Practical Research 1 Week 4
Practical Research 1 Week 4
Practical Research 1 Week 4
The learner demonstrates understanding of…
A. Content Standards
1. the range of research topics in the area of inquiry
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate clearly statement of research problem
C. Most Essential Learning designs a research project related to daily life
Competency writes a research title
Differentiate broad and specific topics
D. Learning Objectives Narrow down a research topic related to daily life.
Formulate a research title from a given topic.
E. Teaching Philosophy Constructivism
A. Subject Practical Research 1
B. Topic Choosing a Research Topics
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Quarter 1 Module 4 Pages 1-5
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LRMDS)
B. Other Learning Resources
1. Computer, MS Word, Application Software
2. Curriculum and Evaluation, School Management, Lesson Planning, 4As
(Activate, Acquire, Apply, Assess)
3. Online Selling, Business, Facebook, Shoes and Shirts, Ready to Wear
(RTW), Garments
4. Language, Macro Skills, English, Reading, Comprehension
5. Chapter 1, Research, The Problem and its Background, Introduction,
Directions: Choose three (3) broad topics in your area of specialization and
narrow them down to specific titles.
Broad Topic: Social Media
Specific Title: The Effect/s of Social Media on the Parent and Child
E. Finding practical applications of Relationship
concepts and skills in daily living 1. Broad________________________________________________________
2. Broad________________________________________________________
3. Broad________________________________________________________
Research topics have to be narrowed down to give focus on the
To narrow down a topic, you need to think of sub-topics, and/or a
specific setting,time, and participant of the research.
Specific topics are researchable while broad topics need to be
F. Generalizing and abstractions The specific topic can also be used as the research title. The following
about the lesson are guidelines to follow when writing a research title.
(1) The title is indicative of the topic.
(2) It should provide focus for the study.
(3) It should not be more than 15 words.
(4) Do not use 1 word for a title.
(5) Observe grammar rules.
(6) The title should present a problem.
(7) The title also implies the method and the design to be used in
the study.
G. Evaluative learning Directions: Assess whether the following topics are specific or broad. Write
either specific or broad then justify your answer (2 pts. each).
1. Credit Unions
2. Corporate Social Responsibility
3. Friendship and its Impact on a Person’s Well-being
4. Mobile Hospitals
5. Success Indicators of Entrepreneurial Ventures
H. Additional activities for Write a research title for your group.
application or remediation /
Checked by: Teacher II
Senior High School Coordinator