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Grade 12 R.ee

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Time: 2 Hours 30 Minutes Marks: 100

Instructions to candidates
 Answer four questions only
 Answer one question from Section A; one question from Section B and one question
from Section C.
 The fourth question may be chosen from either Section A, Section B or Section C.
1. a) Relate the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem (Luke 2: 1-7) [ 5 marks ]
b) Name any two ceremonies Jewish parents carried out for their newly born baby boys
and state when each one of those ceremonies took place. [ 4 marks ]
c) i) Kutemba does not understand why gifts have to be given to new born babies and
wonders whether that is a custom. Give Kutemba three points on the value of a
child’s birth traditions and customs in a Zambian home. [ 6 marks ]
ii) How do people in modern Zambian Society today show appreciation for new
life? Give two points. [ 6 marks ]
d) In what ways are the teachings of Christians on God’s direction of human lives similar
to those of Muslims? [ 4 marks ]

2. a) Describe how God instructed Abraham to keep God’s covenant through circumcision.
(Genesis 17: 10-14) [ 5 marks ]
b) Explain the importance attached to circumcision by the Jews. Give two points.
[ 4 marks ]
c) i) Muzonena, a newly converted Christian wonders why he should be baptized in
water since he is already a believer in Jesus Christ. What Christian advice would
you give to Muzonena on the meaning of water baptism? State three points.
[ 6 marks ]
ii) Why is male circumcision important in Zambian Modern Society? [ 6 marks ]
d) What are the different ways of admission practices found in Christianity and Islam?
Give two points. . [ 4 marks ]

1. a) Narrate the story of jesus healing the paralytic man. (Luke 5: 17- 26). [ 5 marks ]
b) State two significant points on why Jesus healed the sick. . [ 4 marks ]
c) i) Gideon has been married for ten years when suddenly his wife is diagnosed with
diabetes and she loses her sight. Gideon develops a negative attitude towards his
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wife. Give three points of Christian teachings on how he should treat his wife.
[ 6 marks ]
ii) How should people’s attitude towards the chronically sick be in modern society?
Give three points. [ 6 marks ]
d) In what ways are the teachings of Christians on attitudes towards the sick similar to
those of Zambian? [ 4 marks ]

2. a) Tell the story of Jesus healing a demon possessed boy. (Luke 9: 37- 43). [ 5 mks ]
b) Mention the demon practices that are forbidden in the Bible. State two points. [ 4 mks ]
c) i) John is troubled by an evil spirit. A neighbor advises him to consult a witchdoctor.
What Christian advice would you give john regarding the methods of driving out
demons? Give three points. [ 6 mks ]
ii) Identify different types of spirits in modern Zambian society. Give three points.
[ 6 mks ]
d) In what ways are the teachings of Christianity on attitudes to treatment of spirit
possessed people different to those of Zambian Traditional Religion? Give two
points. [ 4 mks ]

3. a) Describe the Parable of the waiting servants - Luke 12:35 – 40. [ 5 marks ]
b) What can Christians learn from this parable? Give two points. [ 4 marks ]
c) i) Mapalo had Bible study with his friends. He pointed out to his friend’s fat for
someone to enter the kingdom of God, one must attend church services regularly.
State three points of Christian advice you would give to Mapalo and his friends on
how one can enter the kingdom of God. . [ 6 marks ]
c) ii) Jesus said that people would be unprepared for his coming. How can people
today show they are unprepared for judgment? State three points. [ 6 marks ]
d) Differentiate the teachings of Christians on their beliefs about personal judgement with
that of the Hindus. Give two points. [ 4 marks ]

4. a) Tell the parable of the friend at midnight. Luke 11: 5-13. [ 5 marks ]
b) What does this parable teach Christians today? Give two points. [ 4 marks ]
c) i) Mary says, “I have been praying for a husband for a long time but my prayer has
not been answered. I feel discouraged.” What Christian encouragement would you
give Mary in her present situation? Give three points. [ 6 marks ]
ii) In which ways does God answer prayers in modern society? State three points.
[ 6 marks ]
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d) Contrast the teachings of Christians with regard to the nature and significance of
prayer with those of Zambian Traditional Religion. Give two differences. [ 4 marks ]

5. a) Narrate the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth. Luke 4: 16-30 . [ 5 marks ]

b) State two ways in which 3esus reacted to this opposition. [ 4 marks ]
c) i) Chantu is a student at Kapatu University. He refuses to join a demonstration over
meal allowances. Other students criticize him for his action. He feels bad about
the situation; What Christian advice would you give Chantu? [ 6 marks ]
ii) How do people in society today react to criticism and opposition? State three
points. [ 6 marks ]
d) In what ways is Christian reaction to opposition similar to that of Mahatma Ghandi?
[ 4 marks ]

6. a) Discuss how Saul was converted to Christianity (Acts 9: 1 – 19) [ 5 marks ]

b) i) Why was the acceptance of Saul in the church a problem after his conversion?
[ 2 marks ]
ii) How was the problem solved? [ 2 marks ]
c) i) Mr Mulilo has just been released from prison. He goes back to his former church
for worship. Some of the church members shun and ignore him. He feels lonely
and rejected. As a Christian, advise the church on the correct way to treat people
of such nature. [ 6 marks ]
ii) How can people in modern society help former prisoners to fit in society? Give
three points. [ 6 marks ]
d) In what ways are Christian teaching on the methods of resolving? [ 4 marks ]

7. a) Give an account of Paul and Silas at Lystra [ 5 marks ]
b) i) What led to the persecution? Give three points[ 6 marks ]
ii) How did the apostles reacted to persecution? Give two points [ 4 marks ]
c) You are a Christian in a boarding school and you have been holding prayers in your
dormitory before sleeping. The house captain pushes you because he/she says that you
are disturbing the rest of the pupils. State three ways in which you could react to this
opposition. [ 6 marks ]
d) State one point of similarity and one difference between Christian and Muslim
reactions to persecution. [ 4 marks ]

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8. a) Give an account of how Herod Antipas persecuted the Christians. [ 5 marks ]
b) i) Mention two ways in which the Christians responded to persecution. [ 4 marks ]
ii) Describe the ways in which persecution was got rid of. [ 4 marks ]
iii) What type of death did Herod Antipas encountered? [ 2 marks ]
c) Tasila is a Christian girl in a boarding school. One day of the dormitory mate aborted
and Tasila felt compelled to the matter to the school authorities. Because of that most of
the girls ridiculed her and called her a sell out. State three points of Christian advice you
would give to Tasila on how she should react in this situation.[ 6 marks ]

(d) State one difference and one similarity between Christian reactions to persecution and
those of Mahtma Ghandi. [ 4 marks ]

9. a) Describe the role played by Paul and Barnabas in helping the church to witness across
racial and cultural barriers. [ 9 marks ]
b) List three characteristics that enabled Paul to witness successfully to people of
various cultures. [ 6 marks ]
c) A friend of yours refused to accept Jesus as his personal Saviour saying to you, “why
should I waste time receiving Jesus as my personal Saviour when Zambia has been
declared a Christian nation, which automatically makes every Zambian advice you would
give to your friend on why he should receive Jesus as his personal Saviour [ 6 marks ]
d) State one point of similarity and one of difference between Christianity and Islam on
the inclusion of people of other races. [ 4 marks ]

10. a) Give an account of how the apostles at Jerusalem sent Barnabas to keep the church in
Antioch. [ 5 marks ]
b) i) State three difficulties in relationships between people of different languages,
cultures and races. [ 6 marks ]
ii) State two ways in which the persecution of the early church Christians was a
blessings to the early church. [ 4 marks ]
(c) In a local church in your area, the elders of the church have a serious disagreement on
what language to use in teaching God’s word and singing hymns. Some insist that only
the language of the area must be spoken. With reference to the work of the early church,
explain to your church elders why their attitudes would hinder the spread of the gospel.
Give three points. [ 6 marks ]
(d) Give one similarity and one difference between Christian and Zambian Traditional
beliefs about the conclusion of people of different cultures. [ 4 marks ]

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