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LIRA City Magazine May PDF

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Stand anywhere in Lira City and run your eyes around the place and you will notice a sense of a town
undergoing real building boom. You will also notice that there are both active and stalled constructions on every
street especially in the Central Business District (CBD). Lira City Magazine takes a look into factors surrounding
the mushrooming of buildings in Lira.
By our correspondent

For many years, Lira has been

attracting many people and this trend
has continued to rise to the extent
that there is a real demand for
business space within the town centre
and its immediate surroundings. In
fact, it is almost unknown to see a
house-for-rent post on any house in
the CBD. According to Mr Abdul
Karim, a proper developer who owns
a number of properties in Nairobi,
Kampala, Mbale and now one
high-rise commercial building under
construction in Lira; the demand for
commercial space in Lira is real.
Despite his building being several
months away from completion, he is
overwhelmed by requests for space
booking. “So many people have come
here but I keep telling them, “Hold on,
hold on”. So honestly, people want
space in this town but it is not there”.
The high demand for space is also forcing up prices of land depending on how commercially viable a
location is. “Today if you want to buy a plot on Oyite Ojok Road (located on the CBD), you part with
about two hundred million shillings”, says James Oluk a property broker based in Lira City. It is apparent
that more and more people are willing to invest their money in buildings even in the face of the
skyrocketing cost of owning land. More so, there are clear signs that the consumption of building
materials is highest in Lira these days as judged by the nonstop deliveries of building materials like
cement, wire mesh, etc to the many warehouse depots in the city.

Furthermore, even if it is nice to see new buildings shooting out of the ground every time everywhere in
Lira, property developers are meeting some real costs. Not only do they have to shoulder the high costs
of building stones that keep rising all the time but also have to import good quality lake sand from far
places such as River Kafu or Gulu. “The best quality lake sand is not here in Lira; you have to go to Gulu
or Kafu” said Abdul Karim. Well, much as the challenges of building a house in the CBD may appear quite
hectic, the situation in the suburb is far worse.
Unlike the much more structurally organised and well municipal authority. These procedures are crucial if any
planned CBD, the suburb is a slum in making. For compensation is to be granted in case a developmental
instance, almost every suburb is an amorphous chunk project affects a property. Accordingly, Lira District
of settlement characterised by a mix of shanty and Speaker Honourable Raship Opio is disappointed that
permanent houses built without any sense of many people are not adhering to the procedures. “We
planning whatsoever. In this place, roads are absent, have some skeleton map which should be used to guide
conflicts over access paths are too many, and yet people when it comes to erecting structures; so, please
urban authorities appear helpless and powerless to don’t put your structure anyhow.” He expressed fear that
cause real organisation. This is exasperated by the time will come sooner or later and development will force
current land tenure system which vests land in the many unplanned structures to give way, “I know many are
hands of individuals. victims, me inclusive; and we are sitting on a time bomb.”
So, in this chaotic situation where everyone is a land The disorganisation in most suburbs is so much that even
owner, it takes years and long drawn-out where local authorities are trying to upgrade or maintain
negotiations for authorities to open up a narrow some of the disorderly unplanned community panyas,
meandering road through an area. many people from the same communities obstruct the
process. A clear example showing the anti development
According to the principles of erecting structures in acts by some community members is captured in the
town, one must have an approved building plan, picture below.
regular inspections done during the construction and
a certificate of occupancy issued by the relevant

This happened in April 2019 when Lira Municipal authorities attempted to maintain a panya in Odokomit.
Immediately the grader cleared the first layer, several land owners along the path were up in arms claiming
trespass on their plots and one person started to barricade the road with logs.
Evidently, the absence of a good land law is tremendously fuelling large numbers of conflicts and also obstructing
development, organisation and modernisation throughout the country.
Recently, Lira City Magazine bumped into a raging conflict between two neighbouring families in one of the
suburbs in Lira over access path. One man came and bought a plot just next to another man’s family and has to
pass through the family’s compound to get to his new home but the family did not want anyone trespassing on
their compound. The conflict peaked when one day during the absence of the neighbour, the newcomer
transported bricks and sand to his site through his neighbours compound. When the neighbour returned and saw
repeated tyre marks on their compound, a bitter feud and swearing erupted between the two families.
Unfortunately, this kind of dispute is too common in Lira and Uganda at large, and yet, solutions if any, seem so
far away in the distance. What baffles many is to think that people are more than ready to put up permanent
buildings in unplanned areas yet at some point in the future planning could fall on their properties.
At Lira City Magazine, we believe that information is
power that is why we search and bring you enriching
interviews from people that matter. Recently, we sat
down with Lira Municipal Physical Planner Mr Geoffrey
Omara to discuss issues regarding planning, land
acquisition and building rules and procedures in Lira
City and we bring you the interview.
Lira City magazine: What is the standard procedure of
acquiring land and building in the CBD i.e Central Business
Physical Planner: The Central Business District is
government land and most of it has already been leased
out to private developers. To acquire that land, you have
to acquire it through a lease, which is usually a mandate still don’t comply, the plan can be revoked and you are
of the land board. So, you are given that lease for a asked to restore the building to its original status so that
period of time, say, five years. You are supposed to put it can be reallocated to another developer. So, those
up a structure which is agreeable to the standard. After who have land in town but do not have the potential to
the five years have elapsed, you are supposed to renew develop it, it is better to sell it to a willing buyer so that
the lease, say, for 49 or 99 years depending on the the person develops it; otherwise these laws will catch
board’s decision. The new system that we have in place up with you and we might not sympathise with you.
dictates that all the new structures that are being put up,
Lira City magazine: Please can you talk about any
the minimum standard we want is three floors and you
upcoming roadwork projects that are there?
have to submit a plan for us to approve.
Physical Planner: The first 5 years under the USMID
Lira City magazine: Do you have any kind of restriction in
project have already ended and now we are in a new
terms of time one should take to finish a building because
phase which will also run for the next 5 years. The roads
we have seen a lot of buildings that have stalled for
that we intend to work on this financial year are: Olwol
Road, Boundary Road in Teso Bar and Obangakene Road.
Physical Planner: According to the new law, if your plan is
Lira City magazine: What about the issue of maintenance
approved, the building has to be started within 18
and sustainability of infrastructures? Last dry season, the
months. If after the 18 months you have not
grass that had been planted on roads dried up and there
implemented the plan that means your plan will have
was no attempt to water it; shouldn’t the grass have
expired and you have to start afresh. After approving a
been cared for?
plan, we also give you a letter indicating that we have
approved your plan and that the work has to begin within Physical Planner: Basically, like Obote Avenue and
18 months. Otherwise if you do not comply, the plan can Coronation Park; those ones are still under the
be revoked and you have to begin afresh. contractor; they are supposed to manage them for the
next one year and then they will be handed over to us.
Lira City magazine: What if someone begins a building and
So, for us, now that the rain has come, we expect to see
then it stalls? I have seen a lot of buildings that have
the green grass again; where it doesn’t grow, we shall
stalled for even a decade.
ask them to replant it. We are also trying to put some
Physical Planner: Since those are now old buildings, we barricade so that people do not cross where they are not
will write to you indicating the 18 months and if you do supposed to cross to protect the grass and trees that are
not comply, we will write to you to remind you, and if you there.
Lira City Magazine: We have several suburbs in Lira but Physical Planner: Usually, we choose some of those
there is usually no plan whatsoever in terms of footpaths and upgrade them and capture them on the
infrastructure. There is no way anybody with money and plan. One of the major reasons we upgrade a road is
wants to invest there by putting up accommodation because each plot must have an access. There could be
structures will succeed. Where does he begin? There are areas where there is no access completely; so, there we
no roads, no marks showing where roads or parks should engage the community by creating awareness about the
be. So, are you planning to put marks or is there any need to have a road for connection and have access to
physical plan for the suburbs? emergency. But where they say that they had planned a
road to pass through somewhere else, we incorporate
Physical Planner: First of all I would like to clarify that we
their idea into the plan.
have a physical development plan which is in place and
covers the entire municipal council and was approved in Lira City Magazine: In the process of undertaking a plan
2015 and I have a hard copy here. We also have what we like that one, you will end up knocking down so many
call the local development plan. What is remaining is to buildings and that may cost the municipality much money
implement it; but we plan to put mark stones where we in terms of compensation; are you not meeting a lot of
have planned roads and also plant some trees where we challenges and conflict from people?
can’t put mark stones. We shall start with Kirombe, then
Physical Planner: True there are challenges. For us in the
Ayago and then we roll out to other areas. In the
planning school, when you are preparing a plan, by law it
meantime, divisions have also come up with strategies of
should not affect that particular area by more than 30%.
opening roads for example Central Division has opened
If that is done properly, places that have titles, buildings,
roads in Ireda East and Ireda Shamba where we then
roads, structures, trees, etc; you have to consider them.
translate the roads on the plan and the grader goes and
So, as you produce the final plan, some of these features
opens the road. Because where there is road; power,
have to be protected. For example, if I have a title, why
water and other services will also go there.
should the road cross in the middle yet it can be towards
Lira City Magazine: Most of the roads that are there were the end of the title. Ideally everybody would want the
originally community panyas that are being upgraded to road to be straight but because of those issues, the road
municipality roads. Is that how it should be done? has to bend.

Author: Bosco Opio Secondly, what is the logic of us flocking that
small poor rural family in large numbers and
overwhelm their limited facilities with millions of
Call it send-off or farewell; burial should never our footprints? We are so shameless and
be too costly to the extent of impoverishing a family, insensitive that we don’t stop for a second to
clan or community. Among Langi and most tribes in think about the pressure that our expectations
northern Uganda, burial rituals are way too expensive put on the grieving family to make them sell their
and need readjusting. precious plot of land or slaughter their only bull
Unlike the past practice where Langi spent quite to host us. If indeed we are really sorry about the
modestly for burial but generously for demise of one of us, must we all converge at
commemoration ceremony known as Yabo lyel, the his/her resting spot in one day one moment one
Langi of today have modified the practice so place?
radically. In the modern
Lango burial; Yabo lyel
is no more, burial date is
often delayed, burial honour
is discriminatory depending
on status, burial success is
measured by the size of the
mourners and amount of
food consumed, burial
ceremony has become a
political rally, and most of
all, burial is highly
commercialised. The list of
requirements to spend
money on is endless:
catering, tents, chairs, public address system, water
bowser, preserving body, coffin or casket, flower, And what stories do we return with from
transport, grave digging, funeral service, security, etc. “mourning” our “loved one”? Unfortunately,
nothing positive, comforting or cheerful at all. So,
According to the Deputy Minister of Information of inside that hired school bus, lorry or taxi,
Tekwaro Lango Alex Owera, their institution led by navigating our way back to our Lira homes, our
Mr Odongo Okune is deeply concerned about the lips and minds are full of judgement and ridicules
wasteful burial practice, “Our burial custom is simply against our ”beloved” friend or friend of our
too costly! Some people are spending up to 20 friend.”Oh, how could he not build a house in the
million shillings to bury one person.” Mr Owera village?” “Oh, catering was terrible; I was served
lamented. only beans”. And on and on we talk trash and
Now, when you ask yourself; do we spend all that trash alone. Wouldn’t it be better we didn’t go at
much for the benefit of the dead or for us the all to begin with?
still-living? Sadly, the answer is for us the still-living. What is stimulating the infamous practice?
We consciously or subconsciously hide our nastiness
under the pretext of mourning, honouring and A number of factors have combined to shatter the
celebrating our beloved dead yet in the process, we well-meaning burial customs that Lango ancestors
consume all the little reserve that the deceased had had wisely put together. So, in order to
saved for his/her children. understand the gist of this deteriorating culture, it
is important to examine the mindset of today’s
Lango people in regard to death.
Mr Curfew Okello a Seventh day Adventist evangelist Besides, since the arrival of radio broadcast in
blames the rot on the improper perception of death Uganda many decades ago, which culminated in the
by Lango people. “People should stop worshipping current booming private FM industry; the belief that
dead body because a dead body is of no value; it any information aired on radio is nothing but final,
does not speak, think or revenge against anyone”. Mr unquestionable, and credible has deepened its roots
Okello emphasised. in the minds of our people. In fact, these days, any
death that is not announced on radio is a nobody’s.
Additionally, unjust judgement by society alluded to
And, the interpretation of the announcement is
in an earlier paragraph is probably the worst factor
obvious; invited or not, everyone is invited. So,
that is fuelling the notorious practice. Mr Ocen Abia,
instead of saying, ”The editor of Lira City Magazine
Awitong (clan leader) of one of the clans in Lango
would like to invite Mr and Mrs so and so to the
says that fear of being caught on the wrong side of
burial of his relative X; the announcement simply
societal expectations is forcing our people to make
says, “The editor of Lira City Magazine announces
wrong and costly burial decisions.”Fear exists as a
the death of his relative X and burial is on the 1st
result of information; for instance you have learnt
June 2019 at Too-lit Village” Then, come that day,
that a certain Okello was recently buried so cheaply,
the burial ground is filled beyond capacity.
therefore, you begin fearing that such a shameful
branding could befall your family; hence, you Way out
sacrifice all your savings for your next family burial.”
There is no doubt that we got entrenched in this rot
Ocen Abia explained.
through radical means; it is also through radical
Truth be told; politicians are at the forefront of this means that we will get out. So, since catering is the
cultural mess. They are in a scheme of spreading and most expensive expense in most burials, let’s start
promoting poverty, backwardness and ignorance. by tackling it. Let Lira mourners start instructing the
They have no sense of judgement which occasion is grieving family not to cook anything for them, not
appropriate for a political game, or if they do, they even chai. This could change things tremendously
arrogantly defy it. Not a single weekend passes since it is usually among Lira mourners that the
without this or that politician rushing to “mourn” a so-called chief guest, chief mourner, guest of
rural voter he/she did not even care to visit while still honour, etc are chosen.
alive in his/her sickbed. And, once there, he/she
In Lira, hardly a day passes without a school bus or
becomes Chief Mourner. Soon, the Chief Mourner
lorry is seen ferrying mourners from point A to
publically hands over a bundle of cash as his/her
point B. Is that the purpose the government or
“heartfelt” contribution to support the widow and
fee-payers bought the vehicle? Can somebody ask
children of the “beloved” voter. Who doesn’t
those head teachers to stop and think for a minute
understand that the children would rather enjoy their
about how their action is exacerbating school
living dad than find comfort in the politician’s
dropout syndrome in the country.
heartless money? In fact, by keeping your money in
the bank while your “dear” voter is languishing in a More still, learning from other communities could
sickbed and hands it over at his grave, you have do us a quick fix. The Baganda who have also been
helped increase the number of widows and orphans facing the same problem are now waking up and
in your constituency and hence helped compound acting. Lately, more and more Baganda burials are
poverty. being done cheaply: no tents, no chairs, no food
and above all, no freezing the body for many days
Furthermore, like opportunistic vultures, catering
like we still do. If Baganda can, Langi too can.
services are indeed reaping wealth from our dead
people. The vibrant industry creatively named can The role of religious leaders is central is this
apoto atura in Lëblaŋo has slaughtered and cooked campaign; they should take a lead and put
hundreds of thousands of bulls, cows, goats, sheep conditions on burials in which they are invited to
and chickens since we started deviating from the lead a mass. There is nowhere in the Bible where
good old days’ burial customs. Jesus entertained wasteful extravagant burials.
Lira municipality should also style up and build
modern decent cemeteries with paved pathways,
wall fence and fulltime maintenance staff. No doubt,
many people could choose to pay for a permanent
resting place in a more environmentally friendly and
reliable cemetery free of land wrangles which
sometimes lead to grave transfer or destruction.
More importantly, there is a belief among our
people that a human being is more dangerous dead
than alive. So, you should ask yourself: do I really
want to be a dangerous dead person? The answer is
in your will. How do you want to be buried? Do you
want bulls slaughtered for your mourners? Do you
want ten thousand mourners to attend your burial?
Do you want all your savings gone with you? Do you
want your loved ones to suffer because you have
taken everything with you? How nice or dangerous
do you want to be to your children as you say
goodbye to them? Please, let’s not die without a
written or verbal will. It is your will that will prove
whether you are more dangerous dead or alive.
Have you ever thought about names of places in Lira City such as Iganga, Jinja Camp, Ober Kampala,
Ober Entebbe, Uhuru Bar and Teso Bar and wondered why and how they are named so and who named
them? Recently, one of Lira City Magazine writers went out to find answers to those questions and
brings you the story
In 1603 Shakespeare wrote in his tragedy naming reflecting morality, purpose, appearance,
Othello, “He who steals my purse, steals trash, but he affection, love, etc; and they really enjoyed the practice.
who fiches from my good name, robs me of that which They gave names to just about everything: physical
enriches him not, and makes me poor indeed”. If you features, villages, markets, bulls and humans. Examples
think that Shakespeare did not stress the value of that quickly come to mind are: Cuk Mit-acoo (The market
name well enough, you need to remember the where women meet nice men); babies got names like
monumental task that God assigned Adam at the Oneng (skinny), Onyuu (jolly) and some goats named
beginning of existence thousands of years ago. Besides Awie-alem (hornless).
choosing a name for his wife Eve, Adam was also
Nonetheless, when faced with foreign influence, Langi
tasked to name millions of things on Earth. Name is
would cleverly reconfigure foreign words and blend them
indeed very important.
with Lëblaŋo, examples: Christains = Okurutayo, Brenda =
Adducing from Shakespeare’s quote, your name Aburen, Yoweri = Owera, etc. It is worth noting that what
communicates so much about you; it is your identity, is happening in Lira today is not new; there are historical
your reputation and worth more than your wealth. cases where the traditional naming practice simply
Likewise, the name of a place is so significant because collapsed and gave way to foreign influence. Places like
it does not only reflect the purpose of that place but it Maruzi, Namasale, Nambyeso are names adopted from
also evokes thoughts in the mind of the listener. Bantu speaking communities who settled there during
Coincidently, this principle is well shared by many colonisation.
people of Iganga area in Lira City. “This kind of naming
Undoubtedly, the concept of naming places in honour of
is not suitable; for instance this place where I work is our brothers and sisters coming from elsewhere to join us
called Iganga, but there is already Iganga in Busoga” to develop our city into a great place is such a welcome
said Sam Odongo a bodaboda rider at Iganga Stage. idea for inclusivity, tolerance and unity. However, the
Ironically, the origin of such foreign names in Lira is question that our municipality authorities should be
actually not the initiative of the immigrants who live in discussing is: should conflicting names like Kampala,
them; it is the host community, the Langi, who named Entebbe and Iganga be maintained?
them in reference to the origin of the settlers. This
always happens as a result of the failure or absence of
the municipality authorities to perform their duty of
planning, zoning and naming locations under their
control. So, just as the same municipality authorities
usually adopt and upgrade snaky zigzag unplanned
panyas into city roads, so they take and officialise
those unconventional names. The success of this
extra-official practice is an indication that we still do
not regard address in our city as an important aspect
of development.
In modern cities, an address is vital; it is the pillar
upon which a city’s activities namely trade,
communication, security and planning depend. Every
house in the United Kingdom is reachable through
physical address thanks to proper planning, zoning and
naming of locations.
Additionally, foreign names are overshadowing Lira
because of the unfortunate disappearance of Lango
culture. In the past, Lango practiced meaning-based
By our correspondent So, what should parents do to identify, nurture and
build their children’s potentials and skills? Like in the
“I want to be a teacher because my father was also cases of Tiger Woods and the Williams, parental
a teacher”, says Elwa Ronald S.4 Lira Town College. guidance is key in building a child’s future. In both
When you listen to reasons many children give when cases it is the parents who identified their children’s
asked about what they want to do in future, you will potentials and immediately went into action. Mr
notice that their family background has a great Goerge Ocen a long-time teacher and career expert
bearing on their dreams. Either they are contented in Lira says that upon identifying a child’s potentials
with their family’s situation and feel proud to further everything possible should be done to nurture the
the family values or it is indeed their family talent. “If a child has right information and he/she is
predicaments that have become the driving factor for given enough support by way of training, there is no
them to work hard and live a different life. Certainly, way that child can fail.” Said George.
this means that above everything else, family is the Another factor that matters much in helping children
centre of our children’s life. achieve their dream is financial and material support.
From as early as Lower Primary, parents and teachers “There must be somebody behind a child to pay their
can already identify skills and potentials of a child as school fees; otherwise, one can take a very long time
long as they are keen to know. Tiger Woods’ father to realise their dream.” Goerge advises parents.
identified his talent in golf from a very early age of The question of who chooses a course or subjects for
two years. He quickly seized that opportunity and a child has always been a tricky one. Should parents
started to train him golf skills, and by the age of dictate a combination to their children like many do
eight, Wood had become extremely proficient at the or should it be left to the child or teacher? Regarding
game. The Williams, the two sisters tennis stars this puzzling situation, Gorge recommends
would not have been what they are had it not been consultation between the parent, teacher and child.
for their father’s resolve and dedication to coach “When a child is filling a course form, it is important
them tennis skills right from childhood. that the parent is consulted, meanwhile, the teacher
also puts forward relevant information such as
subject strength of the child in order to arrive at an
appropriate course for the child.” He explained.

One last factor that this piece cannot leave out is the
attitude we have about courses and careers. The
belief that some courses are more important than
others is neither here nor there. Unlike here where
we stigmatise some jobs by giving them ridiculous
names, in developed countries, every job is valued
and respected. Examples: Office Messenger here,
Personal Assistant in the UK, Toilet Cleaner here,
Cleaning assistant in the UK, Garbage collector here,
Refuse Collector in the UK, etc. Thus, let’s teach our
children to value jobs and to remember that any
educational path can take one to the highest

By our correspondent
Perhaps not surprisingly, coffin
business is not quite different from
other businesses; but surprisingly, like
most businesses, coffin business also
has seasons. Kawuna explained quite
ably why he sells far more coffins
during rainy seasons than dry
seasons. “When it is a rainy season,
people die a lot because I think
mosquitoes are too many here during
rainy seasons”.
He also believes that there could be a
link between rainy season’s deaths
and unhealthy habits such as open
defecation and alcoholism.
A coffin is one commodity that we don’t buy “Here in Lira, faeces are left everywhere in corridors,
daily or weekly or even monthly but when its need footpaths and roads; and people also take alcohol
befalls a family or community, everything possible is so much. It is common to find even a sickly person
done to get one. On Oyite Ojok Road Lira, Mr drinking alcohol very early in the morning.” Kawuna
Kawuna makes and displays small and big, clothed said.
and vanished, plain and decorated, cheap and While explaining why he does not regret starting a
expensive coffins for you and I to rest in when that coffin business in Lira, Kawuna, a Musoga from
time has finally come. Busoga, draws a very interesting comparison
“I will not say that the business is going on so well between Lango and Basoga burial practices. “Unlike
but it is somehow. If you are doing a business of my Busoga people who mostly bury their dead in
selling sugar, you can tell who your customer is;” cloths, people here like burying people in coffins
Kawuna replied when I asked him how his business that is why even those far away in the villages come
was fairing before continuing, “But, we don’t know to look for coffins.”
who will die today; is it you or me? That is why we
just make coffins and display them there”. Although Kawuna’s
business offers jobs to
Just minutes into our conversation, a
more than 10 carpenters
group of six people arrived and
and apprentices, it is not
straightaway started considering which
without challenges.
one of the several coffins on display to
Market unreliability and
buy. Immediately I saw them, I thought
lack of capital affect his
that Kawuna had just received quite a
business from time to
number of customers; so, I told him,
time. “Sometimes we
“Your business is doing quite well; several
display coffins for too
customers are making choices”. I was
long without being
indeed wrong. “Death brings a lot of
bought leaving the hot
people together to plan and contribute
sun heat to dry them up
for the burial; so, those six people you are
hence making them
seeing are one group looking for one
coffin for their dead relative.” Kawuna
corrected my poor judgement.
Many people say that the history of Uganda is one of the most intriguing in Africa especially the
colonisation and the post independence era. So, how about reading it from a source who saw it, lived
it and made it! Lira City Magazine brings you a three-part series on power and politics in Uganda in
the last 70 years as told by a celebrated politician, cultural leader and education provider
Honourable Daniel Omara Atubo.
PART I: Uganda prepares for Independence

The first general

election under the
British colonial
government was held
in 1958 and its main
purpose was to elect
directly elected
representatives to the
parliament of Uganda,
which was called
Legislative Council or
Legico. Each of the 18
districts in Uganda at
that time elected one
representative, for
example Lango District elected Apollo Milton contest to represent them in Legico since
Obote. their favourite candidate Yokosafat Engur had
That election was exceptional because it was been arrested and imprisoned by the colonial
a preparation for Uganda. It was preparing government. Consequently, Obote heeded
Ugandans for voting, for political parties and the request and returned and contested
for independence. The elected leaders would under Uganda National Congress party.
in the next three to five years take over Other candidates who contested alongside
Uganda since a decision had already been Obote to represent Lango District were
taken by the colonial government to prepare Jepenia Okae from Aduku and Bendicto Olwit
Uganda for independence. of Democratic Party. In the end, Obote won
In that election, representatives to Legico and Olwit came second.
were appointed by the district council in After the 1958 election, Legico
consultation with the district commission. The representatives formed a coalition of
condition was that if election was conducted members of parliament consisting of UNC
smoothly and other conditions like the and DP. They agreed on certain issues but
demarcation of constituencies and agreement disagreed on others. As a result, the British
on Buganda issues were achieved, Uganda appointed two commissions of inquiry namely
would become independent. Muster Commission and Wild Commission.
So, as the 1958 election approached, Lango Their main assignment was to reach the
District requested Milton Obote who was people and find out what kind of government
they wanted and also to demarcate
working in Kenya at that time to return and
constituencies and to prepare the country for House in 1961 to negotiate Uganda’s
negotiations in Lancaster conference and independence. During this conference, Obote
Marlborough House. shrewdly supported Buganda, negotiated for
Buganda, and agreed with Buganda. This led
As the elected representatives debated in
to the formation of UPC-KY alliance (Uganda
Legico, they encountered some sticky issues
People’s Congress – Kaba Yeeka), which
mainly the question of the kingdoms i.e the
eventually gave Obote all the 22 Kabaka
role of Buganda, Bunyoro, Ankole, Tooro and
Yeeka parliamentary seats in the third
to some extent Busoga. What power they
general election held in April 1962. In the
should have, which taxes they should be
end, when all the combined UPC-KY
entitled to and what role they should play in
parliamentary seats were counted, the
alliance had the majority and hence won the
Based on the recommendations of the election. Obote then became the Prime
commissions, another election was held Minister and leader of the independent
1961. Buganda Kingdom boycotted that Uganda.
election, which eventually handed victory to
Although I was young, hardly 10 years old, I
DP; and consequently, DP leader Ben
witnessed the three elections; and I
Kiwanuka was appointed Chief Minister under
remember with great pleasure how peaceful
the Colonial Governor. The Buganda’s
those elections were. For instance, Obote and
boycott was the result of the rejection of
his opponent Benedicto Olwit would
their kingdom’s demand under Kabaka
campaign together, address rallies together,
Edward Mutesa that the 22 MPs from
and after a rally, they would sit together, talk
Buganda be appointed by the Kingdom’s
together, eat together and drink together.
parliament Lukiko instead of being elected by
And, more importantly, there was no bribery
universal adult suffrage.
whatsoever in those elections.
Then came the Uganda constitutional
Part II of Power and politics in Uganda
conference held in London at Lancaster
continues in the next edition of June 2019.
Migration of larval or adult worms also underpins
pulmonary (related to lungs) and gastrointestinal
(related to stomach and intestines) morbidity in
affected children. Notably, the most common
routes of transmission of the parasitic worms
include eating contaminated food (usually
secondary to poor food hygiene), walking barefoot,
Intestinal Worms: The Deadly Enemy within Us drinking contaminated water, playing in dirty places
Author: Leslie Nek Ojom-Nek Email: nekojomleslie@gmail.com and poor personal hygiene practices (lack of
Intestinal worm infestation is a global public mandatory washing hands before and after meals
health problem. Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) and after using toilets/latrines).
infections form the most important group of intestinal Whilst the big dream of transforming Lira into a city is
worms affecting at least two billion people worldwide, being critically pursued, there are indeed prevalent and
causing considerable morbidity and suffering; eminent risk factors that facilitate the transmission and
interestingly intestinal worms are entirely preventable. propagation of intestinal worm infestation; roadside food
STH infections are among the most common infections vending – usually done in the dusty open and with
worldwide and affect the poorest and most deprived unregulated food handling and hygiene standards, clean
communities including the urban poor. It is however and safe water supply is yet another critical driver of the
important to note that these infections know no intestinal parasites especially among the urban poor and
economic boundaries – both the rich and poor suffer slum dwellers – impoverished urban dwellers often draw
alike. They are transmitted by eggs present in human their water for everyday usage from streams and
faeces, which in turn contaminate soil in areas where unprotected wells. These may pose serious public health
sanitation is poor. challenge affecting the larger city populace.

Worm infestations continue to be among the most The gold standard diagnostic technique for evaluation of
common diseases affecting children from low and worm infestation includes stool microscopy for direct egg
middle-income countries including Uganda. Some of the detection and species identification. Chemotherapy
major worm infections of public health importance against worm infestation has evolved tremendously in
include Ascariasis (Roundworm), Trichuriasis the last three to four decades with the availability of
(Whipworm), Hookworm, and Enterobiasis (Pinworm), all more efficacious and broad-spectrum anthelminthic
of which are transmitted through contaminated soil. drugs. The key strategies of a multi-component
integrated management of worm infestation include
In Uganda, baseline investigations over the past decade
individualized treatment, community management (mass
indicate a combined prevalence rate of worm infestation
drug administration) as well as preventive measures.
as per pooled data at about 15%. The most affected age
group being children aged between 6 – 14 years. Most importantly, barriers to diagnosis, treatment and
Although most helminthic infections are mild and are prevention of worm infestations need to be identified
often asymptomatic, but moderate to heavy worm and aggressively managed at individual, family and
infestations are generally associated with gastrointestinal societal levels so that World Health Organization’s 75%
manifestations (diarrhoea, abdominal pain), general coverage target can be achieved to eliminate soil
malaise and weakness, growth faltering, nutritional transmitted helminthiasis in children by 2020.
compromise, anaemia and suboptimal academic
WHO’s control interventions are based on the periodic
performance among children from endemic regions. In
administration of anthelminthic drugs to groups of
severe cases, the infections could lead to complications
people at risk, supported by the need for improvement
that require surgical intervention for instance intestinal
in sanitation and health education.
obstruction and rectal prolapse.
By our correspondent
Reaction to the new orthography:
Since the introduction of the new Leb-Lango Lango community, with more than two million
orthography (writing system) seven years ago by people is the largest ethnic group in northern
Lango Language Board (LLB), writing Leb-Lango has Uganda and one of the five biggest tribes in
never been the same again. For example, you Uganda. According Dr Ocen, they started by going
should no longer write Leb-Lango but Lëblaŋo. on a research tour around Lango region where they
Also, there are two categories of vowels: heavy and explained the need for revising old orthography and
light; heavy vowels are (a e i o u) and light vowels indeed got huge approval.
are (ë ï ö ü). Certainly, you need a full Lëblaŋo
grammar lesson in order to unlock the codes and
learn how to use them.

Why the new orthography? Dr Laury Ocen one the Well, almost ten years since its birth, the new
designers of the new orthography said that the orthography is still a work-in-progress project
outgoing Lëblaŋo orthography introduced by confined to pilot schools and still largely unknown
colonial and missionary instructors a century ago in the wider public. More so, many people have
was problematic and based on English linguistic expressed reservations that the new orthography is
characteristics and thus incompatible with Lëblaŋo so complex especially the use of dots over vowels
language. “Many spellings in the old orthography and thus questioned its success ability. “The makers
were not proper; for example dongo (growth) and of the new orthography have thought it wise to put
dongo (to grow) were spelt the same way yet each two dots over vowels to make a distinction between
is pronounced differently.” He explained. same-spellings words”, says French teacher Mr
Martin Okwir, “but this will pose a challenge to
So, when the need to revise Lëblaŋo orthography learners.” Martin draws in his experience of years of
became apparent, LLB received a donation from a teaching French a language rich with such symbols.
foreign donor to the tune of US$55,000 and set out “In my experience of teaching French, I often receive
to produce a better orthography. Upon realising the complaints from learners that it is difficult to always
new orthography in 2012, many primary schools remember to put this mark over this letter in this
across Lango sub-region were chosen to pilot the word and no mark on that same letter in another
project. word.”
Even though the new orthography is such a symbols shown in the first paragraph is difficult since they
smart and detailed tool to propel Lëblaŋo are absent on most laptops keyboards and many mobile
to a modern educational and scientific phones buttons. Even in Microsoft Word software (perhaps
language, it is faced with serious obstacles the only typing application that incorporates the symbols),
that could spell its doom. The attitude of the symbols are buried so deep under Insert toolbar entry
Lëblaŋo speech community is one key that most computer users do not know how to find them.
factor that will determine whether or not Furthermore, according to Laury Ocen, even though the
the new orthography succeeds. “One main Ministry of Education and Sports has endorsed the new
problem we have is that Langi lack orthography, the lack of funds is stalling their plan to roll it
endurance; when a new initiative is out. “Pupils in pilot schools love the new orthography so
introduced and they find it challenging, much but our biggest problem is funding to roll it out to
instead of enduring, they become other schools, train and skill more teachers and hire experts
intolerant.” Laury Ocen expressed for further research work.”
disappointment. Mr Adoko also weighed in
on the Lango attitude, “The problem here is On the other hand, even if Lëblaŋo is a language of its own,
linguistic imperialism; our people are pegging some of its rules to the English orthography is
suffering from colonisation of the mind something that LLB should consider; for example using ch
where we have been colonised even in our instead of c in words like coc (writing) to become choch.
own language and we now prefer This is significant because apart from making learning
somebody else’s language to ours and yet Lëblaŋo through English or English through Lëblaŋo much
language is a symbol of identity” easier, it also conforms to the famous educational theory of
learning from the known to the unknown. This means that a
learner who knows the spelling and pronunciation of
Lëblaŋo word choch would by default understand why the
English word church is spelt and pronounced the way it is
done. Let’s not forget that English is considered by many as
the only world’s mother tongue and it is here to stay.
Certainly, the promoters of the new orthography might
need to ignore the current adult Lango generation and
concentrate on the young and future generations since it is
they who will need it more than we do today. However, the
adult generation too have a pivotal role to play in
supporting the young not only to learn and acquire
advanced mother tongue skills but also to preserve and
further the God-given gift, Lëblaŋo

The question of the compatibility of modern

communication tools such as computer and
smartphone is another factor that may
challenge the applicability of the new
orthography in the public domain, given
that most people of Lango community are
not only computer illiterate but also read
and write illiterate. Yet, for the few
computer literate, finding those light vowel
By our correspondent people passionate about the game yet only one fan can
trigger off an undesirable act and spread it to many.
The referee suddenly stopped running, looked at his One of the default objectives of FUFA Drum is to drum
wristwatch, put his whistle in his mouth, made three up unity and a sense of brotherliness among
successive blows rii rii riiiii; and just before he made his first communities; however, some people still use the
step to walk away, the large pitch that just seconds ago was platform to promote tribalism. A case in point was last
virtually empty except for the 22 players was quickly filled up. year when Lango Province travelled to Pece Stadium
The football match between Lango Province and Ankole Gulu to play against Acholi Province. It was quite
Province at Uganda Technical College Lira on the 13th April disheartening to watch a handful of fanatics running
2019 had just ended 3-0 in favour of Lango. around the pitch shouting a derogatory chant against
Lango people. “Laworo-maca pud umao dyangi-wa
The manner, the speed, the energy and the drama by which man dok ubino kagoyo-wa i gang-wa kany; pe lare….”
thousands of fans invaded the college football pitch was on (Last time you rustled our cattle, yet again you want to
the one hand so exciting to watch and on the other hand so beat us on our ground. Never….)
scary to imagine its immediate impact. Exciting it was to see
thousands from everywhere round the football ground Despite the above unpleasant incidents, there are great
bursting at once and sprinting to the pitch centre pretty much contributions to Northern Ugandan football that should
like one hundred metres Olympic finalists racing towards the be credited. For instance, a week or so before the
finishing line. Lango versus Ankole FUFA Drum match, there had
Scared many onlookers were as they worried intensely about been massive mobilisation in Lira City in support of
the safety of the players and match officials who literally got Lango Province. At the centre of the mobilisation was
swallowed up in the sea of besieging human beings. one very creative entrepreneur known in Lira City as
Sam Samu. Just like in other previous matches between
In addition, shortly before the final whistle went, one other Lango Province and other teams, Sam never tires. With
dramatic scene had unfolded just behind the jubilant crowd. his mega powerful and unique music and public
As it is usually the case with crowd-pulling events in Uganda, address equipment, the entrepreneur has not only
hundreds of anxious football fanatics had taken position on electrified but also revolutionised football in Lango
every high point near and around the football ground. One Province.
such high point was one big mango tree that stood near the
northern wing of the ground; and atop it were more than 100 Usually, in a nonstop convoy of fans sometimes driving
fans most of whom had amassed themselves on one branch for hundreds of kilometres to a match, Sam’s music
overlooking the football ground. equipment leads the jubilant and dancing fans through
the journey. And, the melodious Lango traditional
music constantly blaring out of the system is so
infectious and irresistible that people of other
communities simply join in and dance along with Lango
Province fans. In fact, if only you were there to witness
how bold Lango fans were as they proudly and
confidently stormed Gulu City last year and Mukono
Town recently, you would thank God for allowing you
witness the greatest football spectacles ever.

In brief, as more
Ugandans get attracted
So, as people cheered and danced one of the Lango goals, the to cheer and support
tree branch abruptly gave way to the unusual heavy weight of local and national
the undesired guests and speedily descended with all on football, it is imperative
board and crashed with a loud bang leaving one person dead that FUFA should
and many injured. besides laying down
clear discipline
The above incidents are just two examples of many such cases guidelines also enforce
that bring into sharp focus the question of crowd discipline in strict code of conduct
FUFA Drum in particular and the entire football body in before, during and after
general. As Langi say in their proverb, “Ogwal-ogwal acel balo a match similar to that
wang pii” (It takes only one frog to soil up a drinking water of the English Football
pond), most football fans are decent law-abiding Association.

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