STA - Part 1
STA - Part 1
STA - Part 1
II. How clocks are modelled - whether clocks are ideal (zero delay) or
propagated (real delays).
III. Whether the coupling between signals is included – whether any crosstalk
noise is analysed
2. During the physical design phase, STA can be conducted with additional
o Interconnect modelling, which may include global routing estimates, real routes
with approximate extraction, or real routes with final sign-off accuracy.
o Real clock trees.
o Analysis including or excluding the effects of crosstalk.
©Onkar Sanjay Mane
Important Concepts A Z
1. Propagation Delay
In a CMOS inverter cell, the
propagation delay is determined by
specific measurement points on the
input and output switching 50 % Threshold
waveforms. This delay can be
categorized as: Tf Tr
• Output fall delay (Tf): The time
taken for the output to transition 50 % Threshold
from high to low. Point
VDD/Logic - 1
70% VDD
30% VDD
The total delay for logic propagation through a path is known as the path delay.
This is the sum of delays from the various logic cells and nets along the path. In
most cases, there are multiple paths through which the logic can propagate to its
destination. ©Onkar Sanjay Mane
• The actual path taken depends on the state of other inputs along the logic path. As
shown in the figure, multiple paths exist to reach the destination, allowing both
maximum and minimum timing to be determined.
• The path with the longest delay is called the max path, while the one with the shortest
delay is the min path.
• The max path, also known as the late path, between flip-flops UFF1 and UFF3 follows
through UNAND0, UBUF2, UOR2, and UNAND6. On the other hand, the min path, also
known as the early path, travels through UOR4 and UNAND6.
• In the case of a flip-flop to flip-flop path, like from UFF1 to UFF3, one flip-flop launches
the data while the other captures it. In this example, UFF1 is the launch flip-flop and
UFF3 is the capture flip-flop.
• These terms, launch and capture, always refer to flip-flop to flip-flop paths, and UFF3
would become the launch flip-flop for the next stage.
Clk D Q Clk D Q
Clk D Q Clk D Q
Clk Clk
Clk Clk
(Can be clock
synchronizer logic)
Clk Clk