Fundamentals of IT & Operating System 2021 - MUST
Fundamentals of IT & Operating System 2021 - MUST
Fundamentals of IT & Operating System 2021 - MUST
2, 2021
General Objectives ...........................................................................................11
Specific Objectives ..........................................................................................11
• General Concepts about Computers ..........................................................11
• Computer Hardware. ..................................................................................11
HARDWARE ...............................................................................................13
SOFTWARE ................................................................................................13
TYPES OF COMPUTERS...........................................................................14
SUPERCOMPUTERS .................................................................................14
MAINFRAME COMPUTERS ....................................................................15
MICROCOMPUTERS .................................................................................15
COMMON USES OF COMPUTERS IN DAILY LIFE .............................17
USE OF COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION ..................................................17
USE OF COMPUTERS IN AIRLINE SERVICES .....................................18
USE OF COMPUTERS IN BANKING SERVICES...................................18
USE OF COMPUTERS IN MEDICAL SERVICES ...................................18
COMPUTER HARDWARE ...........................................................................18
WHAT IS COMPUTER HARDWARE? .....................................................19
INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES .......................................................................19
INPUT DEVICES ........................................................................................19
OUTPUT DEVICES ....................................................................................21
THE SYSTEM UNIT ...................................................................................23
SECONDARY STORAGE DEVICES ........................................................27
INFORMATION SECURITY .....................................................................29
MALICIOUS SOFTWARE .........................................................................31
OBJECTIVES ..............................................................................................39
General Objectives .......................................................................................39
Specific Objectives .......................................................................................39
Module Two: Operating Systems (WINDOWS 10) 40
OVERVIEW OF OPERATING SYSTEMS ...................................................40
SYSTEM SOFTWARE ...................................................................................40
OPERATING SYSTEM (OS) .........................................................................40
Popular operating systems ............................................................................42
Get started with windows 10 ...........................................................................44
Introduction to windows 10..........................................................................44
EXPLORING WINDOWS 10 .........................................................................49
Figure 1 operation of a computer system .................................................................................12
Figure 2 computer system ........................................................................................................13
Figure 3 System software and Application software ...............................................................14
Figure 4 Supercomputer ...........................................................................................................15
Figure 5 Mainframe..................................................................................................................15
Figure 6 Desk top computer .....................................................................................................16
Figure 7 Laptop ........................................................................................................................16
Figure 8 Tablets and Smartphone ............................................................................................17
Figure 9 Computer Haredware .................................................................................................19
Figure 10 Keyboard..................................................................................................................20
Figure 11 Mouse ......................................................................................................................20
Figure 12 Scanner ....................................................................................................................21
Figure 13 Microphone ..............................................................................................................21
Figure 14 Output devices .........................................................................................................22
Figure 15 Monitor ....................................................................................................................22
Figure 16 Printer ......................................................................................................................23
Figure 17 Speakers/Headphones ..............................................................................................23
Figure 18 System Unit .............................................................................................................23
Figure 19 Motherboard ............................................................................................................24
Figure 20 Central Processing Unit ...........................................................................................24
Figure 21 Arithmetic-Logic Unit .............................................................................................25
Figure 22 Primary memory ......................................................................................................25
Figure 23 RAM ........................................................................................................................26
Figure 24 ROM ........................................................................................................................27
Figure 25 SECONDARY STORAGE DEVICES ....................................................................27
Figure 26 Hard disk ..................................................................................................................28
Figure 27 Compact disc ...........................................................................................................28
Figure 28 CD-RW (Compact Disc-Rewritable) .......................................................................29
Figure 29 DIGITAL VERSATILE DISC (DVD) ....................................................................29
Figure 30 Flash drive ...............................................................................................................29
Figure 31 INFORMATION SECURITY .................................................................................30
Figure 32 The Password ...........................................................................................................30
Figure 33 Malicious software...................................................................................................31
Figure 34 Viruses .....................................................................................................................32
Figure 35 Worms......................................................................................................................32
Figure 36 Trojan Horse ............................................................................................................33
Figure 37 Phishing ...................................................................................................................33
Figure 38 The backup ...............................................................................................................34
Figure 39 Local Backup ...........................................................................................................35
Figure 40 Cloud Storage ..........................................................................................................35
Figure 41 Copyright .................................................................................................................36
Figure 42 Windows 10 .............................................................................................................40
Figure 43 User Interface windows 10 ......................................................................................41
Figure 44 Command Line Interface .........................................................................................41
Figure 45 Run Applications .....................................................................................................42
Figure 46 Microsoft windows ..................................................................................................42
General Objectives
In this session, students will get introduce to General Concepts about Computers and Hardware and
operating system.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this Session, you should be able to understand:
• Computer Hardware.
• What is Computer Hardware?
• Input/Output Devices
• The System Unit
• Secondary Storage Devices
Today, Computers play an increasingly important role in our daily life. Computers are affecting every
sphere of human activity and bringing about many changes in industry, government, education,
medicine, scientific research, arts, painting and even entertainment and gaming. Therefore, it is
beneficial for every person to know about computer, its uses, benefits and how to utilize it in personal
& professional life.
A Computer is an electronic device that accepts Input (data and instructions), Processes it, and
produces Output as required. Thus a computer is capable to receive user instructions, process the
instructions, and provide the desired results back to the user. The diagram below depicts the operation
of a computer system (Figure 1).
When we enter: 1 , + , and 2 as Input. The computer will process the input and display 3 as output.
Hardware consists of all the physical equipments that are tangible in a computer system.
These are the actual physical devices that perform the tasks. Hardware includes Keyboard, Mouse,
Screen, Microprocessor, Memory, Hard disk, etc. Different Hardware parts will be discussed later in
this session.
Computers can’t do anything on their own, they need specific step-by-step instructions or directions to
perform any task.
Software is a Set of Instructions (Programs) that tells the computer what to do. It directs and controls
operations of the computer so that the desired task is done.
Unlike hardware, software is not a physical entity. It is set of instructions processed by computer
hardware. There are two types of software: System software and Application software (Figure 3).
Based on its speed and size, computer systems are usually classified into three types:
• Super Computers.
• Mainframe Computers.
• Microcomputers.
In this section, you will learn about Supercomputer and Mainframe computer, followed by
Microcomputers in detail.
A Supercomputer is a computer that has complex hardware configuration with high-level
computational capacity. It is useful when a huge amount of data needs to be processed in a short time.
A Supercomputer is mostly used for scientific and engineering purposes, such as weather forecasting,
bio-medical research and large-scale chemical analysis in laboratories, etc (Figure 4).
A Mainframe computer (Figure 5) is a large central computer with more memory, storage space, and
processing power, but is generally less powerful than a supercomputer.
Mainframes are used by large organizations for large-scale jobs. For example, insurance companies use
mainframes to process information about millions of policyholders. A Mainframe computer is capable
of supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of users simultaneously.
Figure 5 Mainframe
The Microcomputer has a compact Hardware. It is small in size and the most commonly used type of
computer. It is affordable and very useful for almost every business and individual for a variety of
tasks. Microcomputers are further categorized as below, based on the size of hardware:
In 1981, IBM came up with first personal computer known as IBM 5150.projects, from inception to realization.
Figure 7 Laptop
It provides easy Internet browsing, personal organizer, checking emails and many useful everyday
applications. Nowadays, a smartphone has many features to match the ability of a microcomputer.
Tablets are typically larger than smartphones with a screen size of 7 inches (18 cm) or larger.
• Teachers use computers for instructing students to achieve easy understanding of concepts, such as
using PowerPoint slides.
• Use of the Learning Management System (LMS) e.g., Blackboard, for excellent management of
Teaching-Learning Processes, such as:
o Planning and keeping track of learner progress.
o Collecting student’s assignments.
o Enabling students to learn new skills at any time on their own pace.
o By the use of graphics, audio, video, etc., learning contents are more interesting, interactive
and easy to understand.
• Computers are especially transforming the Testing & Evaluation process from traditional paper-based
examinations to the advanced Online Examinations.
• E-libraries and Computer based Library Management System have changed the studies, research and
teaching approach.
• Banks use computers to keep track of customers and their account information.
• Computers help tellers to record all banking transactions, analyze them and prepare reports.
• Diagnosis
• Prescription & Treatment
• Surgeries
• Monitoring and Analysis
• Hospital Management,
• Patient Records & Health status, etc.
• Billing and Financial System.
You know that a computer system comprises of Hardware & Software. In this section, you will explore
basic microcomputer hardware parts.
How do you give data to a computer? How do you get information from it? How do computers interact
with people? We input text and even speech into a computer, but never think about the relationship
between what we enter and what the computer processes. We understand languages that consist of
letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. However, computers can understand only the Binary Machine
Language consisting of only 0 and 1.
Input devices translate numbers, letters, and actions that we understand into a form that computers can
process. For example, while writing a letter on a computer, you use the Keyboard to enter text and the
Mouse to give commands. While there exists a variety of input devices, the following are some of the
basic and commonly used input devices.
A computer keyboard (Figure 10) resembles a common typewriter style device. It is an input device
used to enter alphabets, numbers and special characters, as well as keys for specific functions. A
keyboard is connected to a computer system using a cable or a wireless connection. Keyboards on
Figure 10 Keyboard
A Computer Mouse (Figure 11) is a small hand-held pointing device which controls movement of a
Cursor or Pointer on a display screen. It allows users to control and direct computers, select on-screen
options, etc. A Mouse usually has two buttons, a scroll wheel and uses laser or a ball, to control the
movement of the pointer. While the mouse is usually connected to a system unit with a cable, wireless
mouse have become common these days.
Figure 11 Mouse
Scanner (Figure 12) is used to scan information such as photographs and documents and translate it
into a digital image. There are different types of scanners, but the flatbed scanners, as shown in the
picture, are commonly used.
Figure 12 Scanner
A Microphone (Figure 13) is an audio input device that converts sound signals into a form that can be
processed by a computer. A mic is commonly used with computers to record audio or communicate
over the Internet. Further, it can also be used to direct & control computers (to some extent) using a
Voice Recognition System. It also enables us to enter text into computers by directly speaking into it,
which is termed as ‘Speech-to-text.
Figure 13 Microphone
Output devices (Figure 13) are used by the computer system to give us the output. They receive data
from a computer and produce output through monitors, speakers, printers, etc. For example, a printer
produces information in the form of a hard copy printout. Another example of an output device is a
computer monitor, which displays an image that is stored in a computer. Monitors and printers are two
of the most common output devices used with a computer.
A Monitor (Figure 15) is similar to a TV screen. It converts the information processed by the computer
into visual images and displays it to the user. The output of a Monitor is referred to as a soft copy.
Figure 15 Monitor
A printer (Figure 16) enables you to take the information processed by the computer on to paper.
Printer output is called a hard copy.
Figure 16 Printer
Speakers or Headphones are the audio output devices, that play sound output from a computer. For
example, playing an audio file, text-to-speech, system notifications, etc.
17 Speakers/Headphones Figure
Motherboard, also known as system board, is the communication medium for the entire computer
system. It is a flat circuit board where every hardware component, such as CPU, Memory, Hard disk,
etc. are connected. All hardware devices communicate with one another through the motherboard.
Figure 19 Motherboard
Primary memory
Before instructions can be processed by a CPU, they are stored along with other data in computer
memory. Computer memory is the storage space in a computer where data is processed and stored. All
computers have some amount of memory consisting of chips. Memory is measured in terms of bytes.
Random-Access Memory (RAM) holds programs (instructions) and data currently required by the CPU
to process. RAM is called temporary or Volatile storage as everything in RAM is lost when the
computer is switched off. When we save a file in a computer (e.g. a letter) it is copied from the RAM
and stored onto a permanent storage device, like the hard disk of the computer. Thus, the RAM
functions as a scratch pad memory to save the information temporarily. Most computers today are
equipped with at least 4 GB of RAM. Extra memory can be added to a computer by plugging new
memory chips inside the system unit.
Figure 23 RAM
Read-Only Memory (ROM) is a permanent memory having built-in programs from the manufacturer.
ROM chips contain instructions for booting of the computer. Unlike RAM, ROM is non-volatile i.e.,
data in ROM is not lost when the computer is turned off. The information in ROM can’t be deleted or
Figure 24 ROM
Hard disk
Flash drive
These are removable and rewritable storage devices, which allow you to copy, transfer and erase data
several times. Flash drives are available in different storage capacities. Generally, its storage capacity
ranges from 1 GB to 2 TB.
We have information stored in our computers or on the Internet, but is it safe and private? There are
various information security procedures to ensure that our information is safe, protected, private,
accurate and available. The following are some of the information security procedures that we should
understand and practice.
The password
A Password is a set of characters (letters, numbers and special characters) used to get access to a
computer, web page, network resource or data.
Malicious software, also known as Malware, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer or the
privacy of users. The harm done by malware can vary from something slight as changing the author’s
name on a document to full access of your machine without being traced.
A computer virus is a malicious program that attaches itself to a file or a program, enabling it to spread
and infect different files. Viruses can be transmitted as attachments to an e-mail or in a downloaded
file. Viruses are attached to an executable file, which means the virus may exist on a system but will
not be active or able to spread until a user runs or opens the malicious host file or program.
Figure 34 Viruses
Worms are standalone malicious software and do not require a host program or human help to spread.
It replicates its functional copies and can consume system memory and network bandwidth, which in
turn slows down or causes failure of the computer/network system.
Figure 35 Worms
Spyware is classified as privacy-invasive software. The most common spyware function is to steal
personal information and address book (identity theft and keystroke-logging). It hijacks the browser
and redirects it to advertising web pages.
Trojan Horse
A Trojan is another type of malware. It is a harmful piece of software that looks genuine. Users are
typically tricked into loading and executing it on their systems. After it is activated, it can achieve any
number of attacks on the host, from irritating the user (popping up windows or changing desktops) to
damaging the host (deleting files or activating and spreading other malware). Trojans are also known to
create back doors to give malicious user access to the system.
Phishing is an un-authorized attempt to obtain vital information such as usernames, passwords, and
credit card details by hackers masked as trustworthy entities in an electronic communication. Often the
attackers use fake e-mails or websites in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private
Figure 37 Phishing
To stay protected from malicious software:
• Be aware of common virus symptoms and the ways they attack.
• Be aware of suspicious, new process names in the list of running processes.
• Avoid using the “auto-run” option in Windows OS for portable drives.
• Use anti-spyware software, anti-virus software and scan and update regularly.
• Always be wary of strange e-mails, especially ones with attachments.
• While browsing the internet, always confirm what you click, download
and install.
The backup
Backup is the activity of storing multiple copies of important files, databases or software so that the
information is preserved in case of computer failure, hard disk crash or other disasters.
Copyright is the ownership of an intellectual property within the limits prescribed by a national or
international law. This ownership protection is available for both published and unpublished works. A
copyright law grants ownership rights to the owner exclusively. These rights include:
Activity 1
Choose the correct option for the following statements.
1. Another name for a desktop computer is .
a. Mainframe computer
b. Tablet PC
c. Personal computer
d. Parallel computer
2. Which one of the following is not an input device?
a. Scanner
b. Mouse
c. Keyboard
d. Speaker
3. This part tells the rest of the computer system to carry out
a. Arithmetic Logical Unit
b. Control Unit
c. Microphones
d. Read Only Memory
Activity 2
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words provided in the box.
1. has built-in programs from the manufacturer.
2. is recorded once but can be read several times.
3. is often termed as the “brain” of a computer.
4. Everything in is deleted when the computer is switched off.
General Objectives
In this session, you will learn about the Overview of Operating Systems and Getting Started with
Windows 10.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this session, you should be able to understand and practice:
The Overview of Operating Systems
• System Software
• Operating System(OS)
• Popular Operating Systems
Getting started with Windows 10
• Introduction to Windows 10
• New features of Windows 10
Exploring Windows 10
• Signing in to Windows 10
• Exploring the Windows 10 PC Screen
• Exploring the Taskbar
• Exploring the New Start Menu
A software specially designed to Control and Manage hardware devices is called System Software. It is
usually a collection of programs that handle technical details of computer operations. It mainly works
in the background and requires little or no user interference.
Operating System is the most common System Software, which entirely controls and manages a
computer system, such as PC, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, etc. Another example of System
Software is a Device Driver software, which controls the operations of a particular device, such as
Printer Driver software.
Figure 42 Windows 10
Many older operating systems use a character based interface called Command Line Interface (CLI),
which involves typing written commands to computers.
Run Applications
The Operating System loads and runs applications (or apps), such as Microsoft Edge or MS Word.
Most Operating systems support multitasking, which allows to run multiple apps simultaneously and
switching between them.
Figure 47 Apple macintosh
Another famous name in the operating systems category is
Linux. The specialty of Linux is that it’s an Open Source OS, which means it is freely distributable. It
can be customized and used with different types of computers, tablets or smartphones.
Figure 48 LINUX
Android is one of the Linux based operating systems developed by Google and the Open Handset
Alliance (OHA), a coalition of more than 30 hardware, software and telecom companies. It is designed
primarily for mobile and touch screen devices such as Smartphones and Tablets. Android’s User
Interface is mainly based on touch gestures that correspond to real world actions, such as swiping,
tapping and pinching along with a Virtual keyboard for text input.
Figure 49 ANDROID
Introduction to windows 10
Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft’s Windows operating system. It is a major shift from the
previous versions of Windows. It has been essentially modernized to support the touch devices and pen
input. Lots of enhancements and useful new features have been added to it. The following parts will
take you through the Windows 10 Operating System.
Signing in to windows 10
To interact with Windows 10, you need to first pass through a security gate – the Sign-In screen or
Welcome Screen. You need to have a user account, which can be a local account that exists only on
your computer or an online Microsoft account.
Usually, you have a Lock screen, when you turn ON or return back to your PC. To sign in to Windows,
you need to dismiss the Lock Screen by clicking anywhere or pressing any key on the keyboard. You
get the Welcome screen with the Username and Picture of the most recent user account in the center
along with a Password entry box. A list of user accounts on the computer are shown in the lower left
corner. You can click on any of these to choose and bring it to the center. To Sign In, enter your
password in the box below the account name and press Enter key (or click on the Arrow button to the
right of the password box.) If you have not set a password for your user account, a Sign in button will
appear below your account name.
Windows ink
As the world is moving towards the mobile and touch based computing, Windows 10 has introduced
the Windows Ink feature. It allows you to use pen input in different apps or annotate on snapshot of
your current screen. If you have a touch screen device, the Windows Ink icon appears in the
Notification Area of the Taskbar by default. Otherwise, to activate it, you need to Right-Click on the
Taskbar and choose “Show Windows Ink workspace button.”
When you click on Windows Ink icon, a side bar of the Windows Ink workspace appears, which
usually has the following options:
A- Sticky Notes: Allows you to create brief sticky notes by using pen tools such as adding a schedule
reminder. Windows uses character recognition (or handwriting recognition) to read your sticky notes.
B- Sketchpad: Enables you to create free hand drawings with pen tools and save it as an image file.
C- Screen Sketch: Allows you to draw or annotate on snapshot of the current screen.
D- Get More Pen Apps: You can click on “Get more pen apps” link to open the windows store and
download desired pen apps.
Cortana or search
Cortana is another enhancement in Windows 10. Cortana is a voice-activated personal digital assistant,
which provides relevant suggestions and alerts. The more you use Cortana, the more personalized your
experience will be.
For example, you can use Cortana to find files/apps on computers, search the internet, send emails, help
out with navigation, setting reminders, and more.
Cortana is available only in certain countries or regions. Cortana is accessible from the Search box at
the taskbar right next to the Start button. You can command Cortana by either typing in the search box
or by clicking on the mic button to talk to Cortana. You can also say “Hey, Cortana” to activate mic
input for Cortana.
When Cortana is not available, it’s replaced with the Windows Search, helping you to search for apps,
files, folders, and settings on your computer.
You are now ready to explore Windows 10 more closely. The topics in this section will help you to
explore each user interface element of Windows 10, such as Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Menu.
Exploring the windows 10 pc screen
Once you Sign In, you land on the Windows 10 PC Screen. It is the place where you interact with
Windows 10. It hosts the tools you use most often while working with your PC. Basically, the
Windows 10 PC Screen has:
A- The Desktop: The major part of the Windows 10 interface screen is the Desktop. As the name suggests,
it is like your home or work desk, where you organize your stuff. Similarly, on Windows 10 Desktop,
you can organize your files, folders or apps in the form of Icons. You can personalize your Windows 10
desktop to suite your preferences, as you personalize your home or work desk. Thus, you can auto
arrange Icons on the Desktop, change the Desktop Wallpaper, etc. You will learn to personalize the
Desktop later in Session 5.
Whereas, the right side of the taskbar has the Notification Area, containing:
D- Notifications icon: It notifies you of the system and app events such as new emails arrived or system
updates are installed. Clicking on the Notification icon opens the Notification and Action Center pane.
Figure 59 start menu
Change Account Settings: This allows you to open the Account's Settings, where you can Set or
Change Picture for your User Account, Change Password, etc.
Settings Icon
The Settings Icon allows you to open the Windows Settings App. Windows 10 has a new approach to
configure various settings of your computer. Windows Settings App provides an easy way to set your
computer according to your preferences. It has Settings Categories such as Personalization, Accounts,
etc. Personalization Settings are discussed in Session 5 and different Computer Settings are discussed
in Session 6.
Power Button
As the name suggests, the Power Button allows you to Shut Down, Restart or put your computer to
Sleep State.
A- Sleep: This allows you to put your computer to Sleep Mode. Sleep Mode keeps your work, files, apps
active in its state, turns off the monitor and puts the computer in a Power Saving State. When you
wake the computer up, the monitor turns on and Lock Screen appears. By signing in you can resume
your work from the same state.
B- Shut Down: This closes all open apps, files, processes, signs out all the users in an orderly manner and
then turns off the computer.
C- Restart: This shuts down the computer and starts it again. Restarting is sometimes necessary after
installing Windows updates.
A- Recently added: The apps that are recently installed are listed here.
B- Most used: The apps that you use most are listed here. The list is updated based on your usage of apps.
C- Alphabetical apps list: This presents all the apps available on the PC in alphabetic order allowing you to
quickly locate the apps.
To open an app, scroll the All Apps List to locate the app and click on it. The app opens in its window.
If an app has multiple tools or there is an apps suit, a small arrow is shown next to it.
You can drag the tiles in Start screen, Resize or Turn live tile off. You can Unpin a tile or Pin more
new tiles for your apps.
Figure 65 Pin Tiles to Start Screen
4- In the Start Menu, Right Click on the tile you want to Unpin.
5- Choose Unpin from Start in the shortcut menu that appears.
Resize Tiles
Tiles can be square or rectangular in shape. You can resize tiles to be Small, Medium, Large, or Wide.
2 3
To change the width or height of the Start menu, follow the steps given below:
4- Open the Start Menu, Point to the right border (or the top border) of the Start Menu.
5- The mouse pointer changes to a two-headed arrow, Drag the border to resize the Start menu as
If you are using Windows 10 on a touch based PC or on a tablet, it will automatically load into the
tablet mode. The Tablet mode is specially designed to navigate and launch items by using touches and
gestures. In tablet mode, most of the Windows interface components will be more visual and user
friendly. You might find using the new interface difficult at first. However, a little practice makes it
more enjoyable. The Tablet mode screen is briefed here.
A- Tile Based Start Screen: In the tablet mode, the Tile Based Start Screen takes the whole screen and you
don’t see the desktop as in the desktop mode. As discussed, it has the tiles of the apps you use
B- Basic Start Menu: The Basic Start Menu in the tablet mode remains almost same as in the desktop
mode, except the All Apps icon is added to it on top. You need to click on it to see your apps. The All
Apps list is also tile based now, instead of a simple list of All Apps as in desktop mode.
C- The Back Key: Another important change in the tablet mode is the Back Key. Usually you use this key to
return to either the previous app or to the Start Screen.
To toggle the Tablet mode ON/OFF, follow the steps given below:
1- Click the Notifications and Action Center icon to open the Action Center.
General Objectives
In this Session, you will learn about Personalizing Windows 10 and Managing Content and App
Specific Objectives
At the end of this session, you should be able to understand and practice:
Personalizing Windows 10
• Personalize the Desktop
• Themes
• Personalize the Lock Screen
• Personalize the Start Menu
• Personalize the Taskbar
Managing Content and App Windows
• A Window and an Active window
• Common Characteristics of windows
• Arranging Multiple windows
• Switching between windows
Personalizing windows 10
Having explored the Windows 10, you might be excited with the pleasant design and colors it has by
default, or you might want to customize it to your own preferences.
Windows 10 offers great personalization options for your windows environment. You can personalize
the Desktop, the Start Menu, the Taskbar, and even the Lock Screen. Now you will go through the
Personalization options in windows 10.
Personalize the desktop
As discussed, you use the Windows 10 Desktop as your personal desk. Windows 10 Desktop is the
place you see often while you work on your PC. Therefore, it’s a good idea to personalize your desktop
the way you wish. You can personalize your desktop in many ways such as Resizing Icons, Arranging
Icons, or Changing the Desktop Background.
Resizing desktop icons
Windows 10 provides three views for the desktop icons; Large icons, Medium icons and Small icons.
To change the view of the Desktop Icons, follow the steps given below:
1- Right Click on an empty area of the desktop, the shortcut menu appears.
3- Choose the desired view option for the icons from the menu that
3- Choose the desired sort option from the menu that appears.
In Windows 10, you can personalize your desktop background by choosing a Picture, a Solid color, or a
Slideshow of pictures.
Keyboard Shortcut: You can also open the Personalization Settings by right clicking on the desktop and
choosing Personalize.
If you want to choose a picture from your You can also right-click on the picture file and
computer, click on Browse button, the file Open select Set as desktop background.
dialog box appears. Locate and select your
picture and click on the Choose Picture button.
Figure 77 Slideshow Background
You can set the Shuffle option ON to display the pictures in the Slideshow in random order.
The Themes option in Personalization settings allows you to change the appearance of various user
interface elements of Windows at once. A Theme is like a personalization package containing the
desktop backgrounds, colors, screen savers, and even system sounds. Applying a theme instantly
changes the look and feel of the Windows environment.
To change the Theme, open the Personalization settings and follow the steps given below:
1- Click Themes option from the Personalization pane in the left.
2- Choose a Theme of your choice from the available themes.
Figure 78 Theme
The link “Get more themes online” allows you to download more themes from the Microsoft website.
Windows 10 allows you to show detailed status of any one app and quick status of up to seven apps on the
Lock Screen.
To set an App to show detailed status on Lock Screen, open the Personalization settings and follow the
steps given below:
1- Click Lock Screen option from the Personalization pane in the left.
1- Click Lock Screen option from the Personalization pane in the left.
2- Click on any of the plus sign icon or existing app icon under the Choose apps to show quick status. The
list of supported apps appears.
3- Choose the app of your choice to show the quick status.
1 3
4 6
Cascade windows
This arrangement shows multiple open windows overlapped one over the other.
To cascade Windows,
1- Right click on empty area of the Taskbar and choose the Cascade windows option from the menu that
A- All open windows are cascaded
To snap a window to a quarter screen, drag the window title bar until the pointer touches a corner of the
screen and release.
General Objectives
In this Session, you will understand Managing Folders & Files and Computer Settings.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this Session, you should be able to understand and Practice:
Managing Files and Folders
• Understand Files, Folders, and Libraries
• File Explorer of Windows 10
• The Home Tab
• The View Tab
Managing Computer Settings
• Time & Language Settings
• System Information
• Task Manager
The Ribbon
In Windows 10, the File Explorer incorporates the Ribbon similar to the one featured in the Microsoft
Office applications. The Ribbon contains buttons and commands for the most common tasks.
The File Explorer Ribbon has the following four tabs, each with different commands:
A- File tab: It actually opens the File menu that has options like managing the File Explorer window or
customize the File Explorer.
B- Home tab: It has most of the tools to organize files and folders.
C- Share tab: It has the options like Share, Email, Print, or Compress a file or folder.
D- View tab: It has the options to configure the layout of the File Explorer window.
E- Navigation buttons: The Back, Forward and Up buttons on the left allows you to move through recently
opened folder locations easily.
F- Address bar: To the right of the navigation buttons, the long Address bar displays an icon and the full
path to the current folder.
G- Refresh button: On the Address bar, the Refresh button refreshes the display of the contents pane.
H- Search box: In the right side, the Search box gives access to the file or folder search feature of Windows
10. Entering a term in the Search box adds a new Search tab in the File Explorer ribbon with various
search tools.
Navigation pane
The vertical pane that opens by default on the left side of the File Explorer window, displays a
hierarchical view of the physical and virtual storage structures available in the computer. The
Navigation pane allows you to browse folders and files on your computer or on a network. The
Navigation pane displays the following nodes:
A- Quick Access: The Quick Access node contains links to folders and libraries that you access frequently.
You can also pin any folder location here to access it quickly.
B- This PC: This PC node contains links to your user account-specifc folders, and to the physical storage
locations that are installed in or connected to your computer.
C- Network: The Network node displays a representation of other computers on your local area network.
When you click on This PC node, Network node, or Homegroup node from the Navigation Pane, The Home tab
and Share tab are replaced with the tab of the respective node.
Content pane
In File Explorer, the Content Pane displays files and folders stored in the currently selected folder or
storage device. It displays the contents of the selected folder as a textual or iconic list. The Content
Pane in the initial File Explorer interface has the following two sections, for easy access to recently
opened files or folders.
A- Frequent folders section: It lists the folders you’ve worked with recently, for quick access to them.
B- Recent files section: It lists files and documents that you’ve opened recently.
When you click on the Quick Access node in the Navigation pane, the Frequent folders section and the Recent
files section appear in the content pane.
Figure 100 Pin to quick access button
Clipboard group
When you cut or copy a folder or file, the item is moved to a storage area called the Clipboard. This
facilitates you to paste one or more copies of it elsewhere. In addition to copying files and folders to
other locations, you can also make copies of files in the original folder.
Organize group
The organize group facilitates you to perform different operations such as Copy, Move, Rename and
Delete in an efficient way.
1 5
Delete button
You can Recycle or permanently delete files or folders that you don’t need any more.
To delete a file or folder, follow the steps given below:
1- In File Explorer, select your file or folder.
2 4
If you want to delete multiple items at once, select them and press DELETE key on your keyboard.
To Rename, press: F2
New group
The New group facilitates you to create new Folders or Files as per your requirement.
Select group
The Select group facilitates you to select multiple files or folders from the content pane.
To select a single file or folder, you can simply click on it.
Select All
To select all the items in a folder, follow the steps given below:
1- Click on the Home tab in File Explorer.
2- Click Select all option from the Select group.
1 2
Press CTRL+A on your keyboard to select all the files and folders.
Panes group
The Panes group facilitates you to apply different options to the Navigation Pane available on the left
of the File Explorer. It further facilitates you to access Details or Preview panes.
2 1
For each folder in Windows 10, you can set a custom layout, i.e. change how the contents of a folder
are displayed. The options in the Layout group allows you to choose whether the contents of a folder
are displayed as icons of various sizes such as Extra-Large, Large, Medium, Small icons or as a List,
Details, Tiles or Content view.
To change the folder layout, follow the steps given below:
1. Click on the View tab in File Explorer.
2. Select the desired View option from the Layout group.
1 1
By default, the Libraries are hidden in Windows File Explorer. If you want to show the Libraries node
in the navigation pane,
follow the steps given below:
1. Click on the View tab in File Explorer.
2. Click on the Navigation Pane button in the panes group.
3. Click on Show Libraries to make them visible.
Figure 122 Show libraries
Figure 123 Creating a New Library
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Windows key + E – Open a new File Explorer window.
•ALT + P – Show or hide the Preview pane.
•ALT + Shift + P – Show or hide the Details pane.
•ALT + Left arrow key – Move back one folder in your history.
•ALT + Up arrow key – Move up one folder in the folder tree.
•CTRL + N – Open a new File Explorer window from within the File Explore.
•CTRL + E – Activate the Search bar.
•CTRL + Shift + N – Create a new folder in the current folder.
•CTRL + Mouse wheel – Increase or decrease the size of icons or thumbnails
To Change the date and time manually, follow the steps given below:
1. Select the Date & Time option from Time & Language settings.
2. Switch OFF the Set time automatically option.
3. Click the Change button.
4. In the Change date and time window, modify the date and time, and click on the Change button to
bring the changes into effect.
1 2
The Languages option allows you to install new languages. You may add new languages to the
operating system depending on the version of Windows that is installed on the computer. Click on Add
a Language and you’ll be presented with a list of more than 140 languages to choose from. These
languages may be set to the default system language.
The Related Settings, Additional date, Time and regional settings take you to the Control Panel
where you can change the language, region and date and time of your PC in the old classic way, you
used to do in the previous versions of Windows.
Add a Language
To add a new Language, follow the steps given below:
1. Click Time & language category.
2. Click language.
3. Under Languages, click Add a language.
4. Choose the language you want to add, for example Arabic, and select the specific variation if
Sign out of Windows, and then sign back in to completely implement the display language change.
System information
It is important to know the configuration (technical information) of your computer system, such as
edition or version of Windows, Processor details, Amount of RAM, etc. Windows 10 provides System
Information in a modern way.
To display the System Information, open Windows Settings App and follow the steps given below:
1. Choose the System category in the Settings window,
A. The System settings window appears.
2. Scroll down the menu on the left and click on About option.
B. The System Information appears on the right side.
Task manager
You learnt about the Task View to view and switch among the running apps. If you want to know the
resource consumption by each running app, you can use the Task Manager tool of Windows 10.
The Task Manager displays the status of all the running apps along with the background processes.
It also displays the amount of system resources utilized by the app, such
as Memory, CPU, and Disk. To start the Task Manager, Right click on empty area of the Taskbar and
choose Task Manager.
You can close any Not Responding app from the Task Manager by clicking on the End task button at
the bottom right corner.
You can also monitor the real time performance of CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network by clicking on
the Performance Tab at the top.