Ucsp Reviewer
Ucsp Reviewer
Ucsp Reviewer
✓ Material culture
• Ideas - comprise man’s concepts of his
physical, social and cultural world as
- deals with the physical culture including manifested in people’s beliefs and values.
contemporary technology, artifacts relics,
fossils, and other tangible remains of cultural • Knowledge - can be natural, supernatural,
development, past and present. magical or technical. These are the body of
- refers to the tangible and concrete objects facts and beliefs that people accumulate over
produced by main in the process of social time.
✓Non-material culture
- deals with the intangibles including values, - continuing process whereby an individuals
norms, beliefs, traditions, and customs that acquires a personal identity and learns the
collectively hold a society and shape norms, values behaviors and social skills
individuals are they interact within society. appropriate to his and her social position
- important because it teaches us how to
ELEMENTS OF NON-MATERIAL behave and act within the society
• Beliefs 1. Objective Socialization
- are man’s perception about the reality of - refers to the society acting upon the child
things and are shared ideas about how the
world his environment operates. They are 2. Subjective Socialization
reflective of highly valued feelings about the - society transmits its culture from one
world in which they live generation to the next and adapts the
- influenced by emotions, attitudes, values individual to the accepted
ideology and religion. and approved ways of organized social life.
- refer to the broad preferences of person on 1. Personality and Role Development
the appropriate course of action or decisions - through process of socialization we develop
he has to take our sense of identity and belongingness
- sense of right or wrong
2. Skills Development Training
• Norms - are society’s standard of morality, - much needed social skills such as
conduct, propriety, ethics and legality. Norms communication, interpersonal and
vary according to age, gender, religion, occupational qre developed
politics, economics ethnicity or race of the
group. 3. Values Formation
- individuals are influenced and ingulfed by
the prevailing value of social groups and
4. Social Integration and Adjustment ROBIN WILLIAM MAJOR VALUE
- socialization process allows us to fit-in an ORIENTATION OF MANY SOCIETY
organized way of life by being accustomed - Achievement and succes
including cultural setting - Activity and work
- Moral orientation
5. Social Control and Stability - Humanitarianism
- integration to society binds individuals to - Efficiency and practicality
the control of mechanisms set forth by
society's norms with regard to acceptable FILIPINO VALUES JAIME BULATAO SJ
social relationship and behavior. - Emotional Closeness and Security in the
1. Culture - Economic and Social Betterment
2. Personality - Patience, Suffering and Endurance
3. Sex Role Differentiation
Social Status
AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION - position an individual occupies in society
- various social groups or institutions that and implies an array of rights and duties
plays a significant role in introducing and
integrating the individual as an accepted and Social role
functioning member of society - patterns of expected behavior in a social
relationship with one or more persons
occupying other statuses
1. Family
4. Peer Group 1. Ascribed Statuses
5. Work Place - those which are assigned to an individual
6. Mass Media from birth
- involves little personal choice like age and
1. Folkways - carries with it certain expectations of
- customary patterns that specify what is behavior
socially correct and proper in everyday life
- repititive ro typical habits and patterns of 2. Achieved Statuses
expected behavior followed within - acquired by choice, merit or individual
community effort
- made possible through special abilities or
2. Mores talents, performance or opportunities
- define what is morally right or wrong - choice in occupation, marriage, joining a
- folkways with ethical and more significance religious organization are examples
which are strongly held and emphasized
3. Laws 1. A definition of the role and and
- norms reinforced formally by a special identification of the self.
political organization 2. Behavior in given situations appropriate to
- component of culture that regulates and the role.
controls the peoples behavior and conduct 3. A background of related acts by other
(counter roles) which serves as cues to guide - deviation from acceptable social norms
specific performances
4. An evaluation by individual and by others FUNCTIONS OF DEVIANCE
of the performance of the role 1. Deviance serves as an outlet for diverse
forms of expressions
CONFORMITY AND DEVIANCE 2. Deviance serves to define the limits of
acceptable behavior
Conformity 3. Deviance may also promote in-group
- individuals attempt to change his/her solidarity
behavior because of the desire to conform 4. Deviance can serve as a barometer of social
with defined social norm strain
4. Ingratiational
- person confirms to impress or gain favor or
acceptance from other people
- similar to normative influence but is
motivated by the need for social rewards
rather than threat of rejection
Social deviance
- any behavior that differs or diverges from
established social norms