(A Joint Venture of NTPC & SAIL)
10) Flor, NBC Tower, 15 Shall Cama Place, New Deh, India - 110065
Tal: (291) 11 26172273
‘Advertisement 03/2024
NTPC SAIL POWER COMPANY LIMITED (NSPCL} isa Join: Venture Company oftwo
Maharainas-NTPC Linted and SAIL, NSPCL prosonlly has Businoss Unt at ttoe
locations viz. hil, Durgepur & Rourkela wih an installed capacty of 1104 MW.
INSPCL supplies power to SAL Unis, Union Temtory of Dadra & Nagar Havel, Union
Tertory of Daman & Diu and Chhattisgarh Stale. Further, NSPCL is also
foraying into groon energy with an expansion plan of 530 RAW in Ska.
Applcations are invites fom eg, bright, dynamic and enterprising candidates to
Location Electrical | Mechanical] C&l_| Chemistry
NSPCL Bhi, Cahatiagarh ° @ 1 2
'NSCPL Rourkela, Oasha 2 z z z
NSPOL Durgapur, West Bongal] —_@ 4 3 z
Eloctical_| Fulltime regular Diploma in locicalElocical & Electonics
Engineering with minim 80% marks,
‘chanical | Fulltime regular Diploma in MochaniealPYoducton Enginoarng
wih mininum 60% mars.
cal Fulltime regular Diploma in nsvumentatoniElocvonce
Engineering with minum 80% marks
Chemisty | Fulltime regular B.Se in Camis wih minimom GO mark
+ Qualification should be from Indian Universitynstitute recognized by
Sppropriate statutory authority
+ Relaxation fr SCISTIPWBD (where vacancles ar dentiied) Pass Marks.
+ Onlyhose candidates who possess the required qualification on or before the las
fate ofapplcatonareehgbleto apply.
+ Diploma Tramnes.Course must be approved by Boars of Technical Education
(GreyStat Technical education Board
+ For purpose of conversion of grades in percentage terms in ase of Insiuis
‘wating grades in CGPAIGPA. the certneate esis by Unveriyintte in Ns
regardmustbe attached mandala
Diploma Trainee/Lab Assistant Trainee:
Selocted candidates will undergo vaining fo: apaiodof one year at ary af re NSPCL
Project's ov as per NSPC. arrangement during which they wil be paid a consolidated
Etpand of € 24-000) per month. On sucessful complatan of traning tay wil be
Absorbodin te pay scale of V7 Grace (@ 2400036)
Upper Age limitis 27 years as.on last date of online application
The Selected candidate shal be place as per Hdentfed locations. However, incase of
fequrement NSPCL reserves ght lacethe eardidat as per company requlemen
Inany of projectlstaonsinclding SubssiariosiIV companies of NSPCL.
Diploma Trainoe/Lab Assistant Traine
Elgiblo candidates wil have to undergo On-lne lest consisting of Apttude Tost of $0
{qusetona covering General English, Guanitatve Aptiude ane Reasoning ‘lowe by
‘echnical Knowledge Test conastngof 70 cussions nthe respective discpline
There will be negative marking for wrong answers (Each question carries one (0)
mares and 0.28 marc w'loe dasictd far every wrong anawe).
“Te qualfying marke is 40% marke n case of General EWS category and 20% incase
aI SCISTIOBC! PIED. The mert st wl be prepared of only those candidates who
Score qualiing marks in both tests separately (Ofer of appotment to be fed
basodan meri)
Test Centre: Test Gene for online test shall be Oethi NCR/KolkataiRa\pur!
Bhubaneshwar and the same shal be communtated to candidates a the bme of
Issuance of Admit cro
Candidates have lo choose prioy for Test Centres avalible and no change in any
Creumstance wil be consigored subsequerly. However, NSPCL reserves te igo
Cancel or ace any certs depending on the response of he candidates for tha! area!
PROJECTED VACANCIES: Catgay-se projected
cies in each discipline are
[BAsBoth Arms, BL=Both Log, OAL=One Arm and One Leg, BLOABath Leg & One
‘im, BLA=Both Logs Arms, CP=Coredral Palsy, \CsLoprasy Cured, Dw=Dwarsm,
‘AN =Acid Atack Vets, MDy= Muscular Dystrophy, ASD~Autsm Spectrum Disorder
ig, MoD=Moderate), ID-rtelleeual sabi. SLD=Speciie Learsing Disability,
MieMentaliness, MO-Mulple sabiies,
‘Thovacanciesfor PwBDS are reserved asper Gov. guidelines.
1. Reservations, elaxatons, and concessions for SC/STIOBC (non-ereamy layer!
XSWPWEO (Gogroe of Geablty 40% o° above) eancdales willbe provided 3s Dot
Goverment guidelines
2, Candidates clang to belong to any particular eategory shall necessary have a
Vala EWSISCIST Deeply cert fete/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) asthe case may
be, ram tre competent autheriy.
3. Category once filed in the one application form wil net be changed and no
benoftof thor ealogory willbe admissible lator on.
‘The selected candidates for DiplomsTrainee/Lab Asistant Trainee willbe required to
execute a service agreement bond of @ 100,000" (General, EWS ang O3C) and
50,0001. (SCIST/PWAD} o serve the company fora minimunt perod of 8 years ater
Completion eftraning
‘Tho candidate shoul have sound healt Before joining, candidates wil have to
Undergo. mesieal examination at any of the NSPCL.notilediempanclediprlect
hospitals and the decstan of NSPCL wil be foal and Binding, No relaxation in heath
Standarésis allowed. Detaled modicainormareavaiabl onthe websto
1. Onlyindan Nationale are sgt app
2. The candidate should ensure that he/she fils all the elgitly erteria and other
3. Al qualifcatons should be from Indian Universtylintiutes recognized by
[AICTElaporopriate statutory author
4. All computations of age shall be done wat. the last date of recelpt of online
application as mentoned inne advert seman
5. Nomanual/paper application willbe antertained
5. TADAwillnetbepaldio any candidate appearingtortneonlinetast
7. The admit card indicating rol number, name of the allocated test cone and
guidlines for he ‘est willbe made avalale onthe same ste fo the candidates
found apparent elgile based onthe online data. The candidate has to download
hishher Ramtcatd fr appearing nthe test fom the webste. Please note thatthe
‘Admitcards wil notbe sent by post.
{8 E-malllD entered in online application form must romain vali frat eastrext one
year No change In tne E'Mall ID wil be allowed, once entered. Al Ture
Eamtespondence would bo sent va E-nal ony
8, _Cancidates employed witn Government Departments/PSUs!Autoromous Botios
fare requires fo sus raleving lotr om curentcxganizaion atthe time of
Joring.Fselectedfortne sai pos
The mere fact that a candidate has submitted application against the
asverisomont ard apparently fulfling the crteria as proscribed in the
fdvortsement would not Sestow on himiher the right fo be defintely called for
fuhorselecton process.
‘Acaneidate can apply for one post ony In ease, the candidate has apolie for
more than one’ post r hae apaled multiple mes, hs lst appeation wll be
Consideredtourher selection process
NSPCL reserves the right to cancalrestclelarge/medifyfahor the recrutment
process, need so anaes, winout Issuing any futher nll or assigning ary
reason thereafter
‘Any procoodings in respect of any malt: of claim or dispute aising out of his
fvertsement andlor an appieaton in response thereto can be inttuted only In
Doth and courtstreunals ala only shallnave soleand oxcusivejursdction to
‘wyany such eauseldspue
14, incase of ary ambguivldlepute arses on account of interpretation in versions
ater than English, Englsh version wllpreval,
15, Incasoitis detected at any stage of recultmentthata candidate does not fliltho
sig norms anafor that nelshe nas umshed any ncarecalse information oF
has suporossas any material fac), niher candidature wil stand automaticaly
Eancaled. any of the above shortcoming(s) wslare detected oven aor
fppointment nsiher services ae liable to be terminated whour any nob,
Canvassing nary form shall squall ve cancidato,
18. Anyfurheradéendum/Corigondumupdate wil nlybe published on our website
1, Elbe candidates need to apply one onthe website:
hig: nepeLea inipacesicarsers
2. Candidates willbe required to upload ther photograph and signature during online
3. Read the instructions carefully and fllin the online application form gving
accurate informaton. After successful regisvaion, system wil gnerate a Unique
Registration Number, Candidates are requiod to oop the printout of the
Registration slip znat wil be generatea oy the system afer successful
4. Please ensure that details ar filled up correctly. No request with respectto the
change in any dala enteres by the canddate wil be entertaind once the
poleaton's submited success
Candidate belonging to General catogory is required lo pay a non-refundable
Teglsraton fee of € 00 The candidates from SCISTIPWADIXSM category and
female candidates ned nat pay tna registration
6. Payment in online mode: Candidate nave 1o pay the fees online (through Net
bankng/DebtCareiGredt CardUPI). The anne payment option wl be avaible
7. Foe once paid wil not be refunded under any circumstances, Candidates are
‘therefore requested a vent thar eligi bore paying heregistratontee,
UR | Sc [ST ] OBC JEWS [Total] Typos of Disabltios Idontiiod
(wc (discipline wise)
Rourkela] 2] - Z | LV), FATE) OA BAOL,
GAL, C2, LG. Du AAV (a) ASD
Durgapur] 4 | & | 1M, MoD}, 10, SUD, hl fe) MO
Invoking (a) () above
(6) SLD, a (4) MD involving
Durgapur 6 [+ 4 8 |fa)to above
Diploma anes (al
Bhiat_—[ + TT). HH (BY OR, OL.C TG. Dw
Rourkela [= 2] AAV (e) ASD (SU, Mi (a) MO
Durgapur =| ‘| invading (at (2) above
Lab Assi (Chemistry)
Bhila Z Tia], AA (GOA OL BL Bw,
Rourkela Z| AAV) ASD (M4), SLD, Hi
Durgapur 2} (a) MO vain fa} to (e) above
a: [ Commencement of online application
[Last date for online application
[25087024 (Wednesday) 10.00 Hours
10-10:2024 Thursday) Midnight
‘GIN - U7489901.1999P1.C098274