Minor BCA Sem-1
Minor BCA Sem-1
Minor BCA Sem-1
Gujarat University
2023 – 2024
DSC-C-BCA-111T Elements of Programming and Computer Organization 4
DSC-C-BCA-112P C Programming Practical 4
DSC-M-BCA-113T Mathematical Foundation 2
DSC-M-BCA-113P Office Automation - Practical 2
DSC-M-BCA-113T Data Encryption and Compression Techniques 2
Data Encryption and Compression Techniques-
DSC-M-BCA-113P Practical 2
DSC-M-BCA-113T Introduction to Web Technologies 2
DSC-M-BCA-113P Web Designing - Practical 2
Semester - I
Course Name: Mathematical Foundation
Credits: 2
Course Outcomes:
The aim of this course is to enable students to
CO1: Provide with the knowledge and skills necessary to interpret and use
basic mathematical data, symbols and terminology useful in computer
CO2: Gain the knowledge of the subject that forms the base of computer
Unit Function, Logic & Propositional Calculus, Relations and Ordering 15 Hrs 1
2. Function: Introduction of Functions, Definition of function, Domain, Co-
domain and Range of a function, Logic & Propositional Calculus: Definition,
Statement (Proposition) & Notation, Truth Values, Connectives: Negation,
Conjunction, Disjunction, Implication (condition), Bi-implication (Bi-
conditional), Truth Tables for all Connectives, Statement Formulas (Well-
formed Formulas), Truth Tables, Tautologies, Contradiction, Relations and
Ordering: Basic concepts of binary relation, Total no. of distinct relations,
Relation matrix and the graph of a relation, Basic properties of binary relations
in a set, Equivalence relations and equivalence classes, Covering and partition
of a set, Partial ordering and partially ordered set, Comparable elements,
Chain, Cover of an element, Hasse diagram, Least, Greatest, Maximal, Minimal
elements, Lower and upper bounds of posets.
1. Business Mathematics ( Latest Edition) Publisher : S.Chand and Sons Publications By:
D.C. Sancheti & V.K Kapoor
2. J.P. Tremblay and R. Manohar McGraw- Hill Publication
3. Discrete Mathematics Publisher: Oxford University Press By Swapankumar
Chakaborty, Bikas Kanti Sarkar
4. Discrete Mathematics Publisher: Cengage Learning By D.S. Malik, M.K.Sen
5. Elementary Engineering Mathematics Publisher : Khanna publisher By : BS. Grewel
6. J. P. Tremblay and W. K. Grassman. “Logic and Discrete Mathematics”, Pearson
7. Ralph P Grimaldi & B V Ramana, “Discreet and Combinatorial mathematics: An
Applied Introduction”, Pearson Education, 5th Edition (2018)
Credits: 2
Course Outcomes:
Prerequisites: No Prerequisites
Unit 1. CLI versus GUI and Writer- The Word Processor: 30 Hrs 1
1. Working with Personal Computer Software (Second Edition 2010) Publisher: Wiley India,
New Delhi By R.P.Soni, Harshal Arolkar , Sonal Jain
2. Openoffice.org for dummies Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc. By Gurdy Leete, Ellen
Finkelstein, and Mary Leete
Credits: 2
Course Outcomes:
The aim of this course is to enable students to
CO1: Cover the concept of security, types of attack experienced
CO2: Use encryption and authentication to deal with attacks,
CO2: Understand what is data compression, need and techniques of data
Linear Algebra
Credits: 2
Course Outcomes:
The aim of this course is to enable students to
CO1: Practically implement the concept of security,
CO2: Apply encryption and authentication to deal with attacks
CO3: Apply techniques of data compression.
Basic Knowledge of Programming
1. Cryptography and Network Security, Mohammad Amjad, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Cryptography & Network Security by Atul Kahate, TMH.
3. Information Theory and Coding, Muralidhar Kulkarni, K S Shivaprakasha, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Cryptography and Network Security by B. Forouzan, McGraw-Hill.
5. The Data Compression Book by Nelson, BPB.
Credits: 2
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able
● CO1: To develop the skills in the basic and important terminology of HTML.
● CO2: To learn the basic differences between HTML and HTML5.
● CO3: To gain knowledge of basic and advanced HTML tags with features like frames,
multimedia, images, and forms.
● CO4: To become familiar with web site creation and design fundamentals using HTML
scripting and CSS.
Unit 1. Getting Started with HTML 5, Working with Text, Hyperlink, List, 15 Hrs 1
Tables, Frames and Images
Introduction to HTML5: New structure, New form elements and
attributes, Browser support, Basic structure of HTML document,
Modifying the background of an HTML webpage: Adding background
color, Adding background Image, Specifying metadata about an HTML
Web Page, Introduction to New Elements in HTML5: The Markup
elements, Working with Text: Adding a plain text to an HTML webpage,
Adding text in new line, Creating headings on webpage, Creating a
paragraph, Creating a horizontal rule, Creating a subscript and
superscript, Aligning the text, Formatting the text, Grouping the text,
Indenting quotations, Working with character entities, Commenting the
text, Working with Hyperlink: Creating hyperlinks, Setting hyperlink
color, Linking Different sections of page, Working with Lists: Creating an
Unordered list, Creating an Ordered list, Creating an Definition list,
Nested lists, Working with Tables: Creating a Table, Specifying a caption
to a table, Adding a table heading, Setting the table border, Aligning a
table and cell content, Changing the background color of a table, Setting
a cell padding and cell spacing, Nesting tables, Working with Frames:
Creating a frame, Defining new element-specific attributes, Specifying
width and height of a frame, Applying hyperlink target to a frame,
Working with Images: Inserting an image on web page, Display
alternate text for an image, Adding border to an image, Align an image,
Using image as links, Creating image maps.
Unit 2. Working with Multimedia, Forms and Controls, CSS (Cascading Style 15 Hrs 1
Working with Multimedia: Embedding multimedia on web page,
Creating a link to a multimedia file, Using the <object> tag insert
objects, Working with Forms: Creating an HTML Form, Specifying the
action URL and the method to send form, Adding Controls to an HTML
Form : Using the<input> tag with all attributes, Adding Text Area using
<textarea>, Adding selection control, Understanding new form
elements: The <datalist> element, The <keygen> element, The <output>
element, Grouping the controls of HTML Forms, Specifying a Label for
control, CSS Introduction: Understanding the concepts of CSS,
Advantages and disadvantages, CSS syntax : Grouping selectors and
rulers, Using the class selectors, Using the ID selectors, Comparing ID
and classes selectors, Using CSS comments, Types of Style sheets:
External, Internal, Inline, CSS properties and text attributes: Color,
Alignment, Decoration, Transformation, Indent, Letter spacing and
word spacing, White space, Line-height, Direction, Unicode-bidi, CSS
Padding: Using padding properties, Setting padding for all sides, Setting
padding for each side, List properties: Setting list-style-image, list-style-
position, list-style-type, list-style, CSS positioning: relative, absolute,
fixed and Z-index, CSS properties and table attributes.
1. https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp
2. https://www.w3schools.com/css/
3. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/css/index.htm
Course Name: Web Designing - Practical
Credit : 2
Course Outcomes:
The aim of this course is to enable students to
CO1: To develop the skill about the basic and important terminology of HTML.
CO2:Students will also able to gain knowledge of basic and advanced HTML
tags with HTML features like frame, multimedia, Images and forms.
CO3:To make the students able for web site design fundamentals using HTML scripting.
CO4: Learn the basic differences between HTML and HTML5.
CO5: To make familiar with web page creation tool like CSS.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
1. Book : HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites : Jon Duckett.
2. HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition (Complete Reference Series) :
Thomas A. Powell
3. https://www.w3schools.com
4. https://www.javatpoint.com/html-tutorial