Assignment 6
Assignment 6
Assignment 6
Tell us what your original answer to the question above was AND why;
My original answer to the question was, (e) We must save Eastern gorillas
because their survival is critical for sustaining healthy ecosystems. By us saving
the Eastern gorillas, we are also protecting plants, animals, bugs and other
endangered species in the forest. According to the World Wildlife Fund, Gorillas
are important because they help with plant growth by dispersing seeds and
creating small clearings in the foliage as they forage. They also help plant
species find sunlight by jumping from tree to tree, and this helps keep their
environment in the forest healthy and balanced.
2. Tell us what your current answer is AND why;
My current answer is still (e) We must save Eastern gorillas because their survival
is critical for sustaining healthy ecosystems. Eastern gorillas form part of a well-
balanced biodiversity where each plant and animal are interdependent on each
other. If we remove them, our biodiversity becomes disrupted creating an
imbalance in our ecosystem. The intrinsic value of Eastern gorillas is important
because they have a right to exist regardless of what they do for the human race.
Their instrumental value is just as important because they help by keeping homes
of other species and animals safe.
3. Answer the question: "So where do I fit in in relation to this?" (Think back
to the section on virtue ethics); and finally
Virtue ethics is about doing what’s right and being a good person therefore t is
the right thing to sustain Gorillas as God created them so we need to love and
care for all of Gods creatures and animals. If we are able to love, care, protect
and respect them, they will learn to do the same for us as we are the evolutions
of mankind. There are threats that Eastern Gorillas face and it includes poaching,
disease and habitat destruction (World Wildlife Fund. (n.d.)). They are in trouble
because their homes in the forest are being cut down and they are being hunted
for food. Humans carry many diseases like Ebola and this could harm the
Eastern gorillas if they get sick with these diseases. By working together and
protecting them, we are helping other animals, species and creatures in the forest
be safe. It’s not only about helping the gorillas but also about keeping our world
healthy and intact.
4. Write a comment on what you think about my preferred answer (a. Why?)
AND of course explain why you think this.
Saying “why” opens a larger discussion to take place such as the threats they
face, weaknesses as well as their importance in the ecosystem. Also, I think that
your answer “why” is a way of you deviating away from the actual fact that
gorillas are able to save or sustain our ecosystem. It comes across as though you
want to know why we should save the eastern gorillas when there are worse
problems in the world that need our attention.
World Wildlife Fund. (n.d.). Eastern Lowland Gorilla | Species | WWF. [online]
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