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Science Standards

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K-12 Standards

May 2023 1

Science, Technology & Engineering, and Environmental Literacy & Sustainability Academic (STEELS) Standards guide the study of the natural and human-made world through inquiry, problem-
solving, critical thinking, and authentic exploration. This document displays the standards within strands as they progress across a K-12 sequence. The integration of these disciplines in the
standards highlights the interconnectedness of scientific, technological, and engineering focused study; the integral relationship between humans and the environment; and the importance of
integrating the teaching and learning of science, technology, and engineering.

Standard Design and Architecture

Science – Life Science focuses on patterns, processes, and relationships of living organisms. Physical Science focuses on what everything is made of and interactions. Earth & Space Science
focuses on processes that operate on Earth and its place in the solar system and galaxy. Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth & Space Science are written as grade-specific (Grades K-5) or
grade-banded (6-8, 9-12) performance expectations and built around three dimensions—science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts—integrated into
a set of specific standards. These dimensions are elaborated upon in Foundation Boxes (hyperlinked for each standard) providing support for design of curriculum and instruction.

Technology & Engineering - Focuses on the interactions among technology, engineering, society, the environment, and other disciplines, with a goal of developing individuals that can create,
utilize, and assess current and emerging technologies. The standards are written as grade-banded performance expectations built around technology and engineering strands, practices, and
contexts and integrated into a set of specific standards. These components are elaborated upon in Foundation Boxes (hyperlinked for each standard) providing support for design of curriculum
and instruction.

Environmental Literacy & Sustainability - Focuses on practices, ecological processes, and systems that comprise the environment, including human social systems and influences. The
standards are written as grade-banded performance expectations and built around three dimensions—science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts—
integrated into a set of specific standards. Sustainability is the balanced use of natural and renewable resources. Sustainable practices seek to ensure the integrity of ecological function and
species diversity, with consideration for environmental justice, equity, and economic stability for current and future generations. These dimensions are elaborated upon in Foundation Boxes
(hyperlinked for each standard) providing support for design of curriculum and instruction.

Science and Environment & Ecology Example

Grade Level Kindergarten

3.1.K.A Life Science: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes Coding, Discipline, and Strand
Students who demonstrate understanding can use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals
(including humans) need to survive. Standard/Performance Expectation
Clarifying Statement: Examples of patterns could include that animals need to take in food but plants do not; the
Clarifying Statement different kinds of food needed by different types of animals; the requirement of plants to have light; and, that all
living things need water.
Assessment Boundary: N/A Assessment Boundary

Science and Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)
Practices (SEP)

Analyzing and Interpreting Data LS1.C: Organization for Matter Patterns

Science and Engineering Analyzing data in K–2 builds on prior and Energy Flow in Organisms • Patterns in the natural and Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)
Practices (SEP) experiences and progresses to • All animals need food in order human designed world can be
collecting, recording, and sharing to live and grow. They obtain observed and used as
observations. their food from plants or from evidence.
• Use observations (firsthand or other animals. Plants need
from media) to describe water and light to live and grow.
patterns in the natural world in
order to answer scientific
_____________________________ Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI)
Connections to Nature of Science
Scientific Knowledge Is Based on
Empirical Evidence
• Scientists look for patterns and
order when making
observations about the world.

Pennsylvania Context: Examples of Pennsylvania’s state-recognized plants and animals include hemlock,
PA Context mountain laurel, white-tailed deer, and local songbirds.
PA Career Ready Skills: Interact in pro-social ways (e.g., reciprocal conversation, turn taking, sharing) with peers
and adults.
PA Career Ready Skills

Connections to Other Standards Content and Practices

Standard Source Possible Connections to Other Standard(s) or Practice(s)
Agriculture CS.02.02.01.a: Identify and summarize the components within AFNR systems (e.g.,
(AFNR) Animal Systems: health, nutrition, genetics, etc.; Natural Resources Systems: soil, water,

Connections to Other Standards Science, K-4 Strand 1.G. Drawing conclusions and developing explanations: Learners develop
Environmental explanations that address their questions about the environment.
Content and Practices Literacy and
PA Core Standards: CC.1.4.K.V: Participate in individual or shared research projects on a topic of interest.
PA Core Standards MP.7: Look for and make use of structure.
and Practices: Math CC.2.4.K.A.1: Describe and compare attributes of length, area, weight, and capacity of
everyday objects.

How to Read the Standards

Each standard has a four-digit code. In the example below, for standard 3.1.6-8.A:

The first digit (3) represents the content (Science, TE, ELS). All Science, Environmental Literacy & Sustainability, and Technology & Engineering standards are represented with a 3.

The second digit is the discipline. 1 represents Life Science.

The third digit represents the grade level. If a grade is banded such as the example, it is reflected as 6–8.
The fourth character represents the standard: A.

3.1.6-8.A - Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells, either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.

Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science)

Although embedded in the Technology & Engineering standards, the standards below for Grades 6–8 and 9–12 are applicable across the Science, Environmental Literacy & Sustainability, and
Technology & Engineering content areas.
Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science (ETS)
Grades 6–8 Grades 9–12

3.5.6-8.W (ETS) 3.5.9-12.I (ETS)

Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a
solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics as well as possible social, cultural, and
environment that may limit possible solutions. environmental impacts.

3.5.6-8.N (ETS) 3.5.9-12.K (ETS)

Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex real-world problem with
process such that an optimal design can be achieved. numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within and between systems relevant to the problem.

3.5.6-8.O (ETS) 3.5.9-12.T (ETS)

Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that
the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for account for societal needs and wants.
3.5.9-12.Y (ETS)
3.5.6-8.P (ETS) Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that
Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the can be solved through engineering.
criteria and constraints of the problem.



3.1 Life Science 3.2 Physical Science 3.3 Earth and Space Science 3.4 Environmental Literacy 3.5 Technology and
Structure and Function Structure and Properties of The Universe and Its Stars and Sustainability Engineering
Matter Agricultural and Environmental Applying, Maintaining, and
Growth and Development of Earth and the Solar System
Organisms Chemical Reactions Systems and Resources Assessing Technological
The History of Planet Earth Products and Systems
Organization for Matter and Nuclear Processes Agricultural Systems
Earth Materials and Systems Impacts of Technology
Energy Flow in Organisms Environment and Society
Forces and Motion
Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale Influence of Society on
Information Processing Watersheds and Wetlands
Types of Interactions Interactions Technological Development
Interdependent Relationships in Environmental Literacy Skills
Definitions of Energy The Role of Water in Earth’s Surface Design in Technology and
Processes Investigating Environmental Issues Engineering Education
Conservation of Energy and
Cycles of Matter and Energy
Energy Transfer Weather and Climate Environmental Experiences Integration of Knowledge,
Transfer in Ecosystems
Relationship Between Energy Biogeology Evaluating Solutions Technologies, and Practices
Ecosystem Dynamics,
and Forces Nature and Characteristics
Functioning, and Resilience Natural Resources Sustainability and Stewardship
Energy in Chemical Processes of Technology and
Social Interactions and Group Natural Hazards Environmental Sustainability
and Everyday Life Engineering
Behavior Human Impact on Earth System
Wave Properties Environmental Stewardship Core Concepts of
Inheritance of Traits Technology and Engineering
Electromagnetic Radiation Environmental Justice
Variation of Traits History of Technology
Information Technologies and
Evidence of Common Ancestry
and Diversity
Natural Selection
Biodiversity and Humans

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank 3.1.1.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.4.A Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.A 3.1.9-12.A
Use materials to design Construct an argument Conduct an Construct an
a solution to a human that plants and animals investigation to provide explanation based on
problem by mimicking have internal and evidence that living evidence for how the
how plants and/or external structures that things are made of cells, structure of DNA
animals use their function to support either one cell or many determines the
external parts to help survival, growth, different numbers and structure of proteins
them survive, grow, and behavior, and types of cells. which carry out the
meet their needs. reproduction. essential functions of
life through systems of
specialized cells.

3.1.6-8.B 3.1.9-12.B
Develop and use a Develop and use a
Structure and Function model to describe the model to illustrate the
function of a cell as a hierarchical
whole and the ways organization of
that parts of cells interacting systems that
contribute to the provide specific
function. functions within
multicellular organisms.

3.1.6-8.C 3.1.9-12.C
Use arguments Plan and conduct an
supported by evidence investigation to provide
for how the body is a evidence that feedback
system of interacting mechanisms maintain
subsystems composed homeostasis.
of groups of cells.

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank 3.1.1.B Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.D 3.1.9-12.D
Read texts and use Develop models to Use arguments based Use a model to illustrate
media to determine describe that organisms on empirical evidence the role of cellular
patterns in behavior of have unique and diverse and scientific reasoning division (mitosis) and
parents and offspring life cycles but all have in to support an differentiation in
that help offspring common birth, growth, explanation for how producing and
survive. reproduction, and characteristic animal maintaining complex
death. behaviors and organisms.
specialized plant
structures affect the
Growth and
probability of successful
Development of
reproduction of animals
and plants, respectively.

Construct a scientific
explanation based on
evidence for how
environmental and
genetic factors
influence the growth of

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

3.1.K.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.5.A 3.1.6-8.F 3.1.9-12.E
Use observations to Support an argument Construct a scientific Use a model to illustrate
describe patterns of that plants get the explanation based on how photosynthesis
what plants and animals materials they need for evidence for the role of transforms light energy
(including humans) growth chiefly from air photosynthesis in the into stored chemical
need to survive. and water. cycling of matter and energy.
flow of energy into and
out of organisms.

3.1.6-8.G 3.1.9-12.F
Develop a model to Construct and revise an
describe how food is explanation based on
rearranged through evidence for how
chemical reactions carbon, hydrogen, and
Organization for Matter forming new molecules oxygen from sugar
and Energy Flow in that support growth molecules may combine
Organisms and/or release energy with other elements to
as this matter moves form amino acids
through an organism. and/or other large

Use a model to illustrate
that cellular respiration
is a chemical process
whereby the bonds of
food molecules and
oxygen molecules are
broken and the bonds in
new compounds are
formed resulting in a
net transfer of energy.

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.4.B Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.H Intentionally Blank
Use a model to describe Gather and synthesize
that animals receive information about how
different types of sensory receptors
Information Processing information through respond to stimuli by
their senses, process sending messages to
the information in their the brain for immediate
brain, and respond to behavior or storage as
the information in memories.
different ways.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.2.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.5.B 3.1.6-8.I 3.1.9-12.H
Plan and conduct an Develop a model to Analyze and interpret Use mathematical
investigation to describe the movement data to provide representations to
determine if plants of matter among plants, evidence for the effects support claims for the
need sunlight and water animals, decomposers, of resource availability cycling of matter and
to grow. and the environment. on organisms and flow of energy among
populations of organisms in an
3.1.2.B organisms in an ecosystem.
Develop a simple model ecosystem.
Relationships in that mimics the
Ecosystems function of an animal in
dispersing seeds or 3.1.6-8.J 3.1.9-12.I
pollinating plants. Construct an Use mathematical
explanation that and/or computational
predicts patterns of representations to
interactions among support explanations of
organisms across factors that affect
multiple ecosystems. carrying capacity of
ecosystems at different

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.K 3.1.9-12.J
Develop a model to Construct and revise an
describe the cycling of explanation based on
matter and flow of evidence for the cycling
energy among living and of matter and flow of
nonliving parts of an energy in aerobic and
ecosystem. anaerobic conditions.

Develop a model to
illustrate the role of
photosynthesis and
cellular respiration in
Cycles of Matter and the cycling of carbon
Energy Transfer in among the biosphere,
Ecosystems atmosphere,
hydrosphere, and

Use mathematical
representations to
support and revise
explanations based on
evidence about factors
affecting biodiversity
and populations in
ecosystems of different

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.L 3.1.9-12.M
Construct an argument Evaluate the claims,
supported by empirical evidence, and reasoning
evidence that changes that the complex
to physical or biological interactions in
components of an ecosystems maintain
ecosystem affect relatively consistent
populations. numbers and types of
organisms in stable
Ecosystem Dynamics, conditions, but
Functioning, and changing conditions
Resilience may result in a new

Design, evaluate, and
refine a solution for
reducing the impacts of
human activities on the
environment and
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.B Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.9-12.O
Construct an argument Evaluate the evidence
Social Interactions and that some animals form for the role of group
Group Behavior groups that help behavior on individual
members survive. and species’ chances to
survive and reproduce.

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank 3.1.1.C Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.C Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.M 3.1.9-12.P
Make observations to Analyze and interpret Develop and use a model Ask questions to clarify
construct an evidence- data to provide to describe why relationships about the
based account that evidence that plants structural changes to role of DNA and
young plants and and animals have traits genes (mutations) chromosomes in coding
Inheritance of Traits animals are like, but not inherited from parents located on chromosomes the instructions for
exactly like, their and that variation of may affect proteins and characteristic traits
parents. these traits exists in a may result in harmful, passed from parents to
group of similar beneficial, or neutral offspring.
organisms. effects to the structure
and function of the
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.D Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.N 3.1.9-12.Q
Use evidence to support Develop and use a Make and defend a
the explanation that model to describe why claim based on evidence
traits can be influenced asexual reproduction that inheritable genetic
by the environment. results in offspring with variations may result
identical genetic from (1) new genetic
information and sexual combinations through
reproduction results in meiosis, (2) viable
offspring with genetic errors occurring during
variation. replication, and/or (3)
Variation of Traits
mutations caused by
environmental factors.

Apply concepts of
statistics and probability
to explain the variation
and distribution of
expressed traits in a

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.E Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.O 3.1.9-12.S
Analyze and interpret Analyze and interpret Communicate scientific
data from fossils to data for patterns in the information that
provide evidence of the fossil record that common ancestry and
organisms and the document the existence, biological evolution are
environments in which diversity, extinction, and supported by multiple
they lived long ago. change of life forms lines of empirical
throughout the history of
life on Earth under the
assumption that natural
laws operate today as in
the past.

Apply scientific ideas to
construct an explanation
for anatomical
Evidence of Common
similarities and
Ancestry and Diversity
differences among
modern organisms and
between modern and
fossil organisms to infer

Analyze displays of
pictorial data to compare
patterns of similarities in
anatomical structures
across multiple species to
identify relationships not
evident in the fully
formed anatomy.

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.F Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.R 3.1.9-12.T
Use evidence to Gather and synthesize Construct an
construct an information about the explanation based on
explanation for how the technologies that have evidence that the
variations in changed the way process of evolution
characteristics among humans influence the primarily results from
individuals of the same inheritance of desired four factors: (1) the
species may provide traits in organisms. potential for a species
advantages in surviving, to increase in number,
finding mates, and 3.1.6-8.S (2) the heritable genetic
reproducing. Construct an variation of individuals
explanation based on in a species due to
evidence that describes mutation and sexual
how genetic variations reproduction, (3)
of traits in a population competition for limited
Natural Selection increase some resources, and (4) the
individuals’ probability proliferation of those
of surviving and organisms that are
reproducing in a specific better able to survive
environment. and reproduce in the

Apply concepts of
statistics and probability
to support explanations
that organisms with an
advantageous heritable
trait tend to increase in
proportion to organisms
lacking this trait.

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.G Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.T 3.1.9-12.V
Construct an argument Use mathematical Create or revise a
with evidence that in a representations to simulation to test a
particular habitat some support explanations of solution to mitigate the
organisms can survive how natural selection adverse impacts of
well, some survive less may lead to increases human activity on
well, and some cannot and decreases of biodiversity.
survive at all. specific traits in
populations over time. 3.1.9-12.W
Construct an
explanation based on
evidence for how
natural selection leads
to adaptation of
Adaptation populations.

Evaluate the evidence
supporting claims that
changes in
conditions may result in
(1)increases in the
number of individuals of
some species, (2) the
emergence of new
species over time, and
(3) the extinction of
other species.

3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.2.C 3.1.3.H Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.6-8.U Intentionally Blank
Make observations of Make a claim supported Evaluate competing
plants and animals to by evidence about the design solutions for
compare the diversity of merit of a solution to a maintaining biodiversity
Biodiversity and life in different habitats. problem caused when and ecosystem services.
Humans the environment
changes and the types
of plants and animals
that live there may

3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.2.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.5.A 3.2.6-8.A 3.2.9-12.A
Plan and conduct an Develop a model to Develop models to Use the periodic table as
investigation to describe that matter is describe the atomic a model to predict the
describe and classify made of particles too composition of simple relative properties of
different kinds of small to be seen. molecules and elements based on the
materials by their extended structures. patterns of electrons in
observable properties. the outermost energy
3.2.5.B level of atoms.
3.2.2.B 3.2.6-8.B
Make and
Analyze data obtained 3.2.9-12.B
communicate Develop a model that
from testing different observations and predicts and describes Plan and conduct an
materials to investigation to gather
measurements to changes in the particle
determine which evidence to compare the
identify materials motion, temperature,
materials have the structure of substances
based on their and state of a pure
properties that are at the bulk scale to infer
properties. substance when the strength of electrical
best suited for an thermal energy is forces between particles.
intended purpose. 3.2.5.C added or removed.
Structure and 3.2.2.C 3.2.9-12.C
Interpret and analyze
Properties of Matter Make observations to data to make Construct and revise an
construct an evidence- decisions about how explanation for the
based account of how to utilize materials outcome of a simple
based on their chemical reaction based
an object made of a
on the outermost
small set of pieces can properties.
electron states of atoms,
be disassembled and
trends in the periodic
made into a new table, and knowledge of
object. the patterns of chemical
Develop a model to
illustrate that the release
or absorption of energy
from a chemical reaction
system depends upon
the changes in total
bond energy.
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.2.D Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.5.D 3.2.6-8.C 3.2.9-12.E
Construct an Measure and graph Gather and make sense Apply scientific
argument with quantities to provide of information to principles and
evidence that some evidence that describe how synthetic evidence to provide an
changes caused by regardless of the type materials come from explanation about the
heating or cooling can of change that occurs natural resources and effects of changing the
be reversed and some when heating, cooling, impact society. temperature or
cannot. or mixing substances, concentration of the
the total weight of reacting particles on
matter is conserved. Analyze and interpret the rate at which a
data on the properties reaction occurs.
3.2.5.E of substances before
and after the 3.2.9-12.F
Conduct an substances interact to
investigation to determine if a chemical Refine the design of a
determine whether reaction has occurred. chemical system by
the mixing of two or specifying a change in
Chemical Reactions more substances 3.2.6-8.E conditions that would
results in new produce increased
Develop and use a
substances. model to describe how amounts of products
the total number of at equilibrium.
atoms does not change
in a chemical reaction 3.2.9-12.G
and thus mass is Use mathematical
conserved. representations to
support the claim that
3.2.6-8.F atoms, and therefore
Undertake a design mass, are conserved
project to construct, during a chemical
test, and modify a reaction.
device that either
releases or absorbs
thermal energy by
chemical processes.

3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.9-12.H
Develop models to
illustrate the changes in
the composition of the
Nuclear Processes nucleus of the atom and
the energy released
during the processes of
fission, fusion, and
radioactive decay.
3.2.K.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.3.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.6-8.G 3.2.9-12.I
Analyze data to Make and Apply Newton’s Third Analyze data to support
determine if a design communicate Law to design a the claim that Newton’s
solution works as observations and/or solution to a problem second law of motion
intended to change measurements of an involving the motion describes the
the speed or direction object’s motion to of two colliding mathematical
of an object with a provide evidence that objects. relationship among the
push or a pull. a pattern can be used net force on a
to predict future macroscopic object, its
mass, and its
3.2.3.B 3.2.6-8.H 3.2.9-12.J
Plan and conduct an Plan an investigation Use mathematical
investigation to to provide evidence representations to
Forces and Motion provide evidence of that the change in an support the claim that
the effects of balanced object’s motion the total momentum of
and unbalanced forces depends on the sum a system of objects is
on the motion of an of the forces on the conserved when there
object. object and the mass of is no net force on the
the object. system.
Apply scientific and
engineering ideas to
design, evaluate and
refine a device that
minimizes the force on
a macroscopic object
during a collision.
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

3.2.K.B Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.3.C Intentionally Blank 3.2.5.F 3.2.6-8.I 3.2.9-12.L
Plan and conduct an Ask questions to Support an argument Ask questions about Use mathematical
investigation to determine cause and that the gravitational data to determine the representations of
compare the effects of effect relationships of force exerted by Earth factors that affect the Newton’s Law of
different strengths or electric or magnetic on objects is directed strength of electric Gravitation and
different directions of interactions between down. and magnetic forces. Coulomb’s Law to
pushes and pulls on two objects not in describe and predict
the motion of an contact with each the gravitational and
object. other. electrostatic forces
between objects.
Define a simple design 3.2.9-12.M
Construct and present
problem that can be
arguments using Plan and conduct an
solved by applying
evidence to support investigation to
scientific ideas about
the claim that provide evidence that
gravitational an electric current can
Types of Interactions interactions are produce a magnetic
attractive and depend field and that a
on the masses of changing magnetic
interacting objects. field can produce an
electric current.

3.2.6-8.K 3.2.9-12.N
Conduct an Communicate
investigation and scientific and technical
evaluate the information about
experimental design why the molecular-
to provide evidence level structure is
that fields exist important in the
between objects functioning of
exerting forces on designed materials.
each other even
though the objects are
not in contact.

3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.4.A Intentionally Blank 3.2.6-8.L 3.2.9-12.O
Use evidence to Construct and Create a computational
construct an interpret graphical model to calculate the
explanation relating displays of data to change in the energy of
the speed of an object describe the one component in a
to the energy of that relationships of kinetic system when the
object. energy to the mass change in energy of the
and speed of an other component(s)
and energy flows in and
out of the system are

Develop and use
models to illustrate that
energy at the
macroscopic scale can
Definitions of Energy
be accounted for as a
combination of energy
associated with the
motions of particles
(objects) and energy
associated with the
relative positions of
particles (objects).

Design, build, and
refine a device that
works within given
constraints to convert
one form of energy into
another form of energy.

3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

3.2.K.C Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.4.B Intentionally Blank 3.2.6-8.M 3.2.9-12.R
Make observations to Make and Apply scientific Plan and conduct an
determine the effect communicate principles to design, investigation to
of sunlight on Earth’s observations to construct, and test a provide evidence that
surface. provide evidence that device that either the transfer of thermal
energy can be minimizes or energy when two
3.2.K.D transferred from place maximizes thermal components of
Use tools and to place by sound, energy transfer. different temperature
materials to design light, heat, and are combined within a
and build a structure electric currents. 3.2.6-8.N closed system results
that will reduce the Plan an investigation in a more uniform
warming effect of to determine the energy distribution
sunlight on an area. relationships among among the
the energy components in the
transferred, the type system (second law of
Conservation of Energy of matter, the mass, thermodynamics).
and Energy Transfer and the change in the
average kinetic energy
of the particles as
measured by the
temperature of the

Construct, use, and
present arguments to
support the claim that
when the kinetic
energy of an object
changes, energy is
transferred to or from
the object.

3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.4.C Intentionally Blank 3.2.6-8.P 3.2.9-12.S
Ask questions and Develop a model to Develop and use a
predict outcomes describe that when model of two objects
about the changes in the arrangement of interacting through
Relationship Between energy that occur objects interacting at a electric or magnetic
Energy and Forces when objects collide. distance changes, fields to illustrate the
different amounts of forces between
potential energy are objects and the
stored in the system. changes in energy of
the objects due to the
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.4.D 3.2.5.G Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank
Apply scientific ideas Use models to
to design, test, and describe that energy
Energy in Chemical refine a device that in animals’ food (used
Processes and Everyday converts energy from for body repair,
Life one form to another. growth, motion, and
to maintain body
warmth) was once
energy from the sun.

3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank 3.2.1.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.4.E Intentionally Blank 3.2.6-8.Q 3.2.9-12.T
Plan and conduct Develop a model of Use mathematical Use mathematical
investigations to waves to describe representations to representations to
provide evidence that patterns in terms of describe a simple support a claim
vibrating materials can amplitude and model for waves that regarding
make sound and that wavelength and that includes how the relationships among
sound can make waves can cause amplitude of a wave is the frequency,
materials vibrate. objects to move. related to the energy wavelength, and
in a wave. speed of waves
traveling in various

Evaluate questions
about the advantages
of using digital
Wave Properties transmission and
storage of

Evaluate the claims,
evidence, and
reasoning behind the
idea that
radiation can be
described either by a
wave model or a
particle model and
that for some
situations one model
is more useful than
the other.

3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank 3.2.1.B Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.4.F Intentionally Blank 3.2.6-8.R 3.2.9-12.W
Make observations to Develop a model to Develop and use a Evaluate the validity
construct an evidence- describe that light model to describe and reliability of
based account that reflecting from objects how waves are claims in published
objects can be seen and entering the eye reflected, absorbed, or materials of the
only when illuminated. allows objects to be transmitted through effects that different
Electromagnetic 3.2.1.C seen. various materials. frequencies of
Radiation electromagnetic
Plan and conduct an
radiation have when
investigation to
absorbed by matter.
determine the effect
of placing objects
made with different
materials in the path
of a beam of light.
Intentionally Blank 3.2.1.D Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.2.4.G Intentionally Blank 3.2.6-8.S 3.2.9-12.X
Use tools and Generate and Integrate qualitative Communicate
materials to design compare multiple scientific and technical technical information
and build a device that solutions that use information to about how some
Information uses light or sound to patterns to transfer support the claim that technological devices
Technologies and solve the problem of information. digitized signals are a use the principles of
Instrumentation communicating over a more reliable way to wave behavior and
distance. encode and transmit wave interactions with
information than matter to transmit and
analog signals. capture information
and energy.

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank 3.3.1.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.5.A 3.3.6-8.A 3.3.9-12.A
Use observations of the Support an argument Develop and use a Develop a model based
sun, moon, and stars to that differences in the model of the Earth- on evidence to
describe patterns that apparent brightness of sun-moon system to illustrate the life span
can be predicted. the sun compared to describe the cyclic of the sun and the role
other stars is due to patterns of lunar of nuclear fusion in the
their relative distances phases, eclipses of the sun’s core to release
from Earth. sun and moon, and energy in the form of
seasons. radiation.

3.3.6-8.B 3.3.9-12.B
Develop and use a Construct an
The Universe model to describe the explanation of the Big
and Its Stars role of gravity in the Bang theory based on
motion within galaxies astronomical evidence
and the solar system. of light spectra, the
motion of distant
galaxies, and the
composition of matter
in the universe.

Communicate scientific
ideas about the way
stars, over their life
cycle, produce

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank 3.3.1.B Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.5.B 3.3.6-8.C 3.3.9-12.D
Make observations at Represent data in Analyze and interpret Use mathematical or
different times of year graphical displays to data to determine scale computational
to relate the amount of reveal patterns of daily properties of objects in representations to
daylight to the time of changes in length and the solar system. predict the motion of
year. direction of shadows, orbiting objects in the
day and night, and the solar system.
Earth and the
seasonal appearance of
Solar System
some stars in the night 3.3.9-12.E
sky. Use a model to
describe how variations
in the flow of energy
into and out of Earth’s
systems result in
changes in climate.

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.2.A Intentionally Blank 3.3.4.A Intentionally Blank 3.3.6-8.D 3.3.9-12.F
Use information from Identify evidence from Construct a scientific Evaluate evidence of
several sources to patterns in rock explanation based on the past and current
provide evidence that formations and fossils evidence from rock movements of
Earth events can occur in rock layers to strata for how the continental and
quickly or slowly. support an explanation geologic time scale is oceanic crust and the
for changes in a used to organize theory of plate
landscape over time. Earth's 4.6-billion-year- tectonics to explain the
old history. ages of crustal rocks.
The History of
Planet Earth 3.3.9-12.G
Apply scientific
reasoning and evidence
from ancient Earth
materials, meteorites,
and other planetary
surfaces to construct
an account of Earth’s
formation and early

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.2.B Intentionally Blank 3.3.4.B 3.3.5.C 3.3.6-8.E 3.3.9-12.H
Compare multiple Make observations Develop a model using Construct an Analyze geoscience
solutions designed to and/or measurements an example to describe explanation based on data to make the claim
slow or prevent wind to provide evidence of ways the geosphere, evidence for how that one change to
or water from changing the effects of biosphere, geoscience processes Earth's surface can
the shape of the land. weathering or the rate hydrosphere, and/or have changed Earth's create feedback that
of erosion by water, atmosphere interact. surface at varying time causes changes to
Earth Materials
ice, wind, or and spatial scales. other Earth systems.
and Systems
3.3.6-8.F 3.3.9-12.I
Develop a model to Develop a model based
describe the cycling of on evidence of Earth’s
Earth's materials and interior to describe the
the flow of energy that cycling of matter by
drives this process. thermal convection.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.2.C Intentionally Blank 3.3.4.C Intentionally Blank 3.3.6-8.G 3.3.9-12.J
Develop a model to Analyze and interpret Analyze and interpret Develop a model to
Plate Tectonics represent the shapes data from maps to data on the distribution illustrate how Earth’s
and Large-Scale and kinds of land and describe patterns of of fossils and rocks, internal and surface
System bodies of water in an Earth’s features. continental shapes, processes operate at
Interactions area. and seafloor structures different spatial and
to provide evidence of temporal scales to
past plate motions. form continental and
ocean-floor features.

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.2.D Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.5.D 3.3.6-8.H 3.3.9-12.K
Obtain information to Describe and graph the Develop a model to Plan and conduct an
identify where water is amounts of salt water describe the cycling of investigation of the
found on Earth and and fresh water in water through Earth's properties of water and
that it can be solid or various reservoirs to systems driven by its effects on Earth
liquid. provide evidence about energy from the sun materials and surface
the distribution of and the force of processes.
water on Earth. gravity.
The Roles of
Water in Earth’s
Processes Develop and use a
model to describe how
unequal heating and
rotation of the Earth
cause patterns of
atmospheric and
oceanic circulation that
determine regional

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

3.3.K.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.3.A Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.6-8.J 3.3.9-12.L
Use and share Represent data in Collect data to provide Develop a quantitative
observations of local tables and graphical evidence for how the model to describe the
weather conditions to displays to describe motion and complex cycling of carbon
describe patterns over typical weather interactions of air among the
time. conditions expected masses result in hydrosphere,
during a particular changes in weather atmosphere,
season. conditions. geosphere, and

3.3.6-8.O 3.3.9-12.M
3.3.3.B Use a computational
Ask questions to clarify
Obtain and combine evidence of the factors representation to
information to describe that have caused the illustrate the
climates in different rise in global relationships among
Weather and regions of the world. Earth systems and how
temperatures over the
Climate those relationships are
past century.
being modified due to
human activity.

Analyze geoscience
data and the results
from global climate
models to make an
forecast of the current
rate of global or
regional climate
change and associated
future impacts to Earth

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

3.3.K.B Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.9-12.N
Construct an argument Construct an argument
supported by evidence based on evidence
Biogeology for how plants and about the simultaneous
animals (including coevolution of Earth’s
humans) can change systems and life on
the environment to Earth.
meet their needs.
3.3.K.C Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.4.D Intentionally Blank 3.3.6-8.K 3.3.9-12.O
Use a model to Obtain and combine Construct a scientific Construct an
represent the information to describe explanation based on explanation based on
relationship between that energy and fuels evidence for how the evidence for how the
the needs of different are derived from uneven distributions of availability of natural
plants or animals natural resources and Earth's mineral, energy, resources, occurrence
(including humans) and their uses affect the and groundwater of natural hazards, and
the places they live. environment. resources are the result changes in climate
Natural of past and current have influenced human
Resources geoscience processes. activity.
Evaluate competing
design solutions for
developing, managing,
and utilizing energy
and mineral resources
based on cost-benefit

3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand Kindergarten 1 2 3 4 5 6–8 9–12

3.3.K.D Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.3.C 3.3.4.E Intentionally Blank 3.3.6-8.L Intentionally Blank
Ask questions to obtain Make a claim Generate and compare Analyze and interpret
information about the supported by evidence multiple solutions to data on natural hazards
purpose of weather about the merit of a reduce the impacts of to forecast future
Natural Hazards forecasting to prepare design solution that natural Earth processes catastrophic events
for, and respond to, reduces the impacts of on humans. and inform the
severe weather. a weather-related development of
hazard. technologies to
mitigate their effects.
3.3.K.E Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.3.5.E 3.3.6-8.M 3.3.9-12.Q
Communicate solutions Obtain and combine Apply scientific Create a computational
that will reduce the information about principles to design a simulation to illustrate
impact of humans on ways individual method for monitoring the relationships
the land, water, air, communities use and minimizing human among management of
and/or other living science ideas to protect impact on the natural resources, the
things in the local the Earth’s resources environment. sustainability of human
environment. and environment. populations, and
Human Impact
on Earth
3.3.5.F 3.3.6-8.N 3.3.9-12.R
Generate and design Construct an argument Evaluate or refine a
possible solutions to a supported by evidence technological solution
current environmental for how increases in that reduces the
issue, threat, or human population and impact of human
concern. per capita consumption activities on natural
of natural resources systems.
impact Earth's systems.

3.4 Environmental Literacy & Sustainability
3.4 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12

Agricultural and Environmental 3.4.K-2.A 3.4.3-5.A 3.4.6-8.A 3.4.9-12.A
Systems and Resources Categorize ways people harvest, redistribute, and Analyze how living organisms, including Develop a model to describe how Analyze and interpret how issues, trends,
Agricultural Systems use natural resources. humans, affect the environment in which agricultural and food systems function, technologies, and policies impact
they live, and how their environment affects including the sustainable use of natural agricultural, food, and environmental
them. resources and the production, processing, systems and resources.
and management of food, fiber, and energy.
Agricultural and Environmental 3.4.K-2.B 3.4.3-5.B 3.4.6-8.B 3.4.9-12.B
Systems and Resources Examine how people from different cultures and Make a claim about the environmental and Analyze and interpret data about how Apply research and analytical skills to
Environment and Society communities, including one’s own, interact and social impacts of design solutions and civic different societies (economic and social evaluate the conditions and motivations that
express their beliefs about nature. actions, including their own actions. systems) and cultures use and manage lead to conflict, cooperation, and change
natural resources differently. among individuals, groups, and nations.
Agricultural and Environmental Refer to other standards in this document to 3.4.3-5.C 3.4.6-8.C 3.4.9-12.C
Systems and Resources build a learning progression. Examine ways you influence your local Develop a model to describe how Analyze and interpret how issues, trends,
Watersheds and Wetlands environment and community by collecting watersheds and wetlands function as technologies, and policies impact
and displaying data. systems, including the roles and functions watersheds and water resources.
they serve.
Environmental Literacy Skills Refer to other standards in this document to 3.4.3-5.D 3.4.6-8.D 3.4.9-12.D
Investigating Environmental Issues build a learning progression. Develop a model to demonstrate how local Gather, read, and synthesize information Apply research and analytical skills to
environmental issues are connected to from multiple sources to investigate how systematically investigate environmental
larger local environment and human Pennsylvania environmental issues affect issues ranging from local issues to those that
systems. Pennsylvania’s human and natural systems. are regional or global in scope.
Environmental Literacy Skills 3.4.K-2.C Refer to other standards in this document to 3.4.6-8.E 3.4.9-12.E
Environmental Experiences Explain ways that places differ in their physical build a learning progression. Collect, analyze, and interpret Plan and conduct an investigation utilizing
characteristics, their meaning, and their value environmental data to describe a local environmental data about a local
and/or importance. environment. environmental issue.
Environmental Literacy Skills Refer to other standards in this document to 3.4.3-5.E 3.4.6-8.F 3.4.9-12.F
Evaluating Solutions build a learning progression. Construct an argument to support whether Obtain and communicate information on Evaluate and communicate the effect of
action is needed on a selected how integrated pest management could integrated pest management practices on
environmental issue and propose possible improve indoor and outdoor environments. indoor and outdoor environments.

3.4 Environmental Literacy & Sustainability
3.4 Students who demonstrate understanding can:

Strand K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12

Sustainability and Stewardship 3.4.K-2.D Refer to other standards in this document to 3.4.6-8.G 3.4.9-12.G
Environmental Sustainability Plan and carry out an investigation to address an build a learning progression. Obtain and communicate information to Analyze and evaluate how best resource
issue in the local environment and community. describe how best resource management management practices and environmental
practices and environmental laws are laws achieve sustainability of natural
designed to achieve environmental resources.
Sustainability and Stewardship Refer to other standards in this document to 3.4.3-5.F 3.4.6-8.H 3.4.9-12.H
Environmental Stewardship build a learning progression. Critique ways that people depend on and Design a solution to an environmental issue Design and evaluate solutions in which
change the environment. in which individuals and societies can individuals and societies can promote
engage as stewards of the environment. stewardship in environmental quality and
community well-being.
Sustainability and Stewardship Refer to other standards in this document to 3.4.3-5.G 3.4.6-8.I 3.4.9-12.I
Environmental Justice build a learning progression. Investigate how perspectives over the use of Construct an explanation that describes Analyze and interpret data on a regional
resources and the development of regional environmental conditions and their environmental condition and its implications
technology have changed over time and implications on environmental justice and on environmental justice and social equity.
resulted in conflict over the development of social equity.
societies and nations.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.A 3.5.3-5.A 3.5.6-8.A 3.5.9-12.A
Identify and use everyday symbols. Use appropriate symbols, numbers, and words Research information from various sources to Use various approaches to communicate
to communicate key ideas about technological use and maintain technological products or processes and procedures for using,
products and systems. systems. maintaining, and assessing technological
products and systems.
3.5.K-2.B 3.5.3-5.B 3.5.6-8.B Intentionally Blank
Describe qualities of everyday products. Examine information to assess the trade-offs Use instruments to gather data on the
to using a product or system. performance of everyday products.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.B
Critically assess and evaluate a technology
that minimizes resource use and resulting
waste to achieve a goal.
Applying, Maintaining, and
Assessing Technological Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.C Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank
Products and Systems Follow directions to complete a technological
Impacts of Technology
3.5.K-2.C 3.5.3-5.D 3.5.6-8.C Intentionally Blank
Explain ways that technology helps with Predict how certain aspects of their daily lives Hypothesize what alternative outcomes
Influence of Society on everyday tasks. would be different without given (individual, cultural, and/or environmental)
Technological Development technologies. might have resulted had a different
technological solution been selected.
3.5.K-2.D 3.5.3-5.E 3.5.6-8.D 3.5.9-12.C
Select ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle Explain why responsible use of technology Analyze how the creation and use of Develop a solution to a technological problem
resources in daily life. requires sustainable management of technologies consumes renewable, non- that has the least negative environmental and
resources. renewable, and inexhaustible resources; social impact.
creates waste; and may contribute to
3.5.3-5.F environmental challenges.
Classify resources used to create technologies
as either renewable or nonrenewable.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.E 3.5.3-5.G 3.5.6-8.E 3.5.9-12.D
Illustrate helpful and harmful effects of Describe the helpful and harmful effects of Consider the impacts of a proposed or existing Critique whether existing or proposed
technology. technology. technology and devise strategies for reducing, technologies use resources sustainably.
reusing, and recycling waste caused by its
3.5.K-2.F 3.5.3-5.H 3.5.6-8.F 3.5.9-12.E
Investigate the use of technologies in the Determine factors that influence changes in a Analyze examples of technologies that have Evaluate how technology and engineering
home and community. society’s technological systems or changed the way people think, interact, live, advancements alter human health and
infrastructure. and communicate. capabilities.
3.5.K-2.G 3.5.3-5.I Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank
Explain the tools and techniques that people Design solutions by safely using tools,
use to help them do things. materials, and skills.
Applying , Maintaining, and
Assessing Technological 3.5.K-2.H 3.5.3-5.J 3.5.6-8.G 3.5.9-12.F
Products and Systems Explain the needs and wants of individuals and Explain how technologies are developed or Analyze how an invention or innovation was Evaluate a technological innovation that arose
societies. adapted when individual or societal needs and influenced by the context and circumstances from a specific society’s unique need or want.
wants change. in which it is developed.
Impacts of Technology
3.5.K-2.I 3.5.3-5.K 3.5.6-8.H 3.5.9-12.G
Influence of Society on Compare simple technologies to evaluate their Judge technologies to determine the best one Evaluate trade-offs based on various Evaluate a technological innovation that was
Technological Development impacts. to use to complete a given task or meet a perspectives as part of a decision process that met with societal resistance impacting its
need. recognizes the need for careful compromises development.
among competing factors.
3.5.K-2.J Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.I 3.5.9-12.H
Design new technologies that could improve Examine the ways that technology can have Evaluate ways that technology and
their daily lives. both positive and negative effects at the same engineering can impact individuals, society,
time. and the environment.
3.5.9-12.I (ETS)
Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world
problem based on prioritized criteria and
trade-offs that account for a range of
constraints, including cost, safety, reliability,
and aesthetics as well as possible social,
cultural, and environmental impacts.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.K 3.5.3-5.L 3.5.6-8.J Intentionally Blank
Safely use tools to complete tasks. Demonstrate how tools and machines extend Use tools, materials, and machines to safely
human capabilities, such as holding, lifting, diagnose, adjust, and repair systems.
carrying, fastening, separating, and
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.K Intentionally Blank
Use devices to control technological systems.

3.5.K-2.L Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank

Explore how technologies are developed to
Applying , Maintaining, and meet individual and societal needs and wants.
Assessing Technological
Products and Systems Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.L 3.5.9-12.J
Design methods to gather data about Synthesize data and analyze trends to make
technological systems. decisions about technological products,
Impacts of Technology systems, or processes.

Influence of Society on 3.5.6-8.M (ETS) 3.5.9-12.K (ETS)

Technological Development Develop a model to generate data for iterative Use a computer simulation to model the
testing and modification of a proposed object, impact of proposed solutions to a complex
tool, or process such that an optimal design real-world problem with numerous criteria
can be achieved. and constraints on interactions within and
between systems relevant to the problem.
3.5.6-8.N (ETS)
Analyze data from tests to determine
similarities and differences among several
design solutions to identify the best
characteristics of each that can be combined
into a new solution to better meet the criteria
for success.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.O Intentionally Blank
Interpret the accuracy of information

Applying , Maintaining, and 3.5.6-8.P (ETS)

Assessing Technological Evaluate competing design solutions using a
Products and Systems systematic process to determine how well
they meet the criteria and constraints of the
Impacts of Technology
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.L
Influence of Society on Interpret laws, regulations, policies, and other
Technological Development factors that impact the development and use
of technology.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.M
Develop a device or system for the

3.5.K-2.M 3.5.3-5.M 3.5.6-8.Q 3.5.9-12.N

Demonstrate essential skills of the engineering Demonstrate essential skills of the engineering Apply a technology and engineering design Analyze and use relevant and appropriate
design process. design process. thinking process. design thinking processes to solve
technological and engineering problems.

Design and Design Thinking in 3.5.K-2.N 3.5.3-5.N Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.O

Technology and Engineering Analyze how things work. Identify why a product or system is not Apply appropriate design thinking processes
Education working properly. to diagnose, adjust, and repair systems to
ensure precise, safe, and proper functionality.
3.5.K-2.O Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.P
Illustrate that there are different solutions to a Apply a broad range of design skills to a design
design and that none are perfect. thinking process.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.O Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank
Describe requirements of designing or making
a product or system.
3.5.K-2.P 3.5.3-5.P Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.Q
Discuss that all designs have different Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Implement and critique principles, elements,
characteristics that can be described. existing design solutions, including their own and factors of design.

3.5.K-2.Q 3.5.3-5.Q Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.R

Apply skills necessary for making in design. Practice successful design skills. Use a design thinking process to design an
3.5.3-5.R appropriate technology for use in a different
Apply tools, techniques, and materials in a
safe manner as part of the design process.

Design and Design Thinking in Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.R 3.5.9-12.S
Technology and Engineering Develop innovative products and systems that Conduct research to inform intentional
Education solve problems and extend capabilities based inventions and innovations that address
on individual or collective needs and wants. specific needs and wants.

3.5.9-12.T (ETS)
Analyze a major global challenge to specify
qualitative and quantitative criteria and
constraints for solutions that account for
societal needs and wants.
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.S 3.5.6-8.S 3.5.9-12.U
Illustrate that there are multiple approaches Illustrate the benefits and opportunities Evaluate and define the purpose of a design.
to design. associated with different approaches to
3.5.K-2.R Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.T 3.5.9-12.V
Draw connections between technology and Create solutions to problems by identifying Apply principles of human-centered design.
human experience and applying human factors in design.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.S 3.5.3-5.T 3.5.6-8.U 3.5.9-12.W
Apply design concepts, principles, and Apply universal principles and elements of Evaluate and assess the strengths and Optimize a design by addressing desired
processes through play and exploration design. weaknesses of various design solutions given qualities within criteria and constraints while
established principles and elements of design. considering trade-offs.
3.5.K-2.T 3.5.3-5.U 3.5.6-8.V Intentionally Blank
Demonstrate that designs have requirements. Evaluate designs based on criteria, Refine design solutions to address criteria and
constraints, and standards. constraints.

3.5.6-8.W (ETS)
Define the criteria and constraints of a design
problem with sufficient precision to ensure a
successful solution, taking into account
relevant scientific principles and potential
impacts on people and the natural
environment that may limit possible solutions.
Design and Design Thinking in 3.5.K-2.U 3.5.3-5.V 3.5.6-8.X 3.5.9-12.X
Technology and Engineering
Explain that design is a response to wants and Interpret how good design improves the Defend decisions related to a design problem. Implement the best possible solution to a
needs human condition. design using an explicit process.

3.5.9-12.Y (ETS)
Design a solution to a complex real-world
problem by breaking it down into smaller,
more manageable problems that can be
solved through engineering.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.Z
Recognize and explain how their community
and the world around them informs
technological development and engineering
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.AA
Safely apply an appropriate range of making
skills to a design thinking process.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.Y 3.5.9-12.BB
Compare, contrast, and identify overlap Assess how similarities and differences among
between the contributions of science, scientific, technological, engineering, and
technology, engineering, and mathematics in mathematical knowledge and skills
the development of technological systems. contributed to the design of a product or
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.Z Intentionally Blank
Analyze how different technological systems
often interact with economic, environmental,
and social systems.
3.5.K-2.V 3.5.3-5.W 3.5.6-8.AA 3.5.9-12.CC
Explain that materials are selected for use Describe the properties of different materials. Adapt and apply an existing product, system, Analyze how technology transfer occurs when
because they possess desirable properties and or process to solve a problem in a different a user applies an existing innovation
characteristics. setting. developed for one function for a different
Integration of Knowledge, purpose.
Technologies, and Practices
3.5.K-2.W 3.5.3-5.X 3.5.6-8.BB 3.5.9-12.DD
Apply concepts and skills from technology and Explain how various relationships can exist Demonstrate how knowledge gained from Develop a plan that incorporates knowledge
engineering activities that reinforce concepts between technology and engineering and other content areas affects the development from science, mathematics, and other
and skills across multiple areas. other content areas. of technological products and systems. disciplines to design or improve a
technological product or system.
3.5.K-2.X 3.5.3-5.Y Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.EE
Develop a plan in order to complete a task. Identify the resources needed to get a Connect technological and engineering
technical job done, such as people, materials, progress to the advancement of other areas of
capital, tools, machines, knowledge, energy, knowledge and vice versa.
and time
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.Z Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.FF
Create a new product that improves Evaluate how technology enhances
someone's life. opportunities for new products and services
through globalization.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.56-8.CC 3.5.9-12.GG
Consider historical factors that have Evaluate how technology and engineering
contributed to the development of have been powerful forces in reshaping the
technologies and human progress. social, cultural, political, and economic
landscapes throughout history.

3.5.K-2.Y 3.5.3-5.AA Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.HH

Discuss how the way people live and work has Create representations of the tools people Analyze how the Industrial Revolution resulted
changed throughout history because of made, how they cultivated to provide food, in the development of mass production,
technology. made clothing, and built shelters to protect sophisticated transportation and
themselves. communication systems, advanced
construction practices, and improved
education and leisure time.
Nature and Characteristics of Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.II
Technology and Engineering Investigate the widespread changes that have
resulted from the Information Age, which has
placed emphasis on the processing and
Core Concepts of Technology
exchange of information.
and Engineering
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.JJ
Identify and explain how the evolution of
History of Technology
civilization has been directly affected by, and
has in turn affected, the development and use
of tools, materials, and processes.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.DD 3.5.9-12.KK
Engage in a research and development Relate how technological and engineering
process to simulate how inventions and developments have been evolutionary, often
innovations have evolved through systematic the result of a series of refinements to basic
tests and refinements. inventions or technological knowledge.
3.5.K-2.Z 3.5.3-5.BB 3.5.6-8.EE 3.5.9-12.LL
Illustrate how systems have parts or Illustrate how, when parts of a system are Differentiate between inputs, processes, Analyze the stability of a technological system
components that work together to accomplish missing, it may not work as planned. outputs, and feedback in technological and how it is influenced by all of the
a goal. systems. components in the system, especially those in
the feedback loop.

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.CC 3.5.6-8.FF 3.5.9-12.MM
Describe how a subsystem is a system that Demonstrate how systems thinking involves Troubleshoot and improve a flawed system
operates as a part of another larger system. considering relationships between every part, embedded within a larger technological,
as well as how the systems interact with the social, or environmental system.
environment in which it is used.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.GG Intentionally Blank
Create an open-loop system that has no
feedback path and requires human
Nature and Characteristics of intervention.
Technology and Engineering
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.DD 3.5.6-8.HH Intentionally Blank
Demonstrate how simple technologies are Create a closed-loop system that has a
Core Concepts of Technology often combined to form more complex feedback path and requires no human
and Engineering systems. intervention.
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.EE 3.5.6-8.II 3.5.9-12.NN
History of Technology Explain how solutions to problems are shaped Predict outcomes of a future product or Analyze the rate of technological and
by economic, political, and cultural forces. system at the beginning of the design process. engineering development and predict future
diffusion and adoption of new innovations and
3.5.K-2.AA Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.JJ Intentionally Blank
Demonstrate that creating can be done by Apply informed problem-solving strategies to
anyone. the improvement of existing devices or
processes or the development of new

3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.BB 3.5.3-5.FF 3.5.6-8.KK Intentionally Blank
Compare the natural world and human-made Compare how things found in nature differ Explain how technology and engineering are
world. from things that are human-made, noting closely linked to creativity, which can result in
differences and similarities in how they are both intended and unintended innovations.
produced and used.

Describe the unique relationship between
science and technology, and how the natural
world can contribute to the human-made
world to foster innovation.
Nature and Characteristics of
Technology and Engineering

3.5.K-2.CC 3.5.3-5.HH 3.5.6-8LL Intentionally Blank

Core Concepts of Technology
and Engineering Discuss the roles of scientists, engineers, Differentiate between the role of scientists, Compare how different technologies involve
technologists, and others who work with engineers, technologists, and others in different sets of processes.
technology. creating and maintaining technological
History of Technology systems.
3.5.K-2.DD Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.OO
Collaborate effectively as a member of a team. Use project management tools, strategies, and
processes in planning, organizing, and
controlling work.

Implement quality control as a planned
process to ensure that a product, service, or
system meets established criteria.

Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12PP

Demonstrate the use of conceptual, graphical,
virtual, mathematical, and physical modeling
to identify conflicting considerations before
the entire system is developed and to aid in
design decision making.


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