Kumar: Experience
Kumar: Experience
Kumar: Experience
Pune, Maharastra, IN
im.ajaykumar77@gmail.com | +91-7070737971
Dynamic Full Stack Engineer with JR. SOFTWARE ENGINEER | Cognizant - Aug'22-Present
2+ years of corporate experience Pune, Maharastra, IN
specializing in Java, JavaScript, React, • Developed and optimized user interfaces by writing and reviewing over 1,500
Spring Boot, and Node.js. Skilled in lines of code using React and JavaScript, leading to a 40% increase in
problem-solving and leveraging advanced application responsiveness and user engagement.
technologies to deliver innovative • Designed and implemented a comprehensive unit testing framework with Jest
solutions while collaborating with and Enzyme, achieving a 98% test coverage and reducing debugging time by
cross-functional teams 30%, ensuring high code reliability and performance
• Expanded technical proficiency in full-stack development by mastering Java,
SKILLS Spring Boot, REST API, Figma, and Jira through rigorous in-house training,
PROGRAMMING enhancing the ability to deliver end-to-end solutions and collaborate across
Language: cross-functional teams.
• Advance: Java, Javascript, C++ • Applied Agile methodologies to streamline project management processes,
• Intermediate: Typescript, C resulting in a 25% improvement in project delivery.