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JPPIPA 10(4) (2024)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education


Growth and Performance of Melon (Cucumis melo L) in Respect

of Payments and Fruit Trimming
Narita Amni Rosadi1*, Rosalina Edy Swandayani2, Baiq Inggar Linggarweni1
1 Agroekoteknology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Al-Azhar, Mataram, Indonesia.
2 Biology Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Scienses, Universitas Islam Al-Azhar, Mataram, Indonesia.

Received: December 28, 2023 Abstract: This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), factorial
Revised: March 17, 2024 with 2 intervention factors: M0 = 0 g/tree, M1 = 40 g/tree, M2 = 80 /tree. The
Accepted: April 25, 2024 second factor of fruit pruning (P), P0 = no size, P1 = remaining 1 fruit, P2 =
Published: April 30, 2024 remaining two fruits. This study was organized according to a 3x3 factorial
design. Treatments were repeated three times and resulted in 27 experiments.
Corresponding Author: The parameters observed included: Tree height, number of leaves, number of
Narita Amni Rosadi flowers, fruit weight, fruit diameter. Observation of plant growth will be done
naritaamnirosadi1987@gmail.com within 7 days after planting. Analysis using variance fingerprints. If there are
significant differences between treatments, do the BNJ test at the 5% level. From
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v10i4.6747 the results of the analysis of variance in the table above shows that the
application of organic fertilizer does not give a real effect on the height of the
© 2024 The Authors. This open access article tree at the age of 70 hst, the number of leaves, fruit weight and diameter.
is distributed under a (CC-BY License) Pruning treatment gives a real effect on the parameters of plant height after 70
days of planting, but does not give a real effect on the number of leaves, fruit
weight and diameter.

Keywords: Biofertilizer; Growth and production of melon; Pruning

Introduction but if used excessively, they will damage agricultural

soil. Organic fertilizers can be used as a substitute for
Melon is a fruit native to Africa, belonging to the plant food (Harsh, 2022). Organic fertilizers have
gourd or squash family. The fruit is often consumed various forms and benefits (Hs, 2022). Organic fertilizers
fresh mixed with fruit ice cream (Khumaero et al., 2015). are abundant in nature, the raw materials come from
The part that is eaten is the pulp (Ishak et al., 2018). The plants, animals, and human remains (Later et al., 2010).
texture is soft, the color is white to red depending on the Organic fertilizers are available in various solid, liquid,
variety, melon is also a type of C3 plant, because the and biological (microbial) forms (Harahap et al., 2020).
photosynthesis process produces carbon compounds Organic fertilizers have growth-promoting and
with 3 atoms as the main output (Sa’diah et al., 2022). pest-controlling effects. They contain live
This plant does not tolerate light intensity that is too microorganisms that, when applied to seeds, plant
high. This plant requires 10 to 12 hours of light/day surfaces or soil, collaborate with plant roots.
(Nora et al., 2020). Biofertilizers are organic fertilizers that are beneficial to
The scarcity of chemical fertilizers makes farmers plants. Biofertilizers play a role, among others, in
look for alternative fertilizers that can encourage growth promoting plant growth by protecting plants from root
and increase yields (Prajnanta, 2004). In addition to pathogens and toxic factors. Biofertilizers play a role in
fertilizer scarcity, the impact of using chemical fertilizers biological defense against root pathogens. Mycorrhizal
is increasingly harmful to the environment (Samadi, fungi can secrete antibiotics that can kill pathogens (Hs,
2010). NPK chemical fertilizers are very good for plants, 2022).

How to Cite:
Rosadi, N. A., Swandayani, R. E., & Linggarweni, B. I. (2024). Growth and Performance of Melon (Cucumis melo L) in Respect of Payments and
Fruit Trimming. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 10(4), 1989–1993. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v10i4.6747
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2024, Volume 10, Issue 4, 1989-1993

The benefits of melon pruning aim to optimize the Based on the results of the analysis of variance in
production process and reduce moisture in the plant the table above, biofertilizer does not have a significant
cover (Handayani et al., 2019). This will reduce the risk effect on plant height at 70 days after planting, number
of pest attacks, as well as stimulate the growth of of leaves, fruit weight, and fruit diameter. Biofertilizers
productive shoots (Hadiwijaya et al., 2020). Based on the and pruning had a significant effect on the parameters of
description above, it is necessary to carefully consider plant height 70 days after planting, but had no
the growth and yield of melon plants in relation to significant effect on the number of leaves, fruit weight,
organic fertilizers and fruit size (Akbar et al., 2022). and fruit diameter. While the interaction of biological
fertilizer and pruning had no significant effect on plant
Method height at 70 days after planting, number of leaves, fruit
weight, and fruit diameter.
This research was conducted in the greenhouse of This is because the roots of melon plants have
Mataram University, Mataram city, West Nusa developed perfectly and are able to absorb nutrients
Tenggara. This research was conducted in January - optimally, so that plants can utilize the nutrients
August 2023.Using research materials: melon seeds, provided for optimal growth. Biofertilizer is one type of
mycorrhizal biofertilizer, polybags, dolmit, kohokaming petrobio biofertilizer that contains active ingredients of
organic fertilizer, straw, NPK fertilizer (15:15:15), ZA, non-symbiotic free N-binding bacteria and P-
Hormones, bamboo poles, neat ropes.The tools used in solubilizing microbes to meet the basic needs of melon
the research are: scissors, ruler, tape measure, bucket, plants (Iqbal et al., 2019). Plants need nitrogen, amino
hoe, hammer, sickle, data book, stationery and analytical acids (proteins), nucleic acids, nucleotides and
balance. This study used a completely randomized chlorophyll as building blocks. Sufficient N elements
design (CRD), factorial with 2 factors. Dosage of make plants greener and grow faster and contain
biological fertilizer, factor 1: M0 = 0 g/tree, M1 = 40 proteins that support yield (Amiroh, 2017).
g/tree, M2 = 80 g/tree. The second factor is fruit size (P), Petro biofertil biofertilizer contains several ZPT
P0 = no fruit pruning, P1 = remaining 1 fruit, P2 = (Aspergillus and Azobacteria Sp and Pseudomonas)
remaining two fruits. This study was organized which play a role in the process of root formation,
according to a 3x3 factorial design. The treatments were accelerate plant growth in the growth phase, stimulate
repeated three times and 27 trials were obtained. The flowering and fruiting plants, and prevent / reduce the
process of conducting the research included soil loss of flowers and fruits (Badrudin et al., 2009). The
preparation, seed treatment, placement of substrate in function of Petro Biofertil biofertilizer is also to
plastic bags, making treatment codes, seed treatment, decompose organic matter by microbes, can provide
seeding, planting, watering and observing plants, and nutrients to plants, protect roots from pests and diseases,
watering plants: Tree height, number of leaves, fruit provide growth regulator metabolic products and
weight, fruit diameter. Plant growth observations will be stimulate the perfect development of the root system
made within 7 days after planting. Analysis using (Prakoso et al., 2018).
variance fingerprints. If there is a significant difference Fruit pruning treatment has a significant effect on
between treatments, do the BNJ test at the 5% level. plant height parameters. When cutting fruit, root
nutrient uptake and photosynthesis results are oriented
Result and Discussion to the length of the vine and the number of leaves, so that
the less fruit left on the plant, the longer the vine will be
The results of the diversity analysis of all observed (Anggara et al., 2020). Good leaf formation increases the
parameters are presented in Table 1. process of photosynthesis which produces
carbohydrates for fruit formation (Nur Huda, 2013).
Table 1. Results of Diversity Analysis of Growth and Another factor that influences the growth of the number
Production Responses of Melon (Cucumis melo L) to the of leaves is the genetic trait of the plant (Carsidi et al.,
Application of Biofertilizers and Fruit Pruning 2021). The purpose of pruning is to concentrate the food
FCount juice produced in the photosynthesis process of the plant
Organic compos Pangkas Interaction on the formation and growth of fruit so that it grows
Height of Plant 70 hst 1.85 tn 5.13 * 2.3 tn large and fast (R. R. Ginting et al., 2015). Melon plants
Number of leaf 0.87 tn 0.62 tn 1.07 tn can produce many fruits, but usually only one fruit
Weight of fruit 1.91 tn 2.22 tn 0.73 tn remains on the plant (Anonymous, 2011). Each melon
Diameter of fruit 1.61 tn 0.77 tn 0.77 tn plant produces many flowers as it grows. Therefore, the
tn : Not Significantly Affected proportion of fruits per plant is high, but the size of the
* : Significant Effect
fruits obtained is small, and the sweetness of the melon
is reduced, because photosynthate is distributed to all
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2024, Volume 10, Issue 4, 1989-1993

fruits (Hadiwijaya et al., 2020). Therefore, to increase Based on the ANOVA results, the maximum
productivity, fruit pruning is carried out so that the number of flowers (assuming the last measurement on
production yield on each plant is maximized (P. A. day 69) shows that the M factor and the P factor
Ginting et al., 2017). significantly affect the maximum number of flowers.
The combined effect of biofertilizer and pruning The BNJ test shows that the M2 treatment supports the
significantly affected the lifespan of female flowers highest maximum flowering compared to other M factor
(Purnamawati et al., 2019). Biofertilizer is a type of treatments and is significantly different from each other.
organic fertilizer that contains macro nutrients, micro However, in the P factor, the P1 treatment is not
nutrients, vitamins, minerals, organic acids, growth significantly different from the P2 treatment in
hormones, and is not toxic to soil rhizobia bacteria supporting the maximum number of flowers. However,
(Agustin et al., 2014). At the time of cutting the fruit, root both treatments were significantly different from the P0
nutrient uptake and photosynthetic products are treatment. The application of biological fertilizers to
oriented towards the length of the vine and the number melon plants can stimulate flower formation.
of leaves, so that the less fruit left on the plant, the longer
the vine will be (Huda et al., 2019). The formation of
good leaves greatly improves the photosynthesis
process (Panunggul, 2023).

Figure 3. Fruit weight graph

ANOVA results showed that the M factor and the P

Figure 1. Plant height chart factor had a significant effect on fruit weight. In
addition, there is a significant interaction between
Based on ANOVA and BNJ analysis of the slope factors. BNJ test results showed that the M1 treatment
value of the plant height growth curve in each treatment, gave the highest fruit weight and was significantly
it can be said that the M factor and the P factor different from the other M factor treatments. While the
significantly affect the plant height growth curve. P1 treatment is the treatment that gives the best results
Treatment with the M0 factor gives the best plant height with the P factor and significantly different from the P2
growth pattern compared to other M factors and is treatment. However, the P1 treatment was not
significantly different from the M2 factor. While the P0 significantly different from the P0 treatment. Fruit
factor provides the best plant height growth pattern reduction affects fruit size and weight, with the
compared to other P factors and is significantly different remaining fruit on a single plant being the heaviest.
from the P2 factor. This is because plant nutrition only
focuses on creating plant vegetative growth. However, Conclusion
melon fruit with this treatment did not increase in size
as shown in Figure 1. Based on the results of the study "Growth and
Production of Melon (Cucumis Melo L.) Against the
Application of Biofertilizers and Pruning" can be
concluded that the interaction of biological fertilizer and
pruning has no significant effect on all parameters;
Biofertilizer treatment has no significant effect on all
parameters; and Pruning treatment had a significant
effect on the parameters of melon fruit weight and fruit

Figure 2. Graph of number of flowers

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2024, Volume 10, Issue 4, 1989-1993

Acknowledgments Ginting, P. A., Barus, A., & Sipayung, R. (2017).

The researcher would like to thank Al-Azhar University for Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Melon (Cucumis melo
providing support participated in funding the interal grant for L) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk NPK dan
novice lecturer research in 2023.
Pemangkasan Buah. Jurnal Online Agroteknologi,
Author Contributions
5(4), 786–798. Retrieved from
The authors' contributions include N. A. R.: preparing research https://talenta.usu.ac.id/joa/article/view/2492
needs, observing the growth and development of melon Ginting, R. R., Sitawati, S., & Heddy, Y. B. S. (2015).
plants; R. E. S.: collecting data, analyzing data, discussing Efikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Etelon untuk
research results, writing the original draft; B. I. L.: reviewing Mempercepat Pemasakan Buah Melon (Cucumis
the paper. melo L). Jurnal Produksi Tanaman, 3(3), 189–194.
Retrieved from
Funding http://protan.studentjournal.ub.ac.id/index.php
This research was funded by Al-Azhar Islamic University,
through an internal grant competition in 2023.
Hadiwijaya, Y., Kusumiyati, K., & Munawar, A. A.
Conflicts of Interest (2020). Prediksi Total Padatan Terlarut Buah Melon
The authors of this article declare no conflicts of interest. Golden (Cucumis melo L.) Menggunakan Vis-
Swnirs Dan Analisis Multivariat. Jurnal Penelitian
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