Description

Barbarian Path of the Wild Seas 3rd Connect with the Wild Seas to become a deadly hunter
Bard College of Dreaming Deep 3rd Fearlessly sing to keep the deep dreamers asleep
Bard College of The Sunlit Seas 3rd Sing powerful songs using your mastery of pitch, tone, and rhythm
Cleric Ocean Domain 1st Channel the volatile power of the ocean
Druid Circle of the Deeps 2nd Connected to the frightening and unfamiliar lightless depths
Druid Circle of the Sea 2nd Channel the living seas to protect the underwater world
Monk Way of the Dancing Current 3rd Channel ki with techniques that mix dance with martial arts
Paladin Oath of the Waves 3rd Fight against evil and corruption in the seas and beyond
Ranger Leviathan Hunter 3rd Hunt leviathans from the deepest seas to protect those above
Rogue Dreadmask 3rd Wear monstrous masks to terrify enemies
Rogue Scavenger 3rd Survive using your superior abilities to hide and seek
Sorcerer Tidal Sorcery 1st Magically connect to the sea or the moon
Wizard School of Bloodbinding 2nd Unlock powerful magic using the blood of monsters you defeat.

chapter 1v | character options 55

Path of the Wild Seas
The Wild Seas lie beyond the edge of civilization and are full of count-
less dangers. Barbarians who survive in these waters have learned
to utilize their rage to become deadly hunters. Those who swim the
Path of the Wild Seas channel their fury, unleashing it in a display
of brutal power or precise control from afar. As you enter your rage,
your senses increase and you become as effective from range as melee
in a fight. As you develop your primal connection with the Wild Seas,
you’ll become a true predator.

Path of the Wilds Seas Features

Barbarian Level Feature

3rd Channeled Fury

6th Hunter of the Wild Seas
10th Primal Connection
14th True Predator

Channeled Fury
3rd-level Path of the Wild Seas feature
You’ve learned to channel your fury into strengthening your ranged
attacks and heightening your senses. When you make a ranged
attack, you can apply your rage damage if the weapon has the thrown
In addition, you gain proficiency in the Perception and Survival
skills if you don’t already have it. You also have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks while raging.

Hunter of the Wild Seas

6th-level Path of the Wild Seas feature
When you throw caution aside, you can better focus on the hunt.
When you attack recklessly, if the weapon has the thrown property
you also have advantage on ranged attacks and can draw a weapon as
part of an attack.
In addition, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check
you make that uses the Survival skill.

Primal Connection
10th-level Path of the Wild Seas feature
hanta was exiled and now
hunts with a group of You combine your hunting knowledge and connection to the primal
adventurers power of the Wild Seas, to gain specific aspects of the sea’s great pred-
ators. Choose one of the options below for your Primal Connection
each time you rage.
Giant Squid. While raging, as a bonus action you can make a
special melee attack to grapple a creature. While grappling a creature,
your speed is no longer halved.
Orca (Killer Whale). While raging, as a bonus action you can make
a special melee attack to shove a creature. If successful, you can push
the creature an additional 5 feet away from you.
Shark. While raging, if you hit a target with a weapon attack that
has less than half of its hit points, the weapon deals additional damage
equal to your rage damage bonus.
Swordfish. While raging, your swimming speed increases by 10

True Predator
Barbarian 14th-level Path of the Wild Seas feature
In the undersea world most barbarians are born in the Wild Seas, When an attacker that you can see hits you with a spell attack or
beyond civilization’s edge. They draw on their most primal instincts ranged attack, you can use your reaction to make a ranged weapon
to gain supernatural strength, speed, and agility in the chaos of battle. attack against that creature.
The path option below is geared towards underwater campaigns. In addition, when you use your Primal Connection feature you
now choose two options each time you rage.

56 chapter iv | character options

Bards are more than simple performers, weaving magic through
words, music, and movement to lift their allies and sink their foes.
Undersea bards that focus on singing to weave magic are famous
above and below the waves. The following optional rules and bardic
college options are geared towards underwater campaigns.

You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
your bard (see Chapter V Equipment):
• leather armor for seaweave armor

College of the Deep Dreamer

There are strange things that sleep in the deepest reaches of the sea.
They are Dokahi’s eldest children, too immense and powerful to slay.
In worlds other than Vodari, they might be called kaiju. The bards
of the College of the Deep Dreamer created powerful songs to keep
them asleep. In addition to singing these songs themselves, they have
taught them to a few awakened whales.
Bards of the College of the Deep Dreamer must be fearless, for
it falls to them to visit the incomprehensibly vast resting-places of
Dokahi’s brood, knowing that one false note might doom whole cities.
When a mission concerns the College as a whole, they recruit individ-
uals of strength and valor from all of Vodari’s peoples.
When used in battle, the songs of the Deep Dreamers evoke the
power of those awful monsters, and the bards’ spells bind lesser
enemies in slumber. The greatest members of this college have swum
in the presence of Dokahi’s brood without fleeing in a panic, and
nothing will faze them ever again.

College of the Deep Dreamer Features

Bard Level Feature

3rd Deep Lore, Songs of the Deep Dreamers

6th Above and Below the Waves, Ancient Lullaby
14th Greater Terrors than These

Deep Lore
3rd-level College of the Deep Dreamer feature marrath sings a powerful lullaby
to return a monster from the
You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling and Arcana skills. You deeps to its slumber
learn the sleep spell, which does not count against your Spells Known.

Songs of the Deep Dreamers Rhaluq the Many. Use this song only while you are concentrating
3rd-level College of the Deep Dreamer feature on a spell. Choose a creature within 60 feet who can hear you and
You can use your Bardic Inspiration to sing to the deep dreamers. As isn’t currently concentrating on a spell or feature. That creature can
a bonus action, you can expend a use of Bardic Inspiration to choose maintain concentration on the spell instead of you, and they add your
one of the following options. Each song lasts for 1 minute, until you Bardic Inspiration die to Constitution saving throws that they roll to
are incapacitated, until you begin another song, or until your end the maintain concentration. You still control the spell’s ongoing effects.
song early with no action required by you. Your song can be loud and The spell ends when you use this feature again.
draw attention or a quiet melody that only those close to you can hear.
Aetioth the Hunter. Choose a creature within 60 feet who can hear
Above and Below the Waves
you and isn’t currently visible to any creature that is hostile to it. They 6th-level College of the Deep Dreamer feature
can add your Bardic Inspiration die to one Dexterity (Stealth) or You learn land-treading and water breathing. These are bard spells for
weapon damage roll that it makes each round. you and don’t count against your number of Spells Known. When you
Eryi the Baneful. Choose a willing creature within 60 feet of you cast one of these spells, it can’t be dispelled by anyone other than you.
who can hear you. Creatures of their choice within 5 feet of them that
hit creatures other than your target with weapon attacks suffer psychic Ancient Lullaby
damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration die. 6th-level College of the Deep Dreamer feature
Magrannos the All-Encompassing. Choose a willing creature When you cast sleep, you add twice your bard level to the spell’s effect.
within 60 feet who can hear you. For the duration of the effect, their You can expend any number of Bardic Inspiration dice and add the
reach increases by 10 feet, they deal force damage instead of other result to the spell’s effect as well.
damage types, and they add your Bardic Inspiration die to their
grapple attempts.

chapter 1v | character options 57

for their powerful and skilled vocalizations, capable of captivating
an audience with only their voice. While fame comes easy for these
bards, it won’t keep them from the sea for long.
Bards of the College of the Sunlit Seas excel at connecting to the
weave through their mastery of pitch, tone, and rhythm. They learn
to strengthen this connection through experiences only found far
from the stage. The challenge of adventuring across the seas provides
a slew of powerful emotions. These bards also absorb the sounds
and rhythms such as crashing waves, whale songs, snapping shrimp,
the rumble of a volcano, or their own racing heartbeat. All of these
experiences help them channel the sea and deliver performances that
inspire their allies and demoralize their adversaries.

College of the Sunlit Seas Features

Bard Level Feature

3rd Voice of the Sea, Songs of the Sunlit Seas

6th Distracting Sound
14th Serenade of the Wind & Sea

Voice of the Sea

3rd-level College of the Sea feature
You gain proficiency in the Performance skill, or with another skill
of your choice if you’re already proficient. Whenever you make a
Charisma (Performance) check to sing, you make the ability check
with advantage.
In addition, you can also use your singing voice as a spellcasting
focus for your bard spells, even while singing a song.

Songs of the Sunlit Seas

3rd-level College of the Sunlit Seas feature
You can use your Bardic Inspiration to inspire your allies and distract
your enemies through song. As a bonus action, you can expend a use
of Bardic Inspiration to choose one of the following options. Each
song lasts for 1 minute, until you are incapacitated, until you begin
another song, or until your end the song early with no action required
by you. Your song can be loud and draw attention or a quiet melody
that only those close to you can hear.
aelia is a bard from the college of
the sunlit seas who loves to sing Mask of the Mimic Octopus. Choose a willing creature within 60
above and below the waves feet who can hear you. They have advantage on Charisma (Deception)
and Charisma (Performance) checks when trying to pass themselves
off as a different person. In addition, they can add your Bardic Inspi-
ration die to one Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Performance)
check they make each round.
Grasp of the Slippery Eel. Choose a willing creature within 60 feet
who can hear you. They have advantage on checks made to grapple
Greater Terrors than These and advantage on Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
checks to escape a grapple. In addition, they can add your Bardic
14th-level College of the Deep Dreamer feature
Inspiration die to one Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
You become immune to the frightened condition, and creatures of check they make each round.
your choice within 30 feet of you add your Bardic Inspiration die to Bond of the Remora and Shark. Choose a willing creature within
their saving throws against the frightened condition. When you force 60 feet who can hear you. You give them advantage on their next
a creature to make a saving throw against the frightened condition, attack roll. In addition, they add the number rolled on the Bardic
you can expend a Bardic Inspiration die and subtract the result from Inspiration die to all damage rolls until the song ends.
the number rolled. Sting of the Ray. Choose a willing creature within 60 feet who can
Furthermore, when you use your Songs of the Deep Dreamers, the hear you. On their next attack roll that hits, the creature can add the
creature you choose also gains resistance to psychic damage for the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die to the damage and the
duration of the song. target must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save
DC. On a failure, the target becomes poisoned until the song ends.
College of the Sunlit Seas Distracting Sound
A bard from the College of the Sunlit Seas travels above and below 6th-level College of the Sunlit Seas feature
the waves, looking to experience the ocean in all its majesty. These
bards come from anywhere that is touched by the sun and sea, from You learn to mimic sounds such as a crashing wave, whale song, and
sun-drenched beaches to twilit seabeds deep below. They’re known other natural noise of the sea. When a creature you can see makes a

58 chapter iv | character options

Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Dexterity (Stealth) check, you can use
your reaction to create a distracting sound and add your Charisma
modifier (minimum of 1) to the result of the skill check. Also, any
creatures of your choice within a 60-foot radius that can hear you
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks until the start of
your next turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended uses when you
finish a long rest.

Serenade of the Wind & Sea

14th-level College of the Sunlit Seas feature
As a bonus action, you sing a short serenade to the wind and sea,
drawing a swift-moving wind or current to you. When you do so,
choose a number of creatures that can hear you within 60 feet, up to a
number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). For the
next minute, each creature’s base walking speed and swimming speed
increase by 10 feet and they don’t provoke opportunity attacks.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.

Clerics are imbued with divine magic, chosen conduits for the power
of the gods. Through devotion to a god, their magic manifests itself
in the form of miraculous effects. The following optional rules and
domain are geared towards underwater campaigns.

You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
your cleric (see Chapter V Equipment):
• (a) scale mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) chain mail (if proficient) in
exchange for (a) bronzescale, (b) seaweave armor, or (c) fishscale
mail (if proficient)
• a light crossbow and 20 bolts in exchange for light speargun and 20

Ocean Domain
Gods of the ocean (such as Okeano, Aegir, and Poseidon) are unpre-
dictable. One moment they’re as pleasant as a gentle current, the next
as violent as a swirling maelstrom. These gods demand everyone to torento is a genasi from
respect the ocean, punishing those who cause it needless harm. Cler- sanctuary who answered a
call to serve the ocean
ics of these gods act as their champions, only wishing to channel the
power contained in the ocean, never seeking mastery. They under-
stand the ocean’s volatile nature, embracing it and holding it sacred.
These clerics act as conduits, unleashing the power of these waters to
protect themselves or take vengeance upon their enemies. Ocean Domain Spells
Spells marked with an asterisk can be found in Chapter VI: Magic.
Ocean Domain Features
Cleric Level Feature Cleric Level Spells

1st Domain Spells, Blessings of the Ocean, Ocean’s 1st bubble cloud*, crashing current*
Protection 3rd aquatic orb*, locate animals or plants
2nd Channel Divinity: Ocean’s Fury 5th coral grasp*, tidal wave
6th Echolocation 7th control water, watery sphere
8th Divine Strike 9th maelstrom, rushing current*
17th Champion of the Ocean
Blessings of the Ocean
1st-level Ocean Domain feature
Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Ocean Domain The ocean provides for those who hold it sacred. Choose two of the
Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature for how domain following blessings.
spells work. Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it

chapter 1v | character options 59

Shield of the Ocean
1st-level Ocean Domain feature
Those who revere the ocean can call on it to help protect allies. When
a creature attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you,
you can use your reaction to attack that creature. To do so, you must
be able to see both the attacker and the target.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Ocean’s Fury

2nd-level Ocean Domain feature
You can use your Channel Divinity to call the ocean’s fury to you in
the form of a cold and crushing vortex of seawater. As an action, you
present your holy symbol and invoke the name of your deity. Each
hostile creature within a 30-foot radius of you must treat the area
as difficult terrain until the end of your next turn and must make a
Strength saving throw. A creature takes cold or bludgeoning damage
(your choice) equal to 2d10 + your cleric level on a failure, or half as
much on a success.

6th-level Ocean Domain feature
As a bonus action, you make a noise such as a click or squeek, gaining
blindsight within 30 feet of you for 1 minute. You can’t use this feature
while deafened.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.

Divine Strike
8th-level Ocean Domain feature
You gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy.
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 cold or 1d8 blud-
geoning damage (your choice) to the target. When you reach 14th
level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Champion of the Ocean

17th-level Ocean Domain feature
Your god has chosen you as their champion. Your swimming speed
increases by 10 feet and you can Dash as a bonus action.
In addition, when you use your Ocean’s Fury feature, the effect’s
radius is extended to 60 feet and the damage increases to 4d10 + your
cleric level. If a creature with a size of Large or smaller fails its saving
throw, it is knocked prone.
esha is a druid of the circle of
the deeps and feels most at home
under the waves Druid
Druids draw on their connection with nature to extend its will, while
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t claiming no mastery over it. This connection allows a druid to chan-
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. nel powerful magical energies and even transform into creatures. The
Deep Diver. You gain resistance to cold damage and you ignore any following optional rules and druidic circle options are geared towards
of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment. underwater campaigns.
Telepathy. You can communicate simple ideas telepathically with
beasts that can breathe water that you can see within 30 feet of you. Equipment
They can understand your thoughts, though you have no special abil- You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
ity to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma your druid (see Chapter V Equipment):
checks you make to influence them.
• leather armor for seaweave armor
Swimmer. You gain a swimming speed equal to your movement
speed. If you already have a swimming speed, it increases by 5 feet. Underwater Beast Shapes
Underwater Combat Training. You gain proficiency with har- A list of additional beast shapes for the underwater environment
poons, nets, and tridents. found in this book and The Seas of Vodari.

60 chapter iv | character options

Circle of the Deeps in Undersea
CR Beast Fly/Swim
0 Common Fish Swim
The Circle of the Deeps druid subclass was designed
0 Remora Swim
for PCs who were born as land but feel a call to the
0 Sea Otter Swim deeps. Starting at 2nd level, it allows a PC from above
⅛ Common Dolphin Swim the waves to effectively play in an undersea campaign
⅛ Nuku Nuku Swim from the Sunlit Seas all the way down to the Midnight
⅛ Seal Swim Depths.

¼ Bladefish Swim Alternative Oceanborn Benefits

¼ Manta Ray Swim If you were born under the seas, when you gain the
½ Bottlenose Dolphin Swim Oceanborn feature at 2nd-level, you can choose one
½ Giant Hermit Crab Swim of the following benefits.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
1 Dire Stingray Swim
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
1 Giant Jellyfish Swim
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
1 Huge Crab* Swim only shades of gray. Increased
2 Giant Sea Turtle Swim Increased Swimming Speed. Your swimming speed
4 Giant Squid Swim increases by 5 feet.
Landwalker. You gain a walking speed of 25 feet.
7 Blue Whale Swim
If you don’t normally have legs, as an action you gain
* found in The Seas of Vodari humanoid legs in place of your lower body and you
lose your natural swimming speed. You can change
Circle of the Deeps your legs back into a tail or tentacles as an action.
Most of the world is ocean, and the druids of the Circle of the Deeps
are among the few air-breathers who are one with its mysteries: Alternative Pearl-Diving Charm Benefits
crushing pressure, unfathomable creatures, and relics of an ancient If you were born under the seas, when you gain the
past. Even those that dwell primarily above the waves find that their Pearl-Diving Charm feature at 6th-level, you can in-
connection to the lightless depths gives them gifts that are frightening
stead choose to gain the following alternative feature.
and unfamiliar to surface-dwellers.
Some druids of aquatic races also belong to this Circle, often taking Deep Diver. You can help other people venture into
a more protective stance toward the Deeps. A third branch of this the depths. You gain deep diver as an additional pre-
Circle hides in plain sight: those who have embraced Dokahi’s malice pared spell. When you cast the spell, you can target 4
against the sunlit lands. They threaten to bring the terrors of the deeps
additional targets without the need to consume higher
to all of Vodari.
spell slots. At 14th level, this increases to 9 additional
Circle of the Deep Features targets. When you cast deep diver, the spell can’t be
Druid Level Feature dispelled by anyone other than you.

2nd Oceanborn, Crushing Pressure

6th Pearl-Diving Charm Crushing Pressure
2nd-level Circle of the Deep feature
10th Where Eyeless Things Dwell
You wield the crushing pressure of the depths. When you hit a Large
14th Davy Jones’s Locker
or smaller creature within 120 feet with a spell attack or a creature
fails a saving throw against a spell you cast, you can spend your bonus
Oceanborn action to knock the target prone, and its speed is halved until the
2nd-level Circle of the Deep feature beginning of your next turn.
You have resistance to cold damage, you have a swimming speed You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom
equal to your walking speed, and you can breathe air and water. You modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended uses when you
can withstand pressure to a depth of 1,000 feet per druid level. finish a long rest.
When you use your Wild Shape feature, you can transform into the Pearl-Diving Charm
shape of a beast with a swimming speed. Starting at 8th level, you can
6th-level Circle of the Deep feature
choose the shape of a beast with a swimming speed and a challenge
rating of up to 2. You can help other people venture into the depths. You gain water
With noises and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with breathing as an additional prepared spell. Creatures affected by a water
Small or smaller beasts that have a swimming speed. breathing spell that you cast also gain resistance to cold damage, a
swimming speed equal to their walking speed, and the ability to with-

chapter 1v | character options 61

stand pressure to a depth of 6,000 feet. At 14th level, this increases to
kalli is a druid with a
a depth of 14,000 feet. When you cast water breathing, the spell can’t
strong connection to be dispelled by anyone other than you.
the living seas
Where Eyeless Things Dwell
6th-level Circle of the Deep feature
You gain blindsight out to a range of 60 feet.
Furthermore, you can communicate telepathically with any crea-
ture you can see within 120 feet. You don’t need to share a language
with the creature for it to understand your telepathic messages, but
the creature must be able to speak at least one language.

Davy Jones’ Locker

14th-level Circle of the Deep feature
When you knock a creature prone with your Crushing Pressure fea-
ture, you can also force the target to roll a Constitution saving throw
against your spellcasting DC. On a failed saving throw, the target
suffers 5d10 cold damage and is restrained for 1 minute; on a success,
it suffers half damage and is not restrained. At the end of each of its
turns, the target can attempt a new saving throw; on a success, it is no
longer restrained. You can use this feature once, and regain the use of
it when you finish a long rest.
Furthermore, you regain all expended uses of Crushing Pressure
when you finish a short or long rest.

Circle of the Sea

The ocean is full of an incredible array of living things and immense
primal power in the form of waves, currents, and tides. Those druids
who channel these living seas are collectively known as the Circle of
the Sea. Using their connection to the creatures, plants, and natural
energy of the sea, they protect the underwater world.
Druids from the Circle of the Sea can be found throughout the
Sunlit Seas and Twilight Waters. They protect the seas against threats
from the surface above and Midnight Depths below. These druids
travel the seas, following the currents to where they are needed most.
When they do meet as a group, this circle will congregate in sacred
groves in kelp forests or among pillars of living coral.

Circle of the Sea Features

Druid Level Feature

2nd Living Seas, Underwater Circle Forms

6th Primal Call
10th Empowered Circle Forms
14th Guardian of the Living Seas

Living Seas
2nd-level Circle of the Sea feature
You gain the ability to harness the living seas while in any environ-
ment. As a bonus action, you can magically connect to the living seas,
creating an aura in a 30-foot radius around you. This aura appears
as dimly glowing sea creatures floating around you, which lasts for 1
minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you fin-
ish a short or long rest. Each time you use this feature you select one
of the following options, based on which zone you connect with.
Sunlit Seas. The bright warmth of this zone and its creatures dance
around you and your allies. While you are in your beast form, you
may cast spells that heal, as long as they require no material com-
ponents. In addition, each creature of your choice in the aura has
advantage on saves made against being frightened.
Twilight Waters. The eerie glow of this zone and its creatures rush
around you and your allies. When you make an attack against a crea-
ture in your aura, you can add 1d6 + half your druid level (rounded

62 chapter iv | character options

down) to the damage. In addition, each creature of your choice in the
aura when it appears gains an additional 10 feet of movement for the
duration. Additional Undersea Fighter Options
Midnight Depths. The cold, crushing dark of this zone and its den- We are currently working on new undersea fighter
izens drift around you and your allies. Each creature of your choice archetype concepts which are still in the development
in the aura gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If the creature
stage. Any concepts that make it through our internal
already has darkvision, the creature gains blindsight out to a range of
30 feet. In addition, you gain advantage on Constitution checks and development and playtesting will be available in the
Constitution saving throws. final book.

Underwater Circle Forms Equipment

2nd-level Circle of the Sea feature
You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
When you Wild Shape, you may ignore the swimming speed limita- your fighter (see Chapter V Equipment):
tion on the Beast Shapes table.
• (a) chain mail or (b) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows in
In addition, any beast you Wild Shape into that does not have a
exchange for (a) fishscale mail or (b) seaweave armor, a heavy
swimming speed gains a swimming speed of 30 feet and can breathe
speargun and 20 shafts
while underwater.
• a light crossbow and 20 bolts in exchange for a light speargun and
Primal Call 20 shafts
6th-level Circle of the Sea feature
Fighting Style
Your primal connection to the sea allows you to call to it for pro-
You can add the following option to the list of Fighting Style options.
tection from anywhere. Grasping seaweed, crashing waves, swirling
Fisher. You gain a +2 bonus to damage with weapons that have
currents, or another form of aid materializes to help you and your
both the versatile and thrown property and a +2 bonus to attack rolls
allies. When an enemy that you see makes a melee attack against you
with nets.
or a creature within 5 feet, you can use your reaction to impose disad-
vantage on the attack. If the attack still hits, the target has resistance
against the attack’s damage. Monk
Empowered Circle Forms Monks channel ki, a magical energy flowing through living bodies. In
10th-level Circle of the Sea feature combination with martial training, ki can be harnessed to far exceed
the capabilities of their physical body. The following monk tradition is
Your connection to the seas strengthens your Circle Forms to become
geared towards underwater campaigns.
even more powerful. When you wild shape, your beast form gains
a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your druid level.
While you are in your beast form and hit with a melee attack, you can Way of the Dancing Current
add an extra 1d6 + your druid level of cold damage. In addition, while Monks who embrace the Way of the Dancing Current tradition
in your beast form you are resistant to cold damage and can ignore combine martial and performance arts. This tradition first emerged in
any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment. siren communities, where the most talented wavedancers proved to
also be the fiercest defenders. Like a current dancing through the sea,
Guardian of the Living Seas these monks utilize speed, grace, and agility to flow through battle,
14th-level Circle of the Sea feature fluctuating between evasion and attack.
The sea has chosen you as a guardian, strengthening your ability to
harness the magic and power of the living seas. When you use your Way of the Dancing Current Features
Living Seas feature and select a zone to connect with, you also gain Monk Level Feature
the benefits of the matching zone option below until you use your
Living Seas feature again. 3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Ebb & Flow Technique
Sunlit Seas. You can cast the beast sense spell at will without 6th Arcane Dancing
expending spell slots. In addition, when you cast healing spells that
require no material components, the creature regains additional hit 11th Dance of the Swirling Current
points equal to half your druid level (rounded down). 17th Battle Dancer
Twilight Waters. You can cast the pass without a trace once and
regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. In
addition, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action and have
Bonus Proficiencies
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. 3rd-level Way of the Dancing Current feature
Midnight Depths. You can cast your choice of the darkness spell You gain proficiency in the Performance skill if you don’t already have
or daylight spell once and regain the ability to do so when you finish it. Whenever you make a Charisma (Performance) check to dance,
a short or long rest. In addition, you have blindsight out to a range of you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency
60 feet. bonus you normally apply.

Ebb & Flow Technique

Fighter 3rd-level Way of the Dancing Current feature
Fighters spend years honing their technique with countless weapons Your fighting style has developed to effectively mix with your dancing
and in a variety of styles. When they dedicate themselves to focusing skills, allowing you to quickly fluctuate between offense and defense.
on a particular style of combat, they become even more skilled and You gain the following benefits.
deadly. The following rules and options are geared towards underwa- Ebbing Strike. You make passive movements to appear in retreat,
ter campaigns. striking before your escape. Whenever you use Flurry of Blows, you

chapter 1v | character options 63

Battle Dancer
17th-level Way of the Dancing Current feature
You have mastered combining martial and performance arts. You gain
the following benefits.
Elusive Target. When a creature you can see hits you with a melee
attack, you can spend 2 ki points to force the creature to reroll the
attack roll.
Graceful. You have advantage on all Dexterity saving throws.
Supreme Balance. You can’t be knocked prone and you have ad-
vantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks when shoved.

Paladins are righteous crusaders. They combine martial skill with
divine power granted from their sworn oath and the righteous path
they follow to fulfill it. The following optional rules and oath option
are geared towards underwater campaigns.

You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
your paladin (see Chapter V Equipment):
• chain mail in exchange for fishscale mail

Fighting Style
You can add the following option to the list of Fighting Style options.
Fisher. You gain a +2 bonus to damage with weapons that have
both the versatile and thrown property and a +2 bonus to attack rolls
with nets.

Oath of the Waves

The Oath of the Waves calls to seafolk who seek to protect their
homes and people from evil that lurks in the depths. These paladins,
often after suffering a great loss, swear an oath to protect those who
dwell on or under the waves. In the aftermath of the Godwar, survi-
vors were left injured and starving, providing easy targets for aboleth
slavers, hungry monsters, and other threats. Paladins following this
oath began to quickly emerge among the merfolk, elves, and others.
Like a crashing wave, they pushed these evils back into the depths.
After centuries of destroying aberrations and monstrosities, the most
venia is a siren who has resolute of this group began to even take on monstrous traits to better
embraced the way of the destroy these evils. Today, these paladins act as traveling guardians,
dancing current
moving from community to community, providing aid wherever

Tenets of the Waves

The tenets of the Oath of the Waves drive a paladin to act as a guard-
ian of those who dwell in the seas.
gain the benefit of the Dash action, without provoking opportunity
Share the Sea’s Bounty. The seas are generous. I will aid those
attacks from your Flurry of Blows targets.
without food and shelter and challenge any who take more than their
Flowing Defense. You make aggressive movements to put your
opponent on the defensive. Whenever you use Patient Defence, when
Freedom for All. I must aid those who suffer oppression and free
an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your
the enslaved.
reaction to make an unarmed strike against that creature.
Eradicate the Unnatural. I will hunt and eliminate aberrations and
Dance of the Swirling Current monstrosities, especially those who threaten a community.
11th-level Way of the Dancing Current feature Travel the Seas. I will follow the wind, waves, and currents to com-
munities that need aid.
You have learned to channel your ki into controlling a current from
the deeps. As an action, you spend 4 ki points to surround yourself Oath of the Waves Features
with swirling water in a 20-foot radius. Any creatures of your choice
Paladin Level Feature
within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
the creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage, which counts as magical 3rd Oath Spells, Channel Divinity
for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagi-
7th Aura of the Crashing Waves
cal attacks and damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half as
much damage. 15th Vision of the Depths
20th Form of the Leviathan

64 chapter iv | character options

Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of the Waves Spells

Paladin Level Spells

3rd protection from evil and good, purify food

and drink
5th alter self, warding bond
9th create food and water, tidal wave
13th control water, locate creature
17th destructive wave, hold monster

Channel Divinity
3rd-level Oath of the Waves feature
When you take this oath, you gain the following two Channel Divin-
ity options.
Crashing Strike. As an action, you can imbue one weapon that you
are holding in power using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you
add twice your Charisma modifier in force damage to the damage
rolls made with that weapon (minimum 2). If the weapon is not
already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.
You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action.
If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall
unconscious, this effect ends.
Censure the Deep. As an action, you present your holy symbol and
speak a prayer censuring aberrations and monstrosities, using your
Channel Divinity. Each aberration or monstrosity that can see or hear
you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the
creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away
from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet
of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the
Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from mov-
ing. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Aura of the Crashing Waves

7th-level Oath of the Waves feature
An aura with the speed and force of crashing waves emanates from
you. Spells and other magical effects can neither reduce your speed
nor cause you to be restrained. The aura extends 10 feet from you in
every direction and any creatures of your choice within the aura must
treat the area as difficult terrain.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Vision of the Depths

15th-level Oath of the Waves feature
You adapt to become better at seeking out evil wherever it hides. You
gain blindsight to a range of 15 feet. If you are underwater, this range
increases to 60 feet.

Form of the Leviathan

20th-level Oath of the Waves feature jaxi is a draga who has sworn an
oath to protect all who live on or
To battle monsters, you take the form of a great leviathan with an below the waves
appearance you choose. For example, your skin might become scaled,
your arms turn into tentacles, or your legs become fused like a whale
or shark.
As a bonus action, you undergo a transformation and gain the
following benefits for 1 minute:
• If you are smaller than Huge, you become Huge, along with any-
thing you are wearing. If you lack the room to become Huge, your

chapter 1v | character options 65

You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
your ranger (see Chapter V Equipment):
• (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor in exchange for (a) bronzescale
mail or (b) seaweave armor
• a longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows in exchange for a light spear-
gun and 20 shafts.

Fighting Style
You can add the following option to the list of Fighting Style options.
Fisher. You gain a +2 bonus to damage to weapons that have both
the versatile and thrown property and gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls
with nets.

Natural Explorer
For your Natural Explorer feature, you can add underwater to the list
of favored terrains to choose from.

Leviathan Chaser
Leviathan Chasers are rangers who specialize in hunting dangerous
and unusual monsters from the deepest seas. Their obsessive pursuit
of krakens, monstrous whales and sharks, or any other legendary
leviathans is driven by revenge, thrill-seeking, or glory. Through
their endless hunt, these rangers protect the seas, acting as shining
bastions against threats from the darkest depths. Their reckless resolve
in the face of danger is often contagious, bolstering companions and
increasing all of their chances of surviving a deadly chase.

Leviathan Chaser Features

Ranger Level Feature

3rd Leviathan Chaser Magic, Leviathan Lore,

Chaser’s Brand
7th Keepsake
11th Chaser’s Strike
15th Reckless Resolve

Leviathan Chaser Magic

Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach cer-
nalos chases the most
tain levels in this class, as shown in the Leviathan Chaser Spells table.
powerful leviathans found The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against
under the seas the number of ranger spells you know.

Leviathan Chaser Spells

size doesn’t change. Ranger Level Spells
• You have advantage on Strength checks. 3rd heroism
• Your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d8 damage.
• You have resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and 5th aid
slashing damage. 9th haste
• You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. If you
already have a swimming speed, you gain an additional 15 feet of 13th dominate beast
swimming speed. 17th hold monster
Once you use this bonus action, you can’t use it again until you fin-
ish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again. Leviathan Lore
3rd-level Leviathan Chaser feature

Ranger You dedicate yourself to learning everything about the dangerous and
unusual foes you chase. When you make an ability check to track or
Rangers combine martial prowess and nature magic. Their abilities recall information about a favored enemy or a creature that is Huge
aid them on their never-ending hunt to protect the borderlands, or larger, your proficiency bonus is doubled for that check. If that
whether that be on land or sea. The following optional rules and rang- creature has a lair, the ability check can include providing information
er archetype are geared towards underwater campaigns. such as lair actions and regional effects.

66 chapter iv | character options

Starting at 11th level, you have advantage on saving throws against
lair actions for any creature you have used this feature to find infor-
mation on.

Chaser’s Brand
3rd-level Leviathan Chaser feature
When you hit a creature with an attack roll or cast the spell hunter’s
mark, you can magically brand your quarry, making it easier for you
to end your hunt. For 1 minute you gain the following benefits:
• The target sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius.
• The first time you hit the creature on each of your turns and deal
damage to it, you add an additional 1d8 radiant damage. When
you reach 11th level the additional damage increases to 2d8 radiant
• Any extra damage dealt by the spell hunter’s mark becomes radiant
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.

7th-level Leviathan Chaser feature
You claimed a keepsake from a monster in a battle. You gain one of
the following abilities based on your study of this trophy. You choose
one additional ability from this list, at 11th level and 15th level.
Claw. Your nails grow into claws and are natural weapons, which
you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal
slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Ear. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on hearing.
Eye. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fin. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. If
you already have a swimming speed, it increases by 5 feet.
Lung. You gain the ability to breathe air and water.
Nose. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on smell. jarana tideforge found
a mask of horrors while
Scale. You can ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, exploring ruins near
underwater environment. vonnahr deep
Stinger. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and
the poisoned condition.
Tentacle. You have advantage on any ability check to escape a grap-
ple against a creature that has a size of Large of greater. Rogue
Tooth. Your teeth become sharper and are natural weapons, which Rogues use skill, stealth, and precision over brute force to overcome
you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal most challenges. Their focus on being cunning and nimble is well
piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the suited to adventuring in the undersea world. The following optional
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. rules and roguish archetypes are geared towards underwater cam-
Relentless Pursuit
11th-level Leviathan Chaser feature Equipment
Once you mark your quarry, your pursuit is relentless. When your You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
Chaser’s Mark target moves at least 10 feet, you can use your reaction your rogue (see Chapter V Equipment):
to move up to your movement speed. This movement doesn’t provoke • a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows in exchange for a light spear-
opportunity attacks. gun and 20 shafts
In addition, when you end this movement, if your target is within • leather armor for seaweave armor
your weapon’s range, you can make a weapon attack against it.

Reckless Resolve Dreadmask

15th-level Leviathan Chaser feature
The tradition of the Dreadmask comes from rogues borrowing the
Your experience has taught you how to take a hit and give back even visages of the unsettling creatures found in the deepest parts of the
harder. When you take damage from an attack, you can use your ocean, including fish and the monsters of Dokahi’s brood. They craft
reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature. or alter masks, which they wear into battle; the terrors that they bind
In addition, if you are hit with an attack that asks you to make a to these masks give them great power over the fears of their allies and
Strength saving throw, you make that saving throw with advantage. enemies – even enemies who are hardened against dread.

chapter 1v | character options 67

At its founding, the Dreadmasks believed they were bearers of holy Eyes of the Nightmare
dread, reminding people to seek solace from the gods. It was all too 13th-level Dreadmask feature
easy for corruption to seep into their ranks, as they exulted in the fear
and deference of the masses. Nowadays, only a rare few aspire to any As an action, you can see through your mask’s eyes instead of your
sort of greater cause. own for 10 minutes, as long as it is within 1 mile. This vision benefits
from any blindsight, blindsense, darkvision, or truesight that you
Dreadmask Features have. If you have the blinded condition, you can see normally through
the mask’s eyes.
Rogue Level Feature In addition, you can cast fear without expending a spell slot. You
3rd Dread Presence, Mask of Horrors can use this feature once, and regain the ability to do so when you fin-
ish a long rest, or when a creature that is currently frightened of you
9th Dread Pursuit falls to 0 hit points. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
13th Eyes of the Nightmare
Dream Master
17th Dream Master 17th-level Dreadmask feature
You can cast dream without expending a spell slot, targeting one
Dread Presence creature that has previously been frightened of you. You can use this
3rd-level Dreadmask feature feature once, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long
You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: De- rest. If you use the damaging version of this spell, you can add your
ception, Intimidation, or Stealth. Creatures of your choice within 30 Sneak Attack damage to the damage dealt. Charisma is your spellcast-
feet of you that can see you gain advantage on saving throws against ing ability for this spell.
the frightened condition. When you fail a saving throw against the
frightened condition, you can use your reaction to succeed instead. Scavenger
Mask of Horrors Life isn’t easy for everyone under the seas. Scavengers are resourceful
3rd-level Dreadmask feature survivalists forged through scratching out survival on the edge. There
are many ways to be pushed into life as a scavenger and few are by
You craft or modify a mask, according to the secret lore of the Dread- choice. These rogues are known for being excellent at both hiding and
masks. If your mask is lost or destroyed, you can create a new one the seeking. Scavengers make good criminals, but truly shine when asked
next time you finish a long rest. to put their unique skill sets to the test as adventurers.
While you are wearing your mask, as a bonus action you can force
one creature that can see you to roll a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + Scavenger Features
your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure, the
Rogue Level Feature
creature is frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency 3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Hide & Seek, Finder
bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long Keepers
If you have hit the target with an attack in the same turn, the target 9th Seeker
has disadvantage on its saving throw against the frightened condition. 13th Run & Hide
If you hit the target with an attack later in the same turn, you can
deal psychic damage equal to your rogue level to a different creature 17th Vanishing Act
of your choice that saw your attack. When you use one of these two
effects, you can’t do so again until the start of your next turn. Bonus Proficiencies
3rd-level Scavenger archetype feature
Mask Origin
You gain proficiency in the Investigation and Survival skills. If you are
d4 Origin
already proficient in either of these skills, you can choose one of the
1 I dreamt I was wearing a terrifying mask. When I awoke skills and add it to your list of Expertise skills.
from the nightmare, I was holding the mask in my hands.
Hide & Seek
2 I found a mask while exploring ruins that I felt drawn 3rd-level Scavenger archetype feature
towards. Or did the mask find me?
Your ability to both hide and seek are greatly improved. You can
3 I uncovered the secrets of the Dreadmasks and crafted a attempt to hide even when you only have half cover or are only lightly
mask with this knowledge. obscured by bubbles, marine snow, and other natural phenomena. In
addition, you can now use your Cunning Action to take the Search
4 I inherited a mask from a Dreadmask. I promised to con-
tinue the traditions of this order.
Finders Keepers
Dread Pursuit 3rd-level Scavenger archetype feature
9th-level Dreadmask feature
You have a knack for “acquiring” objects and anything else you need
When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, you can teleport to survive. You can create two rations per day if you are traveling no
to a space you can see within 15 feet of where the target ends its turn. faster than a normal pace while underwater.
If the creature is frightened of you, you can instead teleport to any In addition, as an action, you can search your belongings to find an
space within 15 feet of the creature that you can see. item worth up to 2 gp and weighing up to 5 pounds (see Equipment
in the core rules or Chapter V of this book), which you reasonably
could have picked up in your travels. Once you have used this feature,
you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

68 chapter iv | character options

zam sharpblade survives
by scavenging for what he
needs to survive

9th-level Scavenger archetype feature
Sorcerers are those rare individuals who are naturally connected
You can sense the location of hidden creatures and objects. Being
to the magical energies found in nature. They only need to learn to
unable to see a creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your attack
harness their connection to unlock powerful abilities. The following
rolls against it, provided the creature isn’t hidden from you.
optional rules and sorcerous origin are geared towards underwater
In addition, when you take the Search action, you have advantage
on locating a hidden creature or object within 30 feet of you, even if
it’s obscured or invisible. Equipment
Run & Hide You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
your sorcerer (see Chapter V Equipment):
13th-level Scavenger archetype feature
• a light crossbow and 20 bolts in exchange for a light speargun and
When you use your Uncanny Dodge feature, you can move up to half
20 shafts.
your movement without provoking opportunity attacks, and take the
Hide action where you end your move.
Tidal Sorcery
Vanishing Act Your innate magic comes from the tides, and might be derived either
17th-level Scavenger archetype feature from a connection to the sea itself, or to the moon that controls the
You can now hide so well, you appear to vanish. Whenever you take tides. As a tidal sorcerer, you may find that your mood reflects the
the Hide action, you can’t be detected by blindsight or smell. tides as well: when the tides are high, you may feel generous, boister-
In addition, you become so skilled at stealth that as a bonus action ous, or overbearing; when they are low, you could become withdrawn,
you become effectively invisible until the start of your next turn. If deceptive, or grasping. The sea holds an inescapable longing for you,
you attack a creature while invisible from this feature, your sneak at- especially if you are forced by circumstance to live inland.
tack damage against that creature increases by 4d6. Once you become
invisible from this feature, you can’t do so again until you complete a
short or long rest.

chapter 1v | character options 69

Call the Tides
1st-level Tidal Sorcery feature
When you gain the Metamagic feature, you gain Call the Tides, an
additional metamagic option.
When you cast a spell, you can spend 2 sorcery points to choose
one of the effects below. These count against the number of Metamag-
ic options you can use on a single spell.
High Tide. Creatures targeted by your spell must roll a Strength
saving throw or be pushed 10 feet in a direction of your choice. Your
allies can voluntarily fail this saving throw.
Flood Tide. Creatures targeted by your spell gain temporary hit
points equal to your Charisma modifier + the level of the slot expend-
ed for 1 minute.
Ebb Tide. Creatures targeted by your spell take acid damage equal
to your Charisma modifier or the level of the slot expended, whichev-
er is greater, in addition to any damage the spell normally deals.
Low Tide. Creatures targeted by your spell can’t use reactions until
the beginning of your next turn.

Above or Below the Waves

6th-level Tidal Sorcery feature
You learn water breathing and water walk, which don’t count against
the number of sorcerer spells you know. You gain the ability to cast
them as rituals as well. Additionally, when you expend a spell slot
to cast them, you can do so as a reaction. Water breathing and water
walk spells that you cast can’t be dispelled by anyone other than you.

Tidal Sorcerers in Undersea Campaigns

The Tidal Sorcery subclass was designed for charac-
ters born on land to excel in a seafaring campaign. By
6th level, it also allows a PC from above the waves to
effectively play in an undersea campaign.

Born of the Shifting Tides

Alternative Benefits
zasali is a tidal sorcerer
castaway who was raised If you were born under the seas, when you gain the
by goblins Shifting Tides feature at 1st-level, you can choose one
of the following benefits.
Land Dweller. You can breathe air and gain a
walking speed of 25 feet. If you don’t normally have
legs, as an action you gain humanoid legs in place of
your lower body and you lose your natural swimming
speed. You can change your legs back into a tail or
Tidal Sorcery Features tentacles as an action.
Sorcerer Level Feature Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet
of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
1st Born of the Shifting Tides, Call the Tides
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness,
6th Above or Below the Waves
only shades of gray. Increased
14th Tides of Fortune Increased Swimming Speed. Your swimming speed
18th Soul of the Sea increases by 5 feet.

Born of the Shifting Tides Above or Below the Waves

1st-level Tidal Sorcery feature Alternative Spells
You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and profi- If you were born under the seas, when you gain the
ciency in vehicles (water). Above or Below the Waves feature at 6th-level, you
Starting at 2nd level, when you complete a short rest in or within
sight of a large body of water (including while aboard a ship), regain can substitute water breathing for land-treading. When
1d4-1 (minimum 1) sorcery points. Once you regain at least 1 sorcery you cast land-treading, it can’t be dispelled by anyone
point in this way, you can’t do so again until you complete a long rest. but you.

70 chapter iv | character options

Tides of Fortune
14th-level Tidal Sorcery feature
When your roll on an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check is a
natural 2, 3, 4, or 5, you can add 10 to the result. Once you do so, you
must finish a long rest before you use this feature again. You also re-
gain the use of this feature each time you roll a natural 1 on an attack
roll, saving throw, or ability check. The 1 must be the roll’s final result;
for example, if you rolled a natural 1 and a natural 15 while you had
advantage, you would not regain use of this feature.
Additionally, when you roll a d100, you can roll twice, learn the
effects of both rolls, and choose whichever you prefer. Once you do
so, you must finish a long rest before you use this feature again.

Soul of the Sea

18th-level Tidal Sorcery feature
Your command over the tides of magic and the sea reaches new
heights. When you cast a spell, you can use one Call the Tides option
without paying its sorcery point cost, and it doesn’t count against the
number of Metamagic options you can use on a single spell. Once you
use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long

Warlocks gain their power from pacts made with otherworldly beings
from the depths of the seas, worlds beyond the mortal, or even with
a mysterious and powerful group. The following optional rules are
geared towards underwater campaigns.

You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
your warlock (see Chapter V Equipment):
• a light crossbow and 20 bolts in exchange for a light speargun and
20 shafts
• leather armor for seaweave armor

Undersea Warlock Player Options

We are currently developing concepts for new warlock
options such as patrons, pacts, and eldritch invoca-
tions. Any concepts that make it through our internal
vondal is an aurirn wizard who
development and playtesting will be available in the serves thane tidewater as the
final book. clan’s bloodbinder

Wizard School of Bloodbinding

Under the seas of Vodari, wizards are rare. Only those who have The Bloodbinder wizards take the blood of creatures, as well as ichor
exceptional promise are recruited for formal training in the arcane from celestials and fiends, to gain occult knowledge and strange
arts. To become a wizard takes years of disciplined study as an ap- powers. They capture and store the blood in crystal vials for study
prentice or student at an Arcane Council school on the surface. These and use, and learn both the healer’s arts and control over the blood of
limitations haven’t prevented unique undersea wizard traditions from their foes. In the aquatic cultures of Vodari, they most often serve as
emerging. The following rules and arcane tradition are geared towards advisers to monarchs and other powerful people.
underwater campaigns.
School of Bloodbinding Features
Wizard Level Feature
You can choose to substitute the following starting equipment for
your warlock (see Chapter V Equipment): 2nd Anatomical Study, Blood Vial, Scarlet Aspirant
• a light crossbow and 20 bolts in exchange for a light speargun and 6th Scarlet Insight
20 shafts
10th Vessel of Life
• leather armor for seaweave armor
14th Scarlet Master

chapter 1v | character options 71

Anatomical Study Writing Spells Underwater
2nd-level School of Bloodbinding feature Most wizards born under the seas, including Blood-
You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill, and when you would roll binders, inscribe their spells on plates covered in gold
Wisdom (Medicine), you can roll Intelligence (Medicine) instead.
or platinum leaf, which don’t corrode in saltwater.
When you succeed on an Intelligence (Medicine) check to stabilize a
dying creature, you can expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher. If you Etching glass and magically inscribing gemstones
do, the target regains 1d4 hit points per level of the spell slot expend- using the spell gemscribe (see Chapter VI - Magic), are
ed. If you expend a use from a healer’s kit at the same time, the target additional methods used by wizards.
instead regains 1d6 hit points per level of the spell slot expended.

Blood Vial Scarlet Insight

2nd-level School of Bloodbinding feature 6th-level School of Bloodbinding feature
You create and enchant three crystal vials. When you deal damage When you hold a crystal vial of a creature’s blood, you can use a
to a creature within 30 feet of you that is not an undead or construct, bonus action to learn its condition immunities, damage immunities,
you can immediately use a bonus action to deal an additional 1d8 damage resistances, and damage vulnerabilities, including the effects
damage and pull some of its blood or other vital essence into one of of any spells or magic items.
your vials, as long as that vial is open and contains only air or water.
You can also fill a vial from a willing creature as an action, dealing Vessel of Life
no damage but causing it to expend 1 hit die. You can fill a vial from a 10th-level School of Bloodbinding feature
creature that has died within the past five minutes as an action. You gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage, and you have ad-
You can fill each vial once, and you can’t fill it again until it is empty vantage on saving throws against the poisoned condition. When you
and you have finished a long rest. A filled vial remains usable until would take necrotic or poison damage, you can empty one of your
you empty it as an action, or with the Scarlet Aspirant feature. crystal vials as a reaction to reduce the damage to 0 instead.
You gain the ability to create and enchant an additional crystal vial
when you reach certain levels in this class: 6th, 10th, and 14th level. Scarlet Master
14th-level School of Bloodbinding feature
Scarlet Aspirant
2nd-level School of Bloodbinding feature The blood of others is yours to command. As an action, creatures
of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must roll a
You can empty the blood from one of your vials to gain certain bene- Constitution saving throw against your spellcasting save DC. On a
fits, depending on the creature type that the blood came from. failure, they take 7d6 piercing damage and can’t take reactions until
Aberration. When you cast a spell that deals acid, force, poison, or the beginning of your next turn, as you magically extract their blood
psychic damage and the creature has resistance to that damage, you or other vital fluids. On a success, they take half damage and suffer
can empty this vial to make your spell ignore that creature’s resistance. no further effect. Undead are immune to this effect unless you empty
Beast. You can empty this vial as a bonus action to gain advantage a crystal vial containing humanoid blood as part of this action. Con-
on Wisdom (Perception) checks for 10 minutes. structs are immune to this effect unless you empty a vial containing
Celestial. When you cast a spell that targets one willing creature, ooze essence as part of this action.
you can empty this vial to grant the creature advantage on the saving You can use your Blood Vial feature after using this feature, filling
throws of one ability for 1 minute. any number of your available crystal vials from the creatures that you
Dragon. When you cast a spell, you can empty this vial to treat it as damage.
if cast with a spell slot one level higher. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a
Elemental. When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, light- long rest, unless you spend a 4th-level spell slot to use it again.
ning, or thunder damage and a creature has resistance to that damage,
you can expend this vial to make your spell ignore that creature’s
resistance. Backgrounds
Fey. As an action, you can empty this vial to give yourself or a crea-
ture you touch advantage on Charisma checks for 10 minutes. Backgrounds for players to create undersea characters.
Fiend. When you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage The following backgrounds provide additional options to offer to your
from a weapon that isn’t magical or silvered, you can empty this vial players. These backgrounds were created to support building charac-
as a reaction to halve the damage that you take. ters well suited to adventures Under the Seas of Vodari. The Treasure
Giant. As an action, you can empty this vial to give yourself or a Hunter background is also a good fit for campaigns set above the
creature you touch advantage on Strength checks and saving throws waves, such as in The Seas of Vodari.
for 10 minutes.
Humanoid. When an undead creature takes damage from a spell
that you cast, you can expend this vial to add 1d8 to the damage it Drylander
takes, as the blood makes them momentarily more like the living, and Whether you’re an air breather or amphibious, you’ve lived on land
thus susceptible to your power. for your entire life. Growing up, you never swam out of sight of land.
Monstrosity. When you or a creature you can see within 30 feet The details you learned about the world beneath the waves came from
makes an attack against a surprised creature, you can empty this vial books and stories. Now that you’ve finally seen the undersea world
to give them advantage on the attack. If the attack hits, the deal an yourself, so much of it is strange and wondrous. Likewise, due to your
additional 2d8 damage. inexperience with undersea customs, you’ll stand out as a curiosity for
Ooze. When a construct or object takes damage from a spell that most and even as a target for a rare few.
you cast, you can expend this vial to deal an additional 1d8 acid
Skill Proficiencies: History, Perception
Languages: Two of your choice
Plant. As an action, you can empty the vial to give yourself or a
Equipment: A set of traveler’s clothes, a waterproof map of the sur-
creature you touch 2d6 temporary hit points.
face world, a trinket from the surface, and a belt pouch containing
10 gp

72 chapter iv | character options

Where Are You From? d6 Bond
What part of the surface world do you call home? To determine where
you call home, roll on the table below or choose from the options 1 I seek to visit my homeland and learn the ways of my
provided. people.
2 My token from the surface world provides comfort while
d6 Home
I am so far from home.
1 The Southern Nations
3 I have traveled to the undersea world to complete an
2 The Pirate Isles important quest
3 The Colonies 4 I have come to act as an emissary to establish political or
4 The Forest Realm economic ties.

5 Marradi Archipelago 5 This strange world is beautiful and I will protect it like my
own home.
6 The North, Untamed Wilds, or Map’s Edge
6 I’m here to start a new life and hope to be able to return
Feature: Surface Knowledge to the surface someday.
Among undersea people, your common knowledge of the world
above the waves can suddenly turn you into an interesting and sought d6 Flaw
after expert or celebrity. While not everyone likes or trusts those from
the surface, you can easily find an audience to share stories and facts 1 I’m a glutton for all of the new vices I have found here.
from the surface world. Those who are interested in your knowledge 2 I like to ignore customs and it’s easy for my manners to
will be happy to exchange it for a meal, a small favor, or information. offend the locals.
Suggested Characteristics 3 I take offense to any negative remarks about the surface.
All drylanders are only visitors to the undersea world. Their char- 4 I tried to leave my bad habits behind me on the surface,
acteristics beyond this shared fact are greatly varied. Here are some
but they followed me down here.
basic ideas to help build a character with this background.
5 I am severely homesick and can become overwhelmed
d8 Personality Trait with a feeling that I need to swim to the surface.
1 I’m going to eat as much of the strange and delicious 6 I like to tell people about the wonders of the surface -
undersea food as I can. even if they don't want to listen.
2 I’m aware that I stick out and play this up to get attention.
Treasure Hunter
3 I’m self-conscious and feel like everyone is always
You’re a treasure hunter in pursuit of fortune and glory. Your ultimate
watching me.
destination can be anywhere from the sunken ruins of a city to a
4 I'm respectful and eager to learn as much as I can about temple hidden in the jungle of an uncharted island. You chase down
the undersea world. legends and face deadly traps, monsters, and curses in your hope of
becoming a legend yourself. If there is lost treasure out there, it might
5 The undersea world is great, but I like to let everyone
as well be you who finds it.
know that the surface is better.
Skill Proficiencies: History, Investigation
6 I‘m proud to be a land dweller and enjoy sharing facts Tool Proficiencies: Cartographer’s Tools
and stories about the surface. Languages: One of your choice
7 I’m great at blending in and most people would have Equipment: Cartographer’s tools, a set of traveler’s clothes, half of
trouble believing I haven’t lived underwater my entire life.
a treasure map, a trinket from an ancient ruin, and a belt pouch
containing 10 gp
8 I feel at home under the seas and never want to leave.
d6 Ideal How did you become a treasure hunter? To determine your origin,
roll on the table below or choose from the options provided.
1 Open-Minded. There is much to learn and share with the
undersea people. (Good) d6 Origin

2 Adventurous. I’ll try everything this strange and won- 1 I come from a long line of treasure hunters.
drous world has to offer. (Chaotic) 2 I apprenticed under a famous treasure hunter.
3 Respectful. I’m respectful of undersea customs and will- 3 I was provided a clue to the location of a treasure by
ing to adapt. (Lawful) someone on their death bed.
4 Secretive. I must protect my true motives at all costs. 4 I was trained by an order of treasure hunters.
5 I found and sold a small relic or bauble. Now I want to
5 Knowledge. I will learn all I can about this strange and find a fortune.
exciting world. (Neutral)
6 I spent countless hours studying books and maps. It’s
6 Friendship. I want to establish ties of friendship between time to find some treasure.
the surface and undersea people. (Good)

chapter 1v | character options 73

d8 Personality Trait

1 I like to always have a solid plan in place.

2 The greater the risk, the greater the reward.
3 Anything worth doing is worth doing with style.
4 I love finding secrets and mysteries to solve.
5 I’m friendly and I enjoy meeting new people.
6 I’m always on the lookout for local rumors of ruins and
7 I live my life on the edge, seeking excitement wherever I
can find it.
8 I’m cautious and always on the lookout for trouble.

d6 Ideal

1 Aspiration. Someday I'll be a rich and famous treasure

hunter. (Any)
2 Knowledge. I seek answers to mysteries as much as
treasure. (Neutral)
3 Tradition. Like those before me, I follow the treasure
hunter’s code. (Lawful)
4 Recklessness. The greater the risk, the greater the re-
ward. (Chaotic).
5 Fairness. I always try to return a treasure to its rightful
owner. (Good)
6 Greed. If I have to choose between you and the treasure,
it’s going to be the treasure. (Evil)

d6 Bond

1 A treasure I found was stolen from me. I will take back

my prize from my rival.
2 I will find the treasure that has eluded those who came
before me.
3 My master was killed by a rival treasure hunter. Revenge
will be mine.
4 I seek out treasures on behalf of my order.
5 The person who taught me all I know is missing. I will
find them.
6 I’ve spent my entire life looking for a treasure. I will find it.
a drylander and
treasure hunter search
an undersea tomb for d6 Flaw
valuable relics
1 I have a bit of a problem with taking objects that belong
to others.
Feature: Fortune & Glory 2 I’m curious to a fault. I can’t resist touching a switch,
Over the years you’ve collected a handful of contacts who can help
knob, toggle, or button.
you trade treasure for wealth or recognition. When you’re in a major
settlement, one of your contacts can help you locate a shop, black 3 I’ve been known to embellish my stories of adventure
market, museum, collector, or rightful owner that will pay full price from time to time.
or provide a favor for a valuable item you possess.
4 Once I smell even a hint of treasure, I become obsessed.
Suggested Characteristics 5 I'm impatient and restless when I am not out on an
Treasure hunters share a singular drive to find their prize, wherever it adventure.
is found. They’ll travel anywhere that has even been hinted at having a
treasure. No danger or distance is too great, from a temple on the top 6 I believe that sometimes you have to sacrifice your com-
of a mountain to a sunken ship surrounded by sharks. Here are some panions to find a treasure.
basic ideas to help build a character with this background.

74 chapter iv | character options

If you are using the optional feats rule, the following new feats allow
your players to further customize their player characters to fit an
undersea campaign.

Deep Diver
Prerequisite: Swimming speed
You are built for speed and are an expert at getting out of the way of
an attack. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of
• You have resistance to cold damage and ignore any of the draw-
backs caused by a deep, underwater environment.

Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher
You are built for speed and are an expert at getting out of the way of
an attack. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• Add +1 bonus to your AC while you are wearing light or no armor
and not wielding a shield.

Speargun Expert
Thanks to extensive practice with the spearguns, you gain the follow-
ing benefits:
• You ignore the loading quality of spearguns with which you are
• Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvan-
tage on your ranged attack rolls.
• When you use the Attack action and attack with a one handed
weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand speargun
you are holding.

You’ve spent countless hours swimming and consider the water a
second home. You’re able to swim as well as some undersea people.
You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of
• You have a swimming speed equal to your movement. If you
already have a swimming speed, your swimming speed increases
by 5 feet.

All of the information needed to use spearguns in
your undersea campaign can be found in Chapter V
- Equipment. There you’ll find weapon stats, proficien-
cies, and ammunition for spearguns.

chapter 1v | character options 75

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