Science Standards
Science Standards
Science Standards
K-12 Standards
May 2023 1
Science, Technology & Engineering, and Environmental Literacy & Sustainability Academic (STEELS) Standards guide the study of the natural and human-made world through inquiry, problem-
solving, critical thinking, and authentic exploration. This document displays the standards within strands as they progress across a K-12 sequence. The integration of these disciplines in the
standards highlights the interconnectedness of scientific, technological, and engineering focused study; the integral relationship between humans and the environment; and the importance of
integrating the teaching and learning of science, technology, and engineering.
Science – Life Science focuses on patterns, processes, and relationships of living organisms. Physical Science focuses on what everything is made of and interactions. Earth & Space Science
focuses on processes that operate on Earth and its place in the solar system and galaxy. Life Science, Physical Science, and Earth & Space Science are written as grade-specific (Grades K-5) or
grade-banded (6-8, 9-12) performance expectations and built around three dimensions—science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts—integrated into
a set of specific standards. These dimensions are elaborated upon in Foundation Boxes (hyperlinked for each standard) providing support for design of curriculum and instruction.
Technology & Engineering - Focuses on the interactions among technology, engineering, society, the environment, and other disciplines, with a goal of developing individuals that can create,
utilize, and assess current and emerging technologies. The standards are written as grade-banded performance expectations built around technology and engineering strands, practices, and
contexts and integrated into a set of specific standards. These components are elaborated upon in Foundation Boxes (hyperlinked for each standard) providing support for design of curriculum
and instruction.
Environmental Literacy & Sustainability - Focuses on practices, ecological processes, and systems that comprise the environment, including human social systems and influences. The
standards are written as grade-banded performance expectations and built around three dimensions—science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts—
integrated into a set of specific standards. Sustainability is the balanced use of natural and renewable resources. Sustainable practices seek to ensure the integrity of ecological function and
species diversity, with consideration for environmental justice, equity, and economic stability for current and future generations. These dimensions are elaborated upon in Foundation Boxes
(hyperlinked for each standard) providing support for design of curriculum and instruction.
Science and Environment & Ecology Example
Science and Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI) Crosscutting Concepts (CCC)
Practices (SEP)
Pennsylvania Context: Examples of Pennsylvania’s state-recognized plants and animals include hemlock,
PA Context mountain laurel, white-tailed deer, and local songbirds.
PA Career Ready Skills: Interact in pro-social ways (e.g., reciprocal conversation, turn taking, sharing) with peers
and adults.
PA Career Ready Skills
Connections to Other Standards Science, K-4 Strand 1.G. Drawing conclusions and developing explanations: Learners develop
Environmental explanations that address their questions about the environment.
Content and Practices Literacy and
PA Core Standards: CC.1.4.K.V: Participate in individual or shared research projects on a topic of interest.
PA Core Standards MP.7: Look for and make use of structure.
and Practices: Math CC.2.4.K.A.1: Describe and compare attributes of length, area, weight, and capacity of
everyday objects.
How to Read the Standards
Each standard has a four-digit code. In the example below, for standard 3.1.6-8.A:
The first digit (3) represents the content (Science, TE, ELS). All Science, Environmental Literacy & Sustainability, and Technology & Engineering standards are represented with a 3.
The third digit represents the grade level. If a grade is banded such as the example, it is reflected as 6–8.
The fourth character represents the standard: A.
3.1.6-8.A - Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells, either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
3.1 Life Science 3.2 Physical Science 3.3 Earth and Space Science 3.4 Environmental Literacy 3.5 Technology and
Structure and Function Structure and Properties of The Universe and Its Stars and Sustainability Engineering
Matter Agricultural and Environmental Applying, Maintaining, and
Growth and Development of Earth and the Solar System
Organisms Chemical Reactions Systems and Resources Assessing Technological
The History of Planet Earth Products and Systems
Organization for Matter and Nuclear Processes Agricultural Systems
Earth Materials and Systems Impacts of Technology
Energy Flow in Organisms Environment and Society
Forces and Motion
Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale Influence of Society on
Information Processing Watersheds and Wetlands
Types of Interactions Interactions Technological Development
Interdependent Relationships in Environmental Literacy Skills
Definitions of Energy The Role of Water in Earth’s Surface Design in Technology and
Processes Investigating Environmental Issues Engineering Education
Conservation of Energy and
Cycles of Matter and Energy
Energy Transfer Weather and Climate Environmental Experiences Integration of Knowledge,
Transfer in Ecosystems
Relationship Between Energy Biogeology Evaluating Solutions Technologies, and Practices
Ecosystem Dynamics,
and Forces Nature and Characteristics
Functioning, and Resilience Natural Resources Sustainability and Stewardship
Energy in Chemical Processes of Technology and
Social Interactions and Group Natural Hazards Environmental Sustainability
and Everyday Life Engineering
Behavior Human Impact on Earth System
Wave Properties Environmental Stewardship Core Concepts of
Inheritance of Traits Technology and Engineering
Electromagnetic Radiation Environmental Justice
Variation of Traits History of Technology
Information Technologies and
Evidence of Common Ancestry
and Diversity
Natural Selection
Biodiversity and Humans
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.1.6-8.B 3.1.9-12.B
Develop and use a Develop and use a
Structure and Function model to describe the model to illustrate the
function of a cell as a hierarchical
whole and the ways organization of
that parts of cells interacting systems that
contribute to the provide specific
function. functions within
multicellular organisms.
3.1.6-8.C 3.1.9-12.C
Use arguments Plan and conduct an
supported by evidence investigation to provide
for how the body is a evidence that feedback
system of interacting mechanisms maintain
subsystems composed homeostasis.
of groups of cells.
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Construct a scientific
explanation based on
evidence for how
environmental and
genetic factors
influence the growth of
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.1.6-8.G 3.1.9-12.F
Develop a model to Construct and revise an
describe how food is explanation based on
rearranged through evidence for how
chemical reactions carbon, hydrogen, and
Organization for Matter forming new molecules oxygen from sugar
and Energy Flow in that support growth molecules may combine
Organisms and/or release energy with other elements to
as this matter moves form amino acids
through an organism. and/or other large
Use a model to illustrate
that cellular respiration
is a chemical process
whereby the bonds of
food molecules and
oxygen molecules are
broken and the bonds in
new compounds are
formed resulting in a
net transfer of energy.
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Develop a model to
illustrate the role of
photosynthesis and
cellular respiration in
Cycles of Matter and the cycling of carbon
Energy Transfer in among the biosphere,
Ecosystems atmosphere,
hydrosphere, and
Use mathematical
representations to
support and revise
explanations based on
evidence about factors
affecting biodiversity
and populations in
ecosystems of different
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Design, evaluate, and
refine a solution for
reducing the impacts of
human activities on the
environment and
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.3.B Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.1.9-12.O
Construct an argument Evaluate the evidence
Social Interactions and that some animals form for the role of group
Group Behavior groups that help behavior on individual
members survive. and species’ chances to
survive and reproduce.
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Apply concepts of
statistics and probability
to explain the variation
and distribution of
expressed traits in a
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Apply scientific ideas to
construct an explanation
for anatomical
Evidence of Common
similarities and
Ancestry and Diversity
differences among
modern organisms and
between modern and
fossil organisms to infer
Analyze displays of
pictorial data to compare
patterns of similarities in
anatomical structures
across multiple species to
identify relationships not
evident in the fully
formed anatomy.
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Apply concepts of
statistics and probability
to support explanations
that organisms with an
advantageous heritable
trait tend to increase in
proportion to organisms
lacking this trait.
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Evaluate the evidence
supporting claims that
changes in
conditions may result in
(1)increases in the
number of individuals of
some species, (2) the
emergence of new
species over time, and
(3) the extinction of
other species.
3.1 Life Science
3.1 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.2.6-8.K 3.2.9-12.N
Conduct an Communicate
investigation and scientific and technical
evaluate the information about
experimental design why the molecular-
to provide evidence level structure is
that fields exist important in the
between objects functioning of
exerting forces on designed materials.
each other even
though the objects are
not in contact.
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Develop and use
models to illustrate that
energy at the
macroscopic scale can
Definitions of Energy
be accounted for as a
combination of energy
associated with the
motions of particles
(objects) and energy
associated with the
relative positions of
particles (objects).
Design, build, and
refine a device that
works within given
constraints to convert
one form of energy into
another form of energy.
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Construct, use, and
present arguments to
support the claim that
when the kinetic
energy of an object
changes, energy is
transferred to or from
the object.
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Evaluate questions
about the advantages
of using digital
Wave Properties transmission and
storage of
Evaluate the claims,
evidence, and
reasoning behind the
idea that
radiation can be
described either by a
wave model or a
particle model and
that for some
situations one model
is more useful than
the other.
3.2 Physical Science
3.2 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3.6-8.B 3.3.9-12.B
Develop and use a Construct an
The Universe model to describe the explanation of the Big
and Its Stars role of gravity in the Bang theory based on
motion within galaxies astronomical evidence
and the solar system. of light spectra, the
motion of distant
galaxies, and the
composition of matter
in the universe.
Communicate scientific
ideas about the way
stars, over their life
cycle, produce
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3.6-8.O 3.3.9-12.M
3.3.3.B Use a computational
Ask questions to clarify
Obtain and combine evidence of the factors representation to
information to describe that have caused the illustrate the
climates in different rise in global relationships among
Weather and regions of the world. Earth systems and how
temperatures over the
Climate those relationships are
past century.
being modified due to
human activity.
Analyze geoscience
data and the results
from global climate
models to make an
forecast of the current
rate of global or
regional climate
change and associated
future impacts to Earth
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.3 Earth and Space Science
3.3 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.4 Environmental Literacy & Sustainability
3.4 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.4 Environmental Literacy & Sustainability
3.4 Students who demonstrate understanding can:
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.A 3.5.3-5.A 3.5.6-8.A 3.5.9-12.A
Identify and use everyday symbols. Use appropriate symbols, numbers, and words Research information from various sources to Use various approaches to communicate
to communicate key ideas about technological use and maintain technological products or processes and procedures for using,
products and systems. systems. maintaining, and assessing technological
products and systems.
3.5.K-2.B 3.5.3-5.B 3.5.6-8.B Intentionally Blank
Describe qualities of everyday products. Examine information to assess the trade-offs Use instruments to gather data on the
to using a product or system. performance of everyday products.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.B
Critically assess and evaluate a technology
that minimizes resource use and resulting
waste to achieve a goal.
Applying, Maintaining, and
Assessing Technological Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.C Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank
Products and Systems Follow directions to complete a technological
Impacts of Technology
3.5.K-2.C 3.5.3-5.D 3.5.6-8.C Intentionally Blank
Explain ways that technology helps with Predict how certain aspects of their daily lives Hypothesize what alternative outcomes
Influence of Society on everyday tasks. would be different without given (individual, cultural, and/or environmental)
Technological Development technologies. might have resulted had a different
technological solution been selected.
3.5.K-2.D 3.5.3-5.E 3.5.6-8.D 3.5.9-12.C
Select ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle Explain why responsible use of technology Analyze how the creation and use of Develop a solution to a technological problem
resources in daily life. requires sustainable management of technologies consumes renewable, non- that has the least negative environmental and
resources. renewable, and inexhaustible resources; social impact.
creates waste; and may contribute to
3.5.3-5.F environmental challenges.
Classify resources used to create technologies
as either renewable or nonrenewable.
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.E 3.5.3-5.G 3.5.6-8.E 3.5.9-12.D
Illustrate helpful and harmful effects of Describe the helpful and harmful effects of Consider the impacts of a proposed or existing Critique whether existing or proposed
technology. technology. technology and devise strategies for reducing, technologies use resources sustainably.
reusing, and recycling waste caused by its
3.5.K-2.F 3.5.3-5.H 3.5.6-8.F 3.5.9-12.E
Investigate the use of technologies in the Determine factors that influence changes in a Analyze examples of technologies that have Evaluate how technology and engineering
home and community. society’s technological systems or changed the way people think, interact, live, advancements alter human health and
infrastructure. and communicate. capabilities.
3.5.K-2.G 3.5.3-5.I Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank
Explain the tools and techniques that people Design solutions by safely using tools,
use to help them do things. materials, and skills.
Applying , Maintaining, and
Assessing Technological 3.5.K-2.H 3.5.3-5.J 3.5.6-8.G 3.5.9-12.F
Products and Systems Explain the needs and wants of individuals and Explain how technologies are developed or Analyze how an invention or innovation was Evaluate a technological innovation that arose
societies. adapted when individual or societal needs and influenced by the context and circumstances from a specific society’s unique need or want.
wants change. in which it is developed.
Impacts of Technology
3.5.K-2.I 3.5.3-5.K 3.5.6-8.H 3.5.9-12.G
Influence of Society on Compare simple technologies to evaluate their Judge technologies to determine the best one Evaluate trade-offs based on various Evaluate a technological innovation that was
Technological Development impacts. to use to complete a given task or meet a perspectives as part of a decision process that met with societal resistance impacting its
need. recognizes the need for careful compromises development.
among competing factors.
3.5.K-2.J Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.I 3.5.9-12.H
Design new technologies that could improve Examine the ways that technology can have Evaluate ways that technology and
their daily lives. both positive and negative effects at the same engineering can impact individuals, society,
time. and the environment.
3.5.9-12.I (ETS)
Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world
problem based on prioritized criteria and
trade-offs that account for a range of
constraints, including cost, safety, reliability,
and aesthetics as well as possible social,
cultural, and environmental impacts.
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.K 3.5.3-5.L 3.5.6-8.J Intentionally Blank
Safely use tools to complete tasks. Demonstrate how tools and machines extend Use tools, materials, and machines to safely
human capabilities, such as holding, lifting, diagnose, adjust, and repair systems.
carrying, fastening, separating, and
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.K Intentionally Blank
Use devices to control technological systems.
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.O Intentionally Blank
Interpret the accuracy of information
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.O Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank
Describe requirements of designing or making
a product or system.
3.5.K-2.P 3.5.3-5.P Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.Q
Discuss that all designs have different Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Implement and critique principles, elements,
characteristics that can be described. existing design solutions, including their own and factors of design.
Design and Design Thinking in Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.R 3.5.9-12.S
Technology and Engineering Develop innovative products and systems that Conduct research to inform intentional
Education solve problems and extend capabilities based inventions and innovations that address
on individual or collective needs and wants. specific needs and wants.
3.5.9-12.T (ETS)
Analyze a major global challenge to specify
qualitative and quantitative criteria and
constraints for solutions that account for
societal needs and wants.
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.S 3.5.6-8.S 3.5.9-12.U
Illustrate that there are multiple approaches Illustrate the benefits and opportunities Evaluate and define the purpose of a design.
to design. associated with different approaches to
3.5.K-2.R Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.T 3.5.9-12.V
Draw connections between technology and Create solutions to problems by identifying Apply principles of human-centered design.
human experience and applying human factors in design.
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.S 3.5.3-5.T 3.5.6-8.U 3.5.9-12.W
Apply design concepts, principles, and Apply universal principles and elements of Evaluate and assess the strengths and Optimize a design by addressing desired
processes through play and exploration design. weaknesses of various design solutions given qualities within criteria and constraints while
established principles and elements of design. considering trade-offs.
3.5.K-2.T 3.5.3-5.U 3.5.6-8.V Intentionally Blank
Demonstrate that designs have requirements. Evaluate designs based on criteria, Refine design solutions to address criteria and
constraints, and standards. constraints.
3.5.6-8.W (ETS)
Define the criteria and constraints of a design
problem with sufficient precision to ensure a
successful solution, taking into account
relevant scientific principles and potential
impacts on people and the natural
environment that may limit possible solutions.
Design and Design Thinking in 3.5.K-2.U 3.5.3-5.V 3.5.6-8.X 3.5.9-12.X
Technology and Engineering
Explain that design is a response to wants and Interpret how good design improves the Defend decisions related to a design problem. Implement the best possible solution to a
needs human condition. design using an explicit process.
3.5.9-12.Y (ETS)
Design a solution to a complex real-world
problem by breaking it down into smaller,
more manageable problems that can be
solved through engineering.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.Z
Recognize and explain how their community
and the world around them informs
technological development and engineering
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.AA
Safely apply an appropriate range of making
skills to a design thinking process.
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.Y 3.5.9-12.BB
Compare, contrast, and identify overlap Assess how similarities and differences among
between the contributions of science, scientific, technological, engineering, and
technology, engineering, and mathematics in mathematical knowledge and skills
the development of technological systems. contributed to the design of a product or
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.Z Intentionally Blank
Analyze how different technological systems
often interact with economic, environmental,
and social systems.
3.5.K-2.V 3.5.3-5.W 3.5.6-8.AA 3.5.9-12.CC
Explain that materials are selected for use Describe the properties of different materials. Adapt and apply an existing product, system, Analyze how technology transfer occurs when
because they possess desirable properties and or process to solve a problem in a different a user applies an existing innovation
characteristics. setting. developed for one function for a different
Integration of Knowledge, purpose.
Technologies, and Practices
3.5.K-2.W 3.5.3-5.X 3.5.6-8.BB 3.5.9-12.DD
Apply concepts and skills from technology and Explain how various relationships can exist Demonstrate how knowledge gained from Develop a plan that incorporates knowledge
engineering activities that reinforce concepts between technology and engineering and other content areas affects the development from science, mathematics, and other
and skills across multiple areas. other content areas. of technological products and systems. disciplines to design or improve a
technological product or system.
3.5.K-2.X 3.5.3-5.Y Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.EE
Develop a plan in order to complete a task. Identify the resources needed to get a Connect technological and engineering
technical job done, such as people, materials, progress to the advancement of other areas of
capital, tools, machines, knowledge, energy, knowledge and vice versa.
and time
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.Z Intentionally Blank 3.5.9-12.FF
Create a new product that improves Evaluate how technology enhances
someone's life. opportunities for new products and services
through globalization.
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.56-8.CC 3.5.9-12.GG
Consider historical factors that have Evaluate how technology and engineering
contributed to the development of have been powerful forces in reshaping the
technologies and human progress. social, cultural, political, and economic
landscapes throughout history.
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.CC 3.5.6-8.FF 3.5.9-12.MM
Describe how a subsystem is a system that Demonstrate how systems thinking involves Troubleshoot and improve a flawed system
operates as a part of another larger system. considering relationships between every part, embedded within a larger technological,
as well as how the systems interact with the social, or environmental system.
environment in which it is used.
Intentionally Blank Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.GG Intentionally Blank
Create an open-loop system that has no
feedback path and requires human
Nature and Characteristics of intervention.
Technology and Engineering
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.DD 3.5.6-8.HH Intentionally Blank
Demonstrate how simple technologies are Create a closed-loop system that has a
Core Concepts of Technology often combined to form more complex feedback path and requires no human
and Engineering systems. intervention.
Intentionally Blank 3.5.3-5.EE 3.5.6-8.II 3.5.9-12.NN
History of Technology Explain how solutions to problems are shaped Predict outcomes of a future product or Analyze the rate of technological and
by economic, political, and cultural forces. system at the beginning of the design process. engineering development and predict future
diffusion and adoption of new innovations and
3.5.K-2.AA Intentionally Blank 3.5.6-8.JJ Intentionally Blank
Demonstrate that creating can be done by Apply informed problem-solving strategies to
anyone. the improvement of existing devices or
processes or the development of new
3.5 Technology & Engineering
K–2 3–5 6–8 9–12
3.5.K-2.BB 3.5.3-5.FF 3.5.6-8.KK Intentionally Blank
Compare the natural world and human-made Compare how things found in nature differ Explain how technology and engineering are
world. from things that are human-made, noting closely linked to creativity, which can result in
differences and similarities in how they are both intended and unintended innovations.
produced and used.
Describe the unique relationship between
science and technology, and how the natural
world can contribute to the human-made
world to foster innovation.
Nature and Characteristics of
Technology and Engineering
Implement quality control as a planned
process to ensure that a product, service, or
system meets established criteria.