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Rikki-Tikki-Tavi-part 2 Analysis

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Name: ___________________________ Date___________________

Worksheet: Literary Analysis of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Part 2

Part 1: Understanding the Themes

Answer the following questions about the themes of the story.

1. Courage and Bravery:

o How does Rikki-tikki demonstrate bravery throughout the story?
Provide one specific example from the text.


2. Good vs. Evil:

o Who represents good and who represents evil in the story? What
qualities define them?


3. Loyalty and Protection:

o Why is Rikki-tikki so loyal to the human family? How does he show his
loyalty in the story?


4. Survival and Instinct:

o Describe how Rikki-tikki's natural instincts as a mongoose help him
survive in his encounters with Nag and Nagaina.


Part 2: Character Analysis

Fill in the chart with details about each character.
Part 3: Literary Devices

Match the literary device to its example from the story.


Part 4: Tone and Mood

1. Tone:
o What is the tone of the story? How does Kipling create a serious and
suspenseful tone through the characters’ actions and dialogue?


2. Mood:
o How does the story make you feel during Rikki-tikki’s battles with the
cobras? Describe the mood of the story in one or two words.


Part 5: Sequence of Events

Put the following events in the correct order.

a. Rikki-tikki kills Nag in the bathroom.

b. Rikki-tikki fights Nagaina near the cobra’s nest.
c. Rikki-tikki saves Teddy’s family from the cobras.
d. Rikki-tikki hears Darzee’s warning and avoids an attack from Nagaina.
e. Nagaina seeks revenge after Nag’s death.





5. _________________________________________________________________

Part 6: Comprehension Questions

Answer the following questions based on your reading of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.

1. Why is it significant that Rikki-tikki’s tail puffed up like a bottlebrush when he

got angry?


2. How does Kipling use the dialogue between the animals to make the story more


3. What makes Rikki-tikki’s battle against Nag and Nagaina so dangerous? What is
at stake for him and the human family?


4. How does the setting of the garden contribute to the story's theme of survival?


Part 7: Reflection

In a few sentences, explain what lesson or message you think Kipling was trying to
convey through the story of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. How does the story relate to real-life


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