Rev Notes ch13 e
Rev Notes ch13 e
Rev Notes ch13 e
Structure Function
Structure Function
Oviducts - Lined with ciliated epithelial cells; cilia beat to sweep the ovum or the
early embryo (胚胎) to the uterus
- Site of fertilization
Vagina - Holds the penis and receives semen during in sexual intercourse
- Its environment is acidic to reduce bacterial growth
- Acts as the birth canal for the foetus
1 Sexual reproduction in humans involves the fusion of a sperm (male gamete) and an ovum
(female gamete).
2 Structure of a human sperm and a human ovum:
Sperm Ovum
Sperm Ovum
Quantity Millions of sperms are produced Usually only one follicle becomes fully
every day mature and releases an ovum about every 28
1 Increased production of sex hormones during puberty leads to the development of secondary
sexual characteristics (第二性徵).
2 Comparison of the secondary sexual characteristics in males and females:
Male Female
1 If the ovum meets a sperm in the oviduct, fertilization may occur. The fertilized ovum will
develop into an embryo. To prepare for the implantation of the embryo, the uterine lining
(子宮內膜) thickens and its blood supply increases before ovulation.
2 Menstrual cycle (月經週期) lasts about 28 days:
Days 1 to 5 The thickened uterine lining breaks down. Menstruation (月經) occurs.
Days 6 to 13 The uterine lining thickens and the blood supply increases to prepare for the
implantation of an embryo.
Days 15 to 28 The ruptured follicle becomes the yellow body, which releases a hormone to
increase and maintain the thickness of the uterine lining. The uterine lining
becomes very thick. It is ready to receive an embryo.
3 If fertilization occurs and the woman gets pregnant, the degeneration of the yellow body is
delayed. The uterine lining continues to thicken. Menstruation does not occur until the baby
is born.
events in
the ovary
thickness of
uterine lining
28 day
5 The highest chance for a woman to get pregnant is to have sexual intercourse a few days
before and after ovulation. This period is called the fertile period (受孕期).
6 At menopause (絕經), ovulation and menstruation gradually stop. The woman can no longer
become pregnant.
13.5 Fertilization
1 Sperms are brought into a female body during sexual intercourse (性交):
- When a male is sexually excited, the erectile tissue of his penis is filled rapidly with more
blood. The penis becomes erect. The male inserts his penis into the vagina of the female.
- Semen (containing sperms) is ejaculated into the vagina.
2 After entering the vagina, the sperms swim towards the upper parts of the oviducts (site of
3 Fusion of sperm and ovum:
1 After fertilization, the zygote is moved down the oviduct by the beating action of the cilia and
the peristaltic contraction of the muscular wall of the oviduct. During the journey, the zygote
divides repeatedly by mitotic cell division to form an embryo.
2 Implantation occurs when the embryo reaches the uterus and embeds itself into the thickened
uterine lining. Implantation marks the beginning of pregnancy.
3 Embryo in the uterus:
Finger-like embryonic villi Greatly increase the surface area for the exchange of
Very thin walls of the embryo’s Provide a short distance for the diffusion of materials
capillaries and the embryonic villi
A lot of blood vessels The rich supply of blood carries materials away
rapidly to maintain a steep concentration gradient of
materials between the embryo’s blood and the maternal
10 About eight weeks after fertilization, major organs of the embryo are formed. The embryo is
now called a foetus. The foetus continues to grow until it is ready to be born. It takes about
38 weeks from fertilization to birth.
11 Prenatal care (產前護理) is vital for the health of the foetus as well as that of the mother.
1 The onset of labour (分娩) is indicated by the rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the
uterine wall.
2 Labour can be divided into three stages:
1 Practising birth control (控制生育) (or contraception (避孕)) to avoid pregnancy helps couples
achieve their goals of family planning (家庭計劃).
2 Contraceptive methods and their biological principles:
Surgical methods:
- Vasectomy (輸精管切除術) - Tie and cut the vas deferens so that
sperms are absent in semen
- Tubal ligation (輸卵管結紮) - Tie and cut the oviducts so that the
ovum cannot meet sperms
Sexual reproduction
Similarities - Male gametes are small. This facilitates their transfer from the male sex organ to
the female sex organ.
- Male gametes are produced in large numbers. This increases the chance of
successful fertilization.
- Female gametes are larger and fewer in number.
- Female gametes are immotile and well protected in the parent body.
- Gametes are produced by meiotic cell division. This increases genetic variations.
- Embryos develop inside the body of the mother. They are well protected and
nourished. This increases the chance of survival of the embryos.
Differences - Male gametes are immotile. - Male gametes (sperms) are motile.
- The offspring are dispersed away - The baby is provided with parental
from the parent plants and become care after birth.