Mizoram Board Syllabus Class 10 Social Science
Mizoram Board Syllabus Class 10 Social Science
Mizoram Board Syllabus Class 10 Social Science
Theory Paper
Time: 3 Hrs.
No. Units
I India and the Contemporary World – II
II Contemporary India – II
III Democratic Politics - II
IV Understanding Economic Development
• Appreciate the ideas promoting
Pan Indian belongingness.
Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies and
Societies: Any one theme of the following:
Section 3: Everyday Life, Culture and • Identify the link between print
Politics culture and the circulation of ideas.
5. Print Culture and the Modern World • Familiarize with pictures, cartoons,
extracts from propaganda
• The First Printed Books literature and newspaper debates
• Print Comes to Europe on important events and issues in
• The Print Revolution and its Impact the past.
• The Reading Mania • Understand that forms of writing
• The Nineteenth Century have a specific history, and that
• India and the World of Print they reflect historical changes
• Religious Reform and Public Debates within society and shape the forces
• New Forms of Publication of change.
• Print and Censorship
Unit 2: Contemporary India – II 55 Periods
Themes Learning Objectives
1. Resources and Development • Understand the value of
• Types of Resources resources and the need for their
• Development of Resources judicious utilization and
• Resource Planning in India conservation.
• Land Resources
• Land Utilization
• Land Use Pattern in India
• Land Degradation and Conservation
• Soil as a Resource
• Classification of Soils
• Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
3. Water Resources
• Water Scarcity and The Need for Water • Comprehend the importance of
Conservation and Management water as a resource as well as
• Multi-Purpose River Projects and develop awareness towards its
Integrated Water Resources judicious use and conservation.
• Rainwater Harvesting
Note: The theoretical aspect of chapter
‘Water Resources’ to be assessed in the
Periodic Tests only and will not be
evaluated in Board Examination. However,
the map items of this chapter as given in
the Map List will be evaluated in Board
• Spatial distribution •
Discuss the need for a planned
• Industrial pollution and environmental industrial development and
degradation debate over the role of
• Control of Environmental Degradation government towards sustainable
7. Life Lines of National Economy development.
• Transport – Roadways, Railways, • Explain the importance of
Pipelines, Waterways, Airways transport and communication in
• Communication the ever-shrinking world.
• International Trade • Understand the role of trade and
• Tourism as a Trade tourism in the economic
development of a country.
Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II 50 Periods
Themes Learning Objectives
1. Power Sharing • Familiarize with the centrality of
• Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka power sharing in a democracy.
• Why power sharing is desirable? • Understand the working of spatial
• Forms of Power Sharing and social power sharing
• Recognise the enabling and
disabling effects of caste and
ethnicity in politics.
• Develop a gender perspective on
Note: The chapter ‘Challenges to
Democracy’ to be assessed in the Periodic
Tests only and will not be evaluated in
Board Examination.
Unit 4: Understanding Economic Development 50 Periods
Themes Objectives
1. Development • Familiarize with concepts of
• What Development Promises - Different macroeconomics.
people different goals • Understand the rationale for
• Income and other goals overall human development in our
• National Development country, which includes the rise of
• How to compare different countries or income, improvements in health
states? and education rather than income.
• Income and other criteria • Understand the importance of
• Public Facilities quality of life and sustainable
• Sustainability of development development.
4. Globalization and the Indian Economy • Explain the working of the Global
• Production across countries Economic phenomenon.
• Interlinking production across countries
• Foreign Trade and integration of
• What is globalization?
• Factors that have enabled
• World Trade Organisation
• Impact of Globalization on India
• The Struggle for a fair Globalisation
CLASS X (2020-21)
05 Periods 05 Marks
1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following
Consumer Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable Development
2. Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain an insight
and pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines
from interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the
Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt over
the years in order to prepare the project report.
If required, students may go out for collecting data and use different primary and
secondary resources to prepare the project. If possible, different forms of art may be
integrated in the project work.
3. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:
S. No. Aspects Marks
a. Content accuracy, originality and analysis 2
b. Presentation and creativity 2
c. Viva Voce 1
4. The projects carried out by the students in different topics should subsequently be
shared among themselves through interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel
discussions, etc.
7. It is to be noted here by all the teachers and students that the projects and models
prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much